All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 251: Poor prime minister! (five thousand words)

  Chapter 251 The cheating prime minister! (five thousand words)

   Originally, Randy had no hope for these people.

   After all, a character of this level is at best a bit stronger than a gold-level boss at level 40.

  A character like this is really enough to deal with a normal level 40 first-turn professional.

   But what they have to deal with now is a first-time professional who is so perverted that he cannot be measured by common sense.

  The attributes of their 100-member demonization team have been strengthened so pervertedly that until now, they dare not say that they are confident that they can deal with that guy, let alone rely on some characters such as level 40 first-turn bosses.

   In the past, it was no different from free gifts.

  In the entire dungeon, the only person they can look up to is Generalissimo Alice.

  Only her combat power can be mixed into their battle with Chen Mo and play a role.

   But after reading the attributes of ten people, Randy couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

   "I didn't expect it, there was a surprise."

  I thought these ten people were useless at first, but I never thought that each of these ten people has unique skills!

   "Everyone has an absolutely conditional instant-death attack skill. If this can take effect, it will be a must-kill move!"

  As I said before the instant death attack, once it takes effect, it doesn’t matter how much health, shield, defense, or damage reduction you have, as soon as it takes effect, you will be killed immediately!

   And the ten top assassins trained by Larses all have such a one-hit kill ability!

   It's just that since it's an instant death attack, it's not so easy to trigger it at will.

  Each of these ten people's instant-death attack needs to meet certain conditions.

  Some want to stab the enemy's heart.

   Some want to stab the back of the enemy's head.

   Some are going to hit the enemy's throat.

   And some other conditions...

  The ten people all have different conditions. If you want them to develop their abilities, you need to create enough conditions for them.

  Although it is difficult for them to trigger the instant death attack, it is enough surprise for Randy.

   After all, this is tantamount to giving them a means to kill Chen Mo in the Yongxing system.

  Every additional method means one more chance to complete this task.

   This time, the dungeon where all 100 of them were demonized and entered was a sniper mission that they took their lives to do.

  It must be successful, and there is no way out.

  They don't want all their hundreds of people to die here in vain.

"The ten brothers are extraordinary, but not all the rebels are vegetarians. Why don't you entrust these ten brothers to our Jagged Corps to lead? I will make a more complete plan so that we can hit the rebels with one blow." Randy Immediately, Xiao Jiujiu was playing in my heart.

  These ten people must be held in hand. If they are allowed to carry out the assassination in advance, it will definitely be a meat bun beating a dog and never returning.

  With Chen Mo's strength, he doesn't think these ten people can assassinate each other without the help and planning of himself and others.

  Hearing what Randy said, Larses didn't think much about it.

   After all, according to the identities given to the group of people in the Yongxing system by the way of heaven, the iron-blooded army of these people in the Yongxing system was originally the confidant of the brothers and sisters of him and the demon queen. Naturally, they would not suspect that these people have any ulterior motives.

   "Okay, then I will hand them over to you to lead, and be sure to completely defeat them before the rebels attack the imperial capital!"

   "Yes, don't worry, my lord, I will definitely complete the task properly, just like every previous task." Randy said with reference to his identity and background.

   "Well, your iron-blooded corps is always so safe and efficient in handling affairs. I leave it to you, and I can rest assured!" Larses nodded in satisfaction.

   "The ten brothers go back to their residences and take a good rest. I will go back and make a plan with my brothers in the regiment, and I will call you when the time comes."

  The eyes of these ten people were empty, as if they had lost their souls.

   Their faces were expressionless, cold and lifeless.

  The long-term brainwashing and training made them lose their self-thinking and independent consciousness. They just mechanically followed orders and carried out the killer mission of the Assassin's Secret.

  When Randy is talking to them, their eyes will suddenly reveal a cold light. There is no emotion in such eyes, and they are only cold and ruthless.

  Their faces were tense, their expressionless muscles seemed to be frozen stiff, and their skin was pale without a trace of blood, as if they had lost the breath of life.

  They wore black assassin costumes, covered with concealed swords and hidden weapons.

  Everyone is lean and agile, and their bodies reveal a murderous and fierce look.

  Following Randy's voice, the ten people instantly retreated and disappeared into the surrounding darkness.

  The ability to hide in the dark seems to have been integrated into their genes.

  Their movements are short and precise, without any unnecessary movements, and every movement is as swift and violent as a death wielding a sharp knife.

   These ten people were trained to be machine-like killers. They were no longer individuals, but tools of the prime minister.

  They have no personal will and choice. Their existence is only to fulfill the purpose of the prime minister. Whether it is life or death, they will obey and carry it out unconditionally.

  Looking at the ten people who disappeared, Randy liked it a lot.

  With such subordinates, it is really reassuring to send them to assassinate anyone.

  Randy has already thought about using them in the battle against Chen Mo.

   Having received the ten treasures presented by Larses, Randy returned to the residence of the Jagged Corps in a good mood at this time.

  However, contrary to his happy mood now, when he came back, he saw that the brothers looked not very good-looking.

  He immediately asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? I just left for a while, why did everyone's faces become so ugly?"

   "Damn Prime Minister Larses, you really screwed people up."

   Even if someone made a complaint.

   "Larces? What happened to him?"

  Just came back from Larses, and Randy, who didn't find anything unusual, immediately asked curiously.

"It's the matter of seducing the Generalissimo. Haven't we already done a good job? The group of people who we fooled into thinking that they joined the rebel army have already acted in the empire for several rounds. Originally, the Generalissimo came out. The net will be collected soon, but who would have thought that this **** Larses would have gotten the news one step ahead of time, and directly captured and killed those people!"

   "How did he get the news? Didn't I tell you to only leak the whereabouts of these people to the Generalissimo on purpose? There must be something hidden from the prime minister." Randy said immediately after hearing this.

  Good guy, I have laid out the layout well, and I can directly collect the net, but in the end, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, isn't this cheating?

   "It was a gambler. A gambler discovered them, and then betrayed their news to the prime minister in exchange for a reward."

   "Damn it!" Randy smashed the table beside him with a punch, "This has caught the generalissimo in front of his eyes, and now he is completely let go by this stupid prime minister."

   "Captain, no, let's do it again."

"Come on, if you are the generalissimo, you just sent people to investigate this group of people. When you found out, you found that the prime minister took them away and killed them in advance. There is no evidence for the death. Are you a general?" Marshal, what do you think?"

  Randy complained speechlessly.

  As soon as the words came out, the people around immediately understood.

  Obviously, the assassin's assassination act directly broke away from the rebel army.

  Under such a coincident situation, the Generalissimo would naturally think that the Prime Minister did these things secretly. Now that he saw that he was investigating, he would clean up the traces in advance, so that there would be no evidence.

With this first time, the next time, even if they send people to assassinate and pretend to be rebels again, the Generalissimo will not easily believe that the assassins are rebels. It's clear.

  That's not so easy to fool.

   "Damn it, this stupid pig, it's not enough to accomplish anything but to ruin it! I can only think of another way, but even if there is no generalissimo to join the battle, I just got ten good helpers in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

  Randy immediately talked about the ten assassins with deadly attack capabilities, which somewhat comforted the brothers.

   At the same time, he didn't really give up the matter of luring the generalissimo to take action.

  Since the first plan doesn’t work, and it will take some time for the rebels to attack, they still have the opportunity to consider other methods.


  At this time, in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Larses, who had finished talking to Randy and then went in and out of the beauties, suddenly heard the sound of the door being kicked away with a bang.

   This can't help but startled Larses who was working hard. Before he could yell out, a beautiful figure stood in front of him.

   No matter how lewd and lustful Larses is, but facing the number one beauty in the empire in front of him, he dare not feel any more lustful.

   After all, this is the most transcendent existence in the country.

  Even if she shot and killed him, the prime minister, no one dared to say no to her.

  For such an existence who can control his own life and death at any time, how dare Larses offend him.

   "It turns out that the Generalissimo is here, and I hope to forgive my sins if I am lost."

Larses was startled by the arrival of Generalissimo Ellis at first, and he was a little angry at first, but when he saw it was her, he stood up quickly, with an embarrassing expression on his face, and quickly tidied up his Clothes, straightened the bow tie, smoothed the wrinkles on the outer robe, hoping to welcome the Generalissimo with the best image.

   Laerses is famous for being unrestrained. In order to satisfy his own desires and ambitions, he lived a luxurious and indulgent life. However, at this moment, he was facing the aloof Grand Marshal, so he dared not continue to indulge.

  He took a deep breath, showing the demeanor that a real prime minister should have.

  I saw Larsace adjusted his expression, and the expression on his face changed from presumptuous to solemn.

  He straightened his body, his eyes became dignified and focused, without traces of obscenity or obscenity, his eyes fixed on Alice, showing the wisdom and depth of a politician.

  There is a hint of humility in the language, without the slightest feeling of frivolity and hippie smile before.

   It can be said that the state transition is extremely fast.

Seeing his appearance, Ellis snorted coldly and said: "My lord prime minister, I don't care about what you think and do on weekdays, but if you dare to put your hand in front of His Majesty, treat him If you do any unfavorable behavior, I will let you know what will happen!"

  The moment the voice fell, the temperature of the entire Prime Minister's Mansion suddenly seemed as cold as the twelfth lunar month.

  Everyone who is frozen has goosebumps and it is difficult to adapt.

"Your Majesty, Generalissimo, what do you mean by this? Why don't you understand me? Your Majesty is my nephew. My current status is all due to his existence. How dare I do anything unfavorable to him?" Woolen cloth?"

   Larses was full of question marks at Alice's unreasonable threat.

  He really didn't understand what was going on.

   "Hmph! It's best for you to understand this, don't feel like you have some authority and start to look down upon you! Thinking about replacing it, I'm not dead yet!"

Alice's white and slender right hand suddenly grasped in the air, and with a bang, the huge fine iron statue made one by one in the Prime Minister's Mansion was like a ball of cotton, and was directly given by Alice in the air. Knead into a small ball.

   Compress the huge fine iron figure into such a small ball.

  How terrifying the power needed in this process is simply unimaginable for ordinary people. If Alice uses this power on a person, she will be crushed into a ball of flesh in an instant.

   Larses stared at the fine iron statue compressed into a small ball, his heart was full of shock and horror. This was the first time he had clearly seen the power of Grand Marshal Ellis.

  Before now, he had always heard how brilliant and powerful Alice's record was.

  Now, after witnessing it with his own eyes, he has a clearer understanding that the power of Alice is indeed far beyond his imagination, and her strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

  The atmosphere in the Prime Minister's Mansion became silent, and everyone felt this powerful coercion, as if the entire space was oppressed and solidified.

  Everyone had a look of fear and anxiety on their faces, not daring to look directly at the powerful Generalissimo.

  After giving a warning, Alice retreated. She didn't come to seek evidence and listen to Larses' defense.

   Knowing that there is no proof, doing these things is just a waste of time.

  She just needs to give the warning.

   It wasn't until Alice receded that the temperature in the prime minister's mansion finally returned to normal.

   Larses sat paralyzed on the soft couch behind him, took a few deep breaths, took out a handkerchief from his arms and frantically wiped the sweat on his forehead.

  Just now he really had the feeling that he would be killed at any time.

   After recovering from his breath, he immediately roared: "Come on!"

   This time the Generalissimo came to the door suddenly, obviously there was a reason for it, and he naturally wanted to investigate it immediately...

  In the imperial capital, there are different people's hearts, each with their own ghosts, and the undercurrent is raging.

  Outside the imperial capital, Chen Mo and the others went very smoothly because they had two imperial marshals and eight imperial generals joining them.

   Along the way, as long as there are imperial troops who dare to stop them, as long as the eight of them come forward, there will be no time to be in trouble.

   Not only did there no more battles on the road, but the team grew stronger as it advanced.

   Now the number of teams has doubled to before.

  However, although they moved forward smoothly all the way, they still had a difficulty to overcome after all.

   That is the checkpoint guarded by the last Young Marshal among the four Imperial Marshals who has not yet appeared!

   This checkpoint, lying between the three main cities and the imperial capital, is a very important guard point.

   It is also the biggest obstacle before the enemy breaks through and enters the empire before attacking the imperial capital.

   There are not many soldiers guarding the entire checkpoint, but it is still impenetrable, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

   This is mainly due to the fact that there are all kinds of powerful restriction circles and enchantments around this level, and even the various buildings of the level have been greatly strengthened and reinforced.

  Cooperating with this young marshal who has extraordinary mastery of profound formation and enchantment ability to personally guard, if you want to pass this level, it will be very difficult without scratching the surface!

   Moreover, according to the rumors, the young marshal is not an ordinary formation mage, he is very talented and possesses amazing magical talents.

   It is said that he can cast a spell that can destroy the world by himself, and his power is unparalleled.

  Comparing Aina's small forbidden curse with his authentic forbidden curse, it is really not at the same level.

  His name is Essien, and although he is young, he possesses immeasurable strength.

  His appearance is probably not much different from that of ordinary teenagers. His black hair is like night, his eyes are shining with sharp light, and his handsome face reveals a trace of coldness and arrogance.

  When he stood on the level, wearing a fluttering black robe, holding a staff, domineering, the whole level seemed to be shrouded in his presence.

  There was a sense of awe in everyone's hearts. Facing this young marshal, even the bravest fighters felt a deep sense of oppression.

  Anyone who knows this young marshal knows how terrifying his fighting power can be.

   Especially when he is still in the various augmentation formations he has arranged, it is even more impossible to imagine where the limit of his strength is!

  The existence of one person is enough to bring a sense of oppression in front of a million heroes!

  This checkpoint is destined not to be broken easily, and the duel with Essien will also be a thrilling battle!

Albert and Michael looked at Chen Mo and Lilith and said: "Essien, who is staying in the formation he arranged, is definitely the most powerful existence in the entire empire except for the generalissimo! Difficult! Let us go and talk to him first."

  After Ryan and Lilith listened to what Albert and Michael had said, they exchanged glances, with a trace of seriousness appearing on their faces.

   They have also heard about this powerful young marshal and the formation he arranged.

  They also feel that they should try to talk first.

It's just that the paladin general Katerina, who was dressed in silver and heroic, suddenly stood up and said: "Essien is not very old, but he has a very stubborn personality, and he has a bad problem. The stronger the enemy, the more excited he is." , I want to directly persuade him to let him go, I'm afraid it's impossible!"

  (end of this chapter)

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