Chapter 247 Crazy PUA! (two in one)

   But soon they discovered something was wrong.

  When the sacred beam of light shone on the skeleton monsters, they seemed to be sunbathing, not afraid of the holy light at all, and even dared to look up!

   Discovering that these skeleton monsters are so perverted that they can be immune to the restraint and purification of holy spells, everyone in the imperial army is terrified and shocked by it!

  Because this has broken their common sense!

  The skeleton monster army led by Chen Mo is like an unsolvable mountain, pressing down on the hearts of the imperial army.

  They keep trying to resist, but they can only reap helplessness and despair.

   This war is beyond their control.

   "Enough trouble, it's my turn!"

  At this time, Chen Mo, who was in a hidden state, smiled and issued an order.

  In an instant, the skeleton monsters that were still on the ground all flew into the air under the dumbfounded gaze of all the personnel of the Imperial Army.

   "Skull... How can the skeleton monster fly?"

   "No, it's not possible!"

   "This is not an ordinary skeleton monster at all, it is a demon, it is a demon that has invaded our world!"

  Albert looked very ugly looking at this scene.

   Rao is so well-informed. As one of the four marshals of the empire, he has never seen such a terrifying scene today.

   Millions of skeleton monsters that cannot be moved by physics, spells, or even restrained holy strikes can still fly!

   Just such a perverted skeleton army, who can deal with it except the Generalissimo?

   "It's impossible. We can't deal with these skeleton monsters." There was only despair in Albert's eyes.

  All means have been exhausted, and he can't think of any other way to deal with these skeleton monsters.

   "My lord, since we can't deal with these skeleton monsters, let's get all our hands together and wipe out the rebel army. This can be regarded as the last blood for the empire!"

   Said the young general Ed on the side.

  Young people are always passionate.

  Albert shook his head with a wry smile and said: "With the strength of these demons, they have invaded here, and the rebel army may have no good fruit to eat, so let's gather our hands and retreat directly!

  Without us, they may give priority to killing these rebels, so we don't need to waste our efforts! "

  Looking at the millions of skeleton monsters flying up like a sea of ​​smoke, Albert didn't feel that these skeleton monsters had anything to do with the rebel army.

  He simply defined these skeleton monsters as demonic invasion.

  Hearing what he said, the other generals next to him also felt that it made sense.

  Facing the rebel army, if they retreat, they will be said to be treasonous and fleeing.

  But what they are facing now is an army of demons, and they should have raised manpower for a long-term plan, so retreating now is not an act of solidarity.

   They all nodded in agreement.

  The generals have no objections, and the people under their hands are naturally gone.

   They even wanted to run away a long time ago.

   After all, whoever sees such a group of skeleton monsters with terrifying shapes, who can't be killed, and can't be killed, will not want to stay.

   It is true that the Marshal and the four generals are still here, so naturally everyone dare not move.

  Otherwise, once it is punished as a deserter, it will be a capital offense directly.

  Now the marshal directly ordered the retreat, and they immediately started the whole team to run away early.

   Unfortunately, Chen Mo never gave them this chance!

   Just as they were about to flee, a stream of light suddenly hit them.

   When the streamer fell on them, it was still bouncing back and forth between the skeleton monster and them.

   It is Chen Mo's Infinite Healing Wave.

  At the same time, the skeleton monsters in the sky have also launched an attack. A large number of bows and arrows are thrown together with a large number of energy bombs, swishing like a rainstorm, falling towards the imperial soldiers on the city wall.

   "Shield soldiers put up shields! Priests put on protective shields!"

  Albert is the Marshal of the Empire after all, no matter how confusing the scene is, he can quickly issue the most appropriate orders.

  However, although his instructions were correct, they couldn't stand the enemy too strong.

  Whether it's a shield on a soldier's shield or a protective shield on a priest.

  Everything is like paper, unable to withstand a round of attacks from these terrible skeleton monsters.

   "The whole army retreats!"

   Seeing that it was really hard to resist, Albert also had to take the worst action, which was to disperse and retreat indiscriminately.

  The biggest advantage of doing this is that at least some people can escape, but it will turn the whole army into a mess, without the slightest ability to defend and resist, and there is no other possibility except to wait for death.

   But now this is the best and the only way to save the lives of some people.

  However, if he did this, it would be fine if he encountered skeleton monsters without wisdom.

  But what he encountered was not a real demon, but a skeleton monster controlled by humans.

  It is impossible for them to run away even if they want to.

  Under Chen Mo's order, the Skeleton Monster's priority in sniping is those who run in the front.

   The faster you run, the faster you die!

  After discovering this situation, the retreat speed of the entire imperial army suddenly dropped.

   "Damn it!"

  When Albert saw this scene, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

   "Why do these demons seem to be intelligent? They specialize in killing the fastest running people?"

  When the imperial army was thrown into a mess by the army of skeleton monsters, the rebels outside the city who had finally calmed down also looked at the situation in Jerusalem unexpectedly.

  Ryan noticed the abnormality of the imperial army ahead, and immediately sensed the movement of Jerusalem ahead through perception.

  Seeing the city full of skeleton monsters flying into the sky, his eyes were full of surprise.

  As a teammate of Chen Mo's camp, he is also one of the top ten leaders.

  He naturally knows Chen Mo's ability.

   It's like the way of heaven let Chen Mo know their abilities.

   It's all mutual.

   "Soldiers! Our reinforcements are here, and the imperial army has now been defeated and dispersed inside the city of Jerusalem by our reinforcements! It's time for us to take advantage of the victory! Stop them and let them go!

   Anyone who is willing to be captured without a fight is not to be killed! "

  Ruen, when Chen Mo was commanding the rebel army outside the city, Chen Mo had already flown out of the city.

  By consuming a lot of energy, Chen Mo amplified his voice to the point where it can be heard all around the city of Jerusalem!

  "Nowadays, the demon queen is innocent, the villains are tyrannical, and the empire is in danger. Our rebel army is for saving the world, not for the troubled world!

   Now I give you the opportunity to cooperate with us to complete this loyal act of purging the court!

  If the empire has already been controlled by rebels and thieves, His Majesty the Emperor is already in danger, and urgently needs our support and rescue..."

  Chen Mo said some brainwashing words, combined with the dense army of skeleton monsters behind him who easily controlled the life and death of everyone, the entire imperial army soldiers were all stunned in place!

   Originally, they all thought that it was a certain death situation, but they didn't expect that there was still a way out?

   And this way of life was returned to the steps.

  According to the meaning of this sentence, their joining the rebel army is not considered treason, they are just cleaning up the government and the opposition, and they are just going to help His Majesty clean up the rebellious officials and thieves.

  This is an act of loyalty!

  Of course, it doesn't matter whether they really think so in their hearts, at least on the surface, their surrender behavior can be said to have passed.

   It is enough to convince myself on the surface.

  Who wants to die so worthlessly?

  For a while, a large number of soldiers of the Imperial Army put down their weapons, discarded their helmets and armor, and were willing to surrender.

  At this time, the Albert five, who were the marshals of the empire and the top ten generals, looked very ugly.

  Although they also felt that Chen Mo's words were enough to persuade them to surrender.

   But they are still entangled in their hearts.

  Knowing that there are more brainwashing elements in these words than real elements, if you want to survive, you have to pretend to believe it.

  The integrity in their hearts makes it difficult for them to recognize this brainwashing technique that can be seen through at a glance.

   And if they don't agree, there will be only a dead end for them.

  Do you want to survive or die bravely? This is a difficult problem.

  Of course they can also choose to pretend to surrender, but there are priests in the opponent's team.

   Priests can cast soul control spells!

  If they surrender in their capacity, they will inevitably be cast such a spell, lest they suddenly betray and cause a devastating blow to the team.

  So fake surrender is definitely not acceptable.

   After all, the level of the priest's soul control is over.

   Now either surrender sincerely, or die generously.

   Albert glanced at the four generals behind him and said, "What do you think?"

Seeing this, the most stunned Edna immediately said: "I think he is talking nonsense and has no credibility! The Queen Mother is His Majesty's biological mother, and the Prime Minister is His Majesty's uncle. They cannot It will harm His Majesty!

  Even if you take ten thousand steps back, they will, but don’t forget, there is still a Grand Marshal by Your Majesty’s side.

  With the strength and status of the Grand Marshal, even the Queen Mother and the Prime Minister should respect her three points, and she only obeys His Majesty. If His Majesty is threatened, he only needs to find the Grand Marshal to solve all problems.

  Where is it their turn to get some kind of rebel army to purge Chao Gang!

  Net is a bunch of nonsense! "

  After hearing these words, Albert and the other three generals all showed wry smiles.

  They were trying to convince themselves, but now, this Ed has wiped out the last possibility.


  With the existence of the Generalissimo, how could His Majesty the Emperor be threatened by anyone?

   Only the generalissimo needs to come forward, no one else is useless.

   Whether you are the queen mother or the prime minister.

  Whether it is the power of the government or the power of the world.

   It's a joke in front of the Generalissimo.

  The truth has been explained, so naturally there is no reason to deceive oneself and others.

  Albert regretted asking this question a bit.

   Originally, he was thinking that he could pull those two people who didn't want to die to say a few words that were enough to agree with, and then everyone surrendered together.

   It turned out to be good now, and was directly blocked by this stunned young man.

   Just when they thought they could only die, Chen Mo's figure suddenly fell near them.

   These are five important people. If they can be recruited, the benefits will be great.

   Seeing that they didn't fight to the death, Chen Mo felt that there was a chance to persuade them to surrender.

   So get ready to come and have a chat with them in person.

   "Several, are you interested in chatting?"

  As Chen Mo fell to the ground, the millions of skeleton monsters behind him also fell to the ground in unison.

  Looking at such a large group of skeleton monsters densely packed behind Chen Mo, the faces of Albert and the others were not very good-looking.

  At the beginning, they thought these were just demons.

   But now they discovered that these skeleton monsters were actually thought to be summoned.

   This made them feel even more frightened.

  If it’s just demons, there is still a possibility of being cleared, but if they are summoned by humans, then after one batch is cleared, the next batch will be replenished.

   As far as this kind of perverted thing can be supplemented endlessly, they can't think of anyone else to stop it except the Generalissimo.

   "Rebellious ministers and thieves, their skills are not as good as those of others. If you want to kill them, you have to listen to them. What do we have to talk about with you!"

  Ed, the stunned head, is really loyal.

Hearing what he said, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "It's very easy to kill you. With just one thought, these skeleton monsters are enough to kill all five of you on the spot, but everyone, you are really willing to be so worthless." fall?

  You have managed to develop extraordinary skills and achieved your current status. Are you really willing to just give up like this? "

   Speaking of this, the five of them were all silent.

   It's very simple to think about your life, it's a matter of a moment.

   This is just a matter of thought, but what else does it correspond to besides being gone? No one thought about it.

   Now that Chen Mo mentioned this, thinking that all their previous hard work has been in vain, several people really feel very unwilling.

  Seeing that everyone did not immediately refute, Chen Mo immediately took the opportunity to say: "Everyone has worked so hard to obtain the current ability, but you have not dedicated yourself to this country and the people of the world. Are you just giving up like this?

   And your relatives and friends, are you willing to give up like this? Those who are proud of you, those who need your current status to live a happy life, death is easy! It is very simple for everyone, but if you just give up your life, how will they continue to live, have you ever thought about it? you…"

   In order to get more points rewards, Chen Mo also tried his best, and it was another brainwashing speech, crazy PUA!

Chen Mo's words were full of deep feelings and sense of responsibility. He tried to arouse the sense of mission and responsibility deep in the hearts of these five people, making them realize that they are not only fighting for their own interests, but also for the country, the people and the people. Strive for the happiness and interests of relatives and friends.

  He wanted these five people to understand that as people with extraordinary abilities and status, they shouldered greater responsibilities and missions. They should not give up their lives easily, but should fight for a nobler goal.

After Chen Mo's words were overwhelmed, the five of Albert felt that his words were full of appeal and persuasiveness, so that they unconsciously began to re-examine their behavior and values, and for their own sake. Behave responsibly.

   Would such a person really be a pure rebel?

   Seeing that everyone was about to be persuaded, Chen Mo dropped a heavy trust bomb.

   "As long as you are willing to join the rebel army, I can assure you that no one will control your soul, you are absolutely free!

  This is the guarantee I can give you, and it is also my sincerity to you. I hope you understand that our rebel army is really only for the betterment of this empire! As long as we get rid of the demon queen and the traitor, we will not violate His Majesty any further!

  You are free to supervise from the side at any time! "

  (end of this chapter)

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