Chapter 252 Break through the formation quickly! (two in one)

  Both Albert and Michael knew Essien's character.

  The two decided to go over and talk about it.

  Everyone could only watch the two of them move towards the level called "Dark Gorge". Their hearts were full of tension and anticipation.

   "Dark Gorge" is a place containing strong dark power, and it is the strongest line of defense arranged by Essien.

   Chen Mo looked at the dark gorge in front of him and really wanted to try it.

  However, if Albert and Michael can talk easily, it can save some effort.

As soon as Albert and Michael entered the 10,000-meter range of the "Dark Gorge", they immediately felt a strong dark atmosphere, and the surrounding area was filled with a strange atmosphere. The original daytime sky suddenly became pitch black, and faint The light is disturbing.

   "Essien, it's us, let's undo your maze."

  Although the two are marshal-level figures like Essien, they specialize in surgery, and Albert and Michael are not good at dealing with mazes.

   Naturally, I can only ask Essien to untie it by himself.

  As their voices fell, although the magic circle was not untied, there were a few will-o'-the-wisps floating with faint light in the darkness, guiding them the way.

Following the candlelight, the two carefully crossed the foggy road, and approached the core area of ​​the checkpoint along the winding mountain path. The closer they got, the stronger the dark power would be. The dark power is big enough to block their progress.

  Finally, the two came to a huge dark tower, which towered into the sky and was shrouded in thick darkness. This was where the array Essien had set up, and he was waiting for their arrival inside the tower.

  Albert and Michael walked into the tower together. The stairs wound upwards, leading to the room where Essien was. Every step was accompanied by a deep sense of oppression, as if the entire tower was silently warning them.

  Finally, they arrived at Essien's room. The room was filled with a dark atmosphere, and only a faint light shone through the window.

   Essien sat on a black throne, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, he smiled when he saw Albert and Michael coming in.

   "I haven't seen each other for some days, please sit down, both of you."

   The two were polite when they saw Essien, and immediately sat in front of him.

   "You two, you are the proud marshals of the empire, why did you suddenly join forces with the rebel army? If you said that you did this alone, I can still understand it as a betrayal.

  But if both of you do this, even with eight generals, I am very curious. "Essien's voice was full of doubts.

  Although he is a genius boy, he sat on the position of Marshal of the Empire at a young age, on an equal footing with seniors like Albert and Michael.

   But he is still a simple boy after all. At the same time, he has been immersed in his own world all year round, studying magic circles and magic, and knows little about the changes in the world.

  If it wasn’t for the news from the imperial city this time, he wouldn’t even know that there were rebels in the empire.

  Seeing that Essien was young and ignorant, Albert and Michael glanced at each other, and immediately explained the current situation and situation to him.

  Albert smiled and explained: "Essien, we are not going with the rebels, we are trying to find a better solution.

  There are many injustices and corruptions within the empire, which lead to dissatisfaction and rebellion among the people.

  We don't want to see the empire plunged into civil strife and war, we want to solve problems through reform and dialogue, and achieve peace and prosperity of the empire. "

  Michael went on to say: "We see the suffering and longing of the people, and we want to use our strength and responsibility to be an agent of change.

  Our actions with the eight generals are not blind betrayal, but to attract the attention of the empire, let those corrupt people who hold power realize their mistakes, and work together to solve the internal problems of the empire.

  We want to protect the people and protect the future of the Empire. "

   Essien listened silently, his eyes gradually became deeper.

  He pondered for a moment, then stared at the two Marshals.

   “I am moved by your thoughts and determination.

  Perhaps, I have been immersed in my own world, ignoring the internal problems of the empire.

  You guys gave me a new perspective on what to do for this country. "

  He stood up, walked to the window, and looked into the distance.

  In the eyes of Albert and Michael, there was only boundless darkness outside the window, but in front of Essien, everything outside was as usual.

  He is looking at the army in the distance.

   There is a woman he likes in there.

  His eyes fell on the heroic figure in silver clothes.

   "Sister Katerina, if I perform well, will you recognize me for it?" He said secretly in his heart.

  Although he has outstanding magic talent and amazing formation talent, he became the Marshal of the Empire at a young age.

   But he has never been positively viewed as a man by the woman he loves.

   "You always regard me as a younger brother. When I can stand on my own and make some contributions to this country, you should understand that I am a man you can trust and rely on."

  Although he only wanted to be recognized by the woman he liked, but he had another set of rhetoric in his mouth.

   "Albert, Michael, I am willing to join you in seeking the reform and peace of the empire.

  Let us work together for the people and the future of the empire. "

  Albert and Michael looked at each other, very surprised, Essien was so easily persuaded? Katerina said before that he was difficult to deal with!

   "Thank you very much for your choice, Essien. We will work closely together and work hard for the future of the empire. Let us meet the challenge together and create a better future!"

  The three marshals stand together, and their union will become a new chapter in the history of the empire, bringing new hope and change to the entire continent.

But Albert and Michael were too happy too early, Essien changed the subject and said: "I agree to cooperate with you, but I have not agreed to cooperate with the rebels. If they want to pass here, they need to come up with enough ability, otherwise how can I identify with them?"

  In Essien's eyes, it is very simple. Since this group of people can get the approval of the two marshals, there is obviously something special about them. He was delighted to see Lie Xin and wanted to give it a try.

  Seeing this, Albert and Michael looked at each other with a helpless smile and said, "Okay, what do you want to do?"

   "It's very simple, as long as they can break my Dark Night Promise Formation, I will recognize them."

   Essien said with a light smile.

   "Okay, I'll let them try."

   He said he wanted to try, but Albert felt that Essien's formation might be effective for others, but it might not be effective for Chen Mo.

   How can you be trapped by the densely packed skeleton monsters?

   Soon Essien personally sent Albert and Michael out of the Dark Night Promise Formation.

  Seeing that the two of them came back safe and sound, Lilith immediately asked, "How did the talk go?"

   "This kid is very sensible, and he expressed his willingness to join us."


  Hearing this, Lilith and the others laughed immediately, they didn't expect it to be so easy.

  But Katerina, who was most familiar with Essien, smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

   "As expected of coming from the same village, you really know this kid. He does have the conditions, and needs the rebel army to destroy the dark night infinite array he set up."

   "Dark Night Promise Formation?"

   Everyone looked at the vast green space in front of the Dark Gorge, not knowing where the so-called Dark Night Promise Formation was.

   "Don't look at it, only when you enter the range of the magic circle, you will be affected by the magic circle and see where the magic circle is."

"I see."

   Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but looked at Chen Mo in unison. It seemed that they had already recognized that Chen Mo was the most powerful among them.

  Eileen smiled beside Chen Mo and said, "It seems that everyone is pinning their hopes on you."

   "Since everyone elects me, then I'll go over and give it a try."

  Following Chen Mo walked out of the team, not many meters away from the Dark Gorge, he saw that the surrounding sky changed instantly and became pitch black.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo closed his eyes directly, and acted by relying on the pioneer's perception ability.

  But before he could act, he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have entered the range of the Dark Night Promise Formation, and the conditions for receiving the hidden task have been triggered. You can receive the hidden task "Break the Formation Rapidly"! Please use your own strength to destroy the Dark Night Promise Formation! 10 minutes limited time!

  If you ask Essien to unlock it for you, you will not be able to get any rewards.

  The countdown has officially begun, please pay attention to the time! 】

  With the end of the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo's pioneer perception ability also began to take effect.

  But it's a pity, I have to say, there is something about this Dark Night Promise Formation.

  Even with the perception ability of the pioneers, everything around them is still dark.

   It can be seen that this dark night infinite array not only seals the normal senses, but also the spiritual visitation and soul perception ability will be blocked by the dark power.

  In such an environment where there is only darkness around, you can't see your fingers, and you can't see anywhere in the south, east, north, or west, let alone what you can do in it.

   It can be seen from this that the restrictive ability of this circle is extremely strong.

  Once an unsuspecting team falls into this magic circle.

  That lost all combat power almost instantly, and could only wander around in the magic circle like a headless chicken and was beaten.

  But Chen Mo is not an ordinary person. Since he can't see it, he can't perceive it, so he directly summoned millions of skeleton monsters with a thought.

  Although the entire Dark Night Promise Formation covers a wide area, it will not take long for millions of skeleton monsters to explore.

  Another point is that the skeleton monsters belong to the dark type of monsters, and the Dark Night Promise Formation may not be effective against them at all.

  As Chen Mo summoned millions of skeleton monsters, he really discovered that the skeleton monsters were not suppressed in the Dark Night Promise Formation.

   Now he can easily see everything around him through the concentric ability with the skeleton monster.

  Originally, Essien's original intention was to test whether there were better people in the entire rebel army.

   As a result, it never occurred to me that the rebel army only sent out a person as young as him.

  He felt a little looked down upon by others, and even got a little angry about it.

  Especially seeing Chen Mo's completely at a loss after falling into the magic circle, he felt even more angry.

   As a result, within a short while, he was shocked.

  As a genius mage, he also knows this kind of skeleton summoning ability.

  But he has never summoned such a terrifying number of skeleton monsters.

   And it doesn't matter if there are too many skeleton monsters, even the attributes are surprisingly strong.

   This shocked him even more.

And what shocked him even more was that after the skeleton monster appeared, Chen Mo, who had difficulty walking in the magic circle like a headless fly, suddenly rushed towards the dark tower where the core of the dark night infinite formation was located. .

   After all, it's only 10 minutes, Chen Mo doesn't want to waste time.

   "Impossible! Did he suddenly see? How could he run so accurately and quickly towards the dark tower?"

   Essien immediately began to mutter words, and at the same time waved the staff in his hand, and began to change formations, preparing to make it more difficult for Chen Mo.

  Following his mischief, there were many dark monsters and various mist with negative status in the Dark Night Promise Formation.

  At the same time, the dark tower, which originally had only one, was instantly divided into dozens as if it had a clone technique.

   It is difficult to tell which tower is real for a while.

   Originally, Essien thought that what he did would make Chen Mo a headache.

   As a result, I never thought that this person did not play cards according to common sense at all. He actually directly ordered the skeleton monster to shoot at all the dark towers.

  In an instant, all the false dark towers were penetrated by the attack of the skeleton monster, and only the real dark tower was shaken by the attack of the skeleton monster.

   After confirming the location of the real tower, Chen Mo ignored the monster attacks around him and the abnormality of the mist, and immediately accelerated towards the real tower again.

  At this time, the people watching from a distance only saw Chen Mo approaching the Dark Gorge at a very fast speed, which means that he is about to break through.

   "Impossible, so fast, how long has he entered the Dark Night Promise Formation?"

   Katerina said in disbelief.

  The two marshals kept track of the time. Albert and Michael looked at each other, and they both said in disbelief, "It won't take more than a minute."

  Chen Mo's speed approaching the Dark Gorge now makes everyone who has experienced the Dark Night Promise Formation feel deeply incredible!

   "How is it possible that the formation will be broken in less than a minute? Could it be that his vision will not be blocked in the dark night infinite formation? I remember that the dark night infinite formation can even cover perception and mental exploration."

   "It seems that Essien will also be restrained one day. This kid has always refused to admit defeat. I don't know how ugly his face will be at this time!"

   When several people were laughing and chatting, Essien really looked very ugly at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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