Chapter 216 Invincible Pauline! (triple)

  [Jiang Yun]: There are already three Rank 5s sitting in charge over there, and you will not be in any danger in the past, but now you are easily exposed by the other party in the past, so that the Yongxing system will take precautions against you.

  【Chen Mo】: Don't worry, I won't let him see mine, but after he dies, I hope I can take away his belongings.

  [Jiang Yun]: The entire Qilan mercenary group is because of you. Naturally, there is no problem with your request, but there may be a lot of secrets from the two galaxies in the other party's items.

  [Chen Mo]: I understand, I only take away my mission items, and I will return the other items to the alliance intact regardless of their grade.

  [Jiang Yun]: That’s fine, but if this person is the high-level member of the academy alliance you guessed, then we can’t kill him directly for the time being. Keeping him may reveal more secrets.

  【Chen Mo】: I understand this, and I'm not in a hurry, just ask the leader to inform me when the execution is going to happen.

  【Jiang Yun】: Naturally.

   Just when Jiang Yun and Chen Mo felt that they had caught a big mouse this time, and the earth was finally about to usher in a refreshing environment.

  Who would have thought that at this moment in the Tower of Eternity, the people of the Eternal Star System are preparing to cause a huge trouble to the earth.

  At this time, Chen Mo was still very surprised that he suddenly found out the important stronghold of aliens hidden on the earth.

   In particular, this means that I still have a great possibility of receiving 100 million meritorious rewards.

   This is a considerable benefit.

   Just when Chen Mo was thinking about how to spend the 100 million merits, suddenly there was a strange gust of wind, and over the entire dangerous area of ​​the earth, the night sky had completely changed from pitch black to blood red.

   It looks extremely enchanting.

  Many timid people couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear after seeing it.

   After turning blood red, strange lightning and thunder continued to appear in the sky.

  Seeing this scene, anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is a sign of an impending natural disaster.

   Sure enough, the next moment, the Voice of the Great Dao rang out.

"Professionals in the Eternal Star system used the privileges related to natural disasters to trigger this SS-level natural disaster for the solar system. This natural disaster is extremely severe. Please work together to resist the natural disaster. If you can successfully cure this natural disaster, all solar system Professionals can get a generous reward!"

  The Voice of the Great Avenue broadcasted it three times in a row, which immediately aroused great fear in the hearts of people all over the world.

  SS-level natural disasters, such a difficult natural disaster has never happened in history.

   But there has been an S-class natural disaster in history.

  Back then the earth was not as tyrannical as it is now. There were not enough rank five masters, not enough at all. Under the terrible S-level outbreak, more than 70% of the global population died that time.

  Historically known as the "catastrophe event"!

   Thousands of years have passed since the catastrophic event.

  The strength of the people on Earth has finally accumulated well, but an even more terrifying SS-level natural disaster broke out.

   At this moment, no one in the world is afraid of it.

  Even the three leaders of the academy alliance are still terrified at this moment.

  After reading the information about the catastrophe event, they still remember it vividly, but now there is an SS-level natural disaster that is even more terrifying than the catastrophe event.

  What a disaster this time will bring to the people of the world! ?

   I can't even think about it.

  Even now there are far more Rank 5 powerhouses than before.

   It can be said that there were no aliens on the earth before, but now there are aliens on the earth!

   "How did the **** Eternal Star Galaxy actively trigger our natural disaster? And it's such a terrifying natural disaster!"

   "After all, our development time in the Tower of Eternity is too short, and the depth of exploration of the Tower of Eternity is still not enough. I didn't expect that there is such a method that can manually trigger natural disasters. What a careless!"

   "It seems that we really found the right place for them to place in the Earth base camp this time, otherwise the Eternal Star System would not be so anxious to trigger an SS-class natural disaster.

If they trigger a disaster of this level when a large number of our masters are trapped in the predicament of the Tower of Eternity and cannot extricate themselves, the blow to us can be maximized, but they triggered it in advance. Got it right? "

"Not good! Then they are probably ready to die. This time the natural disaster comes, once it breaks out together with the hidden Yongxing people, the loss we will suffer on the earth is simply incalculable!" Marcus was greatly moved Not good.

   Thinking of the consequences of natural disasters and aliens launching riots at the same time, Jiang Yun's eyes flashed fiercely, and he immediately issued an order to go out.

  "Currently, a catastrophic natural disaster is coming, and the situation is critical. Everyone immediately executes all the aliens around! There is no need to dig out any secrets, and execute all the aliens immediately! Speed!"

  【Jiang Yun】: The alien will be executed immediately, you can go to pick up what you need.

  Suddenly received a message from Jiang Yun, Chen Mo immediately understood.

  Currently, an astonishingly difficult natural disaster is about to come. If the aliens are not executed quickly, how can the masters of the earth rush out to solve the natural disaster with peace of mind?

  Once the master leaves the safe area, the antisocial personality, misanthrope, and aliens in the safe area will cause riots in it, and the consequences will be disastrous.

  Chen Mo understood immediately, and with a thought, he had already used the blink of the gods to come to the target coordinate point.

  At this time, the three rank fives were preparing to attack Langu.

  Following Chen Mo flashing over, two of the three five-turns in the arena did not notice anything unusual.

  Only the short-haired woman, Rank 5 powerhouse, felt a strange fluctuation in the surrounding space.

  If it wasn't for her supernatural power of over 20 points and the hidden breaking stone on her body, she wouldn't even know that Chen Mo had teleported over.

   "Chen Mo?"

  The moment he saw Chen Mo, the other party was obviously very surprised.

  The two Rank 5 powerhouses on the side were even more surprised, because they found that their companions were talking to the air.

   Not only were they puzzled, Langu was also quite confused at this time.

  As the commander-in-chief of the Earth War Department, he naturally observes everything in detail.

  How could he not see the expressions of those two Rank 5 powerhouses.

   It can be seen that at this time, there is a person who can only be seen by short-haired women, but the other two people who cannot be seen by rank five powerhouses appear nearby.

   This made him suddenly think of something.

  He immediately called out the map to check it out.

   Immediately, I was surprised.

  The guy who has the same super artifact components as himself is half a meter away from his current coordinates.

   It can be seen that the other party has come here.

  But I can't see it myself.

   "What kind of invisibility ability is this guy, that he can't even see the powerhouse of rank five?"

   Seeing this, Langudang recorded the relevant information and simultaneously conveyed it to the senior management of the Yongxing system.

  At this time, the three Rank 5 powerhouses had just received a joint order from the three lords, and they were ready to kill these aliens.

  Turn 5 powerhouses are not subject to orders from a single lord, they must be ordered by the three lords to drive them.

   Otherwise, they will not accept orders from any one or two leaders alone.

  This is to prevent the emergence of abnormal elements among the three alliance leaders from causing immeasurable losses to the solar system.

   "Senior, please kill this person first, otherwise my information will be easily leaked by him."

  Chen Mo realized that only the other party could see him, so he only said this to the other party alone.

  The short-haired woman also reacted immediately, and she immediately raised her hand to kill Langu.

  As a result, just as she showed a hint of killing intent, a lotus flower suddenly bloomed under Langu's feet, and a burst of extremely powerful regular energy burst out of him.

   "This kid is invincible, **** it!"

   "Everyone, goodbye, natural disasters are coming soon, do you still have the mood to care about me?"

   Relying on his own invincibility, Langu actually took out a teleportation object in front of the three big five-rank powerhouses, and prepared to teleport away.

   Seeing this, the three short-haired women immediately used the space confinement method, not planning to let Langu escape.

   "It's useless, my teleportation ability is not afraid of space confinement."

   Just when Langu was proud, he suddenly received a reminder from Heaven, and he was affected by Time Stop.

  However, the time stops of the three five-turns still had no effect on him.

"Time stop is useless. It's a pity that I have a treasure that resists time stop. Then I will go first for the three of you." Langu looked proudly at the three powerhouses of rank five, and prepared to escape while maintaining his invincible state. .

   "As long as you can't get out of the earth, you won't be able to escape after all!"

  Seeing that there is no other way to deal with the other party, the short-haired woman can only speak harshly.

   With a flash of light, Langu had disappeared.

   "Senior, don't worry, I can always track him."

   After appeasing the short-haired woman, Chen Mo opened the map to check Langu's current location.

  The location of Langu at this time.

  He has been teleported to a secret stronghold in the dangerous area.

  The expression on his face at this time is completely different from his arrogant look just now.

He looked at the two aliens beside him and said: "Kill me quickly, and then find a way to directly destroy the things on the body, because there is a bound super artifact component inside, which cannot be obtained by earthlings. "


  The two aliens were dumbfounded.

  The person in front of them is the commander-in-chief of the Eternal Star System on Earth, how dare they kill him.

   "Don't hesitate, hurry up, the other party can track my location at all times, we don't have much time."

   I have to say that Langu is really very scheming.

  He had activated the group teleporter while speaking.

   Soon, they took two subordinates and teleported to another location.

   At this time, Chen Mo had already flashed to their previous position, but found that they had disappeared.

   "Playing hide and seek with me? You can still be faster than me."

  In an instant, Chen Mo continued to flash to the position where the other party was at this time.

   Sure enough, Langu hadn't left with his two men, but at this time he had activated another teleportation scroll.

   And still speaking sternly: "Quickly do it and don't hesitate anymore, this guy has the ability to flash the whole picture."

  Even if he knew that Chen Mo was by his side, Lan Gu didn't care.

  Because he seemed to be using the teleportation scroll, but in fact he activated the instant group teleportation talisman immediately after he finished speaking.

   The moment Chen Mo interrupted his teleportation, he had already fled with his men again.

  Because Langu can see Chen Mo's coordinate position in real time, as long as he still has the instant group teleportation symbol in his hand, he can escape from Chen Mo's pursuit at any time.

   However, Chen Mo is a non-consumable **** flashing skill, and the opponent needs to consume a rare instant group teleporter every time.

   If it goes on, Chen Mo will still win.

  Chen Mo didn't care at all, he teleported to the next position following the opponent again.

   This time, Chen Mo was not deceived by the teleportation talisman on his surface like the last time, and directly activated the God of Death Emblem as quickly as possible to lock him

  It's a pity that Langu has been observing Chen Mo's tracking situation on the map in real time. The moment he saw Chen Mo coming, he had already activated the instantaneous group teleporter and flew away.

  The speed is too fast, even if the God of Death Emblem wants to lock the opponent, it will not be able to keep up with the speed of the opponent's escape for a while.

   "A guy with a quick reaction."

   Going to the next position, two of Langu's subordinates have been persuaded by Langu.

   Under the condition that Langu took the initiative to remove all the equipment, he could be easily killed by his two men at this time.

  Equipment is the key to improving a character's strength.

  A four-turn without equipment is as brittle as glass in front of three-turn, and it will shatter as soon as it is hit.

  If Langu hadn't tried himself and couldn't destroy this super artifact component, he would have chosen to destroy it by himself.

   There is no way for Langu to beg for death like this.

  As long as this super artifact component is bound, then all the aliens on the entire earth may survive and hide under the chaos of this natural disaster, except him Langu.

   After all, the super artifact components on his body are like the brightest lighthouse in the dark night, and it is useless to hide anywhere.

   Originally, it was the best choice to kill the owner of the super artifact component on the earth, but the guy with the super artifact component is too weird.

   No matter how hard you search, you can't find the other party's figure. How can this be a joke?

  He can only take the next step.

  As Chen Mo chased him again, this guy activated the instant group teleportation talisman and moved another position.

   "Hurry up, I don't have many instantaneous group teleportation symbols. If he chases me a few more times, he won't be able to escape."

   Escaped again, Langu immediately issued an order.

   At this time, Chen Mo chased him again, and he used the instant group teleporter again to escape.

   And the two subordinates also understood, but they thought of a different way and said: "My lord, can't you take out that item, should we destroy it directly?"

   "It's useless, this is not an ordinary SSS-level baby, this is a super artifact component, as long as the owner is not dead, it cannot be destroyed, even if you temporarily destroy it, it will be regenerated immediately.

  If it can be destroyed, I still need to find you. I have already destroyed all the other things in the backpack, and this is the only thing left. "

"Then there's no way."

   "Don't waste any more time, just say a few more words, and I won't have any instant group teleporter."

   While speaking a few words, Langu used up a few more instant group teleportation symbols.

  The main reason is that Chen Mo followed up so fast that he almost didn't even have time to talk.

   After confirming that there was no other way, the two men were finally ready to do it.

   Just as they were attacking, Chen Mo caught up again.

   Langu had to activate the instant group teleporter again.

   This time, his two subordinates were very efficient and finally killed Langu.

   But at this moment, Chen Mo caught up with him at a very fast speed.

   Just as the two were about to destroy Langu's backpack, Chen Mo had already activated the Space-Time Orb.

  Langu has the ability to be immune to the time-space orb, but his two subordinates are not.

  His men are already moving very fast, and the destroying attacks have already fallen in front of the backpack.

   But in the end, Chen Mo gave him a hold.

   At this moment, Langu stood up strangely again, and found that his subordinates were pinned down. He could only choose to resurrect before running away. He had planned to die directly without triggering the resurrection ability.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo had the foresight to cast the God of Death emblem on him immediately.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have been locked by the opponent using the "Death Emblem".

You have entered the death-defying state. During this period, all your attributes will be suppressed by 50%. Neither party can leave the distance of 100 meters from the target. Neither side can cause damage to units other than the target of the death-death. Only by killing the opponent can the death-death be released. state! 】

   "See where you are going this time."

   Suddenly locked, Langu couldn't even see where the enemy was.

   "Who the **** are you?"

  He tried to help the Yongxing people get a little more information before he died.

  But Chen Mo didn't give him this opportunity at all, and didn't intend to show up at all, so he directly dispatched skeleton monsters to start a siege on Langu.

  Even though Langu is strong, he only has four turns. When he cannot see Chen Mo, if he is attacked by his skeleton monsters, he will only die in the end.

  As the commander-in-chief of the Earth Combat Command, he still has a bit of pride in himself.

  He felt that by virtue of his status, he could meet and chat with the other party to some extent, but he never thought that the other party would not even give this little face.

  He said angrily: "If you are willing to show up, I can reveal to you some of the arrangements of the eternal star system on the earth."

  Langu’s words are not deceiving. After all, the people of the eternal star system on the entire earth have already made a decision and broke out completely today. Is there any difference between revealing and not revealing?

   "You are really loyal enough, even if you are about to die, you still try your best to inquire about my information."

  But Chen Mo didn't bother to talk to him, even though he was the king of heaven, he would die today.

   At this time, the red lights in the sky are flickering more and more frequently, which means that natural disasters are about to come completely.

   From the appearance of signs of natural disasters to the arrival of natural disasters, it actually took less than half a minute.

  It seems that Chen Mo and Langu are chasing so fiercely, but in fact, their chasing battle lasted only 20 seconds.

   It's all about chasing and fleeing in an instant, and it only takes a few words.

  As Chen Mo chased Langu and blocked his plan to destroy the baby, natural disasters had already arrived.

  Chen Mo naturally has no time to push Langu any more at this time. Once a natural disaster strikes, it will be a catastrophe for the entire earth. He has to go back quickly to protect those who need protection.

  Under Chen Mo's mentality, Langu, the big boss lurking on the earth as the eternal star system, died like a minion, inconspicuous.

   This is very aggrieved to Langu.

  He thought about the various ways of death after he was exposed on the earth, but he never thought of such an aggrieved death like today.

  However, before he died, he still passed on the information of the super artifact component and Chen Mo.

   I learned that Chen Mo's name was the name he had heard the short-haired woman with five ranks shout into the air before.

   At that moment he had a premonition.

   It is estimated that the other party saw something that he could not see.

  According to the content he temporarily compiled, he connected Chen Mo with the person who possessed the super artifact component.

  Unfortunately, there was not enough evidence and data, and he ran out of time, so he could only transmit this ambiguous data back.

   At least it can give the top management of the Yongxing system some countermeasures.

  Before he died, he was so heartfelt because his family still lived in the Yongxing system. He couldn't survive by himself, and he also hoped that his family could survive.

  As long as the eternal star system can encroach on the territory of the solar system in the Tower of Aion, the eternal star system can be twice as powerful.

  My own galaxy is stronger, so it can naturally provide better protection for the future development of my family.

   After all, he died here as a great hero, and the higher-ups have to take care of his family more or less.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t it be chilling? Who is willing to sacrifice their lives in the future?

   After Langu died, Chen Mo directly destroyed his body, and then picked up his backpack and looked through it.

  【Heavenly reminder: You killed another holder of the super artifact component, and you obtained the super artifact component "Invincible Baolian" bound to it. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You already own four super artifact components. When you own five super artifact components, you will be able to additionally view information about the owners of other super artifact components. 】

   "Invincible Baolian? Could it be the invincible ability he used before?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the attributes of Invincible Baolian.

  【Invincible Pauline·Mythical Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, all invincible effects activated by the owner can get a 3-second duration increase. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Item active effect]: When activated, it can make itself invincible for 3 seconds, and the cooling time is 1 minute (the cooling time is not subject to any reduction). (can be activated in the backpack)

  【Important Note】: This item is an important component of a super artifact, please keep it carefully!

[Item Introduction]: It is rumored that a treasure made by a powerful existence was originally used as a core component for a certain super artifact, but it was lost in the world during the turmoil of the avenue. If you pick it up, please store it carefully , in the future, maybe you can find that super artifact and regain the shocking power!

   "Heavenly, 6 seconds of invincibility time, no wonder I said that Langu's invincibility time is so long just now, it turns out that the original 3-second effect plus the passive 3-second effect!"

  Invincibility is similar to resurrection and other abilities, which are very restricted by heaven, even if it is SSS-level quality, the restrictions are quite large.

   Resurrections generally have a very long cooldown.

   And invincibility is often a very short duration.

  The combination of the active and passive effects of this baby can provide 6 seconds of manual invincibility, and the passive can also unconditionally increase any other invincibility ability of the self for 3 seconds.

   It's quite abnormal.

  If there are enough invincible abilities on the body, use them consecutively, and maybe even last until you cycle back to use this invincible effect, the effect is still very amazing.

  (end of this chapter)

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