Chapter 231 God of Strength! (3 in 1, 35)

  After the three of Chen Mo sat back, the teacher introduced himself and said: "The three new students have already been introduced, so let me introduce you to the rest of the class.

   Let me introduce myself first, my name is Xia Tian, ​​and I will be your class guide from now on, if you have anything you don’t understand, you can come to me. "

   After finishing speaking, Xia Tian introduced the other students to Chen Mo and the others.

  After we all know each other, summer will start to formally start classes.

  He taught serious mathematics.

  Mathematics, no matter in which era, is an indispensable subject.

  Even if you go to university, you still have to continue studying.

  There are four classes in the morning, and mathematics takes up two classes.

  The last two sections are cultural lessons, including history and literature.

   This is also something that needs to be learned. Although it doesn't seem to have much to do with the improvement of combat effectiveness, it is still very useful for increasing students' knowledge and experience.

   Rich literature is the characteristic and soul of this civilization on earth!

  No matter how the world changes, education in this area still does not give up.

  And the improvement of literary literacy also helps to inspire intelligence. There is an activity called "Peak Wisdom" among the activities in the Milky Way.

   The rewards are very rich, and the content of this activity test is not combat power, but pure wisdom.

  In other activities, Earth professionals dare not enter indiscriminately, but this dungeon is very challenging.

  Although the rankings obtained each time they participate are not very high, at least they can squeeze into the top ten, which is enough.

  Chen Mo knew about this activity, but he was not very interested in it.

  This kind of smart thing is too much to worry about.

  After the four classes in the morning, Chen Mo almost felt that he had returned to the days when he had to study hard.

  Chen Mo was more interested in the four classes in the afternoon.

   These four sections are dedicated vocational courses.

  Each type of occupation will have a dedicated teacher to impart some combat experience.

  Although everyone's occupation is not necessarily the same, the experience of the predecessors is very informative and absorbable.

  Because there are not many professionals in the skeleton mage department, Chen Mo is the only one in this group.

  It is equivalent to the teacher's one-on-one teaching.

   In fact, it is quite cheap.

  After everyone assembled in the training hall, they were dispersed and taken away by different teachers.

   In front of Chen Mo was a man wearing a strange mask.

  He immediately sensed it through the Pioneer ability, but unexpectedly discovered that the opponent's mask had reached the artifact level, and the face covered by the mask could not be detected by himself at all.

   This made Chen Mo quite curious.

   I don’t know what this teacher looks like, why is he wearing a mask?

   "Could it be that there are some defects in the face? But with the level of a top university teacher, it is not difficult to change the appearance."

When Chen Mo was curious, the man in black robe in front of him looked at him and spoke. It was a nice female voice with a bit of majesty in her gentleness: "Student Chen Mo, I will guide your professional courses from now on. My name is Jing , you can call me whatever you want."

   "Mr. Jing, I will trouble you from now on."

  Chen Mo immediately saluted respectfully.

   "I heard that you were able to support everywhere during the natural disasters before. I think your own combat effectiveness must be extraordinary. In terms of combat effectiveness, I may not even be qualified to be your teacher.

  But if you want to maximize the utilization of summoned objects, I think I still have experience that can teach you in this regard. "

   "Also ask the teacher for advice."

   "How much do you know about the history of our country in ancient China?"

   "Basically understand a little bit."

   "Then do you know how many wonderful military formations were created by the ancient Chinese sages?"

   "I've heard a little bit about it, but these are basically the formations of the cold weapon era. Can they really bring about a qualitative change in the combat effectiveness of the summons under their command?"

   "Indeed, the military formations of ancient times are indeed outdated in this era, but after improvement, they can still play an excellent role.

  Although formation is not easy to use in every situation, in most cases, the battle efficiency is much worse if you know how to fight or not.

  And compared to ancient times, we have unique innate advantages.

In ancient times, if you want to deploy an array, you need a strong tacit training of soldiers, a very high reaction speed, and an excellent signal distribution point, whether it is a flag or a drum, in the real battlefield In fact, it will be affected to a certain extent.

  It is impossible to convey instructions accurately and perfectly every moment.

  Furthermore, there are limitations on the efficiency of the time from the transmission of instructions to the execution.

   But our skeleton mage profession is born without these disadvantages.

  We can summon a large number of summoned objects, and we can order them to make any response we need in a timely manner with our own thoughts. We can omit the time of tacit training and avoid the problem of signal release and reception.

  Directly and quickly set up formations and change formations quickly, so the formations left by our ancestors are actually equivalent to gifting us with an excellent skill innately for us!

  According to different battle situations, responding with different formations is definitely better than a large number of summoned objects scattered around in a disorderly manner to achieve a much better offensive and defensive effect. "

   Chen Mo naturally agrees with what the teacher said.

  He had considered such a problem when facing some agile enemies before.

   If there is an excellent **** formation to trap the opponent, even if the opponent has high agility, it is useless.

  Before I dealt with them, I could only use extremely dense attacks in a small place to try to hit them like a needle in a haystack.

  If there is an excellent **** formation that traps the opponent layer upon layer, the attack hit rate of the whole team does not know how many times it can be increased.

  Jing introduced the effectiveness of the military formation to Chen Mo, and then casually sprinkled a handful of powder, summoning tens of thousands of skeleton monsters in an instant.

  The attributes of these skeleton monsters are very low. After all, other people’s skeleton summoning skills have not been synthesized so many times like Chen Mo, and they have so many characteristics in addition to their high grade.

  The skeleton summoning skills learned by normal skeleton mages have very weak attributes.

  However, normal skeleton mages do not use this skill to deal with others when summoning skeletons in actual combat.

   Mainly use the skeleton monster summoned by this skill as a medium to sacrifice to summon other more powerful undead units to use.

  Because Chen Mo possesses the skill of dominance, he can summon various types of undead at will without any preconditions.

   Without this passive, once Chen Mo wants to summon high-level undead, he will be reminded by the Dao of Heaven that he needs to prepare a medium.

   Not only that, but a medium is also needed to summon a large number of undead.

   It's like the powder just spilled from the mirror.

   It is the item "Undead Powder" that is necessary for summoning a large number of undead!

  The regular skeleton mage professions all need to be equipped with this daily.

   Unless the other party's occupation has special instructions, these are not required.

  So, although the Skeleton Mage series seem to be able to summon a large number of undead, the restrictions are actually quite large.

   The more powerful the undead, the higher the summoning requirements.

  The more the number of summons, the higher the summoning requirements.

  Unlike Chen Mo, not only can he have a chance to directly summon god-level undead, but he also has a chance to summon a large number of summons hundreds of times.

  As tens of thousands of skeleton monsters appeared, Jing immediately showed Chen Mo some formations.

   Soon the formation of the skeleton monster changed three times.

   For the first time, a formation like the gossip pattern was formed.

  For the second time, a formation like a yin-yang diagram was formed.

   Formed a hurricane-like formation for the third time.

   According to the mirror.

   The Bagua array is a sleepy array.

  The yin-yang array is a single kill array.

  The hurricane formation is a group killing formation.

   These three formations are more practical formations.

   Among them, the Bagua array is the most complicated array.

  Because it is necessary to exert the effect of the trapped formation, it is impossible to use ordinary skeleton monsters.

   It is necessary to invest at least a variety of functional undead to form a formation together to form a perfect gossip trap.

  The advantage of the trapped formation is that it can be used to kill the enemy or to trap the enemy, so that you can take the opportunity to grasp the enemy's information, and when you want to run and fight, the initiative is on yourself before the enemy is out of trouble.

  The last two killing formations are for the best attack efficiency of the whole team.

  Even if you only use ordinary skeleton monsters, it can be easily clothed.

  However, compared with the Bagua formation, the defensive ability of the latter two formations is poor, and it is necessary to replenish the undead in time, otherwise it is easier to be broken.

"These three formations are relatively basic versions, and there are advanced versions of more advanced formations on top of them, but they generally require stronger undead formations to enter the formation. It is not easy to learn, and the conditions for use are also very harsh. Your level should also You can't summon too many high-level undead, so let's study these three basic formations first, and use them proficiently."

  Hearing what the teacher said, Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

  Although he can summon many high-level undead, he wants to summon as many as ordinary skeleton monsters, and his current level is still a lot lower.

  So it's still not enough to use it for formation.

   For now, let’s study the three basic formations first.

   As far as this yin and yang array is concerned, Chen Mo feels that it is very useful.

   Just now he entered the battle and tried it himself.

If you are trapped in the middle and strangled, even if you can quickly kill the surrounding skeleton monsters, the formations of skeleton monsters can continue to replenish troops in a spiral way to attack yourself, as if you are caught in a huge millstone. The same, being crushed by continuous grinding.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo is strong enough, and the skeletons summoned by the teacher are only for teaching aids, and he didn’t try his best to summon them, so the combat effectiveness is not very good, and Chen Mo didn’t suffer any damage when he was trapped and killed.

  In addition to the problems in the formation, Jing also pointed out some problems in the development route of the skeleton mage to Chen Mo.

  Because it is impossible for a normal person to trigger the hidden job reincarnation task 100% like Chen Mo when reincarnating, and it is not possible to pass the five-star level reincarnation task every time, so the number of skills that can be improved is limited.

  In this case, there will be differences in development routes.

  Because you can’t have all of them, you can only choose different routes.

  General skeleton mages are divided into two routes.

  One is the elite summoning route, and the other is the mass summoning route.

  The elite summoning route is naturally aimed at summoning stronger undead units.

  As for the mass summoning route, the priority is quantity, followed by quality.

   It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  But for Chen Mo, there is no need for any choice, he can have all of them.

   Experience in this area is not necessary to learn.

  He mainly came to learn the experience of fighting in the army.

  After an afternoon of training with the teacher on formation battles, Chen Mo gained quite a lot.

   There are three kinds of military formations, and the Bagua formation is the most difficult to use and learn. Chen Mo has only learned a little bit so far.

  The remaining two killing formations are easier to learn.

  Although I am not proficient, at least I can barely apply it.

  For such a result, Chen Mo is quite satisfied.

  After a day of classes, Chen Mo was going back to the dormitory to challenge the Super God Trial after he was going to have dinner.

   Before he took a few steps, three scents of different scents came from behind him.

   You don't even need to look back to know who is coming.

   It was Elena, Yan Yingyue, and Shen Bingbing.

   "Have you become good friends yet?"

  Chen Mo was surprised to see that the three left together so quickly.

   "Of course, we girls make friends so quickly." Elena walked in the middle, wrapping Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing's arms with her left and right hands and said with a bright smile.

  Chen Mo smiled and didn't say much.

   "I didn't know that the three of you were alumni before. It's amazing. It's the first time I've heard that three students in a school can be admitted to a top university at one time."

   "It's really rare." Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

  Watching Elena talking freely with Chen Mo, Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing began to feel a little neglected, and they immediately started talking to Chen Mo.

   "Chen Mo, how is your study today?" Shen Bingbing looked at Chen Mo and asked.

   "Not bad, benefited a lot, how about you?"

   "We also learned some problems that we didn't pay attention to before, which are quite useful." Yan Yingyue said with a smile.

   "It seems that everyone can become stronger."

   "Chen, are you going to eat now? Let's go together." While talking, Elena interrupted.

  Chen Mo jokingly said: "Okay, but just seeing three of them is enough to eat."

   "Chen, you can really talk." Elena smiled and walked to Chen Mo's side and started to act side by side with him.

   But soon, two people walking side by side turned into four people walking side by side.

   Passers-by around felt a microsecond aura lingering between the four of them.

  Chen Mo, who was in it, was chatting and laughing with the three of them as usual, and he didn't seem to feel the smell of gunpowder.

After ordering food in the cafeteria and sitting down to eat, Elena looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "Chen, there is no class on Wednesday morning. Are you free on Tuesday night? I spent a lot of credits and finally got a change." Are you interested in going to try it with me? It will take about 12 hours."

   "How many people?"

   "It's just the two of us. If you think you need more teammates, you can call again." Elena glanced at Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing at the side and said with a smile.

   "Did you not have any team members before?" Chen Mo asked unexpectedly.

  "Before? There were, but just matching with me won't bring out the best results. You, Chen, are a profession of the Skeleton Mage family. My duplication, combined with your large number of summons, will definitely have an excellent effect.

   It shouldn’t be too difficult to clear the SSS level dungeon. "

   "The death rate of the SSS-level graded copy is not low, you are so courageous, trust me so much?"

  Chen Mo glanced at Elena in surprise.

  Graduated dungeons are similar to level-changing dungeons, which are dungeons whose difficulty changes according to the level of the entrant.

   But the difference is that the level-changing dungeon is a dungeon that restricts the level of people. It is set to level 10, and no matter how many levels the person enters, they can only be counted as level 10.

  The graded dungeon changes the difficulty according to the highest-level person in the entrant's team.

  Generally, enemies equal to those who enter the highest level of the team will be generated, and they will be strengthened according to the difficulty, which is more difficult.

  SSS-level graded dungeons are the best among them, and the death rate of dungeons is extremely high! That's why Chen Mo was surprised.

   "Because I have this." Elena smiled and took out a special stone.

  Chen Mo sensed it, and it turned out to be a "group instant escape stone".

  This thing is different from ordinary escape stones, it can be used in combat state.

   And it is instant, and can lead the whole team to escape from the instance in any crisis situation.

   This kind of thing is very rare and cannot be traded.

   There is a chance to obtain it only when you pass the copy of S rank or above.

  If the other party has such a good thing, they can indeed retreat whenever they want, and their lives are guaranteed.

  But the other party is also very imposing. This kind of life-saving thing that can't be asked for is actually willing to take it out to play with a stranger you just met?

   "How about it, are you interested in trying it?"

  Eileen's beautiful blue eyes stared at Chen Mo closely, waiting for the answer.

   "Since it is a graded dungeon, how can you be sure that we have the same grade?"

   "Chen, I'm very smart. You triggered the Voice of the Great Way, right now, the Voice of the Great Way has only been triggered to level 30, so your level should be at most level 35.

  I turned to level 40, and the difficulty is only 5 to 10 levels. For a strong player of your level, there is no difference between having or not. "Eileen said with a smile.

  As soon as these words came out, Yan Yingyue and Shen Bingbing all looked at Chen Mo.

  The two of them were actually the most surprised by Chen Mo's change.

   After all, they are classmates who awakened together at the same time in their school.

  Obviously a recognized skeleton mage, but Chen Mo's performance is always unexpected.

  None of them understood what was going on.

   But at least it can be understood that with Chen Mo's performance, it is really very likely that the Voice of the Great Dao is triggered by him.

   "Interesting, okay, since you're not afraid of me holding you back, I'll accompany you to play. I haven't entered an SSS level dungeon yet. I heard that the mortality rate is as high as 90%?"

   "To be precise, the death rate is as high as 99% if you enter below Rank 5, and about 50% if you enter above Rank 5." Elena corrected her with a smile.

   "It's tough to get out of the stone for a moment, so you can go." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Originally, I wanted to bring Yue'er and Bingbing together, but their levels are not very good, and the level difference between the level dungeons cannot be too large, so I can only call you one." Elena looked at Yan Yingyue with regret. He glanced at Shen Bingbing.

  The ability of the two of them to earn experience points is not as strong as that of Chen Mo. Elena is a lot of time ahead of them in awakening their professions, so the level at this time is naturally higher than them.

   "That's how it is. You are ready to contact me tomorrow night." Chen Mo and Elena added friends in the Heavenly Dao system and said.

  In fact, after dinner, I went back to the Super God Trial Challenge. When Chen Mo came out of the Super God Trial Challenge, it would be Tuesday night. Elena’s appointment would be Tuesday night. For Chen Mo, the connection was almost seamless.

  Since he had made an appointment for tomorrow night, as soon as he returned to his room, Chen Mo immediately called out the Heavenly Dao System and clicked on the Super God Trial.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are about to go to the trial tower for a super **** trial. No matter how long it has been in the trial tower, it will take a day for the outside world.

  In the Super God Trial, there is only one chance to challenge each time. No matter whether the challenge succeeds or fails, the level cap will be opened.

   But please note that failure to participate in the Super God Trial will cause you to lose all current experience points, and if you die in the Super God Trial, although it will not lead to your real death, it will cause your level to drop! 】

   Ignoring the warning, Chen Mo directly chose to challenge.

  Following a flash of light, Chen Mo came to the Super God Trial Tower again.

   This time he came in and was on the eleventh floor.

  The eleventh floor is a strange small room. In the entire room, there are only one table and two chairs. A black-skinned creature covered with strange golden patterns has already sat on a chair in advance.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Welcome to the Super God Trial Tower! After entering the trial tower, you have the opportunity to challenge ten floors in a row. There are only three opportunities to challenge each floor.

In the trial tower, every time you reach the fourteenth, seventeenth, and twentieth floors, you will get a chance to receive rewards and exit the trial. good choice. 】

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo seemed to look at the black-skinned creature in front of him, not knowing what this layer was for.

  He tried to perceive the opponent's attributes through the pioneer's perception ability.

  I don’t know if I don’t perceive it, but when I perceive it, Chen Mo is startled, because this seemingly ordinary black-skinned creature has terrifying supernatural powers, and with just one glance, he knows that it is an opponent that he has no possibility to deal with.

   And the other party wanted to kill him so easily.

   "What do you want to do with such an enemy that I can't beat at first sight?"

  Chen Mo stared at the mysterious black-skinned creature with a puzzled face.

   "Hi Challenger, please take a seat."

   Seeing Chen Mo staring at him, the black-skinned creature smiled and said to Chen Mo.

   Unknown why, Chen Mo pulled out the chair and sat on it, and continued to look at him curiously.

   At this time, the other party continued: "Please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Zaratul, and you can also call me the God of Strength."

  When Chen Mo heard this name, he knew that this guy was definitely a real thing, no wonder his divine power was so outrageous.

Chen Mo bowed slightly to Zaratul and said, "Hello God of Power, what is the form of the Super God Trial at this level? If the opponent is you, I'm afraid even 100 million of them are not enough for you to deal with. "

  (end of this chapter)

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