All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 213: The third component, the death competition task is triggered! (

  Chapter 213 The third component, the death competition task is triggered! (2 in 1, 25)

   Originally, this dungeon should be Chen Mo holding back the back line, allowing the front line to attack the city, and then forcing the back line to return to the Anti-Demon King City, and the two sides encircled and attacked the Demon King City together.

   As a result, the front line has not been settled yet, Chen Mo completely penetrated the back line by himself, and even forced the devil out.

  Efficiency can be described as amazing.

  Give him 72 hours, and he can quickly end the copy in less than an hour.

  As all the attacks from the skeleton monster hit the immobile Demon King Ye Jun, his blood volume dropped instantly, and he was killed and exploded in the air.

  However, this guy is the same demon **** clone as the evil **** clone Chen Mo had encountered before. Once the clone died, the power of the soul returned to the main body, and Chen Mo did not leave a special undead.

  Chen Mo didn't care about it either.

  As soon as the demon king died, the demon king's city also collapsed inexplicably. This caused the demon king's army on the front line to be unable to supply enough magic power, and they were killed by the human army one after another.

   At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder has sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you have already eliminated the demon king, this SSS-level assessment is over ahead of schedule, and the settlement is starting...】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since the number of soldiers killed by the human legion this time is less than 30%, this assessment score is perfect! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on passing the SSS-level breakthrough assessment, your experience value of the SSS-level title "God Slayer Challenger" has been increased by 1 point! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your SSS title "God Slayer Challenger" has reached level 5! 】


  【SSS Title—God Slayer Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV5

  【Title experience】: full level

  [Title effect]: Increase all attributes by 500 points, increase all damage to god-level units by 100%, and reduce all damage received by god-level units by 100%.

  [Title skills]: God-slaying Power, God-slaying Heart, Mystery-slaying Art, God-slaying Domain, God-slaying Will

  〖Power of Slaughtering God·Golden Passive〗: Even if it is a god, you have to kill him. All damage you cause to god-level units will be regarded as real damage!

  〖Heart of Slaughtering God·Golden Active〗: Select any three divinities of a god-level unit, directly nullify them, cool down for 1 minute, and at most three divinities can be invalidated at the same time.

  〖Slaughtering Mystic Art·Golden Active〗: The selected god-level unit uses the secret technique that requires continuous guidance to ignore all its resistance capabilities and forcibly suppresses it for 10 seconds. This ability can only be effective once for the same god-level unit.

  〖God Slaying Domain·Golden Initiative〗: Open a domain with a radius of 100,000 meters around the body, which can offset the influence of the domain of gods.

  〖Ambition of Slaughtering God·Golden Initiative〗: When facing a god-level unit, its divine power is doubled.

  [Title introduction]: Even in the face of gods, you can bravely challenge and kill them, and your power will eventually surpass the power of gods!

   It can be seen that after the God Slaughter Challenger reaches the full level, all effects have been improved, and the most abnormal improvement is the newly acquired skill effect.

  Suddenly, you can directly regard your divine power as double.

  It was very difficult to get 1 point of divine power, but being able to double it is an extremely huge improvement.

  However, the divine power of the god-level unit itself is probably too high, and the double increase only reduces the difficulty of closing the distance with them.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on passing the SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the mythical-level item "Balance Core"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! It has been detected that you have collected two super artifact components. If you obtain this super artifact component again, you will be forced to automatically receive the super SSS level death competition task-"Super God Power"!

  If you don’t want to trigger this task, please give up obtaining it now.

  Do you choose to give up?

   After giving up, the reward will be re-entered into the reward pool for SSS-level breakthrough assessment. 】

   The reward pool for SSS-level breakthrough assessment clearance is not the reward pool for perfect clearance.

   There are still many people who have passed the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment by completing the dungeon task to get help.

  If this returns to the reward pool, it will be hard to say where the rewards will go in the future.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't want to give up the reward for nothing.

  Besides, I am currently on the earth, and other masters can't get in. At most, the earth's own five-turn powerhouse has super artifact components.

   As the only hidden professional owner, at least the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance will keep itself.

  As for aliens, there is no need to think about them for the time being.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to take it.

  As Chen Mo confirmed to accept the reward, the reminder from Heaven immediately sounded.

[Tiandao reminder: You have collected three super artifact components, you have triggered the super SSS level death competition task - "Super God Power", and at the same time, all people who currently own or later obtain super artifact components will trigger this task simultaneously . 】

  [Task Name]: Super God Power

  【Mission Restrictions】: Before the mission is completed, all your super artifact components will be in a death-bound state with you (that is, you can only be released after complete death).

  [Task Content]: Compete for ten super artifact components, collect all the super artifact components, and you will get an extremely powerful super artifact, which is unmatched by ordinary super artifacts!

  [Mission Tips]: When you are on the same big map as other super artifact component owners, you can check each other’s location regardless of any occlusion ability. Please go get your super artifact component according to the relevant information!

   "It's really forcing people to rob each other."

  With this mission rule, it is simply a dark forest law.

  As long as you appear on the same big map, you will start guessing each other.

  A bearer cannot tell whether another bearer is grabbing or guarding inclined

  A bearer cannot judge whether another bearer considers himself grabbing or guarding inclined

  A holder cannot judge whether another holder will attack himself

  Under the chain of suspicion, it is bound to lead to a death fight between each other.

   But at least as the person who triggered this task, Chen Mo currently has a little more information than the others. At this time, no one has more than three super artifact components.

   Otherwise, someone else triggered this task first.

  Based on this point, I have at least a certain advantage in the number of super artifacts.

  After triggering the task, Chen Mo checked the current big map immediately after preparing the dungeon.

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equivalent to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 25 eternal gold coins ! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score, you have obtained an additional "SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment Sweeping Paper"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: This assessment is over, after 3 seconds, you will be teleported back to the original world! 】

   With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Chen Mo has already returned to the earth.

  The moment he came out, he didn't have time to check the hints of the heavens, so he immediately checked the current big map.

  The current large map is mainly the scope of the entire solar system.

   As a result, in the entire large map, Chen Mo was surprised to see that there were actually holders of super artifact components in the solar system.

  Actually, he doesn't really want to have a death fight with the super artifact component holders on Earth.

   After all, killing one's own people for the sake of winning treasures is not something that can be done easily and with peace of mind.

  If the opponent is a bad person, Chen Mo will kill him with peace of mind, but if the opponent is an ordinary person, Chen Mo is really not too aggressive.

   After all, he used to live in a harmonious society, which was deeply rooted in his childhood education.

  At this time, Chen Mo was thinking about the strength of the other party.

  I don't want to **** a normal person, but it's hard to say what they will do.

  Besides, I don’t know what the other party’s strength is. Now is not the time to do ideological work for myself, but to observe the other party’s reaction first.

  Chen Mo doesn't care if the opponent is below Rank 5.

  Even if it is Rank 5, as long as the opponent's divine power is not very high, Chen Mo is not afraid.

   It is not so easy to kill yourself.

  Seeing that the target on the map was not moving at an extremely distant location, Chen Mo ignored him for the time being, but checked the balance core effect he had just obtained on his own.

  【Balance Core·Mythical Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, any effect you suffer cannot make your attribute lower than 50%. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Item active effect]: When activated, it can halve the attributes of all enemy units within the range of "100*level" meters around you, lasting for 5 seconds, and the cooling time is 30 seconds. (can be activated in the backpack)

  【Important Note】: This item is an important component of a super artifact, please keep it carefully!

[Item Introduction]: It is rumored that a treasure made by a powerful existence was originally used as a core component for a certain super artifact, but it was lost in the world during the turmoil of the avenue. If you pick it up, please store it carefully , in the future, maybe you can find that super artifact and regain the shocking power!

   It is indeed one of the components of the super artifact, and the effect is still unpretentious and powerful.

  The attribute that others have worked so hard to earn can be easily halved, and it is also reduced in a large range. Although it can only last for 5 seconds, it is already very powerful.

   And the cooling time is not long, only 30 seconds.

   can still take effect frequently.

   After checking the harvest, Chen Mo immediately checked the Heavenly Dao prompt that just popped up.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 26! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 27! 】


  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 30! 】

  [Experience Points]: 2279438/1796200

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 30, and you have reached the sixth-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

   "The experience value is stuck again. The SSS-level breakthrough assessment is close to 180,000 experience points. It seems that we have to find another famous person."

   Just as Chen Mo was checking the reminder of the Heavenly Dao, the Voice of the Great Dao also rang out.

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 25th-level SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

   To this end, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system.

  All solar system aboriginal professionals from now on, if they don’t want to take the boundary-breaking assessment at level 25, they can skip the boundary-breaking assessment directly, and there is no need to independently break the boundary! "

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 25th-level SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  As the reminder ended, Chen Mo got the third SSS-level gift package.

  However, this time it will be synthesized into a specified type of SSS-level gift bag or a super-SSS-level gift bag, it is unknown, after all, the probability is half and half.

  Combining such precious rewards is an extremely exciting thing for Chen Mo.

  With the voice of the avenue, it sounded again.

  The three alliance leaders couldn't help laughing.

   "This kid is really efficient. Just now I guessed that he is no longer in the safe zone. I am afraid he has gone to the wild, but it turned out to be true."

   "Getting to level 25 so quickly and taking the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment that requires ten times the experience value, I'm afraid I killed a high-level celebrity."

   "Based on his previous ability to kill top experts by leapfrogging two ranks, he is no match for him if he comes to the second rank casually, so he can take advantage of it casually."

   "It's a pity that you can only occupy it once in seven days."

   There is a one-week cooldown for the experience rewards for killing famous people.

   Can only be absorbed once every seven days.

   This is also the reason why I have never heard of a strong person whose level explodes in one day.

  At this time, Chen Mo didn't seem to know this rule, just like when Chen Mo participated in killing a celebrity, many people didn't know much about the celebrity.

   This is mainly because before the university, the popularity of famous people in schools is all about the dangerous popularity of famous people.

  The purpose is to let the students learn to stay away from those who encounter red names.

  If the benefits for those who participated in killing famous names were popularized from the beginning, it would be easy for many students to get lucky and have accidents.

  After preconceived and popularized the danger repeatedly at the beginning, even if a little welfare is popularized later, everyone will have preconceived notions of danger.

  That's why the teachers were not afraid to explain this matter in detail during the novice assessment after graduation.

  Although the relevant knowledge can be learned by oneself, many students still only have a half-knowledge of many related benefits of the celebrity.

  The main reason is that when you were young, you rarely had the idea of ​​killing others and using their lives as a stepping stone to improve yourself.

  The proportion of such people is still relatively small in the normal group.

  So it's normal for most people not to know.

   Especially those like Chen Mo.

  He didn't know about it at this time, so he planned to continue to find a famous person to absorb experience points.

   But before continuing to look for famous people, he must first synthesize three SSS-level gift packages.

  At the same time, he did not forget to keep an eye on the movement of the person with the super artifact component on the big map.

  The person's current location is in the safe area, but he is in the dangerous area.

  As long as he has the heart, he can take the initiative to attack.

  But it is naturally impossible for Chen Mo to go to the safe zone.

   After all, killing in the safe zone is clearly prohibited. Even if you are a genius, at least in front of the public, the academy alliance will have to organize people to arrest you.

   As for whether or not to let you go later, that will be a matter later.

  Based on this point, it is impossible for Chen Mo to take this kind of action.

  So he mainly depends on the other party's reaction.

   While Chen Mo was observing the reaction of this other person with super artifact components on the big map.

  At this time, this other person who owns the super artifact component is also having a headache about this matter.

  (end of this chapter)

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