Chapter 207 A knowing smile! (3 in 1, 55)

   "Take this child to the back first, other teachers and students can go back now.

  The scores of each school will be announced later. "

  The head of the college entrance examination team came to Chen Mo and said to everyone.

  His voice easily spread throughout the huge venue.

   After hearing this, everyone didn't say anything, and gathered in the middle of the venue.

  At this time, the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School all looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes, especially Su Tianxin, who almost went up and twisted Chen Mo's ears.

   What this kid said just now was so courteous that she almost broke out in a cold sweat.

  If the environment is not suitable, he must be taught a lesson.

  Seeing the murderous gaze cast by the teacher, Chen Mo immediately avoided it.

   Soon everyone was teleported back to the school by means of the reverse teleportation array.

   This side of Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

   Just after teleporting back, Fang Datong was surrounded by people.

  As soon as they came back, everyone looked at him in unison. Fang Datong was so scared that he couldn't help hugging himself, "What are you doing?"

   "Tell me, how did you and Chen Mo pass the test?"

   "That's right, now only you in the whole world know."

   "If I don't know about this, I won't be able to sleep at night."


  For a while, Fang Datong's head is about to explode when you talk to each other.

  He didn't expect that after coming out of the dungeon, he was the one who suffered the most.

  Chen Mo didn't want to come out earlier because of this. If he quickly completed fifty levels and released the dungeon early, if there were only a few people outside, he and Fang Datong would be caught and tortured.

  It is much better to come out from behind and squeeze in the crowd.

  Looking at the people around who refused to give up, Fang Datong knew that if he didn't say something, he wouldn't want to leave today.

  Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and shook his head: "You asked me how I passed the test, but I don't even know what happened.

  When I went into the dungeon, I didn’t know what skills I hit and fainted. When I was awakened by Lao Mo, he told me that I had finished killing the monsters, and I didn’t know anything. "

   Fang Da said with an innocent face.

  Hearing this, many students looked at Fang Datong suspiciously, but seeing his innocent face, everyone was inclined to believe his words.

   After all, according to what Chen Mo said to keep secret, it is not impossible to make Fang Datong dizzy.

  Anyway, these two people went in, and no one expected to rely on Fang Datong, a soldier, to do anything.

  Even if he lay flat the whole time, everyone thought it was normal.

  Originally, Fang Datong said this to protect the secret of his good brother, but he found that after he said this, there was not even a single person who questioned himself, as if he could pass the level without moving into the dungeon.

  He was still a little hurt in his heart.

   I didn't expect everyone to underestimate themselves so much.

  The teachers originally thought that they could get something from Fang Datong's mouth, but in the end they gave such an answer, and they were not interested in asking any more.

   After all, they should not ask about their identities. If their students want to keep it secret, they naturally want to support it. How can they reverse the secret to others?

  But if the students ask each other, they might as well listen to it along the way.

  Actually, regarding Fang Datong, the aliens have considered getting some information about Chen Mo through him.

  But after discussing it in the end, I think I can't find anything from this person.

  After all, the Academy Alliance has deliberately set up a trap, so can it be so simple to miss a link?

  In addition, they have always felt that the people on Earth are very cunning. They are afraid that this person is also a hook, so they deliberately let them send someone back.

  So they didn't bother looking for Fang Datong at all.


  Backstage of the exam venue.

  Chen Mo is being educated by the person in charge of the examination room...

   "Tell me about you kid, you are really too bold to provoke aliens in public. If at that time an alien couldn't resist your provocation and suddenly attacked, we might not have time to protect you."

   After finishing speaking, the person in charge looked at Chen Mo and said, "Did someone above teach you to say that?"

  He was slandering in his heart, how could the higher-ups sell a student's safety at will to lure aliens.

   "No." Chen Mo shook his head directly.

  Seeing this, the man had already made up his mind, and since it was a matter for his superiors, he couldn't say anything.

   Right at this moment, someone suddenly ran over and said, "Teacher, I want to see classmate Chen Mo."


   It is the familiar teleportation array, the familiar building, and the familiar room.

  Chen Mo once again came to the room where he had seen the three academy alliance leaders.

   "I didn't expect to meet again so soon, please sit down."

  Jiang Yun sat in the middle and smiled at Chen Mo and said.

   First for raw and second for familiar, this time Chen Mo is not as nervous as last time.

  He pulled out a chair and sat on it to look at the three leaders.

   "Student Chen Mo, welcome to come here again. This time is still the same as last time. I have some questions to ask you. If you can answer, please answer us truthfully."

   "Is it still a question of an eternal gold coin?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "This kid is really greedy for money." Brenda on the side couldn't help shaking her head and smiling.

   "Okay, I will give you a question and an eternal gold coin. If the answer satisfies us, we can give you more." Marcus also said with a smile.

   "Then thank the three leaders first." Chen Mo replied with a smile.

   "First question, how did you pass the fiftieth floor?"

   "Rely on summoned objects."


   While speaking, Chen Mo suddenly summoned a summoning creature.

   This is a snow-white fox with nine tails, very cute and cute.

   "What a strong monster undead! How did you get it?" After reading the attributes of the nine-tailed white fox, the three leaders were very surprised.

   "It took some means to get it, as for the others, it is inconvenient to continue to disclose, sorry."

  Chen Mo lied about the first question, but directly concealed the second question.

  He has long thought about what to see and know for his own people.

  The nine-tailed white fox did not inherit any of the characteristics of the skeleton monster, so what it showed was only its original ability.

  The various characteristics of the skeleton monster are quite easy to cause various doubts.

  The main reason is that summoning skeleton monsters is something that normal skeleton mages can do. If he has the ability to add characteristics to skeleton monsters, the three leaders must want to know about this ability.

  If it can be popularized, then Skeleton Mage will not be a simple two-star profession in the future.

   Instead, he was directly promoted to a powerful profession comparable to a five-star profession.

  In order to prevent the other party from breaking the casserole about the characteristics of the skeleton monster, Chen Mo directly chose not to disclose the skeleton monster.

   There is no such problem at all when the nine-tailed white fox is revealed.

  Because the three lords must also know how to get this kind of BOSS-level undead, the reproducibility of others is definitely not high.

   "Since you don't want to say it, we won't pursue it. There is another question, why did you say that after you released the copy?"

   "Are you referring to me provoking aliens?"

   "That's right, aren't you afraid of death? I'm curious why you dare to say that in public."

   "Since you dare to say that, it is natural to be a little dependent." Chen Mo said with a smile.


  The three leaders looked at each other, and became more interested in Chen Mo for a while.

   "Can't you disclose this reliance?"

   "The life-saving ability that no one knows is the safest life-saving ability, isn't it?" Chen Mo replied flatly.

   "Interesting, okay, I won't ask this question. After you say this, do you expect us to send experts to protect you secretly, or do you have any arrangements of your own?"

  This question is more critical.

  Even if this classmate is very confident, sometimes arrogance starts with self-confidence.

  They are the general leaders of the academy alliance.

   Naturally, he couldn't allow the students under his command to have accidents due to arrogance.

   "If you send someone to follow them secretly, I'm afraid you will notice it.

  For me, I don’t think there is any need to bother the Alliance to send someone to protect it, but my family hopes that the Alliance can take care of it first.

  I am planning to buy a house near the headquarters of the Academy Alliance recently, and I will take them over to live there, so I don’t have to bother the Alliance. "

   "New house or old house?"


   "I'm afraid the new house will only cost 20 billion. Do you have so much money?"

   "It's not bad, I just made so much money in the past two days."

   As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the three alliance leaders shrank instantly, and stood up in unison, all of them looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes.

  Because Chen Mo's words revealed a very crucial message.

   It's almost a direct statement.

  Jiang Yun looked at Chen Mo, suppressed his excitement and said, "Can you tell me the exact date?"

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "It was the day when the activity in the Milky Way appeared."

   "Sure enough!"

  The three lords looked at each other in disbelief.

   "Did you bet?"

   "Bets on."

   "Win 200 eternal gold coins?"


   Asked here, the three leaders fell silent.

   Need I say more?

   The Milky Way event can only bet on the highest level of eternal gold coins of its own level. Chen Mo made a bet and won 200.

  What level was he that day?

   Isn't it level 20?

   "So you entered?"

  The three alliance leaders looked incredible.

   Chen Mo nodded with a smile.

   "Little guy, this matter can't be claimed casually."

  Jiang Yun said with a serious expression.

   This matter is too critical.

  "Of course I won't pretend to be a claimant. Besides, if I pretend to be a claimant, I will definitely ask the alliance for something. I haven't asked the alliance to do anything for me now. Apart from asking the alliance to help me take care of my family, there is nothing else.

  Whether it is housing needs or future development needs, I can solve them myself, and I don’t need to let the alliance worry about it. "

  After hearing these words, the three leaders felt that Chen Mo's words were quite reasonable.

  As he said, if he wants to claim falsely, won't he take the opportunity to make more demands to gain benefits?

  He even took the initiative to explicitly reject the alliance's follow-up help.

  But there is a key problem, that is, the professional star rating does not match.

   "The contestant is a five-star professional, and you are only a two-star professional. I'm afraid that student Chen Mo is wrong."

   "This question is a long story. I don't know if the three of you know that the initial career star rating can be changed."


  Even the well-informed and well-informed leaders of the three academy alliances were extremely shocked by Chen Mo's words!

  Because they had never heard of such a thing before.

   "Is this true?"

   "Seriously." Seeing the eager eyes of the three alliance leaders, Chen Mo immediately added, "It's a pity that it is not popular and cannot be reproduced."

   "That might reveal something?"

   "Of course there is no problem with this, but it's best not to let aliens know about it, and please carefully screen and send people to test."

   "The little guy is quite thoughtful, it's only natural, just tell me."

   "First, you need a copy of the crack, and second, you need to complete a hidden SSS-level task with a very high mortality rate. At least that's how I changed."

   "Then we have to organize some absolutely trustworthy people to try to find more copies of cracks." The three leaders have been watching Chen Moqi's strange behavior, so naturally they would rather believe it or not.

  Anyway, there is no loss in finding a crack copy to experiment with. The crack copy itself has considerable benefits, so try it for nothing.

   "By the way, I also happened to encounter a dungeon of stars that time. I don't know if this counts as a constituent element. If so, it will be more difficult to obtain."

   After Chen Mo said this, the three leaders were speechless.

   Boy, is it so difficult? To superimpose so many elements? What if a random copy of the stars is also triggered? That's really impossible to measure.

   "That's all for the specifics. If the three of you want to find someone to try, you can try it. I just tell the method I have experienced. I don't know if it is universal."

   "Okay, student Chen Mo, based on the news you revealed, once it is confirmed to be feasible, you will definitely take the credit for it!

  We will have another reward at that time.

   If your family needs to take care of them, I will send experts to protect them, and let them arrange the real estate handover for them early, and live here at the headquarters of the Academy Alliance, but you still have to pay for the housing expenses yourself.

   We won't give you anything away unless you show us something substantial. "

"This is enough."

   "That's true. If you really have that strength, you will have what you should have sooner or later."

   "I don't have to do anything else, but the lord has asked me so many questions, so I still have to pay the inquiry fee I promised."

   Originally, the three leaders were still seriously thinking about what Chen Mo said, but in the end they were amused by Chen Mo's words.

   "I'm really a little money fanatic, so I won't argue with you about a few issues. Based on the news you revealed last, this bag of eternal gold coins will be given to you. Enough."

  Following Jiang Yun throwing a small bag, Chen Mo immediately caught it and sensed it, and found that there were actually fifty eternal gold coins inside. Chen Mo immediately smiled with satisfaction: "It's quite enough, thank you, Lord Leader, for thickening it."

   "By the way, add Tiandao system friends, if you encounter any urgent matters, you can contact us."


   "Okay, you can go back first, we will arrange the rest."

   "Okay, then I will take my leave first, by the way, there is one more thing..."

  Just as he got up and walked to the door, Chen Mo suddenly remembered what to say and turned around.

  The three leaders immediately looked at him curiously.

   "If you can't find the person who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao before, if you can't find anyone, you should withdraw all the people. It will be more valuable to use them all to find aliens."

  After saying this, Chen Mo left the room directly.

   Only the three lords were left looking at each other without words for a while.

  After counting breaths, Brenda was the first to speak: "Is this child's last sentence meaning?"

   "How much do you believe what he said today?" After returning to his seat, Jiang Yun looked around and asked.

"According to his previous strange behavior, I think the credibility is quite high. Of course, we still need to strengthen the investigation. If it is confirmed that the source of his 20 billion money cannot be verified, then there is no other possibility except to bet on the activities of the Milky Way. up.

   That means he was level 20 that day. "

   "Indeed, let's investigate first. After investigating this matter clearly, many things will become clearer."

   "Then what he said last, shall we listen?"

  Marcus looked towards the door noncommittally.

  In the last sentence, Chen Mo almost admitted that he was the one who triggered the voices of the Great Dao.

   "But there is a reminder of the five-star initial hidden occupation in the Voice of the Great Dao. Could it be that the child's changed occupation is..."

"It's really possible. Although I think most of what he said is true, there are many things that are not right, and there are still many questions that we need to clarify." Jiang Yun recalled asking his subordinates to get it Chen Mo's information, and found that some problems are not right.

   "You think the same as I do, and I also feel that some things are not clear."

   "Well, send someone to protect his family first. We will have the opportunity to investigate and ask slowly about him in the future to clarify everything!"

  Leaving the academy alliance headquarters, Chen Mo was teleported back to the school.

  As soon as he returned to school, he was caught by Su Tianxin.

   "Still running, where are you going!"

   Seeing the teacher rushing over aggressively, Chen Mo was naturally frightened and prepared to run away, but he was still caught.

   Seeing that he was about to be scolded again, he immediately said quickly: "Teacher, let me tell you a secret."

  As soon as these words came out, Su Tianxin temporarily stopped.

   At this time, Chen Mo leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Everything I say is taught by the Academy Alliance."

  He threw the cauldron directly at the head of the college alliance, but it was completely reasonable to Su Tianxin and the nearby teachers.

  After all, they didn't think Chen Mo himself had the guts to say such things.

  Su Tianxin looked at Chen Mo and said, "Then you can pass the 50th level because of the participation of the Academy Alliance?"

   "Shhh, it's all a secret, you can't tell it."

  Chen Mo whispered again.

   But no matter how softly you speak, the teachers around you can hear you clearly.

   Soon the news reached Langu.

   Originally, Langu had already guessed that the college alliance was playing tricks, but now he was even more convinced.

  He was even less interested in Chen Mo.

   Just to be careful, he decided to send someone to investigate carefully.

   After explaining at school, Chen Mocai was finally sent home by the teachers.

   But along the way, Su Tianxin personally escorted him back, for fear that Chen Mo's previous words would really provoke an attack from aliens.

  Chen Mo pushed again and again to no avail, so she had to be escorted by her.

   "Chen Mo, I shouldn't have said some things if they were arranged by the college alliance, but no matter what the arrangements are, you must learn to refuse to know anything that endangers your own safety in the future?"

   On the road, Sutian said with concern.

   "I know." Chen Mo nodded.

   "I know you are still so obedient this time." Su Tianxin glared at Chen Mo.

   "I didn't know this until you told me." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"You kid, you usually look very smart, but it's easy to be used at this time. In short, you should be more careful in the future. You are going to university soon, and the teacher will not be able to take care of you. From now on, you will have to rely on yourself .”

  Hearing this, Chen Mo really felt a little sad.

  After all these years in Haibin No. 2 Middle School, I also have a deep relationship with the teacher.

   I left suddenly, I was really sad.

  Especially the teacher is still so responsible and caring for himself in the end.

  Even if he is just an ordinary skeleton mage on the bright side.

  For this good teacher, she will not have any prejudice against students because of their final achievements.

  After delivering it home, Chen Mo originally planned to invite the teacher in for a cup of tea, but Su Tianxin had something to do and left first.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't try to keep him.

  Back home, Chen Mo saw that Sister Yiyi had made a large table of delicious food waiting for him, which surprised him.

   "Sister Yiyi, how did you make it so rich again today?"

   "Isn't it that your college entrance examination is over? I thought that the richness I made in advance is equivalent to celebrating for you. Then you should come back with good grades in the exam."

   "It's too metaphysical." Chen Mo laughed, "But it's very useful. I got full marks in the college entrance examination this time, and a top university is in sight."

   "Top university!?" Liu Yiyi almost suspected that she had heard it wrong.

   "Yes, you heard it right, it is a top university, the best top university in the world."

   Chen Mo repeated with a smile.

   "Great, great!"

  Suddenly Liu Yiyi was so happy that she stood up excitedly, dancing for a while, she didn't know why.

   Soon, the first thing she realized was to announce the good news to her relatives and friends first.

   Immediately, she notified each message and phone call.

  Seeing Liu Yiyi excitedly reporting the good news for an hour, Chen Mo couldn't help but also laughed.

  Even though Sister Yiyi laughed a lot before, it was a gentle smile. Chen Mo rarely saw such an unbridled and indulgent happy smile.

   It can even be said that I have never seen it at all.

   This time, seeing her smiling face knowingly, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel happy about his achievement.

   What he is happy about is that this result can make sister Yiyi so happy from the bottom of her heart.

  Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong heard that Chen Mo's college entrance examination results were so good, they were also excited and said they would buy a bus ticket to celebrate Chen Mo.

   "There is no need to buy tickets, I can bring you here now."

  Chen Mo leaned over to the phone and said.

   "Are you going to fly over?"

  Remembering that Chen Mo could fly, the old couple said with a smile.

   "Faster than flying."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, a magic staff suddenly appeared in his hand and touched the ground, and a teleportation mark appeared on the ground.

   As soon as his mind moved, the next moment he had already appeared at his grandparents' house using the flash of the gods.

  Before Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong spoke, Chen Mo activated the teleportation treasure ring again, and when they received the teleportation prompt, the two did not refuse.

   With a flash of light, the two were teleported by the group to the home where Chen Mo had just left the teleportation mark.

   "Momo, your teleportation ability is so powerful, it can come and go as fast as the teleportation array."

  Liu Yuanzong said in surprise.

   "The ability is similar to that of the teleportation array. Sister Yiyi just cooked a large table of dishes and said that it was prepared in advance to celebrate. Let's eat together."

   Chen Mo smiled and moved two chairs over.

  As the four people came to the table, the three elders all looked at Chen Mo with smiles on their faces, and rewarded him with food in Chen Mo's bowl one by one.

  After a while, the dishes in Chen Mo's bowl were almost full.

   This made Chen Mo dumbfounded.

   "You guys eat too, I can't eat so much by myself."

  In the happy and harmonious atmosphere of the family, a table of dishes can be regarded as being processed.

  Chen Mo stroked his chubby belly and said, "Grandpa, grandma, sister Yiyi and I bought a big house next to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance. We will go to see the house together in two days. You are ready to move here together when the time comes."

  "Global Academy Alliance headquarters?" Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong looked at each other unexpectedly, wondering if they heard it wrong.

   Chen Mo nodded with a smile.

   "I heard that the price of the house next to the headquarters of our municipal college alliance is very high. It seems to cost billions. How much is the house at the headquarters of the global college alliance?" Qiu Yuehong asked in disbelief.

  Liu Yuanzong knew more about these things. He said in a daze, "The old house is at least 10 billion yuan, and the new house is probably about 20 billion yuan."

   "Grandpa, your guess is quite accurate, it is 20 billion."

   Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "What? 20 billion!? This is too expensive." Qiu Yuehong was shocked.

   She has never even heard of such an expensive house, let alone lived in it.

   "Price is not an issue, the key is safety. If you live next to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance, you won't have to worry about encountering celebrities and aliens.

   In this way, I can feel more at ease when I take risks outside. You also know that some famous lunatics sometimes go crazy and kill people. "

   What Chen Mo said was true to the ears of Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong.

   Living in some unprotected places, if a famous person with a mental illness appears, it is really possible to hurt innocent people.

  In order to reassure children, being a parent should indeed live in a safer place.

   Seeing this, the two didn't say anything more.

   Comforted grandparents and told them to pack up the things they needed to take away in the past two days and prepare to move. Chen Mo sent them back.

   After saying goodbye to grandparents and sister Yiyi, Chen Mo went back to his room, washed up and lay down on the bed.

  Finally, the college entrance examination was over, and he couldn't help thinking about his life and arrangements after entering the university. He heard that the competition for resources in the university was quite fierce, and he didn't know what the specific environment was.

  (end of this chapter)

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