Chapter 243 Fishing for oil and water! (two in one)

  Because Chen Mo has the ability to hide himself, it is impossible for people with lower divine power to see him, so he entered the city easily.

   Coming to the city, Chen Mo sensed and probed around.

   Discovered that although Stormwind City looks like an iron barrel, there are actually loopholes that allow sneak attacks.

   This is to enter from the underground passage, and the environment is relatively harsh.

  In addition to this, there is another way to disguise the entire army as traders and civilians and enter the city.

  It is more troublesome than stealing from the tunnel.

  Walking around the city and thinking about the easiest way to win the city, Chen Mo walked past the City Lord's Mansion.

  At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and secretly thought that he had forgotten such a simple method.

  Of course, this method is definitely impossible for normal professionals to enter this dungeon.

   Chen Mo now creates conditions for himself.

  The method he thought of was very simple. When he saw that the City Lord of Stormwind City was not in the Palace, he immediately remembered that the Kahn he just killed was not the City Lord of Stormwind City?

   Now that he has been killed by himself, isn't the Lord of Stormwind completely empty?

  If I disguised myself as Kahn and pretended to be him, wouldn't it be equivalent to directly taking over the entire Stormwind City without bloodshed?

   Isn't it easier and easier than any other program?

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little excited, and he did what he said. He immediately used the ability of the Phantom Feather Boots to change into Kahn's appearance.

   Then relying on the hidden state, he returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

  Since Kahn has the title of Demon Marshal, it is obvious that this person's behavior should be more iron-blooded, arbitrary and ruthless. Even if ordinary people think that there is something wrong with him, they dare not say anything to him.

   Such a person is simply too easy to play.

   After returning to the City Lord's Mansion relying on the hidden state, Chen Mo canceled the hidden state and revealed himself.

  After the appearance, Chen Mo wandered around the city on purpose.

   Whenever the servants of the City Lord's Mansion pass by, these people all bow their heads and address him, the City Lord, respectfully.

   "It seems that my guess is not wrong. This Kahn is so majestic that even the servants around him dare not look up at him. There is almost no possibility of being exposed like this!"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo was very excited, so is he directly taking over the city?

  Chen Mo opened the Heavenly Dao System and took a look.

   It's a pity that the Heavenly Dao system didn't directly remind him to complete the task of conquering Stormwind City at this time.

   "I've already become a city lord, so I'm not considered to have conquered Stormwind City?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the description of Tiandao carefully.

   "The description of the Dao of Heaven said to lead the troops under the command to take down Stormwind City. Is it because the troops under my command have not yet entered the city, and I am the only one who has entered the city, so it doesn't count?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo thinks it is very possible.

   After all, with Kahn's identity, no one else in Stormwind City can compete with him, dare to compete with him.

   Taking down his identity by himself is definitely equivalent to taking down Stormwind City.

   "It seems that we still have to wait until night."

  Chen Mo decided to spend the night in the city.

   Just have to look at the progress of the other two teams first.

  At this time, the speed of the other two teams seems to be fighting tomorrow.

  As for the people from the Yongxing system, they did not come directly due to the relatively long distance.

  Chen Mo didn't know what they were thinking.

  In fact, people in the Eternal Star System think very simply. There are three big bosses in the Imperial City, one of which is a super big boss. In order to ensure that Chen Mo is killed, they borrowed all the power they thought they could.

  Instead of leaving the imperial city to fight against Chen Mo outside, they thought it would be better to wait for Chen Mo to come by himself.

  After they found out that this person's strength far surpassed that of a level 40 boss, they already wanted to take advantage of it.

  However, it is not easy to get her to take action. After analyzing the relationship between the world view and each identity person prompted by Tiandao when entering the dungeon, the people of the Yongxing system began to think of ways to lure the Grand Marshal to take action.

   But they also know that it will not be easy.

   After all, it is unreasonable for a big boss of this level to appear in this instance.

   It is even more difficult to take advantage of her.

  According to the fair division of the law of heaven, they are at most divided with the demon queen and the traitor. The actual division of forces in this dungeon has a total of three camps.

   There is one camp for the demon queen and the traitor, one for the rebel army (rebel army), and one for the generalissimo, who is only responsible to the emperor.

   But there is another balance point here.

  That is, the Grand Marshal cannot know that the emperor is actually a princess, otherwise the Grand Marshal will not be responsible to anyone.

  So the emperor couldn't directly mobilize the Grand Marshal to deal with the demon queen and the traitor. After all, the demon queen and the traitor would reveal her identity, so she didn't dare.

   But she can directly order the Grand Marshal to stand still.

In doing so, the demon queen and the treacherous prime minister did not dare to order the generalissimo directly. Firstly, they were not qualified to do so. Secondly, they did not dare to let the generalissimo know that the emperor was actually a princess. Otherwise, they would be in danger and would not be able to threaten themselves. In the case of their lives, they don't need to harm others or themselves, so they can't order the princess to let the marshal take action.

  Now the emperor doesn't care about them, letting them do whatever they want is already what they want to see.

   Naturally, they dare not ask for more, otherwise they will be self-defeating, and it would not be beautiful to lose the authority in their hands.

   After all, if the generalissimo is desperate to show his power, no one in the entire imperial city can stop him.

  Her own strength, as well as her power in the army, are enough to rebel against herself and replace her with a single thought.

  Under such a microsecond balance, the emperor only needs to prevent the generalissimo from taking action, and let the rebel army solve the demon queen and the traitor, and then have a chance to regain his rights.

  Of course, this premise is based on the fact that the rebel army will not continue to violate the imperial power after finishing the demon queen and the traitor.

  Under normal circumstances, everyone knows that there is such a generalissimo in the empire, and this generalissimo has a good reputation, and no one dares to provoke him unless it is absolutely necessary.

  But the rebel army is now with the professionals. If the professionals solve the demon queen and the traitor, but also want to overthrow the imperial power and make it more difficult for themselves, then they are completely free.

   It's just that the right to make this more difficult choice is completely in the hands of the professionals on the rebel side.

  Generally speaking, there is no way for the professionals on the imperial side to impose this difficulty on the professionals on the rebel side.

  Now the people of the Yongxing system are studying how to bring the Grand Marshal into the water.

   Let him be enemies with Chen Mo and others.

"Captain, you said that guy from the solar system is so fierce, so we don't need to worry about this at all. According to his style, I'm afraid he will choose to challenge the highest difficulty and get the best rewards, and he will take the initiative to provoke this guy." Not necessarily the Grand Marshal."

"Although this possibility is not small, we should try our best to turn passive into active. It is obviously unacceptable to put all our hopes on the stupidity of our enemies. Your first task now is to think about whether there is any way to lure the Generalissimo He took the initiative to attack people in the solar system."

   "It's difficult. Tiandao always pays attention to balance. With such an unbalanced character, before the other party actively provokes it, it will be difficult for us to find a way to make her take the initiative."

   While speaking, someone suddenly said: "Normal methods won't work, but we can use some unconventional methods."

   "Oh? What means, let's talk about it?"

  For a while, everyone looked at that person curiously, wanting to hear what tricks and tricks he had that could directly lead the Generalissimo to fight against those people in the solar system...


  Chen Mo's side, after checking the mission prompts, he guessed that all his subordinates must go to the city to complete the mission, but he didn't worry about it anymore. He was going to wait until the people who took over from his subordinates went to the city tomorrow.

  If Tiandao didn’t remind him to complete the task at that time, he would think of another way.

   Today, spend the night in Stormwind City.

  However, after finally getting such a high-ranking status, Chen Mo still intends to use this status to the extreme.

   It stands to reason that there should be a treasure house or something in the city lord's mansion, no matter how bad it is, there must be a warehouse or something like that, which can pay wages or something.

  If I can make a fortune, wouldn't that make me a fortune?

   "It would be great if I could get a good fortune for nothing."

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately felt it carefully. Although the treasure house didn't feel it, the warehouse did.

  He immediately walked quickly towards the direction of the warehouse.

  People along the way met him, they were either very respectful or evasive.

  Chen Mo came to the front of the warehouse unimpeded all the way.

   "Master City Lord!"

  Seeing Chen Mo coming, the warehouse manager immediately stood up nervously and saluted him respectfully.

  Chen Mo looked at the warehouse manager expressionlessly and said, "Let me see how many coins are left in our warehouse. I need to check the accounts."

  Seeing that the devil marshal actually came to check the accounts in person, this scared the whole warehouse's subordinates out of their wits.

  The warehouse steward also thought that he had made a mistake in some accounts, and actually attracted the city lord to do the work himself.

He immediately picked up the account book in fear and fear, ran over and knelt down in front of Chen Mo: "My lord, all the accounts of last month are here, and I have listed every item and item clearly. I read it again and again, there should be no omissions..."

  Although I know that I shouldn't say too much at this time, otherwise I will lose my life if I offend the other party.

  But if you don't say it, once you are misunderstood by the other party, you will lose your life.

   In a dilemma, the butler felt that it was better to make it clear.

  Chen Mo flipped through the ledger pretendingly.

  In fact, he is not interested in managing the accounts of the City Lord's Mansion at all, he just wants to see the balance of the City Lord's Mansion.

   When checking out the account books, Chen Mo saw that the balance last month was as much as 2,000 eternal gold coins.

  Although the dungeon world is not Chen Mo's real world, and 2000 gold coins are not 200 billion, they are similar.

  After all, Eternal Coins are divided into Eternal Coins, Eternal Copper Coins, Eternal Silver Coins, and Eternal Gold Coins.

  The basic currency used by people in the dungeon world is Eternal Coin.

  1 Eternal Gold Coin is equivalent to 1 million Eternal Coins.

  That is to say, in the consumption concept of the normal dungeon world, an eternal gold coin is equivalent to the existence of a millionaire.

  The village head of Luzhu was able to take out 10 pieces, which is already very remarkable.

   And 2000 eternal gold coins are equivalent to 2 billion eternal coins!

   It can be seen how rich the City Lord Mansion of Stormwind City is.

   "Where are the remaining coins?"

  Chen Mo turned around for a while, then looked at the warehouse steward in front of him and said.

  The butler immediately ordered someone to take out a large box from the heavily guarded warehouse, and brought it to Chen Mo quickly.

   "My lord, all the remaining eternal gold coins are inside, you can count them."

  Chen Mo felt it. Since the balance of 2,000 was from last month, the eternal gold coins here have come in because of this month's turnover, but the salary has not been paid yet, and now more than 3,000 coins have been saved.

  Chen Mo took the account book in one hand and directly took the box in the other, took all the money away and said: "I will check it when I go back."

   "Yes, my lord, please take your time and be careful."

  The warehouse steward is very sure that he has not made a mistake, and now he is deeply afraid that Chen Mo's mind is not clear and he made a mistake.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't say any more, just took the money and left the City Lord's Mansion swaggeringly.

   Just putting on airs, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel great in his heart as he spent more than 300 billion eternal gold coins for nothing.

   "The city lord's mansion has run out of oil and water, can I get some oil and water in other places?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo sensed the situation in the city.

   Where there is a lot of oil and water, it is naturally a commercial area.

  Chen Mo immediately sensed the situation in the business district of Stormwind City.

  The business district in Stormwind City is the core area of ​​the city, bustling and noisy, full of people.

  In the center of the city, it is a spacious and busy commercial street lined with a variety of shops and markets.

  This is the center of trade, and various goods are continuously transported from the trade routes outside the city.

  The merchants here are also of all kinds. There are traveling merchants from all over the world, some merchants living in the city, and some merchants from far away. They exchange goods here, and the trade is prosperous.

  On both sides of the commercial street, there are rows of shops.

  The first thing that catches the eye is a row of tall shops. Some of these shops are high-end furniture shops with magnificent architecture, some are jewelry shops with money carpets, and some are luxury shops dealing in various luxury goods.

  The shops are mixed with small vendors and street performers, forming a flowing landscape.

   At the end of the commercial street, there is a magnificent market square.

   In the center of the square, there is a solemn statue of Kahn. It can be seen that Kahn is also narcissistic enough. His statue symbolizes the power and spirit of the city.

  The square is surrounded by many markets, which sell everything from various foods, fruits, vegetables to various handicrafts, magic props, etc.

  The market is crowded with people, vendors are vying to sell, and pedestrians are walking shoulder to shoulder among all kinds of goods. The prosperity here is dizzying.

  In addition to commercial streets and market squares, there are many alleys and streets in Stormwind City, and these places are even more lively.

  In these alleys and streets, there are many small shops and stalls, all kinds of small commodities are dazzling.

  The things people buy here are often more practical items, such as various potions, magic scrolls and sundries, etc.

  The atmosphere in the entire business district is very prosperous and active. Merchants and buyers are constantly coming and going, so the whole city presents a kind of exuberant vitality, and there is a lot of oil and water at first sight!

  (end of this chapter)

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