Chapter 209 Suppression is stronger than explosion!

  In fact, sometimes the challenge that will not die is more difficult than the challenge that will die.

  Because it won't let you die, so when Tiandao sets the difficulty, it may be set to be more perverted.

  Chen Mo hopes that this is not the case in the trial tower.

   Otherwise, it would be quite cheating.

   Following Chen Mo's confirmation.

  The surrounding scene changed, and he appeared in a tower made of unknown stones.

  The bottom of the tower is paved with a piece of brown stone, and the body of the tower is made of a large piece of dark stone.

   This makes the environment in the tower feel depressing.

  Chen Mo just came in when he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Welcome to the Super God Trial Tower! After entering the trial tower, you have the opportunity to challenge ten floors in a row. There are only three opportunities to challenge each floor. If the three opportunities are exhausted and fail to pass, the challenge will be judged as a failure. Please note that when you find that you are invincible, try to press the stop challenge button. Don't end up dead or face a relegation penalty!

In the trial tower, every time you reach the fourth floor, seventh floor, and tenth floor, you will get a chance to receive a reward and exit the trial. If you feel that your strength is not enough in the middle, it is also an excellent choice to leave early . 】

   "It's quite conscientious. It's pretty good to be able to withdraw with a reward halfway through."

  Chen Mo still likes this rule.

   At this time, the reminder of Heavenly Dao is still continuing.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Each floor has a trial start button. If you are ready, you can press the trial start button to start the trial, and complete the trial tasks according to the requirements of each floor.

  If you feel unbearable in the middle, you can stop at any time, but it will consume a trial opportunity on this floor. 】

   Following the display of the Heavenly Dao prompt, Chen Mo saw a button lit up in the center of the first floor.

   "It seems that this is the button to start the trial."

  Chen Mo walked to the side of the button, did not step on it directly, but started to brush the skeleton monster.

  Anyway, no matter how long you stay in the tower, you can go out for a day, and there is no time limit in the tower, so you can't let yourself be refreshed!

  However, after the skills are upgraded, it is really not easy to get the highest number of summons.

   After a full 15 minutes of swiping, Chen Mo finally triggered the one in 400 chance and summoned 400 times as many skeleton monsters.

  A total of two million skeleton monsters spread out in a mighty way, so densely packed that you can't see the edge.

  However, this strange trial tower seems to automatically expand the space. When Chen Mo first came in, the area he perceived was not very wide, only about a thousand square meters.

  This time he deliberately didn't use the skeleton monsters summoned directly by God's Hidden, but no matter how these skeleton monsters were spread out, they couldn't cover the entire first floor of the trial tower.

  With the increase of skeleton monsters, the space on the first floor of the trial tower is constantly expanding.

   Until it expanded to the extent that it now covers an area of ​​about 600,000 square meters, it is as big as dozens of football fields!

  Two million skeleton monsters, this is already an extremely huge number.

  If such a number of skeleton monsters are used to attack the city, it is enough to be called a wave of corpses.

  Chen Mo couldn't help recalling the battle of the Three Kingdoms, which was said to have an army of one million. In reality, there was not even one million, but it was enough to bring a strong sense of oppression.

   And in front of him is a real army of millions.

   "It turns out that this is what it feels like to have an army of millions." Chen Mo felt very refreshed at this moment.

   After feeling the huge number of two million skeleton monsters, he finally opened the **** hidden, gathering so many densely packed skeleton monsters into a superimposed state.

  After all, spreading too much will greatly affect the output efficiency and accuracy.

  At this point, all the skeleton monsters are superimposed to the same position by relying on the invisible non-collision volume, and it looks as if there is only one skeleton monster.

   After finishing these, Chen Mo stepped on the trial start button.

[Heavenly reminder: The trial on the first floor of the trial tower has officially started. The content of the first floor trial is the phantom of the gods. You can pass the level by killing the phantom of the gods on this floor. Please note that the level of the phantom of the gods is the same as yours. It is the same as the gold boss of the same level, but the divine power is fixed to be 10 points higher than yours, and the divine power is fully effective. 】

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo was speechless for a while.

  My own divine power can only take effect of one-tenth of the effect, but the phantom of the opponent's **** can fully take effect, isn't it a shame?

  1 point of divine power can increase all attributes by 100%. If the opponent's 20 points of divine power can all take effect, wouldn't it increase the attribute by 20 times?

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a burst of light shone in the middle of the trial tower, and a huge strange monster with a sheep's head appeared directly in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo immediately perceived the opponent's attributes.

  My good guy, this guy's basic attribute is really level 20, and a gold-level boss enjoys 20 points of divine power.

  However, the attributes of the 20th-level first-rank gold boss are not very high, and the blood volume is only more than 700 million. Even if it is increased by 20 times, it is only more than 14 billion.

  Chen Mo has already prepared 2 million skeleton monsters to watch him.

  Because the number has reached one million, the assembly effect has reached the third level. At this time, even if Chen Mo does not add the Undead Worship and the Amplifying God Ring, the attack power of each skeleton monster has reached 2459688 points.

  The attack power of a skeleton monster is close to 2.46 million, and if two million skeleton monsters attack together, they can deal 4920 billion damage even without a critical strike.

   It is enough to easily kill the opponent in seconds.

  Of course, due to the suppression of the divine power, the damage of the skeleton monster cannot be fully dealt with. Even if Chen Mo has 10 points of divine power, it can offset at most 10 points of the opponent's divine power.

  The opponent can still take 10 points of divine power into effect.

   As I said before, for every 1 point of divine power missing, all effects will be reduced by 1%.

   All effects include the damage caused.

   In other words, 10 points of divine power are enough to reduce damage by 10%.

  If the gap is 100 points, it can directly reduce your damage.

  Of course, the other party doesn't have such a high level of divine power at present, and the difference of only 10 points of divine power cannot bring about a qualitative change.

   The damage of the skeleton monster is 4920 billion, even if it is reduced by 10%, there are still 4428 billion left.

   Still not something the other party can bear.

   This still doesn't count critical strikes.

  If all of Chen Mo's high explosive injuries are counted, then the opponent will be shattered in seconds.

  The moment Chen Mo checked the opponent's attributes, he sealed some of the opponent's ability to reduce damage.

   This kind of **** phantom is also considered a god-level unit. Chen Mo's title of God-slaying Challenger is simply not very easy to use.

  And the title of God of Bravery can also take effect at the same time.

  Double seal directly, and the opponent has few abilities to continue using.

  Followed by two million skeleton monsters, they shot down in a salvo.

  The phantom of the sheep-headed **** didn't even have a chance to make a move, so it exploded with a "bang", turning into a large group of light spots.

   "It seems that the difficulty of this trial is not high. There is so little strange blood on the first floor, and the second floor may not be much higher. It is estimated that there will only be 10 more divinity points."

  Looking at the phantom of the gods that collapsed into a pile of light spots, Chen Mo muttered in his heart, and the reminder of the Heavenly Dao sounded in time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully completed the first trial of the Super God Trial Tower. You still need to challenge three levels to get rewards. Do you want to continue to challenge? 】

  Chen Mo immediately clicked to continue, only to hear the sound of "rumbling", a layer of space suddenly appeared in his head, and a staircase leading to the upper floor appeared in front of him.

  As Chen Mo entered the second floor with the skeleton monster, another "cracking" sound passed, and the space on the next floor was completely sealed.

  Chen Mo looked around and found that there was no difference between the second floor and the first floor, and he couldn't even feel the difference.

  This time, there is no need for a reminder from Heavenly Dao. When he saw the button, Chen Mo stepped on it.

   Immediately after the Heavenly Dao prompt, it rang, and it was basically consistent with Chen Mo's guess.

[Heavenly reminder: The trial on the second floor of the trial tower has officially started. The content of the second floor trial is the challenge of the divine beast avatar. You can pass the level by killing the divine beast avatar on this floor. Please note that the divine beast avatar has the same level as you, and the attributes are the same The level of the gold boss is the same, but the divine power is fixed to be 20 points higher than yours, and the divine power is fully effective. 】

  As Chen Mo predicted before, the opponent on the second floor is 20 points higher than his divine power.

  However, after such a calculation, Chen Mo felt that if he reached the tenth floor, what would he do?

   100 more points? Directly reduce damage by 100%?

  If it weren't for the fact that I still have a little more damage on my body, I'm afraid I don't even need to hit him.

  This trial is a bit too outrageous.

   Just when Chen Mo complained about the difficulty of the trial, after a burst of lightning and thunder, a dragon covered in green scales and flying in the air appeared in front of him.

   "It looks like the blue dragon in our myths and legends."

  Chen Mo had sensed the attributes of the other party while speaking, and found that the divine beast on the opposite side was actually directly called the divine beast Qinglong.

   "It is said that the trials of the Dao of Heaven will often select legendary monsters and characters that have been passed down from various races. It seems to be true."

  Although it is a mythical beast in the myths and legends of his own nation, Chen Mo's actions were not ambiguous at all.

   Directly send a letter of the opponent's main ability, and order the skeleton monsters to launch a salvo.

  As the two million skeleton monsters stacked together launched attacks at the same time, this blue dragon only felt that it was hit by a rainstorm pear blossom needle, and it couldn't bear the damage at all, and it was instantly killed.

  Although it has 30 points of divine power, its blood volume has reached more than 21 billion, and it can reduce the damage caused by the skeleton monster by 20%, but this still cannot stop the high attack power of the skeleton monster.

  The main thing is that Chen Mo has an omnipotent converter. As long as it is converted into solid damage, the opponent's defense will be useless. No matter how many times it is doubled, it will be nothing.

   Otherwise, it can greatly reduce the damage of the skeleton monster.

   Unfortunately, now he can't.


  As the green dragon let out a dragon cry before dying, it fell from the air to the ground with a "bang" sound, completely dead.

   "Where is the Qinglong undead?"

  Chen Mo discovered that no undead appeared after Qinglong died.

  Before the first floor was a phantom, no undead appeared after death, Chen Mo can understand it.

   But this green dragon is obviously a real entity, why are there no undead?

  Chen Mo immediately inquired, and found out that the soul of the avatar is a part of the body, and the soul will return to the body after the avatar dies.

   The other party has no soul and naturally cannot be transformed into an undead.

  After getting this explanation, Chen Mo had nothing to say.

  However, Chen Mo discovered that the body of Qinglong's avatar hadn't been wiped away.

   "Huh? Don't you recycle the corpse? Then can I take it back and find a decomposer to decompose it?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately reached out to touch the body of Xiang Qinglong's avatar.

   It turned out that he was thinking too much.

  【Heavenly reminder: Objects in the trial tower are prohibited from being transferred. 】


  Chen Mo complained, and then looked back at the corpse of the Qinglong avatar. This is the corpse of a divine beast. If it can be decomposed, there are definitely many good things.

   What a pity.

  As the passage on the next floor appeared, Chen Mo took the skeleton monster into the trial space of the third floor without hesitating.

   "After passing this level, you can see the reward after another level."

  Chen Mo is really looking forward to it. There will definitely be divine power rewards, but besides the divine power rewards, I don’t know if the Super God Trial Tower will give any other good things.

  Following Chen Mo into the third floor, it is still the same as the previous floor.

  After a brief introduction, a god-level puppet appeared in front of Chen Mo.

   This made Chen Mo speechless, it was just a puppet, and it was actually stronger than the phantom of the gods and the avatar of the beast.

   Divine power is as high as 40 points.

   But still can't stop the strength of his skeleton monster.

   If you don't last a round, you will be seconded.

  Because he knew he couldn't take anything with him, Chen Mo had no interest in the broken god-level puppets.

   Otherwise high and low to take it out.

  This kind of powerful puppet with 40 points of divine power, but I have never heard of it.

  As soon as the god-level puppet died, the passage on the fourth floor opened immediately.

   Coming to the fourth floor, Chen Mo directly pressed the start trial button with ease.

[Heavenly reminder: The trial on the fourth floor of the trial tower has officially started. The content of the fourth floor trial is to challenge all the enemies on the first three floors at the same time. You can pass the level by killing all the enemies on this floor. Please note that their level is the same as yours. The attributes are the same as the gold bosses of the same level, but the divine power is fixed to be 40 points higher than yours, and the divine power is fully effective. 】

   "Good guy, it's a bit outrageous. Three monsters appear at once, and they all count as 50 points of divine power?"

  Chen Mo was still complaining, three rays of light flashed, and three god-level units appeared in front of Chen Mo again.

  Because three came at once, Chen Mo could only selectively seal away their more difficult abilities first, instead of sealing them clean as easily as before.

   Fortunately, even if there is a difference of 40 points of divine power and a 40% damage reduction, the damage of the skeleton monster is still very stable. This amount of damage reduction is not a problem at all for the skeleton monster that is still dealing with explosive damage.

   The monsters in this super **** trial are indeed very strong, and their suppression is also abnormal.

  The further you go, the more obvious the suppression of divine power becomes.

  But the outbreak of Chen Mo's skeleton monster is more abnormal than suppression.

  With Chen Mo's thought, two million skeleton monsters immediately launched an attack on the hardest god-level puppet among them.

  This god-level puppet has a lot of damage reduction ability, Chen Mo needs to spend a lot of sealing opportunities to seal his ability.

   So I decided to kill him first, so that the remaining two are easy to deal with when the sealing ability is low. After all, the sealing ability of his title of God Slayer Challenger has a cooldown.

  Following the three rounds of rapid-fire "swish swish" of the two million skeleton monsters, the god-level puppet was the first to be blasted into a pile of scrap iron.

   Followed by the phantom of the gods, the last one died was the clone of the green dragon.

  Among the three god-level units, only the Qinglong clone was able to attack in time because it was selected as the last target.

  But the thundercloud it summoned had just taken shape and was about to strike down lightning into the skeleton monster group, and it died suddenly on the spot!

  It died, and the thundercloud it summoned also collapsed by itself.

   The main reason is that Chen Mo chose the "Assembly" feature well. This feature can not only improve the attack power, but also increase the attack speed. Now the attack speed of the skeleton monster is very fast when combined with the worship of the undead!

  The trials of the first four floors are basically free for the current Chen Mo.

   broke through easily and quickly.

  As the three god-level units fell to the ground one after another, the reward reminder from Heavenly Dao also arrived in time.

  (end of this chapter)

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