All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 249: All the bosses have persuaded them to surrender? (two in one)

  Chapter 249 Are all the bosses persuaded to surrender? (two in one)

   "Talk? What's there to talk about?" Michael glanced at the rebels, and his eyes were not friendly.

  Because at this time he has not realized his situation.

  He only saw two imperial marshals and eight imperial generals on his side.

   Occupying an absolute strength advantage, there is no need for communication at all, just use force to subdue these rebels!

  Until Albert sighed and approached him and whispered, "Aina and I have joined the rebel army, so would you like to calm down and have a chat?"

  As soon as these words came out, Michael was completely dumbfounded.

  He stared at Albert in disbelief with wide-eyed eyes, confirming that he was not joking.

  After seeing Albert's helpless smile, he immediately turned pale and whispered: "Could you be controlled by the soul!"

   "That's not the case. The leader of the rebel army is very reasonable and gave us the opportunity to choose freely. This is a free choice we made based on the current situation."

   I saw Albert and Michael talking in a low voice.

Chen Mo took the opportunity to come out, looked at the marshals and generals of the empire, with a smile on his face, and said in a firm tone: "Everyone, I know how you feel now, you may think that our rebel army is fighting against the empire. However, in fact, our purpose is to purge the court and establish a more stable and stable society, so that there will be no complaints from the people, and finally a complete chaos in the empire."

Michael retorted: "We have always been maintaining the stability of the empire. If there were no rebels like you, our empire would not be so chaotic now. You said you didn't want to create chaos, but the appearance of your rebels is Biggest mess!"

  Chen Mo responded: "You only saw the assembly of our rebel army, but did you see the reason for the assembly? If there were no problems within the empire, how could our rebel army recruit so many stable companions who lived and died together at one time?

   Have you noticed that the empire is now controlled by the demon queen and the traitor, and has been creating some cruel and violent acts.

  What our rebel army has to do is to defeat these treacherous people. "

  Michael didn't have much to say about this.

  Because he has also heard about the current style of the demon queen and the traitor.

   Seeing that the other party did not refute this point, Chen Mo immediately said: "I think Marshal Michael has heard about this, so there is no problem with the assembly of our rebel army. We are just trying to eradicate evil spirits!"

  At this time, Katerina, who was in silver armor and heroic, stood up and said, "But you are also challenging the majesty of the empire. As loyal servants of the empire, we cannot betray our oath."

  At this moment, Chen Mo glanced at Albert in time.

Albert walked up to Katerina and said: "I understand your loyalty. We are just like you. Our loyalty to the empire has not changed, but at this time, what we need is not just loyalty, but justice. If The empire is now controlled by evil, as righteous people, shouldn't we stand up and oppose it?"

  Seeing that Albert actually joined the persuasion queue, Michael couldn't help thinking for a while, and then said: "But, if we join the rebel army now, will it cause more damage to the empire?"

  Chen Mo explained: "The goal of our rebel army is to eliminate the influence of the demon queen and the traitor, not to destroy the empire. What we need is righteous people to join us and fight for the future of the empire together."

"Your Majesty is now caught up in it and treated as a puppet. The demon queen and the treacherous prime minister have long controlled the government, so that the people of the world are exhausted and displaced. What our rebel army wants is not power or wealth, but to eliminate harm for the people and establish An empire that lives and works in peace and contentment!" Chen Mo said confidently.

  Michael’s face was solemn. He knew that as the generals of the empire, their responsibility was not only to defend the country, but they also had the important task of maintaining the safety of the people and the stability of the empire’s society.

   But now, the situation they are facing is so complicated and difficult.

   "You speak lightly, resist the majesty of the empire and build an empire that lives and works in peace?

   This in itself is the biggest challenge to the stability of the empire! Because once the majesty of the empire is easily provoked, every little dissatisfaction in the future will cause turmoil again and again!

  Do you know how many generations of hard work and dedication are needed to establish the majesty of the empire today? And the position we stand in is to defend the majesty of the empire! If we follow you today, the majesty of the empire will be greatly damaged. How will the empire stabilize its rule in the future? Wouldn't such behavior plunge the country into deeper turmoil? said Michael seriously.

Seeing that Michael still has the ability to fight against PUA, Chen Mo immediately retorted with a smile: "I can understand your worries, but have you ever thought that when the empire really benefits the people and benefits the people of the world, who would want that?" Come out to make trouble?

  Even if a traitor instigates it, the common people will report it directly.

  Who wants to live a peaceful and stable life, but plunge himself into turmoil?

  What the common people want is a stable life, they don't expect any better conditions.

  The position you are standing in is not only to maintain the majesty of the empire, but also, as you said, to maintain the stability of the empire. If the people's hearts are unstable, how can the empire be stable no matter how majestic it is?

   This time you suppressed it by force, what can happen next? Once the seeds of people's resentment and hatred are deeply rooted, if they erupt in the future, it will definitely be extremely terrifying and tragic!

   At that time, how can you truly maintain the majesty and stability of the empire?

  The demon queen and the treacherous prime minister have already taken control of the government, and the people have suffered and been displaced. But you, stay out of the matter and enjoy royal benefits. Isn't that pure selfishness? In vain you keep saying that you are loyal to the empire.

  Really for the sake of the empire, you shouldn't let the empire lose the hearts of the people.

  Really for the sake of the empire, you should take the lead as an example and tell the people that the empire can still be trusted, but there are traitors and officials in the court who have deceived His Majesty.

   This is the best way to show your loyalty and stabilize the order of the empire! "

   "You are really good at talking, no wonder Albert and the others can be persuaded by you!" Michael looked at Chen Mo and said in a low voice.

  "It's not that I can speak, but I just need to clarify the simplest facts, so it's easier for me to speak.

  But you are racking your brains to think of some excuses, so naturally it takes a lot of effort to think about it.

Now the common people need a hero who can save them from the dire straits. You original marshals and generals of the empire have to take on this responsibility, to give hope to the common people, and at the same time to maintain the majesty of the empire, to prove that there are still bright men like you in the empire. Reason, know how to think about the existence of the world. "Chen Mo talked eloquently.

"I understand what you mean, but I still need to consider more factors. For example, we represent the entire imperial army. If we surrender or defect at will, this will cause our army to lose trust, which will lead to more rebellions. The Communist Party appeared, triggering further turmoil and chaos in the country." Michael sighed.

Seeing that the other party's attitude relaxed, Chen Mo immediately said: "The purpose of the rebel army is not to seize the power of the empire, but to destroy the demon queen and the treacherous prime minister, and save this country. We need all capable people to join us and work together. Save this country.

  The marshal of the empire is still the marshal of the empire, the generals of the empire are still the generals of the empire, and the soldiers of the empire are still the soldiers of the empire. You have not surrendered, betrayed, or defected. You just made a more correct choice.

   This is an act of redemption!

  If someone takes the opportunity to do something to disrupt the empire, we can also deal with them at the same time. In this way, it will be more clear to the world what the rebels are doing for, and it will be more clear about your position.

  We do not ask you to betray the Empire, but stand on the side of justice.

   This is not only for the country, but also for ourselves and our families.

  If the queen and the villain continue to rule this country, all of us will be threatened, and all of our families will be harmed. "

"I know your loyalty to the empire," Lilith also joined the ranks of persuasion, "but I would like to ask you, does the current rule of the empire still represent the true will of the empire? You are defending the empire on the surface, but in fact you are Do you think it is right to protect the interests of the demon queen and traitor who damage the image of the empire, the interests of the empire, and the stability of the empire?

  The empire is now just a puppet plaything controlled by the traitor and the demon queen, don't you feel it yourself? Your Majesty has lost his rights under their cracks and bewitching, but you are still fighting needlessly under this dilapidated government. Isn't this a waste of life? "

"Our rebel army does not want to betray the empire, but to make the empire develop better." Another leader of the rebel army also said in time, "We want the imperial government to no longer be controlled by the traitor and the demon queen, so that The true Emperor His Majesty returned to power and made the Empire stronger and more prosperous."

   "But the methods you used were too cruel. How many innocent soldiers you slaughtered on the battlefield along the way, this is intolerable!" Berserker General Lucas accused.

"We have indeed carried out some killings, but our purpose has always been to maintain justice and stability. Want less sacrifice?"

  The moment Chen Mo's voice fell, the entire interior of Maisk City was instantly filled with dense and endless skeleton monsters.

  The sudden appearance of so many skeleton monsters immediately frightened the left and right imperial and rebel troops.

   "If I let these skeleton monsters launch a strong attack now, how many of you can survive?" Chen Mo said calmly.

  Michael and the others glanced at the densely packed skeleton monsters around them, sensed their perverted intensity, and all fell silent.

   So Albert and the others were persuaded to surrender under such circumstances?

  Michael glanced at Albert, only to see Albert smiled wryly at himself.

   Obviously, the answer is self-evident.

   Demonstrated absolute strength, Chen Mocai continued to explain: "Nowadays, the people are living in poverty and suffering, and they need you to protect them.

  We just hope that you can realize the problems of the imperial government and think about how to improve the current situation of the empire. We need your strength and wisdom to work together for the future of the Empire. "

  Chen Mo's words of persuasion to the marshal and the general did not lower his voice, and even purposely diffused to the extent that the whole city could hear it.

  For a while, the atmosphere on the entire battlefield became tense, and everyone was thinking about their own positions and beliefs.

  With a large number of powerful skeleton monsters around as an absolute threat of power, everyone can calmly suppress their impulses and enthusiasm to think clearly about the problems of the empire.

   After being silent for a while, Michael and the others finally looked at Albert and the others, and they finally nodded.

   "Okay, then we will trust you for now, but according to what you said, we are not betraying the empire. At most, we are just cooperating with you to overthrow the unscrupulous officials and thieves." Michael added.

  Chen Mo smiled and nodded, "That's natural!"

   No matter what you are for, as long as you are persuaded to surrender, everything will be fine.

   Sure enough, after Michael nodded and agreed with the four generals around him, all the soldiers of the imperial army in the city followed them and joined the cooperation with the rebel army.

  In an instant, the voice of Heaven's Dao reminded Chen Mo and Elena who was sitting in Stormwind City.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You took the initiative to carry out special missions to aid friendly forces!

  You successfully helped the allies of the rebel army occupy Kesk City and avoided the death of key figures. The number of leader-level figures killed this time was 0. This rescue operation was judged to be perfect, and you were rewarded with 500 dungeon points.

  Completion of special tasks: 100%

  You have additionally obtained a double reward for dungeon point calculation rewards. 】

  【Tiandao reminder: Because you persuaded the marshal-level character "Michael" and the general-level characters "Katerina", "Morris", "Luska", and "Emily" through your own words!

   Persuading a marshal-level character to surrender can get a bonus of 2000 dungeon points.

   Persuading a general-level character to surrender can get a bonus of 200 dungeon points.

  You have persuaded 80% of the empire's strong men to surrender, and you have additionally received a reward of doubling the settlement rewards of the dungeon points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 8700 points, and the points at settlement will be ×3. 】

  In Stormwind City, Eileen, who was standing on the roof of the Stormwind City Lord's Mansion and looking at the surrounding scenery, was very surprised.

  People sit at home and joy comes from heaven.

  She really couldn't imagine how Chen Mo could directly persuade two marshals and eight generals of the empire to surrender.

   "This almost persuaded all the boss-level characters in this dungeon to surrender! Chen is too fierce!"

  (end of this chapter)

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