Chapter 210 is a bit tricky! (triple)

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully clearing the fourth floor of the Super God Trial Tower. You have obtained a "Special Item God-level Gift Package".

  If you choose to quit the challenge at this time, you will also be able to gain 3 points of divine power, but after quitting, you will only be able to enter again when you get the next challenge opportunity, please also pay attention. 】

   "Special item god-level gift package?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the usage.

  【Heaven’s Tip: Special item god-level gift packs can be opened to various types of special items, generally limited items, and the quality is god-level. 】

  Chen Mo had never heard of this thing, so he immediately chose to open it out of curiosity.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Open it successfully, congratulations on getting a "Blast God Pill · Special Item (God Level! 】

  【Blast God Pill · Special Item (God Level)】: After taking it, you can immediately increase your own divine power by 50%, which lasts for 1 minute! This effect cannot be dispelled, is not immune, and its duration is not extended by any buffs and reduced by any debuffs. 】

   "Directly increase the divine power by half? What a powerful pill!"

   Seeing the effect of the Explosive Pill, Chen Mo was very surprised.

   After all, the improvement of divine power is not just a change in the confrontation between the two sides.

  Divine power can not only be used to subtract from the opponent, but also can greatly improve one's attributes.

  If a person with 100 points of divine power takes this elixir, not to mention 50% more divine power to suppress, but also increase his own attributes by 50 times from the original base, this enhancement can be described as a huge increase.

  The more divine power a unit has, the more terrifying its promotion will be.

   Directly increasing divine power is much simpler and rude than directly increasing attributes.

  Chen Mo understood at a glance that even if this elixir was just a one-time product, its value would be very high.

   "I can see such a good thing on the fourth floor, and I don't know what rewards will be given on the seventh and tenth floors."

  Chen Mo still has a little expectation.

   As for quitting halfway, it is naturally impossible. If you can get 10 points of divine power, whoever wants to get 3 points can leave.

  I still have a lot of energy left.

  As Chen Mo chose to refuse, "Crack!" The stairs leading to the fifth floor appeared.

   Arriving at the fifth floor, Chen Mo found that the space on this floor was significantly different from the previous floors.

  The space he is in now is relatively small, so small that it is only as big as a bathroom.

   Right in front of him is a huge stone gate.

   I don't know what's behind it, Chen Mo's pioneer perception ability can't even perceive it.

   Just when Chen Mo was curious about what the trial mission on the fifth floor was, the Heavenly Dao prompt followed closely.

[Tiandao reminder: The trial on the fifth floor of the trial tower has officially started. The content of the fifth floor trial is to break through the level. You need to bring four companions to break through all the levels. During the period, the number of dead teammates must not exceed two, otherwise it will be judged to be a failure. ! 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a burst of light shone around Chen Mo, and four figures appeared in an instant.

   are a tank, a nurse, and two outputs.

  Chen Mo sensed it and found that these four guys are all at the level of a 20-level five-star professional.

  But the divine power is only equal to his own, only 10 points.

   I'm afraid it's somewhat not enough to watch.

   I don’t know what level the enemies behind the door are.

  When four people appeared, the stone door opened automatically with a rattle.

   Appeared from behind the door was a small child the size of a baby.

  Chen Mo sensed the other party's attributes, and found that this kid is not simple, he actually has 30 points of divine power.

  The moment he saw the child, before Chen Mo could move, the four guys beside him charged directly at the child.

   "Hold on!"

   "These guys..."

   "Hurrying to die! This trial is really pitiful, and the teammates are not obedient at all!"

  Chen Mo was a little speechless, he could only rush to knock down the guarding enemies before his teammates killed themselves.

  With a thought, two million superimposed skeleton monsters fired arrows at the holy baby.

   But this time, he encountered a troublesome opponent.

   Perception attributes can only perceive some data attributes of the other party, but there are many hidden attributes that cannot be perceived.

   Such as action speed.

   This little kid moves surprisingly fast.

  When the attack of the skeleton monster was launched, its fat white and tender feet touched the ground, and the whole body turned into a phantom and shot out, and it actually dodged it with extremely fast movement.

  This is the disadvantage of concentrating all attacks on one point, it is too easy for the enemy to hide.

  The main reason is that this child's divine power is higher than Chen Mo's, so he can ignore his invisibility ability.

   Otherwise, it would not be possible to dodge the attack.

   Seeing that the kid was so fast, Chen Mo stopped laughing and joking with the other party, and directly ordered the skeleton monsters to disperse, and used full-scale shooting.

   When the attack density is high enough, it is useless to dodge fast.

  In an instant, there were 2 million skeleton monsters, of which 1 million mage skeletons were divided into 10,000 groups, a total of 100 groups, which were divided into 100 segments of energy bombs from high to low in the air and fired, ensuring that this kid had no place to hide.

  The remaining one million skeleton monster shooters directly adopted the method of parabolic shooting, throwing one million arrows directly into the air.

  Such a large number of arrows rained down from the sky, and the opponent also had nowhere to hide.

   Such an attack method is enough to ensure a hit.

   Seeing the other party dodging while quickly attacking the four dumbass, Chen Mo directly summoned all the mid-level undead that had been put away before.

  Yesterday at noon in the dungeon of the college entrance examination, Chen Mo's "Undead Summoning God" skill had finished cooling down. He used it once, but unfortunately he summoned a batch of mid-level undead.

   This batch triggered 150 times the number of summons, and summoned 150 "Skeleton Warriors"!

   Belonging to one hundred and fifty meat shield summons.

  For the safety of the four fools, he directly sent these one hundred and fifty meat shields to protect the four people.

  Although Chen Mo has the ability to resurrect, the key is that he is afraid that there will be a problem with the judgment of the Dao of Heaven.

  If it is a failure as long as a person dies, then resurrection is useless.

  Following the one hundred and fifty skeleton warriors casting their guardian skills, they used their taunt skills to guard the four targets that needed protection.

  Chen Mo hastened to use the skill "Summoning the Undead ●God".

   After one turn, this skill only has a 12-hour cooldown.

  It was released at noon yesterday, and it took a nap until the next morning, so it naturally cooled down long ago.

  Chen Mo immediately used it again.

   But luck is still not very good, only the middle class is summoned.

  But in fact this is also normal.

  Even if the skills have been upgraded, the chance of high-level undead summoning is still very low.

  The chance of summoning high-level undead is only 20%, the chance of summoning super-level undead is only 2%, and the chance of summoning god-level undead is only 0.02%.

  Before, Chen Mo triggered the high-level undead summoning with only a 10% chance for the first time, which was his luck.

  Although no high-level undead was summoned, the middle-level undead summoned this time is quite good.

   This time, Chen Mo triggered 50 times the chance and summoned 50 Frost Liches.

   These liches have four skills.

The first skill "Frost Explosion" can directly condense the power of frost to trigger a frost explosion at the target's location, affecting ten meters around the target. 50% off!

The second skill "Frost Shield" can put a frost shield on friendly units that lasts for 1 minute, increasing the target's defense power equivalent to its own attack power, and if the unit with frost shield is attacked Attack will reduce the attacker's attack speed by 50%.

  The third skill "Evil Mind Sucking" can directly absorb the energy of the opponent, and each time it can absorb up to 10 times the energy of its own intelligence.

The fourth skill "Frost Explosion Bomb" releases an ice blast bomb that can repeatedly bounce between multiple enemy units up to ten times, and will continue to explode. The last bounce will trigger Rice's ice burst, reducing the attack speed and movement speed of all enemy units within the range by 50%.

  Frost Lich's four skill output abilities feel the same, but the defensive ability is very good, and the interference ability is also very strong.

   Very suitable for dealing with some slippery enemies.

  The moment the Frost Lich was summoned, Chen Mo immediately ordered them to apply the Frost Demon Shield to the four protection targets.

This little kid may not be able to catch him for the time being with the ability of a lich running around by himself, but if he takes the initiative to attack and hits the frost shield, he will be slowed down by the shield given by the lich up.

  As Chen Mo summoned a lot of things, this kid will be restricted to death even if he can run.

  Especially the one hundred and fifty skeleton warriors used taunts on him continuously.

  Although he has supernatural powers to reduce the impact of taunting, he can't hold back the continuous barking of one hundred and fifty skeleton warriors.

  Even if each one can only control him for a little while, the total of one hundred and fifty will be too long.

   The moment he was affected, Chen Mo let the liches attack and slow him down!

  As his speed was slowed down, Chen Mo himself also cast an infinite healing wave.

  Although this infinite healing wave is called infinite, once a section of the healing wave is cut off, it will be cut off automatically.

   So hit him when you make sure the opponent can't dodge.

  As Chen Mo relied on a large number of summoned objects to suppress Wude, the child was eventually bombarded and killed, turning into a cloud of mist and disappearing in this space.

   "Is this little doll also the avatar of some god?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help recalling the effect of the Holy Fruit of Rejuvenating Beauty. If someone wants to, it is really possible to return to the appearance of a child directly.

  But I don't know what kind of psychology I have.

  As the strange child was wiped out, the stone door of the next level immediately opened with a clatter, without giving Chen Mo any time to react.

  The moment the door opened, Chen Mo saw the four idiots charging towards the next level.

  Chen Mo was speechless in his heart, and he ran in front of them with a flicker of a god.

  He didn't even bother to look at the monster in the second area, so he called all his subordinates back to him with a thought, and started a beating against the monster.

  By the time the four **** ran over, he had already dealt with the monsters in the second level.

  Before Chen Mo could breathe a sigh of relief, the stone gates from the second to the third level had already been opened.

  Chen Mo saw that the four **** not only continued to charge towards the next area, but the nanny in the team even released a group to accelerate, for fear that the charge would not be fast enough!

  Seeing this scene, Chen Mo was speechless for a while.

   "Sure enough, these four guys sent by Tiandao are here to trick me."

  Chen Mo ignored them, and ran in front of them with a flicker of a god.

  When entering the third checkpoint, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Reminder: This is the last level. This level is a survival level. Please persist for 10 minutes while ensuring that no more than two teammates die. 】

   "What a trap!"

  If these four people are obedient, it will be easy to protect them.

  The key point is that these four people are not obedient at all. They have their own ideas about where the danger is going.

  Chen Mo couldn't control them at all.

  As the reminder of the way of heaven ended, the bosses that appeared in the previous layers immediately and continuously appeared around.

  The moment these bosses came out, the four of them rushed to chop the bosses in a hurry.

  Looking at it, Chen Mo wished he could knock them all out.

   But unfortunately, these four units have no collision volume with his unit.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster wants to surround them, or hold them back.

  They directly penetrated the skeleton monster.

   This made Chen Mo very helpless.

   We can only try our best to kill the BOSS in front of them, lest there will be dead people between them.

   Fortunately, there are enough summons, and the explosion is high enough. The boss just came out without even a chance to make a move, and he was directly killed in seconds.

   There is no chance to give those four fools.

  Five minutes later, the BOSS's divine power has been getting higher and higher.

  At the last minute, all the bosses spawned had 50 points of divine power.

  After ten minutes of non-stop output from the undead army under his hands, Chen Mo finally passed this level.

  Just after passing the level, he saw the four guys still happily celebrating.

   Good guy, the four idiots in the audience didn't do anything, they only wanted to make trouble, and they were embarrassed to celebrate.

   "Damn heaven, don't come to the next floor to have this kind of trial in the underworld."

   But it's a pity, as Chen Mo entered the sixth floor, this time it was even worse. He sent eight people directly, and if four people died, it would be considered a failure.

  If it weren't for the eight guys on this floor who could finally follow his command, Chen Mo's mentality would explode.

  Under his order, the eight people stayed where they were, while Chen Mo entered the checkpoint with an army of undead.

   This layer is four levels.

  But for Chen Mo's army of millions of skeletons, it is completely difficult to push flatly.

   After a while, he reached the last level.

  The last level is another god-level puppet with a full sixty points of divine power.

   A level 20 gold boss with 60 points of divine power has only 44.2 billion health points.

  After the divine power is cancelled, even if the damage is directly cut in half, Chen Mo's skeleton monster is still enough to instantly kill this god-level puppet.

   It was only a one-off meeting, and Chen Mo gave it away in seconds.

   "It's still comfortable to play alone, it's not easy to protect those scammers.

  In case of encountering a boss with extremely fast shots, killing those **** in seconds will be a trap. "

   Entering the seventh floor, this time Chen Mo has nine more teammates.

  But this time, the teammates I gave were very powerful, with all of their divine power up to 70 points.

   Finally, it is not the kind of 10 points of divine power to die.

  But it was precisely because their divine power was high enough that Chen Mo felt that this level should be more difficult.

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo was obviously a little surprised.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Please defeat the boss on this floor with the help of your teammates. When you are ready, please press the challenge start button. 】

   "This floor seems to be one level, guarding the boss? One or a lot? Arrange nine helpers with 70 points of divine power for me, maybe there are a lot of bosses?"

  Kuchacha! !

   Just when Chen Mo thought so, after a burst of lightning and thunder, a strange guy with two wings and a sharp beak monkey cheek appeared in front of Chen Mo in the sky.

  Although it is inside the tower, every floor in the tower has its own space.

  It seems that the first floor can expand and extend infinitely, and the seventh floor has a high altitude that can't be seen.

   This monster that looks like the legendary Lei Zhenzi just flies in the air.

   "If I remember correctly, this is a level 20 super **** trial. I haven't unlocked flying in one turn, and I have arranged a flying boss? What a scam."

  Although Chen Mo himself has the ability to fly, what he considers is the logic of the trial setting.

   What if I don’t have the ability to fly? Facing this boss, wouldn't he be hanged and beaten?

   Just as Chen Mo was complaining, one of the two assistants among the nine people around him suddenly released a "Wings of Freedom" skill on Chen Mo.

  In an instant, a pair of white wings grew from his back.

  Because Chen Mo was carrying the duplicate **** seal, this skill was immediately recorded by his duplicate **** seal.

  Recording is an automatic act of engraving the God Seal, as long as the skills released by all units within the range of "level x 10 meters" around Chen Mo are not higher than "golden", they can be recorded.

   But among the recorded skills, Chen Mo can only choose three to keep.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't intend to keep such a useless skill.

  As this assistant releases flying skills for everyone, everyone has the ability to fly in an instant.

   This time, all nine of them were strong men with 70 points of divine power, but they didn't die so easily.

  In addition to this level, there is no saying that there will be failure penalties for teammates who die, so Chen Mo doesn't need to care about them.

   But Chen Mo felt a little strange. He had to take care of his teammates on the first two floors, but suddenly he didn’t need to take care of this one?

   Recalling that when the copy of the college entrance examination entered the last floor, the other party said that there was a test of the team leader's ability.

  Chen Mo always felt that this was a bit tricky, so he immediately asked the nine people around him not to act in a hurry.

  At this time, he was perceiving the attributes of the Thunderbird that appeared.

  I want to see why Tiandao thinks that this boss has the ability to hit ten by one.

   As a result, after sensing it, Chen Mo understood.

  Although this guy doesn't have any skills, he has a lot of abilities that can trigger thunder.

   This is scary enough!

  In the world of cultivating immortals, a cultivator who can be struck by a thunderbolt is half dead.

   This guy can trigger thunder at will, and the intensity is beyond guesswork.

   Just as Chen Mo was checking the opponent's ability, this monster called "Thunder God Clone" waved his hand, and the clear sky immediately gathered dark clouds.

  Following him raising his hand far away, "咵啪"!

  A huge and shining sky thunder struck one of the nine people who flew up beside Chen Mo at an astonishing speed as if it had crossed the space.

  As the thunder fell, the roaring thunder shook the entire space.

  One of the nine people who had just taken off was directly smashed to the ground, and their blood volume was reduced by nearly half.

   And after being hacked, he was paralyzed all over his body, making it difficult to move easily.

   "This explosive ability is really abnormal!" Chen Mo exclaimed.

   Even he couldn't react to the speed of this attack. After all, the speed of lightning is half of the speed of light!

   Even if you see it, you can't dodge it. You can only rely on the opponent's hand-raising action to predict the dodge in advance.

   It might be difficult to change the boss for someone else, but it is actually not a big problem for Chen Mo.

  The output ability is strong, so just don't let him output.

  Chen Mo flashed a **** directly to the opponent's side, and at the moment the opponent was about to launch another sky thunder attack, he activated the title skill "Slaughter Mystery Technique" of the God Slaying Challenger, and forcibly held the opponent down!

  As the mysterious regular energy gushed out from Chen Mo's body and pulled the Thunder God avatar, the Thor avatar was forcibly held in place in an instant and could not move.

   Mystic Massacre is enough to forcefully control the opponent for five seconds.

   The moment he controlled the opponent, Chen Mo summoned the undead army to his side with a thought, and it was a blast to face Thor's clone at close range!

  In just a short moment, a large number of lightning chains erupted from Thor's clone and counterattacked.

  However, with the death of Thor's avatar, all his lightning chains collapsed and disappeared in an instant, and did not cause any harm to Chen Mo.

  Otherwise, it would be quite scary if a monster with 70 points of divine power and a gold-level boss with millions of lightning chains erupted at the same time.

  With his current attack power of more than 500,000, triggering two million lightning chains, the thunder attribute damage that can be hit in an instant is enough to reach trillions.

  Chen Mo's shield is not so thick no matter how thick it is, he will be killed instantly.

  The sudden triggering of the chain lightning really made Chen Mo feel that he was a bit careless.

  When I perceived the BOSS's ability before, I saw a lot of his ability to control lightning, so I was too lazy to look at it.

   I never thought that such a terrifying counterattack would be triggered under the simultaneous attack of millions of units.

  Chen Mo couldn't help reminding himself to be more careful next time.

  With the Thunder God avatar being killed, Chen Mo finally passed the trial on the seventh floor.

  As for those teammates, there was no use for them except to step forward and get a thunderbolt.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on successfully clearing the seventh floor of the Super God Trial Tower. You have obtained a "Special Item God-level Gift Package".

  Because your teammates did not have a dead unit, you have completed the hidden achievement of this layer "Qualified Leader", and you can get an additional "SS-level gift package".

  Since your teammate has never had a dead unit in the first two floors, you have completed the upgraded version of the hidden achievement "Trustworthy Leader" in this floor, and the reward you get has been upgraded to "SSS-level gift pack"!

  If you choose to quit the challenge at this time, you will still be able to gain 6 points of divine power, but after quitting, you will only be able to enter again when you get the next challenge opportunity, please also pay attention. 】

   "It's a fool's way of heaven. I said that the first two floors let me protect my teammates and prevent too many deaths. Suddenly there is no such rule on this floor. There must be a problem. Fortunately, I am smart."

   Almost got a SSS-level gift package from Tiandao, Chen Mo couldn't help complaining a few words.

   "It seems that there will be no reminders from Tiandao in the future, we still need to pay more attention, otherwise it will always be easy to be cheated out of rewards."

  (end of this chapter)

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