All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 262: Incarnation outside the body! (two in one)

  Chapter 262 Incarnation outside the body! (two in one)

  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 36! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 37! 】


  【Heavenly Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 40! 】

  [Experience Points]: 20664699/4645300

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has reached level 40, reaching the eighth-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: It has been detected that you have not completed the second career change, please do the second career change first and then proceed to the breakthrough assessment! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your current combat class is ten-star, the difficulty of the second-turn job you can choose is from eleven to fifteen stars! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Please note that the higher the difficulty, the more dangerous the second job transfer task is, and the high-difficulty job second transfer task has a very high mortality rate, please do what you can. 】

[Heaven’s Tip: You need to consume different amounts of experience points when you choose to receive the second job transfer task. According to your initial job star rating, you can spend 10 times to 50 times the experience points required to upgrade to level 40 to open the second job transfer job of the corresponding difficulty. !

  You can challenge the second job transfer task repeatedly, but once the task fails, the deducted experience points will not be returned, please also pay attention. 】

"I don't think so at the first turn, but the experience value consumption of the second turn full-star difficulty is really scary. It really is a difficulty prepared for capable people. Ordinary people are afraid that just making up the demand for this experience point will be enough for a drink." It's the pot."

  Chen Mo glanced at the experience value requirements, and according to Tiandao's reminder, if he wants to pass the 15-star assessment, he needs more than 200 million experience points.

   This is not a small demand.

  Chen Mo felt that there was something to do next.

   After briefly glancing at the task reminder, Chen Mo immediately breathed out all the rewards he had just obtained and checked them one by one.

  【Super SSS Title - Super God Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV1

  [Title experience]: 0/1 (1 point of experience is obtained for each completion of a super SSS level breakthrough assessment)

  [Title effect]: All attributes increase by 200 points, and your hidden divine power increases by 100 points. (Hiding divine power does not increase attributes, and does not exert normal divine power effects. When purely competing with enemies for divine power, it will be deducted first. Most of the god-level bosses in the SSS-level dungeon challenged by Chen Mo have this attribute)

  [Title Skill]: Super God Power

〖Super God Power·Dazzling Passive〗: The power beyond the gods allows you to have absolute suppression ability. When you deal damage to all units whose divine power is lower than or equal to yours, the final damage will increase by 100%. When the unit damages, the final damage is reduced by 50%!

  [Title Introduction]: You will eventually become an existence beyond the gods, and your existence will even dim the gods!

   "It works directly on the final damage, and I can take advantage no matter whether the divine power exceeds me or is lower than me. The most unlucky one is equal to mine, and both effects can take effect."

  The effect of this new title is quite good, and it is only level 1 at present, and the future is very promising.

  【Cursed Heart·Origin Level】

[Item Passive Effect]: When you carry it, when you suffer from a curse effect, it can absorb the curse effect for you. You can absorb up to ten kinds of curse effects. After the absorption is full, you will no longer be able to absorb the corresponding curse effect. After the effect, it will be digested according to the level of the curse effect. The higher the level of the curse effect, the longer the digestion time. After the digestion is completed, the absorbed curse effect will be automatically eliminated, leaving a space. The current remaining amount of curse effects that can be absorbed is 0/ 10. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Item active effect]: Activate the shelter effect of the cursed heart, which allows you to continue to be immune to all the curse effects that the cursed heart has absorbed before the current curse ability of the cursed heart is digested. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: Curses always make people feel disgusted and scared, but with this heart, you will no longer have to be afraid of it.

   "It can absorb up to ten curse effects at the same time, and it can even continue to be immune. It is indeed a baby of the origin level. It can even deal with disgusting things like curses."

  Although the effect of the cursed heart is basically not used in normal times, when it is used, it is absolutely powerful.

  【Super SSS Title-Extreme Limiter】

  [Title effect]: All attributes increased by 1000 points, the final dungeon experience value income increased by 100%, and the final dungeon eternal coin income increased by 100%.

  Chen Mo has obtained a lot of effects of experience value benefits before, but those are the benefits of spawning monsters, and will not affect the income of the dungeon at all.

  Generally, it will only take effect when wild monsters are killed in the wild.

   In order to take effect in the dungeon, the dungeon Chen Mo is looking for cannot be the final settlement dungeon he has always done.

  The final settlement dungeon is no matter how many monsters and bosses you kill in the dungeon, the income will be settled in the final statistics.

  At this time, only the income increase of the experience value of the instance and the increase of the income of the eternal coin of the instance can take effect.

  As for instant settlement dungeons, every time you kill monsters in the dungeon, you will get experience points. In this case, only the increase of ordinary experience points and the increase of ordinary eternal coin drops will take effect.

  Generally speaking, the total income of the final settlement copy is much higher than that of the instant settlement copy.

The advantage of the instant settlement dungeon compared to the final settlement dungeon is that when you find that you are unable to do the next half of the progress of the dungeon, even if you quit at this time, you have already settled the first half of the income immediately. , even if the dungeon is abandoned halfway, the income is still earned.

   And if the dungeon is finally settled, no matter how shocking your previous killings are, but the final mission cannot be completed, then the monsters you killed and the missions you did before are basically all in vain, and you will not get anything.

  However, the hidden tasks in the dungeon are settled separately, so they will not be affected.

  The dungeon income increase provided by the extreme transcendent is exactly the attribute Chen Mo needs.

  And as a super SSS title, the dungeon income increase provided by the title effect is still the final income increase.

  Whether there is a difference between the last two words is a world of difference.

   It's like the copy of the empire that Chen Mo made this time.

  After he finishes with a perfect score, the reward for the final copy is 1000% experience points and 1000% eternal coins.

  If what Chen Mo owns is only a 100% increase in the income of ordinary dungeons, that means increasing the income from 1000% to 1100%, which only increases one-tenth of the income, and the effect is very limited.

  But with the last two words, it will be different, and the final income will increase by 100%.

   This is equivalent to directly increasing the income from 1000% to 2000%, which can be described as blood earning.

  Just the title effect, Chen Mo thought it was beautiful, and he immediately looked at the title skill again.

  [Title Skill]: Limit Transcendence

〖Ultimate Transcendor·Dazzling Passive〗: When you challenge a target and a dungeon higher than your level, all experience points and eternal coin benefits you get in the dungeon will be increased by "the difference between your level and the target (dungeon) level ".

  [Title Introduction]: Your efforts beyond the limit will reap benefits beyond the limit for you!

   "This title's skills are so cool! If I find a senior and senior sister to mix a high-level dungeon, won't I just make a fortune?"

  Chen Mo, who had just read the massive experience requirements for professional reincarnation, was still thinking that it would take a lot of effort to get experience, but he didn't expect that such a powerful title of giving experience points would be given to him.

  This is really beautiful!

   After reading the three basic benefits, Chen Mo looked at the super SSS gift package that was rewarded to him when the sound of the road sounded.

  He directly chose the binding to open.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully opened the super SSS-level gift package, congratulations on obtaining the bound item "Extrabody Avatar Origin Level"! 】

  【External Incarnation·Origin Level】

[Item active effect]: When activated, an external avatar that is exactly the same as you and absolutely obeys your orders will be generated. This will be a perfect clone. It will reproduce all your abilities, but the external avatar Cannot inherit any ability to create clones! You can choose to withdraw your external avatar at any time. When withdrawing, you need to cool down for 1 minute before you can use the item again. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Passive Effect]: When your strength increases, the external avatar will instantly synchronize to your current strength. After the external avatar is killed, the item will enter a cooling state, and it will take 1 hour before it can be used again. (It will take effect in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: As the saying goes, you can’t do two things at once. With it, you can even be lazy!

   "Defying the sky! Perfect clone, replicating all abilities, it's too strong!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help but summoned a clone.

  With the surge of regular energy, a self that looks exactly like him immediately appeared beside Chen Mo.

  The moment the avatar outside the body appeared, he immediately saluted Chen Mo respectfully.

   "Hello, my real self."

   "Could it be wise?" Seeing that the other party took the initiative to speak, Chen Mo was even more taken aback.

  He immediately asked: "Do you have wisdom?"

   "I have the same wisdom as you, my lord."

   "It's really intelligent! This is too strong!"

  Chen Mo was pleasantly surprised. He asked with great anticipation for the incarnation outside his body: "Since you have wisdom, can you also think independently and make decisions?"

  The external avatar smiled and replied: "My instinct is to absolutely obey your orders, but I also have the ability to think independently.

  When you are in the perspective of a fan of the authorities, I can also provide you with suggestions and opinions from the perspective of a bystander and thinking in your way of thinking. "

  Chen Mo was full of surprises, and his heart was full of anticipation and curiosity about the incarnation outside his body.

   Then he pretended to be serious and asked: "Do you really have the same wisdom as me? Can you understand my thoughts and feelings?"

The external avatar maintained a respectful posture and replied with a smile: "Yes, my lord. I have the same wisdom and emotions as you. I can understand your thoughts and feelings, and act according to your instructions and expectations. "

  Chen Mo was overjoyed. This incarnation not only possessed his abilities, but also possessed his thoughts and emotions.

  He stroked his chin, thought for a moment, and then asked: "So, as my clone, do you also have your own wishes and ideas? Will you raise any objections to my decision?"

  This is different from independent thinking. This is related to decision-making conflicts, so you have to ask clearly.

The external avatar replied solemnly: "As I said before, my instinct is to obey your orders, but I also have the ability to think independently. If I think your decision may be risky or inappropriate, I will ask you Advice, and try to discourage you.

  However, the final choice is still in your hands. If you insist on implementing a decision that I think is not very suitable, I will unconditionally obey your decision. "

  Hearing this, Chen Mo nodded happily immediately, it would be good if he would not conflict with himself.

   He continued, "So, how do you act when I'm not around?"

  The external avatar replied solemnly: "When you are not around, I will act according to your instructions and principles, and strive to meet all your requirements and safeguard all your interests.

  I will try my best to complete the tasks assigned by you, and report the progress and problems encountered to you in time. "

  Hearing this, Chen Mo felt even more satisfied.

He thought for a while, and tried to test his so-called independent thinking avatar at that time, he immediately asked: "Well, from now on, we will work closely together and work together. Do you have any suggestions or suggestions for our future? What development plan?"

  The avatar outside the body smiled and said: "As your avatar, I think we should make full use of my existence. I can act on your behalf in places where you cannot appear at the same time. We can divide labor and cooperate to complete more tasks and challenges."

   "Division of labor to complete the task? Challenge? Could it be that you can enter the instance independently?" Chen Mo asked in shock.

   "Yes, but you can't get experience points." The avatar outside the body nodded and said.

  Hearing that the avatar outside the body can enter the dungeon independently, Chen Mo was shocked beyond belief.

  He stood up abruptly, with excitement and curiosity shining in his eyes.

   "You mean, you can enter the dungeon alone and get item benefits for me?" Chen Mo asked expectantly.

The avatar outside the body smiled and nodded: "Yes, my master. Although I can't get experience points, I can get the items in the dungeon for you. If you can't participate in person, I can face it on your behalf. Challenge and get loot. This will greatly increase your efficiency and profitability."

  Chen Mo shook his head in disbelief. He sighed: "This is really unbelievable! I thought you could only accompany me into the dungeon, but I didn't expect you to have such an extraordinary ability that the avatar can enter the dungeon alone."

  The avatar outside the body said respectfully: "Thank you for your affirmation of me, my real deity.

As an origin-level incarnation, I do have some special abilities that ordinary avatars do not have. If you need it and meet the conditions, I can enter any dungeon you expect me to enter, no matter how dangerous it is. We will do our best to get the best benefits for you and ensure that your benefits are maximized. "

  (end of this chapter)

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