Chapter 211 Eternal Artifact! (five in one, 510)

   "There are two SSS-level gift bags, and if you get another one, you can combine them again."

   Putting away the SSS-level gift bag, Chen Mo took out the "Special Item God-level gift bag", and considered whether to open it.

   "This thing is so powerful if it is not synthesized. If I use it to synthesize, I don't know what will happen?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to save it first, and try it out after getting three.

  After canceling the exit, the passage to the eighth floor appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  The first stage is a single-player ability test.

  The second stage was a test of leadership ability, but Chen Mo relied on pure strength to crush it alone.

   "I don't know what the trial content of the third stage is."

  As Chen Mo entered the eighth floor, he saw that this space had become an arena.

   "The arena? What is this for?"

   Just when Chen Mo was wondering what this floor was going to do, a light suddenly flashed in front of him, and a strange humanoid creature covered in pitch black appeared.

  【Reminder from Heaven: The trial on the eighth floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the eighth floor is the ultimate trial.

   After the enemies on this floor are defeated, they will continue to increase their divine power and reappear. During this period, you have no time to replenish, so please pay attention to your state.

   You can clear the level after defeating the enemy ten times. If you feel invincible during the period, you can press the abort trial button at any time! 】

   "Constantly increasing divine power? It's somewhat abnormal, and I don't know how much it will increase each time."

  Chen Mo sensed the dark and strange humanoid creature in front of him. This guy has no skills or abilities, only a simple 50 points of divine power.

   "It seems that it is not difficult to deal with it at present."

  After deploying the skeleton monster, Chen Mo pressed the button to start the challenge.

  The moment he pressed the challenge start button, the dark humanoid creature suddenly opened its water-blue eyes and looked at Chen Mo, as if the robot had been electrified.

   Shua! As soon as his footsteps changed, he charged towards Chen Mo's skeleton monster.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo directly issued an attack command.

   Whoosh whoosh! !

   In an instant, millions of attacks smashed towards the pitch-black creature.

   Bang bang bang! After all the attacks hit, the guy fell to the ground with a bang!

  50 points of divine power was almost meaningless, and he was directly bombarded to death in a round of combined attacks.

  But as he was bombarded and fell to the ground, a force of rules immediately poured into his body, and in the next moment, he jumped up from the lying state and was alive again.

   At this time, Chen Mo looked at his attributes again, and his divine power had reached 55 points.

  If it is calculated based on a 5-point increase in divine power, and according to the clearance requirements explained by Tiandao, then at least ten times of killing him will be required. Can this guy's divine power be increased to nearly 100 points?

  As Chen Mo's skeleton monster continued to kill in seconds, this jet-black creature also became stronger and reborn to stand up.

   Quickly killed nine times, followed by the opponent standing up again for the tenth time.

   At this time, his divine power has reached 95 points.

  Because there is a gap of 85 points of divine power with Chen Mo, it can reduce all damage caused by Chen Mo's skeleton monsters by 85%.

   But his blood volume is only over 60 billion, even if the damage of the skeleton monster is reduced by 85%, it still cannot stop the explosion of the skeleton monster.

  In the case of skeleton monsters not eating the worship of immortality and increasing the **** ring, only 15% of the damage left is enough to cause more than 500 billion total damage.

   Enough to easily kill the opponent in seconds.

  It is completely reverse rolling.

   "The eighth floor has increased to 95 points of divine power, how much is the upper two floors?"

  As the upper space and the stairs appeared, Chen Mo walked up directly.

  The ninth floor is still the same arena.

   But the rules have changed.

  【Heavenly reminder: The trial on the ninth floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the ninth floor is the ultimate trial.

The attributes of the enemies on this floor are equivalent to the level 20 one-turn team boss. At the beginning, his divine power is 100 points, and your divine power is regarded as 100. After that, every minute your divine power decreases by 5 points, and the opponent's divine power increases by 5 points until it decreases Up to the divine power you originally possessed.

   If you feel invincible during the period, you can press the stop trial button at any time! 】

   "Team BOSS? 100 points of divine power? How much blood does this cost?"

   Soon, a strange blood-red character appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo immediately sensed the opponent's attributes, good guy, this guy actually has a full 36.75 billion HP, an attack power of more than 700,000, and a defense power of nearly a million.

   But fortunately, like the one on the first floor, he doesn't have any skills or abilities, just pure supernatural power.

  Of course, pure supernatural power is sometimes enough to cause crushing.

  At the beginning, the opponent's divine power was 100 points, while Chen Mo was only considered as 100 divine power points.

   That is to say, the opponent's attributes are real. Chen Mo's divine power is considered to be 100 points, which is only used to offset the opponent's divine power. His own real divine power is still only 10 points.

  Under such circumstances, it is really not easy for him to kill the opponent as soon as possible.

   After all, the longer the delay, the harder it will be to fight later.

  The gap between the two sides will widen. In the first minute, there is no gap between the two sides, and both can cause 100% damage.

   After that, every minute that passes, the opponent adds 5 points of divine power, and my side loses 5 points of divine power, that is, the gap of 10% in 1 minute is widening.

   The more you move behind, the more immobile you will be.

  Although the opponent's blood volume is high, Chen Mo's skeleton monster's damage is not vegetarian.

  Skeleton monsters can handle those monsters before the second without counting the critical strike damage, but this will not work if the critical strike damage is not counted.

  But Chen Mo's god-level crit aura exists, so how could he not be a crit.

Once the two million skeleton monsters trigger the critical damage, combined with the balance wand to share the effect of the critical damage, the burst damage of a round can reach 219 trillion without any reduction, that is, 219 trillion. This blood-red guy has a total of The blood volume is only 36 trillion.

  In just one face-to-face effort, Chen Mo easily killed the opponent in seconds, and the opponent didn't even have time to move.

  The ninth floor, which was originally quite difficult, is equivalent to free for Chen Mo.

   After a few seconds, the trial has passed.

   "The final stage of the ultimate trial seems to be much simpler than the second stage of the leader's trial."

   After quickly solving the boss on the second floor, Chen Mo easily stepped into the tenth floor.

   "I don't know what trial this last layer will arrange for me."

  Chen Mo looked forward to the final trial.

  As Chen Mo stepped into the last floor, the Heavenly Dao reminder also rang.

  【Reminder from the Dao of Heaven: The trial on the tenth floor of the trial tower has officially started, and the content of the trial on the tenth floor is the ultimate trial.

  The attributes of the enemies on this floor are equivalent to the 20th-level one-turn gold boss. The opponent's divine power is 100 points higher than yours. Every minute, the opponent's divine power will drop by 1 point.

   If you feel invincible during the period, you can press the stop trial button at any time! 】

   "It's outrageous, 100 points of divine power is higher, doesn't it mean that I can't do damage at all? That means I will be beaten for 1 minute?"

  The influence of divine power, metamorphosis is the ultimate influence.

   instead of halfway impact.

  The so-called midway influence, for example, if you hit with 100 attack power, the opponent has 150 defense power.

  The damage you can cause is attenuated by defense, so it can only cause about 50 points.

   At this time, if both parties have the effect of increasing or decreasing damage, the damage will be further changed.

  For example, if the opponent still has a 50% damage reduction effect, you can only cause about 25 points of damage.

  But if you hit real damage, you can ignore the defense and damage reduction effects and directly cause 100 real damage.

In these three situations, no matter whether you deal 50 points of normal damage, 25 points of damage reduction effect, or 100 points of full real damage, in all your "attack and defense difference, increase and decrease damage, damage type, violent It may be possible to hit..." The damage obtained after the results of these impact damages are counted is the final damage.

   Often at this point, there is no data to continue to participate in the settlement.

   But there are several alternative effects that recalculate the data from this last step.

  That is the final damage increase, the final damage reduction, and the divine power.

  The calculation priority of these three data is the last.

   And Shenli is the last one among the three.

   That is to say, after all the damage calculations are completed, it will be the turn of the divine power.

   By this time, your damage increase, real damage, and explosive damage are useless.

  Because these parameters have already been involved in the calculation, the damage you were supposed to cause has already been calculated.

  When everything is calculated, you could have dealt 100 damage.

  If you have 99 points less divine power than the opponent, then you can only cause 1% damage in the end, which is 1 point.

   And if the difference in divine power reaches 100 points, you can only cause 0% damage, that is, you can't even deal a little damage.

   This is also the origin of why those below Rank 5 are all ants.

As long as he has 100 points of divine power at rank five, all your abilities are 0% to him. There's nothing I can do about it.

   This is the power of divine power as the final settlement.

   Of course, divine power as the final settlement is extremely good in terms of defensive ability, but not necessarily on the offensive end.

For example, your original damage is 10 points, and after the opponent's damage reduction is gone, then you finally reach the step of divine power, and if the damage that can be increased is 0, no matter how much divine power you have, you can only increase it to 0. In the end, it is equal to 0.

  And if the divine power can participate in the settlement in advance, then the damage you cause can be much higher.

  This is the two sides of things. The advantage gained on the defensive end will eventually be returned on the offensive end.

   But in general, this weakness on the offensive end is relatively easy to solve.

  For example, if you have real damage, you can directly ignore the opponent's defense, reduce damage, and easily maximize the damage, and will only be affected by the final damage reduction.

   But this effect is already very low, and the damage will come back after being amplified by divine power at the end.

  After all, the maximum effective effect of the final damage reduction is different from the damage reduction. The maximum effective effect of the final damage reduction is only 50%, while the damage reduction is 99%.

  At this moment, what Chen Mo had to face was an enemy whose divine power was 100 points higher than his own.

   That means Chen Mo can't do any effective damage at all.

  Whether it is an abnormality or output, if it falls on the opponent, it will be wiped out due to the gap in divine power.

   This is the gap between gods and mortals!

  The gap of 100 points of divine power is the inviolable majesty of the gods!

   But this situation will be much better in the Tower of Aion.

  The Tower of Eternity has many Chaos Noble Phantasms and Eternal Artifacts, which can bridge the gap in many divine powers.

   But this is only to shorten the distance between God and God.

  Chen Mo now has no other means to close this gap in divine power except for the Explosive God Pill he just obtained.

  But currently he doesn't want to use Explosive Pill.

  It always feels like a disadvantage to use such a precious good thing here.

   After all, what if the other party's divine power is 100 points stronger than your own? As long as I can't kill myself, I survived the first minute, and there will be plenty of opportunities to kill him later.

  Chen Mo immediately started to mess up.

   Scattered the skeleton monsters around, Chen Mo lay down on the ground, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the boss to arrive.

   At this time, the arena flashed a light, and a person with white skin like jade, extremely beautiful face, wearing a thin white gauze, and angel wings appeared in the arena.

  Through the thin white gauze, it can be seen that the other party is a genderless creature. Although she looks like a human in many places, she has no sexual characteristics except for her breasts.

  It's just that it looks a bit human female.

  At this time, she was holding a gold-plated longbow with two small feathers in her hand, and a quiver pinned to her waist. When she came to the arena, she immediately looked at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo didn't really sit idle, but felt the other party's attributes.

   Last time, the Thunder God avatar almost cheated himself because he didn't have the ability to look carefully at the opponent. This time, Chen Mo checked carefully.

  【Monster Name】: Punishment Angel (God-level)

  【Monster level】: Gold BOSS (one turn)

  [Divine Power]: 110 points

  【Level】: 20


  〖Life〗: 80.8 billion/80.8 billion

  〖Energy〗: 808 billion/808 billion

  〖Physical Attack〗: 819752

  〖Facial Attack〗: 819752

  〖Material Defense〗: 42385 (abnormal · undead fear)

  〖Defence〗: 42385 (abnormal fear of the undead)

[Active Skills]: Chaotic Arrow Rain (summons a continuous arrow rain attack covering a large area, causing chaotic damage), Ten Thousand Arrows (fires 10,000 arrows continuously at a unit, and reduces the target's defense), God Arrow Breaking Evil (Launch extremely high-damage real-damage arrows to attack the opponent and break all the buff effects of the opponent)

[Passive skills]: Archer talent (when using a bow and arrow, the attack speed increases by 1000%, and the critical damage increases by 1000%), weakness detection (when hitting the opponent, it ignores the critical strike rate and directly causes a critical strike), hole candle machine micro (with extremely High perception ability, all invisible units around can't hide)

   "The attack power of 800,000, the whole body ability is to improve the output effect, it is quite powerful."

   Especially the opponent's first skill Chaotic Arrow Rain.

   This skill can summon arrows with a huge range, and the damage is still twice the base damage, that is, each arrow can cause 2 million damage, and the damage type is still chaos, ignoring the damage reduction effect.

   Only the defense power is calculated, but Chen Mo's skeleton monster has 0 defense power.

  The opponent can directly deal full damage.

   And this full damage will be doubled in the end because of the 100 points of divine power difference.

  After doubling, the damage of one arrow is 3.2 million, which is nothing.

   But if the number increases, it will be quite an explosion.

  According to the introduction of this skill, there are at least hundreds of millions of arrows. How much damage does it have to deal?

  Although it is scattered in a large area, it can still deal huge damage in general.

  Even if Chen Mo has millions of skeleton monsters, he is determined not to be able to withstand it.

   All the abilities of this punishing angel, and only this ability makes Chen Mo feel a little troublesome.

  He directly launched the God Slaughter Challenger skill to seal her chaotic arrow rain.

  By the way, he also sealed the magic arrow breaking evil.

  The rest of the abilities are basically not a threat.

   It doesn't hurt to let her output as much as she wants.

   Just when the other party came out and was about to say a few words, he felt two forces of rules covering his body.

   "Interesting, I'm still a person with the title of Slaughtering God Challenger, let's see if you can still withstand my attack after you seal my two abilities."

   "Wait and see."

   Chen Mo said while lying on the ground leisurely with a smile.

   Anyway, he couldn't do anything the minute before, and he didn't bother to pay attention.

   Seeing that he was so easily despised by a human being, the punishment angel was obviously a little angry.

  She could have put some water, but she decided not to.

  I saw that her attack speed was at full speed, swish, swish, swish! !

  In just one second, her hands were so fast that she fired dozens of arrows.

  If it weren't for his perception ability, it would be difficult for Chen Moguang to catch the opponent's shooting speed with his naked eyes.

  Only by looking at it with the naked eye, it would feel that she just raised her hand, and a lot of arrows flew towards her.

  Because Chen Mo had no intention of dodging at all, bang bang bang! !

  Every arrow that flew so fast hit Chen Mo accurately, and because the speed was too fast, after the arrow hit Chen Mo, it even exploded directly.

  But Chen Mo, who was lying with his eyes closed, still looked relaxed.

   All damage dealt by Angel of Punishment is transferred to surrounding skeletons.

  The surrounding skeleton monsters were all covered with a layer of violent shield.

  A single arrow from the opponent combined with the critical strike effect can deal tens of millions of damage, dozens of arrows per second, that is hundreds of millions of damage.

   This is only one second, and it is naturally impossible for the opponent to make a shot for only one second.

   Follow her continuous shots.

  In just half a minute, she has already produced tens of billions of output.

   But unfortunately, her damage is very high, but Chen Mo's blood volume is even thicker.

   There are two million skeleton monsters, each of which has a shield of nearly 300 million. The tens of billions of damage hit Chen Mo, and they are randomly deducted by transferring them to them through common fate, which is not much deducted at all.

   After fighting for half a minute, the Angel of Punishment didn't even kill a single skeleton monster.

   Now she was finally annoyed, and directly used the skill that had not been sealed by Chen Mo, and it was output to Chen Mo.

  Thousand arrows kill the heart, this is a very powerful single-target skill.

  It can summon 10,000 arrows to track the target unit and cause damage. Although each arrow can only cause an attack of 100% of its own physical damage, it can reduce the opponent's defense by 1% after hitting.

   Ten thousand arrows only need to hit a hundred arrows, which is enough to knock out the opponent's defense.

  The remaining 9,900 arrows can deal full damage directly.

  The amount of damage is still very high.

  As 10,000 arrows hit him, Chen Mo ignored it and checked the hints from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: It is detected that a unit has used skills, and your "Copy God Seal" has recorded the skills used by the other party. Please choose whether to keep them or not. The current number that can be kept is 0/3. 】

   "I have infinite healing waves and group abilities. It would be nice to have a single-target ability, but this skill deals physical damage. Calculated according to physical attack, it is somewhat unsightly."

   Following Chen Mo's thought, he has retained this skill.

  Defense reduction He has the professional skill Undead Fear, this skill defense reduction can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

  At this time, ten thousand arrows have appeared out of thin air from the magic circle in front of the punishing angel with lightning speed, and flew towards Chen Mo.

  However, as before, all the damage was distributed to the surrounding skeleton monsters, which did not cause any substantial impact on Chen Mo himself.

   Soon, 1 minute will be up.

  Punishment Angel tried his best to output for a full minute, not even scratching Chen Mo's skin.

   And then it was Chen Mo's turn to perform.

  The opponent's divine power has decreased by 1 point, and now the gap between Chen Mo and her is only 99 points.

   This 1% gap is Chen Mo's opportunity.

  Following his thoughts, two million skeleton monsters immediately attacked the punishing angel.

  However, the flexibility of the punishing angel's actions is no worse than that of the holy baby Chen Mo met before.

   Facing the concentrated attack of the skeleton monster, she dodged quickly.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo can only use intensive range scattering.

  At the same time, he summoned the two batches of mid-level undead.

   One group went to mock the punishment angel, and the other group tried to slow down.

  However, due to the gap of 99 points of divine power, the effect of ridicule is extremely poor, and the effect is not even for a moment.

  Even if one hundred and fifty skeleton warriors taunted one after another, they still couldn't control it.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo could only take back these mid-level undead first.

  After all, most of these mid-level undead have a duration limit, and Chen Mo can only make a small part of them last forever.

   Once the time runs out, they will dissipate.

  Since it can't play a role, there is no need to waste these combat power.

   After taking back these mid-level undead, Chen Mo ordered one hundred and sixty skeleton monsters to step up their attack, and at the same time launched Ten Thousand Arrows to Punish the Heart against the punishment angel.

   Wan Jian Zhu Xin is a tracking skill, and its speed is extremely fast.

  The opponent must persist in dodging until the end of the skill release, and these arrows will fall to the ground weakly.

   Otherwise, the punishing angel will have to dodge at high speed all the time.

   After Chen Mo gave the order.

   Layer upon layer of energy bombs flew towards the punishing angel like a wall of energy, and the sky was covered with rain of arrows like a net.

   The Angel of Punishment couldn't dodge all the attacks at all.

  Among these attacks, there were also arrows flying out of the magic circle in front of Chen Mo, tracking and attacking the punishing angel.

  But the speed of action of this punishing angel is really not covered.

  Although she couldn't dodge the intensive attacks, she dodged extremely quickly when Chen Mo launched the Ten Thousand Arrows Punishment Skill.

  By relying on her ability, no arrow hit her until the skill of Ten Thousand Arrows was released.

   "The speed of this action is really abnormal!"

  But it doesn't matter, if you can't hit it, you can't hit it. Anyway, the output of the skeleton monster can always fall on her a few shots.

  And as time goes by, the opponent's divine power will become weaker and weaker, and the damage will be higher and higher, just grind it.

  The difficulty of this level is only 1 minute at the beginning.

  If you can survive it, it will become easier and easier later.

  At this time, Chen Mo didn't worry at all, just take his time.

   Relying on overwhelming attacks, the Punishment Angel was soon exhausted.

   Even if there is a gap of 99 points of divine power now.

  With Chen Mo's Undead Worship and God's Ring of Blessing fully activated, each of his skeleton monsters can cause more than 100 million damage in a single shot.

  The opponent only has more than 80 billion HP.

   As long as you accidentally hit an 800-shot attack, it is enough to be killed.

  If this boss is based on the blood volume of the team boss, then Chen Mo can really fight.

  As the attacks of the skeleton monsters that have no place to hide continue to hit, the blood volume of the punishment angel is finally emptied.

  But she didn't die. The moment her blood volume was emptied, a strange light fell from the sky to her body.

  The next moment, an incomparably powerful energy erupted from her body, and instantly bounced away all the flying arrow attacks around her.

   Immediately after her body flashed, she had already arrived in front of Chen Mo.

  At this time, Chen Mo was perceiving, but he couldn't perceive any information from the other party, it just showed that the other party's divine power was too high.

   "I'm afraid the real body is here."

  Feeling the suffocating divine power on the other party that was so strong that it was about to be suppressed, Chen Mo secretly said in his heart.

   "Human, your performance is beyond my imagination. Congratulations, you have passed all the trials of the first stage. Your divine power will be bestowed by me."

  As the punishment angel finished speaking, she stretched out her jade-like fingers and tapped Chen Mo's forehead lightly.

  In an instant, a terrifying energy surged into Chen Mo's body.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have been imbued with divine power, and you have gained 10 points of divine power! 】

   "Only divine power?"

  Recalling that there were other rewards in the previous levels, Chen Mo tried to ask.

  The punishing angel smiled and said, "You were able to defeat me within ten minutes, which is very good. I can give you an 'Eternal Artifact'."

   "Eternal Artifact? Am I using it now?"

   "It's okay, this eternal artifact can be activated as long as it has divine power. Even if you can only use 2 points of 20 divine power, it will not affect the effect. It is calculated according to your total divine power."

   "That's great, what kind of eternal artifact is it?"

   "An eternal artifact that can help you close the gap."

  The punishing angel reached into the void and touched it, then took out a small round light ball and handed it to Chen Mo.

   "Thank you, senior." Chen Mo checked it immediately after receiving it, "Is this the Eternal Artifact?"

[Counter Divine Bead·Eternal Artifact]: After activating the effect of the artifact, all units whose divine power does not exceed 10 times your divine power can only suppress your divine power up to 99%. For every 1 point of divine power you have, you can continue to activate the effect for 1 second. Cooldown time equals activation time. (Duration and cooldown are not affected by any effects other than Eternal Artifact)

   "What a strong bead. With him, as long as the divine power doesn't exceed 200 points, it can only suppress me by 99%. This 1% gap is enough for me to play."

  After seeing the attributes of this eternal artifact, Chen Mo was very excited.

  From now on, as my divine power becomes stronger and stronger, I will be more confident in fighting the enemy when I step up.

   "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

  The punishing angel looked at Chen Mo with a smile and asked.

   "I can't be more satisfied." Chen Mo said cheerfully.

   "Okay, it's time for the Super God Trial to end. I hope you can succeed in the challenge next time."

   Seeing that the punishing angel was about to teleport himself out after finishing speaking, Chen Mo immediately said, "Please wait a moment, I have a question to ask."

   "What's the problem?" The punishment angel stopped and looked at Chen Mo.

   "How many testers are there in this super **** trial tower?" Chen Mo was curious about this question.

   I don't know if there will be a guy like me who has supernatural power before turning five.

   "If we only talk about the Milky Way, there are no more than ten, and one died just a few days ago."

   "One died? Isn't it impossible to kill people in the Super God Trial?"

   "The Super God Trial won't work. He died somewhere else, but we recovered the divine power and the rewards we gave him in time, so there wasn't much loss." The punishing angel said with a smile.

   It can be seen that the life and death of these testers is not of great importance to them.

   After answering Chen Mo's question, the punishment angel waved Chen Mo away.

  As soon as he returned to Earth, Chen Mo received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has been raised, the current level is 21! 】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has been raised, the current level is 22! 】

  【Experience】: 380738/577800

"The experience value after level 20 is not easy to get. The boss of the field team has been recruited. You can't find any good dungeons if you don't enter the university. It seems that I have some free time these days... By the way, I just took advantage of my free time. Go out and look for famous people, this way the experience value will come quickly, just to upgrade the title."

   After looking at the experience value requirements, Chen Mo considered the itinerary before enrolling.

   If you can meet someone with a high turnaround, you will get rich.

  However, it has been a day since I came out of the trial instance. Those who have made an appointment to see the house before today have to go to see the house first.

  Opening the door and coming out, Chen Mo saw Liu Yiyi sitting on the sofa watching TV.

   "Momoly, you have finished your task. I paid a deposit for the house and said that I would go to see it today. I was worried that you forgot."

   "No, isn't it just right, sister Yiyi wait a moment."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo entered the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance with a flicker of a god.

  In an instant, four rank-4 masters appeared beside him in unison.

   It was a surprise for Chen Modu.

   Unexpectedly, the defense force of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance is more terrifying than what I predicted before.

  I just flashed over, and these four people have already surrounded themselves by encircling them.

   "Who dares to flash into the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance without authorization!"

   "I'm really sorry, I don't know the rules here, I made an appointment to see the house today, so I just flashed over."

   "Inspecting the house? Give me your ID card to check."

  The opponent took out a machine with his left hand and looked at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo took out his ID card from his backpack and handed it over.

  After some testing, the expressions of these four people eased up a lot.

   "Well, I found you and your relatives' reservation information about buying a house, there is no problem, but remember in the future, if you exceed that line, you are not allowed to send it in.

  Over there is the identity verification area, there are verification posts, trespassers will be punished. "

  As the leader of the four guardians pointed out, Chen Mo saw a red line outside the small river surrounding the residential area.

   It seems that at most it can only be teleported outside the red line, otherwise once teleported in, it will be surrounded.

   "I'm really sorry I didn't know this rule before, thank you senior for reminding me."

   "Well, those who don't know are not guilty, so go ahead."

   After returning the identity card to Chen Mo, the four of them disappeared in front of Chen Mo in an instant.

   In fact, it was not so easy to dismiss, whether you know it or not, it is not so easy to let you go.

  They found out about Chen Mo's house purchase information on the one hand, and on the other hand, they found out that Chen Mo is a sure-fire top college freshman.

   Such people generally have a promising future.

   It may even grow stronger than a few of them soon.

   There is no need to be hostile to such a person, so the four turned a blind eye and let Chen Mo go.

  Although the four of them hid well after retreating, they still couldn't hide from Chen Mo's pioneer ability perception.

  Chen Mo could easily find where they were.

  Since there are rules here, it is natural to abide by them.

   After all, the more strict rules and responsible defense forces there are, the more it proves that this place is very safe.

  Although he was investigated, Chen Mo was very happy.

   This means that I can feel more at ease in the future.

  He flashed beyond the red line and left a teleportation mark, then flashed again and returned home.

   Then he brought Liu Yi to rely on the teleportation mark to activate the teleportation treasure ring, and came to the house of his grandparents. After connecting the two, the four of them teleported outside the red line of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance.

   "There are rules here, we can only teleport here, and then we have to go in by ourselves."

  Chen Mo smiled and looked at the three of them.

  Global Academy Alliance, those scenes only appeared on TV.

   This was the first time Liu Yuanzong, Qiu Yuehong, and Liu Yiyi came here in person.

  The three of them couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

  Led by Chen Mo, the three walked into the Grand View Garden as if they were Grandma Liu.

   As soon as they reached the guard post, the four of them were stopped.

   After submitting their ID cards and verifying their information, the four were finally released.

  Actually, when Chen Mo flashed in just now, the sentry here had already seen him.

   But as a routine, they still have to check carefully.

   After all, it was you one second, and someone else might come in pretending to be you the next second.

   Naturally, it needs to be checked carefully.

   After crossing the red line, it takes several minutes to walk just for the bridge over the small river.

   After crossing the bridge, it can be regarded as officially reaching the residential area.

  Based on the location of the house that they were optimistic about before, Chen Mo and Liu Yiyi took a walk along the river.

   After walking for an hour, they arrived at the location of the house.

   If you move in in the future, you don’t need to spend so much time. There is a teleportation array at the sentry gate of the college alliance. After verifying that you are a resident, you can directly transfer to the vicinity of the house through the teleportation array.

  If you want to teleport to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance, you must use those fixed teleportation points.

  Otherwise, any other means of teleportation will be immediately surrounded for interrogation.

  When they came to the front of the previously optimistic house, Liu Yiyi and Chen Mo were amazed, not to mention Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong.

   This house is a single-family house with a very large area.

   But it's more like a courtyard than a house.

  The small bridges and flowing water in the whole courtyard, the arrangement of rockery and green plants are full of greenery, which makes people feel refreshed as soon as they step in.

   There are four houses in the courtyard, except for the kitchen, the other three houses are quite large.

  Following the four of Chen Mo to the front of the courtyard, there were already two girls with good temperament waiting here.

   "Hello four, are you the Liu family who booked to see the house before?"

   "Yes." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Okay, excuse me, can you show your ID card, we're afraid that something might go wrong."

  Chen Mo nodded and handed over the ID card.

After being verified and confirmed by the other party, the two girls immediately said enthusiastically: "Four, please come with us. First, let's introduce the design style and layout of this courtyard to the four. If you are not satisfied, we can bring the four Let’s take a look at other houses…”

   Under the capable introduction of the two, Chen Mo and the four walked around the entire courtyard from the entrance of the courtyard at one time, and finally returned to the entrance of the courtyard.

   After shopping, Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong both had very satisfied expressions.

  Chen Mo looked at Liu Yiyi again, seeing that she also liked the style of this courtyard, he smiled and said, "Do you want to look at other apartment types? Or just decide?"

   "Momo you watch it, the main thing is that you like it, we are not important." Liu Yuanzong said with a smile, stroking Chen Mo's back.

  Qiu Yuehong and Liu Yiyi also looked at him gently and smiled. Obviously, although the whole family is satisfied, they still care more about Chen Mo's opinion.

  Seeing that all three are satisfied, and Chen Mo himself has no dissatisfaction with this courtyard, he said to the two girls: "Help us settle, we want this courtyard."

   "Okay, are you planning to settle the final payment in installments or in one lump sum?"

   "Let's settle it all at once, we don't like to be in debt."

   "Okay, let's take the four of you to go through the process, and invite the four of you to go to the real estate registration office with us."

  Following the two of them led Chen Mo and the others to a teleportation array in the courtyard, with a flash of light, the six of them appeared in the real estate registration department of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance.

  After submitting the account information here, paying the final payment, and completing the registration, Chen Mo asked Liu Yiyi's name to be written on the real estate certificate.

   This is the residence he gave to his grandparents.

   In the future, if you need it, you can make money to buy it.

   In addition, just in case there is a risk outside, Liu Yiyi can be exempted from tax deduction when taking over the property.

   Seeing the real estate worth 20 billion, Chen Mo actually asked her to leave her name. Liu Yiyi originally refused, but she couldn't hold back Chen Mo, and finally added her personal name to it.

  After everything was done and the real estate certificate was in hand, Chen Mo smiled and looked at the two girls who brought the four of him over and said, "I don't know when this courtyard will be cleaned up, we want to move here soon."

   "If you need it, we can hire five-star cleaners to clean the yard overnight for free, and you can move in directly tomorrow."

   "Okay, then I will trouble you."

  Finally, a big thing on his mind came to fruition, Chen Mo heaved a sigh of relief, and he will have less worries and worries when he goes out.

  (end of this chapter)

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