Chapter 208 Relegation rules!

  Chen Mo slept soundly that night, but the three leaders in the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance couldn't sleep at all.

   After all, they learned such important news from Chen Mo.

  The initial career star rating can be changed, and it may even be upgraded to a five-star initial hidden career that has never appeared before.

  Just this news was enough to make them so excited that they couldn't sleep.

   But it's not just this that's keeping them awake at the moment.

   It's about Chen Mo.

   After talking with Chen Mo during the day, although they felt that Chen Mo's performance was very believable, the more so, the more questions lingered in their minds.

  So they urgently called out all the information related to Chen Mo and the Voice of the Great Dao that day.

  The more they checked, the more puzzled they became.

  If what Chen Mo said is true, then all the other things that happened after he awakened the initial hidden class can be barely explained as this initial hidden class is very powerful.

  But the problem at hand is not the only one.

  The three of them sorted it out based on the clues in front of them.

  According to the order in which the Voice of the Great Dao was triggered, they sorted out a timeline.

  Assuming that everything Chen Mo said is true, then the clearest time point and demarcation point is the time point when the awakening of the initial hidden profession triggers the voice of the avenue.

   But there are several questions involved.

   The first question, according to Chen Mo himself, if you want to get this initial hidden job, the first thing you need to do is a SSS level hidden job with a very high mortality rate!

  Then before completing this super difficult task and obtaining the initial hidden profession, isn't this kid still the two-star skeleton mage?

  A two-star skeleton mage was able to complete a hidden task of SSS level difficulty with a high death rate?

  With this level of difficulty, even a five-star player would not dare to say that he would not die.

  He can live through this, so how lucky is this kid?

   I'm afraid I can't pick such one out of hundreds of millions!

   But in view of the fact that Chen Mo happened to encounter the fact that the copy of the crack became the copy of the stars.

  If he didn't directly choose to escape at that time, he probably encountered a rule restricting teleportation.

   At that time, the Voice of the Great Dao at level 15 had never sounded, that is to say, Chen Mo was at level 15 at the highest level.

  In this case, if you encounter a copy of the stars and cannot teleport, it is already a dead end.

  In a situation where death is inevitable, it is normal to risk your life to challenge difficult tasks with a high death rate.

   After all, it is better to die in a difficult task than to die in the hands of aliens.

   This is unreasonable, and the three lords will just ignore it as luck.

  But for the next few questions, it is not luck that makes sense.

   That is, before Chen Mo awakened the five-star initial hidden profession, there were three voices of the Great Dao.

  A level 5 SSS-level breakthrough assessment!

  A hidden achievement for a lone God of War!

   A level 10 SSS-level breakthrough assessment!

  Among them, level 10 SSS-level breakthrough assessment can temporarily be swept away with the sweeping roll obtained at level 5, which is temporarily ignored.

  Just talk about the two previous voices of the avenue.

  This is full of all kinds of incomprehensible.

  However, among all kinds of incomprehension, the report from the investigation fits extremely well.

  According to the report from the following survey.

   On the day when the Voice of the Great Dao was triggered in the Level 5 SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment, Chen Mo also passed the Level 5 Boundary Breakthrough Assessment, and the challenge was still S-level or above.

  Because his people disappeared directly at that time.

   This means that you have passed a level-s-difficulty breaking test, and you need to enter a specific instance before disappearing in place.

   Later, when he came out, he was mistaken by the principal for entering the S-level difficulty breaking the boundary assessment, and he was scolded.

   Shortly after Chen Mo came out of the boundary-breaking assessment space, the Voice of the Great Dao rang out.

  Because at that time everyone knew that Chen Mo was just a two-star skeleton mage, so no one thought about him.

  This is impossible in conventional cognition.

  But now according to the information revealed by Chen Mo himself, it is quite perfect!

   And it's not just that.

  After that, the Lord of Mutations appeared nearby.

  According to the report, Chen Mo got lost in it for a long while to inform the students who were still taking the novice assessment in the forest.

  In the end, the county-level college union urgently found a 20-level professional to go in and search for him before finding him and bringing him out.

  According to the description of the level 20 professional, when she entered, she still heard some fighting sounds.

  Just waiting for her to approach, the Lord of Mutations had already been killed, and she only saw messy footprints on the battlefield.

  The guess is that an elite team sent away directly after killing the Lord of Mutations.

  But later inspector Ling Yu felt that something was wrong after inspecting the traces on the scene, so he asked people to do a new inspection.

  The final conclusion is that these footprints are not very likely to be traces left by humans.

  But there were so many footprints at that time, who would have thought that a skeleton mage less than level 15 could summon a lot of skeleton monsters.

   Naturally, Chen Mo was ignored again.

  Everyone is just curious about which group of 20-level elite teams can have so many summons.

  But it was ignored at the beginning, and now it is pushed back.

  However, it was discovered that Chen Mo was the only one inside the rule barrier after the Lord of Mutations appeared.

  If Chen Mo had a very strong combat power at that time, it would not be impossible for him to kill the Lord of Mutations alone and trigger the Voice of the Great Dao.

  In particular, I got back the information from the original investigation files, which recorded that the sources of those footprints were speculated to be a large number of summoned objects, and the inferred types of summoned objects included undead summoned units.

   Not only skeletons wear shoes.

  Humanoid summons basically wear shoes, such as goblins, various spirits, and so on.

  So no one connected this matter with Chen Mo at the time.

  Now in turn, I want to put Chen Mo's words on the top.

  That's really unreasonable.

   With all the timelines and all the clues sorted out.

  They are becoming more and more convinced of the authenticity of what Chen Mo said.

  But the doubts in my heart are getting bigger and bigger.

  Because according to the current conclusion, Chen Mo needs to have a very strong combat power before awakening the only initial hidden profession.

   This is so incredible.

   Skeleton Mage is notoriously weak in the early stage.

   As a result, he showed amazing combat effectiveness in the early stage.

   It's unbelievable.

   It can be seen that before Chen Mo awakened and initially hid his profession, there was an unknown secret hidden in him.

   And it is enough to increase his combat effectiveness to an astonishing level.

   "This child is willing to reveal the initial hidden occupation, but he is unwilling to reveal even a single word of this secret.

   Presumably there is something hidden that cannot be humane. "Jiang Yun looked at the information related to Chen Mo in front of him and guessed.

"If it's something that can't be popularized, it's okay if he doesn't say it. At least from the current timeline, the related events triggered by him and the Voice of the Great Dao are all on the right track. From this point, we can basically confirm everything he said. It's true." Brenda folded her arms and looked at the information in front of her and said.

   "I said how the sound of the road is so easy to trigger recently. It turned out that it was all made by one person." Marcus laughed.

   "This kid has successfully entered a top university this time, should I ask Tianke University to take care of him?"

   "No need. With this kid's strength, he doesn't need to take special care of him and he has enough ability to earn what he deserves. It would be deliberate to take more care of him. Let him grow naturally."

   "If it is as he revealed, it means that he has a lot of SSS rewards on his own, and he really doesn't need us to take special care of him."

   "With so many good babies on him, it's no wonder he's so confident in his ability to save his life."

   "Speaking of which, this kid is also an interesting guy. As the saying goes, what is false is true, what is true is false. He deliberately did this today, and the aliens will be less likely to think about him.

  Even we are caught in the limitations of cognition. Without knowing that the initial star rating can be changed, it is impossible to include him in the target of suspicion, and the aliens are even more unexpected. "

   "I said that the target is so easy to find. After searching for two or three days, I haven't found any clues. It turns out that this target has exceeded the cognition of normal people?"

   After going back through some clues, the three leaders confirmed the authenticity of what Chen Mo said.

   It's just that I don't know what secret is hidden in Chen Mo.

   "Should we send rank five to protect him secretly? It's just that we are already very tight now as rank five powerhouses."

"Let's forget it. Sending the top five ranks will attract more attention from the aliens. These aliens have some very weird assassination methods. If they really want to kill the net and send the top four ranks to assassinate, the ordinary five ranks may not be able to fully protect them." , it’s better not to increase the suspicion of the target.”

   It is very difficult to counterattack at the fourth turn and attack the fifth turn, but if you can pay a huge price, then it is still possible to kill people under the nose of the fifth turn.

   "Indeed, we will continue to maintain the attitude of sending people out to search. Seeing that we are still looking for people on a large scale, the aliens obviously will not suspect this child.

   Just send some people to guard him secretly. After all, he uttered wild words this time. It is reasonable for us to send some people to guard him. Aliens will not doubt anything if they see it.

  The key now is to take advantage of this time to completely eradicate the alien cancer as soon as possible. "

   "Recently, we have followed the vines and eradicated a lot. It is estimated that the aliens are already in a state of distress at this time. We must prepare for their counterattack when they die. When they go completely crazy, I am afraid that a disaster will inevitably occur.

   After all, the Teleportation Land is closed now, even if they want to return to their own planet, they have no choice but to have a Boundary Breaker Stone. "

   "Recently, the actions of the Eternal Star System in the Tower of Aion have inexplicably slowed down. I'm afraid they are planning to trigger our natural disaster at the right time. Our natural disaster cooling down period has passed for more than a month."

  Natural disaster is a terrible disaster that will bring a large number of terrifying and powerful monsters to the unsafe area on the corresponding galaxy life planet.

  But after these monsters are born in non-safe areas, they will attack towards safe areas.

  If it is not dealt with in time, it will cause a devastating blow to the people living in the safe zone.

   Generally, a large number of powerful people are needed to fight together.

  After a natural disaster is triggered, there is a certain cooling period, at least within 100 days, there will not be two consecutive natural disasters.

  If when a natural disaster strikes, someone inside suddenly makes trouble, it will be a real enemy.

   This point still needs to be guarded against.

   After discussing Chen Mo's matter, the three leaders did not go back to sleep immediately, but immediately dealt with other matters.

  Being the head of the Global Academy Alliance is not so easy. There are a lot of affairs to be dealt with every day, which can be said to be quite energy-consuming.

  When they dealt with affairs overnight until morning, Chen Mo was still enjoying the lazy sleep after the college entrance examination.

   After sleeping until 8 o'clock, Chen Mo stretched lazily and got up.

  He sensed his surroundings the first time he woke up.

   It turned out that the Academy Alliance actually sent five people to look after them.

   Regarding this, Chen Mo didn't care, anyway, everything that should be revealed has been revealed.

  After getting up and washing up, he was ready to carry out the super **** trial that had been put on hold before. After all, nothing had happened in the past few days.

  Although the holidays of students in this world are very short.

  After the college entrance examination, there is usually only a week or so of rest time for students to relax, and then college life will begin.

   But this time, the copy of the college entrance examination made an error, which made the rest time even shorter.

   Fortunately, the college alliance posted a notice that all university admissions will be postponed for three days, so that everyone has enough time to rest and choose the school they want to go to.

  However, there is only one Tianke University in the world as a top university, so Chen Mo doesn't need to choose.

   Wait until the score line is announced, and just go to sign up.

   After breakfast, he told Sister Yiyi that he had to do a day-consuming task. Chen Mo went back to his room, breathed out the Heavenly Dao System in a flash of his mind, and started the super **** trial!

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are about to go to the trial tower for a super **** trial. No matter how long it has been in the trial tower, it will take a day for the outside world.

  In the Super God Trial, there is only one chance to challenge each time. No matter whether the challenge succeeds or fails, the level cap will be opened.

   But please note that failure to participate in the Super God Trial will cause you to lose all current experience points, and if you die in the Super God Trial, although it will not lead to your real death, it will cause your level to drop! 】

   "Not only will the experience points be deducted, but there is also the possibility of downgrading?"

  The concept of relegation in this world is the same as that in the game, but the rules are different.

   It is not simply a matter of dropping a few levels and earning some experience points to get back up.

  After you lose a level, your current level will drop, and your attribute points will be rolled back.

   But the experience value you need to upgrade will not change until you upgrade back to the current level.

   That is to say, originally you only needed 100 experience points to upgrade from level 1 to level 2, and you only needed 500 experience points to upgrade from level 2 to level 3.

  And now you drop directly from level 20 to level 1.

  The experience points you need to upgrade from level 1 to level 2 will be the same as before from level 20 to level 21, which requires 375,200 experience points.

   It will take the same amount to upgrade from level 2 to level 3, and it will continue until you upgrade back to level 20.

   This is only a case of falling down from level 20. If you fall down from level 40 or 60, the experience points required will be even more terrifying.

   But in general, the demand for experience points will increase greatly if you lose a level after dying, which is better than dying directly.

  (end of this chapter)

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