All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 202: A new copy of the college entrance examination! (2 in 1, 2/5)

  Chapter 202 A new copy of the college entrance examination! (2 in 1, 25)

   Following the broadcast of the Voice of the Great Dao, Chen Mo checked the harvest this time.

  He first looked at the effect of the upgraded title.

  【SSS Title—God Slayer Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV4

  [Title experience]: 0/1 (Every time you complete an SSS-level breakthrough assessment, you will increase the experience value by 1 point.)

  [Title effect]: Increase all attributes by 400 points, increase all damage to god-level units by 40%, and reduce all damage received by god-level units by 40%.

  [Title Skills]: God Slaughter Power, God Slaughter Heart, Slaughter Mystic Art, Slaughter God Domain


  〖God Slaying Domain·Golden Initiative〗: Open a domain with a radius of 10,000 meters around the body, which can offset the influence of the domain of gods.

  [Title introduction]: Even in the face of gods, you can bravely challenge and kill them, and your power will eventually surpass the power of gods!

   "It can actually offset the domain of God, it's too strong!"

  The Domain of God is different from the domain ability unlocked at the fourth turn. The Domain of God is a super powerful field that can only be obtained after completing the "God Transformation Mission" after the fifth turn.

   It is not something that can be achieved by becoming a god, but can only be improved after going through related tasks, so not every unit that becomes a **** has such a field.

   And once you have the domain of gods, you only need to open the domain of gods, and any unit without divine power will lose all its abilities immediately if it falls into it, comparable to ants!

   is a very abnormal ability.

  Even if Chen Mo has the ability to save his life, if he doesn't have divine power, once he falls into the realm of God, he will be directly reduced to a useless person.

  But even if he has divine power, he will still be extremely suppressed due to the gap in divine power.

  But now that the title of God Slayer Challenger now grants the Slaughter God Domain title skill, the result will be quite different.

  This allows Chen Mo to have the ability to offset the influence of the other party's God's Domain even if he doesn't become a god, so he doesn't have to worry about being directly overwhelmed by the God's Domain.

   "This is still the title of God Slayer Challenger without full stars. If it is full of stars, I don't know what powerful title skills will be given."

  Chen Mo couldn't help but have some expectations for the full-level God Slayer challenger.

   After reading the effect of the title, Chen Mo immediately took out the item "Copy God Seal·Mythical Grade" and checked it.

  【Copy God Seal·Mythical Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, it can automatically record the skills released by all units within the range of "level × 10 meters" that do not exceed the level of "golden". The recorded skills can be kept up to three, currently 0/3. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  【Active effect of items】: You can choose the recorded skills to use. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item introduction]: I always feel that other people's is the best. With this, you don't have to envy others anymore. You can know what he knows.

   "Copy skills? Doesn't it mean that the gold level can also be copied if it doesn't exceed gold? It can also copy three, which is too easy to use!"

   After reading the description of copying the God Seal, Chen Mo was very happy. If he encounters a boss in the future, can he even copy their skills?

  For a while, Chen Mo was really looking forward to it.

   "Look back for an opportunity to engage in three powerful skills."

   After putting away the copying **** seal, Chen Mo pulled out the undead master profession to check it out.

   Just unlocked a new active skill and a new passive skill.

[Undead Creation·Golden Active]: Immediately resurrect all friendly units that died within the range of "level x star x 100 meters" around you. If there is a prohibition on resurrection attached to the body, the resurrection effect will be changed to remove the opponent's prohibition on resurrection.

   "Heaven-defying! The ability to revive large-scale groups with only a one-day cooldown, is this golden? I'm afraid that's the only skill with a colorful level!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help sighing after reading the skills.

  And the strongest thing about this skill is not the group resurrection, but the lifting of the resurrection restriction.

  This is the key ability.

  The ability to prohibit resurrection is a high-priority ability. Basically, if you hit it, you can’t solve it. If you get killed after being hit by the ability to prohibit resurrection, you won’t even have a chance to be rescued unless you have the ability to resurrect.

  And some prohibit the resurrection ability, even if you have the resurrection ability, you cannot be resurrected!

  But the undead creation skill can actually lift the prohibition on resurrection.

   Moreover, it is a group effect, which can remove a large number of effects at once.

  This effect is too strong!

  Of course, when this effect is triggered, the target cannot be resurrected directly by the way, but the prohibition of resurrection is lifted.

   But this is already very strong, at least giving these people a chance to be revived.

  Even the death ring worn by Chen Mo can't lift the prohibition of resurrection for those who have been hit by the prohibition of resurrection.

   But if you cooperate with this undead creation skill, it will be different. With the cooperation of the undead creation skill, even if the person you want to save is hit and the resurrection is prohibited, you can still be saved.

  In Chen Mo's opinion, the strength of this skill is even a bit beyond the standard.

   It can only be said that it is indeed the exclusive skill of the initial hidden profession, and the strength visible to the naked eye is amazing.

  Seeing that the unlocked active skills are so good, Chen Mo immediately checked the effect of the just unlocked passive skills.

  〖Fear of the Undead·Golden Passive〗: Every time you have a summoned undead, the enemy units around you within the range of "level x star x 100 meters" will reduce their defense by 1 point!

"Directly reduce dual defenses? Then if I summon 1 million, wouldn't it be possible to directly reduce the dual defenses of all surrounding enemies by 1 million? This passive is a bit ruthless! With this ability, it basically means that there is no dual defense. gone."

  Although Chen Mo has a universal converter, after all, this thing is limited, and this passive is always in effect, it is not the same.

   And the reduction of double defense and the change of damage type to ignore defense are not the same thing.

  Physical defense, magic defense, attack power, blood volume, and energy are all possible parameters for calculating the effect of certain skills.

  For example, the basic skill of the tank profession is shield fierce.

  Shield's damage is calculated by physical defense, and the participation coefficient is higher than the attack power.

  There are also passive skills like thorns and anti-injury, which also rely on defense to increase the amount of anti-injury damage.

   Not only that, there are also some auxiliary effects that require dual defense as parameters to calculate.

  In this world where there are as many professions as there are stars in the sky, the types of skills are extremely diverse.

   Any value may become a parameter for effect calculation.

  Chen Mo's new passive directly reduces the opponent's dual defense. If he encounters a unit that needs to use dual defense as the basic value to calculate the effect of the skill, it can directly abolish most of the opponent's combat power.

  And the biggest difference between reducing the enemy's dual defense and changing your own attack type and ignoring the defense is that reducing the enemy's dual defense is also a huge gain for friendly forces, which can greatly increase the damage of friendly forces.

  This passive skill is still very useful in Chen Mo's opinion.

  He is very satisfied with the two new skills he has unlocked.

  Chen Mo can't help but look forward to the skill effects that can be unlocked later.

  He immediately checked the conditions for unlocking the subsequent skills.

  『The next skill unlocking condition: unlock when breaking through the eighth-order bottleneck. 』

   "Eighth level? Isn't it going to be level 40? It seems that I can't see new skills for the time being."

   But in fact, level 40 is not very far away. According to Chen Mo's current strength, it will not take long to get to level 40.

   But to get a lot of experience points, you still have to get a good copy from an advanced university.

  Otherwise, unless you can get random crack copies and Heavenly Dao activities outside.

  Otherwise it is still relatively difficult to brush.

   "I hope tomorrow's copy of the college entrance examination won't be a mess."

  Chen Mo complained, and went into the bathroom to wash up.

  But this time, he made the moth in the copy of the college entrance examination by himself, and he should hope that he will not make a moth.

   A good night's sleep, the next day.

   When they came to the school to gather, Chen Mo found that Yan Yingyue had returned.

  Because both the upper echelons of the earth and the aliens already know that Yan Yingyue will definitely not be the one who caused the voice of the Great Dao.

  This time the Milky Way activity helped rule out most of the suspected personnel.

  After all, when the activities of the Milky Way began, everyone could clearly investigate whether these people were on the earth.

  The contestants of the Milky Way event clearly show that the Earth contestants are five-star professionals.

  Based on this alone, all the five-star professionals who were still on the earth during the activity period of the day were not suspected.

   Naturally, no special protection is needed.

   After all, today’s aliens must be careful when they act on the earth, and they can’t afford to lose their hands.

  They didn't have enough personnel to investigate those two heaven-defying talents, so there was no time to send people out to assassinate ordinary five-stars.

   This time, several aliens were captured alive. After some torture, a few of them confessed to many companions.

  But it also allowed the earth to additionally eradicate many hidden forces of aliens.

   Now Langu is suffering from a headache. While he has to step up the investigation of the geniuses on the two earths, he has to tighten his manpower.

  This contradictory situation makes it difficult for him to use his hands and feet.

  Inside the Haibin No. 2 Middle School…

  Because everyone is not in the same class, Yan Yingyue did not come to talk to Chen Mo in school, but smiled and nodded from a distance.

  Chen Mo responded with a smile, and was then poked by Fang Datong with his elbow.

   Turning his head to look, he saw this guy looking at him with a wretched smile, Chen Mo said speechlessly, "What kind of expression do you have?"

   "Hey hey, what expression are you talking about, you really have a skill."

  Fang Datong said cheerfully.

  Chen Mo rolled his eyes and changed the topic: "Don't think about it all day long, by the way, do you have any news about the copy of the college entrance examination?"

  Since this is the first time that the copy of the college entrance examination has been replaced, the students can't help but curiously guess the type of the new copy.

  Chen Mo is also a little curious. Is there any dungeon that can test each type of combat profession as fairly as the previous dungeon?

"Haven't you heard? It seems that it was finally finalized yesterday afternoon. I heard that this time it is only used temporarily. This copy is not completely suitable for the future college entrance examination copy, but in order to protect the rights and interests of this year's candidates, we will not let everyone After waiting for a year, I decided to use this first.

  In the future, I will try to artificially construct a fair copy of the college entrance examination. "

   "Well, it seems that absolute fairness cannot be guaranteed."

  Seeing that the staff is almost here, the principal Shen Rulong stood on the high platform and said: "Students, I have some relevant content to explain to you in advance about the situation of the copy of the college entrance examination this time.

   It's about everyone's future, so listen up. "

  Hearing the news about the copy of the college entrance examination, everyone immediately quieted down and listened carefully.

   "Because of the particularity of the college entrance examination, everyone's ability was originally tested, but there is no such perfect copy at present, so a round system is reluctantly adopted.

   Students who are confident in their abilities can choose to participate alone.

  If two people participate, it is limited to only participate in the form of one auxiliary occupation and one output occupation.

  Due to the participation of two people, the difficulty must be higher than that of a single person. "

   "Principal, can you tell me what type of college entrance examination copy is this time?"

   "Of course, I was just about to say it."

  Shen Rulong nodded with a smile and said: "This time the copy of the college entrance examination uses the killing challenge..."

   "What!? Killing challenge?"

   "Wouldn't that kill a lot of people?"

   "How can the copy of the college entrance examination adopt such a dangerous model?"

  The students were all terrified by the previous killing mode of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

  Although it is very cool to see the geniuses on earth jumping up and killing alien powerhouses, but thinking that such a strong existence will not be able to keep themselves safe in this kind of dungeon, they naturally have their own fear of this kind of dungeon.

  Seeing the students discussing in horror, Shen Rulong smiled and waved his hands: "Everyone, please be safe, I haven't finished talking yet.

  This killing challenge is not the same as the killing challenge you understand. "

  Hearing what the principal said, everyone calmed down and looked at the principal in unison.

   "Since it is a copy of the college entrance examination, we will naturally try our best to ensure everyone's safety, so the selected copy is also a copy that will not put your lives in danger.

   If you die in this dungeon, you will still be sent out safely without any punishment, so you can rest assured.

   What I mean by the killing challenge is that the main task mode of this dungeon is killing! "

Seeing that the students were all focused on listening to the lecture, Shen Rulong continued: "The content of the dungeon is as follows. At the beginning of the dungeon, monsters that need to be killed will be refreshed on the map according to the number of reference personnel. This is the first round. .

   After killing, the second round will continue to refresh more monsters with slightly higher attributes than before according to the number of reference personnel.

  Continuing to kill will refresh the third round, and so on.

  For example, if you form a team of two, at the beginning, after killing two, four will appear, then six, and then eight.

  If there is only one person, one, two, three will be promoted in this way...

  When you are killed out of the dungeon, we will give you a score based on the number of rounds you have completed in the dungeon this time. "

  (end of this chapter)

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