Chapter 238 A different city wall! (55)

   "Next, we will go to the enemy's fortress. All of you should keep a distance of at least one kilometer from us. Don't come close. You won't be able to come close until I give you the order, do you know?"

  Chen Mo gave these people an order in advance.

  In order to prevent them from acting on their own initiative.

  Before in the Super God Trial Tower, he had experienced the pitfalls of those disobedient teammates.

   "Yes! I will obey the orders of the leader!"

   Immediately, a few small leaders responded first, and then 20,000 people shouted a few times in unison, "I will obey the orders of the leader!"

   Seeing that everyone was obedient, Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

  But soon a small leader ran up and said: "Master leader, since we are going to attack the enemy's fortress, should we send some scouts out to have a look first.

  How can you two risk it up front?

  In case of an ambush or something, the two of you are quite dangerous. "

The actions of Chen Mo and Elena in the front also aroused the concern of the other two little leaders, and they also stepped forward to dissuade them: "Master Leader, we also feel that we should send a few scouts to investigate first. We are very concerned about the safety of both of you."

   "Yes, Lord Leader, we can't let the two of you take risks in the front." Another little leader also joined the ranks of dissuasion.

  Chen Mo smiled lightly, raised his hand to stop their words: "You are right, you should indeed send scouts to investigate first.

   But our route is the shortest and the time is the most urgent. We must act as soon as possible to win, so that we have time to support the other two teams to relieve their pressure.

  We have carefully studied the intelligence of the enemy army, and have corresponding countermeasures, so that we will not put ourselves in danger.

   Moreover, the responsibility of our leadership candidates is to rush to the forefront and bring victory to everyone.

  You don’t have to worry about our safety, we will protect ourselves, please rest assured. "

   After listening to Chen Mo's words, the little leaders couldn't help admiring his firm eyes and calm posture.

  They didn't expect the leader to be so bold. He would rather take risks himself than let everyone else take risks.

  This exemplary behavior directly aroused the reverence of several small leaders.

  Chen Mo and Elena soon received tips from Heaven.

  【Heavenly reminder: Your actions have boosted the morale of the whole team. The current morale value is 100 points, and a special effect has been obtained—the whole army is invigorated!

  This BUFF is an army BUFF, and it will always take effect when the morale is higher than 80. It will increase the attack power and attack speed of all units in the army by 100%. 】

   "Chen, you are so powerful, you have returned with a powerful BUFF for nothing in just a few words."

  Receiving the reminder from Heaven, Elena immediately looked at Chen Mo with a smile.

  Chen Mo smiled and didn't say much. He had used this method in the crack dungeon before. After that time, he knew that his words and deeds might have a certain influence on the characters in the dungeon.

   But this time, he was actually just trying to persuade these people not to come up, but he never expected to gain such a powerful BUFF.

   It was unintentional.

  After persuading the little chiefs to go back, Chen Mo looked at Elena and said, "You should also stand back, it's enough for me to stand at the front alone."

  Although shields were put on for everyone, Chen Mo still didn't let others come forward to prevent some special instant kill abilities in the dungeon.

  Eileen said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as those people don't come over, even the boss of the SSS-level dungeon won't kill me that easily. I can copy a lot of mirror images for you by following you."

  Hearing what she said, Chen Mo glanced at the situation of the 100 people in the Yongxing system on the map. These 100 people seemed to have not come because the distance between the two sides was too far.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't object to Elena's following.

  When the two led the team to set off, the other two teams were moving in the normal process.

  They are not as bold as Chen Mo.

  The other two groups of troops sent scouts to the front to check and confirm that there was no problem before continuing to march.

   More than an hour later, Chen Mo and Elena stood in front of a huge fortress.

  This fortress looks extremely strong. Through perception, Chen Mo learned that this fortress is made of a material called "Spirit Iron", which can ignore the blessing of siege damage.

  At the same time, a huge air-forbidden field is arranged around the whole fortress, but the core of the field is hidden inside the fortress, which means that there is no way to break the air-forbidden field before breaking through the fortress.

The shape of the fortress is very large, and it is made up of square iron blocks. Each iron block is extremely thick and seems to be able to withstand all attacks. The main entrance of the fortress is located in the center, and it is an extremely thick iron gate. There are a large number of runes inlaid on it, which emits strong magic fluctuations, which is obviously a very advanced defense method.

  In addition to the central entrance, there are many windows around the fortress, which seem to be used for long-range attacks.

   Guarding this fortress is a huge army, according to perception estimates, there are about 10,000 people.

  They are distributed throughout the fortress, some are patrolling the walls, and some are on guard inside the fortress.

  These soldiers are all wearing black armor, holding long swords, spears or bows and arrows, with serious and vigilant expressions, obviously a well-trained elite force.

  The layout around the fortress is also very tight, and there are many traps in the nearby ground, such as blade traps, poison arrow traps, ground thorn traps, etc., which are enough to make any intruder who is not careful pay a heavy price.

In addition, there are some high towers and watchtowers inside the fortress. These high towers are designed with many attack mechanisms, such as fire-breathing organs, arrow rain organs, and ice organs, which can monitor and attack the outside world. Important line of defense.

   In addition to these powerful defense capabilities, there are two powerful generals in the fortress.

  According to the information Chen Mo first learned from Tiandao, he knew both of them.

The two generals are a man and a woman, and the woman is called Sereya. She is a tall and mighty female warrior, wearing thick steel armor, holding a long sword with various jewels and gemstones inlaid on the hilt. Exuding a golden light, her aura is haughty and awe-inspiring, which cannot be underestimated.

Sereya has excellent melee and long-range skills and high-intensity hand-to-hand combat capabilities, especially her super-hegemonic ability, it is difficult to be controlled, she can gallop freely on the battlefield, and she is powerful. Her strength far exceeds that of a 40 The strength of a turn gold boss at the same level.

  The skill group is much more perfect than the normal level 40 one-turn gold boss. It is not easy to deal with her after turning to level 40 normally.

  The other general was named Barok. He was a slender male mage wearing a black robe and holding a magic staff made of magic crystal. The gemstones on the staff kept flashing light of various colors.

  Baroque is a superb magician, with powerful magic attack ability and unique control skills, able to control the battle situation through magic.

  His aura is deep and his expression is indifferent, making people feel a sense of distance that cannot be approached.

  Baroque's strength should not be underestimated either, he can easily cause a wide range of terrifying damage through magic.

  The strength is even worse than that of Sereya.

   In terms of suppression and lethality, it is even more difficult for Sereya to match.

  In general, Sereya and Baroque are generals with strong strength and arrogance. They represent the top strengths in the melee and magic fields respectively, and will become the most difficult part of capturing the fortress.

  The dungeon of SSS level difficulty, the degree of horror can be seen from the first sub-task of the first stage of the opening!

  Chen Mo and Elena silently observed the appearance of the fortress and the strength of the defenders, and they could tell at a glance how abnormal the defense level of the fortress was.

  Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to break through this strong fortress with only 20,000 people, even if there are ten times more troops.

   The difficulty of this route is indeed the most difficult one in Lilith's mouth!

  Although the defensive ability of this fortress is already quite abnormal.

   But it is still useless.

  Because the enemies they have to face are more perverted.

  Chen Mo has an army of 3 million skeletons, and with Elena's copying, it will be an army of 6 million.

  An army of 20,000 or 200,000 might not be able to conquer this impregnable fortress.

   With an army of 6 million, and it is still comparable to a rank 4 army of 6 million, this fortress is as solid as paper, no matter how strong it is!

  With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, after adding the Undead Worship and Berserk shields to the three million skeleton monsters, he immediately ordered them to attack.

   Three million skeleton monsters bent their bows and set arrows in unison, waved their staffs, and launched a storm-like bombardment against the walls of the fortress.

   Knowing that the walls of this fortress are made of spirit iron, converting it into siege damage will not increase the damage to the fortress, so Chen Mo didn't bother to use the omnipotent converter.

  Seeing that Chen Mo had ordered the skeleton monster to attack, Elena also immediately used the phantom creation skill, copied another three million mirror image skeleton monsters, and launched an attack on the fortress.

  However, since the mirrored skeleton monsters do not eat buffs, they cannot get the whole army BUFF—the blessing of the whole army.

  But they have the effect of being inspired by the whole army in disguise, as well as the worship of Chen Mo's immortality and the gathering of the characteristic BUFF of skeleton monsters.

  Of course this is not because they really got the BUFF.

   It's because what they copy is the skeleton monster that has eaten the BUFF.

  According to the skill introduction of Phantom Creation, this skill copies the attack-related attributes of the target unit when the skill is released.

   This makes them equivalent to eating BUFF.

   But it is useless for Chen Mo to continue to release BUFF on them afterwards.

   After all, they actually ignore any BUFF blessings.

   But it is enough not to eat buffs, as far as their current attack attributes are already against the sky.

  Because these mirror-image skeleton monsters cannot enjoy the blessing of stealth status, after being copied by Elena's mirror image, they immediately crowded each other densely and spread in a scattered manner.

  The 20,000 people behind them looked shocked at the mass of skeleton monsters that appeared out of nowhere like a fountain.

   Fortunately, Elena has already copied it once before and has experience. This time, the three million skeleton monsters were quickly rearranged.

Three million mirror image skeleton monsters are arranged in a neat array around the fortress, bowing their arrows, waving their staffs, and making sharp roars, accompanied by the light of magic and the hurricane of arrows, their attacks towards the fortress are crazy bombarded the past.


  Arrows shot out like locusts, and the sharp arrows drew arcs in the air, piercing the dust in the air, and shot towards the fortress's city wall extremely swiftly.

  The walls of the fortress had already been bombarded by Chen Mo's skeleton monsters and collapsed a lot. Now, under the bombardment of three million mirror image skeleton monsters' arrows, they are shaking even more, and the sound of collapse keeps ringing.

  At the same time, the energy bombs from the skeleton monsters waving their staffs also flew to the walls of the fortress. The moment these energy bombs touched the walls of the fortress city, they exploded immediately, bang bang bang! The aftermath of the explosion shattered the fortress walls into pieces.

   "Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack! Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

   Facing the sudden attack that blocked the sky and the sun, there was chaos in the fortress. The archers kept shooting, and the mages kept casting magic, trying to block the attack.

  The iron blocks on the city wall were bombarded until they turned into iron filings, and the arrow stacks on the city wall were also scattered by the rain of arrows.

  Under the terrifying bombardment of the skeleton monsters, the fortress has begun to look a little crumbling, but it is still tenacious, stubbornly resisting the attacks from the skeleton monsters.

   This is all because the special ore of spirit iron can be strengthened by replenishing mana from the mages in the fortress, otherwise the fortress would have exploded long ago.

   But this is nothing more than unnecessary delay.

  During the stormy bombardment, the arrows and magic bullets of the skeleton monsters rained down on the walls of the fortress.

  No matter how strong the city wall is, it still feels like it has been bombarded by thousands of hammers. Countless gaps have been blasted out, and iron filings and iron brick fragments are scattered in all directions.

  But I have to say that these imperial soldiers are really loyal.

   I don’t know what to protect such an empire.

  The defenders on the city wall are still desperately resisting even under such a dense arrow rain and magic bullet attack.

   Blazing walls of fire emerged from the city wall, counteracting the attacks of a large number of arrows and energy bombs.

  Because they counter-bombed to offset the attack of the skeleton monster, the sound of the explosion resounded through the sky, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

  Flames and thick smoke filled the city wall, and it was difficult to see the situation on the city wall for a while. Chen Mo didn't bother to care about the soldiers at this time. He only had one goal now, to destroy the fortress!

  No matter how the opponent blocks it, this is the only order he gave the skeleton monster.

   With the crazy attack of the skeleton monsters, the fortress walls are already crumbling.

  Even if this is the case, the defenders on the city wall still haven’t retreated. They are still trying their best to resist. They use bows and spells to fight back, and the effect is obvious. One attack by the mirror image skeleton monster is one less.

   There are a total of three million mirrored skeleton monsters!

  Facing such a huge skeleton army, they still seemed too weak.

  Seeing such a commotion, the two generals in the fortress had already received the news.

  They came directly to the top of the city wall and looked at the obvious sea of ​​millions of mirrored skulls outside the city wall.

  Seeing countless skeleton monsters frantically attacking the fortress, both of them looked solemn.

"Damn it! Where did so many skeleton monsters come from here! And the fighting power is so strong? Don't everyone say that skeleton monsters are the weakest undead creatures?" Selea looked at the millions of skeletons in disbelief. Strange.

  Baroque also looked solemn at this time: "Now is not the time to talk about this, if we don't take action, the fortress will collapse!"

  As a mage, Baroque has a powerful range attack ability.

As he waved the staff in his hand, a wave of magic power appeared in front of him. In an instant, a water-blue magic circle appeared in front of him. In the next instant, a large number of huge ice cones appeared in the magic circle. !


  Following the baroque staff pointing at the magic circle, these huge ice cones bombarded towards the army of skeleton monsters with an ear-piercing scream that pierced the air in an instant...

   At the same time, Baroque activated another magic circle, and with a tap of his staff, a bunch of fireballs the size of human heads flew out this time, bombarding the army of skeleton monster mirror images.

   Bang bang bang! !

  As his big fireball and huge ice cone hit the ground, they instantly exploded into a burst of flame and frost energy, instantly blasting a large area of ​​surrounding skeleton monster images into nothingness.

  His spell coverage is very wide, and a single cast can destroy thousands of skeleton monster mirror images.

  Seeing Baroque's power, Selea was naturally not to be outdone. Holding a huge sharp sword, she stood on the city wall and faced the large group of skeleton monsters.

I saw her body turn around suddenly, the giant sword was swung down fiercely from the air, and a powerful energy ripple erupted from her giant sword, the terrifying energy ripple cut the air, like a huge sharp blade directly Cut to the mirror image of the skeleton monster.

  In an instant, a large mirror image of the skeleton monster separated as if opening a path, was cut into two halves, and then dissipated in the air.

   It's not enough for a while, Sereya is still waving the giant sword, sending out a series of powerful energy waves to the army of skeleton monster mirror images, destroying more skeleton monster mirror images.

   "It's pretty fierce, I really want to die. I originally planned to push down the fortress wall first and then clean up you. Since you took the initiative to go to such a conspicuous position on the tower, let's take you first!"

  Mirror mirror skeletons are easy to die, but Chen Mo's skeletons are not easy to die.

   Not to mention that it's not easy to die, Sereya and Baroque can't even see them, let alone cause damage to them.

  As Chen Mo locked them, the target of the three million skeleton monsters changed from the fortress wall to the two of them in an instant.

  The densely stacked 1.5 million arrows and 1.5 million energy bullets flew towards Sereya and Barok respectively without a sound.

   At this time, the two of them were still unknowingly using their abilities to clean up the mirror images of the skeleton monsters summoned by Elena.

   After a breath of effort.

   Both of them showed a look of astonishment.

  In the next moment, both of them exploded and were killed by a wave of bombardment!

   This scene shocked the imperial army who were still desperately resisting on the tower, and they all froze in place!

  The two generals they most admired exploded to death inexplicably. This scene is much more shocking than the fortress being breached!

  (end of this chapter)

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