Chapter 232 A different test! (2 in 1, 55)

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zaratul immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't bully the small with the big when I sit here. I forgot to mention my other name. In addition to being the **** of strength, I am also the **** of wisdom." god."

   "God of Wisdom? You wouldn't say that this Super God Trial is a test of wisdom?"

   "That's right." Zaratul nodded with a smile, "As an existence beyond the peak, wisdom is also a very important constituent element, so the 20th floor will test your wisdom."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo became a little numb.

   "Can't you change the challenge mode?"

   "You can try first, if you fail three times in a row, we will talk about other things."

   Zaratul said with a mysterious smile.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't say anything.

  Since it has come, it will be safe, he can only say: "Then please come up with the topic of this level first."

   "Okay, then I will first explain to you the rules of the test game.

  First of all, I will ask you a difficult question. If you can answer it correctly, you will pass the level directly.

  Don’t worry, my questions are based on the cultural basis of your planet’s evolution to the present as much as possible, and there will be no logic that you can’t understand.

  If you answer wrong, you don't have to worry, you won't be judged as a failure immediately.

  You have a chance to ask me a question in reverse. As long as I can't answer the question you asked, but you can answer it yourself, then this round will be considered a tie.

  After that, I continue to ask questions, and you continue to answer. "

   After finishing speaking, Zaratul immediately added: "Don't try to ask questions such as the names and ages of people I don't know, or purely mathematical calculation questions. The questions you ask must be limited to those that can be answered logically.

  Or you gave enough clues, and I can get their names through the clues you gave. In this case, you can ask for the names, because this is also the category of logical combing. "

  Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo smiled helplessly. He really thought about it just now.

   "Understood, please come up with the first question."

   "Okay, first question: What is clearly in front of your eyes but hard to find? What is the answer to this question?"

   "Answer." Chen Mo smiled, he has read this question himself, thanks for his previous experience.

  Since there is a question, the answer is obviously there, but it is hard to find.

  Only the answer conforms to the characteristics of being so obvious and difficult to find.

   "That's right, you've passed the eleventh floor."

   Zaratul patted the table lightly with a smile, and immediately there was a crackling sound, and a space opened above Chen Mo's head.

  Two chairs and a table grew to the twelfth floor with Chen Mo and Zaratul.

  As the ground closed, Zaratul looked at Chen Mo again and said, "The answer went well. It's interesting. Let's move on to the second question."

   "Excuse me, there are three people going to the hotel to stay. The room fee for one night was originally 30 copper coins.

  But there was a special event today, and the discount was 25 coins. The innkeeper charged 30 copper coins by mistake, charged them 5 copper coins more, and asked the clerk to refund them 5 copper coins.

The clerk thought about it, and decided to return 1 copper coin each, and kept 2 copper coins privately. In this way, the three people actually paid 9 copper coins each, and paid a total of 27 copper coins, plus the clerk’s private possession. 2 copper coins, in the end there are only 29 copper coins, why is there 1 copper coin missing? "

  This topic is actually a bit confusing at first glance.

  It seems that there is one copper coin missing after all the calculations, but it is not.

After listening to the question, Chen Mo immediately gave the answer: "This is a confusing question. The three people paid 9 copper coins each, and the total is 27 copper coins. The 27 copper coins won, so there is no need to count 2 copper coins, that is, 27 copper coins, plus 1 copper coin returned by each of them, three of them, exactly 27 plus 3, 30 copper coins, one not A lot more."

   Sure enough, after he finished answering, Zaratul patted the table with a smile, and the two of them rose to the thirteenth floor in an instant.

   "It seems that your insight and clarity of thinking are very good."

  Zaratul praised Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence."

   It is true that for these two questions, Chen Mo really didn't use much of his own brain, after all, he had read them before.

  The main reason is that the other party made it clear from the beginning that the questions he gave were all based on the culture of the earth civilization, so most of them can't escape those questions of the earth people.

On the thirteenth floor, Zaratul said with a smile: "There are two people on an uninhabited island. One always tells the truth and the other always tells lies. I can only ask them one question to make sure The correct route to the harbor. What questions do I have to ask to be able to find the correct sailing direction to the harbor?"

   "It's simple, you can ask: If I ask another person which route does not lead to the harbor, which way will he point to?

   If you ask the person who is lying, he will point to the correct route, because he will say that the other person points to the wrong route. If you're asking the truth teller, he'll also point you in the right direction. "

  Although this question is difficult, but I have listened to it so much that I already know it by heart. I didn't expect the other party to come up with such a pediatric question.

   It was even considered as the topic of the thirteenth floor, which made Chen Mo feel that it was a bit vain.

   Zaratul even expressed appreciation for Chen Mo's ability to answer this question, as if he thought this question was a very difficult one.

  In an instant, the two of them rose to the fourteenth floor.

   This time, Zaratul changed his previous appearance, looked at Chen Mo and said, "The difficulty of this next question is not ordinary."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo's ears immediately perked up.

  He wanted to hear what the other party said would be an unusually difficult topic.

   "This question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? No matter what answer you give me, it must make sense logically."

Zaratul looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile: "As far as I know, this question is a very high-level problem on your planet. If you can't answer it, you can choose to give up. You still have someone who can equal me. Chance."

  Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo fell into deep thought.

   Indeed, this question is as difficult as who to save first when two loved ones fall into the water.

   After carefully examining the question and thinking about it, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of the answer.

  He looked at Zaratul and said, "I see."

"Please say."

   Zaratul looked at Chen Mo with great interest, wanting to hear his answer.

   "First came the egg."

  Chen Mo gave an answer directly.

   "Oh? Why?"

   "Which came first, the chicken or the egg, this question, we can take a hypothetical approach to get the final four results.

  If there is a chicken first, the chicken is divided into a rooster and a hen.

  As we all know, roosters do not lay eggs, so if there are chickens first, the result that there must be eggs cannot be established.

  Because when there is a chicken first, if it is a rooster, there will be no eggs. "

   "Please continue." Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zaratul said with a smile.

  “In the case of eggs first, no matter whether it is a rooster or a hen you hatch, you will definitely get a chicken.

  So there is the egg before the chicken. "

   "What if your egg hatches into a rooster?"

  Hearing this question, Chen Mo smiled and said: "I knew you would ask this question, your question is meaningless, because the chicken hatched from the egg, whether it is a rooster or a hen, regardless of whether the follow-up can continue.

  The current result is already determined.

  Even if a rooster is hatched, the egg comes first and then the chicken. As for whether there will be eggs or chickens later, this is not among the questions that need to be answered.

   Just like if you ask me where the egg came from at the beginning, this is a question that does not need to be answered, because your question itself is only asking whether the chicken or the egg came first.

  So it is only necessary to prove which of the propositions of A and B is a certain proposition. "

   "Interesting, it can be interpreted as you said, well, you have passed the fourteenth floor."

  After Zaratul finished speaking, Chen Mo's ear also sounded a hint from the Dao of Heaven in time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully clearing the fourteenth floor of the Super God Trial Tower. You have obtained a "Special Item God-level Gift Package".

  If you choose to quit the challenge at this time, you will still be able to gain 3 points of divine power, but after quitting, you will only be able to enter again when you get the next challenge opportunity, please also pay attention. 】

  The first four floors are so easy to pass, Chen Mo feels quite relaxed.

   But according to the test of the previous ten floors.

  The first four tiers and the last two stages don't seem to be the same type of test.

  Chen Mo tried to ask Zaratul in front of him: "Can I ask if there is a quiz test like this behind the fifteenth floor?"

  Zaratul smiled and said: "There will be some changes, but it is still a test of wisdom. If you think you can accept it now, you can leave."

  How could Chen Mo be willing to take only 3 points of divine power.

  Every bit of this divine power is so precious, he is bound to take it all.

  He immediately said: "Go on."

   "Okay, as expected of the person who inherits the super **** body, he has courage!"

  Zaratul admired Chen Mo very much, and slapped the table with a smile.

  In an instant, both of them rose to the fifteenth floor.

   "From the fifteenth floor to the seventeenth floor, it is no longer a simple question and answer, but some mutual games."

   "Game against each other? It can't be rock-paper-scissors, right?"

   Chen Mo asked unexpectedly.

  Hearing this, Charas said with a smile: "Almost."

   "Then please tell me about your first game problem."

"Okay, the first game problem is very simple, that is, counting to 30, whoever counts to 30 first will lose, and each person can only add up to two numbers each time. I allow you to shout first."

  Chen Mo had a little impression of this game, he immediately tried to recall it, and it is true that there is a way to win first.

   Soon he remembered.

  He immediately smiled and said, "Two."

  Zaratul said: "Then I will add 2 to 4."



   "Eight." Chen Mo quickly said the number.

   Seeing Chen Mo adding one every time, Zaratul thought about it and said, "Nine."

  Chen Mo didn't add one this time, "Eleven."

   "It seems that you have found a solution, Zaratul said with a smile: "Twelve. "


  Seeing that Chen Mo added two more.

  Zaratul has confirmed that Chen Mo has mastered the solution.


  After he shouted sixteen, Chen Mo immediately added another "seventeen!"

   Zaratul called nineteen, and Chen Mo immediately called twenty.

  Zaratul called twenty-two, while Chen Mo called twenty-three.

  Zaratul called twenty-four, while Chen Mo called twenty-six.

   At this point, the outcome has already been decided.

  Whoever can shout to twenty-six first, if this person does not release the water, the other person will lose.

  At this time, whether Zaratul called twenty-seven or twenty-eight, Chen Mo would call twenty-nine directly.

   Zarath must call thirty.

   If you shout to thirty, you lose.

  Seeing this, Zaratul stopped shouting.

  He said with a smile: "Very good, you really saw through the winning method at a glance."

  As Zarath slapped the table, the two immediately rose to the sixteenth floor.

   "There is no way to win at this level." Zaratul looked at Chen Mo and smiled.

   "Then what will happen if my layer fails?"

   "I allow you to design a two-player game, but if there is a first hand, I must decide your first hand in this game. In this case, if you win, it can be counted as a tie."

  Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo nodded and said: "Then please come up with a question."

   "It's very simple. It's the rock-paper-scissors you mentioned before, but it's four out of seven rounds. It's pure luck to determine the outcome in one round. Four out of seven rounds depends on strength."

   Zaratul said with a smile.

   "In order to prevent the problem of gesture changes, let's use this deck instead."

  As Zaratul waved his hand out of thin air, a stack of cards appeared in front of the two of them.

   Above are seven sets of rock-paper-scissors.

   "Every time I choose one of the groups for competition, I will put the cards first."

   Rock-paper-scissors has a certain game element in it, but luck is also part of the winning rate.

  Chen Mo recalled his experience about rock-paper-scissors in his previous life.

  He placed a stone directly.

  According to personality estimates, aggressive characters are better at using scissors cards.

  Chen Mo just did an experiment to test the opponent's temper.

   After all, it is only the first game. The reason why seven rounds are designed is obviously that the first few rounds are for gathering information.

   As the cards are revealed.

  Chen Mo lost. Although the opponent is the **** of strength, the opponent seems to have a gentle personality. He played a cloth that wraps everything.

   In the second hand, Chen Mo continued to produce stones, this time Zaratul replaced it with scissors, and Chen Mo won.

   Next, five consecutive rounds were performed.

  Chen Mo played a total of five stones in a row. At this time, Zaratul's winning rate was three, and Chen Mo had two.

  The match point has arrived at Zaratul's side.

   It was already the match point, and Zaratul thought that Chen Mo would be in trouble and had no choice.

   As a result, he didn't think about it, and he folded his cards first.

   "I'm ready, it's your turn."

  Chen Mo looked at the opponent with a smile, as if he had already won.

   In the eyes of Zarath, this scene aroused his doubts.

   In the first few attacks, Chen Mo responded to all changes with the same change. It seems that Chen Mo exposed his habit of only producing stones, but in fact he mastered Zaratul's response to changes in strange situations.

  At this time, Chen Mo had a certain understanding of Zaratul, and Zaratul was actually a fog to Chen Mo!

  Under such circumstances, it seemed that Zaratul's match point was reached in this boxing game, but in fact, there was a faint tendency to be controlled by Chen Mo.

  (end of this chapter)

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