Chapter 257 Desperate opponent!

   Seeing that Chen Mo was not affected by the curse at all, Randy and the others were quite surprised at this time.

  The cost of setting up the Evil Eternal Night Formation is not low. The core of the magic circle alone is worth an artifact. After all, this is an SSS-level magic circle.

  The cost of activation is so high, it needs to directly sacrifice 66 lives of strong people comparable to the fourth rank, and it needs to be matched with a lot of god-level materials.

  In order to deal with Chen Mo, the senior executives of the Yongxing system took great pains.

   Like this kind of magic circle, no matter whether Chen Mo destroys it himself or his summons, the Wanxie Soul Eater Curse will directly track his body.

   There is no way to avoid it.

  Although they didn't know what type of occupation Chen Mo belonged to at the beginning, but after the array was arranged, no matter what type of occupation Chen Mo belonged to, it was very easy to be recruited.

   Considering that he can deal with so many high-level people by himself at a low level, there are quite a few people who guessed that he is a summoning class.

   After all, there are three intelligent life planets in the Yongxing system. From so many intelligent life, some high IQs are selected to speculate. It is not a problem to directly speculate on Chen Mo's ability.

   are just some parts beyond common sense, they really can't guess.

   But when evaluating Chen Mo's ability, there is still some guesswork.

   Sending these one hundred four-stars in this time, it is just a fantasy to kill Chen Mo, the key is to thoroughly confirm the information.

   Bring in some restraints at the same time, and try a few hands of Yin Chenmo.

  It’s best if it’s overcast. In their view, if it’s overcast, a hundred cursed demonized four-stars will have a chance to kill this monster in the solar system.

   It doesn’t matter if it’s not cloudy, at least the intelligence can detect a lot.

   And they have a more special back-hand after that, which can be combined with the information obtained this time, and used when summoning five-star professionals to deal with Chen Mo later.

  In the wild ancient forest just now, when Randy and others saw that Chen Mo was a summoning class, they were actually happy.

  Because in this case, the probability of Chen Mo being recruited will be very high.

   After all, summoning professionals will develop a very careless habit after relying on summoning objects for a long time.

   That is, if there is any dangerous situation, let the summoner go to explore first.

   There is nothing wrong with this.

  After all, the summoned object is in danger, and in most cases, it will not affect the master itself.

  But if this habit is used in the Juxie Yongye formation, it will be tricked.

  This SSS-level curse is a causal-level curse, and it cannot be avoided even with summoned objects.

  But now, something unexpected happened.

  Landy stared blankly at Tiandao's reminder, obviously Tiandao reminded himself that the magic circle core of Juxie Eternal Night Formation had been destroyed.

  But Chen Mo still rushed over like a normal person, which is very inexplicable.

  The curse effect is not other negative effects. The curse effect will always be attached to your body as long as it is hit, and it can only be eradicated by special curse removal.

  Otherwise, it doesn't matter whether you die and then resurrect, or you are in an invincible state.

  Of course, when you are in the invincible state, the priority of the invincible state is higher, and the curse will not affect you temporarily, but after your invincible state ends, the curse state will continue to take effect, because it is a permanent state.

  The current time has obviously passed the duration of Invincible Baolian for several seconds, and Chen Mo still doesn't seem to be affected.

   This naturally made Randy and others puzzled.

  Even if the monster of the earth is used with other invincible skills besides the invincible lotus, the invincible state cannot last for so long.

  But I can't figure it out. The enemy has already killed them. They are still very professional and immediately formed an army formation, ready to fight back.

  After all, before they came in, they had already rehearsed how to deal with various types of professionals under the confrontation of many different professionals invited by the senior management of the Yongxing System.

   And Chen Mo, a summoning class, is actually easier to deal with in their opinion.

   After all, summoning professions, once the summoning objects are emptied, it means that a phoenix without feathers is not as good as a chicken.

  Before they came in, they had already carried a lot of cursed items that cleared the summoned objects.

  Cursed props are different from ordinary props. Once they are used, they will curse themselves.

  Different curse props have different curse effects.

  Some curses are very ruthless, and it is possible to kill people directly.

Seeing that the densely packed skeleton monsters have formed a circle and are preparing to launch a long-range attack towards him and the others, Randy immediately shouted: "Zaplow, Gu Siqi, and Mo Lingxi all of you have the curse of summoning reversal!" Props, follow my orders and use them one by one, we quickly approached him while destroying his summons, a summoner without summons is a toothless tiger, it is not difficult to kill him!"


  The three of them nodded immediately when they heard Randy's order.

  Following Randy's private message, Zaplow immediately threw out his cursed props.

  The cursed item he threw was a pitch-black ball. The moment the ball exploded, a ripple with an infiltrating aura instantly enveloped everything within a radius of 10,000 meters.

   And Zaplow himself instantly felt a creepy energy penetrate into his body.

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Because you used the SSS-level cursed props, you have received the SSS-level curse "Abyss"!

  〖Abyss and Desperation〗: During the duration of the curse, all your attributes are reduced to 1%, all damage you cause is forced to 1 point, and all damage you receive is increased to 10 times the original amount!

  Suddenly, Zaplow's attributes were reduced to the limit.

  Although he is in a cursed demonized state and can be immune to all negative effects, the curse effect is out of the negative effect system and belongs to a rule-level power.

   Must be cleared specially.

   "The curse of this curse item is really perverted!"

  Zaplow shared the curse effect he received with his companions.

   Everyone nodded after seeing it. Under normal circumstances, if there is no protection from teammates, and such a curse effect occurs after using the curse item, it is basically the same as waiting to die.

   At this time, the curse props he used also played an effect.

  With him as the center, all the summoned objects within a radius of 10,000 meters were wiped out.

   "Brothers, hurry up now, give him a negative abnormality, and kill him!"

  As Langu's voice fell, in an instant, Langu's team threw a lot of magical abnormal skills at Chen Mo, and at the same time matched a lot of negative curse props.

   At this time, Chen Mo also received a lot of reminders from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have been affected by a cursed item and suffered from a state of being unable to summon. Since your current abnormal immunity rate has reached 100%, you are immune to this abnormality. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have been affected by the corrosion armor of the demonization skill, and have suffered from a state of reduced defense. Since your current abnormal immunity rate has reached 100%, you are immune to this abnormality. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You are affected by the weakness of the magic skill...】

  Cursed items are generally items with powerful effects, but they need to be cast at the cost of being cursed.

  The so-called curse is only aimed at the user himself.

  The effect it uses is not a curse.

  The curse props used by Zaplow now are simply a kind of inverting summons and adding abnormal status to the summoner at the same time.

   While Chen Mo has the title of Lone God of War, if there are more than 100 units around him, he will have 100% immunity to abnormalities, so he will not be affected by abnormal states.

   Right now, Zaplow has gotten himself into a cursed state, and the result is simply to make Chen Mo's skeleton monster disappear.

   But it was of no use. With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, the next batch of skeleton monsters reappeared.

  Chen Mo possesses absolute calm skills, and the skill cooldown time is fast, so he is not afraid of the summons being cleared at all.

   Originally, after Zaplow threw the cursed props, Randy shouted for everyone to charge together, but in the next moment, Chen Mo summoned a large number of skeleton monsters.

   This really surprised Randy and the others.

   "Damn it, it's useless. Doesn't Zaplow's cursed item clear the surrounding summoning objects and also make the other party unable to summon them? Why is he not affected at all? Could it be that his immunity to abnormalities is as high as 100%?"

  Because there is no immune ability in this world that is immune to the prohibition of calling, if someone can be immune to this abnormality, it must be immune to all abnormalities.

   "It must be. All the abnormal states we threw out, he didn't even emit black air on his body, and he was obviously immune to them all."

"This guy is really perverted! He has all kinds of abilities. Just now, the instant death attack of Larses's ten subordinates is useless to hit him. He is directly immune. Besides, he is also immune to all abnormal abilities. How can he fight? "

   "I can't help it, try to control him with the halo effect!"

  Immune abnormality and halo abnormality are two different action systems, and the senior management of Yongxing Galaxy naturally asked them to prepare for both.

   Immediately, someone in the team threw a water-blue stone.

   Cursed props ice crystal hell!

  After casting, there will be an ice crystal lotus floating above the caster's head, causing a freezing halo effect on all surrounding enemy units.

   Units affected by the aura will remain frozen and unable to move.

   This ice **** can last for a full 5 seconds, which is an absolute hard control.

   However, it is of no use.

   People from the Eternal Star System racked their brains to restrain Chen Mo, but found that Chen Mo's skeleton monster still moved, and flew to the limit distance of long-range attack again to launch an attack.

  Chen Mo has the God Immunity Pendant, which can make Chen Mo immune to all seal and halo effects.

   After activating the Immunity Pendant, all friendly units within the range of "level * 100 meters" around him can get the same immune effect.

  Even if this ice crystal **** was effective against skeleton monsters for a moment, it was still directly destroyed by Chen Mo's Immunity God Pendant.

   Seeing the other party's 18 tricks being used crazily, Chen Mo knows how much effort the guy from the Yongxing system has spent to deal with him.

  That is really omnipotent.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster has just reached the attack limit position.

   Gu Siqi, the second of the three just now, under Randy's order, once again threw a cursed item of reverse summoning.

  Reverse Summoning, as the name suggests, is to send away all summoned objects. This is completely different from killing. Chen Mo's abilities such as resurrection bombs will not take effect, after all, they are not dead.

  As he used props, Chen Mo's skeleton monsters were cleared out again.

   At the same time, Langu and others saw that even the halo was ineffective, so they tried another different control system, that is, the seal.

  They used magic skills and curse props to seal Chen Mo.

   But it is useless, after all, under the effect of the immune **** pendant, neither the seal nor the halo will work.

   Now, the people of the Yongxing system are really helpless, and they have used almost all the abnormal effects.

   Apart from cursing, they have no other way to influence Chen Mo.

  But the curse is not something you can do if you think about it.

Seeing that he was reversed summoned again, Chen Mo used the skeleton summoning skill again. At the same time, he had already figured out what characteristics to look for when synthesizing the skeleton summoning skill next time. He had to try to find out if there was one that was immune to the reversed summoning effect. characteristic.

   This is really a perverted ability to kill summoning professions.

  If Chen Mo was an ordinary summoner, these three consecutive waves of reverse summoning would definitely kill him.

   After all, the cooldown time of the summoning skills of ordinary summoning professions is not low.

   All the summoned objects were emptied in an instant, which was equivalent to the disarming of physical professions and the silence of legal professions.

   Completely under attack.

The first wave of reverse summoning ended, and Chen Mo used his summoning skills again. The Yongxing people were only surprised that Chen Mo did not enter the forbidden state of summoning, but not surprised by his summoning cooldown. for a long time.

   But it is different now, Yongxingxing just saw Chen Mo summoning a wave, how many seconds has it been?

  After being reversely summoned, he actually immediately summoned millions of skeleton monsters.

   This is amazing!

   This means that his skill cooldown is extremely short.

   are so short that they are unbelievably short.

  Because the strength of summoning skills is actually similar to that of mage skills.

  Similar to the number and attribute strength of the skeleton monsters summoned by Chen Mo now, it is definitely a super forbidden curse when converted to a mage.

  A skill comparable to a super forbidden spell has such a short cooldown, is it reasonable?

  This is so **** unreasonable!

  Langu and others were so frightened that they were about to call the police.

  Is this earthling in front of you still a human?

   They don't even know how to pass the news, there is no flaw!

  If you want to say that he simply has a short cooldown, it’s fine, and the negative effect of extending the cooldown last time can be dealt with, but he is immune to all abnormalities.

  I can’t go to the exception, how to deal with it?

The summoned object was emptied and summoned in an instant. One of the exceptions couldn't go up, and the death attack was ineffective at all. The top-strength assassins in the ten copies, and they used the magic buff skills to greatly strengthen the attributes and damage to this guy. The main body caused an attack, but this guy didn't even lose a trace of blood!

  The aura is also invalid, the seal is also invalid, attacking the body is useless, and the reverse summon is useless!

  Facing such a hopeless opponent, Randy and the others immediately lost their luster in their eyes, and they didn't know how to fight this battle.

Langu's eyes were full of despair and he said: "There is no way, we can't deal with him at all, four-star is not enough, only the transcendent skills after five-star demonization can break his ability, we can only pass on the news , as our final contribution to the Eternal Star System!

  Mo Lingxi, pay attention to emptying his summons at the last time, and others should seize the time to commit suicide and pass the news! "

  Seeing that these guys kept reversing their summons, and his Time-Space Orb and Extreme Cold God Orb couldn't control them, Chen Mo found that his control method was not strong enough, if only he could combine a super god-level control method to come out!

But the current situation is still that Chen Mo has an absolute advantage, because even if the people of the Yongxing system have exhausted their means, they still have nothing to do with Chen Mo, and Chen Mo has simply been summoned several times by the reversal. Can't keep using it.

  They are simply delaying their own death.

  Seeing that people from the Yongxing system suddenly started committing suicide one after another, Chen Mo instantly understood what they were doing.

The method of suicide transmission they use is understood by people on Earth. After all, the Earth’s cryptography has been inherited for many years. Chen Mo has seen many suicide transmission methods in the university library, but in general , It’s useless at all, after all, not everyone can be resurrected infinitely.

   There is no cursed demonization state, and basically this password transmission method can only be performed once a day.

   After all, most resurrection skills cool down for more than one day.

  Seeing that the aliens began to send news to the outside world, Chen Mo didn't care.

  Because his biggest information has not been leaked, whether it is the ability of stealth or his ability to fight against the sky without summoning objects at all, these are abilities that are enough to reverse the outcome of the battle.

  These enemies don't know, the enemy's calculations are in vain!

  Although he didn't care that the other party conveyed most of the abilities he was showing now, it would be better if he could expose a little less. Chen Mo still didn't give them time, and directly ordered the skeleton monster to kill them again.

  The other party, Mo Lingxi, held the curse item for the last reverse summoning, and used it at this moment.

  In an instant, the skeleton monster disappeared again.

Seeing this, Chen Mo was really annoyed. The other party knew that he only had the ability three times, but Chen Mo didn't know. He wanted to kill him directly, but considering that the other party was already a turtle in the urn, he continued to summon the skeleton Strange.

  This kind of ability that can directly destroy the combat effectiveness of a professional type of professional is obviously impossible to be used all the time.

  As Chen Mo summoned the skeleton monster again to launch a long-range attack, this time, the people of the Eternal Star System really had no way to reverse the summoning.

  But they still have means to fight against long-range attacks.

  In an instant, various abilities to rebound the attack of flying objects, or the ability to block the attack of flying objects appeared one after another. Whether it was the healing wave shot by Chen Mo or the long-range attack of the skeleton monster, they were all completely blocked.

   It has to be said that with all kinds of powerful cursed prop protection comparable to god-level items and a variety of powerful demonization skills, the life-saving ability of the people in the Eternal Star System is also quite good.

   It's just that the more cursed props are used, the worse their overall combat effectiveness will be weakened.

  Most of them have fallen into a powerful curse state, and it can be said that they have no fighting power.

  Seeing that these guys are still desperately delaying, Chen Mo directly refreshed the summoning, and summoned half of the melee and half of the long-range skeleton monsters to kill the people of the Eternal Star System.

  In fact, Chen Mo's record of copying the **** seal contains the forbidden curse attack that Aina used before.

  This ability Chen Mo can save and use.

   But Chen Mo considered that the other party had many cursed props, so they should be protected in all aspects. It might be difficult to take them down with a forbidden curse, but it also exposed more unusual things about him, so Chen Mo simply didn't bother to use them.

   Simply use summoning skills to deal with them.

   They curse that no matter how many props there are, there will always be a time when they are exhausted.

   And the fact is indeed the case. With Chen Mo's half-range and half-short-range summoning method, he summoned such a large group of skeleton monsters to kill the cursed and demonized brigade of the Eternal Star System.

  As they committed suicide and were slaughtered by skeleton monsters, the death codes received by the Yongxing system became confused.

   After all, the order of death of the people killed by Chen Mo's skeleton monsters will not be sorted according to the passwords. When the passwords are confused, the Yongxing system also knows that these people have already begun to be killed by Chen Mo!

  However, when Chen Mo successfully killed them, they also sent a lot of information.

   Including that he does not eat any abnormal status, ignores instant death attacks, etc., basically passed it out.

   When receiving this information, the senior management of the Yongxing system knew that this time the operation was doomed to fail.

   "Oh, sure enough, even the four-star demonized by the curse can't do anything to him." One of them looked sad.

   "It's not bad, at least they sent back so many important messages for us!" Although the other person lamented the death of a group of young heroes in his own galaxy, he still felt a little grateful for being able to get a lot of information about the enemy.

  (end of this chapter)

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