Chapter 239 is really good! (triple)

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you killed the two generals guarding the fortress, the morale of the fortress defenders decreased by 50 points. They are currently in a state of low morale. In this state, their attack and defense power will be reduced by 50%. 】

  Glancing at the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo ignored it, and continued to order the army of skeleton monsters under his command to bombard the city wall of the fortress.

  A large number of flying arrows and stray bullets crazily smashed into the already fragmented fortress wall, and the fortress wall was completely on the verge of collapse.

   After another half a minute of bombardment, only a rumbling vibration sounded.

   This huge fortress finally collapsed under the attack of the skeleton monster.

  【Heavenly Tip: Due to the collapse of the fortress, the morale of the fortress defenders has decreased by 50 points, and the current morale is 0 points. In this state, they will fall into a state of confusion and fear, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced! 】

After the fortress collapsed, Chen Mo originally planned to directly kill the defenders of the fortress, but considering that if he could recruit them, he might not be able to trigger any better reward evaluation, so he temporarily did not let the skeletons The monster continued to attack.

   After all, he has already experienced many hidden special rewards to achieve the conditions.

   Heaven is a dog.

   In this regard, you still have to rely on your own predictions.

  Anyway, these imperial defenders are no longer a threat to themselves, and there is no loss if they try to surrender first.

When Chen Mo thought of this, he immediately flew into the sky, extended his voice to the entire area with a condescending voice, and said, "Listen up, all soldiers of the empire, we are not what the traitor and the demon queen said." The rebel army, we are the rebel army!

  We have no direct conflict with you, we actually belong to the same camp!

  We were originally citizens of the empire. The reason why we formed the rebel army was because the demon queen was innocent and tyrannical, coercing His Majesty the emperor, and making our entire empire miserable.

  For such treacherous ministers and rebellious parties, don’t you still want to help the tyrants to abuse them? It may be us who are oppressed today, but it may be you who are oppressed by them tomorrow.

In their eyes, you are nothing more than ordinary soldiers. In our rebel army, some soldiers who are more senior than you have been persecuted. Now the whole country knows what this adulterer and demon queen have done. I think you should do the same. You must have heard of their disdainful behavior.

  If they were not really persecuted by their tyranny, how could such a large-scale rebel army be organized?

Now, we are fighting here, we are killing each other at all, it doesn't make any sense, our rebel army is not a tyrannical and bloodthirsty person like a traitor and a demon queen, now we give you a chance to surrender, all surrenders, we will not Will kill you.

  After you surrender, if you are willing to join the rebel army, we will treat you as if you were our own.

   Those who don’t want to join the rebel army, and those who are willing to be neutral temporarily, we are also willing to let you go, temporarily avoiding this dispute, and you can come out after the world is peaceful.

  As long as you don’t become our enemy, we can let it go! "

  After Chen Mo finished speaking, tens of thousands of soldiers in the entire fortress, who had already fallen into despair, couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

  Because they have already heard what the traitor and the demon queen did in the imperial city.

   It's just that they were a little skeptical at first.

  Especially when the general said that these were the rumors of the rebels, and the traitors and queens were just excuses that these rebels came up with to confuse the public for the justifiable rebellion.

   This made them inclined to believe what the general said for a while.

  But now, the general has been killed and the fortress has been breached.

  I and others are already the existence of this gang of rebels that can be wiped out.

  The rebel army did not choose to kill them, but gave them a way to survive, allowing them to leave or join.

   This had to make them re-examine the rumors they heard before.

  If the rebel army is really a rebellious rumor maker intending to rebel, after gaining an absolute advantage, will they still persuade them so well?

  Even if you don't join them, you are willing to give yourself a way to survive.

   Just by focusing on this point, you can see the opponent's pattern.

  Because it is easy to let the tiger go back to the mountain by doing so.

  After hearing what Chen Mo said, the soldiers in these fortresses began to think about how to choose.

  Under the current situation, it is definitely meaningless to fight to the death.

   There is no need to send anyone on the opposite side, just send out a lot of skeleton monsters to push them flat.

  The reason why the opponent persuaded him to surrender was obviously not because he was afraid of any war damage.

  So the credibility of what the other party said is still very high.

"I don't have much time. I'll give you 10 seconds to think it over. People who are willing to join our rebel army stand to the left. They don't want to join the rebel army, and they don't want to continue to embarrass us. Stand on the right. We can let them You go away.

  The rest of the foolish and loyal people who refuse to listen to the advice and want to continue to fight to the death with us can stand in the middle. "

   "10, 9, 8..."

  As Chen Mo started counting down, these soldiers who were still hesitating finally started to move.

  Seeing that several people stood to the left in unison, many people followed suit and ran to the left.

   There are still a small number of people standing to the right.

  In the end, there were tens of thousands of people, but none of them stood in the middle.

  They don’t know any traitors or demon queens. They all came to serve in the army to make a living. Who would sacrifice their lives for these two sinners.

  Chen Mo sensed that there were more than 8,000 people on the left, and only 2,000 people on the right.

   This recruitment is equivalent to an additional 8,000 troops on my side, which is still very good.

   "Very well, the more than 2,000 people on the right can leave, but I hope you'd better leave in a neutral manner, and don't continue to participate in the subsequent battle with us.

  Our rebel army just wants to help His Majesty wipe out the traitors and demon queens who control the government. It is for the purpose of clearing the court. There is no essential conflict with you. Please be clear about this. "

  After hearing Chen Mo's words, the soldiers on the right also nodded, and as one person took the lead to leave, the rest also retreated in unison.

   But when they retreated, more than a thousand people suddenly changed their minds and turned to the left.

   At this time, Chen Mo's ear also sounded a reminder from Heaven.

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully captured Rick Fortress and completed the first section of the first phase of the mission. During this mission, the death rate of soldiers under your command is 0%, meeting the requirement that the death rate is less than 20%. The mission completion score is perfect , you got 100 dungeon points. 】

[Tiandao reminder: Since you have successfully recruited 90% of the soldiers in the fortress through your own words, and you have reached the condition that the surrender rate exceeds 50%, you have achieved the hidden achievement "Soldiers without Fighting" in this section. You can get an extra 100 dungeon points. 】

  【Reminder from Heaven: The mission of the first phase of the second subsection is released, please continue to move forward and lead your troops to take down Stormwind City, but there is a dangerous area on the way, please pass carefully. 】

   "There are really additional benefits, not bad."

  Looking at Tiandao's reminder, Chen Mo immediately nodded with a smile. Sure enough, he didn't waste his words in vain, as he expected, this wave of blood earned!

   After all, it is an SSS-level dungeon. As long as the task can be completed normally, the original task reward is already quite good. On this basis, increasing the reward, even if it is only a small increase, is very impressive.

Originally, it was enough to get 50 points for this task. Chen Mo's perfect score plus hidden achievements directly quadrupled the points, which greatly improved the final experience value and eternal coin rewards. Not only that, the more points High, the item rewards that can be obtained in the end will also be increased accordingly. Generally, an SSS-level mission can guarantee at most one SS-level reward. Only when the score is high enough, will one get an SSS-level reward.

   And if the points are particularly high, it is quite critical to even get the second SSS reward and some other special rewards.

   After successfully securing the fortress, Chen Mo immediately asked several small leaders and leaders of the team behind to come up.

   "These brothers are willing to join our rebel army, you should assign them well."

  Chen Mo looked at the twenty people around him and said.

   "My lord, is this appropriate? If we directly mix them into our team, what should we do if they suddenly attack by false surrender?"

   "Don't worry, I have a solution."

  Since Chen Mo has recruited this group of people, he has already taken precautions.

  He directly followed all allies to cast the fury shield skill.

  After his violent shield reaches the quality of the red skill, it will have a permanent effect when it is cast.

  With his current strength, the thickness of the shield he displays is not something these soldiers can break through in a while.

   With such a shield blessing, even if they feign surrender and want to do something bad in their team, it is useless.

  Feeling the extra thick shield on his body, several small leaders and team leaders all looked at Chen Mo excitedly and said: "As expected of the leader, the strength is amazing! With your skills, we can rest assured."

   According to the normal situation, ordinary soldiers just surrendered, and it was impossible for them to be directly incorporated into their own queues in groups.

  In most cases, the whole group is scattered, and then mixed with several people watching one person.

  Chen Mo's arrogance can naturally be ignored.

  Successfully captured the fortress and recruited soldiers.

  Chen Mo immediately pulled out the map and took a look.

  Because my side was too efficient, the other two teams hadn't even collided with the enemy yet.

  Chen Mo always felt that their two routes would not be easy, but now that they have not hit the enemy yet, Chen Mo decided to continue his mission according to the instructions of Heaven.

  The task of the second section is to capture Stormwind City.

  Stormwind City is located in the southeast direction of the current Rick Fortress, about 50 kilometers away from Rick Fortress, and it is quite far to march there.

  Chen Mo and Elena followed the mission prompts and set off for Stormwind City.

  Behind the fortress, there is a dense forest, full of greenery, the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the branches and leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, which makes people feel comfortable.

  In the forest, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and a beautiful stream passes through it, with gurgling water, crisp and melodious.

Some soldiers in the army felt the tranquility of the forest after entering the forest, and they couldn't help but sigh that sometimes they really envy these small animals, who can live freely in such a beautiful natural scenery, without worrying about being suddenly persecuted by perverted rulers .

  Listening to their emotions, those soldiers who had believed most of them before could clearly feel their sighs from the bottom of their hearts.

   I am convinced that the empire is really rotten from the inside out.

  The rebel army had no choice but to come to this point.

   Along the way, this group of people who just joined the team had a lot of time to chat with the original rebels and deepen their understanding.

   This way, it also reduces the possibility of being backstabbed more.

   After all, many of these imperial soldiers were originally from the bottom.

  The situation of most people in the rebel army was originally the same as them.

   If these people will be persecuted, they will be persecuted.

   Such a ruler is really unworthy of existence and support!

  While walking in the forest, Chen Mo was still paying attention to the situation of the other two teams.

  After all, he always felt that the other two routes might not be so easy to overcome.

   Half an hour later.

  The teams on the other two sides finally reached the target location.

   From the map, you can see that they have already started to confront the enemy.

  Originally, Chen Mo thought that there should not be only one general on the other two sides, and there might be several ambushing people who needed support from his side, so he didn't go all out to speed up the march.

   As a result, he never thought that when his army marched halfway through the forest, the battle between the other two sides would have ended.

  Not only did they not encounter any danger, they even had astonishing combat power, and they solved obstacles in the way very quickly, and they didn't get caught in the dark at all.

   "It's so simple? Am I really thinking wrong? Or is it because I gave the shield?"

  Chen Mo pulled out the previous Heavenly Dao reminder again and looked at it.

  According to the previous Tiandao tips, clearly warn these people that no accidents can occur at this stage.

  If these people can easily get through the difficulties on their own, what is the need for Tiandao's reminder?

  In this first stage, there must be some kind of moth.

  Since it is not in the first section, it must be in the back.

   After all, the current progress is still within the scope of the first stage.

   "Chen, what are you thinking?"

  Seeing Chen Mo's thoughtful look while walking, Elena asked immediately.

   "Nothing, just thinking about the other two teams."

It's relatively easy to talk to smart people. Chen Mo only started, and Elena smiled directly and said, "You are thinking about what Tiandao suggested. Before, Tiandao reminded that they should not let them have problems in the first stage. The hint is almost clear what variables will appear in the first stage."

   "That's right, but it doesn't seem to be in the first quarter."

   "Before I thought the same as you, and I also thought that something might happen in the first quarter, but after seeing that there was no teleportation array in the fort just now, I knew that nothing would happen in the first quarter."


"You think so much because you can fly, right? Chen, you're a fan of the authorities. We are now in the first stage, and everyone can't fly in the first stage. Naturally, Heavenly Dao will not take flying ability into consideration. We will not arrange such tasks that we cannot catch up with.

  So when the teleportation array cannot be seen in the fortress, there is no possibility of accidents in the first quarter. After all, without the teleportation array, there is no way for a normal one-turn job to go around so far. "

Hearing what Elena said, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "It really awakened the dreamer, I have already become accustomed to my abilities, and I always feel that the Heavenly Dao will assign tasks according to my abilities, it is indeed what I want It's a bit much."

  Because Chen Mo had done too many tasks by himself before, he habitually used his own ability as the basis to think about how the Dao of Heaven would give him problems.

  Now this dungeon is an SSS level dungeon, but when they entered the dungeon, they only had one turn at level 40. How could Tiandao have some missions that require flying to catch up?

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo smiled and shook his head, he really thought too much.

   If there is really a problem, it should still be in the second section.

   After all, an important city like Stormwind City will definitely have a teleportation array inside.

  If the other two teams encounter any trouble at this stage, it is really not a big problem to lead the team by themselves.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo doesn't need to focus on the other two teams for the time being.

  He returned his attention to the forest, which was so quiet and reassuring, and enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

  However, before enjoying nature for a long time, Chen Mo sensed a small village not far away.

  The village is surrounded by this dense forest, like a paradise.

  Chen Mo and others soon came to the vicinity of the village. Due to the large number of people, everyone stepped on the pine needles and leaves on the road, making them make a rustling sound.

   Soon attracted the attention of the villagers.

  Seeing so many people and horses appearing near the village, the villagers in the village hid away in horror, and some of the brave ones looked at them curiously.

  They were looking at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo was also looking at the village.

  The houses in the village are basically built of wood, with murals and tapestries full of natural elements hanging on the walls.

  The houses are covered with moss and vines, and the surrounding trees and flowers make the atmosphere of the village more fresh and natural.

  The center of the village is a spacious lawn with some stones and tree roots scattered on it, and some small animals shuttle among them.

   There are some wild fruits and handicrafts on several wooden tables in the village square, which makes people feel natural and simple.

  The atmosphere of the village is pleasant and quiet, which makes people feel that the soul has been purified.

   "This is really a nice place." Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

   "Yes, this small village is very romantic and looks very peaceful." Elena echoed, she quite likes this environment, and if she has the opportunity to live in such an environment for a lifetime, it would be a kind of enjoyment.

   While the two were talking, an old man came over, leaning on a cane in his hand, with a kind smile on his face.

  He seemed very happy with the arrival of the two.

   "Welcome to Greenwood Village, you two young people." The old man said kindly, "I am the village head here. If you need anything, you can find me."

  He was wearing a green robe and looked very kind.

  Seeing the appearance of the village chief, Chen Mo was a little curious. The two of them came here with an army. Isn't the village chief afraid that he is waiting for someone to be a bad person?

   Just when Chen Mo was thinking this way, the village head suddenly smiled and said, "We in Lulin Village have a large formation that perceives malice. If you really have malicious intentions, I would have sensed it long ago."

   "Even the thoughts in your heart have been seen through." Chen Mo asked politely with a smile, "We are heading to Stormwind City, but there seems to be a dangerous area on the road. I wonder if you have any information to tell us?"

  Recalling the special reminder given by Tiandao when he announced the mission of the second section, Chen Mo immediately asked the village chief.

  Chen Mo thought that since this dangerous journey specially suggested by Tiandao is not the second subsection task, maybe a hidden task can be expanded.

"Go to Stormwind City..." The village chief frowned, looking a little worried, "On the way to Stormwind City, you need to go through a dangerous smoky forest, where there are many ferocious beasts, unknown monsters and terrifying monsters. The smog and poisonous gas, even those who take this road professionally can easily get lost in it.

  My suggestion is to wait until night to pass. At night, the smoke and poisonous gas in the smoky forest will dissipate naturally, and the danger of passing by then will be much lower than during the day. "

   "I see, thank you for your reminder, Mr. Village Chief."

After hearing what the village chief said, Chen Mo couldn't help looking at Elena and said, "Why don't you wait here first? At night, you can take them across that area, protected by my shield, a forest should It’s not a big problem, I’ll go there alone to attack Stormwind City?”

  For a higher mission evaluation, Chen Mo really loves soldiers like a son.

  It was not at all willing to let them get hurt.

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Elena thought about it and thought it was feasible.

  With the strength of Chen Mo's 3 million skeleton monsters, he is enough to attack the city by himself. Where do we need these soldiers under his hands?

  If you follow the normal task flow, it will actually be very contradictory.

   If we don’t capture Stormwind City earlier, when the other two teams have problems, we won’t be able to support them in time.

  But if you rush to march during the day, there is a high probability of encountering danger.

   But now, there is such a bug as Chen Mo in the team, there is no need to follow the normal process at all.

  Eileen nodded and said: "Okay, I will do as you said."

   Just when Chen Mo and Elena agreed to set off on the road alone, the village head suddenly spoke again.

   "By the way, there is one more thing." The village chief pulled Chen Mo lightly and said.

   "What's the matter, Mr. Village Chief?" Chen Mo looked at him curiously and asked.

"Recently, two villagers in our village got lost in the misty forest. After all, you have many people and many eyes and ears. If you want to enter the misty forest, can you help us find these two villagers? Of course, we It won’t make your hard work in vain, if you can get them back, we will give you some rewards.”

  【Heavenly reminder: You have triggered the hidden mission "The Missing Villager of Greenwood Village". After receiving the mission, you need to find the missing villager within 12 hours, otherwise the mission will be considered a failure. 】

   "Of course, I will try my best to help you find the two villagers." Seeing that he had triggered the hidden mission, Chen Mo smiled and agreed without hesitation.

   After all, it is a hidden mission of an SSS-level dungeon, so there must be no rewards.

   If there is a chance to get it, then of course I will get it.

  Anyway, this task did not say that there will be any loss if it fails, and if you don’t get it, you won’t get it.

   "Great, thank you!" The village chief nodded gratefully, "I hope you can reach Stormwind City safely and help us find the two villagers.

  But before the evening comes, you should rest in the village first, we have good fruit wine to entertain you. "

  (end of this chapter)

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