Chapter 248 Weak? Strong is not human! (two in one)

  Following Chen Mo's PUA brainwashing, the five of them were you looking at me and I looking at you, and finally all of them chose to agree.

   It was mainly Chen Mo's final guarantee that convinced them.

   They don't need to be contracted by the soul, then they are absolutely free.

  If the actions of the rebel army are really not challenging the imperial power, then they can indeed consider joining.

   After all, they have heard about what the queen mother and the prime minister did.

   It is indeed a bit too much.

   But it didn't hurt them before, and they didn't bother to take care of it.

   And now that the choice is in front of them, they can't do without choosing, so they can only try to believe it.

  As long as the behavior of the rebel army is wrong and the soul is not controlled, there is nothing wrong with them returning to the empire.

  Finally, the four generals looked at Marshal Albert in unison.

   After all, among the five people, his status is the highest. If he nodded first, then there is nothing wrong with the other four nodding.

After Albert hesitated for a while, he finally looked at Chen Mo and said, "Okay, then I'll believe you for a while, but let's say it first, we will never accept soul control, but if you try to do this We will fight back immediately!"

   "These are all powerful men, so naturally I can't deceive you."

   "Then let's join the rebel army for now and see if you are really acting as you said!"

"That's really great. In fact, we are also a little worried. Some people will gradually go against their original intentions and want to do some outrageous things. With you, the original pillars of the empire, watching from the side, we can also give them Act as a deterrent to make them give up such ideas."

  With Chen Mo's words, Albert and the others believed in what Chen Mo said before.

   "Since the five are willing to join the rebel army, please persuade all the soldiers around, so that I won't carry out unnecessary killings."

  Albert and the five nodded, and immediately began to gather their hands through sound transmission.

  Following the surrender of the five Alberts, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven in time.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You took the initiative to carry out special missions to aid friendly forces!

  You successfully helped the allies of the rebel army occupy the city of Jerusalem and avoided the death of key figures. The number of leader-level figures killed this time was 0. This rescue operation was judged to be perfect, and you were rewarded with 500 dungeon points.

  Special task completion: 50%]

  【Tiandao reminder: Because you persuaded the marshal-level character "Albert", general-level characters "Alice", "Marx", "Aina", and "Ed" through your own words!

   Persuading a marshal-level character to surrender can get a bonus of 2000 dungeon points.

   Persuading a general-level character to surrender can get a bonus of 200 dungeon points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your current dungeon points are 5400 points. 】

   "It's only 50% completed. It seems that the other team is also in danger, so we have to hurry to support them."

After persuading Albert and others to surrender, Chen Mo immediately found Ryan and said, "The commander-in-chief may also be in trouble. The matter on your side has been resolved. I have to go to support the commander-in-chief first. You can collect the rest The next person will do."

   When Chen Mo talked with Albert and others, Ryan also heard it.

  But Ryan is still very worried about Chen Mo's promise to allow them to surrender without relying on soul control.

  He immediately said: "If the five of them are not controlled by the soul, they can rebel at any time. If you leave them and make a sudden attack, we will not be able to deal with them."

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will go with them to support the commander-in-chief, there will only be some soldiers left here, you just need to gather the imperial soldiers into our rebel army.

  I have already seen the surrender of the Imperial Marshal and Imperial General, and they dare not rebel even if they think about it. "

   "If that's the case, it's feasible."

  These five main characters were taken away, and the remaining minions were easier for Ryan to deal with.

  The main reason is that these five people are too strong, and Ryan can't handle it.

   After explaining to Ryan, Chen Mo was ready to leave.

   "Five, the commander-in-chief needs support now, please go with me to support the five, just now the five have almost no consumption on the tower, and they still have enough combat power."

  Since they have chosen to surrender, they naturally have to show off. The five of them naturally have no objection to Chen Mo's request.

   They immediately nodded in response.

  Following Chen Mo and the five of them, they re-entered the teleportation formation.

   Soon they were teleported to Kesk City, where the commander-in-chief of the rebel army led his team to attack.

  This city is a relatively important ore town for the Imperial Army.

  There is an inexhaustible mine in the city, which also makes Kesk City the most famous forging town in the empire.

   There are all kinds of high-quality armaments, defense equipment and buildings.

   is a very difficult place to attack.

  At this time, the commander-in-chief Lilith is leading a team to storm the town, and all the shields on them are gone, which can be seen that they have also been broken by the imperial marshal or general.

  But Lilith is worthy of being the commander-in-chief's army, she is very smart.

  Before she attacked, she had sent a small team into the city to investigate and found some loopholes in the city.

   At this time, she launched a superficial feint attack, covering the other two teams and entering the city.

  In this case of internal and external cooperation, the defenders of Kesk City can be quickly confused.

   It's just that although the brain is good, it can't stand the disparity in strength.

   There are only four leaders on Lilith's side, but the defenders have a marshal and four other generals.

  Five powerful combat forces, facing four powerful combat forces, clearly occupy an advantage.

In addition, the place where the battle was fought was the main battlefield belonging to the imperial army. The rebel army was originally fighting away and encountered a strong enemy. difference.

  In the town, there were constant sounds of explosives being detonated.

  Even with the help of various explosives to make up for the lack of combat power, the rebel army is still in a state of 30-70 with the imperial army at this time.

  If there is no support, it will be difficult for them to win.

   This is mainly because of the four generals hidden in the city.

   These generals sneaked into the city without knowing when, and there was no news from the rebel army.

   Just like Ryan and the others attacked the city of Jerusalem just now, four more generals suddenly appeared.

   It stands to reason that these two cities include the Stormwind City that Chen Mo attacked, and there is only one marshal guarding the three cities.

   Originally, the combat power of the rebel army was enough to deal with a town guarded by only one marshal.

   It's a pity that the addition of the four generals has a crucial impact on the battle situation.

   It's like the attack of Aina's forbidden curse that Chen Mo just suffered when he was in Jerusalem.

  If an attack of this level is launched, if no one blocks it in time, it will be enough to destroy an army.

   This is enough to show how much the existence of a general has affected the situation of the war.

  Actually, the rebels were not completely careless. They reckoned that two generals might appear here, so each team had four leaders.

   But I didn't expect four people to come as soon as they came.

  According to their understanding, Stormwind City in the middle area is the most critical point, and it stands to reason that there will be more generals there.

  As a result, only two generals from the middle line began to emerge.

   Of course, this is not lacking in Kahn's conceit.

  As the Demon Marshal, he also believed in the Dark Evil God, An Abyss, and secretly controlled the Abyss Sect. His combat effectiveness was indeed much stronger than that of an ordinary Marshal.

  If he fuses with the magic bone, all the other marshals plus all the generals will not be his opponent alone.

  Even without the magic bone fusion, his strength is not very weak, and it is still possible to guard Stormwind City.

  Under normal circumstances, after defeating him in Stormwind City, he would abscond, and then continue to participate in the sacrificial activities of the Abyssal God Sect, completely forging the devil bone.

   becomes an additional hidden quest.

  Chen Mo turned the other way around. He did this hidden mission first, killing a Kahn who had not forged a magic bone. Although the reward was lower than that of Kahn who killed a full body, at least the mission flow was smooth.

   Killed Kahn in one go, took Stormwind City down, and made a good fortune.

   It can be regarded as earning enough.

   When there was turmoil in Kesk City and soldiers were fighting everywhere, six figures suddenly appeared in the teleportation array in the city.

   Among them, five figures are particularly conspicuous.

   Both the Rebels and the Imperials knew them.

  As these few people teleported over, the morale of the imperial army suddenly rose, while the rebel army was all ashamed.

   Originally, one marshal plus four generals was enough to make them stretched.

  If Lilith and the others were not strong enough, four of them could block five of them, and they would have been defeated by now.

   As a result, under such circumstances, the imperial army actually came with even stronger reinforcements.

  One marshal and four generals.

  If they also join the battle, how can the rebels survive?

   "Commander! Things are not going well. The Imperial Army has another marshal and four generals. We have to retreat quickly, or we won't be able to leave if we want to!"

  The therapist leader Lucy, who was petite and wearing a long purple dress, looked at Lilith who was fighting two people alone and shouted.

  The dagger in Lilith's hand twirled wildly, and her figure instantly turned into dozens of marshals and a general who had pushed back the imperial army from multiple deadly angles, before taking time to look towards the teleportation array.

   After seeing Albert and others coming, her complexion also became very ugly.

   "Damn! Impossible, how could Ryan and the others lose so quickly? And none of these five people was killed?"

  Just before attacking Kesk City, she had already learned about Ryan's situation through the crystal ball.

   Unexpectedly, Ryan's side would lose so quickly.

  In fact, after Ryan and the others were rescued by Chen Mo, they immediately wanted to convey the news of Jerusalem's victory through the crystal ball.

   As a result, this side has fallen into a battle, and no one has time to look at the crystal ball, so we don't know the follow-up situation of Jerusalem.

  Of course, when he saw the five masters of the imperial army appearing intact, he immediately identified them as enemies.

   "I can't help it, retreat!" Although Lilith still has a strong hole card, it is difficult to even use the hole card under the current situation, so she can only announce the retreat order.

   But just when she was about to order people to retreat.

  The voices of Chen Mo and Albert spread throughout the city at the same time.

   "Hold on, everyone!"

  One is the leader of the rebel army, and the other is the marshal of the empire.

  The weight of the two people talking is still enough.

  The two armies who had been fighting fiercely just now stopped subconsciously.

   At this time, the Marshal and the four generals in Kesk city also looked towards the teleportation array.

   "Albert, have you already dealt with the rebels?" The marshal in Kesk City was named Michael, and he was an experienced middle-aged general.

  He has long silver hair and brown eyes, wears a set of black heavy armor, and holds a long sword. His voice is deep and powerful, and people can tell that he is a tough guy.

  The four generals are:

Katerina, an excellent paladin, has both powerful support and combat capabilities. She wears a gleaming silver armor, holds a gorgeous spear, and rides on a tall and mighty white horse. With black curly hair and sharp blue eyes, it gives people a noble and elegant feeling.

Maurice, a skilled mechanic in a dark blue military uniform and a military cap with a gold rim, holds a pistol and stands next to a large summoned mechanical cannon, Seems ready to launch at any moment.

  Lucas, a brave berserker profession, he is wearing a gray military uniform, carrying several spears on his back, and holding a sharp giant axe. His thick black hair and strong figure show his perseverance and unyielding quality.

Emily, a female mage who is proficient in arcane magic, is wearing a purple robe and a magic hat inlaid with jewels. She is holding a magic book. She has a soft face and a pair of crystal clear green eyes. Eyes, her magic ability is daunting, she is Ina's sister, her arcane magic is not inferior to Ina's fire magic.

  The five of them looked at the teleportation array in unison, and Emily was an arcane teleportation, and landed directly beside Aina.

   "Sister, why are you here? Is your rebel army that weak?" Emily said with a smile and put her arms around her.

  Hearing this, the corner of Aina's mouth twitched and she glanced at Chen Mo from the corner of her eye.

   She complained frantically in her heart: Weak? It's simply not at the human level.

   At this time Albert looked at Michael and said, "Let the people under him stop fighting first, let's have a chat together."

Chen Mo also looked at Lilith and said: "Master Commander, call the leaders of our rebel army over together. Let the people above us chat with each other first. If the chat is not good, we will not fight again later." Late."

   "Talk?" Lilith looked at Chen Mo with a look of surprise, not only her, but also the other three leaders near her.

  At first, they simply thought that the imperial army was coming with powerful reinforcements, but they didn't expect that there was actually a leader of their own rebel army standing behind them?

   Come out to speak with Albert and Chen Mo.

  Whether they were from the rebel army or the imperial army, they all looked dull, and they didn't understand what was going on now!

  How did the leader of the rebel army and the marshal general of the imperial army transmit everything so harmoniously? Even called a halt to the fight?

   It really made their brains a little bit overwhelmed.

  (end of this chapter)

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