Chapter 222 Short board! (five in one)

  As Chen Mo entered the training room, he received a reminder from Heaven.

[Heavenly reminder: You have entered the simulation training area built by private individuals. The item you are about to train is "personal combat skills". When performing this training item, your assumed blood volume is 100 points, and your attack is 1 point. Suppose the blood volume is 100 points, and the attack is 1 point.

  伱 You can choose the following modes.

  『Battle Mode』,『Offensive Mode』,『Defense Mode』. 】

   "Just try the defensive mode first."

  【Prompt from Heaven: After selection, your attack power is 0 in defense mode. Please choose whether to use weapons on both sides? 】

  Chen Mo thought for a while, and decided to try without a weapon first.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Please freely set the size of your opponent. 】

  Chen Mo designed a robot as big as himself with a thought.

  【Reminder from Heaven: After setting, the simulation training is about to start. Please be prepared. The current simulation intensity is 1. The simulation intensity affects the reaction speed and action speed of the combat machine. You can adjust it at any time during the simulation process. 】

  As the reminder of the Heavenly Dao ended, the robot also quickly called out the countdown of 3, 2, 1.

   As soon as the countdown ended, the robot rushed towards Chen Mo.

  For a robot with a strength of 1, Chen Mo thought that the speed of the opponent would not be very fast. Unexpectedly, the opponent directly killed himself in front of him with a single stride.

  The next moment, the robot's left hand turned into a spear and stabbed straight at his neck. The attack was quite ruthless.

  Come up and hit the vitals.

  Chen Mo quickly leaned back to dodge.

   But the robot seemed to have expected him to dodge like this.

The opponent's move was actually a false attack, and he immediately withdrew his strength halfway through the stab, turning the spear stab into a heavy palm. The moment the straight pistol stab that had already reached Chen Mo's chest turned into a heavy palm, taking advantage of Chen Mo's receding powerlessness to continue changing his actions, he directly Then he hit his stomach with a palm.

  Chen Mo's blood volume suddenly dropped by 2 points after the heel of the palm was slapped heavily, and the whole person was also beaten upside down.

  Chen Mo only felt his stomach turn upside down.

  The blow just now seemed to be counted as a weak point attack, and it was forced to be a critical hit.

   "Is this an enemy with a strength of 1?"

  Chen Mo looked at the robot in front of him in disbelief.

   "Keep coming!"

   After the robot was hit, it didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it. It seemed to be a chance for Chen Mo to relax.

   It wasn't until Chen Mo ordered again that he continued to kill Chen Mo.

  A cloud hand slap went straight to Chen Mo's face, because of the previous false attack, when Chen Mo dodged this time, he paid special attention to the possibility of the opponent changing his moves.

  But Yunshou was originally a convenient and flexible attack, and there was no need to temporarily change its moves. If it missed a move, the robot immediately sprinted, and the left fist hit Chen Mo's right rib hard.

   This time he caught Chen Mo's attention on his right hand.

   But it was the first time he suffered a loss, this time Chen Mo was extremely careful, but it was not so easy to get his way.

  Although his attention is all on the opponent's right hand, he still has a little defense against the opponent's other actions.

   When the robot punched with a horse step, he had already sunk his arm to block it.


   A muffled sound came out, even so, he was still punched flying, and his blood volume dropped by 1 point.

   The robot attacked twice, and Chen Mo was deflated twice.

  Not only was he not angry, but he gradually became excited.

   The easy crushing all this time has made him forget what it feels like to be crushed by others.

   It also made him feel a lot less dangerous when he was attacked in close quarters.

  After all, the existence of immortality will make people choose to ignore it.

  But the improvement of one's own fighting skills is still better than nothing after all.

  Ghost knows when to fall into which restrictive environment.

   It's like the oppressive challenge of the Brave Ascension Challenge before.

  More ability, one more way out, and more sense of security.

  During training, ten minutes seemed to fly by.

  Chen Mo was beaten to death at least three times by robots with a strength of 1 in these 10 minutes.

   That is to say, he is hammered by the opponent nearly every 2 seconds.

   "1 point of strength is so difficult? Without the blessing of ability, my actual combat skills are so good in front of professional opponents."

  Recognizing his own fighting skills, Chen Mo swiped his card for another 20 minutes and started training immediately.

   After a total of half an hour of training, Chen Mo's defensive skills have improved a bit.

   At least he won't be beaten by training robots like before.

   But still couldn't stand it and was beaten to death by the opponent.

  Training is addictive, it seems that he is unwilling to be beaten to death, half an hour later, Chen Mo continued for another half hour.

   One hour of free training time a day was eventually consumed by Chen Mo directly.

   When he came back to his senses, he realized that there was no chance.

   Leaving the training room with unfulfilled intentions, Chen Mo suddenly had a lot more expectations for his college life.

  Just a defensive combat skill is so worth honing, it seems that I will have more practice in the future.

   There is no chance of free training, Chen Mo left the training hall and flickered to the Tianke Library.

  Here you can borrow various books for free for 1 hour every day.

After Chen Mo came here, he borrowed some experience talks left by senior skeleton mages. He wanted to see how others used this profession. At the same time, he also consulted some knowledge related to aliens, so as to learn as much as possible. Master some different properties of different aliens.

   While flipping through the pages, Chen Mo couldn't help being a little surprised.

  The senior Skeleton Mage really made the most of this profession. He actually made full use of the feature that his undead summons can be perfectly controlled with a single thought, and combined the various marching methods left by the ancient Huaguo.

  Use special formations to double the combat effectiveness of the summoned objects.

  Chen Mo had never thought about these things before, they were all long-range projectiles.

   usage is very primitive.

  This kind of usage can indeed beat the master to death in an area with a relatively limited range of action.

  But if it is in a very wide area, it will be difficult to completely block agile enemies.

  However, using the many military formations created by the sages of Huaguo in ancient times to attack, it can achieve a lot of miraculous effects.

  And when there are too many subordinates, how to make more effective attacks in the face of flexible enemies also has different attention to the order and form of the attack array.

  Chen Mo felt that he had benefited a lot from simply flipping through the pages.

  If you want to study systematically, reading books alone is obviously not enough, and you must have a teacher to teach you to practice.

  Chen Mo looked through the information briefly, then turned his head to look at the information about aliens.

  He always thought that since aliens are called aliens, they should basically look like humans.

   But unexpectedly, in the information compiled by the Academy Alliance, there are also many animal-shaped intelligent life forms among aliens.

  These animal-shaped intelligent life forms and human-shaped intelligent life forms are similar.

   But not quite the same.

  If it is said that human-shaped intelligent life forms compete for survival resources, animal-shaped intelligent life forms and human-shaped intelligent life forms are separated by species.

  When the two sides meet, it is basically a deathmatch situation.

   What's more, the equipment dropped by both sides can't be used even if the other party picks it up.

   Animal-shaped intelligent life forms have special equipment for animal-shaped intelligent life forms.

  Humanoid intelligent life has special equipment for humanoid intelligent life.

  The two are not interoperable.

  Before entering the Tower of Eternity, it is basically impossible to see animal-shaped intelligent life, so there is no need for ordinary professionals to understand it for the time being.

  Chen Mo also simply flipped through a few pages of introductions to animal-shaped intelligent life, and then focused on the introduction of human-shaped intelligent life.

   These are the types of opponents he is more likely to encounter before entering the Tower of Aion.

   After browsing for an hour, Chen Mo found that there are as many alien races as there are stars in the sky, and it is not easy to understand.

  I have learned some of these alone.

   I didn’t have a deep understanding of it before, but now after a deep understanding, Chen Mo realized that there are so many alien races with extraordinary abilities.

  Some of them are capable of producing highly poisonous poison themselves. After becoming professionals, these abilities are completely retained, and their natural poisonous lethality is not even low.

  Some bodies can withstand high temperatures. After becoming professionals, they are born with extremely strong resistance to fire attribute damage.

  Some bodies will liquefy, like turning into a puddle of water. If they hide in the water, it will be difficult to find them without careful perception. They are born with a strong ability to hide.


  All kinds of extraordinary abilities really opened up Chen Mo's worldview.

  And these abilities, because they are the innate abilities of each alien race, you can't detect them with the detection ability of heaven, and you can only understand them through your own observation and speculation.

  So I can learn more, and I can be more prepared and countermeasures when I encounter these aliens.

  On the first day of entering university, Chen Mo felt all kinds of novelties.

   After spending an hour in the library, Chen Mo made his way to the arena.

  There are many competitive events here for students to challenge.

  Before, I thought that there were not many people in the campus. It was not until Chen Mo came to the arena that I realized that there were really many people here.

   Just flashing to the entrance of the arena, Chen Mo saw a lot of people inside.

  Stepping into the empty hall of the arena, the four main areas of the southeast, southeast, northwest, and extremely conspicuous are displayed in front of Chen Mo.

  These four areas have students busy with various activities.

  Chen Mo saw that some students were competing with each other, competing for credits.

  Some students are preparing for competitive challenges, hoping to earn credits by winning the challenges.

  Chen Mo became interested, so he decided to explore various areas of the arena.

He first walked towards the east area, and saw that there were several spacious arenas on which many students were already fighting fiercely. Nervous and excited.

   Many students around are still cheering.

  Chen Mo observed that the people on the ring were all simulating a state of 100 points of health and 1 point of attack power.

  It seems that what they are doing is purely a competition of fighting skills.

  After simply watching the battle for a while, Chen Mo found that the combat skills of the seniors participating in the battle were obviously an order of magnitude higher than his own.

  If I replace them with the previous robots to deal with me, I'm afraid I will lose even worse.

  Continue to move forward and come to the south area. This is a skill challenge area, but there are also elements of competition. The higher the accuracy of using various skills in the area, the higher the evaluation score you can get.

  Chen Mo saw that some students were practicing and improving their skills, some were performing swordsmanship, some were performing spell bombardment, and various auxiliary occupations were here to challenge the release timing of auxiliary skills.

  Because the best landing point and timing of releasing skills are different every moment, it is difficult to achieve absolute perfection. Being able to score more than 80 points in this kind of training area is already considered a very strong application ability.

  Chen Mo saw that many seniors and sisters could only score between 60 and 70 in a skill test.

   It can be seen that it is indeed very difficult to grasp the perfect timing of skill release.

   After checking the area related to the skill challenge, Chen Mo turned to the west area, which is a team competition area.

  At this time, some students here are forming a team and preparing to participate in the team competition challenge. They are discussing tactics and assigning tasks, hoping to cooperate tacitly to achieve better challenge results.

  After the discussion between the teams, Chen Mo saw that they all disappeared in the team competition area, which shows that they should have entered each challenge copy.

   It can be seen that there are quite a lot of competitive events in the arena.

   It also corresponds to different application requirements.

  East is the most direct application of combat skills.

  South is the application of skills.

   West is the application of teamwork skills.

  The northern area is a separate challenge area, which is a tower climbing challenge for the Tongtian Tower designed by the school.

  According to the number of floors passed, you can get a certain credit reward.

  Chen Mo deeply felt the atmosphere of the arena, which is a place full of competition and challenges.

   It seems that there are many types, but in fact it is mainly divided into two categories: competitive competition and competitive challenge.

  Competitive competition is a competition agreed upon by students.

  Competitive challenge is to challenge under the goals set by the school.

  Breakthrough the corresponding goal can be selected as a successful challenge, but each challenge reward can only be claimed once.

  Chen Mo currently has no credits, so it is impossible to compete with other students for credits.

  He can only choose competitive challenges.

   Competitive challenges as a freshman can be done once a day for free.

   Competitive challenges are similar to competitive competitions.

   are divided into multiple projects.

   Among them is a challenge of combat skills, the abilities of both parties will be completely restricted, and the attribute values ​​will be 100 points for blood and 1 point for attack.

  Whoever kills the opponent first wins.

   This kind of challenge is very popular among the students.

  They will do this challenge first, and then compete with their classmates.

   Dealing with real people and robots is somewhat different.

  The robots in the arena are completely different from the robots in the training hall.

  The only purpose of the robots in the arena is to kill you by all means, while the robots in the training hall are absolutely in part to guide you to make correct responses.

  Starting is actually somewhat restrained.

   Just like the robot Chen Mo encountered before, it will stop after knocking him back, giving Chen Mo time to understand.

  If it is here, after the robot beats Chen Mo back, it will only continue to launch overwhelming attacks, chasing him until he dies.

  In the competitive challenge mode here, the strength of the robot also starts from 1 point.

  At the beginning, it is 1 point and then it gets higher and higher. Every time you successfully challenge a strength, you can get a credit, and you cannot repeat the credits that have defeated the strength robot.

  Chen Mo had just been abused by a robot with a strength of 1 for half an hour, and he already knew that a robot with a strength of 1 was not something he could defeat at his current level, so he was naturally not interested in this challenge.

  He set his sights on another challenge project.

   Tower climbing project.

  Rely on your professional ability to generate tower climbing levels and climb towers. The higher you climb, the more credits you will be rewarded.

   After entering, the professional attributes will be restricted.

  How many floors you can climb under this limit depends on your own ability.

   All items in the arena are very safe. Just like the training hall, they use a simulated body. If you are killed, you are not really dead, so you can challenge with confidence.

  Since there is a free challenge opportunity every day, Chen Mo is ready to try it immediately.

   Just short of credits, not earning nothing.

  The arena is different from the previous training hall. There are not many rooms. You only need to go to the challenge platform and swipe your card to enter the arena.

  Come to the challenge platform in the central area of ​​the hall, Chen Mo swiped his learning card.

   Soon he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: Please choose the competitive event you want to perform, the challenge of fighting or the challenge of climbing towers. 】

  Chen Mo directly chose the tower climbing challenge, and chose the Babel Tower challenge.

   With a flash of light, Chen Mo has already entered a quaint tower.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have already started the Babel Challenge, and avatars of the same level have been generated for you. All avatars are your initial combat occupations of the same occupation, and they are all zero-rotation. 】

  【Tips from Heaven: Please combine your professional ability and use your combat skills to defeat the gatekeepers on each floor and keep going up. The higher the floor, the better the score. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: According to the rules of the level creator, the person who passes the current floor for the first time can get 10 credits. Please work hard to defeat the opponent. 】

  Chen Mo can see from the point of restricting attributes, this Tongtian Tower is not much different from directly challenging robots, but this Tongtian Tower will design different clearance conditions according to different professional abilities.

   This should be convenient for a comprehensive test of professional ability.

   glanced at the enemies on the first floor.

   It’s just an ordinary level 30 boss attribute, and it’s pretty good.

   But Chen Mo is not very clear about the opponent's combat skills, but what he can see is that the opponent has the ability to attack in a range.

   It should be an ability designed according to one's calling profession.

  Chen Mo felt the strength of his body at this moment.

  Suddenly realized that I was taking the liberty just now, the other party's attributes are good, and I am more good!

   It is completely designed according to the level 30 level of ordinary skeleton mages.

   It is really not easy to pass the test.

  At this time, he has a total of seven skills, a basic skeleton summoning, a fanatical worship, a dark shield, a dark healing wave, an elite undead summoning, a skeleton warrior squad summoning, and a skeleton monster archer squad summoning.

   Exactly all the skills a Skeleton Mage can learn at level 30.

  Facing a boss of the same level as level 30, a normal skeleton mage has to rely on these basic skills to deal with it, which is really difficult to deal with.

  Suddenly returning to the original, Chen Mo also felt fresh.

  However, fresh is fresh, and if the strength is not enough, it is obviously not possible to use the previous method of summoning.

   After a battle.

  Boss has just been hit to about 50% HP, but Chen Mo's summons have already been killed.

  All the skills fell into the skill cooldown. In the end, no new summons appeared on the scene, and his high school level combat skills were not superb enough. Chen Mo was quickly killed.

  "It was defeated so quickly, it seems that I am used to the powerful ability, and I really lack a lot of fighting skills and tactical ideas.

  If you don’t make up for these, once you encounter restrictions in the future, you will really become a useless person. "

   On the first day when he came to the university, Chen Mo discovered his serious shortcomings in all aspects.

  But he doesn't care, after all, he hasn't started to study systematically yet, whose ability hasn't grown slowly.

   Spent a lot of time outside, guessing that the cleaning of the dormitory should be completed now, so Chen Mo went directly back to the dormitory building, intending to see how the dormitory assigned to him by the school was.

   Coming to the front of dormitory No. 333, Chen Mo saw that the design of the door of this dormitory is very similar to that of a hotel room, and it can be opened by simply swiping the card.

  After taking out his student card and swiping it, only a beep sound was heard, and the door opened automatically with a bang.

   Stepping into the room and closing the door casually, Chen Mo glanced at the layout of the room.

  The walls of the room are painted with light blue paint, giving people a fresh and peaceful feeling.

  There are some decorative paintings hanging on the walls, including a landscape painting depicting blue sky and white clouds, which makes people feel refreshed.

  The room has a large comfortable bed with soft mattress and comfortable sheets.

  There is a small lamp at the head of the bed, which can provide soft light for reading and resting at night.

  There is also a small bedside table next to the bed, with some cute ornaments on it, which makes people look very comfortable.

  A simple study area is set up on one side of the room, including a spacious desk and a comfortable chair, for Chen Mo to read and study with peace of mind.

  A small rest area is set up on the other side of the room, including a small sofa and a coffee table.

   There are some comfortable cushions on the sofa, so that people can relax and enjoy leisure time.

  There are high-quality tea provided by the school and a brand new tea set on the tea table.

   There is also a bathroom with a jacuzzi in the room, which is equipped with quite high-end bathroom facilities.

  The design of the whole room is simple and practical, giving people a comfortable and warm feeling.

  Chen Mo was very satisfied.

Although it is said that he has the ability to blink instantly, there is no need to live in the school, and with his previous contributions, he can even enjoy various privileges in the school, but there are no rules, and Chen Mo does not want to give it to him if it is not necessary. What specialization do you do?

  Chen Mo's first day at the university, as he gradually got to know each other, the time passed quickly.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo didn't have the habit of sleeping in bed, and slept very peacefully on the first day.

  Before falling asleep, he used the skill of summoning the undead once.

  Swipe twice a day when you have nothing to do.

  Hope to spawn god-level undead.

   But obviously, the odds are too low.

   Swipe around are mid-level undead.

  But mid-level undead have a wide range of applications, and Chen Mo temporarily put them in the containment space.

  Ordinary skeleton monsters are usually enough, but sometimes these higher-level undead are needed to participate in the battle. Naturally, Chen Mo needs to prepare more in advance.

   After all, the cooldown of the skills of the Undead Summoner is still a bit high.

   On the second day, Chen Mo still followed the same course of action as yesterday. He first went to the simulation training for an hour, then went to the library to read books for an hour, and finally came to the arena to challenge.

   But the defeat remains.

  The first layer is hard to pass.

  Before the change, Chen Mo hadn't even realized that the level 30 BOSS turned out to be such a powerful existence.

   After dealing with the same strength, I realized how difficult it is to kill one person!

  Chen Mo reviewed his two days of combat experience and realized that level 30 bosses need more cautious and strategic tactics to deal with them.

You can no longer use the previous method of crushing your own attributes to deal with bosses, but you need to pay special attention to dealing with various abilities of bosses. You need to study the attack patterns, weaknesses and skills of bosses in more detail, and adjust your battles based on this information Strategy.

   After summing up his failure experience, Chen Mo realized that he might have been too aggressive when dealing with the BOSS, and did not make full use of his skills and the coordination of summoned objects.

   There are also many problems in the operation of combat skills in battle. The damage received is not well reduced so that the summoning skills are cooled down.

   But today Chen Mo has at least improved. Compared with yesterday, today he has been able to hit the boss's blood volume to 30%.

  Back to the room that day, Chen Mo reviewed the simulation training and tower climbing challenge during the day, while summing up the failure experience in his heart, and simulated a better way to deal with it later.

  Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is not understanding the reasons and experience of failure after failure.

  Even though Chen Mo has been abused these two days, the abused one is very happy.

  Everything is crushed, but I still can't find my own shortcomings and shortcomings that need to be made up.

  These projects offered by the university can serve as a warning and enlightenment for those students who rely on the inherently strong professional advantages of the five-star career and cannot see their own defects for a while.

  The existence of these projects can make them quickly realize that they have a lot of ability deficiencies, and they need to learn and make up for these deficiencies.

   This helps to reduce their self-aggrandizement, allowing them to realize that self-confidence and arrogance are just one word, but the results are completely different.

  University, as the last stop in the learning stage of life, is the last opportunity for students to correct their personality before entering the society.

  These projects can help students recognize their shortcomings and areas for improvement, let them realize that they are not omniscient and omnipotent, so as to cultivate their humility and prudent attitude.

  This is very beneficial to the comprehensive quality and future development of students.

  Through these projects, students can realize that they may not be as strong as they imagined in some areas, so as to stimulate their interest and motivation in learning, and actively explore and make up for more of their own deficiencies.

  However, this little project established by the school naturally cannot completely make up for all the shortcomings of the students, but at least it has given them a warning.

   Make them more willing to explore and discover more of their own defects.

  Many people will wonder why five-star professionals still enroll?

  Even if they don't study, it is enough to grow into a unique existence.

  But there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and there is no end to it. Learning is actually a thing that needs to be spent in one's life.

  Before a person is completely invincible in the universe, he will always have something to learn.

  Those who rely on their temporary strength and ignore all other possibilities for growth will easily end in disillusionment.

  Why many geniuses have fallen, most of them have fallen on their arrogance.

  The college alliance has noticed this for a long time, so the top universities in the world pay more attention to this aspect of education.

   Let these top students enter the university. What the school most wants to teach is not the development of ability, but how to instill a correct attitude towards life in a timely manner when a person enters a state of high spirits and indifference to everything, and help him get back on the right track.

  In addition to this point, the school must also avoid setbacks that too wear down the spirit of young people.

  That's why we opened various competitive events simultaneously, so that students can understand their own shortcomings without losing the motivation to forge ahead.

  Of course, although we focus on mentality and quality education, in terms of ability development, top schools naturally have professionals to conduct more detailed education.

  Coming to university is not just to sharpen your mentality, but also to learn more practical knowledge, combat skills and the application of abilities.

   Although Chen Mo has not officially started the course study yet.

  But as far as my self-study these two days, I already feel that I have benefited a lot.

   It's been two days since I came to the school. Chen Mo found that Fang Datong didn't seem to come to report, so he sent a message out of curiosity to ask.

  【Chen Mo】: Datong, have you signed up yet? Registration for Tianke University is about to close.

[Fang Datong]: Hey, I am very clear about how much I am. I just followed you to get this result. The competition for top universities is so fierce. Even if I am ashamed to enroll with this result, then Today's life is also purely exhausting. How can I dare to go to Liangshan without twos and threes? I just chose a university and went to college.

   Seeing Fang Datong's reply, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, this kid is quite self-aware.

  【Chen Mo】: It makes sense, then you should develop well.

  [Fang Datong]: Have you entered Tianke University yet? How is the atmosphere of the school?

  【Chen Mo】: There are few people in this school, and there is no atmosphere to speak of. There are almost no people on the road, but everyone works hard. Whether it is the training hall or the arena, there are more people in it all day long.

  [Fang Datong]: Sure enough, it is the same as what I investigated, the competition is very high, and credits are required for everything, and these credits are not so easy to earn. Fortunately, I didn't go.

[Chen Mo]: Yes, it is very important to choose a school that suits you. Although the university is divided into five levels, it is not only those who come from top schools can be successful. Choosing a school that suits you can at least keep up well The pace lays a good foundation for future development.

   After finishing the call with Fang Datong, Chen Mo continued to simulate a feasible plan to deal with the level 30 boss.

  The third day.

  Early in the morning, after breakfast in the cafeteria, Chen Mo came to the training hall.

  In the hour today, Chen Mo performed well, and was beaten to death only once today.

  Although he hasn't studied systematically yet, relying on his accumulated failure experience, Chen Mo's level has improved somewhat.

   After continuing to go to the library to acquire knowledge about aliens, Chen Mo came to the arena again.

  Last night just to simulate defeating this level 30 boss, he simulated for a long time.

  Today, I faintly feel that it is inevitable.

   After a hard fight.

  Chen Mo was finally killed.

   But this time, he has directly beaten the level 30 boss, leaving only about 1% of his HP.

   We are one step away from victory.

   In the end, he was still in a hurry, feeling that the opponent's life was running out, so Chen Mo chose to attack with his own deity, instead of doing evasion and delaying until the cooldown of the summoning skill ended.

  In fact, you only need to be more cautious in the final choice, and the first hurdle has passed.

  So even if he was killed, Chen Mo was still in a good mood.

  Because he basically won the first level.

   There is really a lot of difference in the sense of accomplishment between winning with attribute crushing and winning through the most effective design and use of your limited abilities.

  Although in reality, Chen Mo can crush and win in most cases.

  But learning this method of effectively applying the strategic resources at hand to the extreme will have a more comprehensive effect on improving his combat effectiveness.

  In just three days, Chen Mo felt that his fighting level was obviously different from his previous self.

   It's just a pity that there is no one who he was three days ago for him to compare with.

  At noon on the third day, Chen Mo received a message from the class supervisor.

   is a class schedule.

   You can see that the class schedule says that there are five days of classes per week, and free activities on weekends.

  Those who take classes seriously and students who complete the report every day can get 1 credit every day.

  All students who have no absenteeism on weekends can get 2 subsidy credits.

   This is the most basic way for students to obtain credits.

  On top of this, there may be additional credit rewards based on the students' learning performance.

  At the same time, the school will carry out some reward credit projects such as the star racing dungeon. If you defeat other galaxy professionals in the star racing dungeon, you can get a lot of credit rewards.

   The copy of the racing star and the copy of the stars are somewhat similar, but not the same.

  The killing nature of the copy of the stars is higher, while the copy of the racing of the stars is relatively mild.

  Professionals from different galaxies will not meet directly.

   The star racing dungeon is a random clearance task dungeon where professionals from multiple galaxies challenge the same type together.

   Before the challenge, the corresponding resources will be bet according to the dungeon requirements.

   Such as experience points, items of various grades of eternal coins, etc.

  Whoever can complete the customs clearance task first can get the reward of the dungeon, and at the same time can get the experience value, eternal coins, and item rewards equivalent to the bet items of the dungeon participants in other galaxies.

   Winning in this dungeon is to bring glory to the solar system, so naturally there are credits rewarded.

  Generally speaking, if you want to go to some dungeons controlled by the school, you need a lot of credits.

  However, if you want to enter the Stars Racing dungeon, you don't need to spend credits.

  Everyone has a chance to sign up for free once a week.

  However, after participating, there is a high possibility that you will not get anything and instead lose what you have.

  So there are generally more newcomers entering the Stars Racing dungeon.

  After losing a few times, the old man discovered his lack of strength, and gradually became less interested in this type of dungeon.

  When Chen Mo heard about this dungeon, he was actually quite interested, so he signed up directly.

   As a result, it has been three days since the first day of registration, and it still hasn't been his turn yet.

  If all the old students participate, I'm afraid I don't know when it will be their turn.

   Just when Chen Mo thought it was his turn to start school tomorrow, he suddenly received a message.

  【Notice from the Tianke Dungeon Office: Dear Chen Mo, there will be a vacancy in the Stars Race dungeon you reserved. Please come to the Dungeon Office within 1 hour to participate in the dungeon. Your quota will be postponed after the expiration. 】

   "Is it finally my turn?"

  Chen Mo immediately calculated the time. He signed up at noon on the first day he came to school.

   It is the afternoon of the third day.

  Actually, it took about two days to line up, which was fine.

  He immediately came to the copy office with a flicker of a god.

  The Copy Office is the largest institution in the Academy Alliance.

  It is also the foundation for Tianke University to live and work.

   Which has many precious copies.

  But if you want to play around in it, you still need enough credits in your hand.

  Entering the copy office Chen Mo looked around and saw many students who came to apply for each copy.

  He went to the counter, and a kind-faced female staff immediately greeted him with a smile.

   After all, whoever comes out of this school is not a dragon and phoenix, and he may become a big shot in the future. How dare they offend the service staff.

   "Welcome to the copy department. I wonder which copy you need to apply for, this student?" The female staff member asked, looking at the student card in Chen Mo's hand.

  Chen Mo smiled and handed over his student card and said, "I made an appointment for the 'Racing Stars Dungeon' in advance."

The female staff member took the student card in his hand, swiped it on the machine next to him, and checked Chen Mo's appearance carefully. After confirming his identity, she nodded slightly and said, "I have found your relevant information." Information, are you going to participate in the instance now?"


   "I'll register you now... Well, the application has been successful." The female staff smiled and handed him back the student card and gave him a copy of the handbook.

   "Please go to the dungeon entrance of "Racing Stars Dungeon" within 10 minutes, and show the dungeon manual and student card at the entrance to enter the dungeon. I wish you a smooth trip to the dungeon!" The female staff member said with a smile.

   "Thank you." Chen Mo took the dungeon manual and student card, expressed his thanks, and found the entrance of "Racing Stars Dungeon" according to the other party's instructions.

   In front of the copy of Star Racing, there are two people standing there guarding.

Chen Mo walked over with a copy of the manual and student card. After verifying his qualifications, the two smiled and said, "Student, you just need to enter the room in front and activate the teleportation array." Entered the copy of Stars Racing.

But each copy of the Stars Race is purely random, and sometimes you even have to bet on an SSS-level baby. If you feel that you can’t accept the content of the random bet this time, you can directly cancel the copy and quit, but your Please note that this copy opportunity is equivalent to wasting. "

  (end of this chapter)

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