Chapter 240 Incompatible Strength! (four in one)

   "Then thank you, Mr. Village Chief." After speaking, Chen Mo looked at Elena with a smile, "Then I will do this hidden task by the way, and you will wait here for my good news."

   "It seems that I really found a good companion. With you here, I just need to lie down and receive the reward." Elena said with a smile.

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "Then remember to pay me later, one eternal gold coin is not too little, and ten eternal gold coins are not too much."

   "Then let me take you directly." Elena smiled and stretched out her hand to hook Chen Mo's chin and said.

   "I'm afraid I can't afford it. I'm very expensive."

   After joking a few words, Chen Mo left Elena and the people under his command in the village, and walked towards the mysterious forest that the village chief mentioned by himself.

  He himself can fly, but he can actually go around directly.

   But the army can't go around.

  For the safety of the army, Chen Mo still decided to go first to find out the depth.

  Leaving the village and walking about five kilometers in the green forest, Chen Mo finally saw a forest shrouded in mist.

   "This miasma covers a huge area." Looking at the fog in front of him that seems to be enough to cover the whole world, Chen Mo realized that if he came here during the day, it would be difficult to move at all.

  He tried to use his perception ability to sense it.

   Fortunately, the pioneer's perception ability has not failed, and the masking effect of this miasma is equivalent to none for Chen Mo.

  Relying on his perception ability, he slowly entered the miasma.

   Going deep into the foggy forest seems to have entered a mysterious world completely different from the human world.

  In the boundless gloomy green, miasma and poisonous gas are constantly rising and rolling, as if the heat from **** is suffocating.

  This hot air has a disgusting rancid smell, as if warning all creatures who dare to enter this place, this is the realm of death.

   Not long after Chen Mo smelled this smell, he was warned by Heavenly Dao that he was already in the poisonous fog and began to lose blood continuously.

   And this poisonous mist is quite powerful, the shield on Chen Mo's body has no effect on the poisonous mist at all

  Chen Mo tried to hold his breath for a while.

  I mainly want to test whether this poison can be avoided by holding my breath.

   But obviously not, this poison can enter the body through the skin, and it cannot be avoided at all.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't care about the poisonous mist anymore.

   After all, if he wants to recover blood, he will recover blood, or he will not die, so he doesn't care much about the deduction of blood, and even relies on this poison to brush up the poison resistance.

  At this moment, he was more curious about the two missing villagers.

   "In this poisonous environment, my blood is lost so quickly, can those two villagers hold it?"

  At this time in Green Forest Village, Elena and the others had already drank the fruit wine prepared by the village chief.

  The moment she drank the mellow fruit wine, Elena received a reminder from Heaven, and she got a BUFF.

  It is the BUFF that can reduce the damage of poisonous fog.

  The villagers of Lvlin Village drink fruit wine all the year round, and have long been extremely resistant to the poisonous smog. Naturally, they will not lose blood as quickly as Chen Mo.

   But the falling is slow, and it is still falling.

   If no one comes to rescue them for a long time, they will still be poisoned to death.

  The first thing you see when you enter the Misty Forest are tall and ancient trees. Their twisted figures are tightly entangled by dark vines, as if they are howling silently, telling the strangeness and horror of this forest.

   The deeper you go, the less and less the green environment is replaced by a sense of yellow.

  After going deep into the Lost Forest, Chen Mo saw the yellow and twisted leaves of the trees, with all kinds of strange fungi attached to them, emitting a suffocating stench.

  The water droplets on the leaves are mixed with toxins, dripping on the ground, making a faint ticking sound.

  Every drop is full of corrosive power, making people fearful.

  The ground of this forest is covered with thick fallen leaves. Walking on it seems to be stepping on a blanket, making a rustling sound.

   During the process of rotting, these fallen leaves emit a sour smell, mixed with miasma and poisonous gas, forming a special atmosphere that makes people feel fearful.

   Seeing the rotten leaves on the ground mixed with some unknown slime, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. He directly chose to float up and fly forward in the Lost Forest.

   After going deeper into the forest, some unsettling sounds began to come out. It was the cry of various strange creatures, and the sound of poisonous gas flowing in the air.

  Although this forest is full of death and terror, the power of life still lives tenaciously in it.

  Some strange-shaped plants tenaciously survive in the miasma poisonous gas. Their leaves are twisted and tough, and the surface is covered with a thick layer of mucus. This is their way of fighting against the poisonous gas.

  The flowers of these plants are even more strange, some are like burning fire, some are like ice crystal carvings, they bloom the color of life in this dead forest.

   And in the deeper forest, there is a dark swamp.

  Poisonous gas emanated from the black soil, and the water here was black with a strong rancid smell. Chen Mo estimated that the poisonous fog in the smoky forest was transpired from this swamp.

   There are some strange creatures living in the swamp. Their distorted figures flicker on the black water surface, giving people a feeling of terror.

  Through perception, Chen Mo found that there are quite a lot of monsters in this forest.

   Miasma Specter:

  Appearance: The body of Miasma Phantom exudes dark black smoke all over its body. It has no obvious facial or limb features, and usually only a pair of red eyes can be seen.

  Attributes: high dodge, low blood volume, weak physical attack and magic attack, able to move silently in the smoke.

  Poison Dryad:

  Appearance: The Poison Dryad is tall and covered with tangled branches and vines, with light green skin and red eyes.

  Attributes: High defense and high blood volume, strong physical attack power, can release toxin attack, cause toxin damage, and poison the enemy.

   Miasma Spider:

  Appearance: The miasma spider is huge, with eight spider legs with sharp fangs and a gray-black spider abdomen. In smoke, their bodies appear to be made of smoke.

  Attributes: High attack power and medium blood volume, capable of releasing poison attacks and bite attacks, causing physical and poison damage.

   Mist Behemoth:

  Appearance: Mist Behemoths are tall and strong, with strong scales and steely claws. Their bodies are shrouded in thick smoke and their eyes are usually red.

  Attributes: high attack power, high defense and high blood volume, can absorb smoke to enhance its own strength, can release physical attack and poison attack, can use long-range attack and melee attack skills.

   There are several others like this.

Chen Mo compared these monsters with the soldiers under his command. Although the number of soldiers under his command is sufficient, if he really encounters these monsters and fights, many of his soldiers will die. come over.

  Of course, it is relatively easy for Chen Mo to deal with them by himself.

   It's just that he is not in the mood to confront these monsters right now. He is circling around in the Misty Forest to search for the two missing villagers of Luzhu Village.

  At the same time, a large number of skeleton monsters under his command were also dispersed and dispatched.

   This can effectively increase the search efficiency.

   But it is also easier to encounter monsters.

   But this is just a level 40 dungeon in one turn. Each of Chen Mo's skeleton monsters is comparable to the damage of a turn four. Even if he encounters a monster, it will be pushed all the way.

As Chen Mo entered the smoky forest for 5 minutes, he couldn't help complaining: "This confusing forest is too big. I searched with such a wide range of perception ability and three million skeletons, but I couldn't find any of them. Where are the two villagers?

   Is this a 12-hour time-limited mission? "

  Chen Mo couldn't help wondering if he could only find someone when he came here at night.

  However, because Mi Lin is too big, he has not searched Mi Lin all over, but he has not given up directly.

   In the following time, in this dark and mysterious lost forest, Chen Mo continued to search for the traces of the villagers.

   A little while later, just as he was about to give up and prepare to attack Stormwind City first, one of his skeleton monsters found a weak clue.

   Those were some footprints similar to human shoes. After careful observation by Chen Mo through concentricity ability, he found that these traces were left by human shoes.

  Discovering this clue, Chen Mo was immediately refreshed. He asked the skeleton monsters to continue searching in this direction, while he himself accelerated to fly over.

  As the skeleton monster moved forward in the direction where the footprints were found, Chen Mo soon found more footprints in the forest, as well as some discarded items and some broken fabrics.

  These all prove that humans have appeared nearby, and the direction is right.

   "I finally found it."

   Seeing the broken fabric, Chen Mo was sure that he did not make a mistake.

  However, he was a little curious. Since he is a villager in Green Forest Village, he should be very aware of the danger of this Lost Forest.

  Knowing that the Milin is so dangerous, why did they choose to go deep into the Milin?

   Soon, Chen Mo knew the reason.

  Continuing to move forward in the smoky forest, Chen Mo gradually discovered some strange traces, which seemed to be traces left by some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

  He couldn't help frowning slightly, the scene in front of him made him feel unusual.

   After a while, the skeleton monsters had already walked in front of a large round altar made of earth and rocks. There were traces of blood and candle wax on the altar. Obviously, someone had just performed some kind of sacrificial ceremony here.

  As the skeleton monster approached the center of the altar, Chen Mo found a strange object exuding a dark atmosphere, which looked like a medium for summoning demons.

   Surrounded by multiple sacrifices used by cultists, including dead animals and some unknown objects.

  The altar is surrounded by a circle of strange symbols and patterns. These symbols and patterns are very mysterious, and they are probably used to strengthen the power of the ceremony.

  The entire altar exudes a strange atmosphere, which makes people feel unusual and frightening.

   "These two villagers were kidnapped by cultists, right? Are they going to be used as a living sacrifice?"

  He began to conduct a careful search around the altar, and soon found more unusual traces.

  The cultists placed multiple sacrifices around the altar, and some of the corpses still had traces of being tied up, looking like humans who were used as sacrifices.

   Chen Mo frowned slightly, and glanced at Tiandao's reminder.

   Fortunately, the countdown to the task is still decreasing normally, so it can be seen that the sacrifices currently used on this altar should not be villagers from Luzhu Village.

   "Since these guys chose to perform the ceremony in such a dangerous smoky forest, what the **** are they trying to do?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help becoming more curious.

   Judging from the traces, these cultists are likely to be performing a dark magic summoning ceremony, the purpose may be to summon a certain demon or other evil existence.

   They placed multiple sacrifices around the altar, including animal and human corpses, which also shows that they needed sacrifices to enhance the power of the ceremony.

In addition, the strange object in the center of the altar is also very likely to be a medium for summoning, which makes people think of the medium of summoning in ancient magic. Whatever they want to summon is obviously very dangerous and evil exist.

   "I won't summon some demon **** down. This is just a copy of one turn."

  But after thinking about it, this is a hidden mission, a kind of branch. Sometimes this kind of hidden mission is not necessarily bound to the difficulty of the mainline mission.

   It’s like when encountering a treasure secret realm, a monster that far exceeds the strength of the current copy may be released.

  Although he is on guard in his heart, Chen Mo is not very afraid because he has the ability to save his life.

  Besides, he himself hasn't flown over yet, and it's all skeleton monsters who are acting. Even if he really summons a powerful demon god, he won't be able to hurt him.

  As the skeleton monster quickly continued to search forward, more and more traces were revealed.

   Not long after, Chen Mo himself has arrived here.

  With the arrival of himself, the range of perception is instantly larger than that of the skeleton monster.

   Soon, Chen Mo discovered an unusually crazy scene.

In a dark open space ahead, a group of cultists dressed in black robes and with strange symbols painted on their faces gathered together, surrounded a huge stone platform, and whispered an incomprehensible language, The tone of the recitation was so weird that it seemed to come from the depths of hell, which made people shudder.

   After chanting for a while, the behavior of these cultists became even more weird and crazy.

Some kept turning in circles on the spot, as if they were dancing an evil dance, and some frantically tore off their hair, and then smeared it with blood on the stone platform. Those hairs burned slowly on the stone platform, emitting There is a foul smell.

   There are also cultists who grabbed the soil on the ground and stuffed it into their mouths forcefully, as if they were enjoying a strange delicacy.

   On both sides of the stone platform, two villagers were tied to the pillars, their bodies were tightly bound by thick ropes, their faces were as pale as paper, and their eyes were full of fear.

  They looked at these heretics who were demented and crazy, as if they saw the devil in hell.

   Their bodies trembled and their lips twitched constantly. They wanted to call for help, but their fear prevented them from making any sound.

  They have been living in the misty forest like a paradise, and they have never seen such a strange situation.

   Fortunately, it is still daytime, and these cultists are not directly calling for sacrifices, but are making some preliminary preparations, so the two villagers are still safe.

   It is the perverted behavior of the cultists around here that really caused them considerable psychological fear.

  Every time the cultists complete a weird ritual, they will bite each other, drink each other's blood, and then laugh wildly, as if they are enjoying an incomparable pleasure.

  There is no humanity in their eyes, only madness and evil.

   Around their bodies, there was a black air flow slowly surging, it was a breath full of death and stench.

  Chen Mo sensed the attributes of these cultists. Their attributes are actually not high, and even a casual professional at level 40 can deal with them.

   This made Chen Mo very confused, after all, these cult members are too weak.

   This is a hidden task in a dungeon with SSS level difficulty, it doesn't match the intensity at all!

  Can this hidden mission be completed so easily?

  Although he felt a little unreasonable, Chen Mo still ordered the skeleton monsters under his command to attack.

  For a while, arrows and energy bombs flew towards these cultists densely.

  According to the current powerful attack power of the skeleton monsters, their attacks should kill one of these trash cultists in one go.

  But when the attack of the skeleton monster fell on the cultists, although the blood volume of these cultists was emptied in an instant, none of them died strangely!

   At the same time, they all looked in the direction of Chen Mo in unison.

   But Chen Mo is now in a state of hidden spirit, so it stands to reason that these trash cultists can't see him.

   Now Chen Mo couldn't help feeling that the current scene was even weirder.

   At the same time, I also confirmed my thoughts. Sure enough, the hidden mission is not so easy to do!

  Under the feet of those cultists, Chen Mo found some mysterious runes. If you observe carefully, you will find that these runes are intertwined with each other regularly, as if forming a strange magic circle.

  Chen Mo's intuition told him that this magic circle might be the reason why the cultists could not die.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo glanced at the central area surrounded by these runes. If this is a magic circle, then the central area of ​​the runes should be the eye of the magic circle. Destroying the eye of the array should be equivalent to destroying the magic. Array!

   Knowing the target, Chen Mo immediately ordered all the skeleton monsters to turn around and blast all the attacking ones to the center of the magic circle.

   Facing Chen Mo's attack, these cultists didn't pay any attention to it, but simply muttered something.

As a large number of attacks from Chen Mo's skeleton monsters landed on the center of the magic circle, a powerful magic power was suddenly released from the magic circle. In an instant, a strange and deep hole like a black hole appeared in the center of the magic circle. This terrible hole Constantly rotating, the surrounding trees, stones, and even the miasma and poisonous gas, as well as the arrows and energy bomb attacks of the skeleton monsters, were all involved.

If the two villagers were not tied up, they would have been sucked away. Chen Mo directly threw a shield skill at them. Although according to the mission time suggested by the Heavenly Dao, the two should not die so early, but still Just in case.

  As a strange black hole appeared in the center of the magic circle, it absorbed everything around it.

At this time, the bodies of the cultists also began to change. Their eyes emitted a red light, their skin became dark, and a black liquid visible to the naked eye began to flow from their bodies. It seemed that there was an invisible force in their bodies. swelling.

  Their eyes became wild, they completely lost their reason and humanity, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a devil.

   There was a dark aura all over his body, and he looked even more terrifying than before.

  Under the influence of this dark force, their attributes suddenly became extremely powerful, even some advanced professionals could not match.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo frowned slightly.

  These relatively weak cultists have become so powerful with the help of the magic circle. The most perverted thing is that they are not dead at all, which is the most difficult thing to deal with!

  If you want them to die, you have to crack the magic circle first, and the magic circle will swallow attacks and cannot be destroyed at all, as if caught in an unsolvable cycle.

   The road was blocked, Chen Mo could only start to think of other ways to break the magic circle.

But at this time, those cultists were not idle, and they didn't know why they could see Chen Mo and his skeleton monster. After they were all greatly strengthened, they directly faced Chen Mo and his skeleton monster from a distance. An attack has been launched!

  These cultists are all proficient in dark spells, and their lethality is astonishing. Coupled with their current powerful attributes, normal people are bound to shy away from them.

  However, they did not rely on their enhanced attributes to attack Chen Mo and his skeleton monsters. They actually chose a prayer ritual to launch a strange attack.

  Seeing the strange gestures in the hands of these cultists, all of them suddenly shouted in unison in the next moment, and what they shouted was a strange language that Chen Mo had never heard before.

   While chanting the strange spells, they all raised their hands and stretched out their index fingers to point at Chen Mo and his skeleton monster, and then the spells in their mouths became louder and faster, as if they were calling for something.

   Not long after, Chen Mo felt the magical elements in the air start to surge crazily, and a depressive atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire area.

  A black magical energy appeared around the body of the cultist. This energy was like a black hole, devouring everything around it.

  Then, I saw those cultists suddenly opened their mouths, and spit out puffs of black smoke from their mouths.

  The smoke quickly spread in the air, forming a huge black cloud.

  The black clouds gathered and rotated continuously in the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster, like a huge black hurricane, which would sweep everything away at any time.

  Crack! Boom! With a loud roar, the black cloud burst suddenly, and black lightning shot out violently from the cloud, like black dragons, rushing towards Chen Mo and his skeleton monsters. over here.

  These black lightnings were extremely fast, as if they could travel through space, they arrived in front of Chen Mo and the skeleton monsters almost instantly.

  Chen Mo clearly felt that these black lightnings were completely different from ordinary attacks.

  These black lightnings carried a terrifying destructive force, and each lightning bolt brought him a strong sense of threat, as if carrying a destructive force.

  Following the black lightning, he crazily fell into Chen Mo's team.

  The skeleton monster around Chen Mo began to explode continuously, turning into a large pile of bone powder, and then disappeared completely.

  No matter how thick the shields and HP are on these skeleton monsters, every lightning bolt is enough to instantly turn a skeleton monster into dust.

  But the lightning falling on Chen Mo obviously has no such effect.

  Chen Mo also understood that this lightning simply has the ability to instantly kill summoned objects.

   Of course, the damage of lightning itself is also very high, but the threat is not as terrifying as it is currently shown.

   Seeing that the black lightning was simply looking at the situation, and the threat was not that great, Chen Mo ignored it, but continued to think about how to solve the situation in front of him.

   After careful observation, he suddenly discovered that the same symbols on the ground appeared on the bodies of these cultists.

   "Is there any connection between the symbols on their bodies and the symbols that make up the magic circle on the ground?

  Since the physical changes of these cultists are closely related to the magic circle, if the magic circle cannot be destroyed, it may be possible to destroy the magic circle by destroying the symbols on the cultists. "

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately ordered the surviving skeletons to target the symbols on the cultists to attack.

  As a large number of arrows and energy bombs poured out, a dark rain curtain was formed in an instant, sweeping towards the cultists like a torrential wind.

  The arrows roared, piercing through the air, and the energy bombs were like cannonballs, leaving trails in the air, making a whistling sound.

  The black attack poured down like a river pouring down. The symbols on those cultists were hit by arrows and energy bullets in a frenzy. After a while, the symbols on them began to shatter.

   I don't know why, but none of them screamed when they were emptied of blood.

  Originally, when they hurt each other, they never screamed.

  Now when the symbols on their bodies were broken by the attack, they actually let out a series of mournful howls, like torn beasts.

  The scene looked extremely weird.

As the attacks of the skeleton monsters continued to fall, more and more symbols on the cultists were completely destroyed. At the same time, the dark power on the cultists also gradually subsided, and their bodies gradually returned to normal color, with red eyes. It also gradually lost its light.

   After a while, the symbols on the ground began to crack and shatter, making strange noises.

As more and more symbols were damaged, the wailing of the cultists became louder and louder, resounding like a hundred ghosts, resounding through the area, making the monsters who originally lived in the Misty Forest afraid to hear it. Coming closer.

As the last symbol was broken, the strange black hole in the center of the magic circle suddenly stopped spinning. After a struggle, it shattered and disappeared, and the entire magic circle lost its power. Those once powerful cultists were all weak Lying powerlessly on the ground, they twitched continuously, they moaned miserably, their bodies seemed to have been drained of all vitality, and instantly became extremely weak.

Within three breaths, their bodies suddenly trembled, and then, as if their bodies had been drained of water, they shriveled up quickly, and finally turned into dry corpses, which rotted into the ground, No bones were left.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo felt more and more strange in his heart. He always felt that the matter was not over yet.

   After all, the Heavenly Dao reminder didn't sound. Obviously, simply destroying the magic circle is not the focus of this hidden mission.

However, just as Chen Mo was thinking this way, suddenly, the corpse of one of the shriveled and rotten cultists did not rot, but a puff of black smoke suddenly rose, and the smoke of the black mist spread over the corpse very quickly. It condensed on the ground, and finally formed strange skeletons from pitch black to shiny.

   This skeleton exuded a terrifying aura, and in his eye sockets, cold green flames flickered.

  Every step he moves is accompanied by sharp bones rubbing against each other.

  And above his head, the weird cloud that could split black lightning that was summoned by the cultists before gathered together again.

  The black lightning in the cloud is constantly rolling and flashing.

  Black skeletons, black lightning, and black forests constitute a terrifying and shocking picture.

  The moment he saw the black skull appear, Chen Mo immediately perceived his attributes.

   Obviously, the black skeleton in front of him must be defeated in order to complete the task and protect the two innocent villagers.

   But when Chen Mo checked the attributes of the black skull.

  Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the center of the magic circle, and the place where the black hole hole was before was torn apart, and a dazzling light gushed out from it.

  Chen Mo turned his head to look, only to see a person appeared in the middle of that crack!

   This person obviously has something to do with those cultists, because he is also wearing the same black robe as the previous cultists, but his black robe is more high-end and majestic.

  This person has a slender figure, and the aura emanating from his body is extremely terrifying, as if it can make the surrounding air oppressive and heavy.

   "I'm not afraid of being the leader of some cultists." Chen Mo thought to himself.

  At this time, the man looked gloomy, looked at Chen Mo and his skeleton monster, and said coldly: "Is it you who destroyed my Dark Abyss Formation and killed our members of the Dark Abyss Sect!"

   As soon as the voice fell, he stretched out his hand, and instantly summoned a huge black magic hand, and grabbed Chen Mo from a distance.

   "Dark Abyss God Sect?"

  Chen Mo instantly felt that this word sounded familiar.

  He immediately took a look at the tips from the Dao of Heaven.

   Immediately understood.

  Good guy, isn’t the leader of the Abyssal Sect one of the four marshals of the empire that Tiandao gave before the reminder?

   This seems to be the Lord of Stormwind City.

  Chen Mo recalled the relevant information about this world that Tiandao had given him before.

   If the lord of Stormwind City could be killed here, wouldn't it be much easier to attack the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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