Chapter 237 Is it really so perverted? (2.55)

  【Prompt from Heaven: It is detected that a unit has used skills, and your "Copy God Seal" has recorded the skills used by the other party. Please choose whether to keep it or not. The current number that can be kept is 3/3. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that your skill reserve is full. If you want to keep a newly recorded skill, please select an already recorded skill and forget it. For the first time every day, you need an eternal gold coin to forget a skill. 】

   "It's really outrageously expensive, forget about a skill that costs 100 million."

  Although I think it is very expensive, but Elena's skills are really delicious, Chen Mo thought about it, and removed Ten Thousand Arrows from the three copied skills.

  Compared with the functionality of other skills, this skill is actually relatively replaceable.

  As Chen Mo spent an eternal gold coin to wash away the Heart of Arrows, Creation of the Phantom has been preserved.

  But apart from this skill, Chen Mo actually wants Elena to have some other skills.

  However, most of Elena's skills are passive skills linked with mirrored units, and these are not within the range that Chen Mo's Copy God Seal can copy.

  So although Chen Mo is greedy for many skills of Elena, but not many can be copied.

  Being able to win Phantom Creation, the most coveted skill, is enough for the time being.

  Subsequent skills, when she releases them at the right time, it will not be too late to copy them by herself.

   "That's enough, let's confirm the rules."

   "Are you sure you want to choose coordinate sharing?"

  Although Chen Mo's skeleton monster is also very perverted, none of the guys on the opposite side are good. There are hundreds of hundreds of thousands of real damage attack power, and a lot of magic skills.

   With this combat power, even if Chen Mo has three million skeleton monsters, Elena doesn't think Chen Mo will be able to take advantage.

  Especially Chen Mo is a profession like a skeleton mage. This kind of profession is generally powerful in summoning, but it should be relatively fragile.

   "It's okay, just trust me, anyway, if we don't choose this, we will meet them eventually, won't we?"


  Eternal Star Galaxy here.

  Seeing that a hundred four-star professionals in the state of curse demonization have entered the dungeon, the senior management of the Eternal Star System immediately checked the situation through the associated screen.

  Although the specific images in the dungeon cannot be viewed outside the dungeon, the general changes of the associated units in the dungeon can be viewed through special means.

  For example, what is the current life safety of these associated characters, whether they have encountered an enemy, whether they have encountered an elite or a BOSS, etc.

  It is similar to the copies of the college entrance examination and college entrance examination that Chen Mo and the others took before, as long as they are well connected, they can be seen.

   To make this connection well, there are generally two methods.

  One is to perform replica association.

   This is the most once-and-for-all. Once the dungeon is associated, no matter who enters the dungeon, his general situation will be fed back through the association screen.

  The second is to associate with individuals.

   This is more troublesome, and is generally used when replica association cannot be performed.

  Now they are using this method.

  After all, random access to dungeons, it is naturally impossible to make the association of corresponding dungeons in advance.

   Status can only be viewed through personal associations.

  Eternal Star System did not enter the Tower of Eternity's several high-level managers, and they are looking at this related screen at this time.

  Because they already knew in advance that Chen Mo has the ability to surpass the second-order second person, and that is not necessarily the upper limit of Chen Mo, so they also have a question mark in their hearts about the four-star professional surprise attack this time.

  After all, they originally planned that five stars are the most stable, and four stars are almost meaningless after all.

  Although their current strength is not something that ordinary units of the same level or even higher levels can resist.

  In the copy, a hundred people from the Eternal Star System have gathered in the imperial city.

  They were indeed directly assigned to the Imperial Army as Chen Mo guessed.

  The identities bestowed by heaven on these one hundred people are the most special [Iron Blood Organization] in the entire Imperial Army.

  They are only responsible to the queen mother and her elder brother, the prime minister of the country, and according to the identities given to them by the law of heaven, they are the biggest accomplices of most of the bad things these two have done in this world before.

  In fact, the effect is similar to that of Chen Mo and Elena.

  It is all to hold back the hatred of those masters in the opposing organization to a great extent.

   There is a possibility of being assassinated at any time.

   "Interesting, the two people in this solar system are really arrogant. They are already SSS-level dungeon difficulty, but they deliberately chose a weaker rebel army, but they left the powerful imperial army to us.

   This time, the dungeon entered randomly, and it sent us good news as soon as it came up. "

  The centurion captain said with a sneer.

  The captain of the centurion is tall and wearing a black tights, which makes his figure more compact and looks very powerful.

  There is no extra expression on his face, he looks very cold and severe, his black hair is neatly combed, matching his thin face, making him look very imposing.

  His eyebrows are thick and slender, and his eyes are deep brown, with a hint of indifference and disdain.

  This person looks like a leader at first glance.

   "Captain, we can choose a rule, what should we choose? Should we choose coordinate sharing?"

  "The seniors have already said that the person to be killed this time is the mysterious zero-turn powerhouse who appeared in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds activity that has just awakened. Pay special attention to his teleportation ability.

  Although we have already brought curse props, just in case, it is more direct to use the power of rules to seal the teleportation ability. "

   "Then we can't directly see where they are? This dungeon looks huge, I'm afraid it's hard to find them."

   "This is not a big problem. Generally, this kind of dungeon will progress with the progress of the mission, and the range of free activities will become smaller and smaller. Even if he doesn't want to meet with us, he will meet us! Coordinate sharing is actually not very useful.

  After our curse demonization effect enters the dungeon, as long as the dungeon is not over, nothing will happen for as long as the time passes. After all, the time in the dungeon will not affect our curse demonization effect. Your lord said it before, so we can afford it. "

   "The captain is right, you should really choose to limit the transmission."

  After several people agreed to limit the teleportation ability, they immediately discussed whether to sit still and wait or choose to take the initiative.

   But while they were discussing, they suddenly received a reminder from Heaven.

  The appearance of this heavenly reminder shocked all of them.

  Because what they received was that people on this side of the solar system actually chose the coordinate sharing rule.

   This really shocked them.

   After all, from the perspective of normal people, choosing this rule is beneficial to their Centuries no matter how you look at it.

  The other party chose this way, more or less a feeling that he came to the door to die!

   Of course this is for ordinary people.

  And their enemies this time are not ordinary people.

  Before entering the dungeon, the seniors have already told them again and again, never underestimate the enemy, and must go all out to kill the enemy.

   And now they have completely accepted what the seniors said.

  Since the other party dared to choose such a rule that seemed courting death.

  Besides that the other party is really planning to seek death, there is only one other possibility left, and that is that he has incomparable self-confidence.

  I am so confident that I am ready to take the initiative to attack, so I chose coordinate sharing, so that I can kill directly.

   "Are people in this solar system really so perverted? How dare they choose this rule?"

  "Since he chose this way, it can be seen that the previous guesses of the seniors are not wrong at all. This guy is the zero turn that appeared in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds activities before.

   After all, he is a person who dares to enter an activity full of star powerhouses at the second rank of the Milky Way at zero rank. It can be seen that he has absolute confidence in his own strength! "

"But our current combat power is not weak. As a random intruder, he should be able to see our attributes completely. After seeing our attributes, he dares to choose to share coordinates. What kind of support does he have? This It’s just unbelievable.”

"Hmph, don't care what he thinks, and don't care what strength he has. The only thing we have to do is to attack him with all our strength. Since he has chosen such a rule, it is a good thing for us. Save the tangled choice, just wait for him to come by himself.

  He can see our attributes, but he can't see the cursed props hidden in our backpacks. These things are our real killers.

   He made a wrong judgment, which is definitely a good thing for us! "


   With Elena's selection completed.

  The hundred coordinate points representing the eternal star system were immediately displayed on the map.

  Chen Mo estimated the distance through the map: "They are in the center of the imperial city, and they are far enough away from us. It seems that we won't meet them for a while. Let's advance the mission normally first."

   "That's fine, anyway, now that the coordinates are shared, if they come towards us, we can prepare in advance."

  Eileen nodded.

   While the two were talking, the progress of the dungeon began to progress normally.

   "Two leaders, the commander-in-chief ordered us to invite you."

  In the tent, a cute little boy ran in and said.

The little boy was dressed in a shabby gray cotton robe, which looked a little messy. His trousers were also a pair of tattered cotton trousers, and the bottom of the trousers had been frayed. toes.

  His hair was a mess, and a long part fell down to his eyes, covering almost half of his eyes.

  The child's face was a bit haggard, but he still maintained an innocent smile, revealing a unique tenacity.

  Looking at the appearance of the little boy, Chen Mo and the two also immediately received the information about the little boy from Tiandao.

   This little boy's family is also a victim of persecution by the empire.

  His sister was kidnapped by the prime minister of the empire, and finally committed suicide shortly after returning home with bruises all over her body.

  His father went to ask for an explanation, but he never came back. Presumably, he was tortured and killed by the violent prime minister.

  The little boy was rescued by the rebel army who learned about the incident, so he escaped from birth and survived to this day.

  Although he looks young, he has already accumulated a lot of hatred in his heart.

   "Did you show us such a child at the beginning to arouse our hatred?" Chen Mo glanced at the little boy who walked out of the tent and said.

   "Maybe this little boy can play a key role in a certain task." Elena said with a light smile.

  She didn't have much feeling about what happened to the characters in the dungeon.

   In her opinion, watching the encounters of the characters in the dungeon is more like a player watching the life of an NPC, and her mood is very calm.

  The two walked out of the dungeon and came to the middle of a large camp on the hillside.

  Here have gathered eight other people.

  With the addition of Chen Mo and Elena, the ten leaders of the rebel army are completely present.

   After the two of them came in, they immediately glanced at the other eight leaders.

  The closest to them was a man in a black robe, about forty years old.

  His face is gloomy, his eyes are sharp, giving people a cold and ruthless feeling.

   This person is the killer leader in the rebel army, who is responsible for assassinating the enemy. His name is Adrian.

   Then there was a woman in gray leather armor. She had a delicate face and cold eyes, which made people feel inaccessible.

  She is the archer leader in the rebel army, her name is Elizabeth.

  The third is a tall man wearing a red battle armor. His face is resolute and he has a strong fighting breath.

  He is the leader of the soldiers in the rebel army, and his name is Lake.

  Next is a petite and exquisite woman, wearing a long light green dress, her face is beautiful, with a pair of big eyes and a sweet smile.

  She is the healer leader in the rebel army, her name is Lucy.

  The fifth place is a petite woman wearing a long purple dress. Her face is delicate and she has a gentle aura.

  She is the mage leader in the rebel army, her name is Eve.

  Next is a woman in green leather armor with a firm face and a burly figure.

  She is the knight leader in the rebel army, her name is Olivia.

  The seventh leader is a man in a white robe, with long black hair, a calm face, and a mysterious aura.

  He is the priest leader in the rebel army, and his name is Ryan.

  The last one is a woman in black leather armor, with a graceful figure and a beautiful face.

  She is the leader of the thieves in the rebel army, her name is Lilith.

  At the same time, she is also the commander-in-chief of the entire rebel army.

Seeing Chen Mo and Elena entering the tent, Lilith immediately smiled and said, "Just wait for you two. Now we need to divide the attack routes into three routes. With your strength, you should be able to deal with all the routes alone. .

   What route do you two want to take? "

  【Heavenly Reminder: The first phase of the main task is released.

  Please choose one of the three offensive routes, and complete the strategy goal of the first quarter of the first stage!

   During the first stage of the task, please ensure that all ten leaders survive, otherwise the income of this instance will be reduced.

  Special attention, among the ten leaders, Lilith, the commander-in-chief, is a key figure in the rebel army. If this person dies, the morale of the rebel army will plummet and the impact will be bad. Please ensure his survival.

  If it dies, the dungeon income will be greatly reduced!

  When more than four of the ten leaders die, the dungeon mission will be considered a failure. At that time, you will only be able to leave the dungeon after clearing all the intruders. Please pay special attention. 】

   Chen Mo and Elena, who received the reminder from Tiandao, immediately looked at each other and looked at the three routes.

  In essence, there is not much difference between the three routes.

   It's just that the enemies to deal with and the terrain of the battlefield are a little different.

  Since the fighting power of the two of them can adapt to various terrains, Chen Mo chose the middle route.

   After all, according to the hint of heaven, there is a high possibility that there will be troubles on the left and right routes, and some moths need their own support.

  If you choose the middle route, then no matter if the people on either route on the left or right encounter any problems and need support, you can rush to support them as quickly as possible!

   "Let's take this route."

  Looking at Chen Mo, he pointed to the middle route.

Lilith smiled immediately and said: "This route is the most dangerous. I heard that there are two imperial generals guarding this route, and only one imperial general on the other two routes. Are you sure you want to choose this route? "

  As soon as they heard that this was the most dangerous, Chen Mo and Elena were naturally more sure.

   "Well, the middle route will be handed over to the two of you. The rest of us will divide into two groups and pull out the left and right routes."

  Recalling the Heavenly Dao reminder just now, and adding that at the beginning of the game, I heard that the empire has ten generals.

  Chen Mo always feels that the route with two generals in the middle is probably not the most dangerous. Maybe the route with only one general on the left and right actually has more generals in ambush.

  However, the current route has been allocated, and everything can only be seen while walking. Although teleportation and teleportation cannot be performed now, the flying speed is not slow. If they really encounter trouble, they can fly there in time.

   After all, he is one of the top ten masters of the rebel army, so it would not be so easy to die.

  Tiandao should not be so deceptive.

  After the route was allocated, Lilith allocated a full 20,000 troops to Chen Mo and Elena, and then personally led half of the remaining army to the next route.

  Before they set off, Chen Mo cast a violent shield directly, and put thick shields on everyone. In this way, unless Tiandao arranged special means to trap them, they would not be hurt again.

  After applying the shield and dividing the route, Chen Mo and Elena glanced at the army assigned to them behind them.

  Although the top ten leaders claim to be the leaders of a certain profession, not all the teams they lead are people of the corresponding profession.

   It's just that one tenth of them will be people of their corresponding occupations.

  The other 90% are all ordinary imperial people.

  They took up arms to fight back in order to resist tyranny, but their strength is actually relatively weak.

   It all depends on your passion!

  After perceiving their attributes, Chen Mo ignored them.

   Just 20,000 people are not enough to fill their teeth with 3 million skeleton monsters. It makes no difference if they are there or not.

   On the contrary, the 20,000 people have to be taken care of carefully, lest Tiandao assign any secret missions on it!

  (end of this chapter)

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