Chapter 218 Extinct hatred! (five in one)

  Because this time they had to deal with an army of tens of thousands instead of a single monster, Chen Mo directly dispersed the army of three million skeleton monsters.

   One and a half million archer skeleton monsters used the method of projectile to launch long-range projectiles at tens of thousands of Scourge.

  The 1.5 million mage skeleton monsters directly fired energy bombs to wipe out the Scourge in the front row and block their progress.

  In the hidden state, after the attack of the three million skeleton monsters.

  From the perspective of others, you will see that the tens of thousands of natural disaster troops have inexplicably suffered a lot of damage, and there are continuous natural disaster monsters falling to the ground.

  In just a few seconds, less than half of the tens of thousands of natural disaster troops were left.

   This weird scene was naturally noticed by the Rank 5 powerhouse who was fighting the Rank 5 monster in the distance.

  Obviously all the soldiers under his command have been killed, but now the monsters have died in a strange and large area. As for how they died, they don't know the reason at all.

   Could it be that there is a Rank 5 master coming?

   But why didn't you show up?

   But no matter what, at least the dead are natural disaster monsters, which is beneficial to oneself.

  Originally, he was concerned about the safety zone, which made him, who was already at a disadvantage in the battle, even more passive.

   Now that he doesn't have to worry about the safety zone, he can concentrate on dealing with the rank five monster in front of him.

   This made him, who had been suppressed miserably, temporarily withstood the pressure.

  With the crazy outbreak of Chen Mo's three million skeleton army, the mere tens of thousands of natural disaster monsters can still be wiped out relatively quickly.

   After all, natural disaster monsters are much easier to deal with than human professionals.

   But the only pity is that there is no benefit to killing this monster.

   This kind of monster doesn't even have souls, nor did it summon any soul units that Chen Mo could control after death.

  At the same time, not to mention the experience points, I can't even bear to drop such sporadic things.

  So natural disasters are almost a pure disaster.

   Except for the possibility of getting a little reward after complete remission, the rest of the time is purely a waste of effort.

   But you can't ignore it, otherwise your homeland will be destroyed.

  At this time, Chen Mo is not the only one who is clearing up the monsters. Since the aristocratic family said that they are responsible for the safe area, they are naturally doing their best to clear up the monsters that leaked in everywhere.

  But the number of masters from aristocratic families is too small compared to the academy league.

  The range they can protect is also quite limited.

  Even if I tried my best, there were still a few monsters that leaked in and it was too late to deal with.

  For a while, a large number of houses and facilities in the safe zone were destroyed.

   It has caused great losses to people all over the world.

   Fortunately, at least everyone is fine. At this time, basically everyone is hiding in various schools and various mercenary organizations.

  Even if the monsters come in, they won't be able to threaten them for a while.

  As Chen Mo quickly wiped out the monsters that leaked in, he immediately sensed the rank five monster in front of him.

  If you can help kill this monster, it is equivalent to liberating a top-notch combat power from your own human powerhouse.

   "The divine power is 50 points, it is still within the range that can be dealt with!"

  The power of a Rank 5 human being is 40 points, and that of a monster is 50 points. It is normal to be suppressed.

  Chen Mo immediately helped to attack.

  His current divine power is 20 points, but this is only a reference value that can be used as a reference value for abilities such as the hidden effect.

   If he is not in the super **** trial tower, because the super **** body is not activated, his divine power can only be effective according to one-tenth of the amount.

  That is to say, the amount that can be used to offset against the opponent can only be counted as 2 points.

  The opponent's monster has 50 points, while Chen Mo only has 2 points, so he will be suppressed by 48% of all effects.

   But even so, the outbreak of the skeleton monster is still strong.

  As Chen Mo ordered all the skeleton monsters to aim at this dog-shaped monster, the dog-shaped monster actually looked towards Chen Mo as if it sensed some crisis.

   "The fifth-rank monster is really strange, can this find me? But it's useless, let's talk about it if you can dodge the attack!"

  Chen Mo gave an order, whoosh! In an instant, the overwhelming attacks flew towards a target neatly.

  Originally, if the opponent wanted to dodge, he could really dodge this kind of concentrated attack.

  But now he is being fought by strong human beings, how could he escape so easily.

  He would rather bear the attack of the **** skeleton monster than the attack of the fifth-rank human powerhouse.

   But it's a pity that he underestimated the outbreak of the garbage skeleton monster.

   With three million rounds of damage hitting him at the same time and triggering a critical strike.

  In an instant, his blood volume was directly reduced by a quarter from the previous state of incomparable health.

   After all, it is a level 100 monster with many special abilities, and has a strong ability to suppress low-level characters.

   In addition, he also has the effect of half the final damage reduction.

   This item is already quite powerful.

  So it is still not so easy to think about level 100 monsters in seconds.

   But being able to knock out a quarter of the opponent's total HP at one time is already quite explosive.

   After all, Chen Mo is only taking one turn now.

   Others are like ants in front of level 100.

  Of course, Chen Mo's attack was able to be so effective, but also thanks to the presence of another Rank 5 powerhouse to restrain him.

   Otherwise, let alone hit the opponent, Chen Mo is afraid that the opponent will have already killed him in the next moment after dodging.

  Chen Mo's sudden blow not only dealt a severe blow to the Rank 5 Scourge leader monster, but also shocked the Rank 5 human powerhouse who was fighting this Scourge leader monster.

  A level 100 rank five powerhouse is not an ordinary monster, and it is really amazing that he can be knocked down by a quarter of his blood volume in an instant.

  Before he finished being surprised, the opponent's blood volume dropped sharply again.

   It has been reduced by a quarter, and now only one-half is left.

   "Who is the master who is making the move?"

  He immediately sensed his surroundings, but he didn't sense anything.

  As he activated his stealth breaking ability, he was shocked to see that a large number of skeleton monsters had gathered around him.

  And these skeleton monsters are constantly launching joint attacks against the Scourge leader monster.

   "So many skeleton monsters? What a perverted attribute!"

   While he was still shocked by the attributes of the skeleton monster, the skeleton monster had already attacked twice again, directly hitting the monster of the leader of the Scourge into invincibility.

   Level 100 monsters are not so easy to kill, and the opponent has a lot of life-saving ability.

   But it's useless to have invincibility, at most it will delay some time.

  In the end, he was shot and killed by Chen Mo's skeleton monster under the entanglement of the human rank five strong man.

   Until this time, this strong human being had time to carefully perceive Chen Mo who was in a hidden state around him.

  Chen Mo, as the person who set a record in the college entrance examination and generated such strange data during the college entrance examination, is also a well-known existence in the circle of five-rank powerhouses.

  The moment he saw him, the Rank 5 powerhouse flew to his side in a daze and said, "Chen Mo, why are you here? And what are these skeleton monsters?"

   "I saw the news that this side fell, so I came to help."

   "Help? In other words, these skeleton monsters were all summoned by you?"

   "Well, senior, I don't have time to talk about this. Now there are monsters in the global safety zone, we have to rush to help."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, a **** flickered and disappeared, and the next moment, the densely packed three million skeleton monsters also disappeared out of thin air.

   Only the shocked expression on the face of this Rank 5 powerhouse remained in place.

   It's not that Chen Mo wants to hide a secret or something, he is really worried about the global crisis, so he immediately rushed to the next area.

  The faster you support yourself, the fewer human professionals will die in battle.

   With great ability comes great responsibility, Chen Mo temporarily gained a little understanding.

  Looking blankly at the place where Chen Mo disappeared, this Rank 5 powerhouse could never have dreamed that a kid who had just finished the college entrance examination was capable of beheading Rank 100 Rank 5!

   What's even more outrageous is that this rank 5 has been suppressing him all the time. With such strength, he was killed by Chen Mo?

   It's just incredible.

   There is no divine power below rank five, and the opponent has 50 divine power, which is enough to cause 50% suppression. Combined with the final damage reduction, why can Chen Mo's skeleton monsters cause such high damage?

  Although his head is full of doubts, as Chen Mo said, the situation in the whole world is now in crisis, and it is not something to consider.

  He shook his head to temporarily expel these doubts from his head, quickly checked the global announcement, and rushed to the next point of omission.

  Due to the serious leakage of monsters around the world, the east wall can't be repaired but the west wall can't be repaired.

   The monster's penetration has become more and more serious.

   Naturally, not all human beings are deflated.

  In some areas, the strong human beings have wiped out the Scourge Legion, but the legion troops themselves have not suffered much damage.

  But a small number of complete victories cannot reverse the defeat caused by a large number of losses.

  SS-level natural disasters are still too strong after all.

   Strong enough to be almost unstoppable.

  After all, there are not as many rank-five monsters among the strong human beings as there are rank-five monsters that descended from the Scourge this time.

  Basically, it is suppressed by quality.

   Among the strong human beings, there are a few extremely powerful existences. When they appear on the stage, even the fifth-rank monsters of the Scourge can easily be dealt with in front of them.

  With their existence, this natural disaster can definitely be cured.

   But there are too few such strong human beings, so few that the speed of cleaning up cannot keep up with the speed of monsters closing in on the safe zone.

  The entire area around the safety zone was basically destroyed.

   And some areas have already penetrated a good distance.

  Even if there are experts from aristocratic families to help defend, it is too late.

   After all, some of the Scourge that rushed in didn't even break their shields.

  Although the masters of the aristocratic family are powerful, but the number of children of the aristocratic family is small, it is difficult to form an army to attack.

  So the aristocratic family basically operates in the form of a small team.

   When a small team meets a legion, there is no need to fight at all.

   Soon came the news that the Rank 5 powerhouse from the aristocratic family died in battle.

  Compared to this, there are more news of the alliance's fifth-rank powerhouse dying in battle.

   At this time, it has not been an hour since the natural disaster broke out.

  Five of the fifth rank of the academy alliance have died in battle, and one of the fifth rank of the family has died.

  The monster army was wiped out by tens of millions.

  Compared, humans have a higher winning rate.

   It’s just that the Scourge Legion is endless, and every time a natural disaster erupts, countless can come. However, every strong man on the human side grows up slowly and cannot afford to die at all.

  It would be fine if he could be resurrected after death, but he was afraid that there would be no whole body after death, or he would be restricted from resurrection.

   It is impossible to save people like this.

  And the Scourge is best at destroying.

  If a person dies in front of them, naturally don't even think about leaving the body, I'm afraid they won't even find the meat paste.

  Many of them were eaten directly into their stomachs and quickly digested.

   In some evenly matched areas, strong human beings can still keep some stumps and broken arms after they die in battle.

  The world has fallen into a state of extreme chaos.

  As the Scourge invaded the city, all the aliens in the city began to move.

   Soon, massacres broke out in safe hiding places in many areas!

  The alien powerhouse suddenly exploded and carried out an indiscriminate massacre, and they gave priority to the younger generation of the earth.

  Especially children who have not yet begun to awaken.

  These children are extremely fragile. In front of supermen like professionals, they are not much stronger than ants.

   If you touch it, you will die, if you rub it, you will be injured.

   What's even more cruel is that they even refused to let go of pregnant women, infants and young children.

   There are not a few people who have killed two or even several people with one knife.

  Even if the aliens who broke out were suppressed and killed in time by the strong human beings, these dead pregnant women and underage children are deplorable.

   These aliens are very vicious, and they all attack with poisonous weapons.

   Once killed, the entire corpse will be destroyed.

  Want to save it? Don't even think about it!

  Earth people were already in an absolute passive position in the face of SS-level natural disasters and suffered heavy losses, but at this time the aliens violently slaughtered the younger generation of the earth, which made the people of the earth even worse!

   For a while, crying and howling resounded everywhere.

  Many couples of life professionals have worked hard to bring up their children, and they will soon be able to awaken their careers and see hope.

   I never thought that in one night, heaven and man will be separated forever, and all my efforts and hopes will be in vain.

   This kind of blow is so great that many people can hardly bear it and lose hope of living.

  And the death of those pregnant women who are about to give birth, or who have just given birth to a small life, is for their husbands.

   That was an unbearable blow.

  In an instant, they not only lost their children, but also their wives.


  Some of them were so popular that they even rushed to bite the corpses of the aliens who were killed like crazy.

  The people around are unstoppable.

   But even so, he couldn't vent the resentment in his heart!

  Even if he could tear these aliens into thousands of pieces, he would not be able to get back his wife and children who had been corroded by the poison to the point of leaving no bones left!

  Nearby earthlings saw this miserable and insane scene, and they all felt the same, their gums were about to bleed.

  If it is said that the strong fight each other with casualties, they can more or less accept that this is a normal death!

  But this cruel behavior of bullying the weak and even pregnant women is really unbearable for all **** people.

   "This eternal star system is really too vicious.

  It is not enough to cause such a perverted natural disaster, but also to engage in this kind of bullying and massacre. "

   "These bastards! It's extremely hateful to cause my earth life to suffer, and to kill our younger generation!"

   "To say that they are beasts is to exalt them! Even pregnant women are not spared, don't let me grow up, let me grow up, I will definitely kill their eternal star system and cut off their children and grandchildren!"

  Looking at the heartbroken appearance of these people who are either parents or husbands, it is so true that bystanders can't help being inexplicably sentimental for them.

  The behavior of Eternal Star System this time has greatly increased the hatred of all Earth professionals towards Eternal Star System.

  Although it has been said that it has reached the point of irreconcilability before, but now it is forced to the point of killing all!

  If there were people who thought that the elders of Yongxingxing did evil and the younger generation was ignorant and innocent, but now no one thinks so.

  For a while, everyone wanted to kill all the Yongxing people, leaving no one behind!

  Facing the global outbreak of monster leaks, even Chen Mohui's spirit flickering is too late to help.

  In such a global event, the power of one person is too small.

  Chen Mo is already very fast, but he can barely make up four or five loopholes.

  While Chen Mo was busy running around, at this time Haibin Town had also leaked monsters.

  In the two schools of Haibin No. 1 Middle School and Haibin No. 2 Middle School, a large number of experts and residents of Haibin Town gathered.

   Everyone is here seeking asylum.

   After all, they have no other better place to go at this point in time.

  Inside No. 2 Haibin Middle School.

  Shen Rulong and several family elders are organizing their manpower in an orderly manner to prepare for the approaching Scourge.

  But in the face of the approaching army of natural disasters, everyone is full of fear.

  They have already received news that several Rank 5 powerhouses died in battle.

   They can die in battle at the fifth turn, so what are they?

  No one dared to say that they could survive this natural disaster.

   It can only be said that it is going all out.

   Besides the Scourge, there are aliens hiding in the crowd, which is even more frightening.

  At this time, Shen Rulong and the others were not only wary of the approaching Scourge, but also of aliens who might be in the crowd.

  If they broke out suddenly, the damage they would bring would be worse than that of the Scourge.

   The Scourge is indiscriminate in its destruction. They will kill whether you can bring a better future to the earth.

  Whether you are a combat professional or a life professional, it is all the same for them, and they are all treated equally.

   But aliens are very good at picking and killing people.

   All those killed are the future hopes of the earth.

   If it is said that in terms of the number of kills, the Scourge is definitely far superior to the Aliens, but in terms of the quality of the kills, the Aliens surpassed the Scourge.

  They know where the pain points of the earth people are, and they want to precisely hit these pain points of the earth people!

   This is the most scary and troublesome thing.

  As the Scourge corps destroyed and moved forward, they finally reached the front of Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

   Fortunately, the legion shields of this batch of Scourge Legion have been broken long ago. These natural disaster monsters are now fighting on their own, and it is easier to deal with them.

  In addition, there are still masters from aristocratic families in the school, and there is great hope to keep this wave of monsters.

  At this time, the school is still in a defensive formation. Before the monsters break through the formation, human professionals can attack from the inside to the outside to prostitute them for nothing.

  Shoot together with the teachers in the school and other strong people.

   The natural disaster monsters who rushed to the edge of the school's defensive formation to attack the formation quickly fell down one by one.

  But the shields of the defensive formation can't last too long.

  As the firepower from the back row of the natural disaster army fell intensively, within a short while, the shields defending the formation were broken.

Roar! !

  Looking at the school full of students with delicate skin and tender flesh, all the natural disaster monsters roared with excitement.

   They rushed towards the crowd like crazy.

   "The monster is coming!"

"what to do!"


   "Everyone, stay safe, don't run around, or you will be killed more easily, hide near us, so that we can better protect you!"

   Just as the principal was speaking, a cold light suddenly lit up, and it had already killed the students in the nearby lower grades.

  These students have not reached the third year of high school, and they have infinite possibilities in the future. Compared with the awakened high school seniors, aliens are more inclined to kill these young people with infinite possibilities!

  In an instant, several students were instantly killed and corroded by the aliens, who slashed across their necks with a knife, and even the corpses could not be left behind.

   "Scrap! Dare!"

   Several masters from aristocratic families saw this scene and they shot extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they killed these violent aliens and killed them directly.

   But even so, the casualties of students are still not small.

  Many parents of students saw this scene, and their blood rushed to their brains instantly, as if their throats were blocked by something, and they felt short of breath for a while!

   "These aliens and beasts are really good at timing!"

  The masters of the aristocratic family killed these aliens, and after destroying their bodies casually, they had no time to control them, and rushed to the front to kill the natural disaster monsters that had already rushed into the school.

  With a group of enemies around, they didn't have time to sigh.

  But the parents of those students had nowhere to shed their tears.

  Not to mention the murder of his own child, there was not even a complete corpse or any fragments left behind.

  Die is so clean and direct.

   It really dealt them a great psychological blow.

  In order to prevent aliens from appearing in the crowd, the masters of the aristocratic family had to keep two more masters in the crowd, while the others rushed forward to deal with the natural disaster monsters that had rushed into the school.

  However, the strength of these natural disaster monsters is not low. After all, the weakest of each legion has the second-rank strength.

  The entire tens of thousands of troops, most of them are three-rank.

   This is already at the same level as many teachers.

   What's more, there are a lot of four-turn monsters in it.

  If there is no expert defense from the aristocratic family, these four turns are enough to easily wipe out the Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

  Among the crowd, Fang Datong, Shen Bingbing, Yan Yingyue and other awakened professionals tried their best to protect the unawakened students.

   But their strength is limited, the most they can do in the front is to be able to react faster when encountering dangerous attacks and take the students around them to dodge.

  With their strength, they still can't block the attack.

  It seems that they have nothing to do in the face of the surprise attack of alien powerhouses. They can only watch them like wolves rushing into the flock to easily harvest human lives.

   At this time, all the students who graduated from the third year of high school looked very ugly.

   After all, watching the former familiar juniors being slaughtered like this, I understand that no one will feel good when they see it.

  The faces of the teachers in front of them were even uglier.

  They just watched the strong aliens pass by their side and kill the group of students behind them.

   These people seem to be standing upright and guarding the front, but in the end they can't guard anything at all. This sense of powerlessness and shame deeply hurts their hearts.

   But there is no time for guilt at this point.

  Faced with continuous long-range attacks, they had missed an attack just now, but this time they tried their best to block it.

  Many teachers couldn't stop them and would rather use their own bodies to block them than let even a single attack leak to their backs.

  Su Tianxin's blood volume had bottomed out at this time, and she never took a step back or escaped.

   Although she is usually very gentle and gentle, but at this moment, she is extremely resolute.

  She would rather die by herself, and she doesn't want to see her students walking in front of her anymore.

   But even so, many attacks still slipped through, killing many people.

   But very helpless, the attack of the monster army on the opposite side, under the condition of limited manpower, has done the best so far.

   At this time, Chen Mo finished the suppression of another place where monsters were leaking.

   Before checking the next monster leakage place, he still gave priority to checking the situation in the seaside town.

   It turns out that Haibin Town has already missed the monsters, and even hit Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

   "Did you hit Haibin No. 2 Middle School so soon? You must not be in trouble!"

  Chen Mo's mind instantly flashed the happy days in Haibin No. 2 Middle School like a revolving lantern.

  The faces of those teachers and classmates are vivid in my memory.

  He doesn't want anything to happen to these people.

  He hurriedly used the twinkling of the gods and flew back to Haibin No. 2 Middle School.

  The moment he came back, Chen Mo saw that the monster army had invaded one-tenth of the campus area.

   This is the result of a large number of teachers and strong people resisting at the cost of their lives.

  The central area of ​​the campus has already been bombarded by a large number of long-range attacks and is riddled with holes.

  Many people were blown to pieces by the monster's long-range attack.

  Su Tianxin and the others are already in a state of residual blood.

   Seeing that everyone he knew was still alive and well, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief and immediately called all the skeleton monsters back to his side.

   "Destroy them!"

  Chen Mo gave an order, and the intensive and high-volume attacks of three million skeleton monsters fell into the Scourge like raindrops.

  For a while, the teachers and the powerful experts were still struggling to resist one second, and found that all the monsters fell to the ground and died inexplicably in the next second!

"what's the situation!?"

  Everyone looked around in shock.

  They thought that a Rank 5 expert had arrived.

  But I didn't see anything.

  Shen Rulong immediately looked at the elder of the family next to him and asked, "Did the family's rank five master make the move?"

Several family elders also shook their heads with doubts on their faces and said: "No, most of the five-rank powerhouses of our family have entered the Tower of Eternity to resist the attacks of aliens, and only a small number of them are in some key areas in the safe zone. The location, this kind of small town should not have a Rank 5 powerhouse."

   Just when Shen Rulong was puzzled, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

   "Chen Mo?" He looked at Chen Mo in great surprise, "How did you come here? Did a Rank 5 power bring you here?"

   "No, I sent it over by myself. By the way, principal, how about everyone's casualties?"

"The casualties this time were not small. Many young children were killed. The most heinous thing was the killing caused by aliens. Not even half of the corpse was left. Even if we wanted to resurrect, we couldn't do it. "Shen Rulong said with a painful expression.

   "Principal, please contact other people and try to collect all the remains of the dead around you. I will have a way to carry out a large-scale resurrection later."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, a **** flickered away.

   Only Shen Rulong and the other teachers around were left with inexplicable faces.

  This child was the one they watched grow up.

  But at this moment, they felt that Chen Mo had become very strange.

   It's not an unreasonable strangeness, but an impenetrable strangeness.

   It's as if the other party has stood at a height that he can't touch.

  Shen Rulong himself didn't know why he had such a strange idea.

   "Principal, this kid Chen Mo said that he can carry out a large-scale resurrection, what's the situation?"

   "It's not very clear, but the child's recent behavior has been very outrageous and incomprehensible."

   "So what do we do now?"

   "According to what the kid said, he can't just talk nonsense about such a big matter, even if he doesn't have this ability himself, maybe he knows someone who has this ability."


   After hearing this, Liu Funan immediately passed on the matter.

  Hearing that Chen Mo actually had a way to revive a large group of people, everyone was extremely shocked.

   Except for Yan Yingyue and Fang Datong who knew that Chen Mo would definitely not be an ordinary skeleton mage, no one else knew about it yet.

  Due to time constraints, Chen Mo didn't have time to stay in school to chat with classmates and teachers.

  The entire safety zone was leaking everywhere at this time, and he couldn't make up for it even if he didn't waste a moment.

  Who dare to waste time.

  It is possible that if he takes a step slower, there will be a lot of casualties.

   While everyone was doubtful, Chen Mo had arrived at the next monster attack.

While flying around, Chen Mo did not forget to inform Jiang Yun that he had the ability to revive a large group of people. He hoped that he could ask someone to collect all the wreckage of the war dead, gather them all in the nearest school, and launch them together at that time The teleportation circle is teleported to the college entrance examination venue to gather, and he can perform group resurrection at one time.

  Jiang Yun was very surprised to hear that Chen Mo had such a perverted resurrection ability.

   You must know that the resurrection ability is basically resurrected alone.

  Even if there is a group resurrection, the number covered is very small, basically only a few at a time.

   High-end resurrection skills can only shorten the cooling time of resurrection, and it is difficult to increase the number.

   It has not been heard that group resurrection can be carried out within a certain range.

  Range resurrection and quantitative resurrection are not the same concept. After all, within a range, as long as you are willing to pile up, you can pile up a lot of corpses.

  How many people can be resurrected like that?

   Isn't this kind of ability pure and against the sky?

   What's even more perverted is that according to Chen Mo's opinion, anyone who has a stump or a broken arm can be revived. Isn't that the resurrection standard of the SSS level?

   Not only the resurrection range is wide, but the resurrection level is also top-notch!

  I am afraid that none of the treasures in the SSS class can do it.

  Then there is only one possibility for Chen Mo to be able to do this kind of thing now, that is, the mysterious and only initial hidden five-star professional exclusive skill that Chen Mo possesses now has this ability.

  As the leader of the Global Academy Alliance, it is easy to deduce the source of Chen Mo's ability.

   But the more so, the more amazed he was.

  The only initial hidden profession can be so perverted! ?

  This made Jiang Yun feel anxious.

  He has already planned, this time the natural disaster is over, he will immediately start preparing to send someone to verify Chen Mo's job transfer method.

  As for what Chen Mo requested, he also immediately wrote back and said that he would convey it to everyone and ask them to do the corresponding things.

  Receiving this reply, Chen Mo felt relieved.

  Although it cannot completely reduce the global casualties, doing so can at least restore a lot of combat power for the solar system, which can be regarded as stopping a lot of losses.

   After clearly explaining the matter of collecting the remains of the corpses, Chen Mo once again devoted himself to clearing up monsters everywhere.

  But every time he just brushed off his clothes and hid his achievements and fame.

  He is in the hidden state, except for the fifth-rank powerhouse who happens to be able to detect the hidden ability and has higher divine power than him, no one else can find him and his skeleton army at all.

  Therefore, in many areas, there have been inexplicable and rapid deaths of Scourge monsters, but in the end, we don't know who did it.

  The people and guardians everywhere are in a state of confusion.

  Many people have asked about coming to the leader.

  In fact, the three alliance leaders don't know what's going on.

   After all, their understanding of Chen Mo's strength is also very limited.

  At best, they knew from previous events that Chen Mo could kill enemies by leapfrogging.

  But stepping from zero turn to second turn, although it is abnormal, at least the span is not very outrageous.

   Compared with one turn and three turns, it is much smaller.

   After all, there is a pet star bonus in the third turn, so it's not just two turns.

   Leaving aside the difficulty of these jumps, even if Chen Mo has made a breakthrough in his strength after the first rank, he can directly cross the third rank to the fourth rank, that is, he can fight the fourth rank.

   And now there are reports from various places that a large number of Scourge monsters were inexplicably wiped out collectively and quickly.

   This is a monster with two, three, and four rotations in a wide range of seconds.

  Such an abnormal killing speed, even after seeing it at the fifth rank, you have to praise it.

  Even though they knew that Chen Mo was strong, the three leaders didn't connect this matter with Chen Mo for a while.

  After all, even if Chen Mo was able to overwhelm him, the total number of enemies was only 999, and the most Chen Mo faced at the same time was only a dozen or so.

   This time, it was a high-ranking enemy with tens of thousands at every turn.

  At the same time, they didn't even know that Chen Mo had joined the war.

  After all, in their view, even though Chen Mo is a genius, it is not yet time for him to participate in this kind of battle.

   At this moment, at most they received Chen Mo's statement that they could be revived in groups.

   With the little contribution Chen Mo can provide, they all feel that Chen Mo's contribution is abnormal.

  However, the three lords didn't know about this matter, but several Rank 5 powerhouses knew about Chen Mo's awesomeness before them.

   After all, when Chen Mo came out to help, he still encountered many scenes where the rank five powerhouses survived.

   These Rank 5 powerhouses found that the enemy died inexplicably, so they naturally wanted to investigate.

   They've all reached the rank five level, who can't be equipped with the ability to detect concealment.

  But some of them who lacked divine power still couldn't detect Chen Mo.

   Only those with higher divine power than Chen Mo can detect him.

   Now we know how powerful Chen Mo's undead army is, and there are only four ranks in total.

  However, because Chen Mo said that the current situation is critical, it is not the time to delve into the details, and they are all busy rushing to support everywhere, so there is no time to discuss Chen Mo's strength.

  Chen Mo flashes everywhere in the world, mending everywhere.

  With his participation in the war, at least two-tenths of the world's territory will be lost, and several percent of people will be killed.

  Of course, it’s not all due to Chen Mo alone. The Scourge monsters he was able to quickly clear were all because of human professionals who had smashed the Scourge’s legion shields in advance, so Chen Mo could kill them quickly.

   This is a credit to the joint efforts of all the unyielding fighters around the world.

   Just when Chen Mo flashed to a place again, this time, he was paralyzed.

  The battle situation here is that most of the troops on both sides are still alive, but the human five-rank was killed first.

  The moment he came over, he happened to see the corpse of the human Rank 5 strong being swallowed by the Rank 5 monster opposite.

   This monster looks like a water tank, with a small head the size of a football, but a very big belly. Its belly is not so much a belly as a disgusting mouth.

There are hundreds of millions of fangs in the mouth of the whole stomach, and as the stomach shakes, these sharp fangs with hundreds of layers can move back and forth layer by layer, like some kind of Crusher!

  The human Rank 5 powerhouse just now was crushed directly by his stomach and mouth, and even the scum could not be found.

   "Not good! Senior Yi was eaten by a monster."

   "Damn it, once Senior Yi dies, no one can stop us at rank 5, we are doomed!"

   "What the **** is this natural disaster caused by the hateful aliens! It's a disaster for us."

  The Rank 5 powerhouse is the backbone of everyone. His death has dealt a huge blow to morale.

  The professionals who were still alive at the bottom felt their hearts sank in an instant, and their momentum became sluggish.

   At this time, the rank 5 monster had finished killing the strong human beings, and opened its **** mouth to kill the crowd below.

  His volume suddenly swelled in the wind, becoming several kilometers in size, with his huge belly and mouth open, directly covering all the humans underneath.

   If he was bitten down by this bite, I am afraid that all human professionals will be gnawed until there is not even a bone left.

   Seeing the crisis, Chen Mo immediately perceived the monster's divine power.

   "30 points of divine power is not high!"

  Although this monster's divine power is not high, it may be that the human's rank five powerhouse has even lower divine power.

   There is still a relatively large gap between the strengths of the rank five powerhouses.

  If the weak one has less than ten points of divine power, and the strong one has hundreds of points of divine power, the latter can almost crush the former.

Seeing that the human Rank 5 powerhouse was killed like this, and the morale of the human fighters plummeted, Chen Mo immediately appeared to encourage them in order to boost their morale: "Everyone, don't panic, hold on, this Rank 5 transfer Give me!"

  Chen Mo originally planned to deal with the leader of the fifth-rank Scourge Army after finishing the monster army below.

   But the opponent has already made a move first, Chen Mo can only choose to deal with it first, otherwise all the people below will die!

  (end of this chapter)

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