Chapter 253 Fight against capital! (two in one)

Although it is the test proposed by Essien, he is young and passionate, and has a strong desire to win. Even if it is the test he proposed, he also wants to see others try their best to break through and finally have to give up. Then he generously praised the other party for their good performance. Then let people pass.

  It seems that he is generous and unpredictable.

  Originally, the script had already been written, and he was ready for how to perform it later.

   It turns out that now I have encountered such a hard stubble, who can single-handedly break through the formation at a speed that defies the sky. Seeing that he is about to go into the dark tower and forcefully break his own magic circle!

   Essien immediately started his backhand without talking about martial arts.

   Originally, he didn't intend to do this this time. After all, what he said before was only to break the dark night's infinite formation, and he didn't say that it would completely change the formation.

  But he didn't want to admit that he lost. The most important thing was that he lost so quickly, so he cheated!

   Even if he is the Marshal of the Empire, he is still a young man after all, and he is obviously not in the same tolerance as an old Marshal like Albert and the others.

   "This guy's skeleton monster is a creature of the dark type, and it happens that it cannot be restrained by the dark infinite formation. This is cheating, which is not counted, hum! He cheated first, then I can change the topic and see my reversal effect!"

  Since he is known as a magic circle genius, Essien's attainment in formation is naturally extremely high.

  He has long held back against the Dark Night Promise Formation, just to prevent this situation from happening now.

  Since the Dark Night Promise Formation was not working, he directly launched the preparations he had made in advance, using an attribute twisting magic weapon to forcibly reverse the Dark Night Promise Formation into the Holy Light Promise Formation!

  As he succeeded in launching the reversal, the originally dark environment around Chen Mo instantly became extremely bright, but it is not a good thing if it is bright, because now the brightness of the surrounding holy light has reached a level that is enough to brighten the blind.

  When the light is too strong, the final result is actually the same as the darkness is too strong.

  The same is that people can't see their fingers and can't see things around them clearly.

  As the transformation of the Promise of Light Formation was completed, Essien immediately activated the Ultimate Light Descending ultimate move of the Promise of Light Formation!

  He wants to kill these skeleton monsters who get in the way!

  In an instant, countless rays of holy light struck the skeleton monster from all directions, forming powerful light curtains that enveloped the entire area.

   Originally, Essien thought that Chen Mo's skeleton monster would disappear in this piece of holy light.

   As a result, I never thought that the holy light had no effect on these skeleton monsters.

  All skeleton monsters can still move freely within the circle.

  Chen Mo also rushed into the tower quickly without being affected.

   "It seems that choosing the sacred characteristic was a very correct choice. Most people will subconsciously think of using the power of the holy light after seeing the skeleton monster, but the result is a waste of effort."

  After entering the tower, Chen Mo immediately sensed the situation of the entire tower.

  The perception ability of the pioneers in the tower has returned to normal. Chen Mo found that Essien and the core of the magic circle are at the top of the tower. He immediately flew into the sky and flew directly to the top floor.

   "You are really unexpected." Essien looked at Chen Mo and said with a wry smile.

   Unexpectedly, none of this could stop him, and he successfully entered the tower.

  Although even if the enemy entered the tower, he still had means to use, but when he thought that Chen Mo could summon so many densely packed skeleton monsters, Essien gave up.

  Just using those piles of skeleton monsters can blow up this tower, what else is available.

   Even if it is uncomfortable, the result is completely clear, and Essien is still willing to admit that he is inferior to others.

   "Since I have already arrived here, there is no need to destroy the core of this magic circle."

   "You have passed the level, but the Dark Night Promise Formation is only the first level of this Dark Gorge. Don't think that passing the Dark Night Promise Formation is equivalent to passing through the Dark Gorge easily."

Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "Naturally, I have heard about the achievements of you, the young marshal, in formations. Thinking about it, it is impossible to only set up a formation in such an important place, but what we have agreed is only the Dark Night Promise Formation." , I think you won't add any more difficulties."

  Essien smiled helplessly and said, "Of course what you say is what you say. I have already sent someone to notify them to pass the customs."

  As Essien's voice fell, the scene around Chen Mo suddenly changed dramatically.

  The dark tower, the dark night, and the environment shrouded in holy light all disappeared without a trace. At this time, Chen Mo was on the tower of the Dark Gorge, surrounded by endless plains.

   It can be seen that Essien canceled all the influence of the magic circle on him.

   "Chen Mo has entered the Gorge of Darkness!"

   "The speed is so fast, he has already entered the Dark Gorge in less than a minute. With his ability, once he enters the Dark Gorge, it is only a matter of time before and after to break the formation."

"All our previous generals and marshals have tried this dark night formation. Except for Kahn, it seems that no one has cracked this formation. Chen Mo not only broke Essien's dark night infinite formation, but even at such a fast speed , this guy's strength is too strong."

   "To break through the Dark Night Promise Formation, it depends more on ability than simple strength. This guy's ability is really amazing."

  When everyone was amazed, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the hidden mission "Quick Breakthrough". You have been rewarded with 500 dungeon points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since your allies successfully persuaded the marshal-level figure "Essien" to surrender through words, you can get 2000 dungeon bonus points for persuading a marshal-level figure to surrender. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 12200 points, and the points at settlement will be ×3. 】

   "There are already more than 30,000 dungeon points, and the SSS level rewards are safe, but I don't know what other benefits the extra points will have besides increasing the harvested experience points and eternal currency income."

  Chen Mo still looks forward to the final reward.

  However, recalling Tiandao’s reminder at the beginning, if you take the route of the rebel army, you can get access to five hidden missions.

  I have only come into contact with two hidden missions now.

   As for convincing the marshals and generals of the empire, it doesn't seem to be a hidden mission.

   That is to say, there are still three hidden tasks that have not been touched.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo felt that the dungeon income this time should be quite good.

  If the remaining three hidden tasks can be found and completed.

   At this time, Lilith, Elena, Albert and others have led the team over.

   This time, when Essien did not activate the magic circle, they walked straight to the front of the Dark Gorge without hindrance.

   "After passing the Dark Gorge, the imperial capital is not far away, but I don't know how the Generalissimo will react."

  Abert is most worried about Ellis, the undisputed strongest in the empire, who is the goal that all strong people yearn for and look up to.

   No one dared to look at her with the idea of ​​defeating her. Every time she was mentioned, everyone's reaction could even be called a kind of piety.

   "As long as we don't mean to threaten His Majesty the Emperor, the Generalissimo should not participate in this battle."

   Lilith said suddenly.

  It would have been better if these words came from the mouths of people from the Imperial Army. A member of the Rebel Army said this sentence.

   Several people around looked at her curiously and said, "Why do you think so?"

   Except for Lilith, no one else knew that the emperor was trying to prevent the Grand Marshal from participating in the battle. Everyone else didn't know whether the Grand Marshal would participate in this battle. Naturally, they were curious why Lilith would say that.

Seeing this, Lilith knew that she had slipped her tongue, and immediately said haha: "I guess, after all, we have already fought here and the generalissimo has not appeared. With her strength, it is impossible to come here from the imperial capital." How much time does she have?"

   This statement has been recognized by everyone.

   Indeed, with the strength of the Generalissimo, if you really want to deal with them, you can kill them from the imperial capital soon. Since she has not come over now, it is likely that she really has no intention of intervening.

  It seems that the Generalissimo has also seen the purpose of cooperating with the rebel army.

   Actually, it wasn't Alice who saw it.

   But Alice didn't know this at all. She was bound by the emperor every day these days, and even the information was rarely conveyed to her.

  If the emperor hadn't been assassinated just now, she would even be doing what the emperor told her to do in her mansion.

   This kind of big thing is something that Emperor Sai couldn't hide enough even if he wanted to, and the people under his hands will definitely report it to the generalissimo.

   Fortunately, because of the stupid behavior of the prime minister's subordinates, the Grand Marshal no longer pointed the finger at the rebel army, but stepped up his guard against many forces in the imperial capital.

  I want to see how many people will take advantage of this time to do things that are not conducive to the royal family.

  Seeing that Alice shifted the spearhead to the imperial capital, that was naturally what Sai wanted to see the most.

  Now you only need to continue to block the generalissimo and wait for the rebel army to attack the imperial capital.

  But the group of people under the queen mother and the prime minister are really troublesome, but Sai really has no manpower of his own.

  She has already done all the power and arrangements she can use.

   "Lilith, you can't let me down!"

  Sai stood on the balcony of the bedroom, looking at the entire imperial capital, whispering.

  The Jagged Legion, as Chen Mo and others have already passed through the Dark Gorge, they also received the news immediately.

  Prime Minister Larses ordered them to leave immediately.

  Originally they all thought that the Dark Gorge was enough to stop these guys from advancing, and then they only needed to send some people to support the assassination, and then these rebels could be cleared.

   As a result, it never occurred to most people in the imperial capital that this group of rebels could break through the Dark Gap so easily.

  In the mansion of the Grand Marshal, due to the recent assassination of the emperor, she now needs to know everything in detail.

   She also heard about the situation in the Natural Dark Gorge.

   "The three marshals and eight generals of the empire have all defected?"

  Hearing the news, instead of being angry, Alice laughed: "Interesting!"

  Seeing the indifferent smile on Alice's exquisite face, the subordinates around her were a little curious, "My lord, all the marshals and generals of our empire have joined the rebel army, why are you still smiling?"

  Alice has always been very humble and friendly to those around her, so when the people under her command spoke to her, she was only respectful, but not afraid, and asked questions whenever they wanted.

Alice smiled and said, "If one marshal surrenders, that's a betrayal. If two marshals surrender, that's an inside story. The three marshals and eight generals all joined the rebel army. The meaning behind it is not simple. Rebelled, I really want to see what they are going to do."

  With absolute power, you have absolute confidence. No matter how powerful the enemy unites, in Alice's view, everything is still under her control, so naturally it doesn't matter how powerful the opponent is.

  Hearing what she said, the subordinates around her said: "I'm afraid they are gathering to trouble the queen mother and the prime minister, hasn't your majesty kept you from coming forward?

   Presumably His Majesty also meant to acquiesce. "

"I thought so before, but the sudden appearance of the assassination of His Majesty by the rebel army made me feel that my guess was wrong for a while, but now it is difficult to distinguish the composition of those people, which makes things blurred again Anyway, there is obviously a big show going on now, since His Majesty won't let me show up, let's watch it quietly in the imperial capital.

  As long as they don't threaten His Majesty, I'm not too lazy to take care of them. "

  Alice was completely watching a show at this time.

  In the gorge of darkness, after everyone gathered, they began to discuss what power the queen mother and the prime minister had.

   Now they have come all the way too smoothly, and they have hardly encountered any obstacles.

   This is very unusual. It is said that the queen mother and the prime minister control many methods.

  They have a powerful iron-blooded army under their command, and ten killer killers, all of which have not come forward.

   What's more important is that I heard that the Empress Dowager practiced demon techniques, and I was afraid that she might be able to summon some demonic things, but none of these appeared.

  There is always calm before the storm.

  Now everyone feels this way.

   After everyone gathered the information they knew so far, and listed some possible means and countermeasures that the queen mother and the prime minister might use.

  Then everyone regrouped the army again, and the whole army rushed to the imperial capital!

  When Chen Mo and others set off, it was on the side of Yongxing Galaxy.

  They originally wanted to wait for Chen Mo and others to hit the imperial capital before they acted.

   This way, there is a chance to drag the Generalissimo into the water, but now that the prime minister is sending someone to urge him desperately, Randy and the others are still very annoying.

   "How is it, the magic circle is completely arranged?"

   "The captain has been thoroughly fixed, it took a lot of effort, and now it has spread throughout the entire imperial capital."

   "Very well, the more we prepare to fight against that monster of the solar system, the safer we will be.

As for the collocation and connection between various abilities, we are already thoroughly familiar with it, and the magic circle has also been arranged. Except for not dragging the generalissimo into the water, everything we can prepare has been prepared to perfection. Next, we can only watch The actual results! "

   "But captain, the prime minister's urging method is probably the way of heaven urging us. If we continue to hide in the imperial capital, I am afraid that the prime minister will deal with us first."

   "Hmph, let's go as he wants, but it's hard to say whether we will be beaten back after we go." Randy sneered immediately, and the meaning was already obvious.

Everyone immediately understood and said: "It makes sense, as expected of the captain, we will fight and retreat at the same time, and we will be forced to return to the imperial capital. Even if we really can't get the generalissimo off, at least we can use the magic circle that we have arranged in advance to fight back." Increase confrontational capital."

  (end of this chapter)

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