All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 233: Thousand Machines Divine Bead! (five in one)

  Chapter 233 Thousand Machine Divine Orb! (five in one)

  Seeing that Chen Mo put down the card first.

  Zaratul said with a smile: "It's very interesting. At this stage, you still dare to play the first card."

   "I believe you will play the card I want." Chen Mo said with a smile.

  At this time, Zaratul said indifferently: "If you want to turn your back on the customer, well, I will give you one more chance..."

Speaking of which, Zaratul spread out all three cards and said: "In order to make this game not purely a competition of luck, I will give you a chance to choose now. You choose one of them. After you choose, I will decide to play it." Leave this one alone."

   Obviously, this is a game.

  Chen Mo originally wanted to seize the initiative and make the other party confused, but he didn't expect the other party to think of such a move.

  He looked at the three cards in the opponent's hand, and then pointed to the scissors without hesitation.

   "Interesting, you continue to produce stones?" Seeing that Chen Mo finished choosing, Zaratul glanced at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo smiled noncommittally, but didn't say much.

   "Okay, anyway, if I lose this round, it's just a tie. I really want to see what happens in your last hand, so I'll play scissors."

   Zaratul actually put the scissors on according to Chen Mo's choice.

  As Chen Mo's cards were revealed, he played another stone as expected.

   "It's really a rock, little guy. It's fun to get six rocks in a row, but how dare you put the rock first. According to your previous trend, I'm likely to get cloth."

"I thought about the stones a few times before. This one is your match point, and I made a quick decision. This kind of change from the normal way will make you think that my previous What you did was for the sake of layout, and the possibility of you producing scissors is not high." Chen Mo said with a light smile.

   "Your judgment on yourself is really bold, but how dare you choose scissors directly?"

  "As I said before, I seem to play a card quickly, and I played a stone card. The quick choice of scissors is also to deepen your idea.

   This way you will become more suspicious. The last point is that I have thought of an interesting game, and I am not afraid of losing this one. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Oh? Then I have to win you in the last hand, and I really want to hear the game you designed."

   "Then it depends on whether you can win the last hand."

   Now the two have three wins and three losses.

  Zaratul took the lead in placing a card, then looked at Chen Mo and said, "How about I choose the card for you this time?"

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "Okay."

  He spread out three cards and let Zaratul choose.

   Soon Zarath chose a card, which was a stone card.

   "How? Do you dare to play this one directly?" Zaratul looked at Chen Mo and asked provocatively.

  Chen Mo smiled and took out the scissors card and said, "I'm sorry, I dare not."

  Following Chen Mo put down the scissors card, Zaratul also turned over the covered card, and his card turned out to be a piece of cloth.

   "Interesting and interesting, how are you so sure that what I placed is cloth?"

   "It's very simple, because of the characteristics of living things."

   "Features? What features?"

   "That is the characteristic that will give priority to the target that threatens itself."

Speaking of which, Chen Mo put the three cards in front of the other party and said: "When I just opened these three cards and you scanned them, the card that your eyes immediately observed and focused on was the scissors card. Then you turned your eyes to the stone card.

  The reason why you first looked at the scissors card and paid attention to it was because this card was the only one among the three cards that could defeat the cloth you covered. It was because of your biological instinct to perceive danger first that you paid attention to it first.

   Of course, I have to thank the senior for deliberately releasing water. Since the senior is known as the God of Wisdom, he obviously knows this truth.

  The previous one and this one, the seniors must have let the water go. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Little guy, it's really good. I like you more and more. I hope you pass this round."

  Zaratul laughed loudly, slapped the table, and the two of them rose to the seventeenth floor in an instant.

   "What do seniors at this level plan to play?"

   Chen Mo asked curiously.

  At this time, Zaratul smiled and said: "I'm very interested in the game you just mentioned, or you can just use the gameplay you came up with."

   "Then what if I lose?"

   "Then I will give you another chance to play against my game."

   "That's fine." Chen Mo said with a smile, "The game I came up with is actually very simple."

   "Please tell me." Zaratul looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

   "Then let me explain to you the rules of this game."

  Zaratul nodded, motioning for Chen Mo to continue.

"In this chess game, each of us can have eight chess pieces at the beginning, which are divided into black/red, one of which is black general/red commander, two are soldiers, and five are black pawns/red pawns. Competing for size.

   The game is divided into three rounds in total, and the player with the most wins is the final winner. "

   "Isn't this still rock, scissors, and paper? It's just replaced by chess from your planet." Zaratul was obviously disappointed.

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

   "Oh? Please continue." Zaratul regained some interest.

   "What I said above is just the most basic rules. On top of these basic rules, I have designed several special rules for this game. These special rules are the key to the game.

  Of course, before talking about the special rules, the basic rules must be explained clearly.

The basic rule is that the two sides play a piece of chess each round to compare the size. The general/handsome can win the soldier, the soldier can win the pawn/pawn, and the pawn/pawn can win the general/handsome. If the round is tied, the tied piece should be put aside first. Continue to compete all at once. "

   "You can just say the special rules, I know the rules."

  Chen Mo smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I'll just talk about the special rules.

Special rules (1): In the first round of each game, if the general/commander wins first, it will be counted as winning three rounds at once, which means that one round will determine the outcome, and if it loses, it will also be counted as a direct loss. Lost three games.

  Special rules (2): In the three games, the types of chess pieces that were played in the first round of the first two games will not be played again in the first round of the third game.

  Special rule (3): You must look at the chess pieces before placing them, and make sure what kind of chess pieces you want to place before placing them, that is, you cannot place them blindly.

  Special rule (4): After the two players have played the chess pieces, they can ask each other a question, and the other party must answer. The promise can be true or false. After both sides have finished their inquiries, each has a chance to change chess pieces. "

  After listening to the four special rules Chen Mo said, Zaratul, who originally thought it was just an ordinary rock-paper-scissors game, became interested instantly.

  The existence of these special rules immediately turned this game into a different kind of game that relies on wisdom.

   "Interesting and interesting, let's use your game as the duel game on the seventeenth floor."

   After speaking, Zarath waved his hand, and sixteen chess pieces appeared on the table.

  Eight per person.

   "What color do you want?"

   Zaratul asked with a smile.

  Chen Mo glanced at it and said, "I like Red Fang."

   "Then I will give you Hong Zi."

  After the two sides put away the chess pieces, Chen Mo suddenly said: "Everyone has the ability to perceive, it seems that they can easily perceive what the chess pieces are."

  Zaratul smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't use my perception ability, otherwise it will be boring. As for you, you can use your perception ability at any time, provided you can perceive it."

   Seeing what the other party said, Chen Mo would not be polite.

   As a result, the pioneer sensed the past, only felt a mighty divine power covering all the chess pieces, and could not perceive anything at all.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo smiled and shook his head. After putting all the chess pieces into the space backpack, he began to choose the chess pieces on his own.

   "You said before the special rules. If the general/handsome wins in the first round, you can win directly."

   Zaratul suddenly said this to Chen Mo before placing the chess pieces.

   After speaking, he put down a chess piece.

   Then he looked at Chen Mo with a smile on his face.

   Judging by his attitude, he seems to let go.

  The best way to deal with generals is to use troops.

   But the opponent may not be general.

   But if it is not a general, the opponent is either a soldier or a pawn. At this time, there is a 50% chance of a tie.

   At the same time, the biggest advantage is that releasing soldiers will never die suddenly.

  Because if you are handsome, the opponent may have placed a pawn, and if you lose like this, you will die suddenly.

   As for the release of the generals, if the opponent really releases the generals, they will die suddenly and lose the game.

  So, it is safest to release troops in the first round.

   But the more this is the case, the more likely the opponent will fight this psychological contrast, and lose one soldier.

   At this time, if you have the courage to lose the commander, you can win in one fell swoop.

  In fact, when playing this kind of game, the more you can’t think so deeply, otherwise you will fall into a logical vortex.

  At this time, the question Chen Mo was considering was very simple.

  The opponent is obviously very interested in this game, so the opponent probably doesn't want to end the game in one go.

  If this is the case, in the first round, the only possibility that a hand will not end the game is the pawn.

  The opponent is likely to place a small pawn.

  Although Chen Mo was 90% sure, he still took out a **** just to be on the safe side.

  Whether the opponent is a general or a pawn, at least they will not lose.

  After Chen Mo placed the chess pieces, he looked at Zaratul and said, "Want to ask what my chess pieces are? You have the priority to ask when you place the chess pieces first."

   "Did you place handsome?" Zaratul asked with a mysterious smile.

   "Yes, what about you? Did you place the will?"

   Chen Mo glanced at the opponent's chess pieces and asked.

   "That's right." Zaratul said with a harmless smile.

   "How is it? Do you want to change the pieces?" Chen Mo looked at him with a faint smile.

   "No need, what about you?" Zaratul asked back with a smile.

   "I won't change either." Chen Mo replied with a smile.

   "Then uncover it."

  With a wave of Zarath's hand, the two chess pieces on the table turned over in an instant.

   It's **** versus soldier.

  Chen Mo guessed right at first, but he didn't make up his mind to be a corporal.

   Chen Mo has no regrets about this. His choice just now is not wrong. It is safe and has a chance of killing with one blow. It is totally worth a try.

   The last time it was just a draw.

   In the case of a tie in the first round, there will be more changes in the second round.

  Because there is no risk of a one-round decision, the general can play with peace of mind.

  At this time, each side has four soldiers left, two soldiers, and one general.

   In the second round, Chen Mo made a quick move.

   Zaratul thought about it for a while.

  As the two placed the chess pieces, the two asked the same question as in the previous round, asking whether the opponent had placed a general.

   And the answer of both of them is to let go.

  The two of them looked at each other and smiled after answering, and they both gave up changing the chess pieces.

   After the game started, the two of them were different this time from the previous round. This time, the two of them actually arranged for a general.

   Seeing this, both of them laughed.

   "It seems that the first game is a draw."

  It is not the same to tie a general with a commander and tie a pawn.

   There are a lot of alternatives if the pawns are tied, and the game can be continued.

   But if the generals are tied, the changes are gone, and the taxis on both sides are infinite.

  The two of them can only play out without brains, and in the end it will be a tie until the two sides have no chess pieces at all.

  So it doesn't make much sense to continue, the first game is directly counted as a tie.

  And the first round of this game is actually not the key.

  The first round is just a warm-up, and it is also a process of testing and gathering information.

  The second game is the key.

   Because there are special rules (2) exist.

  According to the restrictions of special rule (2), the types of chess pieces used in the first round of the first round and the second round cannot be used in the first round of the third round.

  The two had already used pawns in the first round of the first round.

   That is to say, if the second round cannot be decided by one round, then when the third round continues, in the first round of the third round, the two of them will have only generals and dual warriors left.

   It is a normal person who knows that in this case, he can only be a general.

   After all, the pawns are all sealed.

   Moreover, if the general wins the first round, he can win directly. Naturally, no one will be a sergeant.

  Because of this reason, the choices for the first round of the second game were reversed.

   After all, the third game is basically a draw.

   And the first round was also a draw, so the outcome was equal to the second round.

  The outcome of the second round directly determines the final victory.

  Unless the generals are used up by both sides in the first round of the second round.

  But in this case, there are more concerns about playing chess.

  In an instant, the two had eight hundred ideas, but none of them was 100% guaranteed, after all, this was a game of chance.

  The ability to test is various, such as induction ability.

  Chen Mo quickly selected a chess piece, then looked at Zaratul and said, "Don't think about it, there is no other choice for this chess piece except pawns."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zaratul glanced at the chess pieces on the table, but fell into deep thought.

  Finally, he picked a chess piece and placed it on the table.

   "Come on, you ask first."

   After placing the pieces, Zaratul looked at Chen Mo and asked.

   This time, Chen Mo still had the old problem.

   "Did you place will?"

  Zaratul still replied in the same way: "That's right, did you let go of the handsome?"


   Chen Mo replied with a smile.

   "How, do you want to change pieces?"

  Chen Mo, who hadn't changed in the first two hands, suddenly said in this round: "I want to change."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo changed a chess piece.

   "How about you?"

  Seeing Chen Mo's sudden change, Zaratul was a little surprised.

  He thought about it, and finally changed a chess piece.

   With the pieces uncovered.

  Chen Mo's chess pieces are soldiers, and Zaratul's chess pieces are pawns.

  Chen Mo won one victory.

   "Aren't you afraid that I will come up?" Zaratul looked at Chen Mo's chess pieces unexpectedly and asked.

   "Don't be afraid, because your hesitation to place the chess pieces before told me that you chose to be safe this time, so you will not choose a risky chess piece, and I am confident that I will take it."

   Chen Mo replied with a smile.

   Once this move is played, there is no need to continue the third round.

Because now in the first round of the third round, Chen Mo can only play a commanding role, and although Zaratul has two choices, he can only choose between soldiers. After all, he has already used pawns in the first two rounds. It seems that there are two chess pieces to choose from, but in the end it is still equivalent to only a general, and the third one is an inevitable draw.

  Based on this calculation, the other two rounds were tied, and Chen Mo won a small round out of the three rounds. In the end, he naturally won this game.

   "Thank you senior for your acceptance. If senior didn't want to play two more rounds with me, I wouldn't have caught senior's mentality of compromise and draw."

   "The boy's observation skills are indeed very keen, I have lost to you."

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on successfully clearing the seventeenth floor of the Super God Trial Tower. You have obtained a "Special Item God-level Gift Package".

  Because you have achieved a complete victory in the game, you have completed the hidden achievement of this layer "The Wise Man of Total Victory", and you can get an additional "SSS-level gift package"!

  If you choose to quit the challenge at this time, you will still be able to gain 6 points of divine power, but after quitting, you will only be able to enter again when you get the next challenge opportunity, please also pay attention. 】

  Received the reminder from Tiandao, Chen Mo looked at Zaratul in front of him and said, "What are the contents of the next three floors?"

   "I have prepared a question for you on the last three floors that matches the culture of your country and planet. It is not difficult for you, but you need to use your brain to find logic if you want to pass it.

   Of course, the possibility of failure is not small, you can consider whether to continue. "

  Hearing that the problem was designed according to the culture of his own country, Chen Mo became a little interested.

  He immediately said: "Go on."

   "Okay, we've come this far. It would be a pity if you give up. The last three levels are difficult, but not difficult at all. I wish you good luck."

  As Zaratul slapped the table, the two of them rose to the eighteenth floor in an instant.

  After arriving here, it was finally no longer a sitting game.

  At this moment, the two of them appeared in a room covered with square stone slabs with strange patterns on the floor.

  The patterns drawn on these stone slabs are very simple, consisting of three horizontal lines.

  There are only two kinds of horizontal lines that make up the pattern, one is a long horizontal line, and the other is a short horizontal line with an empty space in the middle.

  Chen Mo recognized it with just one glance. Aren't the patterns carved on these slates the patterns of gossip?

  Qian (), Kan (), Gen (), Zhen (), Sunda (), Li (), Kun (), Dui ().

  He just learned Bagua Formation from Mr. Jing today, and he is very clear about these.

  But now these stone slabs printed with various gossip patterns look messy and disorderly with each other, and they don't know what this layer is for.

   "Senior, what does this pass mean?"

   "It's very simple, you only need to walk fifty steps forward inside, and it will be considered that you have passed the eighteenth floor."

   "Fifty steps?"

  Chen Mo walked up curiously.

   As a result, when he stepped onto the first stone slab, he was fine, but when he took the second and third steps, Chen Mo suddenly lost 40% of his maximum health.

  At the same time, he was also teleported back to his original location, and the reminder of the Dao of Heaven sounded immediately.

[Heavenly reminder: Please find out the regular connection between the stone slabs, and walk according to the special rules. If you go to the wrong position, 20% of your maximum health will be deducted each time. During this period, all your recovery effects will be completely invalid. Please pay special attention!

  You now have a chance to challenge again. If you run out of health, it is recommended to start again directly. Don’t take risks, otherwise you will lose the level. 】

  After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately looked at all the slabs around him speechlessly.

   Unexpectedly, the punishment of this level is not small. If you make a wrong step, you will directly deduct 20% of your maximum HP and HP. How can this be deducted?

   If you take five wrong steps, don’t you die?

  Chen Mo didn't dare to move without authorization now, he quickly thought about the possible rules.

  According to the hint of heaven, only one of the stone slabs around each stone slab is in the correct position.

  Go wrong five times and hang up directly.

  Looking for patterns from the four stone slabs, there are a total of four fault tolerance rates, so it should be relatively easy to find.

  Chen Mo immediately recalled the class on gossip taught by Mr. Jing today.

   "The teacher said that the eight hexagrams Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui are related to each other."

  Chen Mo immediately glanced at the patterns on the two stone slabs that he had gone wrong just now.

  The second stone slab that I just stepped on by mistake has a long strip in the first row, two short strips in the second row, and another long strip in the third row.

   "This pattern is Li Gua."

  Chen Mo immediately looked at the pattern of the first stone slab he stepped on by mistake.

  The pattern on the first stone slab that I stepped on by mistake is two short bars in the first row, one long bar in the second row, and two short bars in the third row.

   This is a Kan hexagram pattern.

  "According to the five elements corresponding to the positions of the hexagrams, the Kan hexagram belongs to water, and the Li hexagram belongs to fire, and water can restrain fire. From Kan to Li hexagram, I have walked the road of mutual restraint.

   Facts have proved that I was wrong to go this way. From this point, at least we can know that the order of the five elements to restrain each other must be wrong. Why don't we try the five elements to regenerate each other? "

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately looked around the first Kangua stone slab that went wrong.

He wanted to see if there were five-element slabs around the Kangua stone slab, but he really saw a pattern with two short bars in the first and second rows and one long bar in the third row, which was exactly the pattern of the vibration. Gua.

   "The hexagram Zhen belongs to wood, and water grows wood. Maybe it was right to walk to that stone slab just now!"

  He looked around the Li hexagram again, and sure enough, there was also a stone slab of the Xiangsheng hexagram.

   "The connected stone slabs really have the hexagram positions of mutual generation. It may be the correct law to walk with the five elements of mutual generation."

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo glanced at the original stone slab under his feet.

  At this time, the pattern on the stone slab under his feet is a pattern consisting of three lines each consisting of two short bars. Since the three lines are all the same line, this is an extremely easy-to-remember Kunbit pattern.

   "Kun belongs to earth, and earth restrains water. I went from the Kun hexagram to the Kan hexagram before, and I took the road of mutual restraint. Good guy, I really have enough memorization. I took the position of relative restraint twice in a row."

   Tucao himself, Chen Mo immediately took a closer look at the other two stone slabs around Kun Gua.

  Because the Kun Gua slab is at the edge of the entire slab area, there are not four adjacent slabs, but three.

  Except for the wrong answer Kan Gua that has been ruled out just now, there are only two stone slabs around for Chen Mo to choose from.

  Chen Mo carefully looked at the hexagram positions corresponding to the two stone slabs.

  The hexagram position on the left side of the stone slab under his feet is another super easy-to-remember hexagram position.

   This is a pattern composed of three long strips, which is the Qian Gua of Qian Kun.

  The stone slab on the right is another Zhen Gua.

  At this time, the stone slab under Chen Mo's feet is the Kun hexagram, and the Zhen hexagram next to the Kan hexa stone is Xiangsheng, but the Zhen hexagram next to the Kun hexagram is Xiangke.

   "Wood conquers soil, obviously you can't go here. The only thing that can go is the stone slab of Qian Gua. Qian Gua belongs to gold, and soil produces gold, which is the way of mutual generation."

  After successfully deciphering the five-element attributes of the three hexagrams based on the knowledge learned in class today, Chen Mo directly stepped onto the Qian hexagram.

   Sure enough, no blood was deducted this time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The pattern is correct, and the current progress count is 1/50. 】

  Hearing Tiandao's prompt, Chen Mo immediately showed a smiling face. It seems that he guessed it right. Then this layer is too simple and not difficult.

   After receiving the reminder, Chen Mo immediately looked at the stone slabs around Qian Gua.

  Qian hexagram belongs to gold, gold produces water, and soil produces gold.

   As long as there are water or soil slabs around, you can basically walk.

Just now Chen Mo walked over from the Kun Gua, this time there are still only two stone slabs to choose, because the Qian Gua is still on the edge of the map, and there are only three adjacent stone slabs, except for the just connected Kun Gua, naturally there are only two choices .

  Chen Mo took a look at these two positions. Right in front of the Qian hexagram is a Kan hexagram, Jin Shengshui, and it is obvious that he wants to move forward.

  As Chen Mo took a determined step, the reminder of the Dao of Heaven sounded again.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The pattern is correct, and the current progress statistics are 2/50. 】

   "It seems right! It is the five elements that are born together."

   After thoroughly confirming that there is no problem with the law, Chen Mo's efficiency increased. As he continued to step towards the slate of mutual generation, the number of effective steps also began to increase.

   After a while, Chen Mo walked 50 steps easily.

  The moment he walked 50 steps, Zaratul suddenly raised his hand, and the ground in the entire room shook instantly.

  In the next moment, Chen Mo, Zaratul, including the entire floor of the room, rose to the nineteenth floor together.

   At this moment, Zaratul looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "The laws of this layer are different."

The moment his voice fell, there was a crackling sound, and all the stone slabs in the entire area except for the stone slab under Chen Mo's feet flew into the air in a strange way, turning chaotically for a while, and then fell back to the ground with a crackling sound. superior.

  【Tiandao Tip: The law of the stone slabs on this floor has changed, please find the law by yourself! Your life value will continue to the state of the previous level, and the current remaining life value is 60%, and you still have a chance to challenge again. 】

  Following the reminder of the way of heaven sounded in Chen Mo's ear, he immediately checked the surrounding stone slabs.

  The patterns on the stone slab have not changed, they are still the previous gossip patterns.

   But now, if Chen Mo looks at it from the point of view of the intergeneration of the five elements, the four surrounding stone slabs do not have a single slab of mutual generation.

   Now it is obvious that the mutual generation of the five elements is no longer the correct rule.

   This also saves him the time of trial and error.

   "The law has changed. If it's not that the five elements are born together, what other possibilities are there?" Chen Mo immediately recalled the detailed knowledge of gossip that the teacher told him in class today.

  After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo remembered that besides the corresponding five elements, gossip also has its own corresponding direction.

   "Perhaps this time the rule has changed direction?" Chen Mo muttered, and immediately looked at the surrounding stone slabs.

  At this time, the stone slab under his feet is Li Gua, which belongs to the south.

  Look at the four stone slabs around Li Gua. These four slabs are Dongfang Zhen Gua, North Kan Gua, Northwest Qian Gua, and Southeast Xun Gua!

   "The only one of the four hexagrams that can be close to the south is the Xun hexagram in the southeast. It can be said to be close to each other. The other hexagrams either jumped in two directions or jumped in three or four directions. Obviously, they are not related."

  Relying on this conjecture, Chen Mo walked towards the Xun hexagram with a feeling of apprehension.

   As he stood still, everything was really safe and sound.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The pattern is correct, and the current progress count is 1/50. 】

   "Sure enough, my guess is correct!"

   While heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Mo showed a joyful smile.

  I made two mistakes at the beginning, and now I only have 60% of my health, and the error tolerance rate is only two times. It is good to be able to find the law of this level directly. It can be said to be quite lucky.

   After all, the connection between gossip is not only the five elements and directions, Chen Mo can only guess out of thin air.

   After figuring out the rules of this layer, Chen Mo's next actions will be extremely simple.

  As long as you remember what you learned in class today, you will be on the right path.

  Following Chen Mo's rapid progress all the way, the Heavenly Dao prompt also sounded very quickly.

   Soon Chen Mo took another 50 steps.

  Zaratul raised his hand again, and Chen Mo followed the stone slab under his feet and flew directly to the twentieth floor at a very fast speed.

   At this time, Zaratul looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said: "Very good boy, this is the last level. I believe you can pass it. After all, you still have a chance to challenge again."

  The moment his voice fell, there was another crackling sound. Except for the stone slab under Chen Mo's feet, all the other stone slabs in the entire area flew into the air again, and then fell back to the ground again.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The rules of the stone slabs on this floor have changed, and your HP will continue to be the same as on the previous floor. It is currently 60%. You still have a chance to challenge again.

  The current prompts add up to "seven"! 】

   "It actually gave me a reminder, so I won't let me figure out the rules? Adding up to seven, it must be related to the numbers."

   In addition to corresponding to the five elements and directions, gossip also has its corresponding numbers.

  The hexagram on the stone slab that Chen Mo is stepping on now is the Zhen hexagram, and the Zhen hexagram is four. If it is added to another stone slab to make seven, then the next step for Chen Mo is the Li hexagram, because the Li hexagram is three.

  Chen Mo glanced around, "Sure enough, there is Li Gua."

  As Chen Mo stepped forward, the punishment did not come, and the hint of heaven sounded again in his ear.

  【Tiandao reminder: The current reminders add up to "eleven", and the current progress count is 1/50. 】! "

   "Three plus eight is eleven, eight is the hexagram of Kun."

  Chen Mo glanced at the surrounding stone slabs, stepped up easily, and succeeded again.

   Next, Chen Mo continued to follow the prompts and moved forward quickly.

   After a while, his steps reached 49.

   "The last level is so simple?" Chen Mo glanced at Zaratul unexpectedly.

   "Easy? Hehe, the last step is not easy."

  Zaratul smiled and raised his right hand, and in an instant the black stone slabs around Chen Mo suddenly flew again. This time there was a huge change, completely different from before.

  The stone slabs under Chen Mo's feet turned into octagons, and all the stone slabs that landed around them also turned into octagons and pasted on them.

  Now there are a total of eight stone slabs around Chen Mo, corresponding to the eight hexagram positions of Qian Kun Zhen Gen Li Kan Duixun in the eight trigrams.

  At this time, the hint of heaven sounded again in Chen Mo's ear.

  【Tiandao Tip: The last grid rule is that the five elements are interrelated, and the directions are within two digits. The four methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be calculated randomly to get two. 】

   "Good guy, if you use three rules in the last level, you really need to distinguish clearly."

  Here Chen Mo glanced at the hexagrams under his feet.

  At this time, the hexagram under his feet is the Li hexagram.

   "The Li hexagram belongs to fire, and the hexagrams that are born with the Li hexagram are either wood or earth. Wood makes fire, and fire makes earth. Both are fine."

  Chen Mo glanced around according to his memory.

   "The hexagrams that belong to wood are: Xun hexagram and Zhen hexagram! The hexagrams that belong to earth are: Kun hexagram and Gen hexagram! That is to say, the correct answer is within these four hexagrams."

   "Looking at the direction again, Li Gua is the south, and within two digits from the south, it is east, southeast, west, and southwest, four digits."

  Chen Mo glanced at the hexagrams around him again.

"The hexagrams corresponding to these four directions are: Zhen Hexagram, Xun Hexagram, Dui Hexagram, and Kun Hexagram. For those who satisfy the two rules of five elements and directions at the same time, only Zhen Hexagram, Xun Hexagram, and Kun Hexagram are left. one."

  Chen Mo looked at the last rule again.

  "As long as the result of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is two, it is the correct answer.

  Li hexagram is three, Zhen hexagram is four, Xun hexagram is five, Kun hexagram is eight.

   Among them, four and eight, no matter which method of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is used, it is impossible to get the result of two with three.

  Then only the five of the Xun hexagram can be subtracted from the three of the Li hexagram by subtraction, and the result is two.

   That is to say, there is only one position that finally meets all three requirements, Xun Gua! "

  After analyzing it, Chen Mo felt that his brain was about to smoke. After successfully getting the answer, Chen Mo still felt a little excited. Only when he was completely sure that the answer was correct could he feel at ease.

  As Chen Mo stepped into the Xun Gua grid, the surrounding ground burst into light instantly, all the stone slabs disappeared, and the whole space shone with golden light, and Zaratul had already walked in front of him with a smile on his face.

   "The way of gossip on your earth is very interesting. Only eight hexagrams can be involved, combined, and all-encompassing with so many things. I have always been interested in studying it."

   "This time, thank you senior for releasing the water all the way."

   "Haha, it's rare to meet a seedling I like, and I can't bear that you don't make it to the end. Since you successfully passed the 20th floor, let me infuse you with divine power."

  Following Zaratul stretched out his finger covered with golden lines to touch Chen Mo's forehead.

  In an instant, Chen Mo felt a terrifying energy surge into his body.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have been imbued with divine power, and you have gained 10 points of divine power! 】

  After accepting the divine power, Chen Mo said with a smile: "The senior on the tenth floor had an eternal artifact as a gift. I wonder if there is one here."

   "You little guy, no wonder Feralas said you are a ghost, well, since she gave it to you, I will give you one too, and I will give you one that you can use at this stage."

   While speaking, Zaratul flipped his right hand, and in an instant a special ball appeared in his hand.

   "Thank you, senior." Chen Mo stretched out his hands and respectfully received them for inspection.

[Thousand Machine Bead·Eternal Artifact]: After activating the effect of the artifact, the Thousand Machine Bead will be integrated into your weapon. At that time, your weapon will be able to transform into any type of weapon, and any ability you use through the weapon can be equalized. Adds to the effect of 2 times your divine power. (no duration and cooldown)

   "There is such an eternal artifact?"

   "How is it? Do you still like it?" Zaratul laughed.

  Although this artifact is very powerful, it is actually not very effective for the current Chen Mo.

  Because he doesn't have many abilities that need to be used through weapons, the most he can do is to copy some other people's skills by copying the seal of God.

  His own current skill, that is, infinite healing wave, can be blessed with divine power.

   After all, the blessing of divine power is to improve the effect when using abilities on others.

  Although the current applicability of this eternal artifact is average, every bit of enhancement is enhancement.

  With the fusion of the Thousand Machine God Bead, the effect of Chen Mo's Infinite Healing Wave can be increased by at least 6%.

   After all, Chen Mo's divine power has reached 30 points now. Due to the super god's body alone, it can only take effect by 3%. If it is doubled, it will be 6%. It doesn't sound like a lot.

  Infinite Healing Wave bounces infinitely.

  Each bounce is a 6% bonus, and in 1 second, the infinite healing wave can bounce back and forth 100 times. If it is facing a single enemy, it can bounce to the enemy 50 times.

  50 times of 6% increase is 300% effect increase, which is the amount of gain increase received in 1 second.

   It seems that 6% is not much, but it is quite obvious after careful calculation.

  Of course, compared to the increase in divine power of the regular five ranks, it is obviously far behind.

   Even so, Chen Mo is quite satisfied.

  This is a reward for whoring for nothing, isn't it delicious?

   It's a **** profit!

  After presenting the Thousand Machines God Orb, Zaratul smiled and sent Chen Mo out of the Super God Trial Tower.

  As soon as he came out, Chen Mo's ear ding-ding-ding sound followed closely.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 31! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 32! 】


  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 35! 】

  [Experience Points]: 6205938/2954200

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 35, and you have reached the seventh-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  For ordinary professionals, after breaking through a bottleneck, it takes a lot of time to accumulate subsequent experience points to upgrade before reaching the next bottleneck.

  Chen Mo is completely different, he rides the rocket every time.

  The previous bottleneck has just broken through, and it immediately reaches the next bottleneck.

  Before Chen Mo checked the Tiandao reminder carefully, his friend information popped up, and it was Elena.

  Chen Mo, who just came out of the dungeon on Monday night, is already Tuesday night.

  (end of this chapter)

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