Chapter 224 Skyrocketing progress!

  With the boy's sensitive nose to find the way, coupled with Chen Mo's ability to fly in the air and his pioneer's wide-range perception ability, even if the black wind bandit's cottage is hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, Chen Mo can easily find it.

  When Chen Mo sensed the location of the bandit's lair, the other two teams had just found the little boy in their dungeon world and started their journey.

   After all, Chen Mo directly perceives the teleportation, and then leads people to take off in one go.

  This efficiency is very high.

  Normal one-turn professionals can't fly.

   This alone made Chen Mo a bit slower.

  At this time outside the copy, the feedback screen also displayed the relevant progress synchronously.

   It can be seen that among the three groups of people, only a ×2 logo is displayed behind the solar system.

   This means that Chen Mo has used the specified function.

  As soon as he came up, Chen Mo gave the outsiders a surprise.

   "It's so brave, I just designated the Yongxing system directly. He transferred in once at level 30, competed with five others at level 40, and paid double the price to designate.

  It seems that he is indeed the contestant of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. "

   "If he is really that person, then Chen Mo is going to make a lot of money. The other two teams have five levels of 40 to participate in the racing dungeon, and the bets add up to ten!"

"Then you have to really win the speed. It's one thing to be strong alone, but some dungeons also have high requirements for intelligence collection. It's better to gather information when others spread out. It's really not sure who is faster. Who is slow."

   "I think he should be fine. Since he dared to come, it is obvious that he has learned about racing dungeons. He should have the corresponding detection ability.

   And even if you lose, the loss is actually not that big.

  According to the feedback betting rules, the bet is related to the level. Chen Mo is a level 30 professional, even if the price is double, that’s the case. Others are the price of ten level 40. "

   "That's true. If Chen Mo is really powerful, he can indeed earn extremely high returns with extremely small risks."

   While the two were discussing, they saw the progress change displayed on the feedback screen.

   Finding the little boy is 10% progress, and finding the bandit cottage is 10% progress.

  When others are at 0%, Chen Mo is already at 10%.

  When others are 10%, Chen Mo is already 20%.

   In terms of progress, Chen Mo alone has been ahead of many others.

   This makes outsiders feel incredible.

  If it is said that Chen Mo's combat power is strong, which is not comparable to that of ordinary first-rank powerhouses, then it is normal for him to catch up in the second half of the progress.

   But the first half is often a search process, how can he completely surpass it in the first half?

  "It was too fierce, they completely overwhelmed them in the first half, and they used their heads to fight for speed in the second half.

  If Chen Mo really has the strength of a full-level full-star master who turned 0 seconds and 2 turns before, after he turns 1 now, it will not be as easy as drinking water. "

   "It seems that the five 40-levels of the Eternal Star System will cost money! Haha."

   "It's a pity that there is no low-level max-out high-level mechanism, otherwise it would be even more beautiful if they could double their payouts."

  When people outside are discussing.

   copy inside.

  Because it is a racing dungeon, the progress changes of each team will be synchronized to all other teams.

  At this time, whether it is a person from the Yongxing system or the Sanyang system.

  When he saw that the single level 30 professional in the solar system was able to easily get rid of his five-member team in terms of progress.

  They also felt that this speed was a bit outrageous.

   And next, they will only know what is not the most outrageous, only more outrageous.

  Chen Mo's dungeon progress reached 20% not long after.

  In an instant, his copy progress made a big jump, from 20% to 50%.

   This made the other two teams, who had just found the little boy and followed him all the way to the cottage, stunned.

   "What's the situation, why did this guy in the solar system suddenly jump by 30%?"

   "He just reached 20% and it hasn't been a few seconds? What the hell?"

   Not waiting for them to be amazed.

  Heavenly reminder has sounded immediately.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations to the solar system professionals for completing the racing mission (1)-"Killing the Heifeng Shanzhai Master". Other teams need to work harder! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations to the solar system professionals for completing the racing mission (2)-"Killing the three masters of Heifeng Shanzhai". The solar system professionals have reached 50% of the progress of this copy of the star racing dungeon!

   If the other teams don't hurry up, they may lose this racing competition.

   If there are interference props, you can try to use them to influence the opponent. 】

  In the copy of Star Racing.

   Although each team is in its own independent copy space for copy tasks.

  However, some protective props and interference props can be picked up during the dungeon mission.

  Interference props can be used to harass other dungeon teams through the air.

   Reduce output, increase cooldown, suspend time and space, add silence, disarm and other abnormalities to affect the output rhythm of other teams and slow down the speed of other teams to complete tasks.

  The protective props are corresponding to the interference props, which can protect the corresponding type of interference effects for a certain period of time after use.

   This is the only way to compete with each other in the star racing dungeon.

  However, these props appear randomly everywhere in the dungeon. If they are not encountered during the mission, no one will deliberately search for them.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t it be putting the cart before the horse.

   Give up the speed of doing tasks by yourself, and do these.

   There is not only one team for each race.

   For one team, and another team.

  If you target two teams at a time, it is equivalent to attracting two hatreds. Wouldn't it be more worth the loss if you are targeted by both teams later.

  Because Chen Mo was flying in the air with a little boy before.

  So he didn't pick up any props on the ground.

  The other two teams took the little boy on the mountain road.

  I picked up some props along the way.

   Seeing Chen Mo's abnormal speed.

  The captains of the two teams naturally decided to interfere with him immediately.

   Otherwise, the two teams haven't found the cottage yet, and the opponent may have already completed the task directly.

  Chen Mo's side.

  Racing dungeon, racing dungeon, the emphasis is on speed.

  After Chen Mo found the cottage, he directly summoned a bunch of skeleton monsters without saying a word.

  The first to bear the brunt were the three heads of Heifeng Village.

   Millions of skeleton monsters with an attack power comparable to a rank four attack together, how can a boss at the rank one level stand up to it.

  In an instant, the three masters were easily killed by Chen Mo's skeleton monster.

   This made Chen Mo's dungeon progress soar to 50%.

   At this time, less than five seconds had passed since he had just reached 20% progress.

  5 seconds to increase the progress by 30%.

  How can the other two teams bear it after seeing it?

   Directly, all kinds of interference props smashed towards Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo's ears were reminded of heavenly explosions!

  [PS]: Sorry, the attack of tenosynovitis can’t hold back my friends, that’s all for today.

  (end of this chapter)

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