Chapter 220 Irreplaceable Existence! (2 in 1, 55)

   At this time, people everywhere are searching for the wreckage of the fallen.

  They received an order from the leader and tried their best to collect the remains of all the dead in order to concentrate on the resurrection.

  Before many people learned that their relatives and friends died in battle, they were actually very tormented.

  They all know that everyone died fighting against natural disasters today, and everyone has a chance to be resurrected.

   But the cooling of the resurrection ability is basically calculated on a daily basis.

  So even if all the people with resurrection ability in the world are gathered, the number of people who can be resurrected within a day is still very limited.

   And those who died for more than 24 hours have no chance of resurrection at all.

  It is really difficult to determine whether one's relatives and friends can get such a small number of resurrection quotas.

  In case the people with resurrection ability have used up all the chances of resurrection when it is their turn to be their relatives and friends, the rest of them can only remember as martyrs.

   This is obviously unacceptable to many people.

   It's just that there is no chance of resurrection, so there is no way to revive. The gap between before and after is really too big.

   Originally, it should be more convincing to resurrect according to strength, but many people who died were shattered into slag, and ghosts don’t know which piece of minced meat was what strength before.

   It is not bad to be able to retrieve such a few fragments of stumps and have a chance to be resurrected.

  In each school, people kept coming back to pour out the collected remains of the dead from their backpacks.

  Since all the wreckage of the dead are piled up in one place, the impact of this picture is somewhat too big.

  Many people nearby did not dare to look more.

   After all, it is so fragmented that it is impossible to tell which part of the organization is not bad.

   Those stumps and broken arms with obvious tissue parts are enough to make people get goosebumps.

   Especially those with intact eyeballs, the entire eyeball is covered with flesh and blood tissue, which looks very permeable.

   It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, a dull eye, full of lifeless eyeballs, a normal person will feel a palpitation when seeing it.

   Soon, a large pile of remains of the dead were piled up on the campus of each school.

   After a full two or three hours, all the search personnel finally sent back messages saying that nothing was missed.

   At this time, Jiang Yun looked at the two leaders, Blinda and Marcus, and said, "Have you drawn up the formations on your side?"

  The two nodded and said: "Well, everything is drawn, and it can be sent directly to the No. 1 college entrance examination venue in Huaguo."

   After confirming, Jiang Yun immediately tried to contact Chen Mo.

  【Jiang Yun】: Chen Mo, our side has already finished preparations.

  【Chen Mo】: Okay, I'll go there right away.

  【Jiang Yun】: This time I have also heard about your assistance to various places. When the matter is completed, we will distribute your meritorious service rewards uniformly

  [Chen Mo]: This time is a life-and-death crisis for the whole world. There will be no eggs under the overturned nest. It is my duty to contribute. I don’t need any rewards for this.

  【Jiang Yun】: Good boy, it is really a blessing for the whole world to have a young generation like you born on earth, but it should be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and you have to send it to you if you don’t want it.

   Finish your current work first, and let's talk about rewards for meritorious deeds later.


   This time Chen Mo was really not in the mood to think about getting any rewards.

  The outbreak of SS-level natural disasters has brought so much disaster and suffering to human beings all over the world. If it weren't for the human warriors charging forward one after another, they blocked the pace of the Scourge.

  Even the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance will be razed to the ground by the Scourge.

  At that time, my own family members should not even think about being safe.

  Seeing with my own eyes that the predecessors fought desperately to resist, many of them died without a whole body, and there was no chance of resurrection.

  Under such circumstances, Chen Mo felt that no matter how hard he worked, there was nothing worthy of praise.

  After Jiang Yun sent the coordinates of the No. 1 college entrance examination venue, Chen Mo appeared in the No. 1 college entrance examination venue with a flicker of a god.

  As soon as he entered, Chen Mo's nostrils were greeted with a strong smell of blood and various tissue fluids that were strong enough to faint.

   It looks like a scene of purgatory in the eyes.

  The entire College Entrance Examination Hall No. 1 was filled with all kinds of broken limbs, as if it was a garbage dump made entirely of flesh and blood.

  At this time, in the spectator seats of the No. 1 college entrance examination venue, all the people who activated the formation gathered on it.

   Coming here, Chen Mo confirmed again: "Seniors, are all the remains of the dead already here?"

   After all, it is an ability that can only be used once a day, so Chen Mo naturally has to figure it out before using it.

  This is a matter of life and death.

   "Well, all the remains that can be found in the world are here." Immediately, a senior member of the academy alliance said.

   "Is this the person who said that he has a way to revive a large group of people?" Seeing Chen Mo, someone asked immediately.

   "I thought it was a certain power before, why is it a child?"

  Hearing Chen Mo call everyone senior, someone immediately remembered who Chen Mo was.

   "This kid is the Chen Mo who set a record in the exam."

   "Yes, that's him."

   "Isn't he a skeleton mage? Why does he have the ability to resurrect in groups?"

   "Not sure, but this child has always been a little weird.

  During Huaguo's college entrance examination, he alone had a weird change in his grades. "

   "Well, it seems that this kid does have a secret, what did the three leaders say?"

   "The three lords only said that there will be someone who can revive within a range, let us bring the remains of the dead, and they didn't say anything else.

  By the way, this Shen Rulong is the principal of this child's school, and he probably knows it better. "

   Suddenly, many people turned their heads to look at Shen Rulong.

  Shen Rulong smiled helplessly and said: "Don't look at me, even if it's me, I can't understand this kid now. This kid's behavior has become more and more unusual recently."

  After hearing Shen Rulong's words, everyone couldn't help but stare at Chen Mo who was flying in the sky relying on the flickering of the gods.

   Among them, Shen Rulong has the most complicated expression.

   Obviously, he is a child who has watched his growth with his own eyes, but for some reason, the ability of the other party is far beyond his understanding and imagination.

  A kid who may only be at level 10 or 20 actually has the ability to teleport and fly.

  Flying ability can be explained by flying equipment.

  But the teleportation ability is not something that can be obtained under normal circumstances.

  General ordinary flashing ability, can only flash in a small range.

  The teleportation is able to flicker freely in a large area.

  This kind of ability is usually only possible to master after the fifth rank.

   Chen Mo can master it now, which is really surprising.

  But Chen Mo has given too many surprises, and Shen Rulong has gradually become numb.

   After confirming that the corpses of all the dead are here, Chen Mo began to activate his ability.

   Following his thought, suddenly there was a frightening wave of death in his body.

   This doesn't seem to be resurrecting people, it's as if they want to take in all the living people around them.

  Many people who didn't know Chen Mo even entered a state of alert at this moment.

However, as the terrifying death energy of the undead gushed out of Chen Mo's body and spread all over the surroundings, the terrifying death energy of the undead suddenly changed its nature under the action of the power of rules, and the originally dull death energy suddenly became a force full of vitality. .

  Following this force, it flowed through the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the entire venue.

   Rays of light that blinded the eyes of the surrounding people continued to emerge.

   After counting the rest, look at the middle of the venue.

  The original mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood have disappeared, replaced by a large number of layers upon layers of naked and resurrected men and women with different skin types.

  At this moment, everyone was in a daze.

   Not just resurrected people.

  Even people who knew about it long ago felt unbelievable after seeing Chen Mo do it with their own eyes.

   "It's really all resurrected!"

   "What a heaven-defying ability!"

   "It's unheard of! It's unbelievable if you don't see it with your own eyes."

  Reviving so many people at once is indeed unimaginable.

  If it weren't for the head of the college alliance to divert the staff quickly enough, the entire venue would have been crowded!

Seeing Chen Mo displaying his resurrection ability, the person in charge of the academy alliance had already made preparations. After the people here were resurrected, he immediately pinched the magic formula in his hand and activated a special diversion teleportation array to distribute all the newly resurrected people in the entire venue. Batches were sent to all other college entrance examination venues, reducing crowding.

   At this time, in each branch venue, the staff of the Academy Alliance had already been prepared, and they came up in time to distribute a full set of clothes to everyone, and then explained to them the resurrection of the group this time.

  In the venue where Chen Mo was, all the resurrected ones put on their clothes, and then they all looked up at Chen Mo in the air with gratitude.

  They have all received the reminder from Heaven, and they were resurrected by Chen Mo.

   "Is this child resurrected us?"

   One of them murmured.

  The College Union Workday staff on the side nodded and said: "Yes, all of you were resurrected because of this child."

   For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Mo. Although there was no words in their mouths, their gratitude was already in their hearts.

  In addition to their resurrection, there are many remains left on the ground that have not been resurrected.

  The person in charge of the Academy Alliance looked at the wreckage and shook his head helplessly: "It's a pity that they have been affected by the effect of being unable to revive, and it is probably restricted by the aliens' secret use of related abilities.

well! what a pity! "

   "Among them, it seems that a few of them are Rank 5 powerhouses who died in the battle against aliens in the Tower of Eternity. These aliens are best at using methods that prohibit resurrection.

  Although they are not members of our academy alliance, they are all top-level fighters of our earth. They died to protect our earth's foundation in the Tower of Eternity. It is a pity to die like this. "

Just when they were lamenting, Chen Mo suddenly said: "It's okay, these seniors are still saved. When I revived the group just now, I helped them lift the restriction that prohibits resurrection. The Academy Alliance only needs to send a few People with high-level resurrection abilities can come and resurrect them."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone who had already been shocked by the resurrection ability of Chen Mo's group was once again stunned in shock.

  They can't help but wonder if something is wrong with their ears!

   Can the ban on resurrection be lifted?

  This is even more unbelievable to them than the group resurrection.

  The ability to revive at least several people at once has appeared before.

  Although it has not reached the abnormal level of Chen Mo's group resurrection ability, at least this ability exists.

  But what Chen Mo said about lifting the prohibition of resurrection ability is really something they have never even heard of since they were born.

  Don't tell me you've heard of it, even in historical records, there has never been an ability related to it.

  The ability to remove the prohibition of resurrection is not the most abnormal.

  The most perverted thing is that Chen Mo casts an area effect!

  Not only did he revive a large number of people at one time, but he also lifted the forbidden resurrection effect on everyone at once?

   This is somewhat appalling.

Even the well-informed person in charge of the Academy Alliance, who is in charge of the current affairs, reconfirmed in disbelief at this time: "You mean, when you revived the group just now, you lifted the ban on those that were not revived. resurrection?"

"Yes, if they don't carry the effect of prohibiting resurrection, my ability can directly revive them, but if they carry the effect of prohibiting resurrection, although I can't directly resurrect them, at least I can lift their prohibition of resurrection. Effect.

   At this time, it is only necessary for other people with resurrection ability to come and resurrect them. "

  Hearing Chen Mo's clear explanation of the resurrection ability with his own ears, everyone in the audience was still confused.

  I thought that being able to revive a group is already the reason for this ability.

   Never thought that this child's ability would have even more heaven-defying effects.

  This is really too strong.

  Many people even wanted to ask him directly where he got such a perverted ability.

   But in the end, he held back and didn't ask.

   At this time, the news in the college entrance examination venue has also reached the ears of Jiang Yun, Blinda, and Marcus, the three leaders.

  Even if they are as well-informed as they are, after hearing about Chen Mo's ability, they will inevitably be shocked like never before!

"This kid is so insane! He told me before that he could be revived in groups. I was already shocked. I never thought that this kid would have such perverted abilities! Those who died from aliens are forbidden to be resurrected." It seems that the rank five powerhouses under the ability are all expected to be resurrected."

  Jiang Yun had an expression of incredible surprise on his face.

   "This time our earth really picked up a big baby!" Brenda said with a smile.

"As far as the value of this ability alone is concerned, Chen Mo's existence is irreplaceable, but if possible, it would be better news for our planet if more people have this ability." Marcus sighed, " We should arrange people to go to the crack copy as soon as possible to see if we can get the only five-star initial hidden job."

   "Well, I've thought about this before. We'll start arranging this after the reconstruction is done."


  Because the previous explanations were fragmented, some students haven't figured out the relationship between corpses and resurrection.

   Here is an integrated explanation.

  Common question: Can some of my body tissues stored in advance before death be used for resurrection?

   Answer: No.

First, the resurrection skill is only effective for the remaining body after death, that is, how many bodies were on your body at the time of death, and that part of the body is still an effective resurrection tissue after your death is destroyed and divided, but the separated tissue before death has no effect. use.

  Second, even if you want to separate, it is difficult to do it, because no matter what part you hurt yourself, blood will be deducted first, rather than cutting the body.

  Of course, you can let others kill you first in a safe place, then separate your body for preservation, and then resurrect you.

But according to the first rule, it can be obtained that the newborn you and the body separated by the previous death have already been cut, and those tissues that have been removed in advance do not belong to the newborn you after death, so naturally they cannot continue to be used as a resurrection medium up.

  Third, the rule that everyone basically knows is the 24-hour rule. If you die beyond this time, you cannot be resurrected.

  Fourth, the resurrection level and the proportion of dead bodies are regulated. The higher the resurrection level, the lower the requirement for the proportion of corpses.

  (end of this chapter)

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