Chapter 223 Designated galaxy! (two in one)

  Follow Chen Mo and enter the Stars Racing dungeon.

  The two people at the door looked at Chen Mo's copy of the manual and started discussing immediately.

   "There is no copy record in the manual, this is a pure rookie."

   "Isn't it the enrollment day recently? It's the new freshman this year."

   "Are the newcomers so fierce now? They challenged the star racing dungeon when they came up? And they came alone. This is not a gift for other galaxies."

   "Indeed, he only turned to level 30, and he was still a solo player. Others would only participate in a race with a few full-level teams. He just participated directly. It should be said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

  Generally speaking, the Stars Racing Book will conduct competitions based on different reincarnation levels.

   One revolution is compared with one revolution, and two revolutions are compared with two revolutions.

  Under this premise, the higher the natural level, the faster the completion speed.

   The full level of the first transfer is level 40. Generally, the first-turn professional will choose to come when the full level is 40 to participate in the Stars Racing dungeon.

   This way the winning rate is higher.

   Of course, there are also those who come to participate when they are close to level 40.

   But it is relatively rare for those who are 10 levels behind to participate.

   What's more, it's still a single person.

  Generally, after obtaining the dungeon quota, they will enter with a few teammates.

  After the two discussed for a few words, a person next to him who was looking at the feedback screen of the Stars Racing dungeon suddenly said, "Hey, this freshman's name seems a little familiar."

  As soon as the words came out, the two immediately took a closer look.

   "Chen Mo? This name is indeed a bit familiar, where did you hear it?"

   "That's the one, the record maker of the exam."

   "Oh, I remembered... Not only that, I heard that most of the people who died in the natural disaster before were resurrected by him!"

   "I've also heard that, it is said that even people who are in the state of being unable to be revived can be revived by him. This ability is too strong!"

   "I heard that someone above said that he was the perverted zero turn in the previous Galaxy event PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

   "That must be it. Didn't the Voice of the Great Dao for the Level 25 Boundary Breaking Examination sound not long ago? The Voice of the Great Dao for the Level 30 Boundary Breaking Assessment has not yet sounded, which means that the person who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao is still at level 30.

  This classmate Chen Mo happens to be level 30, so there is a high possibility that they are the same person. "

   "No wonder he dared to challenge the Stars Racing dungeon alone at this level. With his ability, level 30 may be enough."

   Everyone couldn't help looking at the feedback screen expectantly, wanting to see if Chen Mo is really so extraordinary.


  In the dungeon, Chen Mo appeared in an environment surrounded by light.

  Heavenly reminder also rang in time.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have already entered the star racing instance, according to your current career reincarnation level, the racing division you will participate in this time is the first-rank professional racing division.

  Assigning a racing copy to you...]

  【Heaven’s reminder: The dungeons are allotted. The main competition content of this Stars Racing dungeon is racing to kill enemies. In the current Stars Racing dungeon, a maximum of three participating galaxies can be selected, and each galaxy is allowed a maximum of five participants.

  The content of random betting in this star racing dungeon is experience points and eternal coins.

  Experience points are required to bet on 50% of the experience points required to upgrade the current level of the contestants. Those who do not have enough experience points will be repaid in the form of relegation.

  Eternal coins require betting half of the current level of eternal gold coins. 】

   "The betting requirements are not completely equal? ​​The less people enter, the lower the level, the more advantageous it is?" Chen Mo was obviously a little surprised when he saw the content of the bet.

  Chen Mo sighed, but forgot that this is a racing dungeon, the fewer the number of people, the lower the level, the more it is like giving away for free.

   In other words, he is rather special, one person is comparable to a huge army.

  Since the betting requirements are so low, Chen Mo naturally chose to bet without caring.

[Tiandao Tip: The bet is complete and the contestants are being matched. Please choose whether to specify a specific galaxy to match. If you set it, you need to double the bet, but the reward is still only double, unless the opponent you match also chooses Specify a match. 】

   "Can you still specify, it's interesting."

  It’s nothing to double the bet, Chen Mo directly designated the Yongxing system.

  【Prompt from heaven: The designated match selection is complete, and the opponent match is being carried out for you. Among them, there must be a star system opponent. The match takes 1 minute. If you do not match the opponent after the timeout, you can try to change the designated galaxy and start the match again. 】

   Less than 10 seconds after Tiandao finished prompting, it rang again.

  【Tiandao Tip: The matching is complete. The three galaxies matched this time are the solar system, the eternal star system, and the Sanyang system.

   1 solar system participant, with an average level of 30.

   There are 5 Yongxing system contestants, with an average level of 40.

   There are 5 contestants from the Sanyang system, with an average level of 40.

  Among them, the solar system contestants used the designated galaxy matching, so the content bet was doubled. 】

  With the end of the reminder from the Dao of Heaven, the five contestants in the Yongxing system were a little dumbfounded.

   When they matched the solar system, they thought it was a bit too coincidental.

   There are many Hanoi galaxies in the Milky Way. Whether it is the solar system or the eternal star system, it is just a drop in the ocean. I did not expect such a coincidence to match.

  It turned out that the contestants from the solar system used the designated function.

  If the opponent is also designated as five people to participate in the competition, that's all.

  A person competing alone is still level 30, and he came to designate his own galaxy?

   After all, the Three Solar System is a little far away from the Solar System and the Eternal Star System, and the Eternal Star System will naturally not think that the guy in the Solar System will designate the Three Solar System for no reason.

  Since he chose to designate, there is no second possibility other than designating their Eternal Star System.

   "Is this guy crazy? Was he stunned by the SS-level natural disaster caused by us just now, did he give us double benefits by giving up on himself?"

  Someone in the Eternal Star Galaxy team immediately laughed.

  They still don't know about the blood loss caused by the SS-level natural disaster this time, so how could the higher-ups let them know about such a shameful thing.

  But the captain of the team vaguely felt that something was wrong.

  The other party's behavior was so mentally retarded that he felt that this behavior might not be really mentally retarded.

  A possibility flashed through his mind.

  But I think it's impossible.

  How can it be such a coincidence that there are so many people in the solar system, but my team can collide with such a special guy?

   But the behavior of the other party is so weird, who else is there except for the second-rank full-level full-star master who killed by leapfrogging in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds event?

   "Everyone, don't be too happy. Even if he is here to give benefits, there are still opponents from the Three Suns. He can perform as well as he can."

  Being able to be the captain still has some brains. He was not deceived by Chen Mo's appearance, but he paid more attention to it.

   It wasn't just him who felt strange, the captain of the Three Suns also felt something unusual.

  Before, Chen Mo's performance was famous in every galaxy.

   After all, zero-turned, reverse-slashed, two-turned full-level full-star powerhouse, this matter is an incredible thing no matter where it is placed.

  Natural attention will be very high.

   Now that a strange level 30 professional suddenly appeared in the solar system, it naturally made people think a little more.

  When the captains of the two teams felt something was wrong with Chen Mo's designated behavior, the Heavenly Dao reminder continued to sound.

  【Heavenly Reminder: A copy of the random killing race is being generated for you...

  The generation is successful, the current generation of racing dungeon is "Heifeng Shanzhai", the current dungeon task requirements, clean up the Heifeng Shanzhai!

   There are three racing missions:

  Racing mission (1): Kill the leader of Heifeng Shanzhai.

  Racing mission (2): Kill the three masters of Heifeng Village.

  Racing Mission (3): Complete the complete annihilation of the Heifeng Shanzhai.

  Mission summary:

  First of all, you need to understand the situation of Heifeng Village.

  This stockade is said to be the stronghold of a bandit group, who often rob and plunder the surrounding villages.

  You need to prepare adequate weapons and equipment, as well as enough props and medicines to ensure that your team can maintain the best condition in the battle.

  According to the requirements of the racing mission, it is best for you to be able to quickly get the first kill in three different stages.

   In the first racing mission, you need to immediately start looking for and destroying the master of Heifeng Village. You can find out his location and whereabouts by searching for information around the village, and then make a reasonable plan to eliminate him quickly. If you can complete this task first, you will get an additional copy reward.

  In the second mission, you need to concentrate your firepower and quickly defeat all three masters of Heifeng Village. This will require more tactics and coordination, and you'll need to make sure your teams support and cooperate with each other in battle to take out opponents quickly. If you can complete this task first, you will get an additional copy reward again.

   In the third mission, you need to completely wipe out the Heifeng Village. This will require more time and energy, and you will need to carefully plan your attack routes and combat tactics to ensure that you can defeat all enemies quickly. If you can complete this task first, you will get the highest dungeon reward and get all the participants' bets.

  Finally, I hope that your team members will cooperate closely, show your full strength in the racing dungeon, constantly optimize your combat strategies and skills, and win the final victory as quickly as possible.

Wish ya'll good luck! 】

  The dungeon mission of exterminating bandits has begun.

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and he appeared in a quaint town.

  This town can be seen at a glance the traces of being looted by bandits.

  Chen Mo looked around and found that most of the buildings in the village were dilapidated, and many houses were burned or looted.

  The faces of the villagers are full of worry and fear, and life seems very difficult.

  The village is surrounded by mountains and stretches for thousands of miles. If you don't know the specific location of the cottage, you may not be able to quickly find it by pure perception.

  Chen Mo immediately began to search for clues, hoping to find the traces and hiding places of the bandits.

He walked towards the injured residents in the village, and tried to ask: "Hi, I'm an adventurer. I heard that bandits from Heifeng Village are causing trouble in the village. I'm here to help. I wonder if you know this Where is the cottage hidden?"

   "They come to our village every now and then to make troubles, and even rob many women in our village, but they come and go mysteriously, and we don't know where they come from." The villagers said with a painful expression.

"have no idea?"

  Chen Mo frowned slightly. Could it be that he had to go into the vast mountains to search for it?

   It should not be possible, Chen Mo immediately tried to ask other villagers around.

  The results almost all got the same answer.

   Feeling that it must be wrong to continue asking like this, Chen Mo immediately opened up his senses and wanted to see if there were any weird characters in the village.

  After carefully perceiving the whole village, Chen Mo didn't find any special characters.

  In the village, there is a little boy with a desolate look who is a little more noteworthy. He is holding a vase in his hand in a daze in the room.

  Chen Mo decided to talk to him.

  Following Chen Mo's thought, he had entered the boy's room with the flash of the gods.


  Chen Mo, who appeared out of nowhere, obviously startled the boy.

  He took a few steps back vigilantly holding the vase.

"Don't be afraid, I'm an adventurer who came here to help when I heard that bandits are making trouble here, but I just asked most of the villagers who don't know the traces of the bandits' cottage, so I took the liberty to break in and want to ask if they know you Is there any news about it?"

  The little boy who heard that Chen Mo was here to deal with the bandits immediately looked at him excitedly and asked, "Really?"

   "Of course, if you have any clues, please tell me, and I will definitely help you wipe out the bandits."

   "Yes, yes, please help us, my sister was captured by bandits, please help to rescue her."

  As soon as the little boy put the vase down, he kowtowed to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo immediately helped him up and said: "You don't need to do these things, you just need to tell me how to find the bandit's stronghold, and I will definitely help you rescue him."

   "When my sister was taken away, she was wearing a dark flower. I can track the scent of the dark flower to find the location of the cottage."

   "Dark Flower?"

  Chen Mo tried to sniff the air, but he didn't smell anything.

  With his attributes, his sense of smell is already extraordinary, but he couldn't even smell it.

  Is this child's sense of smell that sensitive?

  Chen Mo looked at the little boy and said, "Then if you are not afraid, you can take me to find him."

   "For my sister, I am not afraid of anything, brother adventurer, let's leave now."

  Chen Mo nodded and said: "You are walking too slowly, I will fly you there."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he picked up the little boy.

  Suddenly being hugged and flew into the air, the little boy turned around in fright and hugged Chen Mo's neck tightly, his body trembling with fear.

   "Don't be nervous, I won't let you fall."

   Chen Mo said with a smile.

  The little boy relaxed a little after hearing this.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo asked, "Can I smell the floral fragrance you mentioned at this altitude?"

   "Brother adventurer, you can fly in that direction, and there will be a faint fragrance of flowers coming from that direction." The little boy pointed in one direction with his little finger and said.

   "Will this kind of flower bloom everywhere on the mountain and disturb your sense of smell?" Chen Mo suddenly thought of this question.

   "No, this kind of flower is very special. There are two smells before and after picking, and only our family in the whole village can smell the fragrance of this flower, so only our family will pick it out and keep it at home.

  So as long as it is a picked flower, there should be no one else except my sister. The smell I track is the smell after picking it. "The little boy shook his head and said.

  Hearing this, Chen Mo felt relieved, otherwise it would be a waste of time to fly the wrong flight, and it would not be beautiful if the chance of the first kill was taken by other teams first.

  Three chances for the first kill, Chen Mo didn't want to give up any of them.

  (end of this chapter)

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