All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 256: Gathering Evil Forever Night Formation! (five in one)

  Chapter 256 Gathering Evil Forever Night Formation! (five in one)

  At this time, the people in the Eternal Star System were still very excited. They finally got some information about this monster on Earth, and they finally knew why he was so perverted.

  Anyone with a lot of juniors who are three levels higher than himself can easily sweep all the same level, even if they go up two levels, it is not a big problem.

   Now the situation in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is reasonable.

  The only doubt at present is how the other party obtained this power.

  After all, the opponent is only turning one now, and I have used the curse to demonize such a high death price, so I can barely raise the group's first turn to the attribute of about four turns.

  The other party has lived safely all the way from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds until now.

   It can be seen that his strength is permanent.

  It's too outrageous to have such abnormal strength.

  Eternal Star System knew the outrageousness of Chen Mo's summons, and immediately began to think of ways to attack this aspect.

  Sometimes, when the ability of the enemy is known, but the knowledge is not detailed, then the problem can be big.

  Most of Chen Mo's current combat power is indeed on his summons.

   But in fact, even if he is restricted from summoning objects, his combat effectiveness is still the same.

  The most critical point is Chen Mo's ability to hide himself.

   This ability is enough to turn the tide of the battle. If the enemy doesn't know this ability and can't crack it, Chen Mo is invincible.

  The hidden effect of the hidden treasure box is true invisibility and invincibility!

  When entering this wild and ancient forest, Chen Mo originally planned to rely on the hidden treasure box to let everyone get through it safely.

  It's a pity that this wild ancient forest is very weird. I don't know how much strength it has been blessed by the empire for so many years.

   Not only can't detect the perception, even entering it incognito is also ineffective.

   Seeing the invalidity, Chen Mo naturally didn't bother to open it. At this time, people in the Yongxing system naturally had no way of knowing this information.

   Otherwise, with the help of some special circumstances of the dungeon, they might really be able to grasp this information.

  But it is naturally impossible to know now.

  Following Chen Mo directly launching the time-space orb to freeze the demon queen, he naturally killed her instantly on the spot.

   After all, it’s just an avatar, and its attributes are very average, that is, the sorcery is more powerful and annoying.

  When she was controlled by the time-space orb, she didn't have a chance to use her sorcery, so it was naturally easy to solve.

  Chen Mo and Elena's ears also sounded the hint of heaven in time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the demon queen clone and completing the hidden mission "Stalking and Intercepting". You have been rewarded with 500 dungeon points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 12,700 points, and the points at settlement will be ×3. 】

  As the reminder of the Heavenly Dao ended, Elena suddenly said to Chen Mo: "Chen, the people from the Eternal Star System have come over, and their coordinates are at the edge of this wild ancient forest."

"I thought they would stay in the imperial capital for the rest of their lives. Since they took the initiative to come out, it would be best. I have already dealt with the demon queen's avatar. There shouldn't be any danger for you to follow these people. Three marshals plus eight generals , Ordinary ambushes are useless to them, you just need to protect yourself.

  I’m going to meet these cursed and demonized people from the Eternal Star System. "

   "Then you must be careful."

   "Don't worry, it's only my summons that come into contact with them, I'm safe."

  Chen Mo gave an order, and 90% of the skeleton monsters were directly transferred by him, and they killed the people of the Yongxing system.

  The remaining 10% was kept near Elena to prevent someone from sneak attacking and assassinating.

   After all, when they first entered the dungeon, Tiandao had already given a hint that someone might assassinate them.

   All the way here, the assassination has not happened, so it is obvious that this kind of thing is about to happen, so naturally we need to be careful.

  However, Elena's own strength is not weak. As a five-star professional, she has many ways to save her life. Chen Mo just added an extra layer of protection.

When Chen Mo suddenly led the skeleton monsters to kill the people from the Eternal Star System, he found that under the rules of shared coordinates, the people from the Eternal Star System had no intention of fighting him at all, and went directly to the Imperial City fled back.

"What's the matter? Since the gang from the Yongxing Department came here, why did they run away again? Didn't they enter this dungeon just to kill me? I took the initiative to send it to my door, but they ran away instead?" Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he found this situation. baffling.

  At this time, the Yongxing Galaxy is here.

"It is true that as long as we are nearby, he will directly kill us. He said before that he chose to share coordinates because he is not afraid of us at all. It seems to be true. In the case of random access to the instance, he can see our attributes clearly. It's true, he's not afraid at all."

"Normal, you won't be afraid of the thousands of Rank 4 powerhouses around you protecting you, but the bigger he is, the better. Hurry back to the imperial capital and let him taste the power of our Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation." Randy didn't care about Chen Mo's performance, he smiled lightly and quickly retreated with his subordinates.

  Many of them were even in the cocoon state, and were carried away by their teammates.

  Seeing that the other party behaved abnormally, Chen Mo inevitably thought too much.

  He suddenly stopped in the air and looked back at the coalition forces behind him.

   "These guys didn't come here on purpose to lure me away, did they? Otherwise, why would they run away? Could it be that they have prepared some other means in conjunction with the demon queen and the traitor?"

  Chen Mo thought his opponent was on the third floor, but in fact he was only on the first floor.

  It was simply because the current environment was not suitable for them to do it, so they retreated.

  In order to prevent problems with the coalition forces behind him and cause problems with the mission, Chen Mo turned around and flew back.

   When he rushed back, the coalition forces were killing ferociously.

   After all, it was led by the three marshals, eight generals and eight leaders of the rebel army.

   Equivalent to nineteen boss-level characters.

  With this kind of lineup, if the opponent does not have a big boss-level character, there is no way to touch porcelain.

  Chen Mo didn't even need to make a move.

   Just relying on these people and Elena's ability to reproduce, it is enough to eliminate all the people who are ambushing in the forest.

  However, the reason why it was so easy was that Chen Mo had killed the demon queen Nelia early on.

  Otherwise, there are still a lot of magic traps in the forest that can be detonated.

  The sorcery trap is blessed by sorcery, even if there are experts in the coalition army who are experts in breaking the trap, there is nothing for it.

  I can't even find it.

   Fortunately, it doesn't matter if they can't find it now, anyway, Neliya's clone is no longer here, and the demon queen in the imperial capital has exceeded the maximum distance to control the detonation of these magic traps, and they cannot be detonated in the air.

  Because of the inaction of the Iron Blood Legion (Yongxingxing people), the demon queen Nilia's avatar was killed prematurely.

   Eventually led to the wild ancient forest, which was originally a difficult hurdle, but was easily passed by the coalition forces.

  Inside the imperial capital.

   Larses almost exploded his lungs when he received the reward from his eyeliner.

   "What!? The Iron Blood Legion fled back directly?"

   "That's right, according to the spies' report, they didn't even enter the wild ancient forest to fight, and they fled back directly."

   "These damned guys! They were very safe in the past, why are they so abnormal today? Could it be that they also want to do it?"

   "Why don't you call the leader of the Iron-Blooded Legion to inquire?"

   Larses nodded and said, "Quickly pass him over."

  Randy's side, just after the whole team fled back to the imperial capital, they were immediately notified to go to the prime minister's mansion. The prime minister wanted to ask him something.

   Seeing this, Randy didn't care, after all, he had already thought of an excuse.

   After a while, Randy came out of the prime minister's mansion without incident. At this time, the prime minister even had a happy face, and praised Randy for his good plan.

   Only the servants around the prime minister's mansion were left baffled by the moody prime minister.

  Before the leader of the Iron Blood Legion came over, he had been yelling and cursing with an angry face, but after a few words, he turned into laughing and praising each other.


  After the allied forces came out of the wild and ancient forest, they saw the imperial capital standing in the distance at a glance.

   "We're at the end, we still haven't found two hidden missions." Elena looked at the capital and said with a smile.

"Before, I was a bit skeptical about the three hidden missions of the empire and the five hidden missions of the rebel army. I guessed that the last two hidden missions might not be related to the second choice, which is to deal with the generalissimo and bring down the emperor. .” Chen Mo communicated with Elena through the Heavenly Dao System.

  After all, the content of this passage is hard to say when surrounded by loyal people of the empire.

   Checked the attributes of the Generalissimo, and Elena actually gave up on this route.

  As for Chen Mo, if it wasn't for Elena in this dungeon, Chen Mo would really like to try it.

  The main reason is that the Generalissimo's ability is too ruthless. One is that he cannot control it, the other is that the range of damage is too wide, and the other is that once he is killed, there will be no bones left, and there is no need to think about resurrection.

  So this route, the two of them don't want to touch it very much.

   On the contrary, Randy's enemies in the eternal star system are desperately trying to bring the Grand Marshal into the water.

  After the coalition army arrived in front of the imperial capital, everyone began to look at each other, not knowing what to do next.

   After all, they are only here to dismount the demon queen and the traitor, not to rebel.

  In this case, it is necessary to send someone to talk to His Majesty the Emperor and the Generalissimo first.

   Otherwise, it would be somewhat inappropriate to directly attack the imperial capital.

  Albert and Lilith actually made this request at the same time.

  Chen Mo glanced at Lilith unexpectedly, the position of the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, Chen Mo always felt a little weird.

   But he has already arrived in the imperial capital, so he is too lazy to think about it.

  When Albert and Lilith made this request at the same time, everyone naturally had nothing to say.

  One is a veteran marshal of the empire, with both status and prestige.

  One is the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, so naturally no one dared to object.

  The person who will go to chat soon has been decided.

  The three marshals and Lilith, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, went together.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately said: "Wait, forget it!"

  After all, these four people went in, but it was tantamount to being alone.

  Now in the imperial capital, besides the Demon Queen and the traitor who have considerable power, there are also those people from the Eternal Star System.

  The existence of these guys made Chen Mo not very relieved. Most of these four people left and went in to talk.

   "We have all arrived here and the Grand Marshal has not come forward. It can be seen that as long as His Majesty the Emperor is not threatened, she will not come forward at all. If this is the case, what are you talking about? Just enter the imperial capital and wipe out the demon queen and the traitor."

  These people are going to talk, mainly because they are afraid of the Generalissimo.

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, everyone felt that there was some truth to it.

  As long as the coalition forces really have no intention of threatening His Majesty, the Generalissimo should understand.

  At this time, Alice was floating on the roof of her Grand Marshal's Mansion, looking at the United Army.

   "The defensive terrain of Manghuang Ancient Forest has not been effective. Larses is really incompetent, hmph."

  She sneered and looked at the prime minister's mansion.

  At this time, in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Larses' subordinates were in a panic. After all, the coalition army had already reached the front of the imperial capital, and they had done many unscrupulous things under Larses's hands before.

  Once these divisions of justice come in, they will have no good end.

   They were naturally in a hurry.

   But what surprised them was that Larses was so calm.

   This is actually kind of weird.

  In the residence of the Iron Blood Legion, Randy's enemies are fully prepared, just waiting for Chen Mo to enter the urn.

  At this time on the plain, Chen Mo said to everyone: "This last hurdle, let me go alone first, and you can talk to His Majesty the Emperor after the evil is eradicated."

"one person?"

  Everyone glanced at Chen Mo, and immediately thought of his countless skeleton monsters.

  He alone can reach a million troops, and it is feasible for him to lead the battle alone.

   "Then don't force yourself. If you encounter any problems, you send us a signal in time, and we will immediately march with the whole army to support you."

   Lilith handed a signal arrow to Chen Mo and said.

  Chen Mo took it with a smile and said, "Then I'll set off. Don't relax your vigilance here. Be careful that Larses sends people to assassinate. I heard that he has trained a large number of men with excellent assassination capabilities, so we have to guard against it."

   After finishing his explanation, Chen Mo took a million skeleton monsters and killed them towards the imperial capital.

  The reason why Chen Mo didn't approach the past with the hidden state is just that he was simply curious whether the guys from the Eternal Star system had prepared other means besides the cursed state.

  People from the Eternal Star system are probing his information, so he naturally also reversely probed the arrangements of the people from the Eternal Star system.

   If the situation is not right at that time, it is not too late to enter the hidden state.

  At this time, the defenders on the side of the imperial capital saw a lot of small dots approaching quickly from a distance.

   When they saw it clearly, they suddenly found that there were millions of skeleton monsters flying in the air.

   At this moment, what almost didn't scare them was that they were out of their wits.

   Immediately crazily sounded the alarm bell and shouted for enemy attack.

  But soon, a group of people appeared near them, telling them to ignore all the troops who entered the imperial capital, and they finally calmed down.

  These people were not sent by someone, but Generalissimo Ellis.

  She clearly knew that the coalition forces were only targeting Larses and Neliya, so she told the people under her not to make unnecessary resistance, so as to make fewer sacrifices.

  Ellis has long been displeased with what the two of them did.

  But as a courtier, one is the queen mother, and later she will be the same prime minister, so it is not easy for her to speak too much.

  Otherwise, it will be true, making people feel that she is relying on her meritorious deeds to forcibly cover up the master.

  Although she has this ability, she was rescued from the devil's lair by the previous emperor, and she has grown up to her current status, and she has infinite loyalty to the royal family.

  Without the former emperor, there would be no Ellis sitting on the position of Grand Marshal who is unique and honored in the empire.

  So she has always faithfully carried out the instructions of the former emperor His Majesty.

   The only instruction that is not executed is one.

  That is, His Majesty the Emperor finally designated the next heir to the throne, but the heir was living among the people and had to be found.

   But Chaozhong clearly already has a legal heir. If the emperor's position is put aside and people are sent out to search aimlessly, it will have a bad impact on the entire empire.

   If it's the same room, it's really hard for her to deal with any of them.

  After all, the emperor loved Prince Sai very much before his death, but he didn't know why he didn't pass the throne to him before he died.

   Sai was disguised as a prince at birth, mainly because of Nelia's problem.

  Nilia's bloodline is very peculiar. After women of this race marry, all the children they give birth to are girls, and there has never been a case of giving birth to boys.

  But Nelia wanted the imperial power of the empire, so when Sai was born, she used black magic to make a disguise, making people think that Sai was the prince.

   Only a handful of Nelia's confidantes can know Sai's identity.

   There are three other people who discovered Sai's identity by accident.

  However, three of them have been secretly executed by Nelia.

  The fact that Sai was originally a princess, they never dared to reveal it.

   First, they also knew about the emperor's edict.

  Once this news leaks out, Alice will definitely go to the public to search for the prince in the will.

  Secondly, it is hard to say whether Alice will take revenge for their years of deception and concealment.

  That's why Nelia had been very cautious before she achieved great magic.

Although she didn't offend Ellis because of this incident, what she did in private was to get some strong men back to the court. For Ellis, once Nelia's behavior spread, it would be very serious Those who hurt the face of the royal family.

   At the same time, she was a little disloyal to the former emperor by doing so.

   But the first emperor was dead after all.

  As a woman, there may be needs in this regard, and it is also very harsh to keep her a widow.

  After all, the husband is dead, and folk women can remarry.

  Alice herself was originally from the bottom of the society, and she didn't take religious etiquette very seriously, so she naturally didn't and didn't come forward to control things in this regard.

   After all, first of all, she is the inferior person, and others are the superior person.

  Second, she is a foreign minister, and it is not appropriate to manage the harem.

  Since His Majesty didn't say anything, she just turned a blind eye.

   It's just that there is some slander in my heart.

  The actions of Prime Minister Larses are even more outrageous.

  If Alice hadn't considered his identity and status, she would have dealt with him long ago.

   Now that someone does such a thing for her, she is happy and relaxed.

   Naturally, all the city defenses gave up resistance.

  Because of her own absolute strength, she is naturally not worried about such things as luring wolves into the house.

  As Chen Mo approached the imperial capital quickly with the skeleton monsters, he was surprised to see that the soldiers on the tower of the imperial capital didn't seem to see him flying over with the skeleton monster army, and they didn't act to defend against the enemy at all.

  He even wondered if he was flying over in a state of stealth.

   Otherwise, why can't the other party see me?

  Following Chen Mo's easy entry into the city, he didn't immediately go to find Nelia and Larses, but directly killed the people in the Yongxing system according to the coordinates on the map.

   These guys have been lurking in the capital since they entered the dungeon. Chen Mo believes that they are absolutely prepared to deal with him, so it is a good time to experience their methods.

"he came!"

  At this time, the people of Yongxing Galaxy also noticed the change of the small dot representing Chen Mo on the map.

  Randy immediately said: "Activate the magic circle!"

  In an instant, a total of 66 people in the 100-man team of Yongxingxing resolutely chose to commit suicide, spilling blood on the small magic circle under their feet. Their devotion was full of dark determination, and the bright red blood seeped into the magic circle, instantly staining the ground red.

   Seeing this, Randy and the seventeen teammates around him began to chant spells in a low voice, the voice was faint, like the whisper of a demon. At the same time, they took out a bunch of weird props, including **** magic bottles, twisted bone vessels, and eerie charms, and threw them into the magic circle in the middle one by one.

  With the input of these weird props, a strong **** smell emerged from the magic circle, shrouding the surrounding air. The stench was suffocating, and it seemed to contain endless dark power.

  The next moment, everyone in the city felt something strange. A strange feeling hit their hearts, the blood seemed to be drawn away by an invisible force and drained away, making them feel weak and uneasy.

  Desperate cries echoed in the city, ordinary people were trapped under the shadow of this evil magic circle, they faced the terrifying reality, and their emotions weighed heavily on their hearts.

   When the huge and weird blood-red light curtain spread, the imperial capital was completely enveloped in it. The blood-red curtain gradually became bright and blazing, exuding a suffocating hideous aura, and the whole city was immersed in evil light.

  A strange humming sound came from the blood-red light curtain, like the whisper of a devil, giving people a depressing and ominous feeling. As the humming sound echoed, the screams also sounded in the city. Cries of despair and pain filled the air, and people screamed for help, but they could not escape this nightmarish situation.

  Ordinary people became miserable under the curse of the magic circle. Some people lay down on the ground, their blood gradually withered, and their vitality dissipated in an instant.

   Their eyes were full of fear, their faces were painted with expressions of unbearable pain, and their struggling bodies gradually lost their temperature.

   There were screams one after another, and desperate cries and pleas for help echoed in every corner of the city.

The young man was trembling, and his voice was filled with endless confusion and fear: "What's going on? Why do I feel so weak?" His eyes were full of confusion, and before he could understand what happened, the next moment, he suddenly fell down and lost everything vitality.

  The woman shouted in panic, her voice full of disbelief and helplessness: "Help! Can anyone hear me? What kind of sorcery is this!"

  She looked around, but there was only darkness and horror around her, without a shred of hope. She wanted to find a way out, but found herself trapped in this endless darkness.

  The middle-aged man asked for help tremblingly, with despair and confusion in his voice: "What happened? Why is my blood bleeding?"

  His eyes flicked around anxiously, but he couldn't see any clues except the blood-red light curtain. His mind was in turmoil, and he couldn't comprehend what was happening before his eyes.

  The young girl cried, her voice full of desperation and endless loss: "No! What the **** is going on?"

  She desperately looks for a glimmer of hope, but in this darkness and despair, all she can see is death approaching relentlessly.

  The middle-aged man roared angrily, with helplessness and resentment in his voice: "Damn, what kind of sorcery! Why did such a thing happen in the imperial capital?"

  His brow furrowed, and he tried to fight, but his roar was swallowed by darkness.

  In ignorance and confusion, their lives were ruthlessly taken away, they faced death without knowing it, and despair completely filled their hearts.

  Many people found something and tried to escape, but they couldn't escape the shackles brought by the evil magic circle. They could only witness the lives of their compatriots being cruelly extracted, and they were destined to become victims of the ruthless darkness.

  This scene is heartbreaking. Helplessness and despair are intertwined. Ordinary people have become innocent victims in front of the evil circle, and their cries and screams further reflect the cruelty of this tragedy.

  The red light in the center of the magic circle became brighter and brighter, releasing powerful evil power, watching the entire city like the eyes of demons.

  This evil magic circle was carefully designed to target the powerful Chen Mo. With the help of the life force of the residents of the city, people from the Yongxing system intended to kill Chen Mo in one fell swoop.

  The imperial capital was immersed in the shroud of the blood-red light curtain, people's breathing became heavy, and fear and despair spread in their hearts.

  They witnessed their compatriots fall one by one, their lives were brutally drawn, and they were powerless to resist.

  In the Prime Minister's Mansion, the Imperial Palace, and the Grand Marshal's Mansion, everyone stared in astonishment at the strange blood-red light curtain in front of them.

  Prime Minister Larses roared angrily: "What's going on? Why is my blood also being lost? Damn the iron-blooded legion, it's even plotting against me!"

  His brows were furrowed, and his heart was full of anger and resentment.

  He is the only one among all who knows that Randy's enemies have set up a magic circle in the empire in advance.

   This is why when Randy came back, his anger at Randy turned into joy.

  Because Randy claimed that the effect of the magic circle was enough to annihilate the coalition army in one fell swoop, they retreated on purpose and showed the existence of the magic circle.

   As a result, he never thought that this magic circle, which he thought was used to deal with the coalition army, was actually used to deal with him first.

  In the palace, Emperor Sai and Queen Mother Nelia were also shocked. Their blood began to drain, as if being sucked away by some invisible force.

  Emperor Sai's face was solemn, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "Who dares to cast such evil dark spells in my imperial city?!"

  Quite the opposite, Queen Mother Nelia, she was originally a practitioner of witchcraft. Not only was she not affected by this incident, but she continued her cultivation with the help of the resentment caused by this magic circle.

  In the mansion of the Grand Marshal, Alice flew out angrily, her eyes flickering with anger: "Damn! Who dares to cast such a dark evil in the imperial city!"

   Soon, she realized that the core of the magic circle in the imperial capital was located.

  She rushed over in a blink of an eye.

  When she rushed over, Chen Mo had just rushed over at this time.

  The two looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the mansion of the Iron Blood Legion.

  At this time, Randy's enemies have activated the magic circle.

   This magic circle, which absorbed the lives of the entire city, now possesses extremely terrifying power.

   But it is not the limit.

   I saw that Randy's enemy took out multiple cursed props and put them into the magic circle.

  In an instant, a boundless darkness enveloped the entire imperial capital.

  Both Generalissimo Alice and Chen Mo were plunged into absolute darkness, unable to see anything.

   This time, Chen Mo's invisibility is invisibility in the true sense. Before, he could see things through perception or the concentric ability with the skeleton monster.

   But now, the surroundings are pitch black, absolutely pitch black.

  Finding that this is the same, Chen Mo wanted to escape into the realm of nothingness for a moment.

   As a result, he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Warning, you are currently in the "Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation". Within the range of influence of the formation, you will lose all ability to obtain information about the surrounding environment. 】

   At the moment when Chen Mo fell into the darkness, swish, swish, ten figures jumped up from the ground at the first moment, grabbed the dagger and killed him.

   It's really the ten guys with instant death attack ability that Larses sent to Randy.

  Their attack speed is extremely fast. It can be said that they have already landed the attack on Chen Mo in less than a second.

  Every attack is aimed at triggering instant death damage.

  Originally, Randy's enemies thought that this wave would be successful in one fell swoop.

  In the end, it was unexpectedly discovered that these ten instant-death attacks were useless on Chen Mo!

   "Immune to instant death attacks!? Spread the word quickly."

  Everyone has already been killed, and Randy still doesn't forget to pass on the message.

   The moment the ten assassins hit Chen Mo, the surrounding space was instantly frozen.

   It is the effect of the time-space orb.

   However, the people in the Yongxing system were not affected in any way, which shows that they did have precautions in advance.

   Following the activation of the Time-Space Orb, Chen Mo immediately activated the Invincible Lotus.

   No matter how abnormal the interference ability of the enemy is, it is still the highest priority invincible effect.

  With the activation of the invincible effect, Chen Mo only felt a shocking force of rules pouring into his body.

  At this moment, he only felt that he was invincible and invincible.

  All the darkness around him disappeared, and he could easily see Randy's enemies again.

   Just when Chen Mo entered the invincible state, Randy's enemy actually teleported away with a red light on his body.

   "Teleportation Circle!?"

  Randy's enemy knew before entering this instance that Chen Mo had already obtained Langu's Invincible Lotus, so how could he be unprepared for his invincible ability.

  After entering the dungeon and disabling the teleportation ability of all professionals, they thought of using the teleportation array to delay the expiration of Chen Mo's invincibility time.

Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately went to the teleportation array and tried to activate it, but found that these guys were very clever, and the teleportation array depicted actually required multiple professionals to activate it. Naturally, he could not face such an array by himself. May be activated.

   Chen Mo didn't care about it.

  He directly destroyed the teleportation array under his feet, and prepared to destroy that annoying Evil Gathering Eternal Night Array along the way.

  But the moment he was about to start, Chen Mo stopped suddenly.

  Because it's weird.

  The opponent sacrificed the lives of the people in the city to launch this magic circle, just to let himself enter the darkness and withstand the attack of the ten people just now?

  Although the ten people were all instant-death attacks, in order to make their attacks effective, it was worth carrying out this plan.

   But I always feel that it is a bit too overkill. This magic circle absorbs the lives of so many people, but it only has the effect of making people see nothing?

  Even this effect that makes people unable to see anything can even be blocked by god-level perception.

  Chen Mo always felt that the other party deliberately left this magic circle to destroy him.

  If it is destroyed, maybe something will come out.

   But the opponent is a conspiracy. If he doesn’t destroy it, the invincibility effect will disappear, the magic circle will continue to work, and he will continue to fall into permanent darkness.

   Not only himself, but also his own skeleton monsters. The ability of this magic circle is abnormal. When Chen Mo himself entered the invincible state and was immune to the influence of this magic circle, he immediately tried to perceive the surrounding skeleton monsters.

   As a result, all the skeleton monsters were plunged into endless darkness, and it was impossible to distinguish the east, west, north and south around them.

   It can be seen that the darkness of this magic circle is not a simple dark magic at all.

  After all, Essien's Dark Night Promise Array and Chen Mo's skeleton monsters were not affected.

  Of course, the casting costs of the two formations are different from the beginning, so there is no comparison.

  The "Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation" set up by the Eternal Star System required the sacrifice of the lives of 66 people with combat power comparable to Rank 4 to be able to display it.

  Under normal circumstances, for this circle to be activated, 66 people with rank-four attributes need to die on the spot, and then combined with a large number of rare curse materials, it can be successfully cast.

  And people who commit suicide in this formation cannot be resurrected. These people are now stuck in a BUG purely by cursing their demonized state.

   There is no need to sacrifice 66 four-turns, and after death, it can turn into a magic cocoon and be reborn.

   It just consumed some curse materials.

   It can be described as a representative of low cost and super high return.

  With this disgusting magic circle as a backup, Chen Mo instantly understood why these guys all fled back to the city when he rushed over.

   But it's weird to think of it as it is to stay where it is and be destroyed after trying so hard to activate the magic circle.

  When Chen Mo was doubtful, Generalissimo Ellis suddenly felt cold, and she seemed to be angry and ready to attack indiscriminately.

   "Almost forgot about her."

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo immediately pulled Grand Marshal Alice to the front of the formation.

  If you destroy it by yourself, you may cause trouble to yourself, so it’s fine if Grand Marshal Alice destroys it.

  This idea is not very kind, but it works.

Chen Mo pulled Ellis to the range of the "Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation". The core of the magic circle of the Eternal Night Formation was completely destroyed.

   Only a crisp sound was heard, and the core of the magic circle of "Eternal Night Gathering Formation" shattered into pieces. And the next moment, Chen Mo sensed an evil and terrifying energy bursting out from the center of the "Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation", and then quickly penetrated into Alice's body.

  At this moment, Chen Mo sensed Alice's attributes again, only to find that she had fallen into a powerful curse state! A dark and evil force enveloped her, making her body tremble and her expression painful.

  Chen Mo realized that the impact of this curse was by no means slight, and Alice was enduring great pain and pressure.

  Chen Mo immediately took a closer look at the content of the curse.

  [All Evil Soul Eater Curse SSS Level Curse]: Units affected by this curse will fall into endless pain and torment. This is a pain from the soul and cannot be cured. Under the influence of the curse, the cursed unit will fall into permanent darkness, lose its permanent perception of the surrounding environment, and reduce all attributes to 1%, and all damage will be increased by 10,000 times the original pain!

   "This gang of **** Yongxing system guys really set me up!"

   After reading the introduction of the curse, Chen Mo was numb, almost himself was cursed.

   Sure enough, the people of the Yongxing system spent a lot of money to deal with him, and they could come up with such a vicious method. Fortunately, my wit did not directly destroy it.

  Looking at Alice, who was the number one boss in the original dungeon, being tortured by this perverted curse, it can be seen how perverted the curse cast by the people of the Eternal Star System is!

  At this time, the Yongxing Galaxy and others who have already teleported to the pre-set teleportation point are already quietly waiting for the news of the success of the plan!

  As long as the evildoer in the solar system is plunged into permanent darkness and unable to obtain all the information around him, no matter how strong he is, he and others can slowly have the opportunity to find the flaw.

   While this group of people were waiting for the good news, they suddenly found that Chen Mo was heading straight towards them.

   "He actually ignored the "Juxie Yongye Formation" and rushed towards us while he was invincible?"

   "Impossible, his invincibility time can't last that long at all. If the invincibility time is up and the core of the "Evil Gathering Eternal Night Formation" is not destroyed, he will fall into the eternal night again."

   "How much time?"

   "According to the news sent back by senior Langu, his invincible treasure lotus will take effect for up to 6 seconds, and it has already passed by now."

   "Then he should have fallen into the eternal night state again."

  As the setter, Randy suddenly said at this time: "I received a reminder from Heaven that the "Eternal Night Formation of Gathering Evil" has been destroyed, and he should have fallen into the state of the Soul Devouring Curse."

   "Impossible, a person who is trapped in the eternal night state should not be able to perceive anything, even if the coordinates are shared, but he can't even read the map, it is useless at all.

   How did he find us in this direction? "

  Everyone in the Yongxing system looked at Chen Mo who was approaching him and the others unexpectedly, and the densely packed skeleton monsters around him, feeling very puzzled!

  (end of this chapter)

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