Chapter 217 Natural disaster! (five in one)

  Although the invincible golden lotus may last until its own cooldown ends.

   But it is also difficult to really move forever. After all, not every invincible ability has such a short cooling time as the invincible golden lotus.

  Most of them are usually an hour or more.

   The cooldown time of Invincible Baolian is extremely short among the invincible effects.

  If a large number of invincible abilities can be collected, it is estimated that at most other invincible abilities can be used to extend the cooldown of the invincible golden lotus once.

   But this is also very abnormal. If you can be invincible for a minute, how powerful is it?

  Of course, even if you really have the ability to be invincible forever, but the way of heaven has a great limit on the invincibility ability, the continuous invincibility time can not exceed 1 minute at most, even if you have the ability to exceed 1 minute, it is useless.

  However, you can catch a loophole. As long as the invincibility interval is one and a half seconds apart, you can continue the invincibility effect.

   As long as it is not invincible for 1 minute continuously.

   There are restrictions, but the restrictions are not very strict.

   After all, the way of heaven is dead, it is just observing some rules.

   Putting away the invincible Baolian, Chen Mo looked at the other items in Langu's backpack.

  In the end, he saw an empty backpack, which made Chen Mo a little speechless.

   "This guy really destroyed everything except the invincible Baolian? Did he do it like this?"

  Langu, as the commander-in-chief of the Eternal Star System on Earth, has no courage and naturally cannot sit in this position. The moment he chooses to let his subordinates do it, he has already chosen to destroy them all.

  However, the invincible Baolian cannot be destroyed at all, there is really no way!

  He would rather die than let the people of the solar system take advantage of it.

   "Forget it, it's not a loss if you get the Invincible Baolian."

   Just when Chen Mo revealed to Jiang Yun the news that Langu had destroyed all the treasures and told him that he had no data to read...

Choo Choo Choo! Suddenly, dark red circular channels continuously rotated in the sky.

  The next moment, waves of terrifying energy continuously came out from the circular channel.

  Chen Mo clearly sensed the existence of waves of divine power.

   "The SS-level natural disaster is so terrifying? Are there so many monsters above rank five?"

  When Chen Mo looked at the sky in shock, the three leaders had already gathered on the roof of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance, looking at the dark red circular passages emerging from the strange red sky above the dangerous area with an ugly expression on their faces.

   "SS-level, an unprecedented natural disaster. After this natural disaster, I don't know how many people will survive."

  "The most terrifying thing is that at the same time, the Tower of Eternity will also suffer an impact."

  SS-level natural disasters are such a terrifying natural disaster, it is obviously difficult to deal with them without a large number of Rank 5 masters.

  And if a large number of Rank 5 masters are dispatched back from the Tower of Eternity, the defense force inside the Tower of Eternity will become empty, and it is really difficult to allocate people reasonably.

   But in any case, the earth is the root of everyone. Even if the foundation of the Aion is destroyed, we must take the lead in ensuring the existence of the earth.

  They can only choose to dispatch most of the five-rank powerhouses first.

   "What did the aristocratic family say? Is there a reply?"

   "The family has agreed to stay at the Tower of Eternity and assign some people to eliminate the aliens inside. As for the elimination of natural disasters, we will leave it to us."

   "These people from aristocratic families are really good at making wishful thinking. Removing natural disasters is the most dangerous and risky thing. They don't want to sacrifice rank five powerhouses, so they let the children of our academy alliance bleed."

"No way, they are a family. The continuation of the family is their first priority. Unlike us, what we want to protect is the safety of people around the world. The existence of this difference is enough to become a bargaining chip for them to sit on the ground and raise the price. "

"Hmph! When will our college alliance completely stand up? Sooner or later we will ban this group of people. They control a lot of resources and cultivate elite talents, but they are guarded in the palm of their hands all day long and refuse to use them. Aren't they born and raised on the earth? Is it?"

"It's not bad that they are willing to send people to guard the foundation in the Tower of Eternity this time. I think the impact this time will not be weak. Although it is safer than eliminating natural disasters, it is estimated that there will be many casualties. Bleeding profusely."

  All over the world, countless people walked out of their homes and looked at the scary and strange red sky above the dangerous area.

   No one is not afraid of it.

  Natural disasters, every time they appear, will bring a suffocating sense of oppression.

   And this time, it was an SS class that was even more terrifying than the previous catastrophe events.

   In the face of natural disasters, a large number of professionals have already formed an army formation and are ready to fight.

   Natural disasters are not as easy to deal with as individual monsters descending one by one.

  Weaker natural disasters may be like this.

  But for natural disasters above level B, they are all attacked by the Scourge Corps one by one.

   Facing such a Scourge army alone, there is almost no power to fight back, and there is only one dead end.

   Only when two legions collide can they fight each other.

  In this natural disaster, most of the circular passages had a divine power response, which shows that most of the natural disasters this time have at least one powerful monster with rank five or higher leading the team.

   This kind of legion is even more terrifying.

  As the circular passage appeared, within a short time, a large number of monsters flew out of the circular passage.

   "The weakest is the second rank?"

  Chen Mo sensed the large number of monsters flying out, and frowned slightly.

  The weakest is the legion formed by the second rank, its strength can be imagined, it is ready to destroy the earth directly!

  As monsters flew out of the sky, a picture suddenly flashed in Chen Mo's mind.

  When he first came to the dangerous area, he saw his younger brother Liu Yiming following a small team to take risks in the dangerous area.

   "Oops, Yiming is still in the dangerous area. If a natural disaster strikes, he will definitely die!"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately appeared at the place where Liu Yiming was first seen with a flicker of a god.

   After sensing the surroundings, he found that Liu Yiming's team was no longer in the vicinity, which made him flustered.

  He quickly sent a message to Liu Yiming.

  【Chen Mo】: Yiming, what coordinates are you at now?

  Although Chen Mo sent a message, Liu Yiming was stunned by the vision of natural disasters in the sky at this time, and had no time to look at the Heavenly Dao System.

   Seeing that Liu Yiming's message didn't come back, and a natural disaster was about to come, Chen Mo immediately sent all the skeleton monsters around to help him find it together.

  Where Liu Yiming is now...

  He was with nine partners of the same level in a mutant land in a grassland area. Originally, the ten people saw the strange celestial phenomenon appearing in the sky, so they immediately turned around and started running to the safe area.

  It didn't take long before they ran out, when they saw circular passages appearing in the sky, and a large number of terrifying monsters poured out of the passages, each of them was full of oppression, and their legs were already weak from fright.

  Looking at the safe area far away in the sky, a crisis of death emerged from their hearts for a while.

  So many powerful monsters, they just have no place to run.

  These few people are not the masters of the family. It would be good if they can scrape together a set of equipment and buy some supplementary potions. There are no expensive consumables such as teleportation charms.

  They now want to escape back to the safe zone, and the only thing they can rely on is their own legs.

   But obviously, it is impossible to run back after such a long distance.

   "It's over, this time we are dead!"

   "It's all Dong Yu's fault. What the **** day did you choose to go out and hunt monsters?"

   "How can you blame me? Who would have thought that there would be a natural disaster today, and it was you who first told me that it was about to be upgraded, and suggested that I organize some people to come out to fight monsters."

  When a catastrophe loomed, the people in the team started arguing first, but the other teammates had no time to control them at this time. Everyone was dying, so there was no time to worry about whose fault it was?

   Moreover, it is voluntary for everyone to come out to spawn monsters, who can be blamed?

  I can only blame myself for being unlucky, and I can also blame the Yongxing system for being too stupid!

  It actually caused such a terrible natural disaster to the solar system.

  The natural disaster is on the verge of coming, the killing in the dangerous area has not yet started, but the killing in the safe area has already begun.

  All the Yongxing people who have been discovered have been killed by the academy alliance and the powerful family with iron and blood.

   Even if some of them are just suspected, but they have been in contact with these aliens for a long time, it is difficult to rule out the suspicion for a while, and this time is an urgent moment. If there is no time to thoroughly investigate, they would rather kill by mistake than misplace.

  Otherwise, if one is missed, the hidden dangers will be ten times a hundred times greater.

  Although it is said that the approach is a little too unreasonable, but in such a helpless environment, they can only take the method of maximizing their interests.

   For a while, blood flowed into rivers in the safe area.

   However, aliens are not protected by the heavens in the safe area of ​​the earth, so even if they are killed, they will not be famous.

  But those earthlings who were wrongly killed will cause people to become famous.

   Fortunately, this time it was a collective action, and this kind of thing had already been expected, and the things for laundering red names had already been brought in.

   Washed away all these famous people.

  The main purpose is to prevent these celebrities from being killed by some lunatics who only have interests in their eyes during the chaos.

  Although the global academy alliance and the aristocratic family handled it quickly this time, the aliens hidden in the world are not only exposed and killed now.

  Each college has a teacher with one or two aliens mixed in.

   And around the world, there are still many sporadic aliens hiding.

  They just wiped out most of them.

  As most of the aliens were wiped out, natural disasters have completely come.

  In each circular passage, there is an army of ten thousand people.

  There are tens of thousands of circular passages all over the world.

   That is to say, there are at least hundreds of millions of natural disaster troops, but among them, there are not as many Rank 5 powerhouses as imagined.

  Among the tens of thousands of troops, only about 1% of the legions are led by Rank 5 powerhouses.

  But this calculation also has hundreds of powerhouses above Rank 5.

   This is scary enough.

  As the rank five monsters lead the army out of the passage, the natural disaster army has already started an indiscriminate attack.

   Hurrah! Boom boom boom!

  As one after another of terrifying attacks fell from the sky, the sound of breaking through the air and roaring sounded continuously.

  The whole earth couldn't help but tremble, and there was a violent vibration.

At this time, Liu Yiming's team of ten people, facing a lot of colorful piles in the sky, looked very beautiful, but each of them was carrying a deadly and dangerous attack, and they were all frightened and rushed towards the safe zone in a panic. and go.

  Even if the safe zone is as far away as the sky from them at this time, they have to run as hard as they can. It is better to die on the way to hope than to wait for death in place!

  But they can't run as fast as the attacks falling from the sky.

   Bang bang bang! !

  As one after another explosion impact fell near them, the explosion shock wave was enough to stumble them, and several times everyone was almost knocked down by the shock wave.

   "Yiming be careful!"

   Just as Liu Yiming ran away with a cute girl with a round face, the girl suddenly threw herself on him.

  The next moment, a terrifying stream of light pierced through the position Liu Yiming was about to run to just now with a hissing sound.

   One step away, Liu Yiming was almost killed by Liu Guang.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Yiming was shocked and rejoiced.

   "Are you okay." The girl glanced at the pothole next to her and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Liu Yiming squeezed out a smile and said, "Thanks to Xiaorou for saving me..."

But before Liu Yiming finished speaking, his pupils narrowed and he saw a huge fireball whizzing down. There was no time to dodge.

   Forced to do nothing, he turned over and used his body to protect the girl tightly.

   "Yi Ming!"

   At the moment when Liu Yiming turned back and pressed her under her body, the girl saw a huge stream of fire hitting the two of them from the corner of her eyes.

   She immediately realized what was about to happen.

  The moment she cried out Liu Yiming's name with tears in her eyes, in the end she only saw Liu Yiming's reassuring smile.

  The next moment.

  Liu Yiming's body suffered a huge impact and directly pressed on the girl's body, and the girl subconsciously closed her eyes.

   Immediately, she heard a loud explosion, and then she only felt a layer of scorching mucus covering her body, as well as a strong smell of blood.

  When she opened her eyes again, there was no sign of Liu Yiming in the eyes.

   There were only Liu Yiming's body, which was shattered into an unknown number of pieces, and Liu Yiming's residual limbs and blood attached to her body.


  For a while, it was difficult for girls to accept such things.

   She was overwhelmed with tears all over her face.

  And the other people around who were running away quickly, when they turned their heads and saw this situation, they couldn't help but look at each other with horror on their faces.

  Watching one of his companions being blown into a pile of stumps by a terrible natural disaster attack with his own eyes, who can bear this?

   "Zeng Rou, run away, now is not the time to be sad, Yiming died to save you, you can't die here again."

  The boy beside him saw that Zeng Rou was paralyzed from crying, so he hurried forward to say a word about safety.

   Zeng Rou was heartbroken at this time, and she didn't even have the idea of ​​running.

   And such tragedies don't just happen here.

  In the entire dangerous area, there were people everywhere who were blown to pieces by the attack of the Scourge, and they were very lucky if they could die with a whole body.

  At this time, Chen Mo, who was frantically searching around, finally found a few familiar faces with his own perception.

  He immediately lifted the invisible state, and flashed to the side of several people.

   Facing the sudden appearance of Chen Mo, the nine members of Liu Yiming's team were all taken aback.

   "Hello, I'm Liu Yiming's brother. I saw him acting with you before. I don't know where he is now?"

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, the nine people around him all looked at him subconsciously.

  They had heard that Liu Yiming had an older brother, the skeleton mage who broke the record.

   This matter was brought up by Liu Yiming many times.

  But how could the Skeleton Mage break the record?

   After curious investigation, everyone found that the skeleton mage broke the record with a five-star support.

  Everyone immediately felt reasonable, and they naturally didn't care about this skeleton mage.

  In their opinion, if they are equipped with a five-star support, they may also be able to break the record.

  Although they felt that Chen Mo did not deserve the credit, they were still a little curious about Chen Mo who often appeared in Liu Yiming's mouth.

  Finally saw the deity today.

  Unfortunately, Liu Yiming is no longer here.

   Seeing Chen Mo, Zeng Rou on the ground cried and said, "Yes... I'm sorry, Yiming was killed by the attack of the Scourge just now to protect me... woo woo woo..."


  Hearing this, Chen Mo also noticed the broken limbs in the surrounding area.

  SSS-level resurrection technique, as long as you leave a strand of hair, you can be resurrected. With so many residual limbs left, it is too easy to resurrect.

  Chen Mo raised his right hand slightly and thought, and immediately activated the resurrection function of the death ring.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are about to revive the professional "Liu Yiming". Are you sure? 】

  Following the appearance of the hint from the Dao of Heaven, the appearance of the person who is about to be resurrected also appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

   After confirming that it was his younger brother, Chen Mo immediately chose to confirm!

  Following a burst of regular power poured out from the death ring in Chen Mo's hand and landed on one of the broken limbs, a dazzling light instantly caught everyone's eyes!

  The next moment, the naked Liu Yiming reappeared in front of everyone.

  After seeing the revived Liu Yiming, everyone immediately looked at Chen Mo with strange expressions.

  Liu Yiming was blown up like that just now, except for the SSS-level resurrection ability, I really can't think of any other abilities that can revive him.

   Where did a two-star skeleton mage get the SSS-level resurrection ability?

   Everyone was naturally shocked by this.

  At this moment, Liu Yiming himself was in a daze.

  He still remembers the scorching pain at the moment when he was hit by the fireball and was killed, why did he suddenly come back to life?

   "Yi Ming!"

   Seeing Liu Yiming revived, Zeng Rou on the ground was shocked, burst into tears, and threw herself on Liu Yiming.

   "Great, you're all right, great!"

   After comforting Zeng Rou, Liu Yiming noticed Chen Mo beside him.

   "Brother Mo, why are you here?"

  While speaking, Liu Yiming noticed the hint from Tiandao.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have been resurrected by the professional "Chen Mo", remember to thank him! 】

   After reading Tiandao's reminder, he realized that he was resurrected by Chen Mo.

   Immediately, his eyes became hot, and he was a little moved.

   This is not just about resurrection. Liu Yiming is very clear about what it means for Chen Mo to appear here.

  If he wasn't looking for himself, why would he go to the wild, the most dangerous area in the world today?

   Now that natural disasters are coming, it is safest for everyone to hide in the safe zone.

   "Brother Mo, thank you."

   "Stupid boy, my brother can't thank you for what you say." Chen Mo handed Liu Yiming a set of equipment from the spoils collected before, put it on quickly, it's still bare. "

  After saying this, Liu Yiming subconsciously looked down, which attracted Zeng Rou who was beside him to also subconsciously glance.

   "Ah!" In an instant, her pretty face flushed and she turned around.

  Seeing this scene, Liu Yiming also flushed with embarrassment, and quickly took Chen Mo's equipment and put it on.

  Chen Mo smiled cheerfully at the side.

   "It's good to find you, the wild area is too dangerous now, I will take you back to the safe area."

   "How to bring it?"

   Others around immediately looked at Chen Mo curiously.

  Chen Mo didn't speak, but with a thought, he activated the Precious Ring of Teleportation.

  In an instant, everyone was teleported to Chen Mo's old home.

   This place has been left with a teleportation mark, so it can be easily teleported here.

   "You all go home and find your family."

   After speaking, Chen Mo looked at Liu Yiming and Zeng Judao: "Is this your girlfriend?"

  Liu Yiming and Zeng Rou looked at each other, then Zeng Rou gently twisted Liu Yiming, Liu Yiming nodded shyly and said: "En."

   "Since this is the case, it should be well protected. Let's go to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance."

  With a thought, Chen Mo took the two of them back to his home in the Global Academy Alliance.

  Home is a personal area, which can be teleported in by yourself.

   But every transmission will still be monitored.

  When Chen Mo sent the two back, Liu Yiyi and the other three were already anxious in the courtyard.

   After all, Chen Mo told them clearly before that he was going to the wild.

   Now that natural disasters are coming, and reports are being reported all over the world, who can not receive the news?

  The three of them had been worried at home for a long time, for fear that Chen Mo would encounter danger in the wild.

   In the end, I never thought that Chen Mo not only came back by himself, but also brought Liu Yiming back with a girl he didn't know.

   "Sister Yiyi, you can all stay here with peace of mind. This should be the safest place in the world right now. I'll go and bring other relatives here."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo flickered and left again. After a while, he took all Liu Yuanzong's relatives over.

   Fortunately, this courtyard is large enough to easily accommodate so many families.

   Right after Chen Mo brought everyone, Zeng Rou stepped forward embarrassedly and said, "That...Brother Mo...I have a kind request, I wonder if you can bring my family over..."

  Although she is safe, Zeng Rou is also worried about her parents.

   At this moment, Liu Yiming also looked at Chen Mo expectantly, but he didn't speak.

   After all, Chen Mo revived him and brought Zeng Roudu here to protect him. He had exhausted his benevolence, and he dared not ask for more.

   But if possible, he naturally hoped that Chen Mo could help.

   "It's all a family, of course." Chen Mo patted Liu Yiming's shoulder with a smile and looked at Zeng Judao.

  Hearing this, Zeng Rou immediately happily told Chen Mo the coordinates of her home.

   A few seconds later, Chen Mo came back with a couple.

   "Xiao Rou!"

  The moment she saw Zeng Rou, the woman among them rushed forward with tears in her eyes and hugged Zeng Rou.

   "You are really worried about your mother, I... I almost thought..."

   "Mom, I'm fine, thanks to Yiming's brother."

  At this time, Zeng Rou's parents looked at Chen Mo again with a look of gratitude.

  They didn't expect Liu Yiming's brother to be so capable.

  Before Chen Mo saw them and said that he would take them to the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance to avoid danger, they still couldn't believe it.

   Now that they see the coordinates here, they can confirm that this is really the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance. Naturally, there is no reason not to believe it anymore.

  They never imagined in their dreams that the brother of the poor boy Liu Yiming could actually have a house here, which is simply unbelievable.

   Originally, they opposed their daughter's association with Liu Yiming.

  Although the two did not express their love relationship, they could still tell a little about their reaction when Liu Yiming came to the house as a guest.

   Now that they know that the other party has such a powerful brother, and they seem to value their relatives quite a bit, the resistance in their hearts has been reduced a lot for a while.

   It can't be said that they are realistic, who doesn't want their daughter to return to a better place in the future.

  At this time, not only the two of them were surprised that Chen Mo owned the house here, but even all of Chen Mo's relatives were inexplicable for a while.

  After all, Qiu Yuehong was afraid that people would say that she would show off and said that she would not hold a banquet, so naturally she did not inform her relatives and friends.

   Now everyone knows for the first time.

   Naturally, everyone was shocked.

  Especially knowing the value of the residence here, it is even more unbelievable.

  They didn't know where Chen Mo got so much money.

   As for who in this family can get money, there is naturally no second choice except Chen Mo.

  Many people who thought Liu Yiyi made an extremely stupid choice in the early years had to admire Liu Yiyi's brilliant vision at this moment.

   Adopting such a child with a different surname, but in the current situation where everyone in the world is in danger, has brought the entire Liu family an extremely safe shelter, which is something they never dreamed of.

   "Everyone stay here and wait for the natural disaster to end. I still have things to do, so I will leave first."

  Chen Mo was about to leave after speaking, but was held back by Liu Yiyi.

   "You don't want to fight natural disasters, do you?"

  Chen Mo didn't say anything because he was afraid that Liu Yiyi and the others would be worried, so he just said that he had something to do, but he was still seen through.

   "This natural disaster is no small matter. All capable people in the world must work together to get rid of it. I have to go."

   "But how many levels are you? It's the same with you or without you. Don't go, it's too dangerous."

  Liu Yiyi was reluctant to let Chen Mo do such a dangerous thing.

   "Sister Yiyi, don't worry, I will only do what I can, and I will take the lead in ensuring my own safety. Have you forgotten that I am a skeleton mage? At most, I will call summons up, and I don't need to charge forward."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Liu Yiyi felt that it made sense.

  Skeleton mages only need to send skeleton monsters out, it seems that it is really not dangerous, the premise is that the deity should hide well.

   "Then you must pay special attention, don't try to be brave."

  Liu Yiyi told Chen Mo again before letting Chen Mo go.

  Chen Mo was just about to leave to find Fang Datong and the others to see if they needed help, but he received a message from Su Tianxin.

[Su Tianxin]: All students, please pay attention. Now the school has opened a large protective formation, and gathered a lot of strong people, which can bring you a certain degree of security. If your family members need shelter, bring them all with you. Come to school.

   "It seems that every school will do this, so I don't need to worry about Datong and the others. Let's concentrate on fighting natural disasters."

  Even so, Chen Mo checked them one by one. Knowing that Fang Datong, Shen Bingbing, and Yan Yingyue had all gathered at the school, Chen Mo was relieved.

  After confirming the safety of his relatives and friends, Chen Mo went directly to the edge of the safe area with a flicker of a god.

   At this time, the entire dangerous area was already devastated and almost razed to the ground.

  The Scourge from the sky also landed on the ground, massacring all the professionals and wild monsters on the ground.

  What kind of elites, bosses, and mutant masters are like paper in front of them, and they are easily wiped out in seconds.

  As the targets in the dangerous area are gradually cleared, they are ready to move towards the safe area.

   It is obviously impossible to let them in, otherwise, it will definitely be a scene of devastation.

  As the natural disaster army continues to approach the safe zone, the strong human beings have also formed huge legions to fight against them, fighting together all over the world.

  This kind of legion fighting with each other can easily cause a large number of participating units to die, and the cost is very high.

  But now there is no way to do it. If you don’t resist, the people of the world will die together. If you resist, you may just die by yourself.

  For the safety of their family members, many people have to make such a choice.

  Because the Scourge had not entered the safe zone at this time, the aliens in the safe zone were still lurking.

   However, the family members are already in place, and they are always watching everywhere. If there is any change, they will take action.

  Since they have avoided fighting the Scourge and got this relatively safe job, they naturally have to do their best.

   Otherwise, you will be held accountable afterwards.

  On the front line, human professionals have engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the Scourge.

   "Everyone goes all out to attack, let's take a step back, and the ones who suffer are all the powerless people in the safe zone. If you try your best, everyone must stand up!"

  The melee personnel on both sides of the entire battlefield have already been mixed together.

  The remote output and support are constantly threatened by their respective strengths.

  The legion shields of both sides dropped at an extremely crazy speed.

   After a while, the legion shields of both sides were all broken with a click.

  Next, there will be a large number of casualties.

   The first to die is the melee personnel.

  In this terrifying battlefield of tens of thousands of people, personal fleshiness is almost negligible.

  The front row is a large group of melee occupations, either launching range attacks or single-player kills.

  The back row is all kinds of gorgeous long-range damage, and the carpet bombing is constantly carried out.

  Even if the supporting professions on both sides try their best to reduce damage, recover and shield, it is inevitable that there will be extremely fast deaths in the front row.

   Within a short time, thousands of people in the front row had died in battle.

  At the moment before they died, many of them actually just hoped that they could hide in the safe zone like other ordinary people and escape this natural disaster.

   But there is no way.

   In times of crisis, there is only responsibility!

  If everyone chooses to escape, no one will be able to escape in the end!

   Lovers, children, parents, siblings, friends, for them, you can only support if you can't.

   "The alliance will do its best to resurrect all those who died in battle. If there is no way to resurrect them, we will also issue pensions to your family, enough for them to take care of them for a lifetime!"

  No matter how much other rhetoric is said, it is empty, and this sentence is the most pragmatic.

  Inspired by this sentence, everyone came out in their usual 12-point state to face the enemy.

  For a while, the two sides killed evenly.

   And the two rank fives fought directly together.

  Turn 5 powerhouses are different from ordinary professionals. They are no longer pure data skills, but integrated into their own abilities.

  The biggest difference is the application method.

  The output skills of ordinary people can only be used for output, but they can use their output skills to offset the opponent's output skills.

  As long as the power is equal, if the power is even stronger, it can even counter-press and cause damage.

   On the side of the Scourge, the leader is a tauren-like monster wearing a dark red armor and holding a scarlet hammer.

   On the side of the strong human being, there is a female Rank 5 strong man wearing armor and holding a spear.

  Like against Warhammer, the moment the "Ting" collided, the shock wave caused was enough to knock a large number of people around into the air.

   As the two fight each other, bang bang bang bang! !

   Boom boom boom! Bursts of space explosions continued to spread, and the confrontation between the two was terrifying, and the surrounding space was constantly vibrating.

  A series of energy ripples swept all around, and many people with weak strength were directly shaken into a puddle of mud when they were affected.

  Even so, this is already a strong human being trying his best to control the energy overflow.

   Otherwise, a large number of people on both sides below would have been shocked to death.

   This is the so-called fight between gods and mortals!

  The two of them restrained each other, and the battle was in full swing. The people below also deliberately avoided the area where they fought, but it didn't affect too many people.

  But in a short period of time, the two armies clashed, and the number of casualties on both sides had reached 30 to 40%.

   This is already a very large proportion of casualties.

  One side is a monster who is not afraid of death, and the other side is a human professional who cannot retreat half a step.

  In this battle, there is no such thing as calling for gold and withdrawing troops in the middle of the battle. There is only a decision to fight until the opponent has no soldiers left!

  This kind of reckless killing method has an astonishingly high natural death rate.

   The Scourge monsters are completely different from ordinary monsters. They are all fearless of death, and only have killing in their eyes.

  Ordinary monsters sometimes escape if they cannot be defeated, although they may not be able to escape.

  As for strange monsters like natural disaster monsters, humans have not yet figured out where they came from.

   It is not clear where the root cause of natural disasters is.

  But what we can know is that Yongxing Galaxy must have a lot of experience about natural disasters.

   Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a troublesome catastrophe to the solar system this time.

  Here, the strong woman with a five-turn long spear led a team to fight with the leader of the Scourge Tauren Army in full swing.

  Other places are similar.

   There were casualties everywhere, the army formations were fighting each other, and the legion shields couldn't last long before they were broken.

   Without the shield of the legion, the two armies have completely entered into a deadly battle. The place where the battlefield meets is a **** meat grinder, and no one can survive! !

  When Chen Mo flashed back to the front line, he did not forget to check the official announcement at any time.

   As a result, in a short period of time, it was discovered that several places had been lost.

  Monsters are rushing towards the safe zone.

   There is no way to do this. There are strong and weak rank five powerhouses.

  Sometimes the rank five powerhouses on the earth side are suppressed, and the subordinates cannot beat the opponent, so the opponent's troops can easily break through the obstacles and enter the safe zone.

  According to the official announcement, Chen Mo naturally rushed to the front line immediately.

   Soon he came to a fringe area in the south of Huaguo.

   The monsters have already invaded hundreds of meters away, and there are destroyed houses everywhere. What they left behind is a complete ruin.

   I don’t know why they do this. Besides killing, what they like most is destruction.

   Destroys everything visible to the naked eye.

  When there is nothing to destroy, they can even knock down a few feet on the ground. For this kind of perverted thing, there is no other means available except to kill them all.

  In the distant air, the human Rank 5 powerhouse has been completely suppressed by the Opposite Rank 5 monster.

This monster looks very strange. It consists of two parts. The bottom one is a vicious dog with golden armor and skin like a blue stone. A humanoid body made of stone.

  The whole human body is completely integrated with the vicious dog, that is to say, it has two brains, one is the brain of the vicious dog at the bottom, and the other is the brain of the devil man at the top.

  At the same time, his humanoid body also has two thick arms that are thicker than the thighs of adults. It seems that one punch can smash weak humans into meatloaf.

   And on the front part of his arm, on the two metal palms, two groups of scorching flames covered it all the year round, as if they could burn everything at any time.

  Behind him are two huge and curved metal devil horns, with a little bit of dark energy glowing on them, which is obviously one of the opponent's attack methods.

  At first glance, I don't even know what kind of monster to judge him as.

   But his fighting power is extremely strong, the dark laser from the devil horns on his back is constantly firing, and the flames in his hands are constantly bombarding, combined with the terrible bite of the lower body of the Cerberus.

  The suppressed strong human beings are retreating steadily, barely able to remain immortal.

  But this strong human being can't retreat. If he retreats, it will be equivalent to letting a terrifying rank five monster into the city, and it will really be a purgatory on earth, and the lives will be ruined!

   Seeing the strong human beings desperately guarding him, Chen Mo also saw a burning blood in his heart.

  As soon as he arrived here, at level 30, he directly summoned the 3 million skeleton monsters summoned by the crazy refresh on the road before, and launched an attack on the tens of thousands of natural disaster monsters here.

  Most of the natural disaster monsters here are three-rotation monsters, and less than one percent of them are four-rotation monsters, and there are some second-rotation monsters.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster is extremely strong now.

   The basic attack power alone can reach more than 960,000.

   This is already comparable to the attack power of a human four-turn master.

  That is to say, Chen Mo is equivalent to leading a full three million human Rank 4 masters at this time.

   And strengthened by Chen Mo's many increases, they are even more perverted than three million human four-turn masters.

  Under the blessing of the Undead Worship, the god-level critical strike aura and Chen Mo share the increase in critical damage.

   Each of their basic attacks can trigger an astonishing 2.5 billion explosive injuries.

   This is mainly because these monsters do not have explosive damage data, so they cannot offset the explosive damage with Chen Mo. As I said before, the explosive damage can cancel each other out.

If the opponent is a rank four professional, then Chen Mo's current explosive damage can be offset by the opponent. Neither of the two sides can deal critical damage. Naturally, there will be no such amazing damage. Chen Mo is about to stand up immediately!

  (end of this chapter)

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