Chapter 206 Direct provocation? (2 in 1, 25)

  Five minutes after Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing came out, Chen Mo cleared all the monsters in the dungeon.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully broken through the highest difficulty of this trial, and you have won the SSS-level title "Adversity Surpasser". 】

  【SSS-level title-Adversity Transcendence】

  [Title Effect]: Increase all attributes by 500 points, and increase damage by 100% when facing targets with a higher level than yourself.

  [Title Skill]: Adversity Transcender

  〖Adversity Transcendor·Golden Passive〗: The lower the HP, the higher the damage. For every 1% HP reduction, the damage will increase by 10%.

  [Title Introduction]: Bestowed on those who are able to surpass themselves and break through their limits even if they are surrounded by powerful enemies and in adversity!

   "Damn it, Lao Mo, get rich! This title is so powerful!"

  Fang Datong watched the title reward, excitedly grabbed Chen Mo and said while shaking.

  Chen Mo was used to it, and didn't have much reaction.

   "Young people just haven't seen the world." Chen Mo joked.

   While the two were talking, the countdown to the dungeon had ended, and with a flash of light in front of their eyes, the two of them had already left the dungeon.

   The moment the two returned to the hall, all eyes fell on them in unison.


  Fang Datong looked at the strange eyes of the crowd and thought something was wrong, did he go too far this time? Lao Mo's excuse is probably useless.

  At this time, Chen Mo didn't care about the eyes of everyone around him, as if he didn't see anything.

   But the students around couldn't hold back and asked first.

   "Student Chen Mo, how did you manage to clear the fiftieth level all the way? You must know that even five-star professionals have been cleared in the previous levels."

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "It's very simple..."

   After saying this, everyone immediately listened attentively.

  Even if the teachers sit far away from the student area, everyone is not an ordinary person nowadays. I said before that the higher the overall attribute, the more sensitive the five senses will be.

  Unless it was deliberately blocked by others, with the strength of the teachers' attributes, this distance can still be easily heard.

   While everyone was waiting for Chen Mo's next sentence, Chen Mo suddenly said, "I just can't reveal it, sorry."

   After a period of collective silence, there was a burst of boos.

  Even Fang Datong was very surprised. Chen Mo didn’t say that in the dungeon before. He said that this time, he would push it to the SSS reward he obtained in the previous exam.

  The result is now directly saying that it cannot be leaked. Doesn’t this mean that Wuyin Sanbai here is telling the aliens that I have abnormalities, come and investigate me?

   "Good guy, I thought I was going to say something, but it turned out to be this."

   "That's normal. There are aliens on Earth. If you really have any special abilities, you really shouldn't disclose them."

   "It's useless, even if you don't say it, isn't it still trying to cover it up? We all know that you have a problem, and the aliens will definitely follow you."

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid that they will stare at me, but I am afraid that they will not dare to come."


  The words are not amazing, but Chen Mo's words completely detonated the audience.

   No one understood what he meant by his words?

   Isn’t it courting death to be targeted by aliens?

  From the perspective of the teachers, they instantly thought of the secret arrangement that the college alliance had for Chen Mo.

But the students were shocked for no reason, thinking that Chen Mo was too courageous, if other people were really capable, they would hide and develop quietly, trying to prevent the aliens from noticing themselves, this one is good, just put it out in public Don't be afraid of aliens staring at you!

  Among so many people present, there are 100% aliens.

  This sentence is too brave, and too courting!

  At this time, the aliens mixed in the crowd were also surprised to hear it, thinking about what this kid meant?

  Last time before the copy of the college entrance examination showed overall abnormalities, they felt that this kid was a hook released by the academy union.

   This time, he acted strangely again.

   It’s okay to behave strangely, but after they came out, they even publicly provoked their Yongxing system?

   It's a bit too brave!

   Was it really a hook from the Academy League, or was there really something wrong with him?

  They contacted Langu immediately.

   "Oh? This young man is a bit interesting to provoke us in public." Langu couldn't help sneering after hearing this, "How do people around you react?"

   "The surrounding teachers and students as well as everyone in the college entrance examination team are very surprised. As for the headquarters of the college alliance, I don't know. Haven't sent anyone yet?"

   "Hmph, it would be really strange if no one instigated a two-star skeleton mage to do this kind of thing in public!

   Not to mention whether he has real strength, even if he has, can he guarantee that he can avoid assassination? Even a Rank 5 powerhouse can be controlled for a moment! "

   "My lord, we don't have too many people. If there is a certain two-star professional, even if there is something wrong with him, that is, if there is something wrong with the equipment and items on his body, shouldn't we just ignore it?"

   "Check the equipment on him."

   "No, this kid probably has a Chaos Stone on his body, and he can perceive the past in chaos, and can't detect anything."

   "Hehe, then it's not surprising. Where did the ordinary two-star skeleton mage kid get the Chaos Stone? I'm afraid it wasn't used by the high-level of the Academy Alliance to deceive others."

   "Then it should be certain that this is deliberately provoking us to get us to take action. Do you want to ignore him?"

   "But what I'm curious about is why the Academy Alliance is so persistent in seducing us with a two-star skeleton mage? His temptation is not very great."

   "This Huaguo likes to play tricks that are fake and fake. They just want us to think that this kid is unusual and force us to deal with him."

   "Forget it, we don't have the energy to spend on him yet, and the Academy Alliance is still ordering a global search for those two people at this time, so it can be seen that the Academy Alliance itself has not found them at all.

   This one is even more unlikely, and this kind of hook does not need to be ignored. "

   "But he was able to pass a trial with hundreds of 20-level gold bosses united by a two-star job combined with a three-star job. I always feel that there is something wrong."

   "I heard that this dungeon is full of goblins. If there are special props and special equipment for goblins, it is not impossible to do this dungeon of a single monster."

   "That's true."

  They are right, but it is a pity that the goblins in the later levels of this challenge book already have a lot of characteristic blessings, and this kind of racial restraint effect cannot take effect at all.

  The title of SSS rank is not so easy to give.

   Ended the call, Langu's eyes flashed and he said to the people around him: "Last time you investigated the two-star skeleton mage boy and there was no abnormality, did you follow up to investigate his surroundings as before?"

  Although he felt that this kid was just a hook, Langu still decided to check carefully out of a cautious attitude.

   "My lord, we found out that he recently got a large sum of money from nowhere."

   "A lot of money? Didn't he win more than a billion in the exam?"

"No, it's not more than one billion, but several billions. His parents have disappeared since he was a child. He was adopted by a couple named Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong, but he has always been their daughter. Liu Yiyi raised this boy named Chen Mo alone.

  A few days ago, Liu Yuanzong suffered from a strange disease, and the treatment cost was not low. Before this kid took the exam, before he received a bonus of more than one billion yuan, he suddenly took out tens of millions of money to pay for the medical expenses. "


   "However, after a lot of inquiries, his class teacher seems to have mentioned that this kid found a backpack left by his parents and found a lot of relics to get so much money."

   "What is the strength of his parents?"

   "Second turn."

   "It's not surprising that there are tens of millions in the backpack left by the second round." Langu felt that there was nothing unusual about it.

   "It's nothing. Although it's just a one-sided statement, it really makes sense. It's only the things that follow that make people strange."

"whats the matter?"

   "After the examination, a pharmacist appeared in the hospital where Liu Yuanzong was seeing a doctor, and sold the panacea formula. This formula was bid by this boy named Chen Mo for 3.5 billion. This is very strange!

  Although at this time he has already received the 1.1 billion reward from the Academy Alliance, plus the 100 million reward from the principal of Haibin No. 2 Middle School, even if his parents leave some inheritance, how much value can this kind of backpack that is not carried around be worth? It is understandable to take out tens of millions, but it is obviously impossible to take out two or three billion. "

   "This is indeed suspicious." Langu nodded.

"This is not the most suspicious thing, just yesterday he actually prepaid a deposit of 2 billion yuan to buy a house near the Global Academy Alliance. 100 million.

  We didn't even find out where his money came from. "

"Could it be that the college union gave him so much money, let him act in this scene, all his large expenses were done after the exam, and before the exam, he could only spend a few dollars. It’s nothing more than that, isn’t it?” Someone next to him immediately analyzed.

  The changes in wealth revealed by Chen Mo are indeed the same on the timeline.

  If Chen Mo really had so much money before, he should have shown it before the exam, but before the exam, he didn't appear to be rich.

"Could it be because he broke the historical record and set the highest record in the college entrance examination that he has the value of being used by the academy alliance, giving him tens of billions, and letting him continue to expose suspicious points to lure us into the set?" someone said.

   "But it's a two-star skeleton mage. Even if we have doubts about him, at most we can safely send a second-ranker to test it out. I've tried my best to get us a second-ranker? I'm afraid the senior management of the Earth Academy Alliance is not too busy."

  " That's not the case. If the Academy Alliance intends to use him as a hook, it would not simply let us use the second turn to try it out. There must be secret protection forces around him.

   Just send a second turn to be afraid of being wiped out before finding anything, which forces us to send more and stronger people to investigate. "

   "Just relying on a few doubts that I can't figure out, to catch our masters out of thin air? Are they dreaming?"

   "But they succeeded, just relying on these few unreasonable doubts is enough to make us puzzled and unable to let go."

  Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Langu couldn't help thinking.

  The Academy League played very directly.

   It is to tell you clearly that this person has a problem, and since we let him reveal such a problem, we will definitely protect it secretly. It depends on whether you want to try it.

  If you don’t try it, you’ll always feel that you’re stuck with a rock that doesn’t make sense.

   But if you try, the price is not small.

   This is the time for him, the commander-in-chief, to make a choice.

  Currently, they haven't contacted Chen Mo to the zero-turn professional who killed randomly in the playground.

  Because Chen Mo is a Skeleton Mage, a summoning profession.

   And news about the dead genius of their Eternal Star System has already reached Langu.

  Langu can at least know that if the earth is a summoning profession, then he will actually suffer a lot when facing the genius Yunzhi in his own galaxy.

  Based on this point, Chen Mo's suspicion is actually ruled out.

   At this moment, Langu is staring at him simply because he is weird.

  Strange enough to warrant a good investigation.

  But now that the other party is showing such a high profile, they almost tell you to send someone to investigate it.

   After thinking for a while, Langu decided to give up.

  Unless the other party can show something incredible on the bright side.

   If he really has the ability to be as confident as he displays, it can't be hidden.

   Now it's all about catching wind and shadows, so you want to call yourself a lot of masters?

  Don't even think about it.

  Weighing the pros and cons, Langu decided to give up the shot for the time being.

   But this does not mean abandoning the investigation.

   "Drop some people out, this kid will be the key investigation target in the future, I want to see how long he can be weird."

   "My lord, does this college alliance just want us to split up our staff on this matter, so as to reduce our search efforts?"

   "No way, a clear goal is here, and we don't need a lot of people to watch him. Is it really big to have less impact?"

   "Probably for them, it would be good to reduce our chances of being found by even 1% before them."

   "Maybe, if it's just for this purpose, then it's what they want!

   After all, everything is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, this kid is weird and should be investigated or investigated. "

   "My lord always thinks so carefully, so this subordinate will do it now."

  At this time, everyone in the college alliance was stunned by Chen Mo's provocative words against aliens.

   Even the college entrance examination team specially sent someone over to guard it.

   I'm afraid that aliens can't help but provoke and kill people.

   After all, everyone has seen the viciousness and madness of aliens before, who knows what these aliens are thinking.

  There are many more people on their three life planets than on their own side, and there is no loss in changing a few.

  (end of this chapter)

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