Chapter 212 Sneak Attack! (five in one, 1010)

   That night, Liu Yuanzong and his wife were still a little excited and couldn't sleep.

  The 20 billion house has never been lived in.

  When I think about moving to such a mansion tomorrow, I dare not even dream about it.

  Chen Mo has already contacted the moving company, and he can come to move things tomorrow.

  The whole family was very excited that night, let alone them, Chen Mo had never lived in such a luxurious residence.

  That’s where Shenhao lives in TV.

  The next day, the whole family moved into their new home. With the help of professional life professionals, the whole house was easily furnished.

   And Liu Yiyi is a gardener herself, she can handle the flowers and plants in her yard very well, and the problem of maintaining the scenery of the yard in the future will not be a big problem.

  The grandparents are a cleaner and a maintenance worker.

  It can basically be handled at home.

   It means that the whole family lost a professional chef.

   But you can invite a professional chef to come here.

  Of course, even without professional chefs, normal people can cook delicious food.

   Just having a dedicated life occupation will have more bonuses.

  In order to celebrate moving into a new home, Liu Yuanzong originally proposed to ask relatives and friends to host a table.

  But Qiu Yuehong was afraid that people would think it was showing off, so she decided not to do it.

  After all, many of the children of relatives and friends are in the growth stage, and it is difficult to get start-up funds.

  It turned out that they spent 20 billion oceans just to buy a place to live, which is somewhat ironic.

   Consider other people's mood, it's better not to put it on.

   Regarding what grandma said, Chen Mo thinks it is quite reasonable.

  Although I have developed myself, it is okay to help poor relatives.

  But Chen Mo didn't want to do that.

   Unless they have some disease that needs money for treatment, he will pay for any amount, otherwise it is better for them to support themselves.

  Seeing that his grandparents and sister Yiyi have moved into a safe place, Chen Mo can go out with confidence.

  After eating in the spacious restaurant of the new house, Chen Mo said: "I may have to leave the safe zone for a few days to do some things, but don't worry, I will be fine, I just told you in advance so that you don't worry.

  If the university score line is released, sister Yiyi will help me fill in the application form. "

  Although it is said that Chen Mo is definitely selected into the top university, the process still needs to go through.

  In case you don’t like top universities but prefer a certain key university, then naturally you cannot be forced to enter a top university.

   "I heard that the outside of the safe zone is very dangerous, there are many famous people hiding outside, you must be careful."

  Liu Yiyi remembered the matter of the celebrity, and was a little worried.

   But the monsters didn't bother her that much.

  After all, she thinks that Chen Mo is not a stupid kid, won't he run away when he encounters a monster?

  He has the ability to teleport directly.

  The red-named person is the most dangerous. The ghost knows what abilities the red-named person has. If he is trapped by him, he may not be able to escape.

  So Liu Yiyi is still more worried about this.

   As a result, who would have thought that Chen Mo went out this time to find famous people.

  He can only say that he will be careful.

   After dinner that night, Chen Mo went out.

  He directly flashed a god, and left the safe zone.

   Then began to fly in the air and searched for places far away from the safe area.

  The farther away from the safe zone, the greater the chance of finding the red-named person.

   At this time, with Chen Mo's flickering ability to come and go without a trace, the people who secretly followed and protected Chen Mo were all very confused.

  One second ago, he was still at the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance, and he didn't know where he was teleported the next second.

  They had to report Chen Mo's abnormal ability to the three leaders.

"This kid is really interesting, and he has such a teleportation method. Forget it, he can directly teleport to the residential area of ​​our Global Academy Alliance headquarters without being blocked by space barriers. No one can seal his teleportation ability below Rank 5." , it shouldn’t be in danger, let’s get people to withdraw and save some manpower.”

   "Indeed, with such an ability, the life-saving ability is absolutely top-notch, but he still needs to be aware of the danger in advance."

   "Look at this kid's appearance, he has top-notch abilities. I'm afraid his detection ability will not be less, but there is no need to worry."

"And our people can't keep up with him. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for aliens to keep up with him. At this time, he has to investigate wherever he flickers. I'm afraid he has already left the safe zone. After all, everyone in our various regions There is no news of him."

   "This kid has too many secrets, I don't understand his thoughts, let him develop with peace of mind."

   "With this kid's ability, he may or may not be able to watch it if he wants to." Marcus couldn't help laughing helplessly.


  At this time outside the safe zone, Chen Mo was flying and searching.

  He is now level 22, and his pioneer perception ability has improved a little, and he can see everything within a radius of 2200 meters.

   It can be regarded as a relatively wide range of perception ability.

  Following Chen Mo's scan, he still saw many people spawning monsters in the dangerous area.

  The main reason why he doesn't want to spawn monsters in dangerous areas is that there is too much competition.

  There are people everywhere, if he is the only one who brushes them off, it will make life difficult for others.

  Many people couldn’t get into a good university, and couldn’t get into a good dungeon, so they could only come to the wild to earn some poor income.

   It's obviously not good to compete with them for being able to go to a top university.

  The second is that the income is not very high, it is better to find a famous person to kill faster.

   But searching, Chen Mo suddenly found an acquaintance.

  I saw Liu Yiming following a small team. After sensing him, Chen Mo didn't go directly to say hello, but continued to search nearby.

   Just to help them clear mines, so as not to encounter red-named people.

  However, this area is still relatively close to the safe area, and the chance of red-named people appearing is very small.

  Chen Mo searched all the way and found nothing.

   But when Liu Yiming raised his head on the way to spawn monsters, he saw Chen Mo and flew over.

  Just adding Chen Mofei in the air at night, Liu Yiming only felt that this figure was a little familiar, but didn't think much about it.

   Hearing that Chen Mo's score has reached the score of a top university, he has been very envious recently, and he was also motivated. He found a group of partners and came out to earn experience points.

  Flying along with Chen Mo all the way.

  The level of people I met later became higher and higher.

   Next, it is not as simple as just being careful of famous people.

  In this area without laws and borders, being weak is the original sin.

  Once you meet a team with evil intentions, it is possible to kill you and seize your items when you see you alone.

  So, it is not recommended to leave the safe zone too far in the dangerous area.

  It is closer to the safe zone, and it is still within the scope of control to some extent. Everyone dare not go too far in doing things.

   But if it is out of the scope of control, then life and death really depend on fate and wealth.

  Flying for half an hour without encountering a single celebrity, Chen Mo thought about it and decided to go directly to a deeper area, and it might be more effective to search from the inside out.

  He ran to an area 100,000 meters away from the safety zone with a flicker of a god.

   "The Heavenly King and I can't control it here, so it should be very suitable for famous people to hide."

  Looking at the forest landform created by the mutant land under his feet, Chen Mo immediately sensed the past.

  The result is really high efficiency.

   It took him less than three minutes to perceive it before he discovered a famous person.

   "Oh? He's at level 40, now he's getting rich. If he gets half of his experience points, it's probably ten or twenty million!"

This is a famous female celebrity. Her face is a little pale at this time, her hair is a little messy, and she is wearing a tight dress, which completely outlines her figure without reservation, and a handle is pinned to her waist. gun.

   Appears to be a shooter.

   Not all famous people are bad people, and some famous people may be forced to become famous.

  After Chen Mo sensed the other party, he immediately logged on to the official website of the wanted order to investigate.

  Here you can find all the information about famous celebrities.

   Including many reasons for the murder that can be investigated.

  Chen Mo found out that this woman was discovered by his wife because she was a mistress, so she killed his wife and two children.

  It was true that Chen Mo was a little speechless.

  I have seen a ruthless mistress, but I have never seen such a ruthless mistress.

   It doesn’t count to kill the original partner directly, but even the two children of the original partner have been wiped out, so there is something.

  Seeing that the other party is such a big villain, Chen Mo will naturally not be polite.

  With a thought, he turned on Shenyin and summoned it, and in an instant, a lot of skeleton monsters appeared on the ground around him.

   Just as the woman was hiding in the woods and carefully taking out something from her backpack to eat, she suddenly instinctively felt a bad premonition.

   But before she could figure out what was going on.

  An arrow she couldn't see had already hit her between the eyebrows.

  With Chen Mo now having 10 more divine power and 2nd-level attributes, his skeleton monsters have an attack power of more than 800,000. If you count the assembly, it will be even higher.

  Although this woman is a rank two, she only has hundreds of thousands of health points.

   But this is natural. Chen Mo was able to kill a lot of top second-rank masters in an event. Now that his strength has improved, it is not too easy to kill a mere ordinary second-rank.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed a level 40 red-named person, and you have obtained 4000 honor points. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the famous person, and you have obtained 50% of the total experience value of the famous person. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the famous person alone, and your experience value of the S-level title "Enforcer" will be increased by 10 points! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your S-rank title "Enforcer" has been upgraded to level 2! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You have gained 19855500 experience points! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 23! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, your level has increased...】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 25! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has reached level 25, and you have reached the fifth-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: No matter whether you fail or succeed, you can only challenge the breakthrough test once. If you want to challenge, please do it with the best posture. 】

   "Sure enough, killing celebrities is the fastest way to level up. It's cool, and you can directly earn nearly 20 million experience points in one wave."

   This feeling of raising several levels at once is really cool.

  While gaining experience points, Chen Mo did not forget to take the opponent's backpack into his bag.

   Checking the contents of the backpack, Chen Mo found that it was actually worth a little money, so he decided to sell it later.

   Besides the items, there was actually an eternal gold coin in her backpack.

   This guy is obviously not a high-star professional, but he still has an eternal gold coin deposit, Chen Mo is a little surprised.

   It is an additional benefit.

  As for the special undead she transformed, Chen Mo didn't have any interest in this kind of undead, and let it dissipate directly.

   After finishing all this, Chen Mo summoned the nine-tailed white fox, and a fox fire flew out and burned the body of the famous person.

   After all, she took advantage of the other party. Although she was cruel and merciless, everyone was dead, so there was no need to let her corpse be left in the wilderness, and she was directly burned.

   After the burning was completed, Chen Mo checked the content of the boundary-breaking assessment.

   Breaking through the fifth-order SSS level requires 9,532,000 experience points. Chen Mo still has 18,147,438 experience points, which is completely enough.

  Since the experience points are sufficient, Chen Mo is naturally ready to start the boundary-breaking assessment immediately.

   After all, the real start is after five turns.

  Before entering the Tower of Eternity, they were all in Novice Village.

  No divine power equals nothing!

  The key is to enter the Tower of Aion early to earn divine power.

  He naturally wanted to improve his strength earlier.

  He immediately tested the customs clearance rate. After the test was completed, Chen Mo got a reply of 100% customs clearance rate.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo can naturally save another sweeping ticket.

  He immediately chose to start the boundary-breaking assessment.

   With a flash of light in front of his eyes, he appeared in a military camp.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have entered the assessment space, this assessment task is released! 】

  【Mission reminder: Please participate in this legion battle and kill the devil! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: There is still 1 minute to officially start the assessment, please understand as much as possible the information of this mission goal within 1 minute. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: After the assessment begins, a 72-hour countdown will begin, please be prepared. 】

   "A sneak attack on the base camp?"

  When Chen Mo was still curious about the content of the mission, a man who looked like an officer appeared beside him.

   "Mr. Brave, you came just in time. We just finished discussing this surprise attack mission. Please come with me."

  Seeing that the other party turned around before giving himself time to speak after finishing speaking, Chen Mo immediately followed.

   Entering the account, the man took out a map and spread it out in front of Chen Mo.

"Mr. Brave, please look at the terrain of the Demon King's City. There are high mountains on both sides of the fortress, and the entire area around the Demon King's City is surrounded by powerful air-restricting magic circles. We can't fly in at all and can only attack from the front. But this fortress It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and with the Demon King's army pressing the formation, if we break through head-on, not to mention the heavy casualties, we will never find a chance to break through.

I hope you can lead a team of surprise soldiers, quickly detour around the original route, cross mountains and ridges, reach the enemy's rear, launch a surprise attack, catch them by surprise, and disrupt his arrangement. In this way, we will echo back and forth, and we will soon be able to capture this city Devil City! "

  Looking at the officer pointing to the content on the map, he said the truth.

  Chen Mo felt that things might not be that simple.

   Fortunately, his own strength is not weak, and one person can be an army of millions.

  He nodded immediately and said, "Am I the only one going there?"

   "Well, I heard that Mr. Brave is a magical profession that can summon a large number of undead to join the battle. I think I don't need to send soldiers to help you. That's why we invited you to come as a surprise raider.

   Single-handedly, the speed is fast, and it is not easy to be found. Even if the enemy is found, they don't know what you are going to do, so the surprise attack effect is good.

  Chen Mo felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable.

  He nodded immediately and said, "Then shall I leave immediately?"

   "Well, it's not too late. After you set off, we will immediately mobilize troops to prepare for the formation, attracting their frontline troops, so that you can safely lurk behind them."

   "Okay, then I'll set off."

   "Wait a moment, Mr. Brave."

  Chen Mo was about to leave when he was stopped by the officer again.

   "Anything else?"

   "This is our special signal arrow. Once you succeed in the surprise attack, fire this signal arrow. When the time comes, we will launch a fierce attack immediately, without giving the front line a chance to retreat."

   After receiving the signal arrow, Chen Mo left the barracks directly.

  According to the map given by Tiandao, Chen Mo quickly found the difficult trail.

   But before passing through this trail, Chen Mo tried to use the flash of the gods.

  Originally, he wanted to be lazy.

   As a result, I was informed by Heavenly Dao that teleportation is prohibited in this space.

   "Sure enough, the task with a time limit of 72 hours can be given, and there is no chance of teleportation."

   Seeing this, Chen Mo could only walk forward.

   But it’s also just right, he can find time to brush skeleton monsters on the road.

   After walking for 20 minutes, Chen Mo finally got 500 times the amount of summoning. After level 25, he can already summon up to 2 million skeletons.

  The moment these skeleton monsters appeared, they were superimposed and appeared behind Chen Mo.

  Since he was going to conduct a surprise attack, Chen Mo naturally opened the hidden treasure box throughout the process to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

   This approach is correct.

  Because when passing by along the way, Chen Mo saw a lot of Demon King Army stationed on this trail.

   It can be seen that it is not that simple to sneak into the enemy's rear from this passage.

  At least all the guards on this road must be cleared, and the guards behind cannot be alarmed.

   Otherwise, it will be exposed.

  Chen Mo is currently in a hidden state, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about this, he just passes by them openly and it's over.

  Can't fly, can't teleport, Chen Mo can only rely on his own feet to quickly rush to the back of the Demon King City.

   At this time, he regretted it a little.

  Before on the fifth floor of the Super God Trial, a support job used a group acceleration skill.

   At that time, he still felt that the movement speed increase was useless, so he didn't keep it, because he checked it out and found that it would cost money to delete it after saving it.

  He doesn't want to waste grids.

   As a result, it is now time for others to make use of it.

   It's just adding some footwork, but it's not worth regretting.

   Trek all the way.

  Chen Mo detoured for almost five kilometers from this trail before finally reaching the back of the Demon King City.

   At this time, the back of the Demon King's Castle is not as empty as the officer said.

  Although the army of the Demon King’s army was pressing in front, there was still a guard army of tens of thousands of monsters behind, guarding on the tall tower.

  Originally, Chen Mo thought that his omnipotent converter was a type of damage that he was unlikely to use in his life, but this time he had a chance to use it.

  In this dungeon, teleportation is prohibited, and due to the influence of the no-fly formation, flying is prohibited.

  The only thing we can do now is to forcibly attack the city.

  But normal damage, whether it is normal physical, magic, chaos, or real damage, can only cause half of the normal damage to dead things like city walls.

   Only siege damage can cause 200% damage to city armor.

  If the damage type of the skeleton monster is directly converted into siege damage, the damage of the skeleton monster can be directly doubled.

   It is not too difficult to break through this tower.

  Following Chen Mo's thoughts, the effects of Undead Worship and Amplified God Ring were activated, and combined with the siege damage transformed by the Almighty Transformer, he immediately ordered the skeleton monsters under his command to launch a siege attack.

  Because the skeleton monster is completely invisible now, no matter what kind of revealing ability it is in the invisible state, it is useless.

  Although there are various visible eyes and magic circles arranged around this city tower, unless the supernatural power exceeds Chen Mo, don't expect to be able to see and break the invisible ability of the unit in the invisible state.

   Just when all the demon king's army was walking back and forth on the tower in a leisurely manner.

   "Boom boom boom!!"

  Suddenly, the sound of the city wall being hit came out.

   When they looked down, they didn't see anything. They only saw the originally solid city wall. They didn't know what kind of attack they were suffering, and broken stones kept shooting out.

   In a short while, the thickness of the city wall was cut by a large layer.

   "Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack! It is estimated to be a stealth unit, go and call an adult with advanced stealth detection ability to come over and take a look."

  Although they couldn't see what was launching the attack, the Demon King's army reacted quickly.

  They immediately sounded the alarm bell, wanting to call someone who can detect the secret to come over and help check it out.

   But when they were calling for someone, Chen Mo's 2 million skeleton monsters attacked unambiguously.

  An attack launched by such a huge number, no matter how thick the city wall is, cannot last for a minute.

   Not to mention a minute, the wall of the tower behind the Demon King City didn't even last for 30 seconds, and a huge hole was opened!

   Meanwhile, Phew! With the sound of piercing through the air, a sharp arrow with a strange color screamed and flew high into the sky. After flying to the highest point, it exploded with a "Boom!", bursting out a dazzling blood-red Rose!

At this time, in the military camp a few kilometers away from here, the officer called Chen Mo who launched the surprise attack rushed to the stables excitedly when he saw the signal and got on his horse. Using energy to bless the voice, the voice resounded through the entire military camp: "Mr. Brave has succeeded in the surprise attack." Now, they don't care about their heads, they don't care about their backs, brothers follow me to storm the fortress of the Demon King City, and this time they will definitely win in one fell swoop!"

   After he finished speaking, countless soldiers rushed out of the entire barracks.

  Looking around, there are no less skeleton monsters than Chen Mo's.

   "Destroy the demon king's army, and return our human greatness!"

  As millions of troops shouted in unison, the voice was so loud that it resounded through the heavens and the earth.

  Under the command of the officer, the army of millions immediately charged towards the Demon King City while shouting.

   The charge of millions of troops, the ground directly stepped on shook like an earthquake.

   This is the fortress in front of Demon King Castle.

   After receiving the news that the back of the Demon King City was attacked, many high-level monsters were going to turn around and go to the back to support.

  But suddenly I saw the human army in front of us launching a collective charge like a convulsion towards the fortress here, and none of them could get away.

   "What to do, **** it, we are flanked by front and rear, if we don't return to defense, Lord Demon King may be in danger."

  Several senior devil generals immediately gathered together to discuss.

   Soon they reached a consensus.

  The devil city is not important, the devil master is the most important.

They decided to protect the Lord Demon King. Even if some people were transferred to the front line, they would not be so empty that they could be easily taken down by the human army. They should be able to resist for a long time. Haven't taken the fort yet.

  Thinking of this, they immediately brought part of the army to the Demon King City through the teleportation array inside the Demon King City.

   It is only one kilometer from the Demon King City to the fortress behind the Demon King City, but it is much closer than Chen Mo's five-kilometer detour.

   At this time, behind the Demon King City.

  Chen Mo, who was wreaking havoc and killing, didn't care about the reaction of the Demon King's army.

  He's killing it right now.

   Whenever there are living monsters, his skeleton monsters will kill them immediately.

   What followed was that the undead monsters stood up again.

   As a result, the skeleton monsters did not attack too many times, relying on the undead monsters to kill each other, most of the monsters behind the Demon King City turned into undead monsters.

   After breaking through the city gate and transforming the monsters defending here, Chen Mo immediately led the army and continued to kill in the direction of the Demon King City.

  He doesn't care about any surprise attacks and tactics now, and there are absolutely not many who can push and crush.

  As he marched towards the Demon King City with an army of two million skeletons and an army of undead monsters.

  The human army in front has also rushed to the fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack directly in front of the Demon King City.

  Because the fortress has made a relatively narrow opening, this makes the army's combat power to charge to the front really limited.

  Even if a brave charge is launched, it is not easy to break through the fortress.

  At this time, in front of the fortress, siege equipment such as catapults and siege vehicles have also begun to be arranged.

   This time, the human race showed a look of certainty, and everyone launched an attack frantically.

  With such an aura, even the monsters felt a burst of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

  It was the first time they knew that when humans go crazy, they are much more terrifying than their monsters.

  These human beings seemed to be desperate, piled up one by one, and they had to climb up to the fortress directly to attack in the way of stacking Arhats.

  The behavior of this group of people under the unified order is indeed worthy of the fear of the Demon King Army.

   Even if they cannot fly, even if the ladder is destroyed, human beings can still pile up the stairs leading to the tall buildings of the fortress only by relying on their own bodies.

   In a short while, with the sacrifice of many human soldiers, a man who could easily climb up the steep **** of the fortress in front of the Demon King City was completed.

  Chen Mo is far away from the front at this time, but the sounds from the battle of millions of units can still be heard far away.

   "Is this the situation on the battlefield?"

  Chen Mo participated in the defense of the beast horde before, and he was the defender that time, and he felt the horror of the beast horde once.

   But that time he took the initiative to attack, but he didn't feel how terrifying the power of a large number of people is.

   This time, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could still feel the battle ahead from the sound of the fighting coming from afar.

   No wonder you don’t know the pain for a while during the war. In this crazy environment, it’s really hard to think of anything other than killing the enemy.

  Seeing the intense killing ahead, Chen Mo naturally wouldn't be outdone in the back.

  He also quickened his pace, leading two million skeleton monsters and tens of thousands of undead monsters to charge towards the Demon King City.

  However, since all the units are in the state of stealth, even if millions of units charge, there is no sound or movement.

   Just when Chen Mo led the army to charge.

  He suddenly saw a huge army marching in his direction.

   After a while, there are hundreds of thousands of people, which can be regarded as a very large army.

  And there are many elite-level monsters and boss-level monsters.

  It is extremely difficult to win an army of this combination.

  But Chen Mo's army is even more perverted.

  This is an invisible army of millions.

   Can be called invincible and rogue.

   Just as hundreds of thousands of Demon King troops rushed towards this side, Chen Mo had already issued an attack order.

  In an instant, a large pile of invisible magic bullets and a large rain of arrows were projected towards the army ahead.

"Puff puff!!"

  The demon army over there didn't even know what happened, but it felt that many monsters in the team were attacked and died.

   "Sneak attack from stealth units! Attention everyone!"

   Immediately, a boss-level unit reminded.

   But the reminder is useless.

  Whether they took out the development gem or spilled the development dust, they couldn't show the invisible unit.

  At this moment, they knew something was wrong.

  But when they were about to run, it was too late.

  The dead monsters around them all turned into undead monsters and attacked them, coupled with the covering fire suppression of the skeleton monsters.

   Within a short while, the army of hundreds of thousands of demon kings was completely wiped out by Chen Mo.

   "The fighting power of this demon king's army is indeed quite strong, but it's a pity that being invisible means invincible."

  Chen Mo looked at all the monster elites and monster bosses who had transformed into their undead.

   Their strength is fine, but the opponents they encounter are not right, which makes them unable to perform even if they have good abilities.

  In just one face-to-face effort, Chen Mo successfully wiped out the opponent's entire army.

   This put the Demon King's army in a more passive position.

   Originally, their people on the front line were somewhat unable to resist the human army attacking like crazy.

   As a result, after several high-level monster generals led a large number of middle and low-level monsters away, instead of helping the rear defense, they all died in the rear. The monsters on the front line were already defending and wanted to cry.

   After collecting hundreds of thousands of monsters, Chen Mo continued to charge towards the Demon King City.

Since the collected monsters only exist for 2 minutes, and the special containment space is very small, Chen Mo’s nine-tailed white fox and Boros in the special containment space are very easy to use, so he has no intention of including them in his own special space. They dissipated on their own on the road.

   Soon, Chen Mo led the undead army to the front of the Demon King City.

  The architecture of Demon King City is not as eerie as imagined, but not much different from human castles.

  Chen Mo just led the army to the front of the Demon King City.

  A handsome figure flew out from the devil city.

   This is a man with strange amber eyes. He is thin, with long silver-white hair, wearing a dark robe, and holding a scepter with a skull in his hand.

   "Human, you are so courageous that you dare to come in front of my Demon King's City."

  Chen Mo immediately perceived the opponent's attributes.

  【Monster name】: Ye Jun (clone)

  【Monster Rank】: Lower Demon God (Turn 1)

  【Devil God Talent】: Immune to most abnormal effects!

  【Level】: 25


  〖Life〗: 100 billion/100 billion

  〖Energy〗: 900 billion/900 billion

  〖Physical Attack〗: 10000

  〖Act Attack〗: 10000

  〖Material Defense〗: 50000

  〖Law Defense〗: 50000

  [Active Skills]: Demon King’s Secret Technique (999 types), Darkness Falls (make the current sky into night), Darkness without Light (when the current sky is night, make the world within 10,000 meters around you into absolute darkness)

【Passive skill】:

  Son of the Night (Increase all attributes at night by 10 times)

  Dark Night is Falling Extremely (When your own blood volume is lower than 50%, the current weather will be regarded as night for you at any time)

  Guardian of the night (reduce all damage taken at night by 90%)

  Night perception (at night, you can perceive everything around you)

  Night Dominance (At night, disable the abilities of all units within 10,000 meters around you except yourself.)

  Night Lord (At night, the effects of all skills are increased by 1000%)

   "Good guy, this guy's ability is really beyond the sky."

  Chen Mo was speechless after reading all the abilities of Ye Jun.

  Although the opponent's abilities basically limit the weather.

  But people can take the initiative to create night.

   Not only that, if his blood volume is reduced by 50%, then all his abilities are directly equivalent to being in an unlimited state.

   After all, as long as his blood volume is below 50%, no matter what the weather is, it is considered night to him.

  Among this guy's abilities, the most perverted ability is Night Domination.

   This ability can disable the abilities of all surrounding units.

   This is really abnormal.

  Chen Mo himself has been using all kinds of disgusting people to disable others.

  For example, the three sealing abilities of the God of the Brave.

   Another example is the two sealing abilities of the God Slayer Challenger.

   Just these five sealing abilities are enough for him to beat a lot of monsters.

   And now the ability of this demon king can actually seal all abilities.

   It's a bit too perverted.

  If it wasn't for this passive skill, Chen Mo really wanted to copy it for him directly.

   And precisely because this skill is passive, it highlights the abnormality of this skill.

   Chen Mo has to consume a lot of energy to maintain the skills of the three abilities.

   The ability to seal two abilities has a 1-minute cooldown.

  But this guy's sealing ability can be activated continuously only at night, and it is still an overall range of banning ability, which is somewhat unreasonable.

   But it is also easy to restrain him.

   Just take the lead in sealing his ability.

  Use my seal to seal your seal first, and you will have no way to seal my other skills.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't give the opponent any chance.

  As soon as the opponent's abnormal ability was detected, he took the lead in sealing the opponent's ability.

  At this time, he looked curiously at this Ye Jun, who just came out and talked directly to him.

  Aren't you in a hidden state now?

  Chen Mo immediately checked with Tiandao, and found out that all the bosses in the SSS-level assessment had hidden powers.

   It’s just that this hidden divine power is the same as when Chen Mo challenged the ninth level trial. At that time, his divine power was regarded as 100 points, which was just a false 100 points. It would not affect the attributes, but was only used to reduce the influence of the opponent’s divine power.

  The same is true for the bosses in the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. They all have false hidden powers.

   This divine power will not affect the effectiveness. This setting is actually mainly to protect the professional, not the BOSS.

   As a result, he met Chen Mo and turned into a protection boss by accident.

  The bosses in the SSS-level breakthrough assessment are basically god-level, and it is normal for them to have divine power.

  But when low-level professionals participate in the SSS-level breakthrough assessment, not everyone has a little supernatural power like Chen Mo.

  Most people have no divine power.

  If the god-level BOSS of the SSS-level breakthrough assessment can fully exert its divine power, then no matter who comes to challenge it, it will be enough to be suppressed to death, and there is no need for assessment at all.

  Tian Dao only considered the balance of the assessment before setting the rules in this way.

  Because the opponent's hidden power is much higher than that of Chen Mo, the Demon King Ye Jun can easily see through Chen Mo's invisibility through the development gem on his body.

  Chen Mo didn't care about it.

  As long as the opponent's key ability is sealed, it will be easy to deal with.

   Just when the devil came out to say a few more words, Chen Mo was not polite at all, and directly sealed his abilities, relying on the God of Brave to seal off his automatic dark night skills, passive dark night skills, and black night seal surrounding ability skills.

  These three key skills are sealed, and it is useless for him to have 999 magic king secrets.

   "Boy, I have some tricks."

  Even though his most critical skills were all sealed, Demon Lord Ye Jun remained calm.

   Just as Chen Mo made the skeleton monster prepare to attack, suddenly the surrounding sky turned dark automatically.

   "Aren't your skills sealed?"

  Chen Mo looked at him unexpectedly.

Ye Jun sneered, and activated one of the demon king's secret techniques. The strange energy in his hand directly deflected all the attacks of the skeleton monster before he looked at Chen Mo and said, "That's right, it was sealed, but my demon king's city also has the creation of Ye Jun. Hei's device, you didn't destroy it, human beings, what means do you have to deal with me now?"

  As the night falls, the opponent's attributes are instantly increased by ten times, and the effect of the Lord of the Night is also obtained, and the effects of all skills are increased by 10 times.

   "Don't get complacent too early."

  Chen Mo naturally couldn't let the other party do what he wanted, so he directly suppressed him with the mystery killing technique.

  Although the Demon King Ye Jun possesses the talent of the lower Demon God, he can be immune to most of the abnormalities.

  But the seal of the God of the Brave, the Heart of God Slaughter, and the Mystic Slaying Technique that Chen Mo is currently using are all not in most of the lists.

  These are high priority abilities.

   It is not immune to general immune abnormalities.

   With the suppression of the Mystic Tu technique, Chen Mo once again ordered the skeleton monster to launch a combined attack!

   Whoosh whoosh! !

   Immediately, two million flying arrows flew towards Demon King Yejun!

  (end of this chapter)

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