Chapter 236 Phantom Creation! (two in one)

  Following Chen Mo and Elena to check the intruder's information.

  Eileen was completely shocked.

   "Impossible! How can there be such a terrifying buff effect?"

  For the people of the Yongxing system, this random entry was actually a surprise.

  Because they thought they would be suppressed to the level of Chen Mo.

   But the person who opened the dungeon was Elena, so they were suppressed according to Elena's attributes when they broke in.

  But when they were selected, it was because they were only level 40 and one turn.

  If they are at the same level as Elena, they will not be suppressed at all.

   It is purely because the damage of Chen Mo and Elena has increased.

   But it doesn't matter to them at all. After all, they have all been demonized, their attributes have been greatly improved, and they are not afraid of death. Naturally, they are not afraid of this damage increase.

  When a level 40 four-star professional with a full set of equipment is fully equipped, his blood volume can generally reach more than 600,000 to more than 700,000, his attack power can reach nearly 30,000, and his defense power can generally reach close to 50,000 to 60,000.

  Of course, depending on the occupation, titles, etc., there will still be certain fluctuations.

  In the cursed state, their current attributes are roughly between 12 million and 14 million blood, their attack power is close to 600,000, and their defense power is almost 1 million.

   With this attribute, even if the opponent's damage is increased by more than 90 times, it is useless under normal circumstances.

  Because the premise of damage increase is that you can cause damage.

  Under normal circumstances, when they encounter an enemy of the same level with the current perverted attribute, they basically have no possibility of breaking the defense, let alone causing damage.

  So the damage increase of more than ninety times is nothing more than that.

  At this time, Elena naturally understood this truth, so she felt panic and fear.

  Seeing that the other party was so well prepared when they entered indiscriminately, and they all came in with the cursed state turned on, this was a deliberate intrusion at all.

  She instantly cast her gaze on Chen Mo.

  This copy is just the two of them.

  This group of people is in such a big battle, who else can they turn to besides Chen Mo?

  At this time, not only Elena was shocked, but even Chen Mo was extremely surprised.

  Because the magic effect of this curse is too perverted.

  It’s unreasonable to be strong, Chen Mo doesn’t understand if they have this kind of thing, why don’t they just use it to attack the earth?

   This kind of ability that everyone has is obviously not obtained by chance.

  Chen Mo and Elena were shocked by the power of this BUFF, mainly because they didn't know the restrictions of curse demonization at all, and they couldn't see the harm of being cursed demonization.

  They can only see the effect of the demonization of the curse, so naturally they feel very incredible.

  Seeing that the other party is so perverted, although Tiandao has already reminded that she can't leave the dungeon, Elena still has a fluke mentality and wants to try it out. She immediately takes out the dungeon escape stone and tries to get out of the dungeon.

  【Tiandao Tip: Since the current copy is in a chaotic state, the time and space are chaotic, and the escape stone cannot be used! 】

   "It's over. Sure enough, as Tiandao suggested before, we can't teleport it out. Chen, what should we do now?"

  Although Elena's strength is not bad, the enemy she is facing right now is not a small one.

   This is a powerful chaser whose strength has been strengthened by 20 times, and all the skills of the whole body have been demonized!

  Even if she is a five-star professional, even if her equipment is bold enough, she doesn't feel the slightest chance of winning.

   "It's okay. When the time comes, you should find a safe place to hide first. They are coming for me. I can deal with it alone."

"one person!?"

  Eileen looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

  Although she has heard about Chen Mo's deeds before, and knows that Chen Mo's strength should exceed that of a normal five-star professional, she never thought that Chen Mo would be able to calmly say that he is alone in front of such a perverted 100-member brigade?

   "Well, don't worry, the demonized effect of this curse is indeed very powerful, but I can still handle it. The skills of a hundred four-star professionals will be the same even if they are demonized."

   Chen Mo looked at Elena with a smile and said.

   "But their current attributes have become extremely high. With this attribute, combined with powerful demonization skills, their power is more than one level stronger than before.

   What is even more difficult to deal with is that there are a hundred of them, and they can form an army formation to strengthen their strength!

   And the two of us have normal attributes, so the damage is higher. How can we deal with them? "

  Eileen felt that the current situation was a bit pessimistic.

   "I have a clever plan, but I need to use your skills."

   "Lend my skills?" Elena looked at Chen Mo, wondering what he was thinking.

  Even if Chen Mo has an undead whose strength is comparable to that of a level 40 first-turn five-star professional, it is probably useless in the face of such a perverted 100-man brigade.

   "After selecting the restriction rules, I will tell you."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo began to choose from the ten restriction rules.

   And the other one hundred people had chosen the restriction rules a long time ago.

  Before that perverted zero-turn powerhouse in the solar system teleported and flashed around in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds event, they all saw it.

  Since they have guessed that Chen Mo might be that person, they will naturally not forget to limit this ability.

  So when they entered the dungeon, they directly chose the limit transmission rule.

  At this time, Chen Mo can also choose a random entry rule, or give up the choice.

  Eileen looked at Chen Mo and said, "They have restricted the teleportation ability, what should we do? It seems that there is no rule that is beneficial to us."

  Looking at the ten rules that can be selected, Chen Mo looked at the real-time sharing of coordinate points.

  This rule, in Elena's opinion, is definitely not beneficial.

   After all, if you are weak on your side and others are strong, if you still expose your own coordinates, isn’t that courting death?

   But in Chen Mo's view, this is a good rule.

   In this way, I can see their locations in real time. Anyway, we will meet sooner or later, so it is better to preemptively strike.

  Letting Elena stay where she is, and kill her herself, can actually guarantee Elena's safety.

   Otherwise, if they met by chance, Elena might be killed by the opponent.

   Simply restricting resurrection kills is fine, but if the ones killed by them don't even leave their bodies behind, then resurrection is impossible.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to choose coordinate sharing.

   "Let's just pick the seventh rule."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Elena glanced at the seventh rule, and was dumbfounded on the spot, "Chen, are you kidding me? The seventh rule is to share coordinates. Isn't it right for them to choose this rule? ?

   Originally, we could find a way to avoid them and directly complete the dungeon task and leave the dungeon. Once we choose to share coordinates, they will definitely come to kill us directly. "

"I want to choose this because I want to take the initiative. After all, it is very difficult to avoid them if we want to complete the task of this dungeon. We are rebels. According to the rules of intrusion, in this kind of dungeon, the other party will generally oppose us. The faction is on the stage, then they are the Imperial Army!

  With them taking action in the imperial army, if we don’t take action, I’m afraid that even our serious mission will be impossible to complete. "

  Hearing Chen Mo's words, Elena looked at him in a daze, wondering if she had misheard, "Chen, the other party is a hundred-man army that has been strengthened to the core. You said you decided to take the initiative?"

  Eileen felt incredible for Chen Mo's words.

   "Don't worry, I have more people."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he waved his hand casually, and in an instant, millions of skeleton monsters were summoned around him.

  Since everyone was in a team, Elena naturally saw these skeleton monsters all at once.

   Also see the number displayed.

  She looked at the number displayed, and there were seven digits in total.

   Seeing this amount, she couldn't help covering her cherry mouth in surprise.

   "One...more than one million skeleton monsters?"

  Before she finished being shocked, Chen Mo had already continued to brush.

   Then Elena saw that the number of skeleton monsters began to change constantly, sometimes more, sometimes less.

  When it is small, it may only be hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands.

  When there were many times, more than two million appeared.

  Chen Mo is now level 35, so the number of skeleton monsters he can summon has also been increased.

  Now he can summon up to 3.5 million skeleton monsters.

   But it is very difficult to get to this upper limit.

  Chen Mo didn't pursue perfection either, he stopped after brushing 3 million skeleton monsters.

  At this time, Elena looked at the number of Chen Mo's summons displayed in the team list, and almost dropped her jaw in shock.

"three million!?"

  She looked in disbelief at the invisible skeletons beside Chen Mo.

   And the number of skeleton monsters was not what shocked her the most.

  After seeing the number of skeleton monsters, she checked the attributes of Chen Mo's skeleton monsters.

   Now she was really frozen in place as if struck by lightning.

  After a while, she rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and checked the attributes of Chen Mo's skeleton again.

   "Chen, what's wrong with your skeleton? Four... More than four million blood! More than five million attack power!! Tell me, I'm not dreaming."

  I originally thought that the curse magic effect on the gangsters in the Yongxing system was already abnormal.

   Never thought that Chen Mo's skeleton monsters are many times more vicious than them!

  Eileen felt that her world view had been greatly impacted.

   Originally, she always felt that she was very strong, far stronger than ordinary people.

  I have always been very proud of myself.

   Until I came to this copy.

  Her worldview was turned upside down.

  In the entire copy of feelings, except for her, who is a normal person, everyone else is a monster!

   And each one is more monstrous than the other.

  The hundred-man army over there has real injuries, hundreds of thousands of attack power, powerful magic skills, and immortality!

   Good guy here, with millions of skeleton monsters, millions of attack power, plus self-destruction, plus resurrection, the degree of perversion is even worse than that!

  If she knew that Chen Mo's skeleton monsters only got the bonus of the assembly feature, and hadn't got the bonus of Undead Worship and Amplification God Ring, she would be even more bombarded by the five thunders.

   "Tell me, these skeleton monsters of mine, combined with your copying skills, even if they have perverted curse enhancements, we have nothing to be afraid of, right?"

   "But the units copied by my copying skills are very short-lived. You let me hide, and you deal with them alone. The copies summoned by my skills can't reach them with you at all."

   "Don't worry, you just need to release your skills now, and I have my own way of doing the rest."

  Although she didn't quite understand Chen Mo's thoughts, Eileen saw that Chen Mo's real strength was far beyond the limits of her imagination, so she naturally followed Chen Mo's request.

   She once knew Chen Moqiang, and also knew that he was the only person in the world who could lift the ban on resurrection, so she fell in love with this man.

  As a result, I now know that what I thought was strong is still conservative.

  This man is no longer just strong, but described as defying the sky!

   Is this a turn? I'm afraid I'll be ashamed if I come to the fourth turn!

   I'm afraid I can only touch him if I turn around five times!

  One turn is comparable to five turns? Beyond four turns? What kind of existence is this against the sky!

   Elena's entire world view has been refreshed.

   Now she is naturally more obedient to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo has long taken a fancy to one of Elena's key skills - "Phantom Creation".

  [Phantom Creation]: Released on all friendly targets within the range of "Level * Occupational Star * 100 meters", it can copy mirror image units equal to their current attack attributes, lasts for 60 seconds, and cools down for 30 seconds.

〖PS〗: The appearance and attack methods of the mirrored units are exactly the same as the original units. They will only copy the original unit's attack attribute value, attack frequency, attack type, and elemental attributes. They cannot receive any buffs and debuffs. When they receive When attacked, they dissipate immediately.

  Although the mirror image summoned by this skill is very fragile, it almost disappears after eating an AOE.

  But Chen Mo still likes it very much. After all, this skill fits very well with Chen Mo's Sea of ​​Undead.

  Originally there were only 3 million skeleton monsters, but once copied through this skill, the number will be 6 million.

  Damage frequency can be doubled directly! Just don't be too cool!

  As Elena appeared with the staff in her hand and used the [Phantom Creation] skill, the surrounding area instantly became very dark, and dark energy began to gather around Elena continuously.

  Suddenly, some runes and strange geometric figures emerged from the ground. They emitted a faint light. After moving through a special path, they formed a dark magic circle.

  After the magic circle was formed, it immediately began to emit a mysterious force, and all the friendly targets within the range began to emit dim light, and a translucent blurry image appeared behind them.

  At this point, Elena only needs to confirm that the mirror image can be summoned directly.

  With Elena's thoughts, the blurry images behind Chen Mo and his skeleton monsters were immediately copied into mirror units that were exactly the same as them.

  After the copied mirror units appeared around them, they all stayed in place in a daze, waiting for the master's order.

   At this time, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Tiandao that this skill has been recorded in the God Seal of Copying.

  (end of this chapter)

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