Chapter 242 The blood of the evil god! (two in one)

  Facing the attack of millions of skeleton monsters, Kahn, who had no ability to save his life, lost his blood in an instant.

  At this time, the magic wing behind Kahn lost its supply of power and turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated.

  Losing his wings, Kahn's body fell from the air surrounded by countless skeleton monsters.

   During the fall, a burst of black mist suddenly emanated from his ear holes, covering his entire body.

  Karn felt that his energy was being consumed rapidly, as if being absorbed by this dark force.

  He wanted to break free, but his body was already unable to move.

   Soon he felt a strong pain from his whole body, his blood seemed to be boiling...

   "No! Master Anyuan, don't...please let my soul go!"

   Kahn, who once had the title of Demon Marshal, roared hoarsely, but it was useless. Dark energy began to gather around Kahn's body, as if preparing for his death.

  Kan felt his body gradually dissolving, accompanied by bursts of severe pain, his consciousness also began to blur, and everything around him became blurred and hazy.

   A darkness gradually appeared in front of Kahn's eyes, as if it were an endless abyss.

  He felt that his soul was being swallowed by dark energy and gradually disappeared in this world.

  At this time, Chen Mo, who was watching everything on the sidelines, could only feel a terrifying divine power surging around.

   It's just that he didn't see anything substantial appear.

   It was Kahn's eyes that were originally absent-minded, but they suddenly focused again, as if he saw something that frightened him.

   But before he could speak, his body and soul completely disappeared into the darkness. As the last wisp of black mist drifted away, that terrifying divine power also disappeared completely.

  Chen Mo saw that Kahn's body and soul had not left a trace after his death, and he was a little speechless in his heart. Is this the end of joining the demon?

   There is no dead body, even the soul will be taken away.

   After Kahn's complete demise, Chen Mo received the reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: This hidden mission only needs to rescue two villagers. In addition, you have successfully killed the hidden boss Karn (half-devil) form!

  You have completed a hidden boss battle, you have obtained a copy of "Cthulhu's Blood" alone, and your personal dungeon points will increase by an additional 1000 points. 】

  Before Chen Mo completed the fortress strategy, the total increase in dungeon points was only 200 points.

   This hidden mission actually directly gave 1000 dungeon points, which surprised Chen Mo.

   After all, his previous 200 points were obtained through the perfect completion of regular tasks, plus the double blessing of completing an additional hidden achievement.

  Under normal circumstances, the tasks in that section only have 50 points.

  And now the reward for this hidden task is 20 times of the normal points reward in the previous first quarter, which can be described as extremely large.

  Chen Mo pulled out the dungeon-related reward list and checked it. The dungeon reward points only need to reach 10,000 dungeon points to get 100% dungeon rewards.

   After that, for every 100 dungeon points, the dungeon reward will be increased by 1%.

  But if you want to get SSS level rewards, you need to get dungeon points that are double the normal dungeon reward points. For this dungeon, you need 20,000 dungeon points.

To be able to earn as many dungeon points as possible outside of regular missions, the more the better, like this kind of 1,000 points at a time, it’s blood earning, which is equivalent to increasing the overall dungeon reward by one after completing a mission successful rewards.

  A task is worth 10% of the reward after the completion of the entire SSS-level dungeon, which is still full of gold.

   "What is the blood of the evil god?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked it curiously.

[Cthulhu's Blood]: One of the props for special missions, you can try to obtain it in various SSS-level dungeons, it is more difficult to obtain, if you can gather 10 drops, you will have the opportunity to communicate with the evil god, maybe you can get it from He got some good things from him that he couldn't usually get.

   "A thing to communicate with evil gods? It doesn't look like a good thing at all."

  Chen Mo also encountered a lot of evil gods in the previous dungeons. Although the evil gods will give benefits to a certain extent, the results are always bad.

  Chen Mo actually doesn't want to have anything to do with the evil god.

  But don’t take advantage of the bastard, if you have the opportunity to take advantage, Chen Mo still won’t let it go.

  He temporarily put away the blood of the evil god, and was going to go back and collect 10 drops to see what the benefits were.

  Because Kahn's body and soul were all taken away by that evil **** of the dark abyss, Chen Mo couldn't even get his undead.

   Compared with the two undead generals received in the fortress before, Chen Mo naturally prefers the powerful Kahn.

  Although the two generals are not weak, they are only a little stronger at the 40th level gold boss level.

   In fact, there is not much collection value.

   Kahn is different, his strength is obviously much higher than that of normal bosses.

  It's a pity that I can't accept it.

Looking around, Chen Mo saw that there was no more wool to pluck, so Chen Mo walked towards two villagers who had already fainted from fright, and ordered the skeleton monster to remove the ropes from their bodies, and let the skeleton monster carry them back to the village up.

  As Chen Mo left and returned, Elena ran towards him immediately.

   "Chen, did you encounter anything in the forest just now? I heard a lot of movement in the village!"

   "It's okay, I just finished the task of finding people and encountered a monster blocking the way."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, he ordered the skeleton monster to put the two unconscious villagers on the wooden stakes in the village.

   At this time, the village chief has also come over.

  Chen Mo immediately said: "Mr. Village Chief, do you think these two are the lost villagers in your village?"

  Because the two were unkempt in the woods before, it was difficult to identify for a while. The crutch in the village head's hand suddenly moved forward, and two water balloons immediately popped out and fell on the heads of the two villagers.

  As the water polo washed away the dirt on the faces of the two, the village chief saw clearly and said happily: "Yes, it is Kaldor and Reid."

  While the village chief was speaking, the two also woke up slowly.

   The first moment when they opened their eyes, the two of them still had memories of before they fell into a coma.

  That was the scene when I witnessed a group of cultists go crazy.

   It is really a shadow of a lifetime.

   Fortunately, the two came back to their senses soon and found that they had returned to the village.

  However, they did not have the real sense of being saved, but thought that this was their dream world after death.

   "Are we already dead?"

   The two muttered to themselves.

  It wasn't until the village chief explained to them that Chen Mo brought them back that the two returned to reality in a trance.

  The two of them immediately expressed their gratitude to Chen Mo: "Thank you for saving us! Otherwise, we really don't know how we will be treated by those lunatics!"

  Kaldo and Red bowed deeply to Chen Mo, their voices filled with infinite gratitude.

  After all, anyone who encounters such a group of psychopaths and is almost sacrificed by them will feel lingering fear.

  They recalled the scene at that time, as if they could still feel the cold eyes of those cultists, the sharp weapons in their hands, and those crazy spells still echoing in their ears.

  Chen Mo smiled and waved his hands: "No need to do this, I just did what I should do."

Kaldor and Reid glanced at each other, their eyes were full of gratitude and amazement. Although this strange traveler was young and thin, he had strength and courage beyond ordinary people, and he was able to defeat such a terrifying cult with his bare hands Rescue them from the middle of the war, which makes them deeply admired.

   "Since they are all fine, I have other things to deal with, so I will leave first." Chen Mo looked at the village chief and finished speaking with a smile, then he was ready to move on.

   "Please wait a moment!" Kaldor suddenly stopped him, "We haven't repaid your life-saving grace yet."

  Red also quickly echoed: "Yes, please let us thank you well."

  Chen Mo smiled lightly: "You don't have to do this, I just did what I can do."

  This Green Bamboo Village doesn’t look rich, Chen Mo really didn’t expect to get any good rewards from them.

   "But we can't just let you go empty-handed." Kaldor said, "We have a precious thing that may help you."

   "Precious things?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, he and Elena looked at each other, wondering what treasures Kaldor and the others had in their hands.

   "Yes, we got this from the forest ruins." Red and Kaldor said, and they took out a small bottle from their arms together.

  Open the bottle, inside is some green liquid that exudes a refreshing breath. This liquid also emits light slightly, which makes people involuntarily attracted.

   "This is natural spirit dew, the legendary precious holy water." Kaldor said, "It has extraordinary power and can purify many things."

   "This is our most precious treasure, we hope you can accept it." Reid said.

   Regarding the purification of holy water, Chen Mo has already obtained seven bottles.

Among them, five bottles are tradable, and the remaining five bottles cannot be traded and can only be obtained by himself. Chen Mo has already obtained the holy water of the elves and the fountain of the saint, and this natural spirit dew is one of the remaining holy waters that cannot be traded. kind.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately took two bottles of natural spirit dew with a smile, and handed one of them to Elena.

   "SSS-level dungeons are good, there are always unexpected gains, and now I just need to get the remaining two copies of holy water, so I can use the heart of God to obtain divinity!"

   "Thank you very much for your gift, I will definitely use it well." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   At this time, the village chief also came over, took out a money bag and handed it over.

   "We have been hiding from the world all year round, and the coins we used to have are not used much, so I will give them to you as a thank you gift."

  Chen Mo took the money bag and took a look, and found ten eternal gold coins inside.

  【Heavenly Reminder: This hidden mission has been completed, and you will be rewarded with 100 dungeon points. 】

   This task is still very worthwhile, with 1 billion income, purification of holy water, and 100 dungeon points, the income is flattering.

  Although Elena received one less reward for a hidden boss than Chen Mo, it is still very cool to earn a reward for a hidden mission.

   After Chen Mo distributed five eternal gold coins to Elena, he turned and left Green Bamboo Village with a smile.

  Kaldo and Reid watched Chen Mo disappear, and then returned to their homes to recuperate.

  In this experience, although their physical bodies were not damaged, the psychological damage cannot be healed in a short time.

  I'm afraid I'll have nightmares even if I go to bed at night.

  Since the situation in the forest has been investigated before, and the hidden mission has also been completed, Chen Mo didn't waste any more time this time.

  He directly activated the Phantom Feather Boots and crossed the smoky forest, consuming energy crazily and turned it into a streamer and flew towards Stormwind City.

  Chen Mo accelerated crazily, his speed was comparable to the speed of sound, hundreds of meters per second.

  However, accelerating so fast consumes a lot of energy.

  If it weren't for Chen Mo's abnormal energy recovery speed, it would only take one second to exhaust his energy.

  Chen Mo is now maintaining the speed of consuming 100% of the maximum energy per second to increase his flying speed.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so perverted so quickly.

  Stormwind City is only about 40 kilometers away from Luzhu Village. Flying at Chen Mo's speed, it took Zhong more than two minutes to reach the vicinity of Stormwind City.

  Chen Mo immediately observed the appearance of Stormwind City.

  Stormwind City, like a towering boulder, stands on the top of a mountain, overlooking its surroundings.

  The city wall is tens of meters high and made of superimposed boulders, like a natural barrier, safely isolating the residents and defenders in the city from the outside world.

  There are many arrow towers and watchtowers scattered on the city wall, each showing the tight guard.

  The archery tower is the best place for the guarding soldiers to ambush the enemy. There are countless bows, arrows and slings hidden inside. Once the enemy attacks the city, these weapons will hit them like a torrential rain.

The watchtower is a place for the guards to observe the movement outside the city. There are binoculars and magic crystal **** in the tower. You can see the hills and plains in the distance. Even if the weather is bad, it will not affect the observation of the guards. .

  Outside the city wall, there is an open plain and hill. Once an enemy approaches, the archers and lookout posts on the city wall will quickly find it and report it to the guards inside.

  The city gate is located at the bottom of the city wall and is the only way to enter the city.

  The city gate is tall and strong, consisting of a thick iron gate, surrounded by boulders and wood, like a natural barrier that cannot be climbed.

  The huge iron gate can be closed automatically at the fastest speed as long as you press the mechanism. It is impossible to rush into the city by speed.

   Above the city gate, hung a huge banner with the logo of the city lord's family embroidered on it, representing the honor and dignity of Stormwind City.

  This Stormwind City is located on a higher terrain, occupying an absolute advantage in vision, and it is easier to defend and harder to attack than the previous fortress.

  Chen Mo was a little speechless, how could Tiandao arrange such a perverted task for himself?

   A city of this difficulty can be defeated by ordinary people with 20,000 people?

   Obviously, this is simply an impossible task.

   Unless there are any loopholes in this city.

  However, Chen Mo can take down this city by directly attacking with his strength without having to study any loopholes.

  But Chen Mo still considered the matter of hiding achievements.

  Just like the previous fortress, if the hidden achievements are done well, you can get more rewards for nothing.

"Anyway, the other two teams are only halfway through the march, and we have to wait for their news to take down Stormwind City early. Let's think about whether we can take down Stormwind City with a strong attack or not." Chen Mo thought in his heart. .

  (end of this chapter)

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