Chapter 235 came to give it? (two in one)

  The one hundred four-star professionals in the Yongxing system are all in a state of blood at this time, and they don't care about the strange atmosphere of this formation, and they all step into the formation.

  Seeing that everyone has entered the formation, the senior executives of the Yongxing system began to activate the formation with words in their mouths.

   They spent a huge amount of money to obtain this cursed magic circle, and it would cost a lot to maintain this magic circle every month.

  But the effect of this magic circle is really too strong. Although it is useless against ranks above five, it can immediately transform a lot of super powerful combat power against ranks below five.

  With the existence of this magic circle, at least in the face of natural disasters, or when there are events that require low-star professionals to deal with, it can play a very strong role in increasing combat power.

   It just costs too much.

  Once affected by the magic circle and enter the curse demonization state, once the curse demonization duration is over, the person who enters the curse demonization state will undoubtedly die.

   It is the kind of death that will be wiped out, and even the possibility of resurrection will not be left behind.

  So unless it is a last resort, generally you will not choose to activate this magic circle.

   Although this kind of thing is expensive to maintain, it will only exist as a trump card.

   But now, it's time to use this trump card.

  The monstrous newcomer who appeared in the solar system is really against the sky.

  Without relying on the demonization effect of the curse, even if it is suppressed by a hundred times the number, the senior management of the Eternal Star System does not think they can win.

  "Once you enter the cursed demonized state, you will no longer be affected by any abnormal state, and you will not die. You can use all the expensive cursed items given to you without worrying about backlash!

   When encountering this evildoer of the solar system, I immediately tried my best to kill them! "


   Soon the magic circle was activated, and black mist containing terrifying energy continuously emerged from the tall black pillar in the center of the magic circle, and frantically poured into the bodies of these four-star professionals in the formation.

   Within three seconds, the appearances of all four-star professionals in the formation changed.

  Their pupils became red, exuding a penetrating red light, and there were strange lines all over their bodies.

   One by one, they have all entered the cursed state.

   At this time, they all received the reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! You have entered the cursed demonization state, which will last for one official day or one copy, and after one official day or one copy ends, you will completely perish! 】

  This is why the senior executives of the Eternal Star System must directly explain the impact of the curse when recruiting these people.

  If you just trick them over and let them enter this state before they realize that they are mortal, it will easily arouse these people's rebellious emotions, and it will be bad if it triggers a backlash.

  Now everyone has already been excited by the previous pre-war mobilization, and they all entered the cursed and demonized state with the determination to die and lofty beliefs. Naturally, everyone accepted it calmly.

[Curse Demonization]: During the duration of this state, all the damage you cause will become real damage, all your skills will be demonized, and your all attributes will be increased to "professional star * 5" times, and you will be immune All abnormal states, when dying, will be immune to death and enter the "Magic Cocoon Self-healing State", this effect cannot be dispelled, immune, or lifted!

  〖Magic Cocoon Self-Healing Form〗: When entering the cocoon state, you need to accumulate 100 energy points to be resurrected, and you can recover 1 point of energy every second, but in this state, every time you receive damage, you will lose 1 point of energy.

   If your energy is lower than 1 for more than 100 seconds, the cocoon will be shattered and destroyed.

  At first, these four-star professionals only heard the high-level executives of the eternal star system talk about how abnormal the cursed demonization state is.

  Until they saw the effect of the demonization of the curse, they didn't know why the price of entering this state was a certain death!

   This state is too fierce!

  The increase in combat power is not one or two points at all.

   Not only the attributes are greatly improved, but even the skills will be enhanced by magic. At the same time, all damage can be converted into real damage, and even all abnormalities can be immune. The most abnormal thing is that it is very difficult to die!

  Even if you are killed, you will enter the cocoon state and you can be resurrected after 100 seconds.

   At this time, unless the opponent can attack continuously for 100 seconds, otherwise even if there is an omission of 1 second and he is not attacking, he can be directly resurrected.

  Actually, to curse and demonize, the ideal is for a five-star professional to come.

   Not only does the attribute increase higher, but the key is skill strength.

  The skills of four-star occupations are not very bright even if they are demonized.

   And once the skills of the five-star occupations are demonized, each of them is extremely outstanding.

  The demonization of one hundred five-star professions is even more incredible.

   It's just that it's really hard to find five-star professionals, so it's just the next best option right now.

   It doesn't take much time to demonize the curse, it only took a few seconds in total, and all the curses are demonized by everyone.

   "Very well, let's directly form an army formation and enter the dungeon!

   Great warriors! We look forward to news of your accomplishments! "


   This side of the earth.

  Chen Mo and Elena, who had already entered the dungeon, received a reminder from Heaven just after entering the dungeon.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the SSS-level dungeon "Right and Survival", and you can choose a camp to play in this dungeon.

  『Choice 1』: Empire camp! (powerful)

  『Choice 2』: Rebels! (weak)

  When choosing the Empire faction, after winning, the maximum reward multiplier according to the score is 10 times, and a total of three hidden tasks can be triggered.

   When choosing the Rebel Army, after winning, the maximum reward multiplier can be 20 times according to the score, and a total of five hidden tasks can be triggered. 】

   "Chen, what do you say? Which one should we choose? It seems that the empire will be simpler."

   "Everyone is here, naturally choose the one with the highest reward, the rebel army."

   "Okay, then choose your choice."

  Anyway, there was an instant escape stone, and Elena was not afraid of any danger, so the choice was very happy, and she directly chose the rebel army.

[Heavenly reminder: You have already chosen, and you will play two of the top ten leaders of the rebel army. Please note that the leader of the rebel army has a very high chance of being assassinated. Please always pay attention to any targets that appear around you, as well as any possible assassinations. environment of! 】

   "It was this kind of reminder at the beginning, it looks really scary, you have to protect me." Elena said with her arms around Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo already has a clear perception of her attributes at this time. Elena is a five-star profession, equipped with powerful equipment, and very strong.

  Where you need help yourself.

  But Chen Mo didn't expose her, he just smiled and said, "Do your best."

  Actually, when he saw Elena's attributes, Chen Mo had some thoughts about her in his heart.

   Of course it is not an idea between men and women.

   Instead, she had an idea about her skills.

   Her skills are really good.

  Chen Mo thought in his heart that if he used the Copy God Seal to copy her skills, then he could use her skills to make another copy when he summoned the undead in the future.

   Don't be too cool!

  【Heavenly reminder: There are 60 seconds before the start of the dungeon, you can now know the current story background and your own identity background in advance. 】

  After the tip of the Dao of Heaven ended, Chen Mo and Elena's minds were filled with a piece of information about the world view and their own background.

There is a powerful empire in this world, but because the last emperor of the empire did not leave a baby boy, but only a baby girl, the queen and her brother pretended to be a princess as a prince and let her inherit the throne, and then the two joined forces Controlling Chao Gang, but incapable of managing the world, he only knows how to seek personal gain, and do whatever it takes to enjoy himself better.

  The queen practiced evil methods, polluted the harem, and secretly robbed young men.

Uncle Guo is licentious and tyrannical. Because of his power, he robs the women of the people, is lawless, and bullies the people wantonly. Sometimes, just to watch a person being tortured to satisfy his perverted desire, he will arrest people back to the mansion alive Tortured to death, aroused anger and resentment.

  The actions of the two brothers and sisters caused the people around the imperial city to feel insecure and panic all day long.

  They only have their own selfish desires in their eyes, and they don’t care about the suffering of the people in the world. Once mobs appear, they will send troops to suppress them forcibly, no matter what the cause is.

   Now it is naturally being backlashed.

  All people with lofty ideals in the world have united to overthrow the rule of this regime.

   And there is even the secret support of the puppet emperor.

  The princess also hated what her mother and uncle did.

  Although she is only a woman in the eyes of insiders, she also has the heart of governing the country and wants to maintain the foundation left by her father.

  However, my own identity is inherently embarrassing, and I have no real power. Even if I am full of ideals, it is impossible to display them after all.

  After learning the general background, Chen Mo and Elena also learned that there is a total of one Grand Marshal, four Marshals, and ten generals in the empire.

   Each strength is superb!

   After all, it is an SSS-level copy, and none of them can be underestimated.

  Tiandao specially reminded that this Generalissimo is extremely dangerous, it is best to avoid fighting with her!

   "It's the first time I've entered a book of this kind of national war level. It's quite exciting to read the background of the story." Chen Mo reminded him with a smile after sorting out the way of heaven.

   "The strength of the generalissimo's reminder according to Tiandao must be very high, and we have to find a way to avoid it, but I don't know what conditions to achieve." Elena is more concerned about the generalissimo who Tiandao emphasized.

   "I don't think there is any connection with that puppet emperor." Chen Mo guessed.

   "It's possible." Elena nodded.

   Knowing the background, the two of them also understood their own background.

  They belonged to two generals who defected from the empire.

  So the imperial army's hatred for them is countless times higher than others.

  This identity is still very cheating.

  Because of the existence of this identity, the rebel army may not completely trust them, and the imperial army is full of hatred for them.

  Extremely difficult to mix.

  Chen Mo complained in his heart that the Dao of Heaven would really give him an identity.

  As the countdown ended, the scene in front of the two changed, and they appeared in a tent.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The main task of the dungeon is released, and you can freely choose to complete any one.

   Please note that after completing different main missions, the enemies you may face will also be different, and the difficulty will also be different.

  Main task 1: "Slay the demon queen and her elder brother, and help the emperor regain power"

  Main task 2: "Overthrow the rule of the empire and establish a new rule"]

"There are two main quests. It seems that if you choose the second one, you must deal with the Generalissimo. The first one should be the method you mentioned to avoid fighting with the Generalissimo." Elena glanced at the main quest Said.

   "I really want to see what the strength of this Generalissimo is. Maybe I can get a higher reward by defeating her."

   "I like an ambitious man like you." Elena said with loving eyes.

  Knowing that the other party was joking, Chen Mo smiled and said: "After all, I have come here, so I naturally want to take the best reward and leave."

   While the two of them were talking, suddenly three reminders of the Dao of Heaven sounded in succession, which shocked both of them.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! warn! This copy has been tampered with! The intruders came from the eternal star system!

   Before all intruders are cleared or the dungeon task is completed, everyone will not be able to leave the dungeon!

  The number of enemies entering this time is: 100!

  Because you belong to the party that was hacked, you will have unconditional access to the complete information of all the hackers!

  Because you belong to the party that was invaded, the number of intruders exceeds 98 of you, and you have obtained the effect of increasing the damage caused by intruders by 98 times.

  Since the current dungeon has been changed to a random entry dungeon, both parties can choose a random entry rule! If you don't want to choose, you can give up. 】

   "Intruders? 100 at a time! What's going on?" Elena looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

   She knows about the random entry of dungeons, but she has never experienced the random entry of a hundred people in a non-group dungeon.

  Because there are specific rules for intrusion.

  Once the number of people you invade is more than the number of people in the current copy, each additional person will make the people in the original copy get 1 times the damage increase.

   They came in a hundred at once, which directly increased the damage of Chen Mo and the others by 98 times!

   This promotion is often fatal!

  After all, when entering randomly, no matter what the strength of the person who entered randomly, once they enter randomly, their level will be suppressed at the same level as the instance opener.

   Everyone is at the same level, one party can increase the damage by 98 times, and the other party has the original attribute, so how can we fight? Wouldn't it be that the party whose damage has been increased by 98 times will play directly in seconds?

  I've seen someone who was sent to death, but I haven't seen one who was sent to death like this.

  So when Elena heard that a hundred people broke in, she only felt inexplicable, but didn't have any fear.

  She didn't even think about it for a while, are the people in the Yongxing system crazy?

   At this time, Chen Mo is also similar. For a while, he has not figured out what the people in the Yongxing system are thinking?

   It is reasonable to say that the guys from the Yongxing system sent a hundred people here, obviously they were designated to enter randomly, and they came prepared.

"If they were really designated to break in, then the possibility of targeting Elena is not high. I'm afraid that there is a 99% chance that they are targeting me. But the more so, they shouldn't be targeting me. Do you have an extremely high estimate of your strength?

  With the information gathering ability of the people in the Eternal Star System, since they have already put it into action, they will obviously guess what level my strength is.

  If it were me who made the arrangement, I would definitely calculate the opponent's strength with the highest standard based on the information I have.

  Knowing that I have the ability to kill enemies by leaps and bounds, how can I increase my damage dozens of times? Those with a bit of brain should also know that with such a promotion, sending a hundred people to form an army will definitely not be able to stop it.

   Isn't it equivalent to sending someone to die? "

  Chen Mo felt something was wrong, and he immediately checked the detailed information of the intruder.

  (end of this chapter)

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