All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 261: The voice of the avenue beyond the past! (2-in-1, 55

  Chapter 261 The voice of the great road beyond the past! (2 in 1, 55)

[Super SSS Level Breakthrough Examination Sweep Volume]: Use this volume to sweep a Super SSS Level Breakthrough assessment for you directly. You don’t need to complete the breakthrough assessment, you can directly receive the assessment rewards. The level of rewards is equivalent to the perfect customs clearance , but will not get additional Super SSS Level Breakthrough Assessment Sweepstakes.

[Introduction to Items]: The legendary sweep scroll that has already been faulted may only have a chance to be found in the depths of the Tower of Eternity, or it may require some mysterious ability to create it. When it first appeared in a certain galaxy , will open up a higher growth limit for professionals in the entire galaxy!


   After reading the introduction of the newly obtained mopping paper, Chen Mo was stunned.

  Super SSS level raid? There is no option for this difficulty in the normal boundary-breaking assessment selection. This scroll can be used directly to sweep up this non-existing assessment difficulty and directly obtain rewards, which is far beyond expectations!

   An indescribable excitement surged in Chen Mo's heart.

  He imagined that after using the Super SSS-level Breakthrough Assessment Sweep Scroll, he would not need to bother to complete the difficult assessment, and directly obtain the Super SSS-level reward equivalent to the perfect customs clearance!

   If you can really get a super SSS level reward for free, that would be blood money! Everyone is making money!

   At this time, he couldn't wait any longer, and he immediately chose to start the sweep.

[Heavenly Reminder]: You are about to sweep the level 35 seventh-level boundary-breaking assessment. Since the bottleneck of this level has exceeded level 20, the need for experience value reduction cannot be reduced. You need to consume "current level times" the experience required to upgrade the current level value to carry out the sweep of the super SSS level breakthrough assessment.

   "As expected of a super-SSS-level breakthrough assessment, the experience value fee is also ridiculously expensive, and the fee is directly charged according to the multiple of the level. Wouldn't it be more perverted as it goes on?"

  Although the fee was very expensive, Chen Mo earned a lot of experience points when he came out of the dungeon this time, so he didn't care too much.

  The experience value required to upgrade to level 35 is 2954200 points, 35 times that is 103397000 points.

  More than 100 million experience points, that's a lot.

  But Chen Mo now has a full 141722699 experience points, which is enough to deduct.

   Even after deduction, there are still more than 40 million experience points reserved for upgrades.

  Chen Mo immediately confirmed the deduction with a thought.

  Tiandao was also unambiguous, and the prompt sounded immediately after.

  [Heavenly Tips]: You used the Super SSS Level Breaching Examination Sweep Scroll to sweep this dungeon, and this assessment score is perfect! You will be able to get 100% assessment rewards!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Congratulations on passing the super SSS level assessment, you have won the super SSS level title "Super God Challenger LV1"!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Cursed Heart"!

[Heavenly Tips]: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 35 Eternal gold coins!

  [Heavenly Reminder]: Since you completed this assessment with a perfect score on the mopping-up paper, you will not be able to obtain additional "Super SSS-level Breakthrough Examination Mopping-up Paper" this time!

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a voice of the Dao that resounded all over the world appeared again.

   This time the broadcast shocked everyone in the world, including some remaining Yongxing stars.

"Congratulations to the solar system for the first time to pass the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment professional. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. All solar system native professionals will be able to take the initiative to choose a super-SSS boundary-breaking assessment from now on. Level Breakthrough Examination!

  At the same time, the experience points that all solar system aborigines professionals need to consume when conducting the boundary-breaking assessment are reduced to half of the original! "

   "Congratulations to the first super-SSS-level breakthrough assessment professional in the solar system, and an additional super-SSS-level title reward "Limit Transcendor" will be specially issued to this professional!"

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the level 35 super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 35-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  The sound of the avenue buzzed and exploded, causing everyone in the world to feel restless, and everyone looked up at the sky with an incredulous expression.

   Soon, the world exploded, bursting out bursts of exclamation and discussion.

   "My God! Super... super SSS-level breakthrough assessment? My mother, is it true or not? Did I hear it wrong!"

   "The Voice of the Great Dao has been broadcast three times, and there are still fake ones. If anyone is stuck in the bottleneck, hurry up and watch it and you will know."

   "Damn it! It's true, it's actually true! I can really choose the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, it's against the sky!"

"That's awesome! What's wrong with our earth recently? All the heaven-defying characters have appeared! Super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, I don't know how he was able to choose this difficult boundary-breaking assessment, and even It passed perfectly, what is this against the heavens?"

   "It's outrageous. If I remember correctly, the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment is to challenge the god-level BOSS, so what is the challenge for the super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment? I can't even think of it!"

   "That is to say, what kind of a bully is it, it's too perverted! This thing is outrageous, beyond the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment, we don't even dare to think about the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment, it's against the sky!

   You think this person is not the one who caused many SSS-level boundary-breaking assessments before, right? "

   "It's very possible. Didn't the Voice of the Great Dao just broadcast that person who completed the level 30 SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment challenge? Now it's the 35-level boundary-breaking assessment, and there is a 99.99% chance that it is the same person."

   "It's incredible!"

   "In the future, the realm of our professionals will be raised to a whole new level!"

   "This man is truly a legend! He has completed the SSS-level and super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessments consecutively. How can he get so much experience? His strength is simply unimaginable!"

   "The strength of this person has far surpassed normal professionals. Maybe he has some kind of special talent or is bestowed by mysterious power!"

   "It goes without saying that his profession must be very powerful. It's not the only five-star initial hidden profession that was broadcast before, it must be the same person!"

   "Our solar system really has a rare genius! We must redouble our efforts and strive to break through our own limits!"

   "The challenge of the super SSS level breaking test must be very amazing, I really want to see how he copes with it!"

   "No matter how he did it, the content of this announcement definitely shocked the surviving alien blood mother! I really want to see the reaction of the alien."

   "With the existence of this genius, all of us on earth have become easier to become stronger. We earth professionals have received more and more benefits because of this genius, and infinite possibilities are unfolding in front of us!"

   "The appearance of the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment will bring new trends and challenges to all geniuses!"

   "Even if I don't have the ability to challenge, I am fortunate to live in this era and witness the emergence of the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. This is really exciting!"

   "I can't wait to see the battle process of the super SSS-level examiner. His battle is definitely an earth-shattering visual feast!"

"Although it is a great thing for a genius to appear on the earth, we should not stop climbing the mountain just because there is a mountain before us. I hope that this man's achievement will become a banner that inspires our younger generations to work harder. We must follow in his footsteps and strive to be able to do the same for ourselves." Reach the realm of super SSS level!"

"Super SSS-level boundary-breaker is our hero! Let us applaud him and be proud of his courage and strength! Even a genius among geniuses who challenges a boundary-breaking assessment of this difficulty is probably close to death." , he has the courage to be the number one person, and has won so many benefits for our global players, just for this, it is worth our cheering for him!"

   "Yes, his appearance has brought us new glory, let us be proud of it!"


  Professionals on the earth can be said to be completely climaxed because of the Voice of the Great Dao this time!

   After all, there is only one word difference between super SSS grade and SSS grade.

  The results can be worlds apart.

   There are not a few people who have SSS-level rewards in the entire world. After all, five-star occupations are SSS-level, but any five-star professional has many skills that are SSS-level.

   But super SSS grade, that is the grade that only the big bosses who have entered the Tower of Eternity have the opportunity to come into contact with.

   Now that this extraordinary grade has fallen into the mortal world, everyone has the opportunity to come into contact with it. How can everyone not be excited?

   Naturally, people all over the world are extremely excited about this matter!

  But at this time, there are still those remaining people from the Eternal Star System on the earth. If they hadn't forced their smiles to disguise their identities in front of others, they would have already crushed their back molars.

  Originally they thought that this time a SS-class natural disaster was triggered, enough to severely damage the earth.

   As a result, most of the people were resurrected, and their eternal star system was taken over by one pot, leaving only a few lost dogs.

   It can be said that the loss was heavy.

  And now, people on Earth are getting more and more nourished, and there are even such heaven-defying super SSS-level breakthrough assessments.

   It's outrageous. Ever since there were professionals in their Yongxing system, they have never heard of any super SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

   They immediately passed the news back to Yongxing Galaxy.

  In a short time, the Yongxing Galaxy Intelligence Department received a lot of information in an instant.

  After listening to the news they delivered, all the reception staff of the intelligence department also had their heads exploded.

   They all looked at each other with disbelief.

   But the matter was urgent, they quickly came to their senses, checked each other, and rushed to the conference room to pass the news to the senior management of the Yongxing system.

   "Big... something is wrong, my lord!"

   "Why are you in such a panic?"

  Eternal Star System executives are still worrying about how to recruit 100 five-star professionals, and they can't imagine that there will be any more difficult things.

   "It's the other side of the solar system, and the sound of the great road is coming from the solar system!"

   "Level 35 boundary-breaking assessment, right? Just made such a large sum from the SSS-level dungeon, which is enough for him to break the boundary.

Hmph, let him go, the strong Hengqiang, with his strength, passing an SSS-level breakthrough assessment is as simple as everyday food, and the similar voices of the Great Dao will continue, so there is no need to report such small things up. "

   "Yes, it's a broken mirror assessment, but this time it's different. This time it's the voice of the Great Dao far beyond the past."

  The intelligence team member said again immediately.

   "What's the difference? Can a breakthrough assessment be played by him?"

   "He...he passed the boundary-breaking assessment this time with a super SSS level!"

  As soon as these words came out, in an instant, in the entire high-level conference hall, all the senior executives of the Yongxing system who were still doing their own things and thinking about what they had to do were all stunned for a moment.

   Immediately, everyone turned their eyes to the intelligence team member with shocked faces...

   "You, say it again!" The senior executive of the Yongxing system who was closest to the intelligence team immediately grabbed him in front of him and asked.

   "Earth... from the earth... there is a sudden... the sound of the Great Dao that broke through the super SSS-level breakthrough assessment!" The intelligence team members stuttered for a while when they were frightened by the excited reaction of the adults in front of them.



   Hearing a loud noise, this person threw the intelligence team member in his hand, and smashed the conference table of the conference hall into powder with one punch!

   "How is it possible, there must be something wrong!"

  He refused to believe what he heard, he immediately looked at another intelligence team member and said, "Tell me, what is the news you received?"

   "My... my lord, although we also find it very unbelievable, the news I received is the same as what Du Luo said just now.

It is precisely because this matter is so important that we did not dare to pass it on immediately after receiving the news. Instead, we asked all the intelligence personnel who were connected to confirm it, and after confirming that everyone heard the same result , we came here to report together. "


  In an instant, the entire conference hall was filled with the sound of sucking air.

  Everyone looked extremely complicated.

  But after all, they are the senior management of the Yongxing system, no matter how unbelievable things are, they have seen the world after all, and soon they stabilized.

   Especially the bald man sitting at the top.

He looked at several members of the intelligence team and said, "After he passed the super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment, what is the reward? Previously, the reward he got every time he triggered the voice of the road was an SSS-level reward. This time, it should be a super SSS level." class."

   After looking at each other in dismay, all the members of the intelligence team sighed sadly: "Yes!"


  The sound of sucking air appeared again for a while.

   Soon, everyone fell into silence.

   This time the matter is no small matter.

  Even though Chen Mo got a lot of SSS rewards, their Eternal Star System can get a lot of these things if they want.

   Just keep getting SSS rewards, they can still bear it to some extent.

  What is the super SSS reward?

   That is the treasure that once they appear, the top powerhouses of their eternal star system will fight for their heads in the Tower of Eternity!

   With regard to this level of baby, if the opponent can still break through the boundary and take one at a time as before, then this level of defense is far from comparable to the previous SSS level!

  (end of this chapter)

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