All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 219: The battle fluctuations of the top powerhouses! (three-in-one, 3/

  Chapter 219 The battle fluctuations of top powerhouses! (3 in 1, 35)

  The moment Chen Mo flashed over, he threw an infinite healing wave at the half-disabled crowd.

   While quickly recovering their HP, it also dealt a blow to the monster group.

  At the same time, he quickly launched the sealing ability of the God of the Brave against the five-turn monster with a big mouth, sealing the opponent's ability to swallow the world.

  This caused the five-turn monster with a big mouth that had just grown to a size of several thousand meters to shrink instantly, returning to its previous size of only a few hundred meters.

   At this time, the earth professionals who were in despair because of the killing of the rank five powerhouse, saw the arrival of Chen Mo, the divine soldier, and their morale was instantly boosted.

  They thought that a new Rank 5 powerhouse just came to support them.

  However, after seeing Chen Mo, many people always feel that this rank five powerhouse looks familiar.

   After all, many people have known about Chen Mo.

   It is normal for a person who has created a record in the history of the examination to be followed.

   What's more, Chen Mo was the only person whose grades were outrageously abnormal in the first copy of the college entrance examination.

   Naturally, more people paid attention.

  But although they knew Chen Mo, at this moment, no one connected the familiar young man in front of them with Chen Mo.

  After all, at this time, he rushed forward and said that he could deal with the rank five. Except for the strong rank five, he dare not be the second choice.

  In the impression of ordinary people, rank five is an insurmountable gap below rank five.


   At this time, there are no other rank five strongmen, and Chen Mo is not so easy to deal with the rank five monsters alone.

  The attributes of the fifth-rank monsters are extremely high, and the fifth-rank monsters are different from the god-level monsters.

   Not all units with divine power belong to god-level units.

  In the dungeon, those that are clearly marked as god-level units are god-level units.

  Normal 5th rank is actually far away from the **** level.

  Most of the god-level units in the dungeon are limited by the power of heaven.

  If a real god-level unit appeared in reality, killing Chen Mo would only take one palm.

   It's like the beast **** Chen Mo met before.

   A palm fell from the sky, everything will be wiped out for you, Chen Mo can't stand it.

  Facing monsters with only five ranks, Chen Mo could only use the sealing ability of the God of Bravery, but he could not use the title of God Slayer Challenger to seal.

  The God of the Brave can only seal up to three abilities of the opponent.

   And the five-rank monster with a big mouth has a lot of abilities, Chen Mo can't seal it at all.

   Can only reluctantly seal the opponent's more difficult ability first.

  At the same time, Chen Mo directly used the God of Death Emblem on the monster with a big mouth to prevent it from harming other friendly troops.


   The moment Chen Mo locked it as the target of the God of Death Emblem, the five-turn monster with a big mouth let out an angry roar, and then killed Chen Mo in an instant.

  It felt that it was underestimated by this **** human being with low divine power!

  The monster with a big mouth attacked at an extremely fast speed, like a huge phantom wall that was about to hit Chen Mo directly in an instant.

  The speed was so fast that Chen Mo had no time to dodge.

   After all, Chen Mo is still too far away from the fifth turn.

   But fortunately, Chen Mo has the BUG skill of flickering gods.

  His body reaction speed is not so fast to dodge the attack of the monster with a big mouth, but he can use this skill to quickly move and dodge.

   At the moment when the big mouth monster's stomach and mouth were about to bite him, he had already flashed behind the monster.

   At the same time, his skeleton monster also attacked the monster crazily.

  Dense arrows and energy bombs crazily attacked the monster with a big mouth.

   The monster with a big mouth has higher divine power than Chen Mo, plus it has a lot of perception and detection abilities, so it can naturally see Chen Mo's attack.

  I saw his stomach and mouth widen, and suddenly, like a vacuum cleaner, a terrifying suction burst out and directly sucked all the flying arrow attacks into his belly.

  Because the opponent has too many abilities, Chen Mo doesn't have time to read them all, so he can only watch while playing.

  After discovering that the opponent could swallow flying objects, Chen Mo changed his strategy.

   Following his order, all the skeleton monsters flocked towards the big mouth monster in an instant.

   In the distance, Chen Mo summoned an additional death knight.

   This is to ensure the talent triggers.

   What he has to do now is to send all the skeleton monsters.

  Following the three million skeleton monsters flocking towards the big-mouth monster, the big-mouth monster was just about to devour them, and Chen Mo had already triggered the explosive bomb characteristic of the skeleton monster with a thought.

   Bang bang bang...! !

   Continuous explosions continued to erupt around the monster with a big mouth.

  Now, Chen Mo's blood volume of each skeleton monster is as high as 3.21 million points.

  3 million skeleton monsters explode together, and the solid damage that can be caused is directly close to 10 trillion.

  Even if the damage is reduced by 28% due to divine power, plus the suppression effect of the fifth rank itself, and the final damage reduction effect.

  Three million skeleton monsters exploding together can cause solid damage, which can also cause at least one trillion damage to this five-rank monster with a big mouth.

This is because the fifth-rank monsters are special and different from ordinary monsters. They can counteract the explosion damage with Chen Mo. This caused Chen Mo's skeleton monster to self-destruct even if it triggered the critical strike effect of the god-level critical attack aura, there was no way to cause explosion damage. Only hit so little.

   Otherwise, counting Chen Mo's explosive injuries, three million skeleton monsters self-detonating in one round would be enough to kill this rank five monster with a big mouth.

   But even so, with the resurrection ability of all skeleton monsters, after two consecutive rounds of explosions, this monster with a big mouth at rank 5 was blown up by Chen Mo's skeleton monster for more than 2 trillion blood volume in an instant.

But this monster with a big mouth at rank five has a lot of blood. Although it has consumed a lot of life points in the previous battle with rank five, after it devoured the strong man at rank five, its blood volume not only replenished, but even The upper limit of life value has been increased a lot.

   Originally, the damage of two trillion trillions was enough to blow it to half its health, but now it can only blow up one-tenth of its health.

   But this first wave is just the beginning. Chen Mo has a 90% cooldown reduction. Just after the last batch of skeleton monsters were blown up, the next batch of skeleton monsters appeared again.

   Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of a large number of skeleton monsters, this rank five monster with a big mouth was obviously a little at a loss. In the past, when it encountered these weak monsters, it just swallowed them and it was done.

  But now these monsters exploded too fast, he couldn't even devour them.

   Besides devouring it, it was locked as a death target by the human being who couldn't catch it, and there was no way to attack other target units in other ways.

   "Ho Ho...!"

   At this moment it is obviously very annoyed.

  Suddenly a terrifying field expanded from its body, and Chen Mo felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to move at all.

   "It's a domain again! If only it were the domain of God, I can offset it directly."

  Chen Mo was a little helpless. The domain that his God Slaying Challenger could offset was limited to the domain of God, but even if it was lower, it could not offset it.

   Once the monster field was opened, not only Chen Mo couldn't move, but the skeleton monsters he summoned were all restrained for a while, and their movements were very slow.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo is not a vegetarian either.

   Seeing that the skeleton monster was restricted from moving in the field, he wanted to leave the field, and because the God of Death emblem restricted himself to a hundred meters around the opponent, he couldn't escape the field at all.

   Wanting to enter the void world but being directly blocked by the monster's domain effect, Chen Mo immediately came up with a better solution.

   "You have Zhang Liangji and I have a wall ladder. If you want to restrict me by domain, it is not enough!"

  Chen Mo's figure flickered, and a **** appeared behind him with a flicker.

  I saw him stretch out his right palm and press it on the monster's body, leaving a mark on his back.

  Officially transfer the transfer mark of the treasure ring!

  The moment the imprint was left, Chen Mo immediately activated the effect of the teleportation treasure ring with a thought, teleporting all the struggling skeleton monsters to the back of the boss, and exploded again!

  Because of the existence of the skeleton monster, Chen Mo's blood deduction was counted to the skeleton monster due to the domain effect, and the skeleton monster exploded soon.

  This blood volume deduction is basically equal to invalid deduction.

  Even though the opponent's domain effect can restrict movement and cause damage, it is of no use to Chen Mo at all.

   Seeing that the opponent was still as slippery as a loach when he opened his domain, this monster with a big mouth at rank five was obviously very angry.

   At this time, it hated its own domain why it didn't have the effect of restricting teleportation before.

   Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for the opponent to flash so happily in the field.

  In the sky, Chen Mo fought with the monster with a big mouth of the rank five, and the sky was dark.

The fight between the human professionals and the monster army below is also very fierce, but because Chen Mo's infinite healing wave keeps bouncing, as long as the human professionals are not caught in seconds, their blood volume will be deducted and they will be quickly pulled back by the healing wave. Monsters are constantly being hurt by infinite healing waves while being attacked by human professionals.

  For a while, the originally evenly matched situation between the two sides was directly broken, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards the human professionals.

  Even so, human professionals suffered heavy casualties.

  When more than half of the monster army was killed or injured, at least a quarter of the human professionals had been lost.

   But at least, these quarters of the dead still have fragments of limbs left behind, so they won't be unable to be resurrected.

  Even if you die, there is still hope of being saved.

  Seeing that their own side gradually gained the upper hand, human professionals became more and more courageous as they fought, and their explosive combat power was also much stronger than at the beginning.

  When Chen Mo in the sky kept summoning skeleton monsters to blow up this rank five monster with a big mouth that he couldn't do anything to, the battle below was almost over.

   It took more than three minutes, and Chen Mo's skeleton monster finally blew up the leader of the fifth-rank Scourge in the sky, who recovered very quickly and did not take forbidden treatment, by self-destruct.

  Before he died, the other side kept roaring unwillingly and aggrievedly.

  It is too aggrieved.

  Originally, his ability could be improved by devouring other units, but Chen Mo didn't even give it this chance, and sealed all his three more important large-scale devouring abilities.

  This greatly reduces its devouring ability, and it can't activate many abilities when it can't find a target to devour at close range.

   Even if one of its own people swallows it, it can activate more abilities.

  But the God of Death Emblem locks the distance, it can't get away from Chen Mo's 100-meter range, and it can't be swallowed by himself.

  When he killed the rank-five powerhouse before, he just grabbed the Scourge monster and devoured it to activate a powerful ability to kill the rank-5 powerhouse.

   As a result, facing Chen Mo, it was deflated the whole time, and it was restrained.

The field effect can't suppress Chen Mo, and it can't catch Chen Mo. Originally, the summoning class was a job that gave him benefits, but he never thought that the summoning objects of this summoning class would explode crazily without even being given a chance to devour them. .

   This is just a joke.

   If they were not killed, the monsters with big mouths at rank five would be suffocated to death.

  When Chen Mo in the sky finished killing the monster with the big mouth of the rank five, he directly ordered the death knight to come over and open the monster's stomach, trying to find some broken limbs of the swallowed rank five strongman.

   But unfortunately, there is only some green corrosive liquid in the stomach of this monster.

   It can be seen that the Rank 5 powerhouse has been completely corroded.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo could only sigh helplessly.

  He couldn't help thinking to himself that if he could have come a few seconds earlier, he might have been able to save this Rank 5 powerhouse.

  Things are not going your way, Chen Mo came here very quickly this time, after explaining to the principal, he rushed over immediately, all he can say is that the fate of this Rank 5 powerhouse is bad.

   In the battlefield below, after gaining the upper hand, the strong human beings once forcibly suppressed the natural disaster monsters and massacred them frantically.

   In the end, all the Scourge monsters were successfully wiped out at the cost of one-third of the death of the strong human beings.

   It can still be described as tragic.

"Attention everyone, collect all the wreckage of the war dead and gather them at the nearest school, and try to ensure that even the smallest scraps are collected. That little scrap may be the guarantee for a person's resurrection. Here I will leave it to you to clean up the battlefield."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he teleported away again.

   Only the professionals in one place looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "Does anyone think the one who just left looks familiar?"

   "What you asked is exactly what I wanted to ask, and I also think that person just now looks familiar."

   "Why does everyone look familiar? I think it looks familiar too, but I just forgot where I saw it."

  As the three people talked about familiarity, many people also felt that the person who had just left was really familiar.

  Suddenly someone said: "By the way, I remembered, he looks a lot like a child."

   As he spoke, the man took out a watch, clicked it, and immediately projected a translucent floating window, which contained Chen Mo's photo and his related introduction.

   "How is it? It's similar to this kid who created a record in the history of the exam."

   "From what you've said, it's really similar."

   "It's not so much alike, but I feel exactly the same."

   "Does this child have any Rank 5 elders?"

   "No, this child is a student of Haibin No. 2 Middle School, and his family conditions are not good, but I have never heard of any relatives of a rank five powerhouse."

   "Then you don't want to say that the one just now is this child?"

   "I didn't say that, the one just now was able to kill monsters at rank five, how could it be this child."

   "Don't think about it, there is no blood relationship in the world, but there are also people who are inexplicably the same, what's so strange.

  Since the senior said that we should collect the remains of our compatriots, everyone should stop discussing such trivial matters, and hurry up and collect them seriously! "

  Hearing what their companions said, everyone nodded immediately and began to search around.

   After Chen Mo came to the next area, he was relieved to see that the Rank 5 powerhouse was still there, and that he had the strength to suppress the Rank 5 monster on the opposite side.

  Although it seemed easy for Chen Mo to kill the rank five monster just now, in Chen Mo's opinion, he is still too tired to deal with the rank five monster now.

   As for the rank five monster that was 10 points higher than my divine power just now, when most of its abilities were useless, and without the help of other rank five powerhouses on my side, it was quite tiring to kill it alone.

  Chen Mo just felt tired from killing, but he never thought how abnormal it is for him to be able to kill five-rank monsters in one turn.

   This is not a matter of being tired or not, but something that cannot be done at all.

  Don't worry about how tired you are, one turn can kill five turns, this thing itself is enough to amaze all professionals.

  After all, it is said that all ants below rank five are ants. Who would have thought that ants could kill elephants instead.

  Because this is the advantage here, Chen Mo casually shot an infinite healing wave, provided a wave of long-range output and healing, and then teleported away.

  The area where he needs help now is a weak area. He doesn't need to waste time here in this kind of dominant battle.

  As Chen Mo continued to support various places, time passed by every minute.

   "I don't know when those rank five top powers will be able to finish off the strongest of the Scourge."

   Every time a natural disaster strikes, some of the strongest members of the Scourge will appear.

  These Scourge strongest have extremely high divine power.

  The destructive power is also abnormal, someone must be able to stop them, otherwise they will destroy the entire earth into a mess.

  This time, the top five powers of the earth are going to solve them first.

   As long as the top five ranks can deal with the strongest members of the Scourge, they can free up their hands to quickly clean up the ordinary five ranks of the Scourge.

  Chen Mo is now trying his best to rush to the front line, trying to support these top powerhouses.

   Otherwise, relying on his small turn, it would be impossible to stop the attack of the Scourge around the world.

  When Chen Mo was rushing to the battlefield everywhere, boom! The entire earth vibrated inexplicably, and from time to time, one after another could be seen shining brightly in the sky.

   Obviously, there was a battle between the top human masters and the strongest natural disasters.

   I don't know where they are fighting, but the aftermath of the battle directly shocks the world.

  Everyone felt the terrifying coercion overflowing from the aftermath of the Xeon battle.

  Chen Mo ordered the skeleton monster to attack the monster army while looking at the light in the distance.

   "Is this the battle of top powerhouses?"

  Chen Mo is really afraid that they will directly smash the earth to pieces!

   Now there have been major earthquakes around the world.

   Fortunately, the current house is not the previous house, and the land is not the previous land.

  The current land houses are basically reinforced by formations.

   Not easily damaged by natural disasters.

   Otherwise, if the Scourge hadn't rushed in, humans would have no place to live.

  Feeling the fighting intensity of the top powerhouses, Chen Mo felt that his current strength was still relatively limited.

   At best, it is awesome within a certain range.

   And if these top powerhouses break out with all their strength, the entire planet may not be enough for them to play.

  Chen Mo couldn't help wondering how long it would take for him to grow to this level.

   At that time, I basically didn’t have to worry about this and that.

  Seeing that the top powerhouses on the earth are fighting fiercely against powerful enemies, and the weaker enemies here, Chen Mo naturally shares as much as possible as much as possible.

   Time flies and it is already two hours later.

  Chen Mo was running around incessantly, and he was a little tired mentally.

  However, every time he supported a place, he reduced the huge casualties in that area.

   He even rescued Rank 5 powerhouses several times.

  This makes the earth lose a lot of combat power.

   At this time, the top-ranked power at the fifth rank finally successfully dealt with the strongest of the Scourge Legion, and slowly freed up his hand.

  If they rushed back to the safe zone and Thunderbolt shot, even a complete Scourge army that didn't even break the shield could be easily wiped out for them.

  Great power is great power. With their joining, most of the Scourge Legion that invaded the safe area were quickly wiped out.

   There was even one time when Chen Mo's skeleton monsters were accidentally injured, and most of them were killed by the palm of the boss.

  Feeling the strength of the boss himself, Chen Mo understood more and more the terrifying difference in combat power brought about by the gap in divine power.

   After more than half an hour, the SS-level natural disaster was finally cleared up.

  In addition to the main Scourge Legion, a large number of Scourge monsters descended on the field to wreak havoc, and it will take a lot of time to clear these monsters.

   But at least they no longer have the ability to attack the safe zone.

  As long as all the Scourge Legions are wiped out, it basically means that the natural disaster this time has been completely resolved.

  The rest of these minions just need to spend a little time to sweep them up.

  These top powerhouses returned to the Tower of Eternity immediately after dealing with the powerful monsters of the Scourge on the earth side.

  In the Tower of Eternity right now, the foundation of the earth is being attacked by the Eternal Star System, and several rank five powerhouses from aristocratic families have already died in battle.

   Urgently need these top powerhouses to come back!


  As all the powerful Scourge Legions were completely wiped out, the Academy Alliance immediately began to count the number of global casualties.

  One hour later, according to the news gathered from various places, the global death toll this time has reached 40% of the total population.

   Some of them were killed by aliens.

  Some of the professionals on Earth were killed by aliens when they were defending against the Scourge.

  In general, 30% of the global casualties this time were caused by the Scourge, and the remaining 10% were caused by the Scourge and aliens.

  This is an SS-level natural disaster, and only 40% of the deaths are considered extremely fortunate.

  If it weren't for Chen Mo's crazy global support, the number of casualties would have increased enormously.

  His greatest contribution is to block the progress of a large number of Scourge monsters, freeing up the top human beings to clean up the mess.

  The natural disaster this time mainly depends on whether other people can delay the large-scale invasion of the Scourge Legion during the time when the top human beings deal with the undead natural disaster to the strongest.

   But obviously, the earth is too immature, and there is simply not enough manpower to resist SS-class natural disasters.

  Even if the academy alliance and the family work together, they still can't stop the SS-level natural disaster from rushing into the safe zone and wreaking havoc.

   Coupled with the chaos caused by aliens, it made the already overwhelmed professionals on the earth even worse.

   Fortunately, the losses today are still within an acceptable range.

  Of the 40% of the deaths, only 20% cannot find the body, and the remaining 20% ​​still have hope of resurrection.

  Of course, the premise is to have so many resurrection abilities.

  Normally speaking, for the remaining 20%, being able to revive 10% is not bad.

  But this time with Chen Mo, there is hope for both of them to survive.

  (end of this chapter)

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