Chapter 221 Crazy plan! (five in one)

  Eternal Star Galaxy here.

  After the top powerhouse on Earth returned to the Tower of Eternity, the people in the Eternal Star System did not entangle too much, but retreated collectively.

  But they were not forced to retreat, but they felt that the purpose this time was achieved very well, and they retreated contentedly.

   "This SS-level natural disaster, coupled with our strong attack and destruction, will reduce the population of the earth by at least half, and at least 30% of the rank five powerhouses will die. It can be regarded as a complete blow to them."

   "Although our arrangement on the earth is almost ruined, this wave is worth it. At least in the past ten years, the earth people probably have nothing to do."

   "By the way, is there any news from Langu? Didn't he say that there are tasks related to super artifact components?"

   "Yes, he sent back some messages before he died, but he died too fast, and a lot of information has not been investigated."

   "What exactly did you post?"

   "I just sent a person's name, saying that it was suspected to be related to a person named Chen Mo. As for who this Chen Mo is, he didn't know, but he guessed a target, and sent the image of that target."

   "Really? Show everyone what kind of person he is?"

   Soon the senior executive of the Yongxing system who was in direct contact with Langu revealed the relevant information and images of Chen Mo to everyone.

   "Only 18 years old? It's been less than a month since he awakened to his profession? Such a child, Langu, said he was suspicious?"

   "That's what he said in the message he sent before he died, and he also sent a lot of information about the child that he had collected before.

  Besides this child, other outstanding people named Chen Mo have not been found for the time being, and there is no relevant information, so we can only suspect this child. "

   "According to what Langu said in the letter, just because he heard a five-turn shouted these two words out of thin air?

  Then maybe they are just making wireless calls? "

   "After all, there is too little information. Langu also made it clear that this matter is just his personal guess, and it is not guaranteed to be accurate. It is just that this target can be used as a target for observation."

   "Now we have only a few people left on Earth, I'm afraid we don't have the ability to observe this person."

   "It's not a matter of observing or not observing. We don't have enough manpower to continue to carry out effective operations on the earth. At present, we can only lie down and wait for the teleportation land to reopen."

   "Then let them continue to secretly investigate information related to this kid, while dormant, and don't do other actions."

   "That's fine. Anyway, the earth has been severely damaged now. It will be difficult to bring the combat power back to the previous level in three to five years. We can continue to send people into the earth after a year, which is very easy to deal with."

"But I'm afraid that this kid has assembled the components of the super artifact during this period of time and directly got the super artifact. That's terrible. According to what Langu said, the task clearly stated that this super artifact is not an ordinary super artifact. !"

   "Don't worry, it's not that easy. According to what Langu said, this thing can only be obtained by passing the SSS-level breakthrough assessment. It is very difficult to obtain.

   And the reward pool after passing the SSS-level breakthrough assessment is so large, it is not so simple to get the super artifact components in such a large reward pool. How can it be possible for him to collect it in three to five years? "

"It makes sense, then we don't need to worry. This time, they used SS-level natural disasters to slow down the development of the earth. They tried their best to seal the teleportation land, and it was useless. They earned the lives of many of their fifth-rank masters for nothing. .”

   "At this moment, the upper echelon of the earth is probably in a state of distress, haha!"

   While these people were talking happily, suddenly a very bad news came to them from the earth.

  The person who was still laughing just now suddenly became gloomy.

   "What's wrong? Sudden complexion so ugly?"

   "Damn it!"

  The person cursed and made the information he received public.

   After reading the content of the summons, all the senior executives of the Yongxing system were dumbfounded!

   "The dead who were able to retrieve the wreckage were all resurrected?"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

   "Range resurrection? Or SSS-level resurrection? How is it possible to have this ability?"

   "Then we triggered SS-level natural disaster this time, didn't it cause loneliness? All the dead were resurrected?"

   "Many corpses are still lost and restricted to be resurrected."

   Not long after saying this, the second message came.

  In the shared translucent floating window, after the second message popped up, the senior executives of Yongxing Galaxy who had been shocked before were all dumbfounded.

  The second message says that even people who are prohibited from resurrection will be lifted from the prohibition of resurrection under this group resurrection, and can be directly resurrected by other people's resurrection skills.

   This message hit everyone like a bolt from the blue.

  Let them feel only scalp tingling!

   "How could such a thing happen!"

   Immediately, someone started to shoot the case.

   "The group lifts the ban on resurrection? Can someone really have this ability?"

   "Only in some specific maps can you temporarily get this ability, use it once or twice! Who is this person? Can the group lift the ban on resurrection in the outside world?"

   "He didn't just lift the prohibition on resurrection by the group, he also lifted the prohibition on resurrection while the group was resurrecting. It's too perverted. This person won't die, and most of the destruction we have done is almost in vain!"

   "Quickly let people on earth investigate this person's detailed information!"

   "There is no need to investigate, it has already been passed on, presumably we know that we have no power on earth that can threaten him, and the other party doesn't want to hide it."

   "Chen Mo? It's Chen Mo again!? Is this Chen Mo and the Chen Mo sent back by Lan Gu the same person?"

   "Confirmed, it's the same person!"

   "And there are more relevant speculations gathered, this kid is simply unfathomable!"

   Soon the senior management of Yongxing Galaxy received a lot of information about Chen Mo, as well as the information related to the voice of many avenues triggered by the solar system.

  According to Chen Mo's performance, they have every reason to believe that Chen Mo is the person who has triggered many great voices on the earth.

  At the same time, they also remembered the amazing zero-turn solar system professional in the Galaxy event Jedi Survival!

  If there is any zero-rotation earthling on the earth who can do this, they can't think of the second one except Chen Mo.

  But at present, the power of the Yongxing people on the entire earth has been destroyed. The few who survived only decided to stay in hiding because of their weak connection with the Qilan mercenary group and they were not easy to be suspected.

   Their combat effectiveness is not very high.

  If it is an ordinary zero-turn or one-turn, that’s all. If you want to assassinate this kind of evildoer who can fight a few steps higher, you can’t even think about it with this little manpower.

What's more, there is news from Langu that the other party will definitely have the invincible Baolian that Langu had before, with at least 6 seconds of invincibility time. With this alone, the other party is enough to last until any power comes to the rescue. It is basically impossible to deal with him on Earth.

   "To deal with this kid, it seems that we can only start from the copy."

   "Designate random entry scroll?"

   "At present, it seems that there is only one way."

   "Who will go? This kid is very likely to be the existence of the zero-turn, step-up, reverse-slash, second-level full-level full-star powerhouse. Who dares to say that he can kill him when his strength is suppressed to the same level as him?"

   Designated chaos entry scroll is a scroll that can designate a specific target and enter the copy where the target is currently located.

  Once this scroll is used, the people in this copy cannot use the copy to leave the scroll and leave the copy.

  If you want to leave, you have to complete the dungeon mission, or kill the intruders.

  The restrictions on the intruders are even greater. Regardless of their original strength, the intruders will be suppressed to the same level as the designated target.

  For example, they designated the current Chen Mo, who is now level 30.

  The strength of the intruder will also be limited to level 30 in one turn.

  Abilities obtained beyond this level will be invalid.

  For example, the opponent’s pet’s star rating, domain ability, divine power gained after turning five, etc.

  As long as any of these abilities are not acquired by the opponent before level 30, all of them will be invalid.

  So even the top experts dare not enter at will.

  If you want to randomly enter and kill a copy of a person who kills the enemy like a chicken after two levels, killing this person is more or less looking for death.

   "You can gather a hundred masters to enter together at one time, and use the army to deal with him.

  One person is strong, after all, his strength is limited. In front of the army, it is still not enough. "

  "We now know that he is very likely to be the one who leapfrogged and killed top experts. Assuming he is this person, then he alone has the record of single-handedly defeating thirteen second-order top experts.

   With such a record, can a hundred professionals of the same level be evened? "

   "Under normal circumstances, it is unfair, but what about the demonization of the curse?"

  As soon as the words came out, everyone around fell silent.

   "Then don't these one hundred people all have to..."

   "There is no way. I can't think of any other way to deal with a character who can kill a top master like a chicken if he goes beyond the second level except entering the cursed state."

   "That requires a hundred high-star professionals, and low-star professionals are useless even if they curse and demonize."

   "Of course I'm talking about one hundred high-star professionals, and it must be one hundred five-star initial professionals! It's more secure!"

   "Hiss! You're crazy!"

   "I'm not crazy, this is a necessary price! Can you imagine how terrifying this kid will grow to be if he continues to develop in the future?

  Just now, his strength is already ridiculously strong! If we don't kill him before he has fully grown up, even if we are willing to sacrifice a thousand or ten thousand five-star professionals to kill him in the future, we may not be able to kill him. This is the price we have to pay! "

   "Sacrificing the lives of a hundred five-star initial professionals is too expensive!"

   "I don't want my child to be tied to a wolf. The ability this kid has shown now is enough to pay the price."

   "But if he wasn't..."

   "Don't take chances, he is definitely, and even if he is not the zero-transformation newcomer, his ability to revive in groups and remove the forbidden resurrection is enough for us to kill him at any cost."

   "Even if we all agree, where can we find so many five-star beginners who are willing to risk their lives?

   These are not first- and second-star initial professionals. Each of them has a bright future. Which one is willing to sacrifice? "

  This sentence is the reality.

  If other people feel that there is no hope in the future, and there is no future, they may still be willing to accept this kind of death-defying task to earn some benefits for their families.

  But the five-star initial professionals are all promising existences. No matter how they mess up, the future life will not be bad. Why should they live a good life but sacrifice their own lives?

   If you can brainwash and persuade a few, it may be possible, but it is really not easy to make up a hundred.

   "Isn't this a plan first for everyone to discuss? If everyone agrees, we can discuss how to implement it later.

How about it? This plan, everyone supports a show of hands to vote. "

   After a few seconds of silence, more than half of the dozens of people in the conference hall raised their hands.

  Seeing this scene, the senior executives of the Yongxing system who put forward this opinion nodded in satisfaction and said: "Since more than half of them agree, then we will implement it according to this plan!"

  Hearing what he said, many people couldn't help sighing.

  One hundred five-star initial occupations, each of which is likely to become a top player.

  Don't say that these five-star initial professionals agree or disagree, their family members can't agree.

  Who wants to sacrifice their promising child just like that?

  Now the Yongxing system has always been in the upper hand, and it wasn't someone else who came over and had to sacrifice. This time, it was a sacrifice plan entirely for the sake of a rainy day, which was really unacceptable to many people.

   After all, once this operation is launched, no matter whether it is successful or not, the one hundred initial five-star occupations can be regarded as all sacrifices.

   This price is really too high, but the newcomer in the solar system is too against the sky, and it is almost impossible to kill him if he does not adopt the same style of play.

  This choice is helpless, but it can only be so.

  What they are most afraid of now is that they still cannot achieve their goals after adopting the means of killing each other. That is the moment when people really collapse.


  When the upper echelons of the Yongxing system began to work secretly for Chen Mo again.

  Chen Mo is already in the meeting room of the three leaders.

  The three lords are now liking Chen Mo more and more, and all three of them are facing him with enthusiastic smiles.

   Chen Mo looked a little embarrassed.

   "Chen Mo, your performance this time is very good. According to the rules, I will give you 300 million meritorious service according to your contribution."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun immediately said: "Don't feel that you are too small, according to the rules of the alliance, every time you make a contribution, you can only give a maximum of 100 million merits.

  Your 300 million meritorious service, the first 100 million is because you found Qilan Mercenary Group, the key organization base of aliens.

  The second 100 million is you rushing to help all over the world, solving many natural disaster monsters, and rescuing quite a few companions.

  The third 100 million is that you resurrected a large number of victims around the world, and lifted the key restriction that cannot be resurrected.

  These three performances, in fact, 300 million merits alone are not enough to represent your contribution, but each time you can only calculate 100 million at most, so it is only 300 million.

   Alliance resources are limited, and I hope you can understand. "

  Chen Mo shook his head with a smile and said: "I said before that it doesn't matter if the alliance doesn't give rewards, so 300 million meritorious service is enough."

After hearing this, Jiang Yun and the three nodded with a smile and continued: "In view of your performance this time, you actually have the opportunity to set up sculptures and place them in various places for people to respect, but once you become a hero of the people, you will have to bear the burden in the future." Responsibility is much heavier than having no reputation, so I still need to listen to your own opinion."

   "Compared to the seniors who have been protecting the safety of the earth and the solar system, I think my contribution is completely insignificant. Let's forget about such exaggeration." Chen Mo smiled wryly.

  It is too exaggerated to erect a monument to yourself.

   It's a bit weird.

And as the leader said, once you are established as a hero, every word and deed will be infinitely magnified by others, so you must always be cautious about your words and deeds, and you have to deal with many things that you have to do, otherwise there will be a lot of people behind you. Words are awesome!

  Chen Mo doesn't like this restrained feeling of being kidnapped by fame.

   It is still better for him to feel free and deep in his achievements and fame.

  He naturally refused directly.

  It seemed that Chen Mo had expected to say this, but Jiang Yun and the others didn't say anything.

   "Well, you go back to rest first, you have been rushing everywhere today and have not rested, thank you for your hard work."

   "Your lord, you are serious. It's all for your own homeland, so there's nothing wrong with it."

   "Go back and rest with peace of mind, we will take care of the next thing."

  Chen Mo nodded with a smile, took his leave, and went back home with the flicker of the gods.

  After informing everyone that they were safe now, Chen Mo sent them home one by one.

   After finishing all this, Chen Mo also felt very tired. He told Sister Yiyi and his grandparents that he would not eat, and went back to his room to take a shower and prepare to fall asleep.

  Before going to bed, Chen Mo pulled out a lot of skills recorded in his copy of God Seal and glanced at them.

  There are too many skills, so many that Chen Mo can't even look at them.

  He traveled to so many areas today, and every time there were a large number of units fighting, the skill records were naturally so dense that he couldn't see it for a while.

   After turning a few pages, Chen Mo felt a little drowsy.

  After all, there are so many text introductions for each skill, it seems really tiring.

  One or two skills are okay, this page is full of skills, and every skill is clicked in, and there are a lot of introductions, which is a bit difficult to tell.

  And the few pages he turned were just a drop in the bucket of the skill pages recorded.

   There are too many, I can’t even look at them. Since I have reserved one skill before, now there are only two positions. Chen Mo picked up two skills that he thought were useful, and fell asleep directly.

   After all, if you don’t pick it now, this record will be gone when you wake up.

One of the two skills Chen Mo chose was the throwing damage skill. He thought that he could throw his skeleton monsters out and use them as bombs. At the same time, if he attached a teleportation mark to the skeleton monsters, it could also be used as a movable teleportation point. Expand your tactical options.

   The remaining skill, Chen Mo learned a skill that can increase the speed of the whole team.

  The choice of his second skill is to enable him to still have the ability to dash forward after his blinking skill is disabled.

  After selecting skills, Chen Mo fell asleep directly.

  At this time, in the college entrance examination venue of the college alliance.

  Several Rank 5 masters from aristocratic families have been revived by several supporters with SSS-level resurrection abilities.

  After the resurrection, several people were stunned.

  Before they died, they clearly saw that they were under the effect of prohibiting resurrection. At that moment, they never thought about the possibility of resurrection.

  But now I and others have come back to life.

   Several people naturally felt very unbelievable.

   After they checked the hints from Heavenly Dao, they saw the hints from Heavenly Dao, which explained that their forbidden resurrection status was resolved by a professional named Chen Mo who used a strange skill called Undead Creation.

   "Chen Mo? Such a familiar name."

  While several people were whispering, the staff of the nearby college alliance had already told them who Chen Mo was.

   After all, the person who contributed the most to their resurrection this time is Chen Mo.

   These people naturally hope that they can remember Chen Mo well.

  As long as these Rank 5 bosses of the aristocratic family accept Chen Mo's affection, the relationship between the aristocratic family and the academy alliance will become more friendly in the future.

   After all, in their view, Chen Mo will grow into a key member of the academy alliance sooner or later.

   "It turned out to be this child. When I received news about him, I thought this child was extraordinary. I didn't expect it to be so extraordinary! Even the ban on resurrection can be lifted!"

  Even this rank-five powerhouse from the aristocratic family was also incomparably amazed by Chen Mo's performance.

   "The Academy Alliance really found a treasure this time."

  One of the Rank 5 powerhouses from the aristocratic family said quite enviously.

  If there is such an existence in the aristocratic family, the global influence of the aristocratic family will soon be equal to that of the academy alliance.

   What a pity, what a pity!

  All those who should be resurrected have been resurrected, and the next step is the post-disaster reconstruction work.

  This job is much simpler than resurrection.

   Some repair magic can be quickly repaired.

   There are also some related life professionals who can also speed up the recovery by using their professional abilities.

  Two-pronged approach, the damaged houses were quickly repaired.

  But it doesn't mean that this SS-level natural disaster didn't cause any losses.

  The global loss is still huge, not to mention many people who died without a whole body, but many people who survived, many people's equipment and space backpacks were thrown away.

   These losses alone are already immeasurable.

  In the safe zone, repair work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Outside the safe zone, the final clean-up work is still going on.

   After all, there are many weaker natural disaster monsters in the wild.

  In this wave of natural disasters, the fastest to die are the famous people in the wild.

   It was a home that could not return, and was the first to be killed in the wild.

  A wave of natural disasters came down and directly wiped out all the celebrities in the world.

  Chen Mo also plans to collect the experience points of famous people again in seven days. Now that there are strong people patrolling all over the world to maintain order and help rebuild after the disaster, it may be difficult for famous people to appear again in these seven days.

  The next day at noon, Chen Mo woke up slowly. When he woke up to wash up, the global cleanup work was finally finished.

  The Voice of the Great Dao sounded along with the reminder of the Dao of Heaven.

"Congratulations to all professionals in the solar system for successfully repelling SS-level natural disasters. I hereby reward all professionals with a 10-year lifespan. All professionals will be rewarded with an SS-level gift package. All professionals' levels will be increased by 5 levels (if they are at the upper limit, they will get an amount equal to The experience value required to upgrade the current level is 5 times the experience value, if it is a fifth-rank professional, it will be changed to gain 5 points of divine power).

Before the next natural disaster comes, all professionals will have a 100% increase in killing monster explosion rate, a 100% increase in experience value acquisition rate, and the range of no penalty for team level difference will be extended to level 10. Will exceed S rank. "

   "What a reward, everyone in the entire galaxy will give SS-level gift packs, and after turning five, they will directly get 5 points of divine power."

   Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little envious. It would be great if his level gain could also be changed to gaining divine power.

  The experience value of level 5 is not worth mentioning in front of divine power.

  The sound of the avenue sounded, but it was numb to the aliens who were still on the earth.

  This time, an SS-level natural disaster was triggered on the earth, and so many of our own people were sacrificed. As a result, a person with a large-scale resurrection emerged from the earth, and resurrected most of the dead.

  Even those who forbid resurrection have been enlivened.

   This move alone made their Yongxing system operation completely in vain.

   As a result, the global rewards are still so exaggerated after the SS-class natural disaster is cured.

   It made them feel that this wave of their galaxy sending SS-level natural disasters to the solar system is really a loss.

  Originally, if more than half of the people on Earth died due to this natural disaster, then the SS class will be retired in the end, and the rewards will be the same.

  But now almost 20% of the people in the world are dead.

   Everyone else lived.

   Among the two adults, the proportion of the strong on the earth is even smaller.

  Most of them are women and children who were killed by their eternal star system.

  Although it is said that some of the future of the earth has been cut off, compared with so many masters who died in the eternal star system, I always feel that I have gained nothing.

   What's more, the rewards are still so perverted now.

  It is enough to add 10 years to the life expectancy of the global population.

  It is really abnormal for everyone in the world to upgrade to level 5.

  And the five-rank powerhouse can directly convert to gain 5 points of divine power.

   This is even more perverted.

   I also said before that if you want to get that 1 point of divine power in the Tower of Eternity, everyone is desperate.

  Now all the fifth ranks of the entire earth directly prostitute 5 points of divine power per person, which is equivalent to bringing a considerable improvement to all the fifth ranks of the earth as a whole.

   It really made Alien feel uncomfortable.

   As for most of the benefits that are beneficial to the weak, there is no need to say more.

   This is of great help to the Earth professionals to re-emerge after the disaster.

  When the news here was sent back to the Yongxing system, the senior management of the Yongxing system would rather pretend that there was no such news.

   Now apart from being angry with themselves, they have no way to do anything to the solar system. Watching these news is purely for their own discomfort.


  The post-disaster reconstruction took a whole week to complete.

  In the past seven days, not a single monster has been refreshed in the wild.

   Within ten days after each natural disaster ends, monsters will no longer be spawned in the field, and crack copies will not appear.

   These ten days can be regarded as a full recovery period given by Tiandao.

  Let everyone focus on recovery and reconstruction.

   There are no famous ones, no wild monsters, and no dungeons to spawn.

   It was rare for Chen Mo to give himself a holiday in the past seven days.

   At the same time, plan what to do next.

  The level has reached level 30, and if you want to pass the SSS level breaking test, you need to get a lot of experience points.

  In addition, you can learn military formation skills after one turn, and then you can directly form an formation.

  If you have a chance, you should bring back some powerful military skills.

   After all, I have the skills to form an army by myself, I just need to learn this army formation by myself.

   As for the skills of the skeleton mage, the skills of level 25 and level 30 are all skills for summoning various professional undead. For Chen Mo, there is no need to collect them, so he is too lazy to waste time to get them.

  Level 25 is to summon the Warrior Skeleton Squad.

  Level 30 is to summon a squad of archers and skeletons.

   It's useless to Chen Mo, and he has to waste time collecting a lot of skill books to synthesize them to a higher level before they can be of any use.

  However, when these two skills are of a higher level, the number of follow-up synthesis is much less. Compared with the skeleton summoning, Chen Mo is naturally not interested in wasting time for this skill.

   Right now, I just hope that I can enter the university early and get a copy of the legendary level.

  The skills and equipment at hand all need legendary materials to upgrade.

  With the end of the seven-day reconstruction, the university recovered manpower and gradually reopened.

  Early in the morning, Chen Mo received an admission letter from a top university.

  Before, Liu Yiyi had already filled out the report for him.

[Admission Notice: Dear student Chen Mo, your enrollment has been confirmed and approved by the Admissions Office. You can come to Tianke University to enroll within three days. The first year of enrollment is a dormitory system. It is not recommended to go out if it is not necessary. If you need to go out, please apply to the counselor in advance.

  Please explain clearly to your family members, bring your daily necessities to report, and don’t miss the time. 】

   As the top school in the world, Tianke University naturally has top-notch students.

   Those are naturally the key targets of the aliens.

   This one-year residential system is to prevent aliens from reaching their hands.

  After one year of intensive training, everyone has the ability to protect themselves, and the school will let them go out for free activities.

  Looking at the simple admission notice, Chen Mo smiled and went over to talk to Liu Yiyi about it.

   "Sister Yiyi, I have already received the admission letter from Tianke University. The university is a dormitory system. I don't think I will be back within a year. You and your grandparents should take care of each other."

   "Don't worry about going to school, we can take care of ourselves." Liu Yiyi smiled and straightened Chen Mo's collar and said.

  Liu Yuanzong and Qiu Yuehong also looked at Chen Mo with relief.

   Their own child is so promising, they don't have much to say, the best way is not to hinder him and not to tie him down.

  The two of them saw off Chen Mo with a smile, and returned to the house reluctantly.

   "Momo has now grown into a big boy who can take care of himself. Alas, time has passed so fast. I still remember that he was only this tall before, and he called me grandpa in a childish voice."

  Liu Yuanzong stretched out his hand to a height of more than one meter to recall the past, showing a nostalgic smile.

  Qiu Yuehong also recalled the cute look of little Chen Mo, she shook her head with a smile and said: "When the child didn't grow up, I hoped that he would grow up, but when he really grows up, he is really reluctant to leave."

  Liu Yiyi spent the longest time with Chen Mo, bringing him up from a young age, Qiu Yuehong's words touched her the most.

  She has always hoped that Chen Mo can grow up healthy and peaceful. She doesn't want to be more promising when he grows up, but at least he can grow into a person who can support himself.

  Now that the child has really grown up, and has grown so promisingly, I am full of gratification and at the same time seeing the child leave my care like this, it is inevitable that I feel a sense of emptiness in my heart.

   Saying goodbye to his relatives, Chen Mo came to the gate of Tianke University directly with a flicker of spirit.

  Because Tianke University is a top institution, the number of students enrolled each year is pitifully small.

  So compared to the gates of other universities, the gate of Tianke University is particularly deserted.

  When Chen Mo came to the school gate, he was immediately stopped by the security guards at the school gate.

   "Student, are you here to apply for admission?"

   "Yes, how can I get to the Admissions Office?"

   "Excuse me, please register your ID card for me first."


  Chen Mo nodded and handed over the ID card.

  The other party got the ID card and swiped it on the machine in the security room. After some operations, several security guards in the security room accidentally looked at the machine and then at Chen Mo who was waiting at the window.

   Immediately, a security guard looked up at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "So you are classmate Chen Mo, please come in quickly, and I will take you to the Admissions Office."

   Seeing the other party's sudden enthusiasm, Chen Mo said unexpectedly after taking back his ID card: "You know me?"

   "Who doesn't know you? My uncle was resurrected by you when he died in battle. There are still a few people in the world who don't know you. So many people have been resurrected by you. Everyone is thinking of your kindness."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled and said: "Actually, the seniors who did not care about their own safety back then deserve to be remembered by everyone."

   "That's right, everyone is contributing to the earth, and they are all worthy of praise and praise." The security guard nodded, and at the same time felt that Chen Mo's structure was big enough, and he was still so calm and calm after making such great contributions at a young age.

   Leading the way, he became more enthusiastic.

  On the way, he kept talking to Chen Mo about some things on the campus of Tianke University.

  Especially about the fierce competition for various resources and credits within the school.

  Chen Mo knew a little bit about some of them, but after getting a full understanding from the security guard, Chen Mo knew that the competition of Tianke University was so fierce.

  There will be competition not only in the same grade, but also between different age groups.

  Although it is said that there is competition to grow, but it is rare to have such a tight arrangement.

   Competing for almost everything.

  Chen Mo found that before he wanted to get into the legendary level dungeon, he had to compete to win other students.

  There are many competitive copies in the university.

   There are also many competitive events.

   The talking time always passed quickly, and Chen Mo felt that he hadn't heard enough, so he had already arrived at the Admissions Office.

  The security guard very enthusiastically knocked on the door for Chen Mo and introduced: "Hello, this classmate Chen Mo is a new student, so I brought him here, and you will hand over the rest."

   After finishing speaking, the security guard turned to look at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "After completing the enrollment procedures here, you can officially enroll, and I will leave first."

   "It's really troublesome for you."

   "Where is it, it is my honor to lead you the way."

  The security guard bowed after speaking, and then retreated with a smile.

  At this moment, Chen Mo walked to the entrance of the Admissions Office.

  The person in charge looked at him with a warm smile and said, "Student Chen Mo? Please come in and talk."

   "Hello, teacher, I have received the admission letter to report."

   "Okay, regarding your tuition fees, the college alliance has already explained that your tuition fees are completely free, so just go through the enrollment information directly."

   "May I ask, how much is the tuition fee?"

"It wasn't much at the beginning. The key is that if you continue to study after one month, you need to pay a lot of credits to maintain it. Therefore, students studying at Tianke University need to put in more effort than ordinary schools. Even geniuses need 99 % of the sweat to water to be able to grow better.

  Although the College Union Headquarters has canceled tuition fees for you, I still expect you to make unremitting efforts. "

  Chen Mo replied with a smile: "Definitely."

   Soon the convenient operation is completed.

  She smiled and looked up and said, "Okay, I've already done it for you. You can go directly to No. 333, No. 3 Dormitory Building. Our school has a one-person-one-night system, so don't worry about being disturbed by others."

   "When will the school officially start?"

"Three days later, you can take a stroll around the campus to familiarize yourself with it, and you can also try to participate in some competitive dungeons, which may help you win a lot of credits. With the credits, you can go to any dungeon adventure you want .”

   "I see, thank you."

   "You're welcome, dormitory No. 333 has hired a professional cleaner to clean it. You can check in in about an hour."


   "This is your student card, please take it well. It is basically equivalent to your identity card on campus. Many places need to swipe the card to enter."

   After receiving the student card, Chen Mo left the Admissions Office.

  He followed the campus layout that the security guard said before, and a **** flickered to the gate of the Tianke training hall.

  Tianke training hall is a very large club, covering an area larger than a professional football field.

   There are many training room divisions in the Tianke training hall, which correspond to the training items that various professionals need to train.

   Among them, there are special trainings for abnormal state resistance, as well as various trainings related to single-player combat skills and multi-player combat skills.

   There are also perception training for stealth units, training of teamwork ability, etc.

   It can be said that there are many types and all-encompassing.

   Entering the Tianke training hall, you will see a huge screen that shows the usage of all training rooms.

  Chen Mo saw that most of the training rooms were occupied.

  Enabling these training rooms requires credits.

  But newly enrolled students can enjoy 1 hour of training discount every day.

   There is no need to consume credits within this hour of a day.

  Chen Mo came to the front of a single combat skill training room.

  There are fifty single-person training rooms, and there are less than ten empty rooms at this time.

   After entering the training for 10 minutes in front of the door, Chen Mo swiped his card to enter.

  He just wanted to test what kind of training mode this so-called professional training room of a top university is.

  [PS]: I am not satisfied with the next chapter, I haven’t completed the small goal today, so I will repost it tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)

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