Chapter 203 Amazing Skeletons! (3 in 1, 55)

"I see!"

  After hearing what the principal said, everyone understood.

   are all relieved.

   As long as it is not a test that will kill people, it will be fine.

   "Principal, can only two people participate at most? According to the rules you said, the difficulty will increase with the number of people, can't more people participate?"

  "Due to the nature of the college entrance examination, this time the college entrance examination dungeon only allows two people to form a team at most, mainly to take care of the auxiliary professions and not be able to kill monsters alone."

   "Principal, is there a grade limit for this exam?"

   "Yes, the strength of all candidates will be limited to level 10. You can rest assured that this dungeon itself is a trial dungeon."

   "So that's the case, then do you think it's easier for two people to get to a higher round or one person to get to a higher round?"

   "In my opinion, although one person can have twice as many monsters per round as two people entering the instance, one person's ability is limited.

  I think it is easier to get high scores if two people complement each other than one person.

  Because as the number of monsters increases, it will be more difficult for one person to handle.

  However, after the Alliance finished the test yesterday, there are also cases where it is easier for a single player to brush than a pair of players.

   It depends on your own ability.

  From the test results, it is impossible to fully judge which side has a greater advantage in taking the test alone or in pairs, nor can it be characterized as the same.

  So we cannot define this copy of the college entrance examination as a completely fair copy of the college entrance examination.

   This copy of the exam is for temporary use only.

  If you are willing to wait, you can give up this exam and postpone it until next year.

   It’s just an extra year of waiting, and everyone can choose by themselves.

  But in my opinion, this rule is actually beneficial for students who are not very capable. "

   After the principal finished speaking, everyone couldn't help thinking in silence.

   Indeed, the principal is right.

   For capable students, there is no problem in this exam, just a single swipe is enough.

  But for students who are not strong enough, this exam can completely improve their scores by clinging to a strong teammate.

   There is a faint feeling of cheating.

   This is why the above is only temporarily adopting this copy.

  This copy cannot guarantee complete fairness.

   "If you have no objections, start to ask the dean to fill in your willingness to participate. Single or double is fine. You can discuss it with your companions first."

  Hearing that two people can compete, Yan Yingyue couldn't help looking at Chen Mo.

  But soon a beautiful figure appeared in front of her.

   This is a girl with a somewhat cold temperament.

  It was Shen Bingbing. She looked at Yan Yingyue and said, "Student, I am a four-star output job. Are you interested in forming a team for this dungeon?"

  Looking at the girl with a cold temperament in front of her, Yan Yingyue was a little surprised. She didn't expect that she would be invited first by girls from other classes.

  When Shen Bingbing said this, she really didn't know how to answer.

   After all, she and Chen Mo are not in the same class. If she suddenly refuses the invitation of a four-star output professional girl and goes to find a two-star output professional boy to form a team, people around her will always say something.

  She hoped that Chen Mo would take the initiative to invite her at this time.

  When Chen Mo heard that two people could form a team, he didn't care about single or double, it was the same anyway.

  But he considered that Yan Yingyue is also an auxiliary profession, so he can take her to get high scores.

   As a result, before leaving, she sensed that Shen Bingbing had invited her in advance.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't intend to fight.

  After all, through his perception ability, he can find that Shen Bingbing is a four-star output profession, and his strength is still very good.

   And she didn't know where she got an ice-type binding suit, which made her even stronger.

  If Yan Yingyue was with her, it would be very easy to get good grades.

  Considering these things, Chen Mo didn't invite him.

   "How about the classmate's agreement?"

  Seeing that Yan Yingyue was still looking at Chen Mo, Shen Bingbing continued to ask with a blank expression.

   "Okay, just don't be afraid that I will hold you back." Seeing Chen Mo glance at her side and then turn her head back, Yan Yingyue was a little bit disappointed, but she still quickly revealed a gentle smile and said to Shen Bingbing.

   "You are a five-star support job, how dare I despise you, as long as you don't despise my poor output ability." Shen Bingbing said with a smile.

   This smile that melted into ice like a spring day made Yan Yingyue feel that the girl in front of her was not as cold as she looked on the surface.

  At this moment, Fang Datong suddenly posted on Chen Mo's side and said, "Damn it, Lao Mo, those two of yours actually formed a team by themselves. It seems that they have discovered that you are on two boats."

   "I'll give you a hammer! What nonsense."

  Chen Mo picked up his staff and tapped Fang Datong, and was speechless for a while.

   This dead boy doesn't know what to think in his head all day.

   "Isn't it?"

   "It's your size. By the way, as a meat shield profession, you can be divided into any of the two departments of support and output. Do you want to form a team?"

   "I can do it, just now a girl asked me to form a team, if you need me to be your meat shield, I will form a team with you.

  For the good brother, I can give up my sister. "

   "Then I'm really touched. You should go and form a team with your sister. I can do it by myself."

"Just kidding, where's the girl, I'd better form a team with you, you have small skeleton monsters, let them go up first, and I'll come back after they die, wait for your skills to recover, you continue to summon the small skeleton monsters to fight, I retreat back to restore blood, circulation resistance, maybe we can kill a lot of monsters." Fang Datong said with a smile.


  Chen Mo nodded.

   Soon everyone filled in their test wishes.

  Seeing that Chen Mo and Fang Datong formed a team, neither of them had a regular auxiliary job, Su Tianxin next to the teaching director took a look at Fang Datong and said, "Have you learned the recovery skills?"

  If there is no battery life, the two may not be able to go far at all. Su Tianxin is more responsible as the class teacher, so she asked in advance, lest the two sign up together just because of their good relationship, and eventually both fail the ranking.

   "I learned it." Fang Datong immediately showed off a skill called "Emergency Handling".

   This is a basic skill of the warrior class. It can quickly restore lost health for yourself, but it cannot be used on teammates.

   "That's okay."

   Seeing that the two of them had at least some endurance, Su Tianxin agreed to their registration.

   It took an hour for the teaching director and several teachers to help, and finally collected everyone's wishes.

   It took another half an hour to check and confirm that it was correct before the teachers submitted the registration form.

   "Okay, now we're going to the exam venue, where the registration intentions of all the candidates are counted and the college entrance examination will officially begin."

  After speaking, the principal signaled everyone to enter the teleportation array that had been drawn. After confirming that all candidates had entered, he activated the teleportation array and teleported everyone to the examination venue.

  Although the copy of the exam has been changed, the venue for the college entrance examination is still the same as before. After all, the change of the copy of the college entrance examination has no effect on the venue.

  Just change the teleportation circle drawn in the venue.

  At this time, the teleportation circle in the venue was changed to the teleportation circle leading to the new college entrance examination copy.

   This time, the venue where Chen Mo and others are located is the third college entrance examination venue. At this time, many candidates from the school have been sent over.

   And in the stands, there are quite a few teachers who are already sitting on it and waiting for the exam to start.

  After teleporting the students over, the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School also consciously walked to the stands.

  During this period, teachers and classmates from the school continued to send over.

  Chen Mo browsed the Tiandao trading market boredly and waited for a while until 9 o'clock in the morning, when no one in the venue teleported over.

   At this time, the broadcast in the venue also rang.

   Naturally, it is the same as last time. This time, I briefly explained the relevant information of this dungeon.

  After talking a lot, I finally talked about the information that everyone cares about.

"...The score summary of this college entrance examination, according to the evaluation of our alliance the day before, this time, those who have reached the 25th round of monster spawning rounds tentatively can get three score lines, those who have reached the 29th round can get two score lines, and those who have reached the 32nd round can get A score line, 35 rounds can get the key score line, 38 rounds can get the top university score line.

  Of course, this is just a predicted score. We will make adjustments according to the actual situation, but basically there will not be too many changes. Please rest assured.

  So if you have a certain goal, please try to stick to your target number of rounds. "

   "The rounds are so close? It seems that the difficulty of each round is not small!"

   "The teacher said before, the more the monsters at the back, the higher the attribute, and the further the difficulty of the round is much higher than before, this is all predictable."

   "I don't know what to do with this kind of dungeon without previous experience. I'm really a little nervous."

   "What are you nervous about? I've already said that it's a killing dungeon. What kind of experience do you need? If you can't kill it, kill it.

   While the students were discussing, many people from the college entrance examination team began to distribute the competition badges to everyone, with special marks on them, which can ensure that the transmission will be transmitted according to the single and double status of everyone when they signed up.

   It took a lot of time just to distribute this.

   When the exam was really about to start, it was already 11:00.

   There are too many candidates in the venue.

   After everything was settled, the radio rang again: "In 10 seconds, we will activate the teleportation array to teleport everyone into the copy. Please get ready."

   "Old Mo, it's time to start!"

  Fang Datong is eager to try.

  As the countdown ended, all the examinees disappeared in a flash of light in the entire venue.

  On a green prairie, under a blue sky, Chen Mo and Fang Datong stood side by side and looked around.

   "What a beautiful grassland. I heard that in the old days, there were such beautiful grasslands on our earth, but now I can't see them at all."

   Fang Datong sighed.

  Hearing this sentence, Chen Mo felt the same way.

   Just as the two of them were admiring the beauty of the prairie and feeling the breeze blowing, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded at the same time.

  【Reminder from Heaven: You have entered the land of orc warrior trials. In this world, your strength will be limited to level 10. After defeat, you will not die and will not receive any punishment!

  The dungeon of this trial will give you title rewards according to the number of rounds you pass, and you can get the highest SSS title reward. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: The rule of this trial is to kill within a limited time! After each round of monsters appear, there will be a certain time limit, please kill each round of monsters within the time limit.

   After each successful kill, you can enter the next round. The attributes of the monsters in the next round will be increased by 10% based on the monsters in the previous round, and the number of monsters will also increase.

   It is detected that two of you are participating in the trial copy, and each round of monsters will increase the corresponding number according to the number of your participants.

   There are 3 seconds left before the first round of monsters appear, please get ready! 】

   "Is there only a copy of the title reward? But the SSS title is also good, at least it can be worth hundreds of attribute points."

  Chen Mo glanced at the dungeon title distribution list and said.

   "SSS level? You're thinking fart, Mo, it's not bad to get A level." Fang Datong also saw the rounds and title distribution instructions displayed by Tiandao.

  According to the instructions displayed by the Heavenly Dao, the F-level title is to complete 5 rounds.

  Class E title is for completing 14 rounds.

  Class D title is for completing 20 rounds.

  Class C title is for completing 25 rounds.

  Class B title is for completing 29 rounds.

   This has already met the requirements for the second grade set by the Academy Alliance.

  Class A title is for completing 33 rounds.

   This has exceeded the requirements for a grade set by the Academy Alliance.

  S rank title is to complete 36 rounds.

   This has exceeded the requirements for key university grades set by the College Alliance.

  SS class title is completed 39 rounds.

   This has exceeded the requirements for top university scores set by the College Alliance.

  The title of SSS level is to complete 50 rounds of metamorphosis.

  Because the college alliance has set the university score line, Fang Datong used his **** to know how difficult it is to obtain the corresponding title.

  He naturally felt that Chen Mo was thinking about farting.

   To get the A-level title, you must have the ability to get the second score line.

   This alone is difficult for many students every year.

  While the two were still talking, a sudden light flashed across the grassland, and two long, green and ugly monsters appeared.

  Chen Mo looked like a familiar guy. He had killed this ugly goblin in the Brave Trial before.

  Seeing these two ugly things, Fang Datong directly used his detection skills.

  [Goblin]: HP 1150, Attack 84, Physical Defense 186, Magic Defense 186

  As a garbage goblin, its attributes are also quite garbage.

  There are no skills, only pure attribute values, and this attribute value is also quite low.

  The attributes of a normal level 10 three-star professional are basically 11,000 health, 900 attack, and 1550 dual defense.

   Such attributes are crushing for the two goblins in front of them.

   And if it is a five-star professional, the attributes are even more crushing.

   It can be seen that the monsters at the beginning of this copy are still very good.

  Fang Datong didn't even let Chen Mo summon the skeleton monster. He held the sword in his right hand and the shield in his left hand and killed it.

  I saw him suddenly charge towards a goblin, then jumped up, raised the sword in his hand and slashed down with a "shua" sword, and directly slashed the goblin's neck!

  Because it was the opponent's weak point, Fang Datong's attack forcefully triggered a critical strike, and the goblin's head was chopped off with a single blow, and the critical strike instantly killed it.

   At this time, the goblin next to him also reacted and turned around to scratch him.

Seeing this, Fang Datong hit a shield with his backhand and knocked him out on the spot with a shield blow. Then he turned his feet, turned around and slashed down with his sword, hitting the goblin again. neck.

   Hit the weak point again, triggering mandatory critical damage, instant kill immediately!

  After finishing the two goblins neatly, Fang Datong turned around and looked at Chen Mo with a stinky smile and said, "How is it, how is your performance?"

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's not bad, the moves are neat, it seems that you have specially practiced."

   "That is, what do you think I am doing at home these days, I am practicing fighting skills day and night."

   Indeed, for normal combat occupations, the awakened occupation is not the end, they still have a lot of combat skills to practice.

   This is also a compulsory course after entering university.

  Whether it is a close-up job like Fang Datong, or a long-range job like Shen Bingbing.

   All of them require hard combat training to be able to improve their combat level to the greatest extent.

   Not everyone can be directly crushed by attributes like Chen Mo.

  Many times, two people fight against each other, and the test is the fighting skills of both sides.

  The party with higher combat skills can often gain an overwhelming advantage.

  Of course, if your attributes have reached the level of complete crushing, then you will drop ten times with one force, and no amount of skills will be of use.

  In the legend, it is like this to use strength to defeat ingenuity and strength to defeat wisdom.

  When a person is so powerful that he ignores everything, all skills and tricks are all jokes in front of him.

   But when your opponent is not as strong as you can hope to catch up, your skill and wisdom can often help you bridge a lot of basic gaps between the two and win you.

  Although Chen Mo can easily crush at present, he still wants to enter university to learn related combat skills.

  After all, having these things around is better than nothing.

   And I can't guarantee that I can send a large number of summons to crush every battle I encounter in my life.

  One's own abilities also need to be cultivated and improved.

   Not only output jobs, but even auxiliary jobs have a lot of combat skills that need to be cultivated.

   After entering university, there are some things that everyone learns.

  When Chen Mo praised Fang Datong, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations on passing the first round of trials. The second round of trials will come in 3 seconds. Please be prepared. The time limit for the second round of trials is 1 minute. 】

  3 seconds passed quickly, and the two of them watched the time prompted by the Heavenly Dao, and four rays of light immediately lit up around them.

  There is only a 1-minute time limit. This time, Chen Mo didn't give Fang Datong a chance to show off. With a wave of his staff, a large number of skeleton monsters appeared densely in all directions.

  Fang Datong was almost scared to death.

  He thought it was a trial error and the monsters were full.

   "Fuck, what's going on, old Mo!"

   "Don't worry, this is my summon."

  Following Chen Mo's words, the skeleton monsters beside the goblins immediately killed the four goblins whose attributes were 10% stronger than before.

  The damage dealt by these skeleton monsters was so strong that both of Fang Datong's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

   "My god, what's the matter with you skeleton monster?"

  Fang Datong was surprised and threw the detection skill at the skeleton monster.

  If you don’t check, you don’t know. After checking, Fang Datong froze in place as if he had been struck by lightning.

  He even wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes.

  Because he saw that Chen Mo's skeleton monster's attribute was scary.

Even though it is currently limited to level 10, Chen Mo's star rating and reincarnation level are not restricted. It can be seen that the level of this dungeon is still very different from the previous copy of Chaos Trialist, but that dungeon can limit everything to 10 within grade.

  Due to the limited ability of this dungeon, even if Chen Mo's attributes are only level 10, his skeleton monster attributes are still as high as more than 400,000!

   Level 10 summons with over 400,000 summons?

  Fang Datong had never even heard of it.

   While he was still in shock, the third wave of monsters spawned again.

   This time there are eight.

  But with tens of thousands of skeleton monsters around Chen Mo, these goblins are not enough to see.

   When he came out, he was instantly killed again.

  The next fourth round, fifth round, sixth round...

  Fang Datong didn't even see where the monsters were spawned, and these monsters were directly surrounded by a large group of skeleton monsters.

  He came to Chen Mo in disbelief and asked, "What the **** is going on with Old Mo? What's going on with these skeleton monsters?"

   "It's just a simple summon."

   "Nonsense, the attack power of a simple summoned object is against the sky, did you use some kind of blindfold?"

  In this world, there are many skills such as blindfolds that can change some data. People often use this to pretend to be coercive, but it is easy to use the see-through skill to see through.

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "It's just a little adventure."

  Although Chen Mo felt that this was a cover-up, but considering Chen Mo's character, playing with this method did not seem to be in line with his personality. Fang Datong suddenly recalled the activities of the day before yesterday.

  During the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds event the day before yesterday, didn’t there appear a mysterious zero-turn professional from Earth who easily slaughtered two-turn full-star powerhouses?

  If that person has so many perverted skeleton monsters, maybe this kind of thing can really be done.

  Fang Datong couldn't believe his guess. What his good brother awakened was only the skeleton mage profession, but he could see it clearly.

  Why did the Skeleton Mage suddenly possess such incredible combat power.

   Can summon such a perverted skeleton monster?

   It is said that the skeleton monster is cannon fodder, this **** is more powerful than the boss's father.

   It's outrageous!

  He asked in a daze: "Old Mo, the Earth contestant who participated in the second round of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds the day before yesterday could not be you."

  He was just asking casually, although he felt that Chen Mo's skeleton monster was ridiculously strong, but after all, he was fighting against a powerhouse with full rank and full stars.

   Those strong men are not easy to mess with.

   Just relying on these skeleton monsters to easily kill the killing competition, I am afraid it is not so easy.

  But just after Fang Datong finished asking, Chen Mo did not hide anything, and said in a joking tone: "You have such a good brain, you have discovered all of this."

   After all, with his current strength, there are no aliens who can kill him on the earth. Chen Mo is not very afraid of the news leaking, so if his good brother wants to know, he doesn't mind revealing a little bit.

  As a result, Chen Mo's answer was too straightforward, which made Fang Datong suspect that he was just joking.

"You kid really dare to admit it. Although you skeleton monsters are very strong, they don't seem to be strong enough to slaughter a large group of second-rank and full-level full-star powerhouses. After all, they have no skills, and those people are not wild. Strange, can you still stand and be beaten?"

  Although Fang Datong felt that Chen Mo's skeleton monsters were already too strong for common sense, it was still hard to believe that this alone could beat a large group of rank-two full-level full-star powerhouses.

  (end of this chapter)

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