All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 255: The abilities of intelligent creatures (two in one)

  Chapter 255 The Abilities of Intelligent Creatures (Two in One)

Because the special magic trap designed by the demon queen will only be triggered when she wants to trigger it. It is impossible to guard against it. Even if there is Chen Mo's skeleton monster to explore the way, it is useless. The soldiers recruited by the rebel army and the imperial army fell into chaos and panic in an instant. among.

  The phantom clone of the demon queen Nelia stood on the high ground in the forest, overlooking all of this, her face was full of pride and cruelty.

  Now the people ambush in the forest haven't done much work yet. She achieved such a result by relying on traps, so she is naturally complacent.

   However, her sorcery can deal with ordinary soldiers, but not necessarily with people above the general level.

Paladin General Katerina, who was walking in the middle of the army, heard the crazy roar of the soldiers in front of her. She rushed over quickly, waved the holy hammer in her hand, and immediately cast the holy dispel technique, clearing out these people. art of the mind.

   At this time, Chen Mo and Elena heard the reminder of the Dao of Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have been ambushed by the Demon Queen Nelia, and the hidden mission is triggered! Destroy Nelia's phantom clone before it retreats!

  Currently, there are still 5 minutes left before the phantom clone actively retreats! 】

   "Chen, what should we do? This forest is really weird, and we cannot rely on mental power and perception to explore it. The trees are dense, large and intricate."

   "This forest should not be an ordinary forest. I'm afraid it has not been blessed by the empire's special means. After all, it is the last barrier behind the Dark Gap. In the past, you can reach the gate of the imperial capital. It will definitely not be easy."

"Then how can we find the demon queen? The forest is so dense, if she hides in a tree, no matter how many skeleton monsters there are, it will be difficult to find her." Although there is a hidden mission, Elena feels that this hidden mission is a little bit Pit, there is basically no way to complete it.

  Because it's too hard to find.

   Regarding this, Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's not a big problem."

  As his voice fell, half of the skeleton monsters in the entire forest flew into the air.

  Seeing the surrounding skeleton monsters soar into the air, Elena's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

   Originally at the stage of the first turn, it was not easy for a professional to be able to fly, after all, flying props were not so easy to obtain.

   As a result, not only Chen Mo himself can fly, but even his skeleton monsters can fly, which is even more outrageous.

  Eileen looked at Chen Mo in disbelief. She found that the longer she spent with Chen Mo, the more she would realize that her understanding of him was very one-sided.

  The other party can always create some big surprises for themselves.

   "In this way, even if she hides in a high place, it is useless."

  Eileen nodded, and immediately used the phantom creation skill.

   Created a lot of illusions of skeleton monsters on the ground.

  With the skeleton monsters opening up and down, the scope of this exploration will be much larger.

  The demon queen Nilia's avatar, who was still hiding in the tree and was secretly proud, immediately frowned.

   "How is it possible? These skeleton monsters can actually fly in the air? Who is the other party?"

  Nelia was very surprised by this.

   Before she could react, the skeleton monster had already surrounded the entire area around her at an extremely fast speed.

  Of course it wasn't Chen Mo who discovered him directly, but these skeleton monsters had already crossed the big tree where Niliya was hiding in advance, and now after taking off, Chen Mo just gathered them back first.

   I never thought that I would directly discover the traces of the demon queen because of this.

   "Interesting, I didn't expect to find it so quickly."

   "Huh? Have you found the demon queen?" Elena also looked at Chen Mo quite unexpectedly.


  Chen Mo was talking to Elena on one side, and ordered the skeleton monsters to launch a joint attack on the other side.

  Because he has learned the formation technique, once Chen Mo's skeleton monster successfully forms an formation, the opponent will not be able to escape so easily.

   Unless she has the ability to teleport.

   In this regard, the teacher also taught Chen Mo how to restrict, but Chen Mo has not yet obtained such a means.

  Nelia was attacked by skeleton monsters the moment she was surrounded.

  According to the strength of Chen Mo's skeleton monster, the ordinary boss in this dungeon would not be able to withstand his skeleton monster's combined attack.

  Nelia's deity is here, and she would be terrified to see Chen Mo's skeleton monster, let alone her clone.

  She immediately performed a magic trick, and her whole body turned into a cloud of smoke, and she escaped.

   But when she escaped from the encirclement of the skeleton monsters, Chen Mo had already activated the Phantom Feather Boots with all his strength to chase after her.

  The moment he came over, he activated the Orb of Time and Space, and stopped Nelia under control.

  Under Shi Ting's absolute control ability, no matter how capable Nelia is, it is useless now.

  At this time, Manghuang Ancient Forest is close to the imperial capital.

  People from the Eternal Star System have already entered it, and at the same time they also showed their talents, sending out many alternative eyeliners to help them investigate the situation ahead.

  Some use Gu worms, some use magic to create flying eyeballs, and some make clones...

  Each of them has different abilities, but they all use this kind of physical property to explore the situation in the forest.

  There is no difference in the restrictions on the exploration ability of this wild and ancient forest. They can't mentally explore and perceive through the space when they come in.

  They can only use some physical means to expand like Chen Mo.

  Just as Chen Mo used the concentric ability to expand his field of vision with the help of skeleton monsters, they used these special methods.

   And their main observation target is naturally the clone of the demon queen Niliya.

  In their view, since the demon queen Neliya avatar has come here in person, it is obviously a BOSS-level character of this level, and the people of the solar system are going to bump into her and deal with her.

  Follow her directly, and you will definitely be able to obtain information about professionals in the solar system.

  The result was really not what they expected.

   They see what they want to see.

   It's just that what they see is somewhat beyond their expectations.

   "What's going on? Flying skeletons!?"

   "My God, has he also entered the cursed state? The attributes of this skeleton monster are too perverted, even more perverted than us entering the cursed state!"

   "Not one or two, but all of them. Every one of his skeleton monsters has this strength? Is this the strength of that evildoer in the solar system!?"

  In an instant, everyone understood why this solar system professional had the ability to kill enemies by leapfrogging.

   As far as the perverted attributes of this skeleton monster is concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a top-notch summoned creature summoned by a four-turn professional powerhouse!

   But now?

  Such perverted summons actually appeared in a one-turn dungeon, and such perverted summons were not one or two, but a group, a dense group, so numerous that it was impossible to count!

   This is really completely embarrassing to Randy and the others in the Yongxing system.

  If there is no curse and demonization, let alone a hundred people, even if a thousand people unite, it may not be enough for the opponent to solve it in three seconds.

   It's too perverted!

  The moment Randy detected Chen Mo's information, he immediately said: "Quickly kill yourself and pass the news back!"

  Eternal Star Galaxy called such a large group of people in this time, not just to test the waters of the cursed demonization state.

  They also have the cleanest purpose, that is, if they can't solve Chen Mo, they must at least be able to convey Chen Mo's relevant information back.

   But after entering the copy, the contact with the outside world will be disconnected.

  It is basically impossible to pass the message out in the copy.

  But the way of heaven is a deadly rule after all. Although its rules are strictly customized, it does not prevent intelligent creatures from using their own wisdom to find loopholes and overcome them.

  The ability of intelligent creatures, but the cold machine can never guess the limit.

  Eternal Star Galaxy found a way.

   This method is not so easy to use under normal circumstances, but it becomes extremely easy to use after a team of cursed and demonized people enters the instance.

   That is they give everyone a key password lesson ahead of time.

  This password class is very similar to the Morse code on the earth.

  Before everyone enters the copy, it has been marked whether it is a regular number or a short number.

   After entering the dungeon, they were associated with their life and death information through personal association.

   In this way, a code that can be conveyed through manipulation of life and death is completed.

  As long as the centurion dies according to the password represented by itself, the senior management of the Yongxing system can see the relevant content in time.

  Following Randy's order, a large number of dead people immediately appeared in the hundred-man team.

  The password used by Yongxing Galaxy is only ten digits in total, but the combination of these ten digits is enough to convey any words back.

  Although the ten-digit password only needs ten people to complete, but in order to convey the efficiency of information, these one hundred people are divided into ten groups of real people.

  At this time, the senior management of the Yongxing system is checking the changes in the personnel of the Yongxing system on the screen.

  Suddenly, they saw that the light representing their lives in the group of hundreds of people suddenly dimmed, which meant that they were already dead.

  But because of the cursed demonized state, even if they die, they can easily be resurrected again with the help of the magic cocoon state.

  Because of this hand, no matter how many times the 100-man team dies, they can be resurrected and die again.

   This ensures that they can continue to pass on information.

  So this is why it can only be done after the cursed demonized team enters the dungeon.

   After all, even if a normal team has the ability to revive, the cooling time of the revival is not enough to support them to continue to output information.

  But now the Eternal Star System is different. They can be resurrected directly without any cost in the cursed state.

   Passing the message is very easy!

   "Oh, there is news, hurry up, compile it quickly!"

   Soon, the dedicated compiler staff compiled the information passed by Randy and the others as quickly as possible.

   "My lord, the compilation content is as follows!

"We have discovered that monster-level character in the solar system, and we have detected some of his abilities. He has an extremely powerful summoning ability, and he can summon a large number of skeleton monsters. These skeleton monsters not only have the ability to fly in the air, but also Attribute occupations are also as high as the strength of four-turn occupations! We have specially observed that the attributes of each one are so powerful, especially the number of summons. The current environment cannot directly sense the range, so it is not clear how many there are, but the visual inspection is definitely thousands million level.

   At the same time, it was also observed that he has the ability to freeze the time and space around him. The currently observed freezing limit is 3 seconds. For the time being, it is not known whether he has already killed the BOSS and automatically lifted it or the freezing time is up automatically! 』

   Just in case, I can only pass on this part of the information first, please record it first. "

Since the flow of time inside the dungeon is different from that outside the dungeon, it will take some time for Randy and the others to revive after turning into cocoons, but because the time flow in the dungeon is faster, there is basically no waiting outside the dungeon. Interpretation From the news they conveyed, it was very smooth.

  Looking at the information about Chen Mo sent by Randy and others in the dungeon, the whole room instantly became silent.

  The leader with the highest status in the room is the first to speak: "It is conservatively estimated that there are tens of thousands of summoned creatures in one turn, which are comparable to the strength of a four-turn professional. What kind of ability is this?"

   Repeated this information, he still found it extremely unbelievable.

  Generally speaking, summoners and summoned objects complement each other. Although in most cases it is said that summoners are fragile, the weakness of summoners is based on the fact that his key output attributes are biased.

  In order to make the summoned objects stronger, summoners will focus on their own output attributes in order to maximize the strength of their summoned objects.

  So, there is a close connection between the summoned object and the summoner.

   But now, a first-rank professional can actually summon summons comparable to a fourth-rank professional.

   This is very outrageous.

More importantly, such an outrageous thing is not the summoning of a minority like elite summoning, but thousands of summoning. Is the legion of opponents defending itself?

   Moreover, this legion can also play tricks and enter all low-level dungeons with him, how can this be done?

  My own Eternal Star System has paid such a high price for demonizing with a curse, and the attribute level of the group of people sent in has only reached the level of the fourth rank.

  If it weren't for the demonization skills and cursed props, the senior management of the Eternal Star System would have concluded that the dungeon this time was useless.

   But now, with the blessing of magic skills and curse props, the result is still worth looking forward to.

  Of course, the current group of people is just that evildoer who just met the solar system.

  What has been detected so far is probably just the tip of the iceberg of that monster in the solar system.

  In general, the senior management of the Yongxing system did not have much hope for the victory in sending only a hundred four-star professionals.

  In fact, the most important thing for them is to investigate information. As long as there is key information sent back, their role has been achieved.

   "We still need to continue to press hard! Warriors, it's all up to you! Keep working hard for us to find a perfect way to deal with him in the future!"

  Randy's 100-man team is an absolute hero in the Yongxing system.

   Sacrifice the small self to complete the big self.

  They disregarded their own lives and entered a state of curse and demonization.

   Many people in the Yongxing system respect them in awe.

  (end of this chapter)

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