Chapter 205 A strong duo! (3 in 1, 55)

   "It's so strange, how can a skeleton mage and a warrior survive until the thirty-sixth round!

  At this time, the monster attributes are about to reach the attack power of a level 20 elite monster. "

   Not only the teachers, but even the students started talking about it.

  Many of them are much better than Chen Mo's combination, but they still can't support the increase in the number and attributes of monsters, and they are brushed out.

  But Chen Mo and Fang Datong were so strong that they broke through the key score line, they couldn't understand.

"The dungeon map is very large. They have skeleton monsters that can send pigeons to death and lead them to fight. Even if they get to the back, they can be attracted to kill one by one. As long as the monster's blood defense is not raised to the point where they can't move, I feel that they You can still keep fighting.”

  Some students tried to analyze the possible coping methods of the combination of Chen Mo and Fang Datong.

"Impossible, I'm an elemental mage, I just used this method, the summoned object dies too fast, unless his skeleton monster moves very fast, otherwise it will be caught up by monsters soon, these monsters The speed of movement is also increasing synchronously."

   "Does the Skeleton Mage have the ability to increase the movement speed of skeleton monsters?"

   "I don't know, maybe there is some equipment."

  When the students were discussing the possibility of Chen Mo and Fang Datong achieving their current results, the teachers also started talking.

   Their guesses are actually similar to those of their classmates.

  If they were serious about their skills, they didn't think Chen Mo and Fang Datong were capable of reaching this position.

  But if you lead the fight, it might really be possible.

  There are suits that can increase the speed of summoned objects at level 10.

  The teachers are aware of this matter, but these things are not easy to get.

  Even if Chen Mo is rich enough to get admission tickets for multiple sets of dungeons, it is difficult for him to have the strength to brush through the set dungeons over and over again and collect all the sets.

  The content of the set copy is not fixed every time.

  That's why the teachers felt that Chen Mo's performance was surprising.

  The main reason is that his family background is not enough. If his family background is good, no one will think about it.

  At this time, there are still some students from poor families in the dungeon, but only Chen Mo's group is too special, so it has been widely discussed.

  If, like Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing, they had four-star output combined with five-star support, then no one would discuss why they were able to persevere until now.

   After all, with such a combination, they will think it is normal to obtain admission qualifications for top universities.

  As the score line of key universities passes, the next elimination speed is very fast.

   Rounds 36 and 37 eliminated 70% of the remaining people.

   After a while, only 30% of the candidates came to the round of the top university score cut-off.

   If you can make it through, then you can basically be sure that the top university is in front of you.

   But this level is already very difficult. The key is that the monster's attack power has increased, and the defense and blood volume have been increasing. The most annoying thing.

  The attributes of the candidates have not changed. If this continues, the candidates will become more and more impassable.

  At this time, Chen Mo and Fang Datong were still there.

   Now even the teachers can't sit still.

  Because judging from the defense of monsters in the current round, it is impossible for ordinary 2-3-3 level 10 professionals to spawn monsters at this stage.

   The monster's defense power has exceeded three times their attack power.

   No matter how strong your ability to sneak monsters is, the moment you can't clear the monsters, you have already lost.

  However, Chen Mo and Fang Datong did not know how to rush all the way here under such circumstances?

   This naturally aroused some discussion among everyone.

In Haibin No. 2 Middle School, Shen Rulong, the principal, was used to seeing Chen Mo's performance, and he couldn't help laughing: "This kid can always come up with some new tricks for me, but I really don't know what kind of weird things are hidden in this kid. "

"Principal, this time our enrollment targets have been fulfilled. Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing have reached the 38th round. If the two of them, Chen Mo and Fang Datong can pass the 38th round, we will be alone. The school is about to have four students who will be promoted to top universities.

  This indicator is not even achievable by key municipal middle schools. "

   Liu Funan on the side had no time to care about how Chen Mo and Fang Datong got to this point.

  He is happy at this time that the school is about to set a historic goal for entering higher education.

  A school of their caliber has never seen so many candidates enter a top university at the same time in history.

  Let’s not talk about top universities, there has never been a single instance in a middle school of their level where four candidates were admitted to a key university at the same time.

  Hearing what Liu Funan said, Shen Rulong was also full of anticipation, hoping that these four little guys could really do it.

  At the same time, he also set his sights on Chen Mo, even he was very curious about how Chen Mo could get to this point.

  He almost directly ignored Fang Datong's role.

   It is true that Chen Mo participated in the previous few times that caused all kinds of accidents. Naturally, the principal habitually attributed the strangeness this time to him alone.

   In vain, Fang Datong was still excitedly telling Chen Mo how to brag after going out in a while.

   Let everyone adore him.

   Never thought that people outside didn't take him seriously at all.

   Not only the teachers, but even the students, many of them have only heard of Chen Mo's name.

   After all, the person who created the historical record of the college entrance examination, and when they went back and heard that the previous copy of the college entrance examination was abnormal, but the data of this examinee had changed, everyone naturally paid more attention to Chen Mo.

  As the thirty-eighth round started, many people started to discuss whether Chen Mo and Fang Datong could pass this round.

  Some people think it is impossible, because even if the attributes of a two-star or three-star professional are added to this level, they will not be able to break the defense.

   It is simply impossible to pass it again.

  If one of the two is a profession that can reduce the monster's defense, or if the other is a profession that can greatly increase the attack power or damage of friendly forces, it may still be possible to continue to break the defense.

  But none of their careers has this nature.

   Everyone naturally felt that it was impossible for them to pass the test.

  Among the remaining people at this time, only ten candidates are still continuing.

  The group of two occupied eight of them, and the remaining two five-star professionals were dungeons entered by one person.

   Soon, the two single five-star professionals successfully passed the 38th round.

  The attributes of five-star professionals are far better than those of two-star and three-star professionals. They passed the test, and everyone was completely expressionless and didn't think there was anything wrong.

   Some of them even think that it’s okay for me to be with me, as long as they give him a five-star career.

  So people don't pay much attention to these two people.

   Instead, everyone's eyes were mainly focused on the four teams of two.

   Among them, two groups are four-star support with four-star output occupation, and one group is five-star support with four-star output.

   There is also the last group of wonderful two-star output combined with three-star support, and this support is still a meat shield type, which can be regarded as a wonderful combination of strange works.

   This kind of weirdness can last until now, and many people are naturally envious and jealous.

   Soon, another group of people qualified, Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing.

   After holding on for a while, the other two groups were finally unable to support both of them and were killed.

  At this time, only the group of Chen Mo and Fang Datong remained undetermined.

  Because the two kills are really slow, everyone has no idea whether they can't kill them anymore, or they can continue to grind slowly.

   "How long is 38 rounds?"

   Immediately a teacher asked.

   "Every time you pass 10 levels, the time limit will be increased by 10 minutes from the original basis. Level 38 should be 38 minutes plus 30 minutes, so the time limit is 68 minutes."

   "In 68 minutes, 76 powerful monsters need to be wiped. I'm afraid it won't be easy to grind through."

   "It's been forty minutes now."

   "Well, I pressed the timer just now, and it has been exactly forty minutes since they entered the 38th round. You are really accurate."

   "It seems that the limit has been reached, and it has not passed for so long."

   Just when the teachers felt that this wonderful duo had finally come to an end, suddenly the number of rounds in front of their names changed to 39 rounds.

   The reason why this round is so slow is that Fang Datong loves to play.

  He asked Chen Mo to leave him a goblin to test his current defensive combat skills.

  At this time, his attack is naturally unable to break the defense. He mainly wants to see how his defensive abilities such as dodging and parrying are.

  He struggled with the only remaining goblin for a full forty minutes before he finally couldn't hold it anymore.

   During this period, he dodged the opponent's fierce attacks several times, and sometimes the timing of parrying with a shield was quite perfect. If a fighter can perform a perfect parry, the amount of damage received can be greatly reduced.

  These combat skills are critical.

  But there were too few actual combat opportunities before, and Fang Datong practiced hard by himself but had no chance to verify it.

   Now that he finally has the opportunity to test it, he naturally wants to play well.

   But after this trial, he was too tired to proceed to the next trial.

   After all, during the forty minutes, he had to concentrate on observing the opponent's movements at all times in order to make the best dodge and defense.

   This is a great drain on brain power and spirit.

  Even if he is not physically tired, Fang Datong still feels mentally exhausted at this time.

  As soon as he walked back to Chen Mo, he turned into a big character and lay down on the grass, panting heavily.

   "Phew, I'm too tired. It turns out that it is such a tiring thing to concentrate on fighting."

"Things related to life, there is nothing tiring, but your current fighting skills are still good. The monster just now has a level of 20. You can still do a few perfect dodges and blocks, which is very good .”

   "I love to hear that!" Fang Datong said with a grin.

"For you, I can only say that before you entered university, your level was good enough, but it is still far behind those who have refined combat skills in university. I have seen many actual combat skills of college students on the Internet. , Ordinary monsters are simply being played around in front of them."

   "I only practiced these hard after watching their videos. I didn't expect to practice hard, but it's just as hard to use!" Fang Datong said with a sigh of relief.

   After speaking, Fang Datong looked at Chen Mo and said, "Old Mo, is the excuse you said before really okay? We have already passed the top university score line, so don't let it out that you are being targeted by aliens."

   "Don't worry, it will definitely work."

   Chen Mo smiled and said.

At this time, outside the dungeon, the teachers and classmates who originally thought that Chen Mo and Chen Mo had reached the limit, found strangely that the two of them who had just brushed for 40 minutes in the 38th round, this time it took only five minutes to pass the 39th round .

   "What's the situation? Why did they pass the level suddenly so much faster?"

   "That's right, it has been directly improved by eight times? Isn't it that the subsequent levels will become more and more difficult?"

   "It can't be that after the college alliance test reached the top university score line, it didn't take the next test, but the latter one became easier."

   "Crap, didn't you see the requirements for obtaining the title when you went in? The requirement for obtaining the title of SS rank is level 39, how could it be easier than level 38?"

   "I almost forgot about this. By the way, the SSS title seems to be 50 levels. The two of them are still going on. Could it be that they want to get the SSS title? The ambition is really big."

   "If this is the case, then it means that they should have enough energy to pass this stage. Why were they delayed for a full forty minutes just now?"

   "Maybe they are testing something."

  At this time, no one could figure out the reason why Chen Mo and Fang Datong could pass the test.

   What everyone is curious about now is where is their limit?

   Is their limit higher, or the few remaining five-star professionals.

   As time went on, the remaining four groups were steadily advancing.

  However, in the fortieth round, one of the single five-star professional candidates was killed.

   "Damn it, the speed is a bit short, I can't continue to pull and fight, and the speed of these monsters will also increase a bit too much."

  The person came out and cursed secretly.

  He could have continued to kill, as long as he relied on his own speed advantage to prevent himself from falling into danger, avoiding damage from far away and cleaning up.

  Unfortunately, at this level, the speed of the monster has surpassed him. He can't fly a kite even if he wants to, and he can only be killed out of the dungeon in the end.

  It is only ten rounds away from the SSS title, and he still feels very regretful in his heart.

  He turned his head to look at the huge monitor, wanting to see if there was no one in the instance except himself.

   It turned out that there were actually three groups of people in the dungeon, and what surprised him the most was that one of them was a combination of two-star and three-star professions.

   "A two-star skeleton mage and a three-star warrior? How did you manage to hit 40 rounds without dying?"

  He had a look of disbelief.

  However, having personally experienced the intensity of forty rounds, he feels that the two-person team should have reached their limit.

   The monsters in this round are so fast that they can't even fly a kite.

  He thinks that the remaining three groups, except for the combination of five-star support and four-star output, may continue, and the other two groups should all be killed.

  He didn't think that the reason Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing were selected in this group was because of Shen Bingbing's profession.

  She is a Frost Mage, and the Frost Mage has a range of deceleration skills. She is much easier to fly a kite than others.

   Coupled with the fact that she also has a five-star support who broke the record in the exam, she is naturally even more at ease.

  Yan Yingyue's name is still remembered by many people.

   Especially many boys who are also five-star professionals.

  In their view, only girls with the same star-level career are worthy of their current career.

   If you are looking for someone with the same star rating, it would be better if you can find an assistant with the same star rating to complement each other.

  So after the news came out that Yan Yingyue had broken the exam record and reached 30 days of survival, many of the boys who had awakened to a five-star career paid special attention to her.

  This person is one of them, and they are all ready to go back home and become a wife in the future. Naturally, they still have a deep memory of her information.

   Sure enough, as he expected, the combination of Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing broke through the 40th round and entered the 41st round.

  However, to his surprise, the remaining two groups also passed the test one after the other.

   "This two-star skeleton mage and three-star warrior can even pass this level? What the hell?"

  This person looked at Chen Mo and Fang Datong with a ghostly expression on his face.

  The subsequent performances of Chen Mo and Fang Datong are still so strong.

   They passed the next few rounds steadily.

   Instead, in the forty-fifth round, the last five-star single candidate was also killed.

  The reason why he was killed is similar to the one just now, but not exactly the same. The first is the speed problem, and the second is that the damage of the monster is already quite high.

  He could hold on even if he couldn't run, but after reaching this level, he couldn't run, and he couldn't hold on. The only way out was to be killed.

  At this moment, all the teachers in the audience looked at the seats where the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School were sitting.

  For a while, the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School felt that it was a great sense of face and accomplishment.

  The only remaining candidates in this venue are all from Haibin No. 2 Middle School. What could be more proud than this.

  Shen Rulong's mouth was crooked.

   In the field, many students from Haibin No. 2 Middle School who were screened out early also felt that Chen Mo and the others had earned considerable face for Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

  Although their own level is limited, the people who can say that they are so good when they go out in the future come from the same class as themselves.

  I have produced so many great talents in the same class, so it is reasonable for me to be weaker.

   Soon, the two groups of people continued to charge towards higher rounds.

  As Chen Mo's group entered the fiftieth level first, Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing also entered the fiftieth level.

   “It always feels like they never have limits.”

   "It's the limit. The fiftieth level is not an ordinary killing level. This level is a lot of gold bosses comparable to the level 20 one-turn strength. They are no longer able to deal with them."

   At this time, a teacher who had been in the evaluation team of the copy of the Academy Alliance said.

   "Sure enough, when it comes to the SSS level, none of them can be obtained easily. The difficulty is really abnormal, even if the 20th level first-turn professional comes, it will be difficult to handle!

   It's hard to get the title! "

   "It's almost over."

   Now in the copy.

  Shen Bingbing saw a hundred monsters around him that were comparable to level 20 first-turn monsters, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

   "Looks like we've reached our limit."

  Shen Bingbing said with a wry smile.

   "No, I have another way."

In fact, up to now, Yan Yingyue has never possessed Shen Bingbing. Only relying on Yan Yingyue's powerful auxiliary ability, combined with Shen Bingbing's own strength and the frost attack suit on her body, the two of them have survived all the way until now of.

"What way?" Shen Bingbing looked at Yan Yingyue curiously. Judging from the auxiliary effect Yan Yingyue gave her before, she felt that Yan Yingyue was already very suitable for the strength of a five-star profession, but did the other party still have a backup? ?

  The reason why she invited Yan Yingyue to join her was because she wanted to see whether the record created by the examination dungeon was led by Chen Mo or Yan Yingyue.

  After seeing Yan Yingyue's strength, she already tended to Chen Mo, which is actually normal.

  But I didn't expect Yan Yingyue to still have the ability.

   "I can attach myself to you and increase your attributes, but you need to have enough recovery ability to maintain a high multiplier."

  Yan Yingyue recalled that when she was possessed by Chen Mo, he drove so high.

   This is really not a multiple that ordinary people can get.

   "My ice attack suit has a passive. As long as there are units around that are hit by extreme cold, the recovery speed can be increased by 1%. My recovery ability should be fine."

   "That's fine."

  As Yan Yingyue used her possessive skills, Shen Bingbing also received a reminder from Heaven in time.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Professional Yan Yingyue is using the skill "Possession Saint" on you! During the possession period, you will be able to obtain the opponent's attribute bonuses and some unlimited skills, but a certain percentage of the maximum life value will be deducted every second according to the increase rate. The initial value is 1%, please confirm! 】

   "From the beginning, it was as high as 1% of the maximum life value per second. This deduction speed is really a bit powerful."

  Although Shen Bingbing was surprised at this speed of blood deduction, considering the strength of her suit, this deduction speed could be easily equaled, so she directly agreed.

  The next moment she saw Yan Yingyue melt into her body in a stream of light.

  Because Yan Yingyue got the title with Chen Mo, and got some care from the college alliance these days, her own attributes at this time have improved a lot compared to when she possessed Chen Mo before.

  After Shen Bingbing checked her current attributes, she couldn't help being a little surprised. She didn't expect Yan Yingyue to bring such a high attribute improvement!

   No wonder Yan Yingyue and Chen Mo were able to set a record in the exam. Doesn't this mean that the strong have broken through the upper limit of the attributes restricted by the dungeon!

   It is comparable to cheating by cheating!

   It's just that Shen Bingbing suddenly thought of a question, did Chen Mo have such a strong recovery ability at that time?

  Shen Bingbing and Yan Yingyue have found a way to break the game, and are ready to start breaking the game.

  As for Chen Mo and Fang Datong, they played tic-tac-toe in a boring way, and this level was still easy for them.

   It's just a matter of how much time it takes to pass. Anyway, it's the last level, and they plan to spend more time to pass it slowly.

  One side is to show their strengths, so that they can have a chance to pass the test.

  One side is light and easy, lying flat to pass the test.

   Half an hour later, Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing were teleported out first. Just after they came out, they saw on the big screen that Chen Mo and Fang Datong were also at the fiftieth level!

  Yan Yingyue didn't seem to have much reaction to this, but Shen Bingbing seemed rather surprised!

  After being on the same team with Yan Yingyue this time, she already felt that she was sensitive to the fact that Chen Mo broke the exam record last time, and it wasn't that Chen Mo was really unique.

   Turning around, Chen Mo gave her a surprise without thinking about it.

   "It's only the two of them who can reach this level? How did they do it!?"

   Not only Shen Bingbing was puzzled, but everyone in the audience had the same question at this moment. How did they do it?

   Everyone has wondered about this for a long time, and they just waited for these two weirdos to come out with dungeons and ask them carefully!

  (end of this chapter)

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