Chapter 228 Prepare in advance! (two in one)

  Seeing Mo Ji's angry face and feeling helpless, Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's better to chat when you are angry."

   "What do you want to talk about?" Mo Ji snorted coldly, and sat cross-legged on the **** lotus below her.

   "I've always been curious about the difference between you demons and gods. Are you interested in chatting? Anyway, idle is idle."

   "Hmph, what good will it do me to tell you?"

   "If you tell me, then I can also tell you what the power in my body is."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Mo Ji felt that the business could be closed, and what the human being in front of him wanted to inquire about was not something worth hiding.

   On the contrary, what he wants to reveal may become a breakthrough for him to defeat him.

  Magic Ji immediately said: "If you want to talk about the difference between demons and gods, this statement is not accurate enough."


   "Actually, what you want to ask is the difference between a demon **** and a true god. Before ordinary demons become gods, they are just equivalent to your human beings."

   "So that's how it is, that is to say, demons become demon gods at the end of cultivation, and humans become true gods at the end of cultivation?"

   "It's not necessarily the case. People can join the magic way to become a demon at any time, so if you want, you can also become a demon and practice, and finally become a demon god." Mo Ji said with a charming tone.

   It seems that they want to seduce Chen Mo into the evil way.

   But with the Sacred Heart Curse to protect his body, Magic Girl's little tricks are useless to him.

   "Then what are the benefits of becoming a demon **** compared to a true god?"

   Chen Mo asked while pretending to be interested.

   "There are too many benefits. If a true **** wants to improve his strength, in addition to gaining divine power through adventures, he can only improve his divine power through faith and hard training.

But the Demon God is different. Apart from these two paths, the Demon God also has a third path to take, which is the dark energy of all living beings. As long as they are influenced by you and continue to become dark, your divine power will be great. The range is improved, and the speed of improvement is much faster than that of the true god.

  Besides, the true **** needs sincere belief, and it takes a long time to spread the belief. The demon **** is much simpler and rude, and only needs desire and belief. "

  Listening to what Mo Ji said, Chen Mo was really moved.

  But obviously, there is no advantage in the world that can be taken for nothing.

   "You probably didn't say the whole thing. According to what you said, if the demon **** has so many advantages over the true god, then everyone will choose to become the demon god. Who would want to become the true god?"

   Chen Mo looked at Mo Ji with a light smile and said.

   "Hehe, I'm only responsible for answering the difference between them. Other questions are beyond the scope of my answer. Now it's your turn, human beings. Tell me what power is in your body that can block all my attacks."

  Chen Mo did not cheat, and said with a smile: "The power in my body is called "Sacred Heart Curse"!"

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo stopped talking.

   Even Mo Ji, who was waiting for Chen Mo to continue her introduction, was dumbfounded.

   "Is this gone?" She asked Chen Mo with a dazed look on her face.

"if not?"

   "What are you? You just said a name. You can say any name at will. What kind of answer is this?" Mo Ji was very annoyed.

  Chen Mo followed Mo Ji’s previous answer to himself and said: “As you said just now, you are only responsible for answering the difference. Then I just said that I will tell you what this ability is. It is the Sacred Heart Curse and there is nothing wrong with it.”

   "You! Cunning human being, you are courting death!"

Seeing that Mo Ji's devilish energy rose again and wanted to attack him, Chen Mo waved his hands and said: "Take a break, you know that you can't beat me, what's the use of you being so angry, why don't you continue the topic just now, talk to me Talking about this demon **** has many advantages over the true god, then there must be other restrictions."

   "Hmph! You don't want to get any more information from me." Mo Ji turned her face angrily, and ignored Chen Mo.

   "This time I promise to tell you clearly, what is the strength in my body formed from, what effect does it have, and how?"

"Do you think I will trust you again? We have always been the only one who deceives people, and no one dares to deceive us. You hateful and cunning human being, I don't need you to tell me, I only know that everything that comes from outside Powerful energy, it doesn't last long, I will wait here to see when the energy in your body disappears!

   When the time comes, I will tear you to pieces again, smash your bones into ashes, and let you know how stupid it is to tease this demon! "

  Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo laughed and said, "You really guessed right this time. It's true that my ability won't last long."

   Originally, Mo Ji just said it casually, but she didn't expect the human beings in front of her to dare to admit it directly, which somewhat surprised Mo Ji.

  Chen Mo is still playing tricks on her, and wants to continue to listen to her talk about the difference between the demon **** and the true god. This is related to the development route after the fifth rank.

   But it's a pity that the female devil looked dumbfounded, but she was very stubborn. She said she didn't believe him, so she stopped believing him no matter what he said.

  Chen Mo can only talk in vain.

  But at least she learned about the characters she met in the dungeon through her, Chen Mo. If you want to spend your time trying to find out some information, you can actually get a lot of information.

  Perhaps in the future, we will be able to hear more secrets of the high-level world through the powerful characters in various instances.

  As Mo Ji stopped answering Chen Mo's questions, the two fell into a silent confrontation.

  Magic Ji is waiting for Chen Mo's Sacred Heart Curse to expire, while Chen Mo is waiting for the Underworld Spring to close.

  Time passed by one minute and one second.

   During the period, Chen Mo tried to pry the opponent's mouth again, but couldn't pry it open.

  However, it is naturally impossible for Chen Mo to take the initiative to reveal his abilities.

   This Sacred Heart Mantra is the only point that the other party is interested in. If I take the initiative to talk about it, the other party will definitely break my promise and will not reveal anything else to me.

  He won't suffer from this.

  Since the other party didn’t want to continue talking, he repeated his thoughts over and over again.

  The magic girl who was chanting at the end got bored, so she put her two little ears together and closed her ears.

   It still looks a bit cute.

  Chen Mo smiled and did not continue.

   As time came to a little more than four hours after Chen Mo started throwing skeleton monsters into the Yinshiyouquan, the eruption of the Yinshiyouquan finally became very weak.

  Although Mo Ji could sense this, she couldn't stop Chen Mo's actions, and could only let him close the Yinshi Youquan.

   But Magic Ji doesn't care about this.

   After cleaning up the human beings in front of them, there are plenty of ways to make the underworld spring erupt again later.

   Right now, this human being protected by a strange energy in his body is the most troublesome enemy.

  It's a pity that she didn't wait for the news of the Sacred Heart Curse in Chen Mo's body, but first waited until the Yinshi Youquan was completely closed.

   "Humans, don't think that closing the Yinshi Youquan can solve the current situation. Since these dark energies have been erupted, they will not dissipate easily. You are just wasting your efforts.

  Even the tens of billions of units you feed are simply increasing the total amount of dark energy in the Yinshiyouquan. If the Yinshiyouquan erupts again in the future, it will definitely bring more powerful dark energy! "

  Magic Ji sneered at Chen Mo and said.

   Regarding this, Chen Mo smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to see what will happen in the future."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo suddenly disappeared in front of Mo Ji with a flash of light on his body.

   At this moment, Moji was also very surprised, and she immediately tried to perceive it.

  In the dark, she can perceive everything.

  This area is basically occupied by dark energy, no matter where the human escapes, it should be perceivable.

   As a result, when she perceived it carefully, she found that she couldn't perceive where this human being was at all.

   It seems as if it disappeared out of thin air from this area.

   "Impossible? Where did he go?"

  When Mo Ji tried to perceive again in disbelief, Chen Mo had already returned to the cave and appeared in front of the old mage in white.

   "Senior, I have completely sealed the Yinshi Youquan, and then I ask the senior to take action."

  Seeing that Chen Mo closed the Yinshi Youquan so quickly, the old mage in white was also very surprised.

  He immediately tried to perceive it.

   Sure enough, it was discovered that the Yinshi Youquan had stopped erupting.

  He immediately smiled and said: "Since ancient times, a hero has been born as a teenager. In just a few hours, you have successfully sealed the Underworld Underworld. You are really amazing. Well, the old man will immediately set about dispelling the dark energy in this area."

   "Thank you, senior."

"However, to forcibly disperse such a strong dark energy would take a toll on me. After doing this, I'm afraid I'll have to recuperate for a long time. I don't have the ability to deal with that demon anymore. At that time, everything can only depend on you. "

   "It doesn't matter, I have just fought against that devil. Although his strength is good, but with the protection of the Sacred Heart Curse, I will be fine. Now the Sacred Heart Curse can still have the effect for more than an hour."

"Silly boy, your Sacred Heart Curse is derived from my ability. After I try my best to dispel the dark energy, the energy of the Sacred Heart Curse in your body will definitely not be able to be maintained anymore. At that time, you can only rely on your own ability to defeat the demon. head."

   "Sure enough, Heavenly Dao is not so kind. The Sacred Heart Curse was given to me just to protect me for a period of time. If I can't complete the task of sealing the Underworld Spring within six hours, I will be crazily disturbed by the Demon Girl.

   And even if I finish it ahead of time, I won't get any more benefits. The Sacred Heart Curse will still dissipate quickly, so I can't even take advantage of it. "

  Once the old mage has dispelled the dark energy, the boss battle will begin. Obviously, Heaven will not give you invincibility for more than an hour during the boss battle.

  Chen Mo didn't care about it.

   "Understood, senior, please act, I am ready to deal with the devil, and I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the senior, and I will definitely eradicate this devil."


  The white-clothed mage nodded in satisfaction, and then began to pinch the formula continuously, chanting words in his mouth.

   As his incantations came faster and faster, a light began to emanate from his body.

  At first, the light was not very strong, just a faint white light.

  As the speed of the white-clothed mage chanting the spell continued to increase, the intensity of the light continued to increase, gradually covering the entire cave.

  Chen Mo saw that the rock wall, ground and top of the cave began to glow, as if inlaid with countless gems.

  He wanted to open his eyes to see what happened, but the intensity of the light became more and more abnormal, so that he couldn't open his eyes at all. He could only rely on the perception ability of the pioneers to feel the changes brought about by the light.

  As the spell of the mage in white continued to speed up, the intensity of the light continued to gradually increase, and the light began to spread from the inside of the cave to the outside of the cave.

  The dark energy outside the cave began to gradually disappear, being dispelled by the light.

  Chen Mo felt that the air around him also began to become fresher, full of sacred breath.

  The mage in white is still chanting non-stop, and the light continues to spread, as if to illuminate the whole world.

   His body also began to change, his skin became smoother and his eyes became brighter.

  Chen Mo felt that the sacred energy emerging from the old mage's body was getting stronger and stronger, as if he had become an invincible existence.

  Finally, the light reached its peak.

  It is as bright as the sun, illuminating the entire dungeon area.

  With the crazily spreading of the light, the dark energy outside is constantly being squeezed out and disappeared. Chen Mo felt that the whole world became brighter, as if darkness never existed.

At this moment, the BOSS Magic Girl flew out from the Yinshi Youquan. She saw the dazzling light continuously spreading out of the cave in the central area of ​​the mountain range, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "What's going on? What is it? Who can emit such terrifying divine energy?"

  As soon as she came out, she could only see the world illuminated by light. She was surprised to find that the dark energy in this area had been completely dispelled in just a few breaths.

  The diffusion speed of light is one of the fastest in the universe!

  Once it starts to spread, it cannot be stopped even if it is blocked!

  She has always occupied this area, shrouding everything here in darkness, but now, this mysterious light makes her feel a deadly threat.

  The existence of such a terrifying divine ability is itself an extremely powerful practitioner.

   "This power...impossible!" she muttered, visibly disturbed.

  Suddenly she seemed to realize something: "Since he has released such a terrifying divine ability, his own strength may have been greatly damaged now! Kill him while he is sick!"

  She began to stimulate her own dark energy, condensing them into countless magical runes.

  Magic Ji flickered and disappeared in place.

A moment later, she appeared in the cave, and the moment she saw the weak old mage, her face lit up knowing that she had guessed right. She dodged behind the white-clothed old mage, her hands condensed a terrifying dark energy, Then he slapped the white mage on the back suddenly.

  Her heart was already filled with the joy of victory, but in the next second, a young figure flickered over and blocked her with his body as a shield!

   "Damn human, it's you again!" Mo Ji slammed Chen Mo fiercely with her palm. Although this time, the energy that was shot out was not directly dissipated like before, but it still didn't work on Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo flew over, but he was already prepared, because this is related to the problem of perfect customs clearance!

  He had already considered that the old mage had used up all his energy now, and the barrier at the entrance of the cave would definitely disappear immediately.

   There will likely be such a link in the future, after all, every SSS-level breakthrough assessment has some elements for perfect customs clearance.

  Whether it is not sacrificing the three sacred hearts, or protecting the old mage well, this is one of the possibilities. Chen Mo doesn't want to get an ordinary clearance achievement, so he guards against the possibility of the old mage being attacked in advance.

   It turned out that such a thing really happened, he naturally guarded the old mage directly!

   "Your opponent is me." After Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, a large number of skeleton monsters suddenly appeared around him, and launched a deadly attack on Mo Ji!

  [PS]: I originally planned to ask for a day off, but I didn’t want to stop after thinking about it, so I will update two chapters. The explosive update mode will resume tomorrow, thank you for your support.

  (end of this chapter)

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