Chapter 215 is completely exposed! (triple)

  [PS]: Sorry, I had something to do at home yesterday, so I will try to make up for what I owe.


  Chen Mo has not gotten any useful information so far, but it can be seen from their surnames that they should not be from a family.

   If it's not a family, then it can only be the Academy Alliance and aliens.

  If they were members of the academy alliance, it would be difficult for Chen Mo to kill them.

   But if it is an alien, they should be killed immediately at this time, or someone should come and arrest them.

  In order to confirm their identities, Chen Mo immediately contacted Jiang Yun.

  He has added the three leaders before, so that he can contact him in case of emergency.

   Now is a good time.

  [Chen Mo]: President Jiang, I found a few people here and need you to investigate to see if they are members of the Academy Alliance.

  【Jiang Yun】: Oh? You send it over to have a look.

   Soon Chen Mo sent the images of several people over.

  Jiang Yun immediately ordered people to investigate.

  1 minute later...

  [Jiang Yun]: These few are indeed members of the Academy Alliance, but it’s a little strange. These people should be distributed in several different regions and different departments. Why did they suddenly gather in one place? Do you suspect that they are aliens?

  【Chen Mo】: It’s just a little uncertain, so I ask the leader to investigate.

[Jiang Yun]: Under normal circumstances, college alliance members from different departments in different regions will not gather so far away from the safe zone, unless these people have some friendship and come out to do something, give me 3 minutes and I will check them to see if they have friendship, if not, these few have a huge problem, and it is very likely that they are aliens.

  【Chen Mo】: Well, they are still searching for me at this time, and they will leave in a while.

  Three minutes later, Ban Rong returned to the ground and returned the information found underground to Langu.

  After receiving Ban Rong's reply, Langu's forehead was full of question marks.

  He repeatedly and carefully confirmed Chen Mo's coordinates.

   It is true that this position is accurate, and it should not deviate so much from the kilometer range.

   "The person with the red name should not be the person who holds the super artifact component. The owner should be nearby, but why can't he find it?"

  Langu was really curious in his heart. He had used all the top detection methods, and there was no reason why he could not be detected if he was invisible.

   I have also gone to the void world, and I have also searched underground. What else is possible?

   Could it be a transformation?

Suddenly thinking of this possibility, he immediately said: "He may have the ability to change, and may turn into nearby flowers and trees, etc., you attack the nearby flowers and trees to see, it doesn't take much to destroy the radius of 100 meters indiscriminately, it should be able to force Here he comes."

   "It turned out to be transformed, it is possible."

  Received the reply, all three of the three ranks looked at Ban Rong of the fourth rank.

  This is a rank four archmage, let alone a radius of 100 meters, even a radius of 1,000 meters, he can easily destroy it completely.

   Appeared with the staff in Ban Rong's hand.

  Suddenly, a scorching flame burst out from the staff.

  Due to the effect of the hidden treasure box, Chen Mo will not receive any damage in the invisible state, so Chen Mo doesn't care what the other party wants to do.

  At this time, he was checking Jiang Yun's reply.

  [Jiang Yun]: The investigation has been clear, these four people have problems, and the possibility of aliens is extremely high! Give me the coordinates, and I will order people to come and arrest them.

  【Chen Mo】: Good.

  Chen Mo immediately sent the coordinate information to the past.

   Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this time I inspired the task of super **** power, and actually caught a shockingly big fish.

  After sending the current location to Jiang Yun, Chen Mo immediately sent a message to Jiang Yun about Langu.

  [Chen Mo]: Leader Jiang, these people are small problems. I have a bigger discovery here.

  [Jiang Yun]: Bigger discovery?

  [Chen Mo]: Well, it is very likely that it is the high-level aliens on our earth.

  【Jiang Yun】: Oh? how did you find out

  [Chen Mo]: I triggered a very special task, the other party and I happen to be participants in the task, and I can have the coordinates of the other party in real time.

  At first, I didn't plan to take the initiative to approach the other party, but now I'm doing well in the wild, and suddenly I was investigated by three or even four turns.

   This has to make me suspect that it is the person who can see each other's coordinates like me, and sent someone to investigate after seeing my coordinates.

   And a person who can dispatch a few three-rank and one four-rank at will, he himself is either extremely powerful or has a very high status!

  Since you have confirmed that these four are aliens, it is self-evident that the identity of this person can be sent out with such a strong four aliens.

  [Jiang Yun]: It’s interesting, give me his coordinates, Chen Mo, if you really find the high-level aliens on our earth this time, I will directly award you 100 million meritorious service on behalf of the Academy Alliance!

  Receiving Jiang Yun's reply, Chen Mo was very surprised.

   Merit is something similar to college credits, which can be exchanged for many rewards.

  University credits can be exchanged for rewards in the college treasure house.

   Merits can be exchanged for rewards in the alliance treasure house.

  The scope of this exchange is huge.

  The value of 100 million meritorious deeds is already very high, at least equivalent to the value of 10,000 gold coins.

   This is just to say that it is equivalent, but in fact, it is difficult for you to buy some things that can be exchanged in the alliance treasure house from the outside world with 10,000 gold coins.

  Many precious materials are rarely even seen in auction houses, and are basically hidden in the alliance treasury.

   Can only be exchanged by earning meritorious service.

  Most of the items on Chen Mo's body have been combined to a high level, and they are in great need of the materials in the college alliance's treasury.

  With so many meritorious rewards, it can be said that Chen Mo can greatly reduce the time it takes to collect a large amount of materials.

   But whether you can get such a high reward depends on whether you can really catch the big mouse this time.

  When Chen Mo passed the coordinate information to Jiang Yun, the scorching flame on the Banrong staff suddenly turned into a ring of fire and spread out at an extremely fast speed.

  The spread range is so large that there is no grass in the surrounding kilometers.

  After a burst of red sound...

   Except for the three aliens who were three-turn professionals, the surrounding kilometers had been completely burned.

  But still did not see any strange figure appearing.

   "Or nobody?"

"how so?"

   "Could it be that the commander-in-chief made your lord make a mistake?"

   Just when several people were curious, they suddenly received a message from Langu.

  [Langu]: Everyone quickly dispersed and left. Just after receiving the report, the Academy Alliance launched a rapid investigation on the four of you!

  Receiving this news, the four of them were all dumbfounded.

  What the hell, there is no one around here.

  Why were the four of us suddenly exposed?

   Suddenly being investigated by the Academy Alliance?

   Doesn't that mean the commander-in-chief did not make a mistake?

   There is actually a person next to him.

  But why is this person who cannot be detected by any means?

  This matter is too scary.

  Thinking of this, the four of them suddenly felt horrified.

   All the three turns looked at Banruo and said, "Senior Banjna, if you expand the domain, can you perceive any abnormalities within the scope of the domain?"

"No, although the domain has a certain detection ability, but different domains have different detection capabilities. The domain ability I learned is defensive, and the detection ability is even weaker. Obviously, it is not enough to detect things that cannot be detected no matter what method is used. unit."

   "Then what shall we do now?"

   "Hurry up and withdraw. I'm afraid someone from the Academy Alliance will come over after a while. Spread out and run to as hidden a place as you can. It's best to find a crack instance to hide first."

   After Prajna finished speaking, she turned around first and was ready to run away!

  When telling the four of them to run away, Langu felt that something was wrong in his heart.

   Now it is no longer a problem for these four people to expose.

  If these four people were exposed, then the person who sent them out behind the scenes would not be far away from being exposed.

   It might even be synced.

  However, since the other party mainly took the investigation first, it can be seen that it was just suspicion at the beginning.

   These four people were not exposed.

  It was all because of this incident that it was exposed.

  Since it is because of this incident, is it possible for the person whose coordinates are exposed on the opponent's map at this moment to not be exposed?

   As soon as he thought of this, Langu knew that this time it was really the end, and he immediately contacted the senior management of the Yongxing system!

   "My lord, something is wrong, I am afraid we will be completely exposed to the Earth War Department!"

   "Why so suddenly?"

   "Because of a task about a super artifact."

   "Super artifact!? What task?"

   Regarding the completion of this matter with the Earth Combat Command, it is obvious that the other party seems to be more concerned about the super artifact.

"It's a long story and I don't have time to go into details. It's just a task for several super artifact component owners to compete for components. The key is to expose the positions of all holders in real time. I am the owner of one of the components. , and the solar system actually has one.”

   "Why didn't you inform in advance about such an important thing as the super artifact component?"

   Langu couldn't answer this question, who wouldn't want to hold a good thing by himself.

   What if they want to check it out if they say it themselves, and they will know that this thing can be traded as soon as they check it, what should they do if they want to give it away?

  Who would like to give away such a superb good thing?

  This is a big baby who has the opportunity to form a super artifact.

  He himself didn't know that this thing would cause such a disaster.

  After all, he did not collect two like Chen Mo.

   Now that he learned that there was such a cheating mission, he himself was completely dumbfounded.

But this is not the time to talk about this matter, he directly changed the topic and said: "My lord, it is not a matter of super artifact components now. Once my position is exposed, it will be a huge blow to the entire Earth combat command. It is very likely that our arrangement on the earth will be wiped out in an instant.

At that time, our organization will be completely paralyzed, even if it triggers this rare and extremely difficult natural disaster, it will be useless. Now we should quickly trigger the natural disaster in the solar system to create chaos, and cooperate with us to completely disrupt the situation internally. A heavy blow can also be of great help to our manpower continuing to hide all over the earth. "

  After receiving Langu's reply, the other party obviously knew the crux of the matter.

   "Understood, we will immediately send people to trigger a super-hard natural disaster! If you are okay this time, please explain to me about the super artifact components later!"


  After Langu finished speaking, the bad feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

  If the four people over there are exposed, then he is definitely not far from being exposed.

  The other party has his own real-time coordinates. Since he can suspect that the four people are aliens, he has already guessed that he is an alien.

   At this time, Langu was very depressed.

   Originally, he wanted to find out the opponent first and then kill the grass.

   The result was unexpected, and they sent professionals there. Not only could they not find anyone, but they were self-defeating and exposed that they were aliens.

  This is really beyond his imagination.

  But this is also natural. Originally, Langu dispatched so many people this time, it can be said that he has achieved all kinds of detection capabilities, and he has already considered it very carefully. It stands to reason that it can be detected.

  In the end, he never thought that the other party's methods were beyond his imagination.

  In general, Langu’s choice can’t be wrong, he just didn’t expect the ability beyond his own cognitive ability.

  After all, who would have thought that a simple first-time professional would have a super god-level stealth ability.

   Not long after Langu communicated with the senior management of the Yongxing system, he received the news that the four Banrui were under control.

  Chen Mo saw that the four of them were about to leave, so he immediately sent skeleton monsters behind each of them to follow them invisibly to ensure that they could not escape.

  If you just want to kill them, Chen Mo can do it himself.

  He didn't do anything, he just waited for the academy alliance to send someone over to arrest him.

  Following a wave of spatial fluctuation, four Rank 5 powerhouses appeared at the location where Chen Mo shared the coordinates.

   "No one? It seems to have escaped."

  The four immediately sensed their surroundings.

   At this time, Jiang Yun received the information about the Alien's action route shared by Chen Mo in real time.

  Seeing this information, Jiang Yun shared it with four Rank 5 powerhouses.

   Soon the four rank five powerhouses caught up.

  Three three-turn and one four-turn how to run past five turn strong.

   Naturally, it was easy to handle.

  The three three-turners who were fleeing scattered here, when they were running desperately, suddenly heard a buzzing sound from behind, and a figure appeared in front of them in the next second.

   "Five turns!"

  At this moment, the three of them had completely lost the strength to fight.

  Whether they struggle or not is something that can be decided at will for rank five, and there is no need to struggle at all.

   It’s better to just get caught, desperately deny it, and say that you are a decent earthling who just came out of some remote small tribes.

  In this way, there may be a glimmer of life.

   Otherwise, let alone resisting, even if you want to commit suicide, it may be too late, and you will be captured by the opponent directly.

  By the way here.

  Although he is a rank four, he also feels powerless when facing a strong rank five.

   The difference in this turn is the difference between heaven and earth.

  He pretended not to know what happened, looked at the Rank 5 powerhouse in front of him, and said, "Your junior has seen your senior."

   "Ban Rong, I need your cooperation in the investigation of one matter, you and I will go back to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance."

   "Okay, just wondering what it is?"

  Ban Rong responded with a cute appearance, and tried to ask.

   "You don't need to know this now, just go back with me."


  Ban Rong didn't show anything, and was going to obediently go back with the other party.

   At this time, on Langu's side, he was ready to die.

  After consulting with high-level officials, he has passed the news to all members of the Eternal Star System on Earth.

   Get them ready for battle.

  As long as they wait for the earth's natural disasters to come, they will immediately act and launch an indiscriminate attack. This wave of actions will stir up the situation on the earth as much as possible.

  After receiving Langu's order, many members of the Eternal Star System were extremely excited.

  Many of them have been living the days of hiding their heads and showing their tails on the earth, and they have already had enough.

  They always hope that one day they can kill freely.

   And today they finally waited.

  They are free to slaughter.

  The information from Langu's side has just been transmitted, and the people from the headquarters of the Academy Alliance have already arrived.

  For the headquarters of the Earth Combat Command, although it is such an anti-Earth department, in the safe zone, they are actually a company doing business.

  So in the face of the sudden arrival of the high-level members of the Academy Alliance, Langu and the others have already thought of 10,000 countermeasures in advance, so naturally they will not panic.

  Even if you know that you are now 99% exposed.

   But until he sat down, he could continue to remain calm.

  His subordinates even started the report very cooperatively.

   "Boss, there are adults from the Academy Alliance coming to see you."

   "Really? Please hurry up."

  Langu immediately stood up excitedly, with an expression that is rare to see a big man, and greeted the three rank five experts who came to the academy alliance.

   "Three adults, I don't know what kind of wind brought you here today? Please sit here."

  After signaling the three of them to sit down, Langu sat back at his boss's seat and looked at the three of them.

   "Boss Lan doesn't know why we came?"

  The three rank five powerhouses looked at Langu with great interest.

   "Could it be that my small mercenary group is lucky enough to receive an order from the Academy Alliance?" Langu asked pretending to be puzzled.

   "Boss Lan's mercenary group is really doing well. Other people's mercenaries will cause disputes every three days because of various issues such as commissions and remuneration.

  Your mercenary group not only has extremely high efficiency and excellent results, but also has never had any internal problems. Boss Lan seems to be well-mannered! "

   "Everywhere, it's all for the sake of mixing up the meal. Naturally, I want to satisfy the customers and the people under me. As the boss, I'm satisfied if I leak a little bit into my mouth."

   "It's hard to find such a considerate boss in this world today. Since Boss Lan is so considerate in dealing with people, then we want to ask Boss Lan to go back and help investigate some things. Boss Lan will not refuse."

   "This is natural. As long as the Academy Alliance has any needs, our Qilan Mercenary Group will fully cooperate from top to bottom."

   "Okay then, please ask Boss Lan to come back with us."

   "I don't know how long it will take? If it takes a long time, I think I'd better explain what happened to my subordinates first, so that they won't be unable to deal with it."

   "No, I'll be back soon, in less than 24 hours." A short-haired woman among the three Rank 5 powerhouses said with a smile.

   Seeing this, Langu didn't say much and immediately got up and said: "Then let's go, don't delay the efforts of the three adults."

   "Boss Lan is really happy."

  The three of them walked to Langu's side immediately, and the short-haired woman put her hands on his shoulders, ready to take him away.

  The remaining two are planning to remain in the Qilan Mercenary Group.

  After all, at this time, the eyes of the entire Qilan mercenary group began to look strange.

   Obviously ready to move.

  The moment the three Rank 5 powerhouses came over, the aliens already knew that there was no room for change.

   All of this has been found on Langu, so is it still far from finding other people?

   Even pretending to be a normal person is useless, so they naturally don't care about being exposed.

   Coupled with the fact that Langu had prepared them to cause a complete riot before, they were naturally gearing up.

  The Academy Alliance can't know their thoughts.

  Since Langu is going to be taken away, the entire Qilan mercenary group should not try to get away easily, after all, the suspicion is already so obvious.

  How could this group of people be left alone.

  Under the presence of the three top rank five powerhouses, coupled with the cooperation of a group of academy alliance masters in the periphery, the entire Qilan mercenary group is now in a situation where they are only allowed to enter but not allowed to exit.

   There seems to be a one-pot situation.

  However, under Langu's secret order, none of these people showed any abnormality at this time.

  Langu is not in a panic now, because a super difficult natural disaster is about to be deliberately triggered by the Eternal Star System.

   At that time, people in the solar system will be too busy to take care of themselves, and all the current arrangements will be messed up!

  Seeing that everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, four people in the field were arrested, and Langu was also detained at the Earth Operations Command Center.

   It seems that this time the Academy Alliance has achieved unprecedented success in dealing with the aliens.

   At this time, Chen Mo also received a message from Jiang Yun.

  [Jiang Yun]: Chen Mo, the information you provided this time is very important. We have already found a stronghold named Qilan Mercenary Group, which is very likely to be the general stronghold of aliens.

  [Chen Mo]: The academy alliance is so efficient, did you figure out the opponent's general stronghold so quickly?

  【Jiang Yun】: That's not true, it's just that this Qilan mercenary group reveals weirdness everywhere.

  【Chen Mo】: There's something weird everywhere, why didn't you notice it long ago?

[Jiang Yun]: You misunderstood. What I mean by weirdness is not that they have a lot of omissions in their actions, but that the entire mercenary group is extremely capable in their actions. It is almost perfect to the point that there is no mistake or omission. This is not a normal group. What a large-scale company can do, I believe that this place is very likely to be the general stronghold of the Yongxing system.

   Only professional spies can do things so seamlessly.

  【Chen Mo】: By the way, can I go over there now? Because one of them has my quest item on him, this quest item must not be touched by others, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

  Chen Mo didn't want to kill each other in the end, and he didn't want a Rank 5 powerhouse to pick it up, but he was greedy for treasures and came up with the idea of ​​killing him.

  (end of this chapter)

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