Chapter 214 Unable to find the target! (3 in 1, 55)

  At this time, to the command center of the Earth Operations Department.

  Langu, who is the commander-in-chief, is looking at the reminder of the heaven with a headache, and his heart is entangled.

  He just suddenly received a reminder about a super SSS-level death competition mission.

   That is the super **** power task triggered by Chen Mo.

   In the end, he was damned and let him see that there is actually a person who also has super artifact components on the earth.

  This matter is a big event.

  As long as the opponent is not dead, Nalangu is always exposed to the eyes of the earthlings.

  And he is now at the command center of the Earth Operations Department.

  The entire core area of ​​the Earth War Department.

  If this position is exposed, what’s the deal?

  Once the clues are found out, the clues of a large number of intelligence personnel will all be exposed.

  Even now, it might not be too late to replace the command center.

  The reason why Langu is so entangled at this time is actually similar to Chen Mo.

  Because the two sides don't know the strength of the other party at all, they just know the location of the other party out of thin air.

  Everything is unknown, and the two sides dare not approach each other easily.

   After all, after this task is released, once you have a tendency to approach the opponent, it is very likely that the opponent will think that you are going to attack him.

  This is a dangerous signal.

If the other party is a master stronger than you, you didn't dare to attack you because you didn't know the details of you, but you suddenly walked towards the other party and sent a dangerous message to the other party, forcing the other party to take action against you. This is not cheating yourself. ?

  So at this time, whether it is Chen Mo or Langu, they are all entangled.

  They didn't want to get close to each other easily, mainly because they were worried that the other party was a powerhouse of rank five.

  Langu rubbed his temples with a headache.

   "At this time, he still doesn't know whether I am from Earth or from the Eternal Star System, so he didn't come to look for me directly after seeing that I was in the safe zone."

   "It's just that if I've been hiding in the safe zone, he might find him sooner or later, and I don't know what his strength is. If I'm a Rank 5 powerhouse, I'm really going to be taken over!"

   Thinking of this possibility, Langu thought about it, and decided to send someone over to try it out.

   "How can there be such a **** weird mission!"

   Poor Langu has only one super artifact component and can't know in advance that this task may suddenly appear, otherwise he wouldn't bring this thing over, and now it can't be solved even if it is completely bound.

   But the current situation is not that bad, the first priority is to check the strength of the opponent.

   As long as it is not rank five, it is easy to say, just send someone to kill him by force.

   No matter what the price, the opponent must die.

   Otherwise, if you expose yourself, it will cause huge damage to the arrangement of the entire eternal star system on the earth.

  This crisis must be resolved as much as possible!

   "Send an order to let the people near the coordinate point [127394, 577834] come to me as quickly as possible to investigate a target person and see what strength he is."

   Langu turned and said to an assistant.



  At this time, Chen Mo is composing the SSS-level gift package on the spot.

  During this official month, he will have another chance to spend 10 gold coins to buy a super **** fusion potion.

  Bought the super **** fusion agent, he immediately started the fusion.

  As the fusion screen started, Chen Mo waited expectantly for the synthesis result.

   Soon, a familiar object appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he went out again! ?

   Click on the tip of Heavenly Dao, and sure enough, this time, I was lucky enough to get a super SSS gift package.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Super SSS Gift Pack"! 】

  Looking at this delightful reminder, Chen Mo immediately took out the super SSS gift bag and opened it in a bound state.

   "I don't know what to get out this time."

  Although as long as it is something super SSS, obviously there will not be a bad one, but the one that is more suitable for your own use is the best.

  Chen Mo still wants to learn more about his flaws and short board abilities.

   It's just that things in the world can't all go as expected.

   Still depends on luck.

   Soon Chen Mo offered a reward.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully opened the super SSS gift package, congratulations on obtaining the binding skill book "Immortal Body·Colorful Class"! 】

[Immortal Body - Colorful Skill Book]: You will not be unable to revive for any reason. When you are killed, you will directly clear the body abnormalities, skill cooling, and resurrect with full blood and energy. This effect can be stored up to 10 times , which can be stored every hour. Current count (10/10).

   "Immortal body? Really, this is a perverted ability, ignoring anything that cannot be resurrected, and if you are killed, you can directly clear the cooldown of the skill and resurrect ten times?"

   Is there any need to be afraid of death?

  Seeing this effect, even Chen Mo, who has a good life-saving ability, immediately chose to learn.

  After all, to be honest, among all his current abilities, there is not one ability that can guarantee that he will not be unable to be resurrected for any reason.

   But this colorful skill makes up for this gap!

   Now Chen Mo has more confidence.

   No matter who the other person on earth with the super artifact component is now, he is not very worried.

  But he is not interested in going to the safe zone to find the other party for the time being.

  After all, if it is a big boss, people don't want to do it at first, but doing it by yourself will inspire others to do it, and it would be bad to make trouble for yourself.

  He continued to search for the famous person nearby.

  Because of Chen Mo's powerful search ability, he really quickly found a famous person a few kilometers away.

   Unfortunately, this is only level 30.

   But after all, the points are half of the total experience value, and half of the total experience value of level 30 is also very good.

  Chen Mo is not picky about food.

  He first searched for information about this person on the wanted website.

   It turned out that this guy killed the family of the boy who molested the girl in his family. The boy in that family molested the girl and prevaricated on the grounds that the child was ignorant. He felt that the famous person made a big fuss, which caused this tragedy.

  Although it is somewhat extreme to say that killing the other party’s family because of obscenity, it can be regarded as excusable.

  Chen Mo left him to fend for himself, and did not kill him.

   After all, it's easy to find celebrities around here.

   Sure enough, after flying more than 2,000 meters, I found another one.

   This famous person is really outrageous, he killed all the people of the family, and was wanted by the family union college alliance.

  According to the introduction on the official website, he shot and killed them without injustice or enmity, purely hating the children of the aristocratic family.

   It can be seen that as long as there is opposition, some extremists will easily appear.

   Regarding this mental illness, Chen Mo took action directly.

   This guy is a level 40 professional. When he was taking a nap in the forest, suddenly an invisible and silent arrow shot quickly and pierced through the center of his brow.

   directly killed him in the dreamland.

  Death in an instant, but without pain.

   After dispelling the undead and burning the corpses like the previous celebrity, Chen Mo opened the Heavenly Dao prompt and checked.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed a level 40 red-named person, and you have obtained 4000 honor points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully killed the famous person, but since you have obtained the experience value of the famous person once within seven days, the cooldown period of this benefit is seven days, and you cannot continue to obtain this benefit by killing the famous person. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the famous person alone, and your experience value of the S-level title "Enforcer" will be increased by 10 points! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your S-rank title "Enforcer" has been upgraded to level 3! 】

  【S-rank title—Enforcer】

  【Title Level】: LV3

  [Title experience]: 0/10 (Each person who participates in killing a famous name increases 1 experience point, and kills alone 10 experience points.)

  [Title effect]: All attributes are increased by 30 points, and when attacking a red-named person, the damage caused to the red-named person is increased by 30%.

  [Title introduction]: The famous person is the sinner who manifested the way of heaven. Killing the famous person is to enforce the law on behalf of the sky. As a junior law enforcement officer, you have just started on the road. Please continue to eliminate the evil, and you will get better rewards.

   "Can't you get the experience points of the famous people continuously?"

  Chen Mo was very surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has never heard of anyone who soared to a very high level in one day. It seems that there has always been such a restriction.

  Otherwise, some masters can reach extremely high levels within a day simply by using this method.

   "However, seven days is not a long time. Come out and look for it after seven days."

   Seeing that there is no new income, Chen Mo is too lazy to continue to eliminate these famous people, although killing two more can directly increase the title.

   But it always feels like a waste of experience points.

   Just when Chen Mo was about to go home, he suddenly sensed someone approaching nearby.

  He immediately felt it carefully.

   "Three people? They are all three-rank masters? They are not famous people. What are they doing here? Are they also looking for famous people to kill?"

   Just when Chen Mo guessed like this, he suddenly found that something was wrong with these three people.

  Their actions didn't look like those who came to find the celebrity. The three of them seemed to have a clear goal, and they were moving towards that goal.

   And Chen Mo discovered that this clear goal was actually himself.

  He was a little dazed immediately.

   "What the hell? These three three-rank masters are here to find me? No way."

  At first, Chen Mo still had some doubts, but he soon became convinced that these three people were really coming in his direction.

  At this time, Chen Mo was thinking, could it be that the person sent by the academy alliance to secretly protect him came here?

  This is somewhat possible.

   But what Chen Mo was curious about was how did they know they were here?

   "I have entered the state of mysticism now, and they are still so determined to come towards my point, what the hell? I should be unable to be detected by any method in my state of ecstasy, unless..."

  In an instant, Chen Mo's pupils shrank and thought of something.

My own divine invisibility is at the super **** level. If I can still find myself remotely in this state, then the other party may not have received the task of super **** power like myself. This task belongs to the super SSS level. If the coordinates are exposed by this task, Even if it is the hidden treasure box, it will not be able to hide it.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help guessing the other party's identity.

  The other party can directly instruct three three-rank powerhouses to come over to check their information. I am afraid that their own strength is at least above three ranks.

  Since he intends to send someone over, he obviously has an idea about himself.

  Why didn't he come here?

   Afraid to scare the snake?

  At this time, Chen Mo simply stayed where he was, planning to wait for the three guys to approach and listen to them to see if he could hear something.

  The main thing is that he doesn't know who his opponent is now, and there is a fog, which makes Chen Mo a little curious.

  He considered the possibility of several opponents.

  First academy league master.

  Second family master.

  The third alien master.

   After all, the prerequisite for obtaining super artifact components is to pass the SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

  This prerequisite exists, and it is basically impossible for non-masters to do it.

  So, the opponent's strength must be guaranteed.

   It's just that the opponent's strength is currently unknown at which stage.

  If the opponent is the first identity, the master of the academy alliance is currently the most stable identity for Chen Mo.

  At least the two parties can make an agreement through the leader not to fight each other.

   Of course, this will be more troublesome in the future.

   After all, if you want to collect this super SSS reward, one of them must die.

  If it is the second identity, the general situation is similar to the first one, but you can have fewer worries afterwards.

   After all, the aristocratic family and the college alliance are half-competitive and half-cooperative.

  If there is a need to kill each other to promote the growth of the other, the two sides will allow competition.

Two people die and one person can make a Super SSS baby, and it is not an ordinary Super SSS, it is the best of the Super SSS, so sacrificing one person is acceptable to the senior members of the Family Alliance and the Academy Alliance things.

  Of course, the premise is that the two people have collected all the super artifact components before they are allowed to kill each other openly.

   But before they are all gathered, the two can only fight each other in private at most, otherwise the two alliances will definitely not allow their own strong man to disappear like this.

   After all, they are all talents who have broken through the SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

  However, compared to Chen Mo, who has continuously and perfectly passed the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment, it is rare. If there is no competition between the two sides, even both sides may recommend Chen Mo.

  The first two identities, for Chen Mo, as long as the matter is dealt with at the leader level, it can guarantee that he will not be harassed at the current stage.

  But if it is the last identity, it will be different.

  They already wanted to kill Chen Mo and then quickly, and now that they had such a big interest involved, they wanted to gnaw his flesh and **** his blood even more.

   Soon, the three three-rank powerhouses approached about 100 meters away from Chen Mo.

   It's not that their detection ability is so poor.

  Mainly because of their detection ability, they didn't detect any targets at all.

   This made them keep approaching.

   Originally, they summoned him back immediately without detecting anyone.

  In the end, I received a message from Langu. There must be someone here. If you can't detect it with a large-scale detection ability, you can go to check it at a close distance.

   This caused the three people to approach this position.

   As a result, even if they were within a hundred meters, they couldn't see anything.

   "No, have you found anything?"

   After the three met at a distance of 100 meters, they were stunned.

   "No, I'm wearing an SSS-level hidden stone. I haven't detected anything, so it's definitely not invisible."

   "I just entered the void world and looked at it, and there is nothing in the void world."

   "Then it shouldn't be, it can't be detected like this, I'm afraid there is no one here at all."


   While the three were talking, the news had already been sent back.

   "My lord, we have checked carefully. All three of them have arrived at the target location, but there is nothing at the target location. Whether it is exploring or entering the void, there is nothing."

  Hearing this answer, Langu couldn't help frowning and fell silent.

  He carefully looked at the display of the target point on the map.

   It is absolutely impossible to be wrong, that person is 100% in this position.

   Unless the way of heaven has gone wrong.

   But obviously the way of heaven can't make mistakes, that is, the ability of one's own people is not enough.

He suddenly thought of a possibility and immediately sent a message: "Zuo Jing handed over your SSS-level hidden breaking stone to Poji. Although Poji has the ability to enter the void world, his ability to detect hidden objects is not enough. Maybe the other party is hiding in the void world." And entered the stealth state, which made it impossible for Poji to detect it."

  After receiving Langu's reply, the three of them couldn't help feeling that it made sense.

  Zuo Jing immediately handed over the SSS hidden hidden stone to Boji.

   With the spread, enter the void realm to investigate again.

   Now he was completely dumbfounded.

  As he returned to the outside world, Zuo Jing and the two immediately looked at him curiously and asked, "How is it? What did you find?"

  Poji smiled wryly and shook his head, "No, not even a single hair."

   "No way, why did your lord so swear that there must be someone here?"

   "It's weird, we've already done all the investigations we can do. Apart from invisibility and escaping into the void, the other party can't have any other way to hide themselves."

  The three immediately reported the results of the investigation to Langu again.

  At this moment, even Langu himself was dumbfounded.

  Through the investigation map given by the task of Super God's Power, he can clearly see that Chen Mo's position has never even moved. The other party is in this position. Why did he disappear out of thin air?

   Could it be that there are some extraordinary abilities in the super artifact component?

  Langu took a look at the effect of this super artifact component in his hand.

   Can't help shaking his head.

  Super artifact components are just super artifact components after all, and their abilities can’t reach the super SSS level. They are basically SSS level abilities.

  Zuojing's SSS-level hidden-breaking stone is recognized as the treasure with the highest priority for breaking hidden under the super-SSS level.

  If this cannot be broken, the opponent cannot be in an invisible state.

   But why can't they detect the other party?

  Langu racked his brains for a while but couldn't figure out the reason.

   "My lord, what should we do now? Is the target you mentioned still in place?"

   After receiving the reply from his subordinates, Langu glanced at it again, and the target position had not moved at all.

  He suddenly thought of a possibility and said: "Isn't it because he escaped into the ground, let's check the situation on the ground."

   Immediately, the three of them landed on the ground, only to see a pile of burnt ashes on the ground.

   As for the others, there are no traces of being dug up on the ground.

   "My lord, there are no traces of damage on the ground. Could it be the ability to hide from the ground? I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to continue to investigate. We need to find someone who can hide from the ground."

   "Okay, you stay there, I will send someone over there immediately."

  After Langu explained, he immediately contacted professionals and rushed to the past.

   At this time, Chen Mo overheard the chatting of these three people.

   But it seems that because they know that there may be people around, they are very careful about the content of their chats.

   They all use the language of the earth, and even the pronunciation is quite standard, without revealing too much information.

   Those who are called high-ranking adults, whether it is the academy alliance, the family or the aliens, they all call it that.

  Just relying on such a title, Chen Mo is still unable to confirm what the composition of these three people is.

  The reason why he didn't take action to kill them was to find out what kind of force they belonged to.

  In case it is from the academy alliance, killing them is more or less like killing the wrong person.

  They were obviously just sent over to investigate themselves.

  After listening for a while, Chen Mo still didn't hear any useful information, but he was still very patient.

   Anyway, there is nothing urgent to do now, just wait and see if they are really so tight.

   But hearing that they didn't reveal any background in their conversation, Chen Mo somewhat suspected that they were not simply members of the academy alliance.

   Otherwise, there will be more or less complaints.

   But they are very careful with what they say.

  I always feel that I am always avoiding saying something.

  Because of this, Chen Mo felt that the suspicion that these people were aliens increased significantly.

  Of course, they may also be members of the aristocratic family. The loyalty of the subordinates of the aristocratic family is much higher than that of the academy alliance.

   After all, the aristocratic family is a group of people from the family with the same surname.

   Natural loyalty is higher than an alliance formed by people with different surnames.

   High loyalty and less complaints.

   After the three of them waited for a while, another person came.

  Chen Mo found out that the good guys were getting more and more powerful, and they even sent them to the fourth rank.

   This made Chen Mo feel even more incredible about the people behind him.

   Do you have to listen to him all the time? What is his strength?

   I'm afraid it's not rank five strength!

   Thinking of this, Chen Mo's face turned dark.

   It's really five turns, but it's actually quite troublesome.

  Of course, apart from the fact that the opponent is a rank 5 and can send out a rank 4, there is also a possibility that the opponent is an alien in the upper echelon of the earth. With such an identity, he can naturally send out strong ranks 3 and 4 freely.

   "Senior Ban Rong."

  Seeing this Rank 4 powerhouse approaching, the three Rank 3 powerhouses immediately saluted.

   "Who is that SSS-level Hidden Stone?" Ban Rong was wearing a long robe and looked like a Mage professional. He looked at the three of them expressionlessly and asked.

   "Here I am." Bo Ji immediately took out the SSS-level Hidden Breaking Stone and handed it over.

   After receiving the Poyin Stone, Ban Rong suddenly shrank and disappeared from the ground.

   Obviously he has escaped into the ground.

   "My lord has even invited Senior Ban Rong over here, it seems that there will be absolutely no mistake in the investigation."

   "Is that person really hiding underground?"

   "If it's true that Senior Banrong brought the SSS-level hidden stone, he would definitely be able to catch him."

  While the three of them were talking, Ban Rong had already explored a large area underground with extremely fast ground escape.

  At this time, he was also communicating with Langu.

  After Langu confirmed that Chen Mo's position had not changed.

  Generally, Rong carefully inspected every inch of the area within a kilometer.

   But what puzzled him in the end was that within a kilometer of this coordinate, there was not even a trace of abnormality detected.

   Instead, when they explored the edge of the kilometer in this area, they found a red-named person who was hiding underground by means of escapism.

For this kind of earthlings who can kill each other, the aliens like them as much as possible. Naturally, they did not kill him. Instead, they informed Langu of this situation and asked him to judge whether there was a mistake in the coordinates. Only this famous person was detected.

  (end of this chapter)

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