Chapter 227 Clear stupidity! (triple)

  Chen Mo looked at the mage in white and said, "Since the first method is so difficult, please tell me what the second method is."

   "Ah! This second method is as good as nothing, because it is more demanding and difficult than the first method, and there is almost no way to complete it."

   Before the mage in white said anything, he shook his head and denied it.

  In his opinion, this second method has no possibility of realization at all.

  Although the success rate of the first method may not be high, if you really want to try it, you can still give it a try.

  But this second method is not even possible to try, let alone the success rate.

   As far as the success rate is concerned, once the second method can be implemented, the success rate can reach 100%. The problem still lies in the ability to implement it at the beginning.

   "Please tell the seniors first and listen to the younger ones."

   "The second way is to find tens of billions of sacrifices and throw them into the Yinshi Youquan, so that the eruption of the Yinshi Youquan can be calmed down."

   "Ten billion sacrifices? What are these so-called sacrifices?"

   "That's tens of billions of units."

   "Ten billion units?" Chen Mo immediately asked, "Summons are also possible?"

   "Available." The old man in white nodded, but still sighed, "It's useless, tens of billions of units, even if the summons are feasible, it is impossible to get them together."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo smiled and said, "I have a way."

   "Oh?" The old man in white looked at Chen Mo unexpectedly, "This is a unit of tens of billions, not a million. Where can you find it?"

   "Seniors don't need to worry about this, Shanren has his own clever plan, but he has to ask seniors carefully, can the dark energy here be dispelled just by investing tens of billions of units to stop the eruption of the Yinshi Youquan?"

   "No, stopping the eruption of the underworld spring is the first and most critical step."

   "Is there any difficulty in the follow-up?" Chen Mo asked unexpectedly.

   "That's not true. If you can really stop the Yinshi Youquan from erupting, I will spend some energy to use methods to dispel the darkness in this area."

   "It turns out that it only needs to be done by the senior." Chen Mo was speechless for a while, and found that the people in this dungeon like to pant when they speak.

  Always talk in half.

   "Excuse me, senior, where is the specific location of this Yinshi Youquan?"

   "The Yinshi Youquan is in the center of this mountain range."

  Chen Mo immediately opened the map and glanced at it, nodded immediately and said: "Then please wait here, senior, I will first find a way to prevent the eruption of the Yinshi Youquan, and if it is completed, I will come to find senior again."

   "Wait a minute."

  Chen Mo was about to leave after speaking, but was stopped by the old man in white.

   "I don't know if Senior has anything else to teach me?"

   "If you go to seal the Yinshi Youquan rashly, you will definitely be attacked and harassed by the devil, and let me cast the "Sacred Heart Curse" on you to protect you for 6 hours."

   "Thank you, senior."

  Chen Mo feels that it doesn't matter even if he is attacked, but God gives benefits for free, don't don't want them for nothing, and save himself the trouble of defending himself.

  As the white-clothed old man pinched the magic formula in his hand and muttered words, Chen Mo suddenly felt his heart heat up, and a holy and warm energy burst from his heart and spread throughout his body, protecting himself round and round.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have obtained the protection of the Sacred Heart Curse. During the effective period of the Sacred Heart Curse, you can ignore all dark attacks. 5:59:15 remaining. 】

   "The effect of this Sacred Heart Curse is quite abnormal, and I don't know if it can be copied."

  Chen Mo glanced at the record of copying the God Seal, and found that there is no record about the Sacred Heart Curse in copying the God Seal. It can be seen that this abnormal ability is not a skill that can be copied.

   Having received the protection of the Sacred Heart Curse, Chen Mo left directly.

  He flickered with a god, and came to the central area of ​​the mountain range.

   Sure enough, as soon as he arrived here, he felt an incomparably powerful dark energy constantly erupting.

  The dark energy here is more intense than the previous area. I don't know how many times.

   Fortunately, he is a dark class, and he is protected by the Sacred Heart Curse.

  Even if he was impacted by extremely strong dark energy, it would have no effect on him.

   Coming here, through the perception ability of the pioneers, Chen Mo perceived a place like a crater, but there was no fiery red magma in it, and there was only terrifying dark energy as dark as ink.

   Tens of billions of sacrifices are really impossible under normal circumstances.

  If he hadn't changed his job to become the master of the undead, Chen Mo could only choose the first method for this task.

  But now it has the powerful passive of the master of the undead, combined with the extremely calm and ultra-high cooldown reduction.

  It only takes a little time to reach tens of billions of sacrifices.

  Following Chen Mo's thought, he activated the hidden treasure box and summoned the skeletons at the same time, and in an instant, millions of superimposed skeletons were summoned around him.

  Under Chen Mo's order, they jumped into the Underworld Spring together.

   At the same time, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded.

  【Reminder from the Dao of Heaven: You have invested millions of sacrifices into the Yinshiyouquan, and the current progress of Yinshiyouquan stopping eruption is 0.01% complete. 】

   Ten billion sacrifices is indeed not a small amount, no wonder the white-clothed mage said that this method is basically impossible.

  Chen Mo summoned a million in one breath, but it was only enough to fill one ten thousandth of it.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo has an extremely fast cooling down.

  The skill only needs half a second to cool down.

  Counting the speed at which the skeletons jump into it, it takes 1.5 seconds to complete one time. If there are millions of skeletons each time, it only takes 15,000 seconds, which is just over 4 hours.

  However, the number of skeleton monsters that Chen Mo can summon varies randomly. The maximum number of skeleton monsters that can be summoned at one time is 3 million. Even if there are random changes, in fact, on average, it is still about this time, and it may even be faster.

   It's just that the next thing to do is really boring.

  Chen Mo needs to sit next to him and constantly summon skeleton monsters for several hours.

   It was okay at first.

  After playing for an hour, Chen Mo already felt a little tormented.

   "What kind of ghost mission is this Tiandao, pure torture."

  Although he complained speechlessly, the action of summoning the skeleton monster to sacrifice was still going on rapidly without stopping.

   Two hours later, the progress has reached 55%.

  The progress is much faster than expected.

  The main reason is that Chen Mo encountered more high-power summons than low-power summons in the past two hours.

The two-hour sacrifice did indeed have some effect. Although it did not completely stop the Yinshiyouquan from continuing to erupt, it can be clearly found that the concentration of dark energy erupting from the Yinshiyouquan is now higher than when it first came here. It's much lighter.

   "It's been two hours, and the devil hasn't appeared yet?"

   Originally, Chen Mo thought that the monster would come out to interfere with him, but he never thought that he threw the skeleton monster for two hours, but the other party still didn't show up.

   Another half hour passed.

   With the dark energy erupting from the Yinshiyouquan, it is getting slower and weaker.

  Finally, the devil realized the problem.

  Chen Mo only felt a sudden dark energy gathering around him, and as a black mist rose, a pretty woman in black appeared beside him, looking at him with a vicious expression.

  Even though Chen Mo is using the technique of hidden spirit, the opponent has the ability to see everything in the dark, and the opponent has higher hidden power than Chen Mo, so he can easily see what Chen Mo and his skeleton monsters are doing.

   Seeing the other party looking at him fiercely, Chen Mo also looked at the other party.

  I saw that the BOSS in front of me was petite and exquisite. Although her height was not more than 1.6 meters, her overall image still looked charming and pleasant.

  Her eyes are deep, like stars in the night sky, shining with cold light, long black hair hangs over her shoulders, fluttering slightly with the wind, showing a kind of enchanting temperament.

  She was wearing a set of black magic robes, which exuded a deep dark atmosphere, looking very mysterious and weird.

  The robe is dotted with some black patterns, and each pattern seems to have a certain magical power, exuding a palpitating breath.

  Her hands are wearing a pair of black gloves, which are inlaid with some gemstones shining with black magic power, which makes people feel a sense of fear.

  Under her feet, there is a blood-colored lotus flower floating, which is even more enchanting.

  She exudes a contradictory temperament. She is petite and lovely, but at the same time has a deep, mysterious and evil atmosphere, which makes people want to get close and shudder.

   "Damn human beings, let me tell you why I feel that the increase in the intensity of dark energy has slowed down so much. It turns out that you are playing tricks."

  The voice of the woman in black was low and gentle, revealing an evil aura. Every word she said was like a whisper in the darkness, deeply affecting people's souls.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo now has the Sacred Heart Mantra body protection, and has not been affected in any way.

  Seeing that he has descended and the human beings in front of him are still indifferent, and continue to summon a lot of skeleton monsters around him and throw them into the Yinshi Youquan crazily, the BOSS immediately became murderous towards Chen Mo.

   After sizing up the other party, Chen Mo immediately perceived the other party's attributes.

  【Monster Name】: Magic Girl

  【Monster level】: BOSS (one-turn demonization)

  【Magic talent】: In an environment with extremely strong dark energy, you can perceive everything, increase all attributes by 10 times, and will never be killed!

  【Level】: Level 30


  〖Life〗: 20 billion/20 billion

  〖Energy〗: 20 billion/20 billion

  〖Physical attack〗: 250000 (magicized)

  〖Magic attack〗: 250000 (magic)

  〖Physical Defense〗: 600000 (Magic)

  〖Magic defense〗: 600000 (magic)

  [Active Skills]: Dark Attack, Dark Dance, Dark Curse, Night Slam, Magic Domain

  『Darkness Invasion』: Centered on Maggie, release dark energy waves to the surroundings, causing a lot of damage to enemy units within the range, and slowing down their movement speed for a period of time.

  『Dance in Darkness』: Summons a giant dark hand, causing a lot of damage to enemy units within the range, and knocking them into the air, making them unable to move and use skills for a period of time.

  『Curse of Darkness』: Release dark magic, causing certain damage to surrounding units and applying a vicious curse effect, reducing their attack power for a period of time.

  『Night Strike』: Instantly flashes to the enemy target, causing high physical damage to it, and making it stunned for a period of time.

  『Magic Domain』: Summons a dark magic domain to increase the attack, defense and recovery capabilities of the magic girl and her surrounding allies for a period of time.

  [Passive Skills]: Power of Darkness, Dark Regeneration, Dark Shield, Dark Possession, Dark Teleportation

  『Power of Darkness』: Every time it is attacked, it will release the power of darkness to counter the attacker and cause a lot of damage.

  『Darkness Regeneration』: Whenever the health value drops to a certain level, it will automatically recover part of the health value and improve its physical and magical defense.

  『Dark Shield』: When receiving a fatal attack, there is a certain chance to trigger the dark shield, exempting the attack and increasing its physical and magical defense.

  『Dark Possession』: Every time you attack an enemy, there is a certain chance to trigger Dark Possession, which will make the enemy fall into a state of darkness, unable to use skills and props for a period of time.

  『Dark Teleportation』: Every once in a while, Magic Girl can instantly teleport to another location to avoid enemy attacks, and release a wave of dark energy to cause damage to surrounding enemies.

   "Skills are quite good, and the applicability of getting a special undead back should be pretty good. This magic field alone is a good group gain."

  After reading the attributes of Magic Girl, Chen Mo is quite satisfied.

  He is not looking at a BOSS here, it is almost like looking at a pet that is about to be captured by him.

  After seeing himself coming in person, the human being in front of him not only did not have the slightest fear, but even looked at himself with a look of satisfaction.

  Magic Ji's beauty distorted immediately!

   "Damn human, you dare to be so arrogant when you see this demon. If you don't teach you a little lesson, you probably don't know how powerful this demon is!"

   When the voice fell, Mo Ji showed her skills to Chen Mo.

  I saw Mo Ji raised her hands high, and the surrounding dark power suddenly gathered around her to form a strong wave of dark energy, and within less than a breath of effort, the wave of dark energy spread out to the surroundings.

  As the dark ripple continues to expand, all units within the range cannot escape its attack range.

  Once the dark ripples touch the target, the target will receive strong damage, the body will be shrouded in darkness, and the speed will be greatly slowed down, making it impossible to escape the pursuit of Mo Ji.

   This is Mo Ji's first skill Dark Invasion, the scope of influence is quite large, Chen Mo is naturally the first to be affected.

  But he, who was protected by the Sacred Heart Curse, didn't take Moji's attack seriously at all.

  As for those skeleton monsters, they all have the ability to revive, even if they are instantly revived, and after being summoned, they will fall directly into the Underworld Spring, and this skill will not affect them at all.

  Magic Ji's skills seem to have a strong effect, but they are basically releasing a loneliness.

  Chen Mo smiled at her and said, "Take a break, it's not time for us to fight yet."

  Seeing Chen Mo's disdainful smile, Mo Ji's face was filled with anger, and her seven orifices were filled with smoke.

   "Bold human being, how dare you ignore this demon! Don't think that if you can support one skill of this demon, this demon will have nothing to do with you. Continue to accept tricks!"

  Seeing that the other party is coming, Chen Mo is also full of helplessness.

   Now you can't kill me, and I won't kill you, so why waste this energy?

  Chen Mo didn't bother to pay attention to her, and continued to summon the skeleton monster to jump into the Underworld Spring.

   At this time, Magic Ji has already started to use the second skill.

  As Magic Ji muttered words, a strange spell was quickly chanted by her.

  The moment she finished chanting the incantation, suddenly a huge dark giant hand appeared beside her out of thin air, and a huge dark energy was condensed in the palm of the giant hand.

  The moment the giant hand appeared, it rushed towards Chen Mo!

  According to the description of the skill, once this skill hits Chen Mo, Chen Mo will be thrown into the air by a huge force, his body will be shrouded in darkness, and he will completely lose his ability to move.

   And the actual performance is similar.

  Chen Mo was indeed blown away.

   But Chen Mo was still unscathed, nor did he lose his ability to move.

  He flew into the air directly, still ignored the magic girl, and continued to summon the skeleton monster on his own.

   At this time, the giant hand was under Chen Mo's buttocks and continued to slam, swinging constantly, trying to cause more damage.

  With the rapid attack of the giant hand, thousands of palms bloomed in the air like a giant lotus flower in an instant. This scene is like a wild dance in the dark, which is extremely shocking.

   But the scene looks good, but the effect is useless.

   It was as if he was simply beating off the dust that Chen Mo had just sat on the ground.

  Other effects are not effective at all.

"How can it be!"

   Seeing that Chen Mo was unharmed when he used two skills in a row, Mo Ji's voice was full of surprise and disbelief.

  She originally thought that she was the most powerful existence in the world, but she didn't expect that the young human being in front of her could so easily resist her two proud skills in succession.

   Moreover, the opponent didn't even seem to use any strength to resist, and simply accepted all his attacks with an understatement.

  Magic Ji's beautiful and charming face was covered with an ugly layer of paleness, her black robe fluttered with her movements, and a dangerous light flickered in her eyes again.

  There was no expression on her face, but the murderous look in her eyes became more and more intense.

Mo Ji's voice began to become stern: "No one in this world can resist my dark power, and no one can survive under my hands. Damn human, although I don't know what tricks you used, but You can't live in my hands!"

After Moji finished speaking, murderous intent flashed in her eyes again, and her fingers began to tremble slightly, as if she was preparing for some terrible attack. Her black robe was fluttering in the wind, like a will-o'-the-wisp in the darkness , makes people shudder.

   "Beauty, let's take a rest first, sit down and chat for a while, and then there will be more time to play slowly."

   Seeing that the other party was angry with himself, Chen Mo comforted him with a helpless smile.

  But at this time, Mo Ji, who was already on top, didn't care about Chen Mo's words, and said in a cold voice: "Don't think that complimenting me is useful, just die!"

   "Well, whatever you want."

   Seeing that the other party was so recalcitrant, Chen Mo didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and let her continue to go crazy here.

  He continued to speed up and throw the skeleton into the Yinshi Youquan.

  At this time, a strong dark energy condensed in Mo Ji's hands, and a cold light appeared in her eyes.

  In the next moment, Mo Ji's figure disappeared in place, but Chen Mo, who has the pioneer's perception ability, can catch the opponent's trace at any time.

   This is Magic Ji using her third skill "Night Strike", which is a skill that can instantly appear beside the target to launch a strong attack.

   At this time, she had appeared behind Chen Mo, and she was holding a terrifying dark magic power in her hand, and aimed this power at the back of Chen Mo's head.

  She was going to crush this human-hating head with one blow, and make him pay for his arrogance!

  The dark energy in Magic Ji's hands is like a mass of pitch-black plasticine, constantly agglomerating and changing shapes in her hands. With the movement of her thoughts, the dark energy in her hands instantly turned into a black dagger.

  Dangerous light flashed in Mo Ji's eyes, and she shot mercilessly, holding a pitch-black energy dagger and stabbing it violently at Chen Mo's head.

  For a moment, a terrifying dark energy exploded directly at the back of Chen Mo's head, presenting a pitch black scene.

However, at the moment when the dark energy hit Chen Mo, a mysterious force gushed out from inside Chen Mo's body, and Mo Ji's dark energy was instantly forced back by this mysterious force, turning into a gloomy light and dissipating directly in the air.

  Magic Ji's attack completely failed!

Moji's face suddenly showed a shocked expression. She shot with confidence, thinking that her attack would definitely kill Chen Mo instantly, and no matter how bad it was, it could make the opponent lose the power to resist in an instant. Without doing anything, he easily resolved his attack, completely unscathed.

  At this moment, Moji was completely stunned. She had never encountered such a situation before. What kind of existence was this strange opponent? How could it be so powerful? !

   Sensing the bewildered look on Mo Ji's face behind her, Chen Mo said with a smile: "Enough is enough, don't fight if you can't. When I seal this Yinshiyouquan, there will be opportunities for you to make a move."

   "Why, what did you do, why are all my attacks ineffective, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, I am the future king of darkness!

  I am the female devil who is about to inherit the title of Lord of Darkness!

  I am so powerful, why can’t I even hurt you, an ordinary human being! "

  Magic Ji's voice was full of disbelief and anger, and she felt that her dignity had been greatly challenged.

  She once confidently believed that she was the future Lord of Darkness, but when facing an ordinary human being, she felt that her power was so useless.

  Chen Mo smiled slightly, and replied lightly: "Because there is a mysterious power in my body, this power makes me immune to your attack."

   It doesn't matter whether you say this kind of thing or not, anyway, the other party can't crack it.

  The Sacred Heart Mantra can last for 6 hours, but it is long enough.

"What mysterious power? You can completely ignore my power! With the eruption of the Yinshi Youquan, my dark energy is countless times stronger than before. You are lying!" Mo Ji didn't believe Chen Mo's words, she thought The dark power that I have mastered is omnipotent, and there is no such thing as immunity.

  Chen Mo smiled but did not explain, he just looked at Mo Ji indifferently.

  Although this BOSS looks quite fierce, but inexplicably feels a bit fierce, and the whole person reveals a clear stupidity.

   Even made Chen Mo feel that she was a bit interesting, and the skills she displayed were also good, very suitable for her own use.

  At this time, Chen Mo's satisfied smile fell into the eyes of the other party, but he only felt that there was a deep sense of mystery in Chen Mo's eyes.

Magic Ji's anger and disbelief reached the extreme, and she felt that her dignity and strength had been hit like never before. She thought that she could easily deal with this human being, but now she was so helpless and became a completely passive party .

  (end of this chapter)

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