All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 250: Yongxing people's plan! (two in one)

  Chapter 250 Yongxingxing people's plan! (two in one)

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have successfully completed the first phase of the task, and you have received 1000 phase dungeon point rewards. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 9700 points, and the points at settlement will be ×3. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: The second phase of the task is released, go to the dynasty to solve the demon queen and the traitor! Please note that it is rumored that the traitor has trained the top ten killers, please beware of encountering their assassinations on the way.

  The demon queen has three powerful guardians, please pay attention to protection. 】

  When Chen Mo received the reminder from Tiandao, Lilith had already started to arrange the next action.

   Currently three key towns have been captured.

   Kesk City is a forging fortress, Stormwind City is a trade capital, and Jerusalem is a city of faith.

   Mastering the equipment, money and faith, the strength of the people under him can be further improved.

  Lilith discussed with Albert and Michael, armed all the people in the three major towns, and then drove to the imperial city together.

  It is bound to produce treacherous people!

   According to the requirements of Albert and Michael, they must personally lead the imperial soldiers.

   Lilith has no opinion on this.

  After all, her original intention was to eliminate the demon queen and the traitor, not the emperor, and the slogan was not just shouting.

   And behind the scenes, everyone didn't know that she had an extraordinary connection with the emperor of the empire.

  Under the coordinated plan of Lilith, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, and the two imperial marshals, the news spread to the three major towns.

   It only took half a day, and the people in the three major towns were all ready.

  Although due to the previous battle, the imperial soldiers and the rebels still had some conflicts.

   But acting together now is for righteousness.

  Everyone returned to the leadership of the original chief, and everyone didn't have any opinions.

  When the three major cities have changed, a major event has also happened in the imperial city at this time!

  His Majesty the Emperor was assassinated, and the assassin was caught. It turned out to be someone sent by the rebel army.

   This incident directly angered the Generalissimo!

   "Your Majesty, I can no longer listen to your tolerance. These rebels dared to send people to assassinate the palace, and even almost killed you. I must take action to destroy them."

  Grand Marshal Ellis is the most powerful and highest-ranking woman in the entire empire.

  As the generalissimo, her own strength is undoubtedly powerful in the entire empire.

   Besides strength, her appearance is also unmatched in the empire.

   Standing in the palace at this time, her straight posture always makes people involuntarily cast their eyes on her.

Her long silver-white hair shone slightly in the sun, and her soft hair covered her snow-white shoulders. Her high nose bridge and slightly upturned corners of her mouth outlined a delicate, soft, well-defined, and heroic face. And her deep eyes exude an indescribable charm.

Alice's figure is very tall, slender, with exquisite curves, especially when she is wearing a military uniform. The golden brocade Grand Marshal's military uniform is matched with a slender figure, and the tight clothes set off her perfect figure. Her posture makes people's hearts move, and every movement of her reveals an irresistible aura, which makes people naturally respect her.

  She exudes a powerful and elegant aura, and she is like a goddess full of confidence and strength.

  Her shoulders are broad, her snow-white skin looks very healthy and energetic, and a bright red cloak adorns her figure, making her look extraordinarily dazzling. Her slender waist, gracefully slender legs, and high leather boots make one think of her as a battle queen.

  She is the culmination of the combination of imperial power and beauty.

At this time, her face was angry, and there was a sharp breath between her brows, highlighting a heroic and courageous beauty. Her eyes were deep and powerful, and people couldn't help but feel awe. Even under the angry look, she His beauty still shines brightly, leaving people amazed.

"Your Excellency Ellis, please calm down. It is still not proven that the rebels did it. Although the assassin himself admitted that he was sent by the rebels, it is also possible that someone pretended to be a rebel to do it." That’s not necessarily the case.”

  Emperor Sai was wearing a gorgeous purple royal robe with gold silk trim, very dignified.

  She is now disguised as a man. Although she conceals her supposedly gorgeous beauty, she adds a delicate temperament.

  Her eyes are deep, slightly melancholy, with forbearance in her eyes, making people want to comfort her inner pain.

  Her face is gentle, and seems to be weak, which makes people feel pity. Sai's performance at this time is relatively weak, but it still has the bearing and demeanor that a ruler should have.

   "Your Majesty, there is some truth in what you said. In this extraordinary period, we should be more vigilant against some rebels who take the opportunity to do things that are not good for Your Majesty."

   After all, Alice is the Grand Marshal of the Empire, and her mind is good, so she quickly calmed down.

   "Your Majesty, let me investigate clearly first. If it is really found out that the rebels did it, please don't stop me from taking action."

   "Your Excellency Alice, you have to trust me, I have other important arrangements for you! Now is not the time for you to move around."

  Say looked at Ellis, feeling helpless in her heart. If someone continued to provoke the Generalissimo, I'm afraid I would be unable to stop her.

  If Alice is allowed to take action, the rebels will not be able to stop her no matter how many people come over.

   "What is the arrangement? Your Highness just asked me to stay in the imperial city, but never mentioned the plan..."

   "The time has not come yet, so I can't say it for now, you go back first, but remember my words, don't leave the imperial city at will, I need someone who can find you at any time."

   "Yes, rest assured, Your Majesty, as long as Your Majesty needs it, Alice can immediately appear wherever His Majesty is."

  Although Alice is extremely powerful, she is truly loyal to the emperor.

   Seeing this, Sai felt relieved a lot.

  After seeing off Alice, Sai immediately called the maid who was close to her to come over.

   "Send someone to investigate where the assassin came from this time, and we must find the person behind it."


  As the maid receded, Sai's eyes gradually changed from the previous weak ones to extraordinarily firm ones.

   "Could it be the queen mother and the prime minister? They just pretended to assassinate, so as to provoke the marshal to take action?"

  Thinking of these two people, Sai frowned unconsciously.

  The existence of these two people poses a huge threat to her.

   Not only took away her rights, but at the same time held her deadly handle.

   These two must die!

  Sai's eyes flashed a cold light, and after changing his weak temperament just now, he revealed an unusual domineering and murderous aura.

  In the imperial city, hundreds of people from the Eternal Star System gathered together, and they were quite satisfied with their plan.

   That assassin was exactly what they assigned.

  The purpose is to anger the Generalissimo and lure her to attack the rebels.

   In this way, they have an extra powerful helper.

   "Sure enough, the generalissimo is not so easy to be fooled. She has already started an investigation at this time."

   "Isn't this just in line with our wishes? We are not afraid of them investigating, but we are afraid that they will not investigate. Wouldn't our arrangement be in vain if we did not investigate? This wave will directly let them sit down!"

   "It is still the captain who has the means to anticipate this in advance. It is not enough to send a killer to admit that he is a rebel army. He also needs a nest of rebel army. This wave will send dozens of lives to the imperial army.

  I don't believe they can not believe it. "

  The captain of the 100-person demonization team of the Eternal Star Department Randy smiled and said to his teammates: "Since you have entered the dungeon, you must make good use of all the resources that can be used in the dungeon.

  These people already hated the empire to the core, and after a few words, they easily treated us as regular rebels and joined us.

   Once the imperial army checks it out, it will be a certainty that they are rebels. "

  When several people were proud, suddenly a servant ran over quickly.

   "Master Randy, Mr. Prime Minister, please come to the Prime Minister's Mansion as soon as possible."

   "The Prime Minister is looking for me?" Randy thought for a while and said clearly, "Got it, you go and reply and I'll be there right away."


As the servants left, Randy immediately looked at his teammates and said, "It seems that the rebel army has completed the first phase of the mission and called us. As an iron-blooded organization directly under the queen mother and the prime minister, it is obviously time to be used. .”

   "Then are we really going? We haven't caught the generalissimo yet. Since we want to make a move, shouldn't we make a move when we are most sure?"

   "Don't worry, I'll deal with the prime minister first. According to the generalissimo's ability, it won't be long before we find the group of people we arranged in advance. If we succeed in dragging her into the water, it's okay for us to follow the prime minister's order."

   "Then wait for news from the captain."

   "Well, I'll go back as soon as I go. This prime minister is just a rookie. Even if he disobeys his order, we can't do anything for a while. Even if he forces us to take action, we can delay it for a while, don't worry."

  As Randy left, the remaining Yongxing members continued to discuss various cooperation issues.

   After all, there are hundreds of people, everyone has different skills, and all of them have been demonized. Compared with the original skills, the demonized skills have changed drastically.

  They themselves need a certain amount of time to get familiar with, let alone display it and cooperate well with teammates.

  The reason they stayed in the imperial city for the past two days was not just to plot against Grand Marshal Ellis to lure her into the game, but more because they were getting along.

   Work out the best coordination, so that the team's strongest combat power will burst out!

   Demonization skills are part of it, and part of it is the existence of cursed props.

   These are powerful combat forces that they have never been exposed to before.

   Now that they suddenly have all of them, it will not be so easy to use, and it will take quite a while to get used to.

  Chen Mo and them meet so far away, it takes a lot of time to call, which is actually a great thing for them.

   After all, in their view, Chen Mo's strength is inherent, and he can use it perfectly after entering the dungeon, which is different from them.

  So the longer the delay, the better it is for them. Anyway, the demonization can last until the end of the dungeon, so that they can run in more proficiently and tacitly!


  In the prime minister's mansion, Randy has already met the most notorious prime minister in the empire—Larseth.

Randy followed Larses' butler to the prime minister's mansion, and saw Larses lazily lying on a soft couch from a distance, with erratic eyes and a glass of strong wine in his hand, obviously Already drunk.

He was dressed in the utmost luxury, wearing a brocade robe embroidered with gold thread and jewels, a golden crown studded with precious stones on his head, several gold rings on his hands, and a jeweled chain around his neck, Her hair hangs loosely on her cheeks, and there is even a jade pendant on her nose.

  He looked like a dude, without the majesty and dignity that a prime minister should have.

However, the most eye-catching thing is Larses' plump face. Because of his perennial indulgence, his face is covered with tiny red bloodshots. It looks fat and fleshy, as if it will burst if he touches the blood hard open.

There was a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth, and a lewd gleam in his eyes, and Larses didn't behave like a well-educated official at all, he said to the woman beside him without hesitation All kinds of obscene words.

  He is full of licentiousness, his skin is dark yellow and wrinkled, and he looks like an old man. There is always a lewd smile on his mouth, and sinister and greedy eyes.

  Beside him, there are also a group of flirtatious dancers, wearing see-through costumes, panting and teasing the prime minister, while Larses enjoys the lustful pleasure they bring.

  Seeing this scene, Randy couldn't help frowning, full of contempt and disgust for the prime minister.

   Larses' butler walked slowly to his side and whispered a few words.

  At this moment, Larses noticed Randy coming in, and he waved his hand indifferently to drive away the woman beside him.

   Then he looked at Randy with a smile on his face, and beckoned him to sit near him.

  Randy held back his disgust and came to Larses' side.

  If it wasn't for the mission, he could kill one of them with one punch.

  Randy and Chen Mo just have different positions in the galaxy, which doesn't mean that he and Larses are really fellow travelers.

  He actually dislikes a character like Larses.

   Physiological disgust!

   So much so that sitting next to him is disgusting!

   But Larseth didn't notice Randy's reaction.

  He patted his greasy hand, and suddenly swish! Ten figures have appeared in the room.

  Randy and Chen Mo both know these ten people.

  After all, there will definitely be hints for hints from Heaven.

   "The ten of them are the top killers that I specially spent a lot of money and a huge price to cultivate. They have extremely strong assassination capabilities!

   I heard that the rebel army has recently taken over the three major cities of Kesque, Stormwind, and Jerusalem in one fell swoop, and is currently marching towards the imperial city.

  I want your Iron Blood Organization to take ten of them, intercept and kill the high-level figures in the rebel army in the middle, and paralyze their command center!

  These mobs are only temporarily gathered by relying on the slander of some people.

  Once the leader is gone, the remaining people are just a group of ants without any ability. They can't make any waves at all, and we don't even need to take action, they will naturally crumble and flee. "

  After hearing what Larses said, Randy immediately glanced at the ten people around him. Although Tiandao mentioned them before, Randy didn't know their specific attributes. He immediately checked their attributes!

  (end of this chapter)

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