Chapter 226 Two methods (two in one)

  While Chen Mo was still complaining, the reminder from the Heavenly Dao sounded in time.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have entered the assessment space, this assessment task is released! 】

  【Mission Tips: Please kill the devil who is choleraing the world with the power of darkness in this space! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Please find a way to break the situation covered by darkness, otherwise in the darkness, the opponent will have the ability to be invincible. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: After the assessment begins, a 24-hour countdown will begin, please be prepared. 】

   Following the end of the Heavenly Dao reminder, Chen Mo sensed the surrounding environment.

  Because of the darkness around him, he can't see anything, so he can only act by perception.

   What surprised Chen Mo was that the villagers in this village could move freely in the dark environment.

   "It seems that there is indeed some kind of light power hidden in the village in this assessment space. It is impossible for the whole village, regardless of the old and weak, women and children, to have the ability to perceive."

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to find someone to ask the reason.

  Relying on his perception ability, Chen Mo quickly discovered the location of the village chief.

  With a thought in his mind, he had already displayed the flash of the gods and flew to the side of the village chief.

   "Master Village Chief, hello, I heard that there is a devil here to do harm to the party, so I came here to inquire about the situation."

  Following Chen Mo to the village head, he immediately greeted him politely.

   "You brave adventurer, you can move freely in a dark environment, but I don't feel the power of light from you. It seems that you hold the deep dark power."

  Chen Mo smiled wryly. He is a master of undead who is a pure darkness class, but he doesn't have the ability to see things in the dark.

  Maybe the relevant abilities have not been unlocked, or the vision of the undead needs to be summoned, so that I can see in the dark.

   It's not as powerful as the village head said.

   At this time, the village chief continued: "Unfortunately, the devil of the world of cholera is a monster with extremely strong dark power. He can never be eliminated until the darkness is dispelled."

   "Then is there any way to dispel the darkness? I just sensed that everyone in the village seems to be able to move freely in the dark. Do you have some kind of light power?"

   "That's right, all the people in our village can see in the dark because of the "mind-eye technique" taught by a white-clothed mage who came to the village before."

   "Easy to learn?"

   "It's very simple, if you want to learn, I can teach you right now."

  After hearing this, Chen Mo understood that even if he had no perception ability, as long as he casually touched a villager, he would be able to get the mind-eye technique from the other person and see the surrounding environment clearly.

  Tiandao engages in this kind of small task, at most it is a waste of a little clearance time.

  But this white-clothed mage seems to be a key figure in the mission, Chen Mo immediately asked: "Is that white-clothed mage still in the village now?"

   "I'm very sorry, this mage in white left the village after teaching us the mind and eyes."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo was a little speechless, so where would he go to find clues to break through the darkness?

   "But before he left he mentioned..."

   Seeing the village chief gasping for breath, Chen Mo was speechless for a while. It turned out that there was a follow-up.

   "Speaking of what?"

   "Before he left, he said that the back mountain of the town is a very good place to practice. He may practice there for a while, but if we are free, try not to disturb him, so as not to affect his cultivation."

   "So it is."

  The other party said that it’s okay not to bother him, but now it’s a big deal to get rid of the devil who created darkness.

   "It seems that if you find him, you should be able to understand the power to dispel darkness."

   Farewell to the village chief, Chen Mo pulled out the map and glanced at it, and immediately came to the back mountain with a flash of a god.

  The back mountain of the town is quite big.

  With full sensory ability, it can only detect less than 1% of the entire back mountain area at a time.

  Chen Mo immediately flew into the air, sensing the surrounding valleys and forests along the way.

  After perceiving some areas around, Chen Mo finally found an old man in white in a cave.

   "It seems that this is the mage in white that the village chief said."

   Considering that the other party has explained to the village chief before, don't bother him rashly.

  Chen Mo did not abruptly fly to his side with the twinkling of the gods.

   Instead, he used the flickering of the gods to come to the entrance of the cave, and waited quietly for a while.

  He didn't even yell to inform the mage in white.

  Chen Mo considered that although the words spoken by the people in the dungeon were casual, they might be the key to some missions.

  If you annoy the other party by speaking out, and the other party simply refuses to teach, then it will be cheating.

  Especially the customs clearance rate was only 50% before, from this we can also deduce some situations.

   The boss of this dungeon is invincible in the dark. Once the power to dispel the darkness cannot be obtained, although the death rate is 0, it is not the same as being unable to kill the opponent.

   As long as the opponent survives, they have already won.

  I only have 24 hours to clear the customs.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't want to make a mistake and cause the mission to fail.

  Although Chen Mo doesn't think that an unintentional interruption by himself will really cause the mission to fail.

   After all, such requirements are too strict.

  However, it is unlikely that the task cannot be continued after directly disturbing the other party, but the possibility of increasing the difficulty and complexity of the task is very high.

  Originally, the other party might have taught me directly.

  But if you actively interrupt, you may interfere with the other party's cultivation problems, and it would be a scam if you directly make the other party go crazy or something.

   When the time comes to cure the other party, I don’t know how long it will take.

   Considering the difficulty of the task, it would be as convenient as killing someone and resurrecting him directly.

  In fact, Chen Mo's guess is not wrong.

  After coming here, the best thing to do is not to disturb the other party.

   Just need to wait for some time, there will be a response to convenience.

  As Chen Mo waited for a full half an hour, and was about to wonder if he was wrong, a voice suddenly came from the cave.

   "Friends outside the cave, do you need me for something? I have been waiting at the entrance of the cave for so long."

Hearing the response from the cave, Chen Mo immediately looked into the cave and replied: "The junior really wants to ask the senior about something. He learned from the village chief that the senior is practicing in the mountains, so he came here without authorization, but he was afraid of disturbing the senior's practice. Wait here."

   "I see, such a patient young man is rare, so come in."

   "It seems that I guessed it right."

  Chen Mo smiled slightly and stepped into the cave.

  He had just passed through the entrance of the cave when he clearly felt a divine force sweeping through his whole body.

  It seems that there is some kind of sacred restriction arranged at the entrance of the cave.

   Entering the cave, Chen Mo looked at the old man in white who was sitting cross-legged and floating on a boulder in front of him, and introduced his purpose for coming here.

   "I'm an adventurer who came from afar. I heard that there is a demon here that uses dark power to harm one side. I want to destroy it here."

   "It turned out that I came here to eliminate evil, and I admire your sentiments very much.

  When I first arrived, I already sensed where the devil you mentioned was.

  Although his own strength is not very strong, his strength can be greatly improved in the dark, and with the current intensity of dark energy, he is completely immortal in the dark. "

   "It is precisely because of this that the junior wants to ask the senior for advice. Is there a way to dispel the darkness in this area?"

   "It may not be easy to dispel the darkness in this area."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo frowned slightly: "Why?"

"In this area, there is a place called "Yinshiyouquan" that has recently ushered in an eruption period. The Yinshiyouquan condenses the purest dark energy in the world. If the erupting Yinshiyouquan cannot be sealed, it will be impossible. Dispel the dark forces that cleanse the area."

   "Yinshiyouquan? Is there any way to stop the Yinshiyouquan from continuing to erupt?"


   "Senior, why did you suddenly sigh?"

   Seeing that the other party didn't directly say the solution, but started to sigh, Chen Mo immediately felt that the task might not be easy to do.

   "If you want to stop the Yinshiyouquan from continuing to erupt, there are a total of two methods."

   "There are actually two? Then why is the senior sighing? Could it be that both methods are difficult to use?"

  The mage in white nodded and said, "That's right, neither of these two methods is easy."

   "I also ask the seniors to explain clearly."

   "Let me talk about the first method first."

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "The first method is to obtain the apex blood of three people with a bright heart, and then cooperate with my magic weapon to do this."

   "Three Hearts of Light? How to find them?"

   "It's simple. In Chaoyang Village at the foot of the mountain, I have already found three people with a bright heart."

   "Since you have already found the senior, why are you still sighing?"

   "Do you know what Apex Blood is?"

  Chen Mo shook his head.

   "Apical blood is the blood of the core, also known as the source of life essence and blood. Once the source of life essence and blood is lost, it will cause great damage to a person.

   Not only will the originally strong and strong people become weak and sick in an instant, but their life span will also be greatly reduced. After losing the apex, the young can live up to five years longer, and the elderly cannot survive even one year.

   Do you think these three people with bright hearts are willing to accept such a result? "

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo felt that it was indeed a bit difficult.

   "There should always be a glimmer of hope for everything in the world, right? Is there really no way to remedy it after taking it?"

   "Yes, but it is difficult, and before you can really do it, you promise, do you think those three are willing to believe?"

   "Perhaps the three of you also have the heart to save the world. Have you ever talked to the three of you before?"

  The mage in white shook his head and said, "Never, and there is no need to talk."


   "There are no secrets in the dark, and it was only in this small cave that I was able to exhaust my abilities and arrange such a small environment that is isolated from darkness.

Let’s not talk about the consequences of deliberately revealing the secret to the devil after I chatted with these three people. Just after talking about this matter with these three people, once any of these three people is unwilling to tell me sacrifice.

  He will have a bad mood when he learns the news, and will be eroded by darkness.

  He may be afraid that other villagers will sacrifice him if they find out about it.

  He may be torn between selfishness and selflessness.

  He may feel guilty and sad because of the behavior of self-avoidance that makes it impossible to save the world.

  Whether it’s fear, hesitation, or guilt, once his emotions gradually move away from the light, the darkness will immediately come and erode him, because he is a person with a bright heart.

  Once a person with a bright heart is corroded, the strength of that devil will be doubled directly.

  When that demon becomes too strong, even if we seal the Underworld and Youquan, we are no match for him at all.

   What's more, once the owner of the heart of light is eroded by darkness, it will immediately transform into a heart of darkness. In this way, the original three hearts of light have instead become two hearts of light and one heart of darkness.

  Not only is it impossible to seal the Yinshiyouquan at all, it may even intensify the eruption of the Yinshiyouquan, making the current situation even more dangerous and difficult to deal with. "

  After hearing the difficulty of the first method, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel dizzy.

   It is true that this method is difficult to implement.

   If the heart is cruel enough, regardless of whether the three are voluntary or not, I don’t know if it will work by directly forcibly tying them up and throwing them into the secluded spring.

  Chen Mo suddenly had this devilish idea flashed through his mind.

   Seemingly seeing through Chen Mo's thoughts, the mage in white shook his head and said, "Don't have any dark thoughts, or you will be corrupted by darkness.

  No matter what you are thinking, but you have to be clear, what you do can't make them feel afraid of being invaded by darkness, otherwise everything will be in vain. "

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo understood.

   That's right, what's the use of kidnapping? People are not voluntary, so they will definitely be very scared in their mentality, and even feel resentful. The dark energy will be filled directly. Isn't this directly transforming the three hearts of darkness?

   Throwing it into the Yinshi Youquan at that time, I am afraid that three atomic bombs will be directly thrown into the Yinshi Youquan, which will be as terrifying as a volcanic eruption.

  This method will definitely not work.

  Chen Mo thought of another way. Since the mage in white was afraid that the dark devil would hear his words, it would be feasible to bring the three of them into the cave to listen.

  Just bringing them here will cause another problem that the white-clothed mage said.

   That is the mentality of the three of them.

  It would be fine if all three of them had the desire to save the world, but if one of them dared not sacrifice, and instead became disturbed by the darkness after hearing the news, then this matter would be self-defeating.

   Fortunately, there is a second way to do it.

  Chen Mo decided to listen to the second method first.

  If the second method is more difficult than the first method, then you can only try the first method first.

   After all, the first method, the white mage, only gave up because of the low success rate.

   It does not mean that there is no success rate at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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