Chapter 258 Unexpected hidden mission!

   After summarizing the collected information of Chen Mo, the members of the strategy team of the Yongxing system were all silent.

   "My lord, this guy's abilities are too comprehensive, it is really difficult to deal with."

   "Tell me carefully."

   "According to the information passed in the copy.

  Now we know that he has a powerful summoning ability, and the summoning cooldown is extremely short, and the combat power of the summoned objects can directly surpass his own by three levels.

In addition, he himself does not eat any abnormalities, halo abnormalities, and seal abnormalities. He also has the ability to stop time, the ability to freeze, and a powerful real shield. He is immune to death. When he is attacked, he also has extremely high The life-saving ability can directly transfer the damage.

  This kind of strength can be called invincible below the fifth rank. "

   "As expected of a person who has triggered the voice of the Dao many times in a row, this ability is really comprehensive to an astonishing degree, and it is really difficult!"

   "However, according to the information, reverse summoning is effective for him, and can clear his summoned objects.

  If he only relies on SSS rewards to support his current strength, we still have a chance to defeat him.

   That is to use the "Divine Forbidden Formation" and cooperate with a five-star cursed and demonized brigade of 100 people! "

   "It's too difficult. The key now is that five-star professionals are hard to get together. The Divine Forbidden Formation requires not only a large number of five-star professionals but also a large amount of artifacts to start. The cost alone is already immeasurable."

"In addition, we can't think of any way to deal with him before he enters the Tower of Eternity, and if he is allowed to grow enough to enter the Tower of Eternity, what kind of power will we need to contain him by then? , it is hard to guess."

   "Then try it out..."

  Eternal Star System executives sighed helplessly.

  Although it is easy to say, it is difficult to implement.

  Five-star professions are already at the pinnacle of their respective professions, with a bright future, no one wants to die like this.

  They would rather believe that when they grow up, they can become the pillars of the eternal star system and defeat the people in the solar system, and they don't want to sacrifice in vain.

  Before summoning these four-star death squads, they had already tried to communicate with many five-star professionals, but it was useless at all.

   No matter how hard the brainwashing is, it will be difficult to find a few who are willing to die.

   It is even more difficult to collect a full hundred.


  In the dungeon, after Chen Mo successfully wiped out the four-star death squads of the Yongxing System, he immediately sensed whether there were any dropped objects where they died.

  But obviously, like Langu, they are all ready to die together.

  They died, and it was impossible to leave one thing behind, so they all chose to be destroyed.

  Chen Mo didn't care too much about it.

   The price of the Eternal Star System this time is not small, a hundred four-stars, a super SSS magic circle, a lot of powerful curse props, and a whole body of powerful equipment.

  But compared to the information they collected, for the Yongxing Galaxy, the sacrifice this time is still worthwhile.

  Although it cost a lot, at least I got the general situation of Chen Mo.

  In order to deal with him later, he has added a lot of opportunities.

   After dealing with the Yongxing system group, Chen Mo suddenly felt a chill hit. It turned out that Generalissimo Alice started to attack indiscriminately after being cursed.

   After all, she is the Super Boss of this dungeon. Even if the full attributes of the Wanxie Soul Eater Curse have dropped to 1%, her attributes are still surprisingly high.

  The demon queen and the traitor didn't even want Chen Mo to make a move. Alice's indiscriminate attack directly killed them both.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the emperor was carrying the treasure presented by Ellis, which could be immune to the attack of the Grand Marshal, even the emperor would have died directly.

  Because Alice helped solve the traitor and the demon queen, Chen Mo unexpectedly completed a hidden mission.

[Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully triggering the battle between Grand Marshal Ellis, the Demon Queen Nelia, and the traitor Larses, and eradicating the Demon Queen Nelia, the traitor Larses with the help of Alice. Larses, you have completed the hidden mission "Driving Tigers and Devouring Wolves", and you have been rewarded with 1000 dungeon points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You currently have 13,700 dungeon points, and points × 3 at the time of settlement. 】

   "Is this all right?" Chen Mo couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

   I didn't expect this to be possible.

  Seeing that Alice is still going crazy, Chen Mo can only let the skeleton monster kill her. After all, if she goes crazy like this, the dungeon will not end.

  Because the route he is taking now is to help the emperor re-stabilize the current situation after eradicating the demon queen and the treacherous prime minister.

   Either pull the emperor down and re-establish power.

  No matter which one of these two, a strong person like Alice cannot be allowed to go crazy indefinitely.

   Otherwise, how can the situation be stable?

  All those who approached would be directly killed by her.

Although Ellis is very strong, Chen Mo is an existence that can kill even the fifth rank. No matter how strong Ellis is, she can't be stronger than the fifth rank. Killed her instantly.

   And her strength is still inferior to that of a god-level unit, so Chen Mo did not retain her undead state.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The main mission of this dungeon only needs to kill the demon queen and the traitor. In addition, you have successfully killed the special boss Ellis!

  You have completed a special BOSS battle, you have achieved the hidden mission "Beyond Limits"!

  You have obtained a "Legendary Heart", and at the same time your dungeon points will increase by an additional 2000 points. 】

  【Tiandao reminder: Your current dungeon points are 15,700 points, and the points at the time of settlement will be ×3. 】

[Heavenly reminder: You have successfully killed the demon queen Nelia, the treacherous Larses, and the grand marshal Ellis. Now you have the absolute right to dispose of the imperial court. Please choose to support the emperor to stabilize the dynasty. The government still needs to change the dynasty and establish a new dynasty.

  No matter which route you take, the final rewards are the same, please make your own choice. 】

   "Since the rewards are the same, I must choose the first one."

  Although the demon queen, traitor and generalissimo were all killed.

  But there are still many people in the Imperial Army who are loyal.

  And the commander-in-chief of the rebel army seems to be a little unclear with the royal family.

  If you want to overthrow the emperor's rule, I'm afraid you have to kill them all.

  Chen Mo is not a murderer, so naturally he has no interest in unnecessary actions.

  After thinking clearly, Chen Mo immediately teleported back to the United Army.

  After there are no intruders, I can move freely and instantaneously again. The feeling of being able to reach everywhere with a thought is still much better than walking.

   "Everyone, the Demon Queen and the traitor have been killed. It is a pity that the Generalissimo died of madness because of the evil magic circle cast by the Iron Blood Legion."

  When they heard that the Generalissimo had died, everyone was quite shocked.

   But Lilith ignored the others, and asked first: "Where is His Majesty the Emperor? Is he all right?"

   Seeing that she cared more about the emperor's safety than the marshals of the empire, Chen Mo immediately gave her a meaningful look before saying, "Don't worry, His Majesty is fine, she is fine.

   But now I’m afraid I’ve been frightened a lot. After all, the Iron Blood Legion used a super evil magic circle to sacrifice all the people in the entire imperial capital. "

   "Everyone in the city?"

  After hearing what Chen Mo had said, everyone was shocked, but soon they felt the thick **** smell wafting from the imperial capital.

   Obviously what Chen Mo said is true.

   They immediately mobilized a large force and headed towards the imperial capital.

  Chen Mo teleported into the palace again and came to Emperor Sai.

  His sudden appearance startled Sai immediately.

   Now that the Generalissimo is dead, her greatest support is gone.

   As for who killed the Grand Marshal, she could see clearly from the top of the palace.

  The man in front of him has the strength to kill the Generalissimo, which really makes Sai feel very scared.

   "Your Majesty, there is no need to be afraid. I just came here to tell you that the coalition army has no malicious intentions. It is only united to produce the demon queen Niliya and the traitor Larses. Now the demon queen and the traitor have all been eradicated.

  The scourge that naturally endangered the empire will be eradicated. After that, His Majesty will govern well and create a new empire with a better life for the people of the empire. Naturally, there will be no more rebels. "

Seeing that Chen Mo had no intention of harming himself, Sai finally sorted out his thoughts and said to him: "Before, I was coerced by the demon queen and the traitor, and I couldn't help myself. Now that I have regained power, I will definitely do it." What an emperor should do.

   Please rest assured. "

   "As good as that."

   "Your Excellency is willing to join the uprising army for the sake of the people of the world, and your personal ability is so outstanding, are you interested in being an official and the people?"

   "Forget it, I am Xianyun Yehe, this time the matter is over, I will leave."

  Hearing what he said, Sai smiled bitterly and said: "But you killed the generalissimo, and the empire lost a national treasure, and now the civil strife has caused a lot of losses. I'm afraid it will be coveted by other countries in a short time."

   "Isn't this the time to show His Majesty's ability? If we can clean up the mess this time, everyone will naturally be more convinced by His Majesty.

  If your majesty only relies on the strong, what is the difference between anyone sitting in this position and your majesty sitting in this position? "

  After hearing Chen Mo's words, Sai was speechless. She said with a wry smile: "Hearing what your Excellency said, it's really enlightening. It's true that I have fallen behind."

  After the conversation between Chen Mo and Sai, everyone has already entered the city.

  Under the support of everyone, Sai naturally succeeded in securing the position of emperor.

  The identity of Lilith was also revealed. It turned out that she was Sai's personal maid, who was specially secretly sent to the Generalissimo by Sai to teach, and then sent out of the imperial capital to establish a rebel army among the people.

   It's no wonder she defended the emperor so well and knew about the Grand Marshal and the imperial court.

  As everyone has confirmed that Sai Yi will continue to be in power, the hint of heaven also rang in the ears of Chen Mo and Elena at the same time.

  【Tiandao Reminder: The main quest of this dungeon has been successfully completed, and you have been rewarded with 10,000 dungeon points, and the dungeon will automatically end in 30 seconds for settlement. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 25,700 points, and the points at settlement will be ×3. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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