All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 254: The demon queen shows her power! (two in one)

  Chapter 254 Demon Empress Shows Her Power! (two in one)

  The rebel army moved in very fast, after all three marshals and eight generals led them.

  No one dares to stop this formation.

  The demon queen Nelia, who is lazily lying on a couch in the dormitory, is a beautiful woman with a sultry charm.

  Her figure is graceful and graceful, with a soft body and smooth lines.

Her skin is as white as snow, exuding a magnolia flower-like fragrance, her eyes are deep and bright, the pupils seem to contain endless allure, and the slightly curved eyebrows between her brows reveal a hint of arrogance and mystery. Can't help but fall into it.

Her lips are rosy and slightly upturned, exuding a charming temptation, as if expressing endless desires, her long black hair is casually scattered on her white and tender shoulders, and her slightly wavy hair gently follows her movements Swaying, more casual beauty.

At this time, she was wearing a gorgeous and luxurious purple robe, inlaid with jewels and gold threads, shining with mysterious and dazzling light, delicate bracelets on her wrists, gems inlaid on her fingers, shining with mysterious magic power .

Her body exudes an irresistible charm and attraction, and her existence makes people irresistibly attracted and confused, even her own brother Larses, every time he sees her, he feels a kind of restraint The unstoppable blood flow accelerated.

  Seeing the arrival of Larses, the demon queen Nelia stretched out her slender arms gracefully, lightly grabbed a glass of fine wine beside her and said, "Brother, the situation is not good recently."

Seeing the seductive color of the wine swaying in the glass, Larses said: "Don't worry, it's just a bunch of mobs. The pass of the wild and ancient forest is the place where they will be buried! But I really didn't expect that there would be a crowd in our imperial army." So much rebellion!"

Nelia put the cup gently on her red lips, took a sip of the crystal clear wine, licked the rim of the cup with her tongue, and said with a flirtatious smile: "Although the betrayal of the imperial army was unexpected, it is also a surprise." This gives us an opportunity, their internal forces are scattered, and we can use the contradictions and distrust among them to create their civil strife.

  The more suspicion and distrust, the more effective my spiritual magic will be. I have sent my phantom avatar into the wild ancient forest ahead of time. "

   "Very good Nelia, I have also made preparations. I have mobilized the most elite guards. They are loyal to me and willing to sacrifice their lives for me.

  I also secretly collected some special talents from all over the kingdom, they have extraordinary abilities, and I sent some of them to the wild ancient forest. "

The demon queen shook the wine glass gently, tasting the wine gracefully, her eyes flashed with a gleam of strategy, "Very well, with your hands and my magic, this time, they will all come!" No return!"

   "But the guys from the Iron Blood Legion don't know what's wrong, they just set off after being urged several times." Larses recalled the strange situation of the Iron Blood Legion.

   "The Iron Blood Legion has done so many things safely, so there shouldn't be any problem." Nelia didn't care too much about this.

   "By the way, what's your majesty's reaction recently?"

   "How can she react? She stays in the palace all day. Except for being assassinated this time and attracting the Generalissimo to meet her, she doesn't behave abnormally at other times. She is very obedient."

   "That's good, but I heard that she has been preventing Alice from coming out to deal with the rebels. Do you think she is planning something?"

"She told me about this matter. She said that there was a person in the rebel army who was a family member of the personal maid who defected by her side before. She might know her real gender. She was afraid that the Grand Marshal would meet that person. The Grand Marshal knows about this, and the three of us may not be able to handle it."

   "It turned out that she was out of consideration in this regard, so the Grand Marshal should indeed be confined to the imperial capital.

   At that time, if we really have no way to resist these guys, it will not be too late to ask the Grand Marshal to go out, anyway, she will not disobey His Majesty's orders. "

  When Larses complained about the Jagged Legion, Randy and the others had already packed up and set off directly.

  They also got a lot of information before they set off.

  Including the preparations made by the demon queen and the traitor.

   Now, they are going to the key place before the final confrontation, the wild ancient forest!

  For the rebel army and the imperial army, before entering this forest, Albert had already reminded everyone in advance that this forest is the area most likely to experience changes before arriving at the imperial capital, so everyone must be careful.

  The barren ancient forest, this ancient and dangerous domain, is shrouded in a dense forest and lush vegetation.

  These ancient trees towered over the ground like giants, their trunks thick and intertwined, forming an impenetrable green maze.

  The dense branches, leaves and vines are intertwined, forming layers of natural barriers, completely blocking the sight line.

  Entering this ancient forest is like entering another world. The light is filtered very limited by the leaves, and only faint light falls on the ground, forming mottled shadows.

  The gaps between the tree crowns are filled with dense ferns and climbing plants, making it difficult for sunlight to pass through, and the whole forest is filled with a dark and mysterious atmosphere.

  In this dense vegetation, countless creatures inhabit it, some are predators, ferocious and cruel, they hide in trees and bushes, waiting for their prey to approach.

  Poisonous plants spread across the ground and tree trunks, their flowers and leaves are bright and beautiful, but they harbor deadly toxins.

  The paths in the forest are tortuous and complicated, and the ground is covered with thick rotting leaves and weeds. Walking carelessly will make a rustling sound, attracting the attention of lurkers.

  In this wild and ancient forest, ambushes and traps can be seen everywhere.

  The slender vines are like flexible tentacles, stretching out quietly, waiting for the prey that is tripped over.

  The potholes on the ground hide spikes and bottomless traps, and if you are not careful, you will fall into them and cannot extricate yourself.

  Chen Mo originally planned to use the hidden treasure box to allow everyone to enter the invisible state to smuggle there, but just after entering the forest, he was reminded by Heavenly Dao that this forest has been specially blessed, and stealth units entering it will also be in a visible state.

Seeing this, Chen Mo was too lazy to activate the hidden state. He tried to have people destroy the trees and push them over, but it was still useless. The trees in this wild ancient forest all have strange vitality, and it is very difficult to destroy them. What is even more disgusting is to destroy them. In an instant, it grows again.

   In this way, it can only pass normally.

In this wild and desolate ancient forest full of dangers, every step needs to be cautious, and deadly traps and ambushes may be hidden everywhere. Whether it is the rebel army who is not familiar with this forest or the imperial army who is familiar with this forest, you must Proceed cautiously and be ready for unknown threats in the forest.

   And this is only the danger that may exist in the wild and ancient forest itself, but how could Nelia and Larses resist doing things here in such an excellent environment?

  In the wild ancient forest, Nelia and Laerses dispatched carefully selected men to carry out their plan. They not only ambushed many killers in the forest, but also set up many traps in the forest.

   These people are proficient in ambush and assassination tactics and the layout of traps, adding more mysterious and dangerous atmosphere to this wild and ancient forest that is already full of crises.

  Ambush soldiers are hidden among the trees, wearing forest camouflage clothing and blending with the environment.

  They are highly trained and good at using the terrain and vegetation in the forest to cover themselves, making it difficult to detect their presence.

  They are distributed in key positions in the forest, ready to surprise and block the advancing rebel army at any time.

  Traps appear in various forms, including physical traps and magic traps, everywhere.

  In the dense forest, trees, vines and grass are all used skillfully.

  There are vicious magic traps hidden in the grass, which will release deadly magic power when triggered.

   There are also some traps that not only deal substantial damage, but also confuse, drain and weaken the enemy.

   Certain traps unleash mist or phantoms that disorient travelers and trap them in intricate mazes.

   Or it may affect their intelligence and throw them into chaos.

  Other traps are based on magic power, which can trigger attacks of fire, lightning, frost and other elements, trapping the attackers in danger.

  This wild ancient forest was already famous for being ancient, mysterious, and full of dangers, but now it has become even more dangerous because of the men sent by Nelia and Larses.

  The forest is full of hidden hostility, and every step needs to be cautious.

   Only when they overcome the traps and ambushes arranged by these planners can the rebel army continue to advance and reach the gate of the imperial capital.

  In the dense woods of the wild ancient forest, the demon queen Niliya even used magic to create a phantom clone, secretly observing the advance of the alliance of the rebel army and the imperial army ahead.

  Her eyes were full of cunning and conspiracy.

  Nelia waved her hand lightly, signaling the killers hiding in the woods to get ready.

  She knew that this wild and ancient forest would be their best chance.

  When the rebel army and the imperial army entered the wild and ancient forest, although they had already taken all kinds of precautions, they were always alert to the dangerous atmosphere around them.

   Even Chen Mo gave priority to sending skeleton monsters to search around.

Originally, Chen Mo's own perception ability is actually enough, but this wild ancient forest is a bit special, similar to the magic circle set up by Essien before, and all kinds of detection abilities can't be used. Essien's Dark Night Promise Formation can have such The effect is actually the inspiration obtained from the wild and ancient forest.

  In this way, Chen Mo can only rely on skeleton monsters to detect the surrounding dangers.

  But even if there are skeleton monsters as guinea pigs, it's useless!

  When everyone in the army walked through the area that the skeleton monster had just explored, they encountered a sudden change!

  Because the surrounding traps are actually magic-triggered traps specially made by Nelia, even if a mouse stepped over this area in advance, it would be useless.

  Nelia deliberately did not trigger the trap when the skeleton monster came, but waited for the army to come, and then directly launched the magic method to manually trigger a series of traps!

  In an instant, the large area around the rebel army and the imperial army was filled with the strong light released by the magic trap, as if the punishment from **** came.

  The explosive magic trap bursts out dazzling flames in the air, and the trees are instantly reduced to ashes, and the raging fire ignites, surrounding it in red light and thick smoke. The sound of the explosion "rumbling" was deafening, echoing in the forest.

  Arc traps criss-cross, releasing terrifying lightning energy. Lightning arcs shuttled among the armies, making a harsh "hum" and a loud crash of electric currents. There was nowhere to hide, and the soldiers who were unfortunately shocked by the electric shock instantly turned into coke and disappeared in the sound of "cracking".

   The Frost Trap freezes quickly, and ice tips and icicles rise from the ground, transforming the land under your feet into a icy trap area. The "click" sound of ice crystals shattering echoed in the forest, making one's hair stand on end. The soldiers stepped into it and were pierced by the tip of the ice, but before they could finish their screams of pain, they stopped abruptly and were frozen into ice sculptures without a sound.

The explosion of traps, the buzzing of electric arcs, the loud noise of electric collisions, and the crackling of ice crystals are intertwined to form a terrifying sound background. Combined with the horrific death of soldiers in the forest, it is like a **** stage drama.

  These terrifying magic traps all have instant kill effects. Even if Chen Mo gave everyone a shield, they still couldn't save their lives.

   In addition to these sorcery traps, Nelia has also carefully designed terrifying spiritual traps through her stealth and refined sorcery!

  With the eruption of a spiritual trap with a strange purple light, boundless fear, pain, delusion, and suspicion are instantly released from the depths of the people trapped in it.

The soldiers felt endless demons gnawing at their souls, and the phantoms were filled with cruel scenes and boundless terror. In their eyes, everyone around them turned into terrifying monsters that were about to rob them of their lives, driving them into madness in an instant and desperate situation.

   "What's going on? I see monsters!" the affected person yelled in horror.

   "No, those are your companions! You are affected by the trap!" The person who was not completely affected immediately shouted.

   "Help! This place is full of demons!" More and more people are affected.

   "Damn monster! Stay away from me, stay away from me!"


  Everyone let out a horrified cry, and began to wave their swords indiscriminately, attacking all the targets around them that looked like monsters.

   In fact, they are just killing each other!

When one person thinks he is proud of killing a monster, in fact, in the eyes of another person, it is a monster that attacked him and gave out a carefree and crazy smile. Facing such a monster, the other person naturally immediately fought back, This horrific cycle goes on and on.

In this terrible spiritual trap, the fighters lost their minds and lost all emotion and humanity to each other. Their eyes were filled with madness and fierceness, and they waved weapons irrationally, killing each other, and spilling blood in the forest , Screams and shouts filled the entire wild and ancient forest.

  This trap is so terrifying and cruel, it makes people feel the horror limit when human beings fall into a state of madness.

  The warriors lost themselves and became ruthless beasts. There was no goal or reason to fight with each other, only death and chaos.

  This ancient and mysterious wild forest has been turned into a hellish killing field by the traps carefully designed by Nelia.

  Faced with the ferocious attacks of their own compatriots, the soldiers could not tell friend from foe, and could only kill each other in endless chaos.

  This scene makes people feel the horror and tragedy of mind manipulation, which is frightening, but it highlights the evil and cruelty of the demon queen Nelia.

   Once this guy's demon practice is successfully performed, it is really worth thousands of troops.

  If this kind of mental confusion is normal, it is enough for her to easily kill tens of thousands of people.

   Really scary!

   Fortunately, these soldiers are now protected by the violent shield imposed by Chen Mo. Even if they kill each other, the damage is too low to break the shield at all, but no one died because of the spiritual trap.

But those terrible fire, thunder, and ice magic traps have an absolute instant-kill effect on small soldiers, and those who fall in the middle will die, but the generals and marshals of the empire, as well as leaders like Chen Mo, Elena, and Lilith, fall in this group. This kind of trap is nothing more than deducting blood.

  (end of this chapter)

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